So I encourage you to click on the title below and read my previous blog post all about it:.

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  • Express Yourself.

I also wrote a blog post just before I had my hair cut off click the title below to read it in a new window: Watch this space as I am currently making finishing touches to another blog post to share with you the emotional rollercoaster the actual hair cut took me on:. Just what is it like having 12 inches of your hair cut off for charity? Let me share with you my journey from: Enjoy reading my posts and poems?

This post was a lot to read but I enjoyed reading it.

👣 Follow my footsteps👣 Green Living / Wellness / Positivity / Chronic Illness /Poems

I love the idea of getting involved in projects like this. You truly inspired me. Like Liked by 2 people. Like Liked by 1 person.

I also used music and song writing to teach English to children on the Navajo reservation. Working on PAYP was such an incredible thing for you to do, you should be very proud.

Express Yourself in Poetry (in Color) (Paperback)

Thanks, it really was a lovely project for young people that needed it most at the points they were at in life. I love the concept of writing therapy! I know that writing things down can help me overcome stress. Great Fresh Prince rewrite, by the way! I loved your rap, it gave me a good giggle! It made me really miss my short hair, actually!

sanjib mallick

Yes that would be fab good for you. My older brother has donated 12 inches twice now over the years and he has lovely red hair like yours. This is sooo cool!

Yes, words do have therapeutic power and I can definitely see it in your poem! Hello DJ Hels Bells! Firstly, congrats on the whole donating hair project, I hope you are feeling super proud of your efforts. And what a great rap!

Rookie » Express Yourself

Chris Chronister Oct Pulling on wings Slowly and delicately I hear the screaming Expressing my fears I continue to pull This hurts me I hear the crying My sadness is appreciated This enables me to continue I am feeding myself I want to cut deep I need this Contradictions are my life Duality defines me I want to hurt you immensely I want to be the only one The only one who can heal you I need you to love me I am slowly dying I want you to bleed with me But I will feel guilty I have pain to give I will always try to hurt you I will always love you! Free verse poem written from the perspective of someone ending a relationship but wanting or even needing the other person to ache for reconciliation.

Some people need to be needed but resent it at the same time.

Clementine Valerie Black Dec If I had an opportunity to send a message to that silly little girl I would say three years later- you are that kind of girl and it's okay. JRaw Rodriguez Mar This can make for a great writing exercise.

Express Yourself - Poem by sanjib mallick

I used to play a game with a friend where we would write down a word or phrase on a piece of paper, then swap. I remember one really great one that I came up with: It was a lot of fun. I know, I am a total delight at kEwL parties. Write down a short phrase from an overheard conversation. Potential titles are everywhere. If you liked the game my friend and I played, get ready, because there are tons of similar poetic exercises for you to try.

In high school, I would write something on the website oneword. Another good online service for writing exercises is Figment , which emails you a writing prompt every morning when you sign up for their mailing list. Sometimes they send you a photograph, or a brief scenario, or just some gentle guidelines, like choosing 10 words that make you think of anger and using them to write about something you love. Above all else, this is the thing that drives me to write poetry.

I get so inspired when I read a game-changer, a poem that completely defies my expectations as to what a poem can do or how it can be written.

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  • I nuovi racconti spezzini - Volume 1 (Corniglia) (Italian Edition).
  • Famous Poems.

Reading a ton of poetry will help you figure out not only your own tastes, but also how to apply your preferences to your own writing. Some people even take it a step further by writing a direct homage or parody of a poem that they love or hate. Remember the William Carlos Williams poem about the plums that I mentioned earlier? Kenneth Koch, another one of my favorite poets ever, wrote a clever parody of it. This is sometimes the case with poetry, too. I recommend reciting the ones you love aloud, going to poetry readings, or finding YouTube videos of poets performing their own work.