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Your email address will not be published. Are Shorter Books the Future? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. You can produce a TV series, or several pilots, for the cost of a single movie. A single movie is going to hit the market and then fade whereas TV episodes drive interest in the series.

Learning from Sony Pictures’ Shift from Movies to TV: Are Shorter Books the Future?

Authors with a backlist will tell you that each additional book drives more sales of prior books. They key is to write more books! Movies are primarily seen in theaters which require travel.

They also take more time to watch. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

  • Road Trips Vol. 2!
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  • 10 Ways to Make Money in a Free World (Penguin Specials).
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Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Aug 03, Deserthomemaker rated it liked it Shelves: I may have found this more useful if I had or was starting a business. I'm kind of on the fence about this book. It wasn't really tips on how to make money like you might imagine, it was just ten different points on how to make money the one way. That one way is pretty much just about giving stuff away for free in order to get loyal customers that would purchase other items from you in the future.

Besides that, it seemed mostly just like an advertisement for his other book. That aspect of it was kind of annoying, I don't read books to have people try to sell stuff t I'm kind of on the fence about this book.

10 Ways to Make Money in a Free World

That aspect of it was kind of annoying, I don't read books to have people try to sell stuff to me. Anyway, it had an interesting concept, if you could get it for free, this is a quick read and you might as well if you have a business. If you are just someone looking to make money this probably isn't the book for you. Nov 16, Vishualee rated it liked it.

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  7. Necronomicon: The Wanderings of Alhazred (Necronomicon Series).
  8. A free book that motivates you to give away your creative product for free. The author presented ten opinions on why giving away your labor for free is the right thing to do in the digital era. He reveals some interesting details of people who have welcomed this strategy with open arms.

    The strategy is to convert freeloaders to die-hard fans. The strategy is not to sell a product, but to sell a lifestyle. To make consumer feel good about owning your product. The book reveals little, but gives en A free book that motivates you to give away your creative product for free.

    The book reveals little, but gives enough ideas to implement in one's creative journey.

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    It is a starter-cum-survival kit for the new age creator. Jul 27, Mirjam Bos rated it liked it. Verder was er geregeld door het verhaal heen een promopraatje voor het boek de Curve, wat ik storend vond. Dit alles bij elkaar maakt dat ik niet super enthousiast ben, het was wel best. Sep 17, Kristina Grindle rated it really liked it. Sounds great I am not sure about getting a new idea out and getting ready for it to attract the attention of a certain audience without it blowing up in my face.

    10 Ways to Make Money in a Free World by Nicholas Lovell

    I would have wasted a lot of time. It may work for some though. Penguin 3 October Sold by: What other items do customers buy after viewing this item? Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. Lovell explains some important things about the digital business which are confirmed in my own experience. For instance,he urges prospective entrepreneurs to use "free" to find your audience and "social media" to engage your audience. People will take you up on acquiring free things and this is a good way to start building a client base.

    A number of the gurus in this area advise small businesses to acquire the emails of customers so that they can make sales pitches at a later date. In my own experience, people will keep coming back if you give them great content.

    Another recommendation is to create a You Tube Channel to talk to your customers. This is a good idea because people can bond with you and begin to trust you if they see you in action. Overall, Lovell's ebook is helpful. The contents will bring you closer to engaging more optimally with actual and prospective customers..