Comentaron a la saz6n los editores de la afamada revista: No he podido encontrar resefia alguna del libro en Nosotros. Tampoco en la revista Sur, antes de octubre de , fecha en que apareci6 el articulo devastador de Bernardo Canal Feij6o, "Radiografias fatidicas". Subrayemos que no se aducen recensiones del libro en la ya citada bibliografia compilada en por la revista Ciudad.
Aunque estoy seguro de que ni mis esfuerzos bibliogrificos ni los del grupo Ciudad son exhaustivos a este respecto, parece innegable que la publicaci6n de Radiografia produjo mas silencio que alboroto critico. De una manera semejante, la reacci6n critica frente a su Cabeza de Goliat fue aparentemente nula, situaci6n curiosa, visto que el libro ha gozado de tres ediciones, a pesar de ser obra de un autor "aristocratico" y "de escasa resonancia fuera de los circulos estrictamente literarios.
Ademis, las primeras obras en prosa de Martinez -tres ensayos casi olvidados hey-- fueron publicados por la misma revista. Vase "Tesoros velados", Nosotros, XI, oct. Los editores de la revista eran Alfredo A. Bianchi y Roberto F. De Onis Antologia de la poesia espaola e hispanoamericana Madrid, , pp. A prop6sito de esto, cabe destacar que una resefia bastante extensa, firmada por Eduardo Gonzalez Lanuza apareci6 en el No. Casi por primera vez un critico -y el hecho de que Gonzilez Lanuza es poeta mis que critico a secas no es mera coincidencia- ha vislumbrado las perturbadoras ideas que nutren el pensamiento martinezestradeano.
Observa Gonzalez que a diferencia de otros buscadores de la argentinidad -como Mallea, Erro y Canal Feij6o- Martinez Estrada no ha aceptado un dualismo simplista entre lo superficialmente visible y malo por una parte, y por otra, lo oculto e invisible, pero esencialmente bueno. Gonzilez esta al tanto de que esta Nada ambivalente o dialectica, podriamos afiadir puede interpretarse de una manera creativa, y que, por ende, "Martinez Estrada no es precisamente un nihilista, aspira, al menos, a ser todo lo contrario".
Algunos, quiza, creyendo que Martinez ha traspasado los limites de su estudio, pondran objecciones a este universalismo. A tales objecciones replicaria Gonzalez con esta aguda observaci6n: El texto de esta ponencia apareci6 en la revista Hispania. XLIX marzo, , Murena ha subrayado este punto recientemente en su articulo "Carta de Rio de la Plata", Asomante, XX enero-mayo , Dice que la f6'mula "argentina visible" versus "argentina invisible" de Mallea "no resultaba apta para esclarecer del todo esos pliegues del caricter nacional que son fuente de muchos males comunes".
El anilisis de la obra martinezestradeana presentado por Alberto Zum Felde en su Indice critico de la literatura hispanoamericana, publicado en pero necesariamente compilado algin tiempo antes, estA basado principalmente en la Muerte y transfiguracidn y en la Radiografia. En su valiosisimo estudio Zum Felde enfoca estos ensayos de una manera 16cida y compacta. Su posici6n, por tanto, no corresponde precisamente a la primera etapa critica, aunque tampoco seria licito decir que es tipica de la segunda. El comentarista que ha interpretado a Martinez Estrada con la mayor compenetraci6n y claridad es, sin duda, H.
Su ensayo, "La lecci6n de los desposeidos", publicado en Sur octubre de e incluido en su libro de , El pecado original de' Amrica, es imprescindible para el que quiera comprender no s61o las ideas b. Seria dificil emprender aqui un analisis minucioso de las relaciones ideal6gicas entre Martinez y esta generaci6n. Ademas, esta tarea ya ha sido realizada, en parte, por Emir Rodriguez Monegal en el primer ensayo de su interesante libro, El juicio de los parricidas: La nueva generacidn argentina y sus maestros Mientras Murena y otros escritores j6venes -tales como los hermanos Vifias y Rodolfo Kusch que trabajaban en torno a las revistas Ciudad y Contorno- aceptaban, aunque con reservas y matices personales, el mundo ideol6gico de Martinez,17 otros le estaban dirigiendo un ataque en gran escala.
En aparece el librito Crisis y resurreccidn de la literatura argentina por Abelardo Ramos, rara combinaci6n de peronista, marxista heterodoxo, y jingoista rampl6n. The Beginnings to Cambridge University Press, An Old English Grammar. Northern Illinois University Press. This paper reports some previously unknown information about his life, and explains the principles on which the somewhat unconventional and forward-looking Lexicon was based.
I will also try to unravel the contradictory fate his work seems to have suffered. His lexicography is perhaps best explained by considering such apparently extraneous factors as his profession and his religion. Nonetheless, questions on how to keep the idea of national lexicographic projects like the Grimm alive in the age of electronic dictionaries must be asked. These ideas focus on providing additional information to the digital design on the one hand and presenting the articles' structure in a concise way on the other.
The latter is important as one should reflect on the user's needs and guide him safely through the complex structure of a historical dictionary. Furthermore, options on how to deal with the displayed information should be presented in an understandable way. Tools like 'different article dimensions', 'smart linking' or 'lexicographic aide' may therefore be only some options a lexicographer's workbench has to offer. To sum it up, it proves necessary, given the shift to the digital environment, to both acknowledge traditions of lexicography and lead them into the 21st century while supporting the processing of dictionaries.
Il en est tout autrement pour la lexicographie historique. Aspekte der historischen Phraseologie und Phraseographie. Eine darstellung des galloromanischen sprachschatzes. Widespread idioms in Europe and beyond. Towards a lexicon of common figurative units.
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An ongoing lexicographical project investigates the way of Polish loanwords from German into the East Slavic languages Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian; its results will be published as three separate dictionaries in the freely accessible Lehnwortportal Deutsch lwp. The graph-based representation allows for direct modelling of borrowing chains as paths in the graph. These paths may have any length and typically contain cross- references between entries of separate dictionaries in the present project, between a German-Polish loanword dictionary and the newly compiled Polish-Slavic dictionaries ; in addition, there may be several possible paths leading from a German etymon to a loanword.
As a result, the graph-based lexicographical process differs considerably from conventional entry-focused editing; it depends on dedicated software tools for specifying mediostructural information corresponding to borrowing chains. Portal users need innovative cross-resource access structures for advanced queries and for adequate visual and textual presentation of possible lexical pathways. Advanced graph-based searches in an Internet dictionary portal.
Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Proceedings of the third biennial conference on electronic lexicography, eLex , October , Tallinn, Estonia. His use of linking phrases and search for derivatives and their root forms The first monolingual dictionaries of English shared a simple microstructural principle: However, this leaves two crucial questions unexamined. First, how did Coles develop the technique of holding these entries together with linking phrases? Second, how did he search for the words which appear in his linked entries and not in previous English dictionaries?
My presentation will address these two questions, under the following heads: Considine, John , "Elisha Coles in context", in Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America, vol. The Oxford History of English Lexicography. Starnes, De Witt T. University of North Carolina. La Lozana Andaluza, eds. Jacques Joset y Folke Gernert.
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Quattro secoli di lessicografia italo-francese, 2 voll. Grown out of the common initiative, they share several eminent presumptions, of which the most important one is their contrastive bias, with classical Latin providing comparative background for semantic analysis. In the same time, the dictionaries in question are fully immersed in local editorial practices, which often means that they offer diametrically different solutions of what seem common lexicographic problems. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the lexicographic features which have been employed in the Dictionary of Polish Medieval Latin Lexicon Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis Polonorum in order to describe linguistic change.
In the first part a brief history of the initiative is depicted, with special attention paid to its recently developed electronic form. Next, the author focus on those proprieties of dictionary macro- and microstructure that serve the purpose of conveying diachronic information. Finally, the author points out that the treatment of the semantic evolution within the Middle Ages period itself is unsatisfactory, since it is carried out in hardly consequent way.
Each of the points discussed is illustrated by the examples from other historical dictionaries. Paris, octobre Colloques internationaux du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
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Handbuch zur lateinischen Sprache des Mittelalters: Chinese lexicography of buzzwords in the last ten years Since the launch of Tenth Five-year Plan of Research issued jointly by the Minister of Education and the National Language Committee of People's Republic of China in , among the key goals of Chinese linguistic policies were the standardization of Chinese language, including its characters and its words, and the spread of its teaching. In order to accomplish both these goals, neologisms have been a major objective of lexicographical and linguistic interest, inasmuch as every year in the last decade countless new words have sprung up in Chinese language and hundreds of them have been formally accepted by their inclusion in official lists.
Together with neologisms, Chinese linguistic public institutions have invited scholars and lexicographers to study buzzwords: In the Tenth Five-year Plan, buzzwords have been clearly indicated as one of the crucial object of study, therefore several studies were carried out between and ; while the Eleventh Five-year Plan started in was in force, some more lists were published; finally, since , when the Report on the Language situation in China was first published, detailed list of buzzwords have been put out every year as an appendix of the Report: This contribution has the aim of carrying out an analysis of Chinese buzzwords and their lists in glossaries compiled by different centers of research, in order to shed a light on the major events and social phenomena that have had a valuable influence on Chinese society.
Prior to this time, Blair and his associate Christopher King had worked extensively on the preparation of the arms and armour component of these materials, with a view to publication. The purpose of this paper is twofold. The second aim is to discuss the ways in which this valuable collection can be made more accessible to the wider scholarly world.
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Dictionary of the Scots Language: La base de datos resultante comprende It is to be expected, after all, that such an approach stems from a lexicographic methodology begun in the first editions of these dictionaries. The aim of this paper is to investigate the extent to which this prescriptive attitude has remained unchanged over time.
The claim is that naturalized ideologies reside in monolingual learner dictionary-making too, reflecting the nature of the lexicographic institutions involved and determining the properties of discourse used by them. Fairclough, Norman , Critical Discourse Analysis. This hypothesis leads one to claim that a compiler of an English-Polish dictionary in the nineteenth century must have had some idea about lexicographic practices, but he needed, in the first place, to be a polyglot with a flair for translation.
The aim of this paper is therefore twofold: Secondly, up to the mid-twentieth century, it provided the most exhaustive wordlist and the richest microstructure, far surpassing other English-Polish dictionaries in both respects. Thirdly, it became the source material for subsequent publications, e. Lastly, the author was a most interesting personage: Some of their inventions, such as the reprinting of the transcription key on each page in Scott , are in truth metalexicographic answers to the problem of incorporating this new information in reference works.
We will show how the growing complexity of the transcription systems reflects an increasingly sophisticated analysis of the phonological principles and phonetic realities of English. To do so, we have compared the eight dictionaries in terms of the devices they make use of, and their evolution over time.
It is our claim that the emergence of such representational systems constitutes an indication of the re-conceptualization of the features of spoken language, leading, in effect, to a paradigm shift in linguistic and lexicographic practice. Weinreich, Uriel , Languages in Contact. The driving force in dictionary projects has varied considerably over the centuries. When dictionaries are prepared today, it is usually for practical purposes: It has not always been like that.

It is borne out by the prefaces of many older dictionaries that lexicographers, according to the information given, have often endured the hardship of collecting, classifying, and defining words out of pure patriotism. Occasionally, this is merely lip service to make a sponsor happy, especially if he is a person of high station. Such reasons for making dictionaries may sometimes be important to consider. As a matter of fact, they may help to explain the special — not seldom bewildering — character of certain dictionaries. It can even be demonstrated how the entire lexicographic tradition of a given language area may be influenced by such circumstances.
Examples, especially taken from 17th century lexicography in Sweden, will be given in the paper. It will be demonstrated that some very peculiar dictionaries can only be accurately understood if analysed in the light of these facts. The HTS will be the first thesaurus of Scots to be organized on historical lines and the first comprehensive resource for the Scots language to be arranged according to synonymy and semantic category. The project is currently in a pilot phase, which will run until and will serve as the basis for a larger project to compile and publish a complete Historical Thesaurus of Scots online.
The Historical Thesaurus of Scots is being compiled from the lexicographic information in the online Dictionary of the Scots Language, which traces the development of Scots from the twelfth to the late twentieth centuries. The HTS will therefore contain information on over eight centuries of Scottish life as seen through the language of Lowland Scotland. For the pilot phase, we are focussing on a number of semantic categories which are rich in Scots vocabulary, including sports and games, food, clothing, and weather, and this paper will present the initial results of our research as well as describing our methodology and aims for the complete HTS.
Full text of "Modern Spanish readings, embracing text, notes and an etymological vocabulary"
The case of morphological causatives in Old English Information with respect to verbal valency has not received special attention in dictionaries. It does not usually go beyond signalling whether a verb is transitive or intransitive, and usually in a very clear-cut way. The data used in this study have been taken from texts available in the Dictionary of Old English Corpus, covering all subperiods and as many text types as possible. They have been contrasted with the information provided by four major Old English dictionaries, including the Dictionary of Old English.
Results point to the fact that the treatment of valency by dictionaries with respect to these verbs does not reflect its complexity. They tend to document surface valency only, and virtually never offer information on semantic case, so relevant in the description of causative verbs and their non-causative counterparts. Further, historical information at times obscures synchronic facts. Dictionary of Old English: A to G online.
Dictionary of Old English Project. A classic example of this semantic shift, not unique to Spanish, was employed long before in Latin e. This study provides a quantitative analysis of the entirety of diminutives, relexified in the history of Spanish, by utilizing three separate dictionaries: Variables studied include contraints by phonology e. Los sufijos diminutivos en castellano medieval. A reverse dictionary of the Spanish language. University of Illinois Press. French has contributed to the English vocabulary in the form of new words since before the Norman Conquest.
The French influence on the English lexicon represents the focus of linguistic concern in a considerable number of investigations of the language and its development. Yet French borrowings which have recently been adopted into English have as yet figured little if at all in such studies. The present study sets out to shed light on the French impact on English in the recent past. The results presented in this paper are based on a corpus of twentieth-century French borrowings collected from the Oxford English Dictionary Online.
The focus of this paper will be on the chronological distribution of the various French borrowings. To outline the intensity of French influence, the present investigation will raise the question of how many lexical items occur in each subject area and whether the proportion of French borrowings is constant or changing, increasing or decreasing over time. The present paper intends to provide a socio-cultural interpretation of the highs and lows of the French influence on English in the twentieth century.
It will be interesting to see to what extent cultural, social or political developments and events have left their mark upon the language. Lexicalization and language change, Cambridge University Press. The dictionary already exists; it will be published in the first half of Among the objectives are to ensure the continous serviceability, modifiability and expandability.
Technical requirements related to the implementation can be summarized in the following way: Nganasan is spoken in the Taimyr Peninsula Russian Federation , this is the easternmost member of the Uralic language family. It is poorly documented and few people cc. The special feature of the dictionary is to explore the lexical characteristic processes: Therefore the dictionary has three main sections: Words and Concepts in Time: The paper will try to re-establish what was understood by dictionary of things.
The paper will first place the dictionary in its historical environment cf. Hewins , Rancan , Groenewegen , Besomi It will then present the results of a detailed study of its very rich content with a view to systematising the various types of lexicographical data included as well as the structures applied to assist the users when navigating through its highly complex pages cf.
The analysis will show the great variety of items which Postlethwayt put into his dictionary in order to meet the multi-facetted needs of a broad group of users. Dictionary of the English Language. John and Paul Knapton. The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. Lexicographica — International Annual For Lexicography 29, A case study of the interdependence of lexicographic and linguistic traditions Verb-particle constructions of the type give up have for long been studied in some detail in English historical linguistics cf.
But up until fairly recently, the research tradition was split up into rather separate strands of inquiry. For the early stages of the language, a good deal of work has been devoted to identifying the syntactic regularities of particle position.
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Almost entirely unconnected to this, morphological and lexical characteristics of medieval English verb-particle constructions have been investigated by scholars interested in word formation, often in the context of discussions of native and borrowed types of verbal prefixation. From the syntactic point of view it is now largely undisputed that there is some sort of continuity from the verb-particle constructions in Germanic to those in Modern English viz.
In the literature on word formation and lexicology, on the other hand, the continuity is almost entirely disregarded. Moreover, there is a strong bias towards describing the properties of preposed particles, alongside a tendency to conflate them with fully fused prefixes cf. Since the relevant research traditions stretch back into the 19th century, they can be shown to have influenced lexicographic practices in all the major historical dictionaries of English, from older ones like OED1 and MED to the much more recent DOE and OED3 projects cf.
Thim , which often do not distinguish between prefixes and particles, fail to identify the lexical identity of constructions with pre- and postposed particle and obscure historical continuities. Conversely, it may be assumed that the perception of the history of the English verb particle constructions was considerably influenced by the inconsistencies and deficiencies in the dictionaries. In my paper, I will discuss this instructive instance of the interdependence of linguistics and lexicography in some detail and make some suggestions as to improvements of the established lexicographic practice.
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