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The negotiations are ongoing and the risk that the cuts end up being much more severe cannot be dismissed. What values are at stake in the negotiations underway between the Danish politicians? What values are at stake when other European governments either cut budgets for public service broadcasting or increase their control over journalism through draconian legislation? According to a report published in November by the Reuters Institute at Oxford University, and commissioned by the Danish Department of Culture, the cultural and democratic impact of public service content is significant.
Public service broadcasters publish more news content than comparable commercial media; they increase citizens' knowledge of politics, and have a positive impact on political participation. In an era of increased polarisation and greater alienation between different groups in society, the importance of well-functioning, trusted public service broadcasters, side-by-side with high quality commercial media, can hardly be stated too clearly.
The pressure that democracy is under when both fake news and news produced to suit a particular political agenda gain ground is likely to have a much greater impact than we have seen so far. The response from liberal democracy cannot be to diminish media organisations with a remit from the public, and that enjoy an incredibly high level of public trust built up over decades. The only beneficiaries would be forces for which it is less than self-evident that free and independent journalism are a foundation of democracy.
Danish democracy is, of course, not necessarily in direct and imminent danger. But free and independent journalism around the world is under greater pressure than it has been for a long time. The causes are numerous: Increasingly authoritarian regimes in some parts of Europe have made public service broadcasters subject to comprehensive changes.
For the time being two of the most troublesome cases are Hungary and Poland. One thing is absolutely obvious: The choice that Danish politicians must make when it comes to public service broadcasting can be seen in many other countries around Europe: Whether to cut budgets and increase the risk of political control; or to secure long-term funding and build up greater and more effective safeguards for the independence and stability of public service broadcasting.
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Location Vienna, Wien, Austria. I focused my research interest on a cultural science-oriented view on popular perception broaching the Celts in various forms and contexts, especially in the media. My master thesis discussed popular Celtic adoption in Austrian public broadcasting through journalistically edited segments. Presentation and intersession of Celtic aspects in broadcasting as part of popular Celtic reception as well as knowledge transfer in mass media is still my main research interest which led to the idea for my PhD Thesis. Fleeting impressions — Celtic visualisations in Austrian public television more.
Popular interpretations of Celtic cultures found in public belief can be seen as a sampling of information of different origin. Although science is one part of the picture, mass media is more influential in creating public opinion and Although science is one part of the picture, mass media is more influential in creating public opinion and disseminating information.
Eric Karstens – Public Broadcasting
Specifically television may create lasting impressions and combine scientific research, popular interpretations and subjective beliefs leading to new illustrations of Celtic cultures. For this reason, television broadcasts can be seen as an independent category of popular Celtic reception.
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Characteristically for mass media reception these Celtic representations in television seem fleeting, snap-shot like pieces of knowledge. They become abstract visualisations used in different contexts to communicate the contents of the broadcasts. Other forms of popular Celtic reception, such as music, literature or movies may act as additional recognition markers. Celtic visualisations and their combination with pop cultural forms of Celtic reception will be centrepieces of this lecture which is based on findings of my master thesis project analysing broadcasts of the Austrian public broadcasting corporation ORF acting according to the public service remit which includes the communication of science and education.
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University of Glasgow Event Date: Jul 14, Organization: Jul 17, Conference Start Date: Geschichte und Wissenschaft, und die Kelten als Teil davon, sind Bereiche, die diesen Auflagen entsprechen. Verschiedene Faktoren formen das Endergebnis eines medialen Kelten-Beitrags. Sie sind angehalten, alle Publikumsschichten zu informieren und weiterzubilden, aber auch zu unterhalten. Sogenanntes Infotainment soll Wissen lebendig und dynamisch zu vermitteln. Auf diesem schmalen Grat der Wissenschafts- beziehungsweise Geschichtsvermittlung wirken die Rahmenbedingungen der medialen Gestaltung ein: Interpretierte Eisenzeiten VI - 6.
Nov 29, Conference Start Date: Celtic Studies and Keltologie. Aug 5, Organization: Aug 9, Conference Start Date: Keltenrezeption im ORF" more. Jun 10, Organization: Celtic impressions in Austrian public broadcasting more. This poster illustrates the presentation of Celtic subjects in Austrian public broadcasting based on findings of my master thesis analysing radio and television broadcasts of the Austrian broadcasting corporation ORF aired between This poster illustrates the presentation of Celtic subjects in Austrian public broadcasting based on findings of my master thesis analysing radio and television broadcasts of the Austrian broadcasting corporation ORF aired between and and additional observations unto Popular Celtic reception results from sampling information of different sources thus leading to various Celtic concepts apart from scientific research.
Part of this information is drawn from mass media which is prominent in influencing public opinion.