What a complete load of self-congratulatory crap. There are better books out there that can help you find what makes you happy and I suspect you wouldn't have to wade through pages of life-sucking, disconnected writing. Jan 27, Adam rated it did not like it. This book was clearly written for profit and nothing else. Useless waste of paper and ink. I thought it would be a refreshing read but it's just repetitive and full of braggadocious anectodes about the author's experiences I stopped reading the book after coming across the following paragraph: This is often a good indication of whether a decision, or a route we've taken, is right for us, and consis This book was clearly written for profit and nothing else.
This is often a good indication of whether a decision, or a route we've taken, is right for us, and consistent with doing what we love. Is this what you really going to push on us? I ended up skimming parts of it because it was that bad. It was basically a big ad for their retreat, e-books, courses, music, etc. The author goes as far as to suggest hiring a cleaner to come to your house so you have more time to do what you love. Jul 20, Hadi rated it did not like it.
So hugely egotistical that it made it difficult to read. I love the title and the book's premise - it definitely drew me in, but I wasn't in love with the book. The author has a lot of nice, inspirational ideas, but I felt as if I was reading someone's personal blog rather than a book of substance. Paslaptis ta, kad kiekvienam savo ir tas siauras nutiestas takelis neduoda jokios naudos. Man tai pirmoji knyga, kurios nereikia savo kolekcijoje. JohnKhalifa rated it did not like it Mar 08, Jun 23, Anne rated it really liked it. The thing is, this book could have been better, mostly because the last part is all pretty standard setting up your business stuff.
It is however nice to take a peek inside John's brain and see what you can accomplish when you let go of standard ideas. I loved the first part with the exercise going back into the past to make a time line of key moments when you were doing what you love. Feb 06, Toria Pardoe rated it did not like it.
A good idea stretched too thin. Feb 01, Lou rated it it was ok. I had to force myself to finish the book. Not a lot of substance. Oct 15, Vanessa Cunningham rated it did not like it Shelves: Nov 03, Frances Wilde rated it really liked it. But kinda needed some bits of the part-time work advice vs freelance at this moment. Feb 06, Abigail rated it really liked it.
I found this book pretty helpful and eye-opening. I think it's nice to see that the author has actually been through the things he teaches about and that way it's not just someone telling you what to do without even knowing what it's like. I also found this books to be helpful and I liked reading about other peoples experiences and how it worked out for them. Sep 20, Paul Coffield rated it really liked it Shelves: When I told people I was reading this book, most of them asked if I had written it myself.
The title, and general outlook is also reflective of my own laid back and occasionally offensive view of things. Although I didn't write it, I have really enjoyed reading it. It offers up a number of ways to look at improving your own situation and allowing you to do more of what you love. There is even a section that deals with finding out what it is that you love to do. I'm still nowhere near doing just When I told people I was reading this book, most of them asked if I had written it myself.
I'm still nowhere near doing just what I love, but reading this book has set me well on the path towards it! Jul 07, Olivia rated it really liked it. The dates are completely wrong, I don't pay attention to things like that. I really enjoyed this book as it is pretty relevant to my life right now. What with searching for a new apprenticeship and my burning desire of wanting to become an author it really helped me put things into perspective and has really helped me to achieve a much more positive outlook. If you feel trapped or lost then I highly recommend this book.
Apr 11, Angela Nurse rated it liked it. It's a fun premise and that's what appealed to me. It's not suggesting that you ditch all your responsibility and throw caution to the wind, more that you ask yourself how much of your time you spend doing stuff you don't love and considering what you can change and how. It's not rocket science but sometimes you need someone to give you a gentle reminder that there are alternatives to what you're currently doing. The style is conversational rather than formal and I think that it works for this ty It's a fun premise and that's what appealed to me.
The style is conversational rather than formal and I think that it works for this type of book. Not earth shattering but motivational. Good for a nudge I think this book will be good for anyone who needs a nudge to get going. It goes on a little in places but worth a read. Cheungerss rated it it was ok Jul 31, Jane Gillard rated it did not like it Jun 08, Laura rated it it was ok Dec 31, Amelia Banks rated it really liked it Mar 26, Curtis Connelly rated it it was ok Jul 16, Keith Goad rated it liked it Aug 26, Nicolas Fuster Santelices rated it really liked it May 09, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
Books by John C. No trivia or quizzes yet. Since the present moment is Life itself, it is an insane way to live. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. There was always a good chance a hopeless romantic like me would not enjoy a book whose very title gave love the middle finger, but my morbid curiosity eventually won over caution, and I will not lie to you—after only two pages, I was hooked. The interesting premise, the quirky heroine so reminiscent of Olivia from The Opportunist, the drama galore from the get-go were all winning aspects of this story in my eyes at first, but unfortunately, as the story progressed, my connection to the characters and the story itself slowly started losing momentum.
I have pondered on this book much longer than it took me to read it, and I am no closer to deciding whether this story is even a romance in my mind. In many ways, it is a reflective journey of a young woman trying to find herself, and learning along the way how very pricky true love can be.
Relying heavily on the life lessons aspect of the story and all its philosophical assertions, I see this book more as a lesson in accepting life as it comes, never expecting it to be a fairy-tale. But as I said before, even though I was not overwhelmed by it, I am certain this story will find its willing audience and mean a great deal to a lot of readers. Follow me on Facebook! Follow me on Twitter! View all 8 comments. Jan 02, Jen rated it it was amazing Shelves: No one is like you, and you are like no one. I'm going to do everyone a favor and keep my review short and sweet because, let's face it, I'm pretty awesome at spoiling a good book.
Even when I don't mean to. I absolutely refuse to spoil anything about Helena's journey. And a journey is what this story is. More like the story of a young woman figuring out just who the hell she is, spurred on by a complicated love story. I'm already messing this up. Helena and everything she went through, self inflicted or not, broke my heart more than once but I love the girl.
She's a little quirky and a whole lot awkward, which always works for me. At first, I wanted some of Kit's POV but by the end, I was glad this story is told entirely from Helena's perspective because it really is her story to tell. This book made me think without hurting my head thank you, Tarryn Fisher! It's not a neat and tidy story but you know what? Life's messy and Helena's story reflects that. Some words of wisdom to ponder: No one tells you that it hurts this much to be a grown-up.
Yourself is there no matter where you go. Sometimes your enemy will be you; sometimes it will be those with the power to hurt you. Take off your shoes and stop running. And the age old question: Helena won me over big time. Not in spite of her quirky inner ramblings but because of them.
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What a way to lose my Tarryn Fisher V-card. View all 62 comments. Dec 06, Hulya Kara Yuksel rated it it was amazing. What the hell I just read? This story fucked my mind so bad but I freaking loved it so much and I have a lot of feelings right now!!! God, I laughed, I cried Holy Shit Tarryn, you always making me cry But I f-ing love you and thank you very much for this truly amazing story. I was just a flat line until he came along. Make you feel, make you brave, make you look at yourself more carefully? View all 57 comments.
There is no real choice in love. My words are inadequate. I loved this story and I hated it too. Way back in , I read The Opportunist , back when it was a standalone, and I knew that that was the type of book that I would always be searching for, it makes you FEEL everything and sometimes you feel absolutely fucking awful whilst reading it, but the journey to the end is always worth it. When you finally get the end and your heart can be put back together again and be full.
Tarryn Fisher has done it once again with this new standalone contemporary romance. I like to know what I am getting into, and I at least like to know the names of the main characters and a general gist of what is in store for me. I am glad that I went in blind, because the full effect hit me like a freight train and whilst at first I didn't know what the heck was going on, I just went with it and trusted the author to write a story that would be amazing.
This is a story of fate, and destiny and how sometimes you can't choose who you fall in love with. I fell in love with Helena, she was completely relate-able to me and I felt her emotions completely. Kit was also easy to fall in love with, but he tested me so much at times, especially towards the end.
As for Della, she was a needy and clingy friend, a egotist who was insecure and vain. I loved to hate her. View all 38 comments. Dec 30, Vilma Iris rated it it was amazing. Tarryn Fisher delivers the unexpected—a love story that is both aching and tender, witty and romantic—but not without lacing the narrative with her singular style that readers have come to love. We see a different side of Tarryn, with more wit, ten Tarryn Fisher delivers the unexpected—a love story that is both aching and tender, witty and romantic—but not without lacing the narrative with her singular style that readers have come to love.
We see a different side of Tarryn, with more wit, tenderness and effervescence imbued into the narrative, making the novel compulsively readable and enjoyable.
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A portion of the story also takes place in Port Townsend, Washington, and the setting felt very vivid and immersive, giving the story an added sense of connection. This story felt more plot driven than some of her previous work without losing the feels and character intrigue. In fact, I really loved our protagonist, Helena, who was very much relatable even as she struggled to do the right thing and understand both her sense of self and her emotions. The novel unravels when in a dream Helena Conway experiences a slice of life that could be… would be… should be?
She leaps into a life she never expected, with a man she never imagined, getting an unexpected taste of happiness. Worse yet, her life is tethered to another man and her best friend Della, seems to think her boyfriend Kit is to propose soon. She ends up falling for the man of her dreams, someone who is not hers to love. In another life, it would have been a beautiful something. Friendships, relationships, choices and chance get thematically explored in a book that is most definitely a love story. This is a book many will love, just I have. View all 3 comments. If you enjoyed this book, please don't read my review.
I don't want to offend anyone. They're not together, I tell myself. But that's lousy reasoning. I've known her since we were kids. My loyalty is supposed to be with Della; chicks before dicks. Is that even even realistic? Humans seek connection above all else, and we are willing to destroy things to attain it. It all started with a blue crayon. Reading this book was not the best of ideas, or maybe I'm just missing the point If you enjoyed this book, please don't read my review.
Reading this book was not the best of ideas, or maybe I'm just missing the point and couldn't grasp the message hidden in this book. So what about that first chapter though?! Aptly called wtf and that's exactly what I said after reading it, promptly followed by "make the confusion go way! The fact that the story is told in the first person, gave me a front row seat to Helena's ridiculous ramblings about KFC, to biting her nails, to keeping a box of socks under bed and touching them periodically.
Her top knot, her beige whatever, oh and that bloody dream she had. Kit Isley What was this guy washing with?! Or did he have some voodoo talisman that made all the girls melt? He was the most selfish, cowardly and indecisive characters I have ever read. And you know how I like my men in books. Strong and confident, easy as that. Why would I route for two of the most selfish characters I have ever read about? Have you ever hope a couple didn't end up together while reading a book? Actually, you know what?
My thoughts on the story? Ever heard of a condom or the pill? Getting pregnant twice by accident? The random arrival of that cult leader: Muslim Black a guy named after two minorities View all 18 comments. First the dedication ticked me off a bit, For my haters, fuck you. Not knowing the author personally, I didn't see the humor in it and I found it a tad off-putting and it put a bit of bad taste in my mouth.
Not a good way to start a book So, where am I going with this? I decided to look the other way and kee 5 Profoundly Epic Stars! I decided to look the other way and keep an open mind. I am so glad I did! I read this book in less than a day and I am a snail-paced reader. F ck Love is a love it or hate it kind of book. Those that loved this book, I can attest were able to really grasp all the hidden meanings On the surface it seems humorous chick lit but it's so much more.
Helena is our heroine and she is not without quirky issues. If you're a reader looking for a tough as nails heroine, look elsewhere. She's human and has flaws Helena falls asleep and has a vivid dream and when she wakes, it's almost as if her life has changed and she looks to make that dream come true. Unfortunately the dream includes her best friend's boyfriend, Kit, a guy she barely knows.
This could get a bit awkward So from this point of the book, I'm hooked because this exact thing has occurred in my life. Haven't you ever awoken from a dream and it almost seems like it really happened? I once dreamed my husband cheated on me and let me say I was pissed at him the whole next day! So I loved this premise of the story. Helena is fairly blah and this dream is totally not her! So as her story progresses, is it the dream inevitably coming to life or is Helena purposefully directing it in order to make that dream come true?
Comedy- I seriously loved this aspect of the book. Helena was awkward with her obsession with KFC and Kit Kats or her innate ability to dribble wine all over herself. I admit to doing the same- only when I'm wearing white. Or dry-clean only clothes. She's a bit manic, can be pretty indecisive on life decisions, but I looked at this book as a journey of sorts for a girl living a life of beige.
She's drab and wall-flowerish and maybe that color is just not for her in the end Angst- This book one-two punched me with the angst. Just when I'm all settled into the day to day comedic life of Helena, the author socks me upside the head with a pretty tragic twist. I didn't see it coming and a few quotes in the mind of Helena really hit me in the feels for this particular aspect of the book. It was almost personal for me and well well written. Each character has a role in this story and even if it seemed their part seemed fleeting, they have a deeper role in the lessons in life we learned.
I found myself highlighting almost the entire epilogue or anything pertaining to the character, Muslim as his role is pivotal in the book. I loved this book. I hope everyone who reads it can take away from it what I learned from it. I finished this book shaking- it was that touching for me. Thank you for that Ms.
And I forgive you for making my first impression not good with that dedication. After reading Helena's humor in this, I truly understand that is Tarryn Fisher's humor coming through. You made it up to me with flying colors with that story A few quotes that I found most profound and their meaning is deep within the theme of F ck Love. Just look for it!!! Maybe people who have had too much of it.
Or people who have had too little. Or people who are too shallow to appreciate it's hard edges. You can even live with it. If each of our lives represented a page in a book, happiness would be the punctuation. It breaks up the parts that are too long. View all 59 comments. Aug 21, Kelly and the Book Boar rated it liked it Shelves: Find all of my reviews at: It all begins with a dream.
I mean, for real. Well then the story became The Opportunist version 2. Basically, she has written herself. What can I say? My body is ready! Fisher, Please feel free to ignore the disclaimer on my "about me" section about not doing review requests. That rule does not apply to either you or CoHo. Jan 10, Beverly rated it liked it. Oh boy, this book was not for me. This is my first Tarryn Fisher novel and I have heard so many fantastic things about it, so I was very excited to start it. From the very beginning I was confused, but as you read it on it all comes together. My issue with the story is Kit Isley.
I am an easy reader, so I am truly okay with most things. However, if my hero is going to be so badass that three women Oh boy, this book was not for me. However, if my hero is going to be so badass that three women will alter the course of their lives for him I am going to need him to be a few things. I am going to need him to be endearing, honest, brave and confident. Confident in his feelings, confident in hisself and confident in his decisions.
Kit Isley is a runner and a coward. He ran from his high school love when she made a mistake. He ran from Della when she was becoming too much. He ran from Helena when it meant he had to make a decision. I mean her words made me think. I highlighted so many parts just because I thought it was so smart and there is so much wisdom in her words. Regardless, all my friends are loving this one and I do truly believe this one is just not for me, but definitely give it a try yourself!
View all 46 comments. Jul 22, S. West rated it it was amazing Shelves: I think Tarryn Fisher is a magnificent and multifaceted writer and she literally wrung my heart out with her Love Me with Lies series utterly amazing. She did the same with this one. Like that series, my chest literally ached as I read this yet I couldn't and wouldn't tear myself away from it.
The story of Helena and Kit was equal parts apprehensive and foreboding as it was beautiful and ethereal. The only thing I'd wished could have been included was to be inside Kit's head, for even a bit of this, as he was one puzzle that was hard to solve and I would've loved to make sure I had all the pieces! View all 42 comments. Holy hell, talk about a book saturating my fucking feed like a heavy day requiring a super plus Tampax.
'F**k It - Do What You Love': 13 good reasons to spend your life doing the things you love
Quite the buzz book we have here, peeps. But after reading the blurb, I'm on the fence. It looks like it has a virtual plethora of some super Val No-Go's View all 24 comments. Jul 24, Es Summer rated it really liked it. This book leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It has something thoroughly sad about it. Even after reading the final page, it still has me in its grip.
It's evil and consuming. A beige colored nightmare. A desperate cry for help. It this book even about love? I don't think so. This isn't love I read about. Love isn't supposed to make you feel so hateful. Helena, the main narrator, is unlovable. She is spiteful and raging, unfeeling and too sensitive, closed minded and insightful, your basic This book leaves a bad taste in your mouth. She is spiteful and raging, unfeeling and too sensitive, closed minded and insightful, your basic beige girl, and maybe an extraordinary star, too. I caught myself laughing out loud at her evilness.
I muttered some evil words back at her. Feeling connected with her in some sick sort of way, but also not liking her, at all.
I didn't agree with her choices. I hated her weakness. Her willingness to keep running. Tarryn herself shined through those choices. What are you telling me, Tarryn? Are all these characters part of some sort revelation?

Are these women fractured pieces of you? Why couldn't Helena trust anybody? Why was she so cold-hearted? I kept searching for reasons. Was that my fault? I am talking to you, Tarryn. You know your books touch me on some level. Am I recognizing myself in that calculated regularity of a woman who chooses only one color? Who let's herself be moved by a dream and at the end, that's not even enough anymore, either. Am I recognizing myself in the way she is so disappointed how her life is going, because the dream was so much better? And am I the only one who is feeling this way? Maybe I am mad at you, because you made me feel so much, Tarryn and in the end it wasn't enough.
I wanted more from you. You never promised a purple fairy-love, but maybe I didn't expect to feel like this. I am sounding negative, but these are all compliments, Tarryn. Look at that rating. Look at all these emotions bleeding out of these words, trying to reach you. Trying to create art out of hurt. You thought me that, you know? And I loved this book like certain dark things are to be loved. In rage and spite and wonder. And I'll feel melancholic thinking about old towns and chili pepper love.
I have respect for you. The way you think: I am glad you don't follow the hype and instead create your own thing. It's weird like all of your characters, but it works. I liked the idea of Muslim thrown within the story. He'll be my dark hero. Let's not talk about weak, pathetic Kit. I don't want to ruin this review. It was never about him. It was about Helena. About me and you. I wanted to get as far away from the both of you as I could, while also being as close to you as I could. Does that make sense, or does it sound too crazy? I wanted to start out my with a fabulous read and I took a big risk with a story about Helena This story is very complex and at many points I started to question myself and wonder if I had too much wine!
Helena is quite a gal She is that "walk the straight and narrow," the "I don't really know who I am" girl. You're a muggle who wants to be magical. I am just a muggle. A beige bitch muggle. She is loyal to a fault and completely underestimates her value. She possibly wants more yet it is not until a "dream" of a what-if life with Kit changes her entire path of being.
Oh, wow, "the Dream" is something else as this is were the author toys with your sanity a bit and has you questioning what exactly is going on! As the story progresses with a confused and ever changing Helena you find yourself caught up in a web of unspoken want and passion. It is a slow developing relationship of past and present lovers that causes loss at every turn for Helena I don't need any of that muggle shit.
What an amazing read of twists and turns of the story and of the heart. I was angry and I cried, yet laughed out loud a hundred times! I have to admit that I was often put off by Kit and his closed off yet intriguing ways. I struggled with the back and forth pull of Helena and Kit as I know exactly how that manic high and devastating low of being in love is.
To be so close and to lose it I could not put it down. I had no idea who I wanted together or what I wanted to ultimately happen. I just knew I could not stop reading. So kudos to Tarryn Fisher for starting my out on the right foot. This book was written so well. The characters, while not all likeable were completely captivating, and the story was one for all! View all 27 comments. Jan 05, warhawke rated it really liked it Shelves: First Person - Female Rating: Helena Conway has always been content with her life.
She was the one everyone could count on and be dependent on. That was until a dream jolted her from her bubble and spurred her to take a chance. That chance happened to be Kit Isley. He was a nice, creative and spontaneous man who encouraged her to be someone no else believed she could be. The problem is expecting more would be a hard task because he also happened to Genre: Her quirkiness and awkwardness was part of her charm. I love how she expressed herself through pictures.
He was from a place where giant bubbles blew down Main Street, and artists lived in old clam canneries. The magic of this town clung to him. I liked Kit a lot. He was very laid back and considerate. But there were moment I wanted him to be more assertive. I love the connection between Helena and Kit. Yes, the book is on the lighter side, but it could still use a stronger pull between the two. View all 37 comments.
Dec 30, Parvathy rated it it was amazing. A wonderful and beautifully written love story..! Can a dream change your life? Can you fall in love based on a future you saw in a dream?? Helena one day see a dream of a future wherein she is involved with her best friend's boyfriend Kit. This unexpected dream created a ripple effect and changed the course of her life.
This is the story of how a dream had the power to bring about the unexpected in Helena's life.. The concept of this book is different and it has been developed in a beautiful way. I loved Helena and Kit's characterization. When Helena was very open,awkward and little clumsy; Kit came off as very put together, a little aloof and mysterious.
We get to know and understand Kit from Helena's perspective. The book is very honest and raw when it comes to emotions and feelings of the characters.
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The story and the thoughts portrayed in the book are thought provoking and resonates on a deep emotional level. The first person point of view and the descriptive narrative with attention to detail transported me right into the book and made me live their story with them.. Their love was unexpected and at the most unfortunate time. It showed how one is helpless and how one cannot choose whom they fall in love with. Their love story showed the beauty and yet the pain of loving someone and not being with that person. Their story was about missed opportunities, lack of choices, unfortunate timing, making the right decision, sacrifices, having the courage to choose happiness and a deep profound love..