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Can you execute follow-through from shot-to-shot, in order to ensure a consistent sight picture for each follow-on shot?

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Can you perform basic target-to-target transitions? Can you execute a speed reload? You need to be able to perform a consistent, solid, fast drawstroke. You need to be able to mount the gun and find your front sight focus. You need to be able to break the trigger without disturbing your sight picture. You need to be able to execute follow-through and watch the front sight through the recoil cycle, in order to have fast, aimed, and accurate follow-up shots. At the same time, you need to be able to discern, in that compressed time frame, if your projected trajectory is safe and clear of interceding cover and non-combatant personnel, or if you need to move in order to create a safe angle.

One of the biggest lessons I hear reiterated, class after class after class after class, in Small-Unit Security Patrolling classes, is: Some solid training in fundamental skills-building drills will demonstrate all three of those issues before you end up getting in over your head, and drowning. Your sole purpose in the battle space is to ensure the survival of your Ranger Buddy. If the problem is building skill with the rifle or pistol , then drills are the way to build that.

If your goal is to impress the fat, Elmer Fudds at the local range with your awesome, high-speed, low-drag, ninja-death dealing badness, then by all means, game away at cheating the drills. Good assessment to my comment. I have ran this drill set up the same way except with a person calling the shots as the shooter moves forward and back.

I probably prefer it this way due to my age and diminishing short term memory.

Crawl, Walk, Run: Business Lessons from a Toddler

Really, they show up at patrolling formerly known as SUT class not knowing they need a zero on their rifle. Take for instance, today I went to the square range way south of Chicago where all us old fat fucks waste paper targets like no tomorrow. Even that little drill induces the tunnel vision, and I am not exactly a beginner with an AR, but certainly not a bad ass like my rifle deserves equipped with Aimpoint Patrol Optic.

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All in all this reinforces what you just wrote, so its mainly addressed to the wanna-b-Gs who want to skip C or W. I was sorely lacking in the fundamentals necessary to run the gun. First of all the red dot needed sighted. I was at least able to set the gun up with an Ultimac Rail and opted for a Bushnell I screwed onto it a week or so before the class.

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After four rounds from prone at yards she was in the money! Speed reloading an AK was differnt than speed reloading an AR so once again I was sent off with Herc to master the steps necessary to make the gun and shooter potent on the battlefield. Learning to fire from the prone position was probably the most important life saving drill run at the class.

By the second day of class my elbows were so bloody from dropping into prone I literally had to use duct tape to cover them up. We ran a drill that required us to pick up a card and shoot at a sequence of targets listed on the card. We also were requited to shoot a specific number of rounds into each target while manuevering in such a way that prevented our rounds from exiting the target and stiking a target behind it. It took my four tries before I was successfully able to complete the task with a borrowed AR that had a light mount on it.

Crawl, Walk, Run Your Way to a Successful ERP Implementation - ERP Software Blog

Reblogged this on disturbeddeputy and commented: You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Parapeace asked the following question about the PRA Drill: The box itself was a toy, one that he could transform into a car, a fort or a house simply by thinking it.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It was more than a container—it was magical. He ended up playing with just the box for more than an hour. Kids learn how to do hard things all the time. They learn an important lesson through trial and error:. Just get up and try again. They roll, they scooch on their stomach, or they stare down an adult who will come give them a hand.

A company blog with 15 million visits a year will make your business. But the reality is, sometimes I run too fast, too quickly, and that can lead to huge challenges for our businesses. I got into talking recently with my friends at Innovative Attorney Marketing , a full-service marketing agency that drives new clients to attorneys and law firms and a Likeable Local partner.

They've been working in the legal direct mail and digital marketing space for more than 15 years, so they know a thing or two about growing and maintaining a business. I asked them about their approach, and why "Crawl, Walk Run" works best: It sounds like you have been a leader in the attorney marketing space for over a decade. What changes have you seen as the industry evolves? For one thing, direct mail does not work on its own anymore. Potential clients used to receive a letter targeting their legal needs in the mail, open the envelope, and pick up the phone.

These days, consumers are much more savvy. They will take the time to research a firm online prior to making a phone call, and will also shop other firms before making a decision.