Several initiatives of the civil society are also supported by the European Initiative on Human Rights and Democracy. The Political dialogue foreseen in the agreement will allow monitoring respect for Human Rights and good governance. In case one Party fails to fulfill its obligations the Agreement foresees the recourse to appropriate measures.
In case of violation of one essential element such as respect of Human Rights, the benefits of the Agreement could be suspended. What further measures could the Commission resort to in order to prevent the situation from escalating into a civil war? In the event that the purchaser discovers, following purchase, that there are no instructions in Greek, does he or she have the right to demand that the manufacturer provide a Greek translation? Is there provision in the Greek legal system to insist on a Greek translation of the instructions?
Does the Greek consumer have the right to a refund on the grounds that no Greek language instructions are provided? Consequently, to supply machinery in Greece with instructions in English only is indeed not in line with the provisions of the directive. Where no original instructions verified by the manufacturer exist, a translation into the language of the country where the machinery is to be used must be provided by the manufacturer or his authorised representative or, failing that, by the person bringing the machinery into the language area in question for example, the distributor.
If instructions in the Greek language are not provided, the recourse open to consumers depends on the way the provisions of the directive have been implemented into Greek law. A court in Minsk has ordered Vasil Parfyankou to spend six months in prison for parole violation. The majority of them have been sentenced to different prison terms and later released on parole.
Parfyankou is the first to be sent back to prison for parole violation. Belarusian human rights activist Aleh Vouchak has been found guilty by a Minsk court of using vulgar words in public and sentenced to nine days in jail. He has been involved in human rights activities since The EU is aware of reports concerning the arrest and sentencing of Vasil Parfiankou to six months imprisonment and will pay close attention to the outcome of his appeal.
The EU has communicated its concern on this and other similar cases on several occasions, through diplomatic channels. Con deliberazione della Giunta Provinciale di Padova, la n. Si evidenzia che i lavori di asfaltatura sono iniziati da pochi giorni. La Commissione rileva inoltre che il progetto in questione non interferisce con alcun sito designato Natura It is important to point out that, on the stretch of the same ecological corridor that runs through the province of Treviso, a cycle path was created using environmentally friendly methods, namely using crushed Sarone stone as a substrate.
The protesters have petitioned the local authorities, pointing out that the creation of the cycle track has necessitated widespread deforestation along the corridor, for example at Silvelle, in the municipality of Trebaseleghe PD. The asphalting work began a few days ago. Is the Commission aware of this project? It is up to the competent authorities in the Member States to take the appropriate decisions on the location or on the technical characteristics including the materials used for surfacing of such projects.
Is the Commission taking any steps to ensure that humanitarian aid is specifically targeted on the most vulnerable, i. Is the Commission taking steps to ensure that the African Union pledging conference to address the crisis is convened as soon as possible, and does the Commission intend to be represented at the conference? Given that the West Africa food crisis is cyclical and predictable, what measures has the Commission put in place to try to prevent a recurrence?
Since the end of the European Commission has been actively responding to the major humanitarian food crisis in the Sahel. The impact of the food crisis has been further aggravated by the crisis in Mali. The Commission has taken a leading role in mobilising the international community to providing an adequate response to the crisis. Moreover, the Commission participates actively in all meetings on the Sahel crisis in the region and has been encouraging a higher level of activity on the matter by the AU and the regional bodies Ecowas.
This platform plans to unite all the governments' concerned, main donors and the regional bodies to work out an Action Plan to promote sustainable approaches to early warning and to the provision of seasonal social safety nets to catch the most vulnerable before they fall into crisis in future. Corpo nazionale dei vigili del fuoco: In particolare, si tratta di equiparare la pensione ai superstiti, riconosciuta ai familiari dei vigili del fuoco volontari deceduti per causa di servizio, e di equiparare il trattamento economico concesso ai vigili del fuoco volontari a quello riconosciuto ai vigili del fuoco in servizio permanente in caso di infortunio sul lavoro o di malattia contratta per causa di servizio.
In tal modo si qualifica una vera e propria forma di lavoro subordinato che non trova alcun riconoscimento sul piano normativo italiano. In , the role of voluntary firefighter was introduced as part of a shake-up of the National Firefighting Corps in Italy. Such personnel are not tied to government by a relationship of employment.
Instead, they are entered on special lists at the Provincial Fire Brigade Commands and called upon to fulfil their duties whenever the need arises. To date, however, the Italian Government has not adopted legislative decrees harmonising the system of social insurance and assistance applied to permanent staff in the service of the Corps, including volunteers. Furthermore, voluntary firefighters are granted neither severance pay nor weekdays off, time off or leave of absence for illness.
Nevertheless, voluntary firefighters meet all the technical, operational and staff specialisation requirements, receive pay and are answerable to line management. It is therefore genuine employment which is in no way recognised in the Italian regulations. The nature of voluntary activities and the extent to which a person performing them may meet the criteria for being considered a worker vary greatly.
The definition of an employment relationship and the legal criteria applying depend on the Member State. In what way does the Commission propose to fulfil its treaty obligation to pay full regard to the welfare of dairy cows?

The Commission plans to look at how these already existing requirements, including those of the recommendation concerning cattle, are applied within Member States. For this purpose, the Commission Inspection Service Food and Veterinary Office already planned several on-the-spot inspections starting from Welk effect denkt de Commissie dat dit soort berichtgeving, al dan niet gebaseerd op feiten, heeft op het imago en het functioneren van het Europees bestuur? Welke consequenties heeft deze berichtgeving voor de invulling van het commissariaat van Handel?
Zij onthouden zich van iedere handeling die onverenigbaar is met het karakter van hun ambt of met de uitvoering van hun taak. De beschuldigingen waarnaar in de vraag wordt verwezen, zijn niet komen vast te staan. Het Europees Parlement heeft niet te kennen gegeven het vertrouwen in het lid van de Commissie op te willen zeggen. Is the Commission aware of various media reports that the Belgian tax administration is accusing a Commissioner currently in office of tax fraud?
Is this integrity compatible with the tax fraud of which the Commissioner in question is suspected? Is this integrity compatible with accusations of insider dealing which were levelled against the same Commissioner in ? What effect does the Commission believe this sort of reporting, whether or not based on fact, has on the image and operation of European governance? What consequences does this reporting have for the performance of the work of the Directorate-General for Trade?
Is the Commissioner concerned prepared to resign voluntarily to limit further damage to the image of European governance? La Commission ne commente pas les litiges en cours. De Gucht pour absence de preuves. In particolare Unicef fa due comparazioni di dati: Come valuta la Commissione i dati che emergono dal rapporto dell'Unicef e la loro interpretazione? I dati citati provengono dal modulo dell'indagine europea sul reddito e le condizioni di vita elaborato da Eurostat e dalla DG EMPL. Unicef compares two specific sets of data: The first three places are held by Iceland, Finland and Cyprus, all of which score below 6.
How does the Commission view the data in the Unicef report and the way these have been interpreted? The Commission is aware of the Unicef report and welcomes its high quality and approach, even though its interpretation of the data does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. This dataset is part of a long-term strategy to develop better data on child deprivation. The Commission is currently preparing a recommendation on child poverty and works together with the Member States on common principles and indicators to tackle this issue more effectively.
A headline target for poverty was set under the Europe strategy, some Member States have set their own child poverty targets and several Country Specific Recommendations address child poverty directly. The Progress programme finances peer reviews, studies, networks and transnational social experimentation projects on child poverty. Vpliv ocen tveganja in varnosti jedrskih elektrarn v EU na nadaljnje ukrepe EK. Evropska komisija je 7. On what reasoning is the Commission basing its expectations that the stress tests will strongly influence the design, operation, maintenance and regulation of nuclear power plants?
The Commission will present to the European Council a communication later in , which will take into account these additional elements as well as the peer review report. In addition, the Commission is currently assessing possible ways of improving the existing EU nuclear safety framework, taking into consideration the results of the stress tests. For more detailed information, the Commission would like to refer the Honourable Member to the abovementioned documents.
Die Kommission hat zum selben Thema eine Beschwerde registriert. Water filters lawfully brought into free circulation have been successfully sold across Europe for many years, without any health-related difficulties coming to light. This is something which the Commission itself has established in recent months in response to various questions from the European Parliament. Italy has recently passed a new legal regulation governing water filters Decreto ministeriale n. What measures is the Commission considering taking to ensure that Italy also observes the principle of free movement of goods with regard to water filters?
In addition, participating doctors are often paid to convert a person onto a new regimen which includes the newly marketed agent. Once the study is over, most patients remain on the analogues rather than going through another change of regimen — which would be uncompensated for the physician. These studies often do not generate any published results, which suggests that they are of a marketing rather than a scientific nature. What action, if any, is the Commission taking to avoid kickbacks and prevent drug trials that could be considered as disguised marketing?
Would the Commission consider introducing tougher anti-kickback legislation along the lines of that applicable in the US? The new legislation explicitly prohibits studies being performed when the act of conducting the study promotes the use of a medicinal product. There are also restrictions on payments to healthcare professionals, which must be limited to compensation for time and expenses incurred.
The competent authority of the Member State in which a study is conducted may require the marketing authorisation holder to submit the study protocol and progress reports. It is the primary responsibility of Member States to monitor compliance of pharmaceutical undertakings and healthcare professionals with the rules.
Sono circa 25 le persone morte negli ultimi giorni nell'ondata di violenze tra buddisti e musulmani nello Stato di Rakhine, nell'ovest della Birmania. Lo ha dichiarato a un'agenzia nazionale un ufficiale birmano senza precisare l'etnia e la religione delle vittime. Nell'area rimane in vigore lo stato di emergenza proclamato domenica sera.
Attualmente, la maggior parte dei progetti di aiuto, umanitario o di altro genere, nello stato di Rakhine sono stati temporaneamente sospesi. Around 25 people have died in the last few days in the wave of violence between Buddhists and Muslims in the State of Rakhine, in the west of Burma. A Burmese official notified a national agency without specifying the ethnicity and religion of the victims. The state of emergency declared on Sunday evening remains in force in the area.
Inter-communal violence has affected both Buddhist and Muslim inhabitants in the area. Currently, most humanitarian and other aid projects in Rakhine State have been temporarily halted. Il commercio illegale di specie animali protette prolifera sul web. Solo nel in Italia sono state sequestrate tartarughe Testudo, spedite vive, sigillate in piccoli pacchi che sono stati rintracciati in sei diversi uffici postali d'Italia, da Olbia 62 esemplari sequestrati a Genova 19 , passando per Napoli 18 , Roma 34 , Firenze 63 e Reggio Emilia Negli ultimi tre anni ne sono stati sequestrati in varie zone del paese.
Le uova vengono fatte schiudere con l'ausilio di un'incubatrice, poi le tartarughe sono pronte per essere commercializzate senza il rispetto delle norme in materia. Esistono misure adottate dall'UE al fine di contrastare il commercio illegale di animali e, in caso di risposta negativa, non ritiene che si debba stabilire una strategia europea che ostacoli il fenomeno in questione ormai in espansione in tutta Europa?
Sebbene non esistano dati in merito alla portata del problema, si ritiene che il commercio illegale di specie selvatiche sia in aumento. Nonostante l'attuazione e l'esecuzione delle relative disposizioni rientrino nelle competenze degli Stati membri, la Commissione ha adottato nel una raccomandazione che definisce una strategia contro il commercio illegale di specie selvatiche. The illegal trade in protected animal species is very widespread on the Internet. From tortoises to birds of prey, and even ivory, the market is definitely expanding.
In Italy in alone, Testudo tortoises were seized, having been sent live and sealed in small packages, which were traced to six different post offices in Italy — Olbia 62 seized , Genoa 19 , Naples 18 , Rome 34 , Florence 63 and Reggio Emilia In the last three years of them have been seized in various parts of the country. The black market trade in tortoises is now widespread throughout Europe.
It is fairly easy to find them on the Internet, as there are many advertisements on the most common e-commerce sites. Certainly, some of the trade is legal, but in many other cases the animals are sold without any certification. They are captured in the wild and then mated in small illegal and unhealthy farms, set up in cellars or garages. The eggs are hatched using an incubator, and the tortoises are then ready to be sold, without complying with the regulations.
While there is no data on the extent of illegal wildlife trade, it is judged to be a growing problem and the involvement of criminal organisations has been proven for a number of valuable commodities like ivory, rhino horns or precious birds. The implementation and enforcement of those provisions fall within the responsibility of the Member States, but the Commission adopted a recommendation in setting out a strategy against illegal wildlife trade. The Commission chairs meetings of the wildlife trade Enforcement Group which meets twice every year. Between and , around 2 seizures of illegally-traded wildlife products have been reported yearly by EU enforcement agencies.
Ivory, tortoises, live birds, various products used for medicinal use and caviar are amongst the most commonly seized specimens. As well as the confiscation of goods, fines and, in the most serious cases, prison sentences have been imposed on the offenders. I festival sono molto importanti per la vita culturale europea. Sono quindi ammessi al sostegno nel quadro del programma per la cultura UE. Gli operatori culturali che desiderano presentare una domanda di finanziamento devono contattare il Culture Contact Point nel proprio paese.
It is developing into a cultural powerhouse in the Puglia region and is gaining an increasingly strong international reputation, coming to be seen as a model for the organisation of cultural events and the creation of new types of performance and artistic trends. Promoted by the city of Andria and from this year onwards also working in partnership with the Romaeuropa Festival, it is one of the few Italian cultural events with an international reputation, and one which enjoys strong support from public bodies.
The event, which will take place at several sites representing various aspects of the city, will offer a programme emphasising its specific nature through its content and its international vocation. Can the Commission state whether the city of Andria can apply for direct funding for the Festival, which is growing rapidly and over the years has become an irreplaceable showcase for Puglia and for the whole of southern Italy? The festival also represents a rendezvous with live theatre, exposes audiences to a host of cultural ideas and captures the best of the Italian and international cultural scenes, at the same time maintaining a constant dialogue with the surrounding area, implementing targeted initiatives to support creativity in the form of the new and exciting theatrical developments which have emerged over the past few years.
Festivals are very important to the cultural life of Europe. By giving the floor to a large variety of artists and cultural operators in different f cultural fields, festivals highlight the great richness of our cultural diversity, and make it more accessible to a broad audience.
Therefore, the City of Andria could apply for funding for the Castel dei Monti Festival within this programme, either under the festival strand or in the framework of a cooperation project, annual or multi-annual. Whether as a festival or as part of a cooperation project, it should be noted that specific conditions for participation have to be respected and that the selection process, managed with the help of independent external experts, is highly competitive and only the very best applications receive a grant.
Cultural operators who wish to apply for funding are advised to get in touch with the Culture Contact Point in their country.
Inquinamento da pillole contraccettive. Ovviamente tale teoria ha trovato molti oppositori, prime fra tutte le compagnie farmaceutiche. A new threat to fish is about to be added to pollution and illegal fishing practices: According to a study by a British university, high levels of synthetic hormones deriving from the action of these contraceptive pills are released into waters through discharged household waste, which already tends to have an impact on the ecosystem.
The theory has of course encountered considerable opposition, primarily from the pharmaceutical companies. The solution proposed by the professor is to establish a sewerage network that can prevent this phenomenon and, according to the researchers, it should be up to the pharmaceutical companies themselves to pay for it.
The researchers say that further studies are needed to be certain and it cannot be excluded that the phenomenon might also have repercussions on human health. According to another study, this time carried out in Canada, not all fish become intersex on contact with the hormone ethinylestradiol, but some species, such as fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas are at risk of disappearing completely from the area where this hormone is present in sufficient concentrations. Depending on evolving scientific and policy needs, further research could be supported under the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon In line with the decision on the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme CIP , this programme does not support this kind of research.
Hanno atteso che approdasse a Gioia Tauro prima di entrare in azione. Nella stiva, tra le noccioline brasiliane accatastate in uno dei container, c'erano sedici borsoni contenenti chili di cocaina pura destinata al mercato europeo. In questa settimana altri chili di coca erano andati ad infoltire i depositi delle Fiamme Gialle. Nell'ultimo anno a Gioia Tauro sono stati sequestrati circa 2 mila chilogrammi di cocaina. I narcotrafficanti della Ndrangheta fanno i conti con un buco economico di 85 milioni di euro di capitale.
Una volta tagliata e rivenduta, il costo lievita a dismisura, passaggio dopo passaggio. Fiumi di droga che arrivati sulle piazze di spaccio di mezza Italia avrebbero portato nelle casse dell'organizzazione qualcosa come milioni di euro. E che dietro il traffico di coca dal Sud America vi siano i clan calabresi non ci sono dubbi. Italian special agents spent months monitoring the progress of a vessel after its departure from the port of Cristobal, near the Panama Canal. They waited until it moored at Gioia Tauro before going into action.
In the hold, among the Brazilian peanuts piled up in one of the containers, they found 16 large bags containing kilos of pure cocaine intended for the European market. The seizure of the drugs, divided up into cakes, was simply the last stage in a lengthy operation. This week customs officers confiscated a further kilos of cocaine. Once the drugs have been cut and resold, their value increases astronomically at every stage in the chain.
There is no doubt that the Calabrian mafia families are behind the traffic in cocaine from South America. The Commission has been supporting Member States' activities on intercepting cocaine shipments at sea as well as combating drug trafficking via the cocaine route more generally. The Commission is aware of the raid carried out by the Italian military on shipments of cocaine from Latin America to Italy which have also been reported in the press.
Nuovo studio inerente alle lesioni del midollo spinale. Topi paralizzati in seguito a gravi lesioni spinali hanno ripreso a camminare e a correre grazie a un'innovativa tecnica di riabilitazione combinata messa a punto da un team di ricercatori svizzeri. In questa fase gli animali sono stati sostenuti da una piccola imbragatura collegata a un sistema robotizzato che interviene nel caso il topo perda l'equilibrio. Dopo un paio di settimane di neuro-riabilitazione i topi non solo cominciano a camminare volontariamente, ma riescono anche a sprintare, salire le scale ed evitare gli ostacoli.
Mice paralysed following serious spinal damage have started to walk and run again thanks to an innovative combined rehabilitation technique developed by a team of Swiss researchers. The method, which opens up new research prospects into possible therapies to deal with paralysis in humans, was carried out in two stages.
Ten minutes later an electric stimulation of the spinal cord is carried out, implanting electrodes in the most external part of the vertebral canal, in the so-called epidural space. The mice treated in this way were then put to the test by standing them on their rear legs on top of a flat surface and inducing them to move by means of a visible bait, a piece of chocolate placed nearby. During this stage the animals were held by a small harness linked to a robotic system which intervened if the mouse lost its balance. The test was repeated until an unexpected result was obtained.
After a couple of weeks of neuro-rehabilitation the mice not only started to walk voluntarily but also to run, climb stairs and avoid obstacles. In the light of the above and given the EU's commitment to the health sector through its development of the Health Strategy and the health programme, does the Commission not agree that the study could be financed through the Seventh Framework Programme FP7 or through the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme, so as to encourage earlier testing on humans?
This is part of an FP7 comprehensive effort to support research on spinal cord repair. I pesci robot sono dotati di un sistema di comunicazione tra loro e con la base che permette di registrare la loro posizione, i loro spostamenti, quali acque sono state campionate e i risultati di ogni analisi. E nonostante le tante funzioni, la tecnologia ha un basso impatto sulla vita marina: A robot fish can analyse types and levels of water pollution in real time.
Hence water monitoring will no longer necessitate sampling and laboratory analysis. The fish is like a tuna with a yellow plastic shell and is 1. Using its movement sensors, the robot can recognise and avoid obstacles. The battery provides as much as eight hours per charge for exploration. The robot is also fitted with chemical sensors which can detect the presence of lead, copper and other pollutants, and measure the salinity of the water.
The novelty is that all this happens extremely fast: Either a single robot fish or a group can handle the analysis work. They are equipped to communicate with each other and with the base, which can plot their positions and movements and record which water has been sampled and the results of each analysis. Though multi-functional, the technology has a low impact on marine life. The robots make little noise and successfully communicate with each other on very low-frequency wavelengths.
Does it think this is a useful tool to resolve the difficulties encountered in identifying the causes of water pollution? If so, does it intend to finance the production of new prototypes for distribution in the Member States? The Commission considers that intelligent robotics can provide a useful tool to remedy the difficulties encountered in water pollution detection and tracking.
The robot fish prototype in question would lend itself very well in future to wider deployment, given its relatively low cost and ease of use for the purpose intended. By involving port authorities in the research, the Commission expects that the technology will be validated in real settings. This will enable the supplying companies in the project to exploit the scientific and technical results more rapidly, all around Europe and the world. The project will offer therefore, in addition to the important technology achievement, a showcase that the participating industry and research labs should use to transform this progress into commercial success.
This is how the Commission sees the exploitation of the project results at this stage. Si ricorre alla rete per diversi motivi: Le incognite e i rischi a cui questi pazienti vanno incontro non sono pochi. Esistono, infatti, diversi siti affidabili, forum a cui partecipano persone competenti e blog che forniscono informazioni utili.
Alla luce di quanto su esposto, si chiede alla Commissione di rispondere ai seguenti quesiti:. La Commissione non era a conoscenza dell'iniziativa italiana menzionata dall'onorevole deputato. Gli Stati membri sono stati incoraggiati a prendere misure ulteriori. Il portale, gestito dalla Commissione, funge da intermediario verso siti web affidabili in tema di salute a livello europeo, fornisce tutta una gamma di informazioni ai cittadini, agli operatori sanitari, ai ricercatori e ai decisori politici.
Consulting the web over medical questions is an increasingly frequent habit amongst Europeans. People turn to the web for various reasons: Now patients will be supported by a quality guarantee covering the transparency and the reliability of health information available on websites and blogs which meet specific requirements. The unknown elements and risks which these patients may encounter are many. While not the right solution for obtaining a diagnosis in real time with guaranteed anonymity, the web can be a useful instrument if well used.
There are in fact various reliable sites and forums in which competent people take part and blogs which provide useful information. The important thing is to know about them. Is it aware of the Italian regulation which requires a seal of approval to be given to Internet sites containing reliable medical information?
Are there any EU regulations which cover online health issues or the use of IT to obtain information in the health sector? The Commission was not aware of the Italian initiative referred by the Honourable Member. There is no EU legislation to cover health information provided on the Internet. Member States have been encouraged to take further action. It has elaborated a Code of Conduct to help standardise the reliability of medical and health information available on the web.
Secondo gli agenti, i prodotti acquistati in Cina e in Europa orientale dovevano essere consegnati, come lasciano ragionevolmente ipotizzare le indagini tuttora in corso, a medici senza scrupoli, verosimilmente di etnia asiatica, che li avrebbero somministrati ai loro pazienti in cambio di lauti compensi. In due casi i farmaci, confezionati in blister, flaconi e bustine, per un peso complessivo di 3,7 chilogrammi, erano nascosti nei bagagli di due cittadine cinesi residenti in Italia e provenienti dalla Cina, rispettivamente via Monaco e via Roma-Fiumicino.
Nel terzo, invece, il sequestro di farmaci ha riguardato un cittadino italiano proveniente da Tirana. Tra i principi attivi contenuti nei farmaci sequestrati spiccano l'adrenalina, il raceanisodamine cloridrato, il ribavirine ed il citicoline. Sostanze che avrebbero potuto causare gravissime patologie fino a diventare letali. Spetta agli Stati membri garantire il rispetto della normativa europea e, in particolare, della normativa nel campo dei medicinali per uso umano. This latest operation was carried out by Bari customs officers. During regular checks aimed at stopping illicit trafficking at the airport of Bari-Palese they uncovered three attempts to import pharmaceuticals without their mandatory registration with the Ministry of Health.
In two cases, the medicines, in blister packs, bottles and sachets, weighing a total of 3. In the third case, the seizure of the medicines involved an Italian national coming from Tirana. Amongst the main active ingredients in the seized medicines were adrenalin, raceanisodamine hydrochloride, ribavirin and citicoline.
These are substances which could cause serious, and possibly lethal, illnesses. It is aware of this event, if it intends to launch investigations in order to ensure that no illegal and dangerous medicines are placed on the market and if it will step up checks at the external borders? If there are Member States which have issued ad hoc rules against online pharmacies which now turn out to be major suppliers of illegal medicines? The Commission is not empowered to carry out investigations in events such as the one mentioned by the Honourable Member.
Member States are responsible for ensuring the enforcement of European legislation, including of the legislation on human medicinal products. The seizure in Bari airport does not seem to be linked to online sales of medicines. Then, if exposed to sunlight or artificial light, which causes changes in its temperature and pH, it can repair itself. The self-repair mechanism consists of long polymer chains that are crossed by small molecular links known as bridges.
When the plastic is damaged or cracked, the bridges break and modify their shape. This change causes the typical red colouring. Therefore, when the plastic becomes damaged, it will be possible to see this easily through the red mark that forms around the lesion. The new plastic is a sign of innovation and progress compared to other plastics which can only self-repair once. The product developed in the United States works just like human skin and can self-repair forever. Considering that this new material could have great potential and numerous applications, is the Commission aware of the innovation and does it consider that there would be environmental or human health risks should it be used in Europe?
The Commission is not aware of the specific innovation referred to by the Honourable Member and has no data on possible environmental or human health risks. However, if appropriate, the Commission will consult its risk assessment bodies and Scientific Committees if the use of these materials would give rise to any concern. Una regolamentazione per il crowdfunding. Come nuovo strumento per la raccolta di capitali, il cosiddetto crowdfunding sta avendo un impatto in tutta Europa.
Tuttavia, per questo tipo di piattaforme non risulta ancora chiaro se possa applicarsi la normativa europea in materia di tutela degli investitori e di rendicontazione finanziaria o se si debba far riferimento alle normative nazionali in materia di fundraising e strumenti finanziari. Il crowd-funding potrebbe rappresentare un mezzo economicamente efficace per aggregare tanti piccoli contributi, individuare potenziali finanziatori e integrare le fonti tradizionali di finanziamento.
A new tool for raising capital, so-called crowdfunding, is having an impact throughout Europe. Crowdfunding has been used as a model for funding the most diverse start-up ventures on platforms such as growvc. However, it is still not clear whether European legislation on the protection of investors and financial reporting can be applied to this kind of platform or whether national legislation on fund-raising and financial instruments should apply.
Can the Commission therefore say what rules are applicable with regard to the legal status of crowdfunding platforms and investors and to the ways of accessing funding through crowdfunding, also stipulating what legislation on financial market instruments should cover crowdfunding? Crowd-funding could offer a cost effective means for aggregating together many small contributions and locating potential backers, supplement traditional funding sources. In practice, the funding provided can take a wide variety of complementary forms — from more traditional risk financing through to types of donation or forms of pre-payment for services.
Given the variety in funding mechanisms on offer and nascent form of the models, the interaction of these models with regulatory requirements across the financial services will vary. Given this variety, a first step in order to ensure that the appropriate regulation is in place is to obtain greater clarity on the different forms of crowd-financing and the scope and nature of the services being provided.
Crowd-funding could become a vital source of potential funding for growth, social and cultural innovation across Europe. The Commission will follow developments closely, from a regulatory perspective as well as a policy perspective. No ano passado, este prazo era de quatro meses. Tendo em conta que:. Last year, the period in question was four months. The Portuguese fleet has been weakened and rendered obsolete by the adverse developments of the last two decades;.
What action will the Commission take under the future common fisheries policy CFP , to mitigate this problem? How will the individual profiles of each country including fleet reduction over the past two decades, size of the EEZ and quantity of available resources, and fish consumption per capita be taken into account in the next CFP? The reform proposals announced so far do not do so. Dependence on imported fish has increased over the last decades and now reaches levels where two third of fish consumed comes from imported sources.
This is the average ratio for the European Union. For the reform of the common fisheries policy CFP the Commission proposes management of our resources in such a way that the exploitation is maximised in a sustainable way. This will lead to larger stocks, with higher catch potential and thus higher yields than currently are harvested. The future CFP should take into account regional and national specificities as much as possible.
For example, the Commission has proposed that fisheries management is regionalized, with Member States and stakeholders in the region taking the lead in defining the measures to implement the policies and to meet the policy objectives and targets. National characteristics may be reflected better in this regional approach to management, with a number of general objectives and management strategies, to ensure equal conditions and level playing field for the fishing industry throughout the Union.
Or does it believe that the same rules should be applied when more than one cohesion policy objective is being addressed? The current state aid rules allow for the financing of cross-border cooperation projects. Some are due to the participation of partners from different Member States in each project, others to the type of projects supported. The current initiative of the Commission to modernise state aid legislation including the revision of the state aid Guidelines to be applied in the next period allows for a broad discussion on such issues, including the projects on European Territorial Cooperation.
In this context, the Commission welcomes all proposals. Within cohesion policy, the territorial cooperation objective provides added value and has great potential in terms of competitiveness, particularly through job creation, and promoting economic growth. This implies a need for more strategic fund programming and for better coordination in terms both of funds and of European internal and external policies.
With regard to the territorial cooperation objective, the priority has to be a territorial approach focusing in particular on specific regional characteristics, not only from a sectoral point of view, but also, and above all, from a strategic perspective encompassing the whole of the geographical area involved. How can the Commission improve strategic programming and coordinate territorial cooperation financing more effectively with the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument?
In what ways could synergies be fostered between territorial cooperation and the pre-accession instrument? What specific measures does the Commission propose to enable the implementation of territorial cooperation programmes, in their various aspects, to be linked effectively with the financing instrument for development cooperation and the European Development Fund? The Commission will continue close coordination. In addition, IPA funds will continue to finance the participation of enlargement countries, where appropriate, in the transnational and interregional cooperation programmes under the European Territorial Cooperation ETC goal of cohesion policy.
Il Trionfo dell'Anarchia:
This trend is further supported in the Commission's proposal for IPA for No caso afirmativo, com quais medidas? Because they are directly linked to new challenges such as globalisation, climate change, demographic change and migration, they have the potential to become key elements in European strategies to tackle them. Will the Commission move forward with practical measures to promote the outermost regions as. If so, with what measures? Is it in favour of strengthening the role of the outermost regions within the renewed European Neighbourhood Policy?
How does it propose to do this? Will it publish any specific proposal aimed at taking advantage of the regional liberalisation of the outermost regions and trade development, particularly as regards improving transport between these regions and neighbouring territories? In view of the ORs' geographical position, EU policies with an external dimension are key to delivering this strategy. To this end, the Commission intends to use the updated strategy to address the issues raised by the Honourable Member.
This includes taking account of the interests of the ORs when negotiating trade agreements with their neighbours, when trade agreements cover products produced in these regions or and in regard to the improvement of transport between these regions and neighbouring territories. The Commission also intends to continue developing better coordination and synergy between the cooperation programmes supported by the ERDF and other instruments the European Development Fund, the Development Cooperation Instrument, or the Partnership Instrument.
What is the justification for the difference between the maximum co-financing rates for the two cohesion policy objectives of growth and jobs and territorial cooperation, especially bearing in mind that the increased budget allocation for the latter is likely to translate into a higher number of programmes in that area? Regarding the territorial cooperation objective, why is there no proposal to differentiate between the various co-financing rates according to category, level of development and regional specifics? This contributes to ensuring a critical mass for the implementation of ETC projects given that with a relatively.
The Commission does not expect that the increased funding proposed would lead to a higher number of ETC programmes. It would rather expect roughly the same number of programmes, benefitting from increased financial resources.
Maria Caterina Capurro MS International Political Science; BSc in Psychology
Taking into account that the scope and purpose of cooperation programmes is different than those of national or regional programmes, there should not be a direct competition on the basis of the co-financing rates. The Commission proposal foresees a uniform maximum co-financing rate for all ETC programmes. This is with a view to simplifying implementation, where handling different maximum co-financing rates can add a layer of complexity in programmes and projects.
Simplification is of particular importance for ETC programmes given the implementation challenges deriving from the multi-country context. How much of this total will Portugal lose because of the cancellation of the TGV project? All these lots were supposed to be implemented in single phasing before The Commission has asked for the submission of a revised project, but it hasn't so far received it.
The revision can concern technical parameters of the lines, number and characteristics of the lines, the phasing of the project or a combination of these factors. As regards the Cohesion Fund no funds were yet attributed to the financing of this project. The Commission is waiting for the submission of a revised project and for decisions of the Portuguese authorities in this respect. The issue of Palestinian prisoners has not been made part of the political agenda of the peace negotiations. In particular the High Representative was very concerned about the critical health condition of the Palestinians held in Israeli administrative detention who had been on hunger strike for more than two months and the possibility that this might lead to a loss of life.
Moreover, countless thousands of unemployed people have lost their entitlement to the unemployment welfare benefits for which they contributed when in work. One of the consequences of this scenario has been a very sharp rise in emigration. Over the past weeks, there have been numerous reports on the plight of many Portuguese citizens who have had no option but to leave their country. There are repeated cases of Portuguese citizens sleeping on the streets, in cars, at train stations and even in public toilets, in the United Kingdom, Luxembourg and Switzerland, and there is also news of problems with workers in Belgium and the Netherlands.
The charitable institutions, including Catholic missions, which have been asked to help feed these people are in despair and are calling for a concerted campaign to dissuade people from emigrating if they do not have contacts abroad and an employment contract. What help has been, or will be, made available to people who find themselves in this situation and to the institutions that offer them support? What measures will be taken to deal with this calamity, for which the Commission manifestly bears a share of the blame? The crisis has had a severe impact, especially on low-productivity economic sectors and has resulted in high unemployment.
The Commission is aware that there is an increasing number of citizens taking up residence in other Member States, who are in need of social assistance. However, the Commission does not have precise figures, namely in what concerns Portugal. The European Social Fund contributes to improving the social situation and the living conditions of the Union citizens by financing a variety of actions ranging from promoting labour market participation to social inclusion and anti-discrimination measures.
In the Commission approved the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion aiming at reducing poverty by providing a framework for. The European Parliament adopted a resolution in in which it advocated establishing a minimum income at European level to help to combat poverty when other social poverty prevention methods such as access to public health and education services, professional training, housing, employment at a fair wage and decent pensions have failed.
The resolution advocates a minimum income appropriate to the European Union on a universal basis, supported by Community funds, as a poverty prevention measure and to ensure social justice and equality of opportunity for all, without undermining the specific characteristics of each Member State. The Minimum wage concerns individual earnings of workers, while the poverty threshold derives from household income, including from sources other than work.
The adequacy of minimum wages would be better illustrated by an estimate of net disposable income, including benefits and taxes. According to this calculation, a typical single full-time worker earning the minimum wage is at risk of poverty in eight countries: Setting minimum wages at appropriate levels helps preventing growing in-work poverty and inequalities. The impact of the minimum wage on both demand and supply can differ markedly across Member States. Therefore, wage floors need to be sufficiently adjustable, with the involvement of the social partners to reflect overall economic developments.
The Commission is further exploring several evidence based approaches including support for a tax-benefit micro-simulation model and social experimentation. In addition, the commission administrates a European Parliament pilot project Social solidarity for social integration intended to raise awareness of the adequacy and the role of minimum income schemes in fighting poverty and social exclusion.
This decision to suspend orders, according to chief executive Tom Enders, is retaliation against the European carbon emissions tax, introduced by the European Union and applicable to all airlines using European airspace. In view of the above, can the Commission state what its view of the situation is and what actions have been or will be taken to avoid redundancies? The Commission would further refer the. The EU has taken a series of initiatives to tackle tuberculosis, including drug-resistant forms of the disease.
Surveillance of tuberculosis has expanded over the past decade to cover the entire European Region of the World Health Organisation. Despedimentos na Bosch — Braga, Portugal. Once again, it is being proved that the sole aim of this practice — hiring temporary workers to meet the permanent needs of companies — is to make it easier to pay off workers.
The district of Braga has been one of the hardest hit by unemployment, which has led to significant social problems in the area. According to the information received from the Portuguese authorities the enterprise.
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There was no financing from the ERDF for this project. The Commission does not envisage at this stage proposing changes to the existing EU legislation on temporary agency work or fixed-term work. However, the Commission has launched a study to assess its impact. Although it has already expressed political support for this innovative initiative, the European Commission has yet to mobilise the resources necessary to provide financial support for the project. What financial instruments that currently exist or are to be created in the Multiannual Financial Framework, either as part of the development cooperation policy or under another heading, are available to support this initiative?
During the last five years, Ecuador has experienced profound political, economic and social change. However, it is inevitable that failings and underdevelopment continue, which cannot be ignored. To begin with, the levels of poverty are still high, despite the clearly positive progress that has been confirmed here. This situation places new demands and challenges on EU development cooperation policy and its relationship with Ecuador. The Ecuadorian authorities have been advocating a redirection of cooperation policies towards development, underlining in particular the importance of cooperation in the areas of education, science and technology, and away from a welfare vision.
What cooperation projects are currently in progress with Ecuador in the areas of education, science and technology? This review was carried out in close cooperation with the Ecuadorian authorities and Member States and maintained education and economic development as the EU's cooperation priorities. Tangible results have been achieved. A progressive increase in state investment in education is allowing for infrastructure and equipment improvements, together with the introduction of measures such as performance evaluation systems for students, teaching staff and school rectors.
Ecuador has decided not to sign the trade agreement between the European Union, Peru and Colombia. In fact, the Ecuadorian Government supports a trade agreement aimed at complementary production, focusing on aid for development and not posing a threat to the weaker productive and service sectors of the Ecuadorian economy, nor to its sovereignty over key sectors of its economy. Given that negotiations with Ecuador have recently been reopened with a view to signing a trade agreement, may I ask the Commission:. Is it prepared to negotiate an agreement based on a logic of complementarity rather than competition, which would pose a threat to its weakest productive and service sectors?
The Commission notes that although contacts between itself and the Ecuadorian authorities have continued to be rather frequent since the conclusion of trade negotiations with Colombia and Peru, no formal negotiations have been reopened with Ecuador since the latter's decision to suspend their participation in the multiparty trade agreement back in Nonetheless, the Commission has consistently maintained an open door policy not only insofar as the participation of Ecuador — and Bolivia for that matter — in the Trade Agreement with Colombia and Peru are warranted in its text via an accession clause, but also by being fully transparent with regard to the prospects of such participation taking into account the requirements of the EU's ambitious trade policy.
As in all trade negotiations, the Commission would therefore be prepared to take into account the specificities of the Ecuadorian economy with a view to agreeing on an appropriate package without, however, reducing the overall level of ambition that characterises EU trade agreements. Greece is one of the partners participating in this project, and the elimination has come about owing to concerns that Greek gas company DEPA will not be able to continue carrying out the project. Azerbaijan doubts that DEPA will be able to comply with its obligations towards the project.
However, there is no intergovernmental agreement on a line interconnecting Greece, Italy and Albania. How does the Commission evaluate this development from the perspective of the interests of the EU? The selection of pipelines to transport gas from the Shah Deniz II gas field in Azerbaijan within the European Union is a commercial decision, which is taken by the Shah Deniz 2 consortium on the basis of specific criteria. In a letter to the President of the Commission and the President of the European Council, the heads of 12 EU Member States have called for the implementation of liberalisation measures to encourage pan-European growth.
The signatories call for liberalisation measures and the removal of protectionism. The prime ministers further call for more intensive negotiations with Japan and the Latin American Common Market, Mercosur. The Commission takes the calls to deliver open global markets and strengthen the contribution of external trade to growth and jobs in Europe very seriously. Bilateral negotiations have just been launched with Georgia and Moldova and about to be launched with Armenia.
Consultations are ongoing with Member States to launch negotiations with Vietnam. The Commission will prepare a report to this end. However, some analysts are predicting further political obstructions. The Commission welcomes the recent progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina as outlined in the question of the Honourable Member. The country is indeed lagging behind and needs to expedite political reforms at all levels, before an eventual EU membership application could be considered credible by the Council. The Commission recently proposed suspending one third of the regional fund allocations for Hungary with effect from the start of This is an unprecedented step, making use of the newly enhanced sanctions for maintaining budgetary discipline.
The country is expecting a deficit of 3. This, however, exceeds the permitted limit. Such a decision is, however, more than controversial. The Hungarian budget for and complies with European rules. The Hungarian Government has described the decision as unfounded and unfair. The fact that the Hungarian deficit is currently among the lowest is also important. Does the Commission really think it necessary and expedient to punish Hungary by freezing one third of its regional fund allocations?
Moreover, the budget still incorporates temporary revenues from extraordinary sectoral levies. The Cohesion Fund suspension leaves the possibility for Hungary to continue investments through the Cohesion Fund and launch new projects, as payments resulting from previous commitments under the Cohesion Fund can continue. Once the Council has established that Hungary has taken effective action in response to this recommendation, the suspension will be lifted. The budget deficit is foreseen by the Commission services to reach 2. Therefore, the partial suspension of the commitments from the Cohesion Fund for Hungary is proposed to be lifted.
Eight large European energy companies have come together in an informal alliance for secure energy. The alliance is described as a loosely based coalition of progressive energy companies sharing similar views on the rapid transformation of the energy system. EU firms are calling for legally enforceable targets to be set for in relation to emission cuts, renewables and energy efficiency. The alliance has called on the Commission and the Council Presidency to decide on legal mandates in respect of binding targets for renewables, CO 2 and energy efficiency up to The Energy Roadmap is currently being discussed in the Council with Member States, with stakeholders and with European institutions, in particular the European Parliament.
The Commission will present further initiatives in , for example communications on renewable energy and the internal energy market. To achieve this target, it is necessary for the energy produced by wind farms and solar plants to be transmitted to consumers, which requires a more integrated, powerful and intelligent network than currently exists. This should come mainly from wind and solar plants, but also from backup gas units. That will be the result of adopting various measures for increasing energy efficiency. The Commission is not familiar with the particular report cited by the Honourable Member.
Indebted EU Member States have begun selling state assets, including strategic enterprises and national symbols of lesser value. In addition to Olympic stadiums, the state is selling land on its islands, a telecoms enterprise, a casino, the national railway operator, mines, airports, an equestrian organisation and the state lottery. It is also offering the remaining shares in strategic, infrastructure and energy enterprises. Chinese investors are particularly interested in infrastructure.
Portugal has also launched a massive privatisation programme. Ireland also recently published a full list of assets earmarked for sale. The list includes a very valuable strategic company: As well as strategic enterprises, less valuable national symbols are also being sold off by, for example, Ireland, Spain and the UK. The EU does not even know how much European debt China holds at the moment. The matter in question — to privatise state assets — is an economic policy choice which, in itself, falls within the exclusive competence of Member States.
It is not within the Commission's remit. Proceeds from the privatisation of state-owned enterprises can provide important one-off contributions to the substantial fiscal consolidation necessary in countries under a macroeconomic adjustment programme. EU foreign and security policy does not cover issues related to privatisation of state assets in Member States. According to the Greek Government, the Republic of Macedonia is thus appropriating history. Both countries have been contending the name of Macedonia ever since the republic came into existence in , i.
At that time, Greece had agreed that it would not block Macedonia from becoming an EU member and from participating in other international organisations on condition that it would operate under the name of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The Commission has taken good note of the judgment of the International Court of Justice which has created an opportunity for both parties to re-engage in talks to find a mutually acceptable solution.
Both parties have taken advantage of this opportunity, conducting talks both under the auspices of the United Nations, and also bilaterally, at the highest level. The Commission fully supports the talks on the name issue and encourages the parties to remain fully engaged in order to find a solution. It is in the interest of both parties to nurture dialogue and good neighbourly relations. The Commission closely monitors progress in this area in the context of the pre-accession process. Este enfoque es necesario para garantizar la viabilidad a largo plazo de la posible entidad fusionada.
According to press reports, the Banco Financiero y de Ahorros, BFA, Bankia, is one of the candidates for the purchase of the financial institution CatalunyaCaixa, which is the third-largest Catalonia-based bank in terms of volume of assets. Does the Commission look positively upon the fact that a bank such as Bankia, which is outside the market in that it needs guarantees from the Kingdom of Spain in order to issue private debt, with the risk of potential losses that it could incur at the expense of the public sector, could purchase a bank such as CatalunyaCaixa?
Does the Commission believe that a possible purchase of this bank by Bankia would reduce risks, improve its ratios and provide credit to the productive economy in a more efficient manner? The Commission is aware of the current situation of CaixaCatalunya and is following the case very closely. However, as the cases to which the Honourable Member refers are ongoing cases, the Commission is not in a position to enter into details due to confidentiality restrictions. In general, the Commission has consistently required three elements for banks under restructuring across Europe: Within the assessment of the first point, the Commission requires the Member State and the banks concerned to present a prudent and credible plan for the return to viability without the need for any further state aid.
The Commission pays particular attention to the measures taken to address the weaknesses that brought the bank into difficulties, and to avoid such weaknesses occurring again in the future. That approach is necessary to ensure long-term viability of the possible combined entity. Does the Commission believe that this transaction would be prudent and would meet market risk capital requirements? Does the Commission not believe that, in the interests of sound management of private resources and the balancing of public finances, this entity should finance itself without recourse to the State and, ultimately, to Spanish citizens, and especially not in order to buy a financial institution?
The Commission cannot comment on ongoing cases as mentioned above. However, within the minimisation of the public money disbursement, the Commission asks banks to manage their capital position in a very prudent way, and to avoid using state aid for the benefit of investors who invested in risky financial instruments. This is necessary to ensure that the restructuring costs of an aided financial institution do not only burden the tax payer but also the stakeholders of the institution concerned, and in particular with equity and subordinated capital holders.
Ist in anderen EU-Staaten in den letzten Jahren ebenfalls ein Anstieg an Kindersterben an bakteriellen Infektionen, die durch verseuchtes Fleisch verursacht werden, zu verzeichnen? Every year, hundreds of children die in France of bacterial infections caused by contaminated meat poisoning from minced or ground meat. The question arises as to what extent the increase in E.
The Commission is planning such a study for Has an increase in child deaths because of bacterial infections caused by contaminated meat also been recorded in other EU Member States in recent years? Will the above study also examine to what extent an increase in E. The Commission intends allowing EU Member States to exclude foreign firms from public procurement contracts in future if they come from a third country that has closed its public procurement market to European firms. The fact that investment and calls for tender in China often involve mandatory technology transfer is also problematic.
Which third countries would currently be affected because they have closed their public procurement markets to firms from EU Member States? What options are available for excluding firms from public procurement contracts which do not comply with social legislation e. What action has been taken at EU level regarding mandatory technology transfers, and to what extent is there cooperation with other states in this connection? The proposed International Procurement Regulation is not targeting specific countries.
It clarifies that goods and services with respect to which the Union has entered into international agreements with third countries granting them market access should be treated like EU goods and services. On the other hand, goods and services not covered by EU market access commitments can be subject to restrictive measures at the initiative of either the Commission or of individual contracting authorities. However, the proposal provides that goods and services originating in least-developed countries cannot be subject to restrictive measures.
The proposed regulation takes into account all discriminatory practices against EU suppliers in public procurement, including mandatory technology transfers. As a result, goods and services originating in countries imposing such practices might be subject to restrictive measures. Moreover, the Commission will explore the inclusion of prohibition of mandatory technology transfer in its negotiations with third countries. De exporteerbaarheid van socialezekerheidsuitkeringen naar Turkije voor Turkse werknemers die in een van de lidstaten werken of hebben gewerkt.
Dat betekent dat uitkeringen bij invaliditeit, ouderdom of de uitkeringen aan nagelaten betrekkingen, de renten bij arbeidsongevallen of beroepsziekten en de uitkeringen bij overlijden, verkregen op grond van een wettelijke regeling van een of meer lidstaten, op generlei wijze worden verminderd, gewijzigd, geschorst, ingetrokken of verbeurd verklaard op grond van het feit dat de rechthebbende op het grondgebied van een andere lidstaat woont dan die, op het grondgebied waarvan zich het orgaan bevindt dat deze uitkering verschuldigd is.
Het Hof besliste ook dat de regeling die momenteel van kracht is krachtens Verordening nr. De praktijk weerspiegelt deze uitspraak niet. Volgens het arrest van het Hof zijn de in Bijlage IIa genoemde uitzonderingen niet van toepassing op Turkse burgers. De Commissie stelt voor dat deze uitkeringen, die sinds niet meer voor EU-burgers van de ene naar de andere EU-lidstaat kunnen worden overgedragen, niet in Turkije worden uitbetaald. The practice does not reflect this judgment. The Commission proposes that such benefits, which have not been exportable from one EU Member State to another for EU citizens since , should not be payable in Turkey either.
The proposal contains a transitional provision to protect the rights of persons in Turkey to whom special non-contributory cash benefits are provided at the date of entry into force of the proposed Association Council decision. Could the Commission provide details of the criteria that a third country must fulfil in order to apply for macro-financial assistance from the EU? Projects are for example being implemented to align Turkey's National Action Plan on Border Management and overall integrated border management IBM strategy with EU standards, to transform the current border management into an integrated border management system.
La risposta sbagliata la troviamo nei numerosi riferimenti alla "cultura dello scambio di doni dei programmatori". Una manciata di persone rilasciano il codice che altri vendono, usano, modificano, o prendono in prestito, per riutilizzarne alcune parti all'interno di altri progetti. Ma gli dei dell'informatica, per quanto grande sia il loro contributo al software libero, non hanno fatto il grosso del lavoro. Molti osservatori hanno notato che il movimento per il software libero ha anche prodotto della documentazione superlativa.
Il cliente DHCP era stato sviluppato da un ingegnere impiegato presso la Fore Systems come si evinceva dal suo indirizzo di posta elettronica; tuttavia credo che fosse stato scritto al di fuori dell'orario di ufficio. Attorcigliate Internet intorno ad ogni cervello sulla faccia della Terra e fate girare il pianeta: Homo ludens, stringi la mano a Homo Faber. La condizione sociale di interconnessione globale che chiamiamo Internet rende possibile a tutti noi di essere creativi in modi nuovi e mai sognati. Ripetete con me, voi contabili e uomini: Nessuno seduto imbambolato di fronte alla mistura televisiva di violenza ed imminente copulazione, progettata attentamente per risvegliare l'interesse dei giovani occhi maschili in uno spot della birra?
O, comunque, ai predicatori del diritto d'autore? Finora ho solo parlato di software.
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Software vero, vecchia maniera, che gira nei computer. Non proibivano le registrazioni ai loro concerti. Non si curavano che i loro fan irritassero l'industria discografica. Il senatore Patrick Leahy, non era una TestaMorta anche lui? Mi domando se voterebbe per estendere a anni il termine del diritto d'autore a favore delle aziende, per non far perdere il Topo alla Disney nel E quei lettori di DVD, sono computer anch'essi, no?
Sul lungo periodo non possiamo dipendere sulla distinzione fra un flusso di bit ed un altro per sapere quale regola applicare. Distribuitela ai vostri amici, ad essi potrebbe piacere. Il vantaggio originale dei raccoglitori di notizie, quello di avere degli informatori dove i concorrenti non li avevano, era prezioso quando le comunicazioni avevano un alto prezzo. Essi, con la loro bella gente strapagata e la loro massiccia infrastruttura tecnica, sono praticamente le sole organizzazioni al mondo che non possono permettersi di essere dappertutto contemporaneamente.
Tutto il software ha un costo marginale pari a zero nel mondo della Rete, mentre i costi della coordinazione sociale sono stati ormai ridotti tanto da permettere la rapida formazione e la dissoluzione, senza alcuna limitazione geografica, di gruppi sociali su larga scala e molto variegati.
E naturalmente questi profondi cambiamenti culturali sono una minaccia per le strutture di potere esistenti. Chiedetelo al Partito Comunista Cinese. Oppure aspettate 25 anni e vedremo se riuscirete a trovare qualcuno a cui chiedere. Visti alla luce dei fatti, questi Imperatori hanno meno abiti delle modelle che essi usano per attirare l'attenzione.
Assicurarsela produce tutto il danaro nel mondo dell'economia digitale, e oggi i signori della terra combattono per essa. Coalizzati contro di loro sono solo degli anarchici: Gli aristocratici sembrano duri da sconfiggere, ma era lo stesso nel e nel Sono come sempre in debito con Pamela Karlan per i suoi suggerimenti ed incoraggiamenti. Desidero in particola modo ringraziare i programmatori di tutto il mondo che hanno reso possibile il software libero. La distinzione era solo approssimata nel suo contesto originale. Queste componenti simboliche ma non modificabili erano note in gergo come "microcodice", ma venne nell'uso la convenzione di chiamarle "firmware".
Riflettendoci, i nostri geni sono un firmware. L'evoluzione fece la transizione da analogico a digitale prima che si formassero i primi fossili. Ma noi non abbiamo avuto il potere di eseguire delle modifiche dirette. Henry Sumner Maine, In generale non mi piace l'intrusione di parti autobiografiche in lavori accademici. Sono stato esposto all'arte della programmazione dei computer per la prima volta nel Nel contribui a scrivere uno dei primi sistemi degli stati uniti di posta elettronica su rete informatica; dal fui ingaggiato nella ricerca e nello sviluppo di linguaggi di programmazione avanzati presso la IBM.
Il lettore, naturalmente, ha degli ingressi e delle uscite secondari costituiti dai suoi comandi: Quest'intuizione non si applica solo alla nostra discussione. Historical Foundations of the Common Law. The Hedgehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy's View of History. The Virtual Scholar and Network Liberation. I computer digitali eseguono di fatto istruzioni numeriche: