Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. What started out as a weekend, caving trip, turned into a journey which would stretch years Our Favorite Trailers of the Week. Time Travel Tv Show. Edit Cast Series cast summary: Jacob Kennedy 16 episodes, Chantal Thuy Edit Storyline Crossing the Rubicon is the story of seven remarkable teens as they survive the unbelievable. Spanish English French Dutch. Add the first question.

Audible Download Audio Books. That's not to say that I didn't connect with Kim, because I think she was one of the few where I thought had emotional resonance with some of the things that happened to her in the scheme of the work. Quite a few times where the attitudes toward her could've been given proper context - it was skirted over. And it wasn't funny, much like Kim noted in her dialogue. There was another point that by another group that the teens were staying with, the protagonist notes that the lot of the teens were hailed as being special because they were Caucasian, and then in the same sentence "no one knew what to make" of Kim.

And then that notation just falls by its lonesome. In the context of the book, I did understand that Kim was cared for by her friends, but I feel there were many opportunities for development that were missed, in the context of the time, the attitudes, and the characterizations. And that's something that every periodic piece should have, especially if you have a time travel element in the progression.

There's going to be the questions of juxtaposing what our time is like compared to that respective time, in a multitude of dimensions. I understand that not all aspects can be covered but for what the story should provide, but at the very least, if you're drawing attention to those elements, don't be afraid to delve. Don't be afraid to develop them and give them weight and put them in context to think about.

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  • by R C Richter.
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  • Crossing the Rubicon by R.C. Richter.
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I think teens would get more out of that and appreciate that than some off-noted reference to Twilight that's given very little intimacy. I'm not going to go into too much detail about how that's a bit of a loop given the liberties taken with the time travel element in this work, but there were some references here I had to just go with, with respect to the story being told. They would also appreciate it more than some of the commercial references given here Apple and Amazon investment?

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That I realize is a good helping of criticisms I had of the work. The survival elements in this work are actually well noted, and I liked seeing how some of the remaining characters survivors of a good helping of tragic events grow in the course of the story. Their development in the beginning was very sparse and leaves much to be desired, but there was a level of growth as time went on and ultimately how Trinity grows into a young woman who looks toward the future with her new family and time, even if she's saddened about what she's left behind.

I understood the impact this story meant to have and there were parts of it I did appreciate in the portrayal, but there were also many points where I felt it dropped the ball, and could've amounted to more than it provided. So I have to say, in retrospect, "Crossing the Rubicon" is a bit of rollercoaster, for better and worse. I think there may be other readers who may be more forgiving of the story itself and what it ultimately aspires to say, as well as the overarching journey it takes you on, but I honestly think it could've been a better read with further development and a different approach to its narration.

Nov 19, Erika rated it it was amazing. A friend of mine told me about this book, I should read. She told me that almost every event in the book is based on historical events and real People. At first I was not interested, because in school I was not to crazy about history. Browsing one day in the bookstore, Chapters. I decided to look for Crossing the Rubicon by R. Richter, just to see. I noticed the book had a beautiful reddish cover it looked impressive, also noticed that it was written like a journal with a beau Wow!

I noticed the book had a beautiful reddish cover it looked impressive, also noticed that it was written like a journal with a beautiful layout.

D. Gideon -Journey -Sunfall, Book 1 -clip2

Two days later I was reading all about these courageous teenagers, facing the unknown world, with none of there electronics working, well all but one. Made me think, about my own children and wondered how mine would have survived in that situation. After page 60 it was hard to put the book down, I wanted to know what would happen to Trinity and her friends. The ending was a complete surprise, got a little teary eyed, I didn't think it would turn out the way it did. I'm a senior and I will only read books, that are exiting, clean and descend.

Crossing the Rubicon, is that kind of book, I found it easy to read , had a great story, got myself lost in the adventure with these young people, I was thinking what courage and strength they must have had.. I hope the author writes a follow up to let me know what became of Trinity and her friends, years later. I also discovered that on the very last page of the book, the author left a link to a missing chapter - one you can down load on the internet, be sure to go to it!

I really enjoyed the book, it is a great read for young and old. Nov 19, Elsa Roth rated it it was amazing. From the very start you're pulled into the book and are living an amazing adventure. The characters face many challenges, hardships and great adventures. Their strong friendship and respect for each other is portrayed throughout the book.

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While reading the book which I found very hard to put down I always wondered what these young adults would have to face next and what the ultimate outcome would be. I found it easy to read and thoroughly enjoyable. Nov 18, Sandra Ormazabal rated it it was amazing. I really enjoyed this book for it's original take on time travel. I also loved the historical facts that were incorporated into the story which at times made you forget you were reading fiction. Once I began to read it, I had a difficult time putting it down. I needed to know what would happen next. The ending was phenomenal and not at all what I expected.

I highly recommend this book for any age from tween to seniors. Nov 19, Tere rated it it was amazing. Since begining to end, the chain of events developed at a fast speed thru Trinity's diary. Great for young readers. I really enjoy each character and of couse, the end is magical. As heartbreaking as it is uplifting Crossing The Rubicon is a book everyone should read at least once. This book was narrated beautifully. I felt as if I was granted a rare glimpse into a diary that was never meant to be shared.

I laughed, I cried and at times I even became angry yet I couldn't put this book down. I devoured the pages and hung onto them as if teetering on a thin wire hanging over some dark chasm that threatened to swallow me whole if I didn't proceed. Yes, the book wa Review: Yes, the book was just that dang good. I loved how the Author put such a unique spin on time travel. The journey the group goes on is very "real" and the places they visit for the most part do exist. I also appreciated that the Author kept the characters humble. They didn't walk around like they knew everything or were better than the people they encountered.

Crossing The Rubicon: The Journey, Book 1 (Unabridged)

No, these characters behaved exactly as I imagine any of us would thrust into a time and place we knew nothing or very little about. In the end the story isn't perfect but in some ways its flaws are part of the charm. Nov 14, Claudia Benavides rated it it was amazing. Planning my 10 hour flight to Southamerica came across this book. What was supposed to be a book that would make me relaxed and tired hoping to sleep and make my trip feel shorter turned out to be a non stop reading marathon I could not put it down.

Not only did it not make me tired but I found myself accommodating on the chair, sitting on upright position, absolutely captivated by the story. Needless to say I finished before landing and I absolutely loved the book! Jan 27, Steve rated it really liked it Shelves: A bit of a Young Adult styled novel, this was a fun read and had some interesting twists exploring the time-travel idea.

Nov 18, Dayle rated it really liked it Shelves: Jun 03, Kalpit rated it really liked it. The book is narrated from first person perspective of Trinity the main character The thing which strikes at first while picking up this book is the stunning cover design, the beautiful pages feels like a letter head or a expensive diary and the stunning layout. Not to forget the catchy title " Crossing The Rubicon " Right from page one, the novel highly engages readers into the most scientific yet sensible way the seven characters friends crossed the timeline right from the year to discover themselves into ever aging years behind in the year Seven friends Trinity, Jacob, Keara, Tom, Kim, Andy and Robert are out on a sunny weekend, spelunking and exploring the Chungo Caves with Jacob the most intelligent character leading the way.

Wandering in the Caves, the teenagers travels in the treacherous land, a creek or a hole in the mountain, giving a claustrophobic feel. Suddenly, a flash and a blackout and the course of their lives is changed forever. As the wave decompressed, the group hangs on to the point of past, crossing the Rubicon years back and never to return , later to discover themselves in the timeline of Right from here, the story unfolds as the courageous teenagers get the hold of their senses and start the quest of their survival. The teenagers travel various continents without modern day tools, communication and transport, discovering ancient ways and tact of survival.

Soon a character dies due to lack of Insulin supply which depressed me for a short time. Though I couldn't connect well with the particular character. But as said, Life is supposed to move on, The remaining six continue their journey unknown of what's to come ahead. The Story gives a wide brief on the norms of cultures and languages during the ancient era, which seems well researched and profound. The characters keep falling apart and adding in as the story progresses but I had a hard time relating to any of the characters due to moderate narration which could have been a lot better.

The most engaging and fascinating part was the ship wreck, the aggressive action when the British ships attacked The Spanish. I devoured the pages of this section over five times at least. This was the most beautifully written section in the entire novel which was highly captivating and thrilling. But soon, the death of few more characters hit hard at heart. The journey which started with 7 teenagers scooped down to 4, Some dead, some missing. We just wished for no more deaths and thank god The adventure of four teenagers continues, followed by more moments of true friendship, love, trust, kindness and the ever thrilling, ACTION!

Though the narration was moderate poor at times , it was fairly easy to visualize the destinations, locations, scenes, action, adventure and ancient traditions just as clear. With days of dramatic adventure and quest for survival in the ancient era with considerable less life expectancy, I just wonder how brave and courageous these teenagers were to lead their adventure and use their bravery and intelligence to finally make up to the safest destination, build mansions and live a wonderful live despite of the turmoil and working their way from the toil of their brow.

Crossing the Rubicon

This chapter most certainly left me with teary eyes as it conveyed a beautiful message for the humanity. Uprising and living, though can be difficult at times, courage and will to live on are the only sources of energy and survival a human shall possess. At least read this chapter over ten times and just admire the beauty and depth of it every time I roll my eyes onto it.

Overall, Crossing the Rubicon by R. Jan 31, Kristen Tarzwell rated it liked it. I liked this book, it was easy going and not hard to understand or follow. I thought the characters had individual voices, though their character description at the front of the book I thought could have been written differently. A whole lot of stuff happens in this book, it is not short in anyway of adventure and drama and time Travel, which I thought was done well.

I liked the character development but at so I liked this book, it was easy going and not hard to understand or follow. I enjoyed that this book took place in Canada, as I am Canadian and I have been been to places that are mentioned in this book which made me extremely excited because I am a nerd like that. You could write so many different kinds of stories that take place in Canada!

Crossing The Rubicon: The Journey, Book 1 (Unabridged) by R C Richter on iTunes

I would enjoy more of those! It drove me insane, I like my books plan and simple and the way it was edited reminded me of elementary school! I also noted quite a few editing errors within the print. Sentences that had to many spaces between words etc. I find when stories are written in 3rd person centered around one central character that you just get so much more, you get so much more invested into the story line. Check it out it out folks! Apr 13, Brian Funfer rated it it was amazing. I would never have thought that this story would captivate so completely, but did so and more.

This story of seven incredible friends, brings one back to one's own adolescence and the adventures experienced during that period of one's life. Much joy and many tears shed while becoming so emotionally connected to these characters! This story has everything one wants in a classic adventure tale! You've made a believer out of me! Jan 27, Joanne rated it it was amazing. I loved this book, it was an easy read and it was great following all their adventures. Not really read anything about time travel before but certainly will again! This book also gives you a bit of a historical insight as well.

Was never really much good at history at school but I certainly no a lot more now mostly learnt from reading books! Jan 29, Neeka Rogers rated it really liked it. This book was very interesting. I enjoyed the concept of how the author created the way the characters time traveled. I was able to get lost in the book and become intimately involved with the characters. I most of all enjoyed the life lessons and philosophy within the story. I highlighted many parts of this book. Mar 05, Jules rated it it was amazing Shelves: I loved this book!!