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The Divine Nature is One, and so we can certainly say that the one God has one will.

We cannot attribute to one Person the will, and to another Person the intellect, and to another Person the love, of the one God. Therefore, there must be a sense in which each Person has His own will and intellect and love, by His personal possession and exercise of the one Divine Nature.

Three yet One; One yet Three

To say otherwise is to make the absurd claim that something can be a Person without any will or intellect or love that is in any sense of the Person. Or again, if we say that the will of God is only of His Divine Nature, then all that God wills would be from His nature, as if from necessity, not from free will. Now if we consider the human person, we find that human nature and human will are distinct. The human person has a good nature, but his will can choose evil, because free will is fundamental to personhood.

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The lower animals do not have free will, and so they are not persons. But this is not to say that the will of God is four. All that God is, is One. And so He cannot be divided into four wills: Furthermore, the Persons of the Trinity cannot be Persons without will and intellect and love; these are essential to Personhood. Therefore, a human person who chooses to reject the love of God and neighbor is also choosing, in a sense, to reject himself as a person, to become more like an animal, and less like a person made in the image of God.

It would be contrary to the Catholic understanding of the Trinity to say that the Father does not love the Son, or that the Son does not love the Father. It would be contrary to Sacred Scripture to say that the Son cannot will to do the will of the Father, as if the Father and Son and Spirit each do not have their own will. And my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and we will make our dwelling place with him.

The Second Person of the Trinity descended from heaven in order to become Incarnate.

Studio Henny van Nistelrooy : Installations : Three Yet One

So the will of Jesus spoken of here is not solely his human will, but also the will of the Second Person. Jesus, in both His wills, does the will of the Father who sent the Son. The Father does not only send the human nature of Christ, but His whole Person. Then the Second Person incarnate, having two wills, does the will of the Father.

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But it would be impossible for one Person to send another, or for two Persons to send another, if none has a will of His own. And it would be impossible for the Spirit to teach the Church, if He does not have an intellect of His own. For how can He be called the Spirit of Truth, if He has no intellect with which to understand truth?

The Father wills to send the Son; this sending is a reflection of procession. This implies that both have will and intellect. The Father and Son will to send the Spirit; this sending is a reflection of procession. The Third Person proceeds from the First and Second Persons, which in turn implies that the Spirit also has will and intellect.

Under his eye

The Father loves, the Son loves, the Spirit loves. They love one another and they love us. Although we can certainly say that God wills, God understands, and God loves, we cannot refuse to say the same about each Person. We must also hold that each Person wills, understands, and loves. Otherwise, the various passages in Sacred Scripture on the Trinity would be false or nonsensical. For example, how could Christ in the garden pray to do the will of the Father — not the will of God, but the will of the First Person — if the Father has no will of His own?

The dogma of the Church is that the Second Person has two wills, one human and one Divine. But we cannot hold that the Second Person has no will of His own. And we cannot hold that all Three Persons of the Trinity were Incarnate. So the dogma of the Incarnation of the Second Person, and the dogma of the two wills of that Person one human, one Divine , imply that in some sense each Person of the Trinity has His own will.

We also must say, based on Sacred Scripture, that God has will, and intellect, and love.

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But God cannot have four wills, just as He cannot be four things: The only solution is for us to say that God is Three yet One. Will in God is three yet one; intellect in God is three yet one; love in God is one yet three. The three wills of the three Persons are the one will of God, and the one will of God is the three wills of the Three Persons. The law is not very actively applied, but once in a while authorities will hand down a prison sentence as a warning to the public.

Despite these signals, more than one-third of pregnancies in Tanzania are terminated, which is significantly higher than the global average of 25 percent, according to World Health Organization estimates.

"One Cube" Three, yet one!

A major contributing factor to the high number of abortions are the many teenage pregnancies. But that is not enough. Because even if girls know how to protect themselves, they struggle to do so for social reasons. Why should a girl who is not expected to be sexually active, according to norms in society, seek contraceptives?

In addition, pregnant girls get relegated from school. Human rights perspective His research explores the different perspectives on abortion and family planning in Tanzanian society. The main resistance comes from religious actors who are critical of all forms of birth control, in particular abortion.

However, since abortion is a sensitive issue, many of these organisations choose a different tactic. However, in reality, safe motherhood also requires safe abortions carried out by trained staff in hospitals.

"One Cube" Three, yet one!

This is similar to how people in the health sector reason — abortion is not a moral question, but about saving lives. Abortion pill According to Sambaiga, despite the different positions there is space for negotiation about abortion, as long the subject is not brought out in the open. For example, pharmacies sell misoprostol, which is approved in the country for treatment of postpartum haemorrhage, but also serves as an abortion pill for pregnant women.

As long as it is not called abortion pill or officially sold for that purpose, it is accommodated. About text to speach.