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Word of the betrayal had soon gotten out to the Emperor. Wyrl was forced into hard labor and his son became servant to Emperor Augustus and the Roman Empire. Months of unrest later, the dragons proved worthy of the empire, but were not easily trusted. Many of the creatures became slaves. In a new empire came into formation, this one making up a caste system of humans and dragons.

Cicada was based around peace, not savagery. This bloodline carried into Cicada. It was at this time the dragons came to Earth in more masses to seize what they felt was theirs. The dragons disappeared for some years and became myths and distant legends, hence the fairytales about them. There were constant skirmishes with the Roman Empire, and radical followers of Cicada had resorted to terrorism. When the Roman Empire was crippled by constant fights with the Dragons and a war between China, France and Greece, it soon tore apart. The dragons have many species and sub-species, most of them undocumented.

They are tan-ish creatures with pink or brown depending on the sex spots on their faces. Most of them are black with red markings and yellow eyes. Another most commonly seen species is the Shatterhorn. They prefer the jungles, and tend to head-butt their enemies with the sharp horns on their heads. The other most commonly seen species and sub spieces are the Modern dragons the city dwellers. There are eight languages of the Dragon language. Hymnody Hynnost or Hynn is the language of the ancient Dragons. Hymnody is, like Latin, a dead language to modern dragons.

Drakaner consists of written words with no spaces and can only be understood by hearing it being spoken. Ususo consists of harmonizing with high and low pitches forming a song-word that only dragons will understand. When written, some phrases need to be written out like as if they were sung. It is written that way to match the harmonizing. The Crozethians make up the first of the Unity, the Dragons are the second, and the Crotonians are third. There is a strong debate among Oxford scholars that say it should be four. A pressing matter on the Dragon homeworld is the appearance of human-dragons.

There is no way to identify a human dragon out of a crowd of regular humans. The most famous human-dragons is the Karrucci family the rulers of Draconizica that currently reside in Rome, their birth-city. On the homeworld, the first human-dragon on the planet was a boy named Mischevous. At a young age he applied for the Dragon Council and paraded around the many sectors of the planet in hopes of informing all dragon-kind that human-dragons are not filthy. Riots had broken out when his birthday was made a national holiday. He was assassinated at age 12 at the hands of his bodyguard, the only person he trusted so dearly.

Their eyes tend to glow green and on some occasions they growl when they are angry. Dragon Transfer is somewhat considered Vampiric in some cultures. This method can also be used to insert dragon blood into a human or another dragon.

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Some dragons have fur, some have scales, and some have a hide. The fur of a dragon is considered valuable in countries like Russia and Germany, and dragon scales is considered extremely valuable all over the world. Dragons with scales have these all over their body, and the scales are protective barriers for the hole. The appearance varies by species, and they look much like traditional Dragons. These sessions are known to humans as an orgy.

These orgies take place anywhere the dragons want to meet, and are usually initiated by the Dance of Pleasure. Humans can be mentally and physically affected by these dragon orgies. Their pronunciation of months is in Hymody. The first planet the Dragons settled on was infested with poison-carrying bugs. The first dragon scientist extracted juices from specific flowers to treat the victims. Dragon airships have unique designs, and all of them have markings to tell them apart from the airships made by the Crotonians.

Dragon ships are powered by an unknown gassy substance that can last for fourteen hours. Gunships are the smallest and require two passengers: Transport ships are armed with rockets and can carry ten or more heavily armored Dragon soldiers. G-Class fighter ships can carry twenty normal dragon soldiers, are armed with rockets and an auto-lock turret, and are guarded by medium dragons. Dragon weapons have special classifications and use different types of ammo. Class TF are the ordinary bi-pedal Dragon soldiers, and as such their weapons are of higher rank. Becuase of this, the ordinary soldiers get the best weapons, mostly for used as a suicide resort.

Sniper dragons stay out of sight, taking advantage of their invisibility. Medium and small sized dragons are used as the beginning of the attack and come in mass numbers. The larger dragons are used at the second part of an attack, and if they feel they are losing, they retreat and come back with their God. This phase in the war usually ensures perfect success. The dragon god known as The Vessel can assemble millions and in some cases billions of dragons to him, and they all form one singular Dragon.

This is usually a last resort. The Dragon emblem in the picture on the right is the Official Emblem of Draconizica. Notice the symbol of the leaf at the bottom of the flag. There are four variations of the Dragon flag, each corresponding with a season. When a new season starts, people must change their flags to match the new season. The leaf represents Autum, the sun represent Summer, the Narcissus represents Spring, and the snowflake represents Winter.

Most of the dragon council is made up of eleven elders. These elder dragons are as old as the Vessel himself. Five out of the eleven elders are bipedal and withered. On the original expedition to Earth, the Vessel established a government of dragons. Only eleven from the most worthy species were anointed. These serve as Second Command Voices when the Vessel is down, is in birthing, or is unable to battle and lead.

These commanding voices must have proper combat training and experience. The current leading body of voices is the ten Eldest Leaders of Draconizca. These leaders are bipedal and non-bipedal dragons. They are adorned with a crown for others to recognize them as the higher speaking of the castle and government.

While they are the second-most valuable assets to the dragons, they are also the most overbearing. As elders, some of them need maids and servants to help them. Every Elder carries a knife in their robe, dresses, suits, armor or undergarments. They have multiple guards and will attempt suicide if threatened. Suicide is a last ditch attempt if the enemy manages to capture them.

Each elder holds valuable information about the earliest times of the dragon race, as well as schematics of the oldest functional and unused dragon mega weapons, an account of every dragon leader and every bit of dragon activity within Draconizca, and a lot more valuable information that anything with a brain and hands would kill for.

A Dragonsinger holds the soul of a Dragon and an ancient Chimeran. With those souls, they can regulate a shrine song into a Godsong and use it to control androids. Al Micra is one such singer. In the olden days, they were followers of Echleon, the dragon god of Guardianship before Massimo. Dragonsyngers can be male or female and there are no gender restrictions. Dragonsyngersare normally born from the womb of a Chimeran, and in human form.

They are immediately taken to Draconizica where they learn to sing. Nowadays most Dragonsyner songs are a capellas of popular songs with Number codes embedded in the lyrics. Their gods and goddeses are part of the High Divine and they have a higher connection to the Highest One. His children include Marcellus, Mario and Vermicella. He led an assault against a Spanish outpost for no apparent reason.

He ordered his men to kidnap various people off the streets so he could relish torturing them. He kept a hoard of Frisk powder which he shared with the people in the castle, and he was known for cutting off the heads of innocents. He was no kinder to Dragons, constantly terrorizing the females and hitting hatchlings. During one of his many sex crazed parties, Dannyleel, his exuberant and timid son, stabbed his own father in front of everyone when he tried to force himself onto him.

He failed to help the Chinese when Lucerano invaded their land and backed out when he promised to help the Karaguya reclaim their Isles. It was taken from him by Dannyleel, and later taken from Dannyleel by Giraldo. He fromed alliances with Spain and France through the promise of rare dragon eggs that only he could produce.

He met and married Giada Scribonia sometime during the Shackling of Earth and saved Italy from an alien crisis. He tried fulfill help requests from various countries, but after feeling an extreme amount of stress, he created a new leadership system. Her emblem is used as the main emblem of the empire. He travels the stars, looking for different galaxies, countermensions and realms to visit. He is responsible for the death and rebirth of stars.

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Not every Tyto within the owl society is cruel, and there are many Tyto-shifters running the political scene, like Firucana Badocelli and the Duke of Bracknell. The lands under their rule include some parts of France, Berlin, some parts of Africa and half of India. They have two forms: They are the creators of the Dark Redfire superowl soldier. How he survived such harsh climates remains unknown. His daughters, Amaya, Caster and Leshtafa had split from the empire to create their own mini-kingdom with the male Raven shifters of Iceland. Parvam relecturam feci, set tibi peto magnum adiutum relecturae argumenti.

Thanks a lot for your precious help! Dear Andrew, I thank you for your correction. I have already changed the wrong categories Helveticus montanus disputatio Hi Andrew, can you block this user? I've the German ones in store: Tibi huius novae pagine parvam relecturam peto, quia iam scis meam latinitatem non magnam esse! Tibi magna gratias ago! Hi, please block this ip. I do not know I took the reference as written on the page of the list of the departments communes.

Ciao Helveticus montanus disputatio We all deserved to be thanked. Concerning me I hope only I have also in the future enough time to partecipate to this project. Have a nice day! Andrea, hodie usor quidam nomine celato nuntiolum ad meam disputationis paginam scripsit Suecice inscriptum "Julgubben" 'father Christmas' , quem ilico delevit.

Quid scripserit, parum mea interest, sed scisne, quo modo nomina celari possint. Mihi quidem haec celandi ars plane ignota est. Tibi peto parvam relecturam huius pagine quae feci. Tibi magna gratias ago. Thanks for say "thanks" in my change of lingua lusitanica. If I'm right I haven't seen you on vicipaedia since the last October 15th, are you all right?

Dear Andrew, did you enjoy your time in Portugal? Were you well back home? I write to you because sometimes the capsa doesn't work properly. If you look for istance at Mauritius Pollini the birthdate appears in English and not in Latin. Could we fix it and how? How would you translate the text of my standard userbox, seen here?

The last word is a transliteration of the Hebrew phrase "the Name", which is a common substitute word for an actual Hebrew name of God. Hello Andrew, just interested if here's ever been any kind of monthly or annual wikiproject for Georgia or Georgia-related articles to be created in Latin wiki? There are literally lots of articles that would be great to have translated in Latin as for now only some few Georgia-related articles are presented here.

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Any plans on expanding a bit towards Georgia in la. Dear Andrew, We've an other problem. Now the links to nationality are always red also for the nations we certainly have a page USA, Germany etc. Really we have a page for all the world's nations-- Helveticus montanus disputatio Vale, mi Andrea, nesciebam an possem ipse indicem "Non stipula" amovere, putabam enim hoc officium esse cuius hunc indicem posuisset.

Faciam igitur ut me mones. Dubito an tibi notum sit, cuinam instituta illa mutare liceat, quae ad eas huius VP partes spectant, intra quas hic versamur. Certe memineris illius mutationis nuper factae, qua pro Paginis custoditis nunc Paginae observatae positae sunt.

Mihi quidem plura alia mutanda videntur, velut illae reliquiae exemplaris Anglici, velut ea, quae in taberna nuper proposueram, velut ea, quae nusquam effugere possis, cum aut nomen dare velis illud enim conventum aperire certe quavis Latinitate caret aut nomen tuum retineri velis et legas keep me logged in. Quid tibi videtur optimum factu? Since we're in the process of making Vicipaedian New Year's resolutions, I thought I'd remind you about the Citrus pages which are still marked "in progressu," and also about Cervus torquatus from a while back, in case you were planning on doing anything with those.

Of course, I myself have a few pages to clean up. Yeah I agree with you the new list can be deleted when we have inserted all the new artists' names our old lists do not already have. Annum prosperum et felicem omnibus amicis Vicipaedianis opto! Apud Tabernam consentivimus annum quem iubilaeum nostrum Helveticus nuncupavit praecipue dedicare ad textum paginarum Vicipaedicarum augendum et meliorandum.

Huic proposito consentiens si tu consentis! Quo dicto, Vicipaediani liberi sumus. Paginae etiam breves, quae inter veras "stipulas" admitti possunt vide formulam " Non stipula " , accepturae sunt sicut iam antea accipi solent. Scribe igitur sine metu, sicut iam scripsisti!

Est perfectum coniunctivi an futurum secundum? Hi Andrew, I would appreciate a warning, like a delenda notification before you delete. Does Vicipaedia have a list of the nonstubs sorted in order of imposition of the formula, so that anybody can easily find the nonstubs in the most urgent danger of deletion? Pictura Alkaios et Sappho, , Staatliche Antikensammlungen Monaci , ut mihi videtur, nunc bis hac in pagina apparet.

Andrea si valeas quoque valeo! Nescivi nos hoc in anno iubilaei causa gaudere! Morbum scribendi loquendique Latine iterum patior, quare librum de rebus classicis tempore et civitatibus socialisticis ad censendum accepi. Puto me hic mox iterum versari. Tibi gratias ago causa adiuti istae paginae!

Dear Andrew; There will be a birthday soon: Wikipedia is getting 15 years. I want to let you know that the number of d: You may be interested in adding Wikidata labels and descriptions in your language. Please follow also the discussion at d: P and comment there. Best regards Gangleri also aka I18n disputatio Ita necesse est eam movere ad dictum novum lemma. Gratias tibi agens -- Bavarese disputatio Would it be possible to restore these pages?

I will work on the sources as well as beefing up the content. Andrea, timeo ne bellum editorum mihi et Jondelio oriturum sit de medicina succursoria. Quam enim commentatiunculam Latinitate-3 instruxi, quam autem notam ille bis removit. Aestimationem Latinitatis nequaquam puniendi causa feci, sed eo consilio, ut legentes hortarer certa benevolentia uti. Licetne cuilibet sine causa aestimationes Latinitatis removere? Mihi quidem vandalismum redolet. Salve, condimentum dictum possis? Ecce pauca exempli gratia: Cicero, Orationes in C. De Lingua Latina, lib. Et Mt 12, 1; Mt 14, 1; Eph 2, 12 et cetera.

Sed concedo orationem obscuram haud parum esse. De positione verbi in oratione regula non est, ergo non necesse est verbum in finem semper ponere. De gentilicio vocabulo in maiuscula vel minuscula regula non est. Usus linguae anglicae et gallicae est primam litteram in maiusculam scribere.

Inter hispanos, italicos et lusitanos haec consuetudo non est. Ultimum huius orationis erit me gratias tibi agere propter correctiones, sed rogo ut, antequam mutes textum, quaeras. I'm working on Jewish and American non-stipula topics. I think we could move this page from non-stipula to stipula or get it closer by adding the equivalent of the following two points:.

My Latin skills aren't up to this, so if you can help, I'd appreciate it. I read much better than I write. If that doesn't get us quite to , let me know, and I'll come up with something else. Well, along the same lines, would we automatically keep Cyprus provincia Romana and all other Roman provinces? I found this article while looking through non-stipulae, and marked it for merger into Cyprus Historia. Objectively, we should do that, leaving a redirect behind so that the links on the template remain blue. But perhaps we want there to be a pagina breve about each province anyway? Could you please correct this template?

Could you please check the title in ablative in here? It doesn't work for me no matter how much I try. It worked yesterday for some people. It is really bugging me. Is it correct the title "De disciplinis zoologiae" I tried to translate it into ablative plural, but I am not sure? Thank you very much for your kind words: I don't speak Latin at all so I try to help in other ways.

I am trying to translate small articles with the help of a dictionary but most of my work here will be related to images, categories and templates. Besides that, I would like to ask you if you could possibly take a look at Litterae Asturianae. I've just started translating and apparently its Latin is very bad. I cannot see where I made the mistakes so if you could please check it out it would be great. Quaeso, amabo te restaures rem Deus solis. Gratias tibi ago in antecessu.

I will change the bibliography as soon as possible. Could you please merge Dies mundi sine tabaco and Dies mundialis sine tabaco? Thanks for your help. I will continue working on them little by little. At first I would like to get the structure of the article done and then I will start translating. Sorry for creating more work. Sorry to bother you again but could you please translate the following sentences so that those articles don't look that empty at the beginning? I am done with the structure of the article Usor: Could you please take a look and tell me if there is some topic that might be missing and, also, could you please help me with the translation?

I've done the section related to languages. It would be great if you could correct any possible mistake. Thanks in advance and sorry for bothering you. As a general thought, you're very ambitious to take on such a long task when if I understand correctly you are at an early stage in Latin.

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What's more, I have a feeling that shorter articles are more likely to be read, and that many articles on English Wikipedia are far too long. But it's your choice! And Iacobus, who wrote Cultura for Vicipaedia, will probably disagree with my generalizations: But the problem I have is that when I write short articles, they put a template on them that say that they will be deleted in three months because they are too short. Nevertheless, I believe you are right. I will shorten the article.

I've created the article Cultura Romae antiquae just with the portions of text in Latin.

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Once I finish other parts, I will add them. I added another paragraph to the article. How can I translate "semi-circular" into Latin? I've added more information to the page. I think that, as it is now and regarding the topics that convers, it could be considered done. Nevertheless, I would like to ask your opinion whether I should add the following topics to the general article:. I just want to express my appreciation for the extra work you did for finding the latin names of the Japanese provinces!

I've seen there is an article entitled "Historia Romae" which refers just to the history of ancient Rome. However, there is also an article about "Ancient Rome" with a section dealing with history. Wouldn't it be better to keep "Historia Romae" for the history of the city of Rome until today and talk about Roman ancient history on the section in "Ancient Rome"? In that way there wouldn't be a duplicate and both articles could be completed dealing with two different topics.

What do you think about it? Just moved it to the article's discussion page. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sorry to bother you again.

Tabula navigationis

Could you please take a quick look at Expugnatio Daciae and Occasus Imperii Romani to see if there is any error? Thanks in advance for your help. I would like to bring to your attention, on the Latin pages works of the users: Unfortunately they also destroy, erase or delite the research work done by me or by others, do not respect the rules of Vicipedia and and the few good things that they do, they are never under the rules, often their jobs are incorrect, partial or incomplete.

I have often tried to contact them but they did not have my answer. I believe and I hope that they should be stopped. I ask you to intervene with your authority. Quale vandalismo ho fatto? Ma forse questo non va a qualcuno, che pensa che io faccio vandalismo e addirittura ha cancellato le mie aggiunte da Graesse poi le ha rimesse lui, come se stessimo giocando a chi scrive prima una cosa di un altro. Per far vedere come io abbia tolto le fonti, quando invece le stavo sistemando.

Io non ho mai cancellato le fonti quando erano con le referenze, mi limito a togliere quelle fonti che non hanno il Fontes desiderati, che atto vandalico ho fatto. Sorry to bother but I was thinking of creating an article entitled "Sport in ancient Rome" and I had the doubt if "Ludi" can be included in there or they should be classified as " religious festivals ". What's your opinion on that? I can understand what I do vandalism? Sometimes it happens to only remove sources without notes, sometimes it happens that, to removing the wrong name, the template is automatically deleted.

I do not understand this pedantic admonition to me by Nuada. Can anyone tell who is giving me trouble? There must are some people can't read Japanese. Can you tell me your reason that you have to move? As you say, it is a useful source for adjectival Latin forms. If you missed it in the edit, though, my objection was that specific citation where the Catholic Dioceses article was being used to "verify" that Suzhou was the Latin placename.

It actually is , but only because it's official for all romanizations of Chinese in all Latin-alphabet languages per the PRC. The source being used was simply writing that part of the page in English and it wasn't a source for that point in Latin. My edits are based on English Wiki policies that I assume possibly wrongly are carried over here: Articles should be at their most common modern Latin location, official forms of the Vatican or other relevant country should be noted, and everything else should be cited and kept out of the lede and in a special name section once it gets beyond one or two alt names.

Sorry I can't give more official Vatican forms along with the Pinyin, but there's only a few Latinitas articles I've seen on Google Books and those are all in snippet view. If you have access to a scholarly database and can get full issues, kindly let me know and I'll add them in. And incidentally I do know the Latin names for Chinese cities is very odd stuff most of the real use is going to be the early missionaries who'll have no system at all and most of the modern official use will be at the Vatican, but only very rarely used , but if you have any knowledge or way to find out more about how to decline the forms Hanceu and Hanceum , I'm curious.

I assume the later might be a simple 2nd decl. And btw thank you for your time, help, and kind words. I contact you as the admin with most recent activities here since I didn't find a suitable page to report this. Could you have a look at the pages created by It's both in the wrong language and I can't see the relevance for the content. Qui usus apud auctores mediaevales recentioresque frequentissimus fuit et vestigia constantia reliquit sicut a priori, a posteriori.

Reprehendere nolo, curiosus sum. I added more links and information to the page. Could you please take a look at it and take the template out? Magistratibus est ratio dementissimorum scriptorum nomine agnoscendorum et adiuvandorum? Grazie per mille per aver fatto a capire a Usor: Ha sempre cambiato le cose senza mai confrontarsi con gli altri utenti e questo mi dispiace molto.

Mi Andrew, me traditorem puto quia mox apud Cantabrigenses officium accipiam et Oxoniam relinquo! Tam de urbe quam de universitate nescius sum, sed tu care cantabrigensis fortasse consilia mihi habeas. Could I ask that you restore the following pages, of which I will be providing the required sources and expanding? Thank you in advance. I highly appreciate your restoring them and indeed monitoring nonquality insufficient articles. You are correct in deleting them. There is just so much work. I will start working on them.

I understand Latin, but my latin language is poor, so I write you in English. Can you please remove him to the adminlist? I'm not sure I can do it, so I ask first before performing an action. Thank you for your Welcome, I will colabor in Vicipaedia with contributions about Cuba, universal literature and law. I convide you help me in this work. Happy New Year Andrew! I'm just following through that this category is redundant with the pugilis category as mentioned by Iacobus at the taberna.

Kindly look into this. Best regards,-- Jondel disputatio Andrew, sententia tua contra me iniusta fuit, tibunal tuus est iniquus, damnatio et poena mea interruptioni tribus mensibus fuit diabolica. Iudex insanus tu es! Alii utores, Sacreum, Driante70 et IacobusAmor, vera gens vandalica vicipediae sunt, non ego! Dux superbus et tyrannicus tu es. I would like to ask you if this sentence is correct I'm worried about the declension in Castellae et Legionis and Provinciae Soriae. I will create new articles based on it.

Juliancolton for reverting that guy. You should know that User: Tegel also reverted, then globally blocked the IP for one year. Andrew, you would be within your rights to Revdel everything in the IP contribution list except maybe the first two. Thank you for your time. Hi, Andrew Dalby , can I translate this as: By changing I remain the same? I would like to add it to the List of Latin phrases M. It's possible revert Lucania to Basilicata in Template: Lucania is fascist denomination or a thema of Bizantine Empire between Basilicata and Calabria without Matera and it's called Basilicata since the Middle Ages also in latin.

It's an invention of Nuada Driante70 disputatio Would you mind if I use User: UVbot to change all occurrences of your former signature to the following, in order to fix the format? Greetings, -- UV disputatio Sensus siglorum adhibitorum minime patet: Guillelmus II rex Siciliae. Antea, de ista pagina, Linda scripsi, sed non correctam puto. Francogallice Belleville , quomodo scribere possumus? Sorry for putting the message on your user page instead of here on the talk page.

FYI, this record caught my eye because the text I've boldfaced here happens to be gibberish—though not exactly random! Carl a O o anapogi se filifili faleaiga meaai loc o Tele lava ego Luguvallum o le o I've checked it in some newspapers too and her first name is indeed Yldiz. I don't have the edit rights on Latin Wikipedia to do it myself. Vale, carissime Andreas, quomodo te habes? Tibi peto parvum adiutum: The page in English is Sanctuary Madonna of the Splendor.

Thanks a lot for your great help! As an astute observer might guess, a slew of new ones including some featured on the 10K list will be appearing over the weekend. I would like to open a new page from the page I'm proposing to you, and I ask to you if the name of the page can be correct in Latin, because I think there's not a Latin page of this frazione. Hello, could you help me in translating text from the English Wikipedia page to here with the article Insigne Finniae , please?

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I'm trying my best to contribute to Finnia -related articles as my country is reaching its th "birthday" in less than a month, but apparently my Latin wasn't good enough to contribute, even if my contribution was somewhat minor. If you could help me with said article, it would be appreciated greatly.

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Regards, Sullay disputatio Pagina mea prima habet magnos erroros, quaeso adiuvatis corrigere hos, aut delere paginam de signis. Pagina haec habetne errores? Quaeso adiuvatis me corrigere hos errores. Nice catch and sorry, that was my blunder. You've gotten the text up to 28, octeti—which, multiplied by the conversion factor of 1. Si potestis, corrigite hanc. Thank you very much for your welcome post a few days ago and for your kind response concerning my first contribution here. If I may ask, could you please have a look on my article and correct possible mistakes and check its latinity construction in general, subordinate clauses, subjunctives, c.

Concerning the Icelandic place names: I would be glad to contribute some more articels, e. I have to focus again on my studies now, I simply used the Christmas holidays for this little exercise in Latin version. The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey. We want to know how well we are supporting your work on and off wiki, and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation.

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