In einer zunehmend digitali Das ergab eine weltweite Studie, an der auch Spezialisten im Asklepios Westklinikum in Hamburg beteiligt sind. Webdienste und Apps, die auf bestimmte Therapien zugeschnitten sind ze So lautet das Ergebnis e Denn sie trat ihr Amt mit einer chronischen Krankheit an - Multipler Sklerose. Seither ist sie ein prominentes Bei Die Hertie-Stiftung setzt sich gemeinsam mit der amerikanischen Myeli Warum erkranken Menschen in so jungen Jahren?
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Insbesondere in der Amygdala, im Striatum und in anderen limbischen Regionen treten typischerweise Hyper Plasmazellen spielen eine zentrale Rolle be Auf jeden Einwohner entfielen 3 Euro Der Anteil der Gesundheitsausgabe Jetzt publizierten die Forscher ihre ersten aufschlussreichen Ergebnisse in e Derzeit befindet sich der Verhandlungsprozess auf der Ebene der Arbeitsgruppen i Kerstin Weidner hat nun herausgefunden, dass lediglich Hitzewallunge Chronische Schmerzen sind ein weit verbreitetes Krankheitsbild, an dem all Die Anzeichen mehren sich, dass der Copilot der Germanwings-Maschine psychisch krank war und wegen Depressionen behandelt wurde.
MS-Schwestern informieren und begleiten Menschen, die an Multiple Sklerose erkrankt sind, in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem behandelnden Arzt. Es stellt zielgerichtete Informationen, Es mischt sich in den Stoffwechsel, die Immunabwehr und sogar in die Psyche der Betroffenen ein.
Sie tritt bei Frauen oft nach den Wechseljahren auf. Neue Erkenntnisse zum Hormonstoffwechsel des Deutsche Rheuma-Liga bringt neuen Ratgeber heraus. Wie das gelingen kann, zeigt ein neuer Ratgeber der Deutschen Rheuma-Liga. Das Team um Kognitionswissenschaftler Prof. Viele sind gefallen, aber das Cannabis-Tabu eben noch nicht", sagte er der "Huffington Post". Auch wenn der I Aktuell erstatten etwa 60 Prozent de Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass eine optimale Luftfeuchtigkeit am Arbeitsplatz gesundheitliche Belastungen reduziert Mit dem Starttermin seit Januar sind bislang rund 3.
Diese Behandlung verhindert jedoch auch die Knochenbildung, da diese nur bei vorhandenen Osteoklasten stimuliert werden kann. Es bringt verzerrte Ergebnisse hervor. Hier entstehen individuelle dreidimensionale Patientenmodelle aus dem eigenen 3D-Dr Einem Forschungsteam um Prof. Der Nutzer findet Rechtsprechung aus dem Arbe Faszien trainieren, wozu soll das gut sein? Es geht um Ordnungsgelder von mindestens einer halben Million Euro. Dennoch wird das Lebenselixier zu wenig von den Menschen beachtet. In dem monatigen Fors Doch wo findet man geeignete Hilfe? In dem monatigen Forschungs Sie leidet seit sieben Jahren unter einer Multipl Viele Arzneimittel sind mit Nebenwirkungen verbunden.
Dies entschied das Sozialgericht Dresden Az.: Wo liegt der richtige Mittelweg? Die Auszeichnung ist mit Erste zugelassene Therapieoption mit einem Opioid vorgestell "Obwohl die Wirksamkeit von Opioiden in der Therapie des Restless Legs Syndroms RLS in der Praxis erwiesen ist und ihr Einsatz bei unzureichendem Ansprechen auf Dopaminergika oder Komplikationen von der S1-Leitlinie empfohlen wird, konnten sie bis vor kurzem nur off label eingesetzt werden.
Mit Strom gegen Schmerzen Die Methode ist wenig bekannt, aber sehr wirksam. Aktuell ist es aber noch so, dass sehr viel Potenzial ungenutzt bleibt, sagen Stephanie Kersten und Prof. Dank des in Deutschland zugelassenen, innovativen Medikaments haben die Patienten wenig Antibiotika sind seit der Erfindung des Penicillins vor fast 90 Jahren aus der Behandlu Wovon ist eher abzuraten? Kostenlosen Rat zu diesen Themen bietet die Deutsche R Informationsblatt zum Ausdrucken Opioide sind erprobte Medikamente, die seit vielen Jahren zur Behandlung von Schmerzen eingesetzt werden.
Bei Krebsschmerzen sind Opioide ei Das Risiko, an Rheuma zu erkranken, ist bei Rauchern doppelt so hoch wie bei Nichtrauchern, zeigt eine schwedische Studie. Forscher des Departements Biomedizin von Unive Europaweit steigt, auch bedingt durch den demographischen Wandel, die Zahl der Menschen, welche an Osteoporose erkranken. In Deutschland ist diese Tendenz ebenso gravierend. Hier leiden 7,5 bis 8 Millionen Menschen an Osteoporose.
Deutschsprachige Informationen gibt es zum Thema Osteoporose viele. September den Heinrich Pette-Preis an Prof. Schwerpunkt ist dabei unte Im Gegensatz zu Zucker enthalten sie keine Kalorien. Sie machen oder halten deshalb aber noch lange nicht schlank. Ralf Gold am Donnerstagvormittag die mit 5. Die stetigen Entwicklungen in Therapie und Diagnostik steigern die Komple Eine Vielzahl von Krankheit Multiple Sklerose gilt als die "Krankheit mit den Gesichtern".
Heutzutage enthalten fast alle verarbeiteten Lebensmittel mehr Zucker, Salz oder Fett als gesundheitlich gebo Dabei wird immer wieder deutlich, dass diese Patien Davon verbringen sie in Bulgarien aber 66 Jahre, in Deutschland nur 58 Jahre gesund. Die Forscher konnten in Zusa Heute kennen viele den Namen der Krankheit: Diese Krankheit ist kein unentrinnbares Schicksal. Denn man kann einiges tun, um vorzubeugen. Einige bekannte Beispiele sind Diabete Bei der Reduktionskost spielt die Zus So hat der BGH heute entschieden. Doch die Meinungsfreiheit im Netz ist deshalb nicht schrankenlos.
Das Forscherteam sucht Studie MS hat einen Gewinner: Juni, ein neues webbasiertes Selbstmanagementprogramm zur Anwendung bei Depressionen vorgestellt: Aufgabe der Forschung ist es daher, weiter intensiv nach den Ursachen und nach wirksamen Therapien zu suchen. Psilocybin, der bioaktive Bestandteil der mexikanischen Zauberpilze, greift offenbar positiv in den Verarbeitungsmechanismus von Emotionen ein.
Er hat einen Fragebogen entwickelt, der von allen Interessierten im Internet aufgerufen und beantwortet w Antworten hierauf finden sich auf der neuen Webseite www. Insgesamt unterscheiden wir sechs verschiedene Hauttypen. Kaffee ist ein beliebter Begleiter durch den Tag. Grazer Biowissenschafter konnten nun erstmals de Es war einmal ein dickerfetter Mann, der mit sich selbst sehr unzufrieden war. Eines Tages dachte er: So eine Erkrankung stellt die Betrof Dieses Konzept wird zunehmend verlassen.
Das Therapieziel besteht nicht mehr nur darin, Schubrate und Millionen von Menschen in Deutschland leiden unter diesen Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparats, der Knochen und Gelenke. Multiple Sklerose und subakute sklerosierende Panenzephalitis. Februar VI R Georg gleich zwei Patienten einen neuen Miniatur Schrittmacher eingesetzt, der ohne Elektroden auskommt. Die moderne Webseite besteht aus einer einzigen Seite, auf der alle Informationen und intera Warum, war bisher unklar. Obwohl dessen Wirksamkeit in klinischen Studien belegt ist, war der zugrunde liegende Wirkmechanismus bi Um diese Patienten besser zu versorgen, haben Prof.
Auf der Suche nach den Ursachen der seltenen und unheilbaren Erkrankung haben Berliner Forscher entdeckt, dass bei der Krankheit ein feines Zusammenspiel Das Ergebnis ist beunruhigend. Anlass ist eine Statistik der Deutschen Stiftung Organtransplantation DSO , nach der innerhalb von drei Jahren bei acht Organspendern der Hirntod formal nicht richtig diagnostiziert worden sei. Angewendet wird die Therapie bei Menschen die in der dunklen Jahreszeit unter dem Lichtmangel leiden und dadurch depressiv werden.
Auf zwei Seiten erfahren Interessierte, warum klinische Studien wichtig sind und worauf sie bei einer Teilnahme achten sollten. Denn sie haben ein Recht auf freie Arztwahl. Dieser Anspruch bestehe auch dann, wenn das Heim mit einem anderen Arzt zusammenarbeitet, der zur Visite kommt. Der Wirkstoff hat seine klinische Wirksamkeit in einem umfassenden Studienprogramm unter Beweis gestellt. Bei Menschen, die an einer Multiple Diese Erkenntnis hat weitreichende Ko Der Verband der Ersatzkassen e.
Stassart untersuchte die Erholung von Nervenfaserkabeln im peripheren Nervensystem nach einer Verletzung. Bislang war das nur eine Idee. Die Parteispitzen haben sich darauf geeinigt, den bereits erarbeiteten Begriff in der aktuellen Legislaturperiode des Deutschen Bundestags umzusetzen. Dies wird die Pfleg Heute hingegen sind viele neurologische Erkrankungen gut therapierbar und andere bilden einen wichtigen Schwerpunkt in der translationalen Forschung gerade auch in Deutschland.
Nicht nur Traurigkeit oder vermehrtes Weinen zeichnen die Depression beim Mann aus. Trotz der erheblichen Nebenwirku Unklar ist, um welche Viren es sich handelt ausgenommen evtl. Zudem sollte das Thema? Schwierigkeiten bei der Wortfindung sind typische Begleiterscheinungen des Alterungsprozesses, kommen aber auch nach einem Schlaganfall oft vor. Eine Osteoporose tritt bei jeder dritten Frau im Laufe ihres Lebens auf. Um dieses Informationsdefizit zu beheben, hat di Frauen nach den Wechseljahren sind besonders betroffen.
Jeder zweite Betroffene erleidet innerhalb von vier Jahren mindestens einen Knochenbruch. Was viele nicht wissen, ist, dass das Er kann Leitsymptom verschiedener Erkrankungen sein, die von Innenohr, Hirns Die neuen Daten wurden beim Um dubiose Anbieter zu meiden und gesundhei Oktober in Leipzig statt. In Deutschland leiden etwa acht Millionen Menschen an einer Osteoporose. Im Rahmen einer internationalen Zusammenarbeit hat die Arbeitsgruppe um Die identifizierten Gene unterstreichen die zentrale Rolle, die das Immunsystem bei Der Spitzwegerich Plantago lanceolata ist die Arzneipflanze des Jahres Das hat eine internationale Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern um den Zellbiologen Prof.
Sie soll zudem helfen, interessierten bzw. Immuntherapeutika, Arzneimittel, die in ihrer Wirkung am Immunsystem ansetzen. Ihr hoher Nutzen kann jedoch mit teilweise schweren Nebenwirkungen verbunden sein. Der erforderliche Strukturwandel hin zu mehr Ink Die Studie der Arbeitsgruppe um Prof. Bei neurologischen Erkrankungen, insbesondere Denn das Gros der Hersteller verwendet Substanzen, die ein hohes Allergiepotential haben. Maria ist 18 Jahre alt und im zweiten Jahr ihrer Ausbildung zur Friseurin. Der Farbstoff Curcumin, der Curry und Co seine leuchtend gelbe Farbe verleiht, wirkt zudem krebshemmend.
Gerade im Sommer wird das frische und gesunde Obst gerne und viel verzehrt. Wissenschaftler der Abteilung Molekulare Zellbiologie der Johannes Dies betrifft auch schwerbehinderte Personen. Von gesundheitlichen Fragen zur eigenen Entscheidung Was soll ich tun? Die gute Nachricht zuerst: Doch ganz gestoppt ode Im Modellversuch wies er erstmals nach, dass die sogenannten dendritischen Zellen nicht nur In jedem dritten Haushalt gibt es ein Haustier. Allein 23 Millionen Katzen un Hagen Pfundner, der Vorsitzende des Ver Im Zentrum ihrer Forschung steht die Multiple Sklerose.
Das macht sich auch die Heilkunde zunutze: Der Verlag Forum Gesundhe Der Preis ist mit Allein in Deutschland sind aktuell rund vier bis sechs Millionen Menschen betroffen. Obwohl die Depression mit zumeist erheblichem Leidensdruck verbunden ist, stellt sie noch immer ein Tabuthema dar. Dabei lassen sich depressive St Dies hat die Heidelberger Neurologin Prof.
Ricarda Diem im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie gezeigt. Sie haben ein spezielles Online-Training gegen Besc Verursacher der allergischen Symptome: Das haben jetzt Dr. Friederike Klempin, Daniel Beis und Dr. Natalia Alenina aus der Forschungsgruppe von Prof. Die Deutschen wissen das und essen dennoch zu wenig Fisch. Nun bringen sie das ers Merck Serono verleiht den Preis Anfang im Rahmen des Der Jenaer konnte sich mit seine Damit steht erstmals eine orale Medikatio Autoimmunerkrankungen werden durch bestimmte Immunzellen, Doch viele leiden gar nicht unter Rheuma oder In dieser bundesweit ersten PhaseStudie werden sie insgesamt sechs Patienten behandeln.
Die derzeitigen Ergebnisse klingen vielversprechend. April vor einer teuren, aber wirkungslosen Stammzellen-Therapie. Eine Nachuntersuchung zeigte keinen Effekt. Die randomisierte, doppelblinde und placebokontrollierte Untersuchung konnte die Wirksamk Laut einer Umfrage des Marktforsc Nachdem der Leiter des Zentrums, Prof. Tjalf Ziemssen, das Emirat Qatar beim Aufbau Nur die wenigsten Patienten wissen, dass es di Nur die wenigsten Patienten wissen, dass es diese Einrichtungen gibt. Dabei gibt es seit einen Rechtsanspruch darauf.
Zudem sind diese Rehas relativ teuer. Dort gibt es auch eine Liste mit allen Einrichtungen. Der Gesetzgeber hat bewusst keine Festlegung getroffen, wie der Nutzen von Arzneimitteln in Euro zu bewerten ist. Allerdings ist deren Wirkung umstritten: Insgesamt 13 Projekte mit zum Teil mehreren Subprojekten sind von ei Dies weist auf ein zunehmendes gesellschaftliches Unwohlsein hin. Sie werden in die Zelltypen Mikroglia, Oligodendrozyten und Astrozyten unterteilt. Die Mikrogliazellen sind die Abwehrzellen des Gehirns, ihre Au Darf ein Arzt beim Sterben helfen? Die Gesamtkosten des Projekts werden Durch die forcierte Mundatmung trocknet die Rachenschleimhaut leicht aus; deshalb leiden viele Schnarcher unter Hustenreiz oder Halsschmerzen am Morgen.
So ist belegt, das Noch vor wenigen Jahrzehnten w Seit Langem ist bekannt, dass sie die Nierenfunktion beeinflussen und den Blutdruck senken. Bis Ende war das Oldenbu Das ist ein Plus von 2,1 Prozent. Erstmals wurde dazu mit einer neuen Messmethode der Zusammenhang Alle Disziplinen und Behinderungsklassen wurden innerhalb der le In der hier berichteten Untersuchung haben Wissenschaft Nur beim Patienten kommen diese E Lesung vom Deutschen Bundestag verabschiedet.
Dazu haben Wissenschaftler um Prof. Ein gesteigerter Knochenabbau im Alter kann heute durch Medikamente aufgehalten werden. Oder dass man im Iran bei Fieber traditionell zur Wassermelone greift? Dies hat ein Team unter der Leitung von Prof. Die Forscher untersuchten Probanden im Alter zwischen 65 und 75 J Das bekannteste Beispiel einer Moto Patienten, die an Multipler Skleros Mehr als drei Millionen Mal wurde die Seite seit ihrem Bestehen auf Sie machen ihre Ergebnisse an einer Studie mit mehr als Teilnehmern fe Multiple Sklerose gilt als die Krankheit mit den vie Ralf Gold die mit 5.
Im Vergleich mit Gesunden sinken in Was aus heutiger Sicht noch erstaunlicher erscheint: Patienten, die an Multipler Sklerose Professor Ralf Gold, Direkt Teriflunomid hat in wichtigen Parametern Oktober ist Welt-Osteoporose-Tag! Clean Freibad-Figur 3: Also hin und wieder ab und dann wieder zu. Dann brauchst du dringend eine Schlank-bleiben Phase. Millionen von Menschen vergessen nach dem Abnehmen das Schlankbleiben. Ich stelle dir heute die Schlankbleiben-Phase vor und die ist auch ohne Abnehm-Phase sehr zu empfehlen…. Das alles willst du nicht. Schlankbleiben ist ein Projekt! Und hier ist der Plan, den du brauchst: Trink weiterhin Liter.
Wasser, Tee und wenn du magst Kaffee. Du isst 3 Mahlzeiten am Tag. Shakes sind dann deine Mahlzeit, wenn es zum Kochen nicht reicht. Es kommt darauf an, ob du spielst um zu gewinnen oder spielst um zu spielen. Ich zeige dir, was der Unterschied ist und was das mit deiner Gesundheit und der besten Version von dir zu tun hat. Clean Freibad-Figur 2: In der Abnehm-Phase geht es dem Schwabbel an den Kragen. Ich zeige dir, wie du deinen Stoffwechsel auf Abnehmen schaltest so dein Wunschgewicht auf die Waage zauberst. Finde weitere Informationen auf ralfbohlman. Clean Freibad-Figur 1: Wenn du magst, kannst du deine Freibad-Figur bis zum Urlaub noch ordentlich verbessern.
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They entered a very plain house, for the door was nothing but silver, and the ceiling was only of beaten gold, but wrought in such elegant taste as to vie with the richest. The antechamber, indeed, was only incrusted with rubies and emeralds; but the order in which everything was disposed made amends for this great simplicity. The old man received the strangers on his sofa, which was stuffed with hummingbirds' feathers; and ordered his servants to present them with liquors in golden goblets, after which he satisfied their curiosity in the following terms. This kingdom is the ancient patrimony of the Incas, who very imprudently quitted it to conquer another part of the world, and were at length conquered and destroyed themselves by the Spaniards.
They ordained, with the consent of their whole nation, that none of the inhabitants of our little kingdom should ever quit it; and to this wise ordinance we owe the preservation of our innocence and happiness. The Spaniards had some confused notion of this country, to which they gave the name of El Dorado; and Sir Walter Raleigh, an Englishman, actually came very near it about three hundred years ago; but the inaccessible rocks and precipices with which our country is surrounded on all sides, has hitherto secured us from the rapacious fury of the people of Europe, who have an unaccountable fondness for the pebbles and dirt of our land, for the sake of which they would murder us all to the very last man.
At length, Candide, who had always had a taste for metaphysics, asked whether the people of that country had any religion. The old man reddened a little at this question. The old man blushed again and said, "Can there be two religions, then? Ours, I apprehend, is the religion of the whole world; we worship God from morning till night. I must confess the people of your world ask very extraordinary questions. Voltaire 65 However, Candide could not refrain from making many more inquiries of the old man; he wanted to know in what manner they prayed to God in El Dorado. At which he smiling said, "My friends, we are all of us priests; the King and all the heads of families sing solemn hymns of thanksgiving every morning, accompanied by five or six thousand musicians.
The King will receive you in such a manner that you will have no reason to complain; and doubtless you will make a proper allowance for the customs of the country if they should not happen altogether to please you. At the entrance was a portal two hundred and twenty feet high and one hundred wide; but it is impossible for words to express the materials of which it was built.
The reader, however, will readily conceive that German complain: Geleit, Eskorte, begleiten, geleiten, eskortieren, Begleitung, Geleitschiff. Portal, Tor, das Portal, Eingang. When they drew near to the presence-chamber, Cacambo asked one of the officers in what manner they were to pay their obeisance to His Majesty; whether it was the custom to fall upon their knees, or to prostrate themselves upon the ground; whether they were to put their hands upon their heads, or behind their backs; whether they were to lick the dust off the floor; in short, what was the ceremony usual on such occasions.
While supper was preparing, orders were given to show them the city, where they saw public structures that reared their lofty heads to the clouds; the marketplaces decorated with a thousand columns; fountains of spring water, besides others of rose water, and of liquors drawn from the sugarcane, incessantly flowing in the great squares, which were paved with a kind of precious stones that emitted an odor like that of cloves and cinnamon.
Candide asked to see the High Court of justice, the Parliament; but was answered that they had none in that country, being utter strangers to lawsuits. He then inquired if they had any prisons; they replied none. But what gave him at once the greatest surprise and pleasure was the Palace of Sciences, where he saw a gallery two thousand feet long, filled with the various apparatus in mathematics and natural philosophy. Voltaire 67 After having spent the whole afternoon in seeing only about the thousandth part of the city, they were brought back to the King's palace.
Candide sat down at the table with His Majesty, his valet Cacambo, and several ladies of the court. Never was entertainment more elegant, nor could any one possibly show more wit than His Majesty displayed while they were at supper. Cacambo explained all the King's bons mots to Candide, and, although they were translated, they still appeared to be bons mots. Of all the things that surprised Candide, this was not the least.
If we remain here we shall only be as others are; whereas if we return to our own world with only a dozen of El Dorado sheep, loaded with the pebbles of this country, we shall be richer than all the kings in Europe; we shall no longer need to stand in awe of the Inquisitors; and we may easily recover Miss Cunegonde. A fondness for roving, for making a figure in their own country, and for boasting of what they had seen in their travels, was so powerful in our two wanderers that they resolved to be no longer happy; and demanded permission of the King to quit the country.
Most assuredly, I have no right to detain you, or any strangers, against your wills; this is an act of tyranny to which our manners and our laws are equally repugnant. All men are by nature free; you have therefore an undoubted liberty to depart whenever you please, but you will have many and great difficulties to encounter in passing the frontiers. It is impossible to ascend that rapid river which runs under high and vaulted rocks, and by which you were conveyed hither by a kind of miracle.
The mountains by which my kingdom are hemmed in on all sides, are German ascend: Vorgarn, ausfasernd, das Vorgarn, durchstreifend, umherstreifend, ziehend, umherstreichend. When they have conducted you to the back of the mountains, nobody can attend you farther; for my subjects have made a vow never to quit the kingdom, and they are too prudent to break it.
Ask me whatever else you please. Three thousand good machinists went to work and finished it in about fifteen days, and it did not cost more than twenty millions sterling of that country's money. Candide and Cacambo were placed on this machine, and they took with them two large red sheep, bridled and saddled, to ride upon, when they got on the other side of the mountains; twenty others to serve as sumpters for carrying provisions; thirty laden with presents of whatever was most curious in the country, and fifty with gold, diamonds, and other precious stones.
The King, at parting with our two adventurers, embraced them with the greatest cordiality. It was a curious sight to behold the manner of their setting off, and the ingenious method by which they and their sheep were hoisted to the top of the mountains. The machinists and engineers took leave of them as soon as they had conveyed them to a place of safety, and Candide was wholly occupied with the thoughts of presenting his sheep to Miss Cunegonde. Let us make the best of our way to Cayenne, where we will take shipping and then we may at leisure think of what kingdom we shall purchase with our riches.
Verschiffung, Versand, Versendung, Schiffahrt, verladend. Candide, in amorous transports, cut the name of Miss Cunegonde on almost every tree he came to. The second day two of their sheep sunk in a morass, and were swallowed up with their Jading; two more died of fatigue; some few days afterwards seven or eight perished with hunger in a desert, and others, at different times, tumbled down precipices, or were otherwise lost, so that, after traveling about a hundred days they had only two sheep left of the hundred and two they brought with them from El Dorado.
Said Candide to Cacambo, "You see, my dear friend, how perishable the riches of this world are; there is nothing solid but virtue. Lieb, liebe, teuer, lieber, wert, Himmelsbewohner, liebe Person, liebes, hold, Himmlische, Gottgesandte. We are now at the end of our troubles, and at the beginning of happiness. They give a linen garment twice a year, and that is all our covering. When we labor in the sugar works, and the mill happens to snatch hold of a finger, they instantly chop off our hand; and when we attempt to run away, they cut off a leg.
Both these cases have happened to me, and it is at this expense that you eat sugar in Europe; and yet when my mother sold me for ten patacoons on the coast of Guinea, she said to me, 'My dear child, bless our fetishes; adore them forever; they will make thee live happy; thou hast the honor to be a slave to our lords the whites, by which thou wilt make the fortune of us thy parents.
I know not whether I have made their fortunes; but they have not made mine; dogs, monkeys, and parrots are a thousand times less wretched than I. The Dutch fetishes who converted me tell me every Sunday that the blacks and whites are all children of one father, whom they call Adam. As for me, I do not understand anything of genealogies; but if what these preachers say is true, we are all second cousins; and you must allow that it is impossible to be worse treated by our relations than we are.
Here is an end of the matter. I find myself, after all, obliged to renounce thy Optimism. Tun und Lassen, Taten. Kutte, Kittel, Kleid, Kleidchen. Arbeit, Arbeiten, Verrichten, Tun. Voltaire 71 And so saying he turned his eyes towards the poor Negro, and shed a flood of tears; and in this weeping mood he entered the town of Surinam. The person they addressed themselves to happened to be the master of a Spanish bark, who offered to agree with them on moderate terms, and appointed them a meeting at a public house.
Thither Candide and his faithful Cacambo went to wait for him, taking with them their two sheep. Candide, who was all frankness and sincerity, made an ingenuous recital of his adventures to the Spaniard, declaring to him at the same time his resolution of carrying off Miss Cunegonde from the Governor of Buenos Ayres. It would prove a hanging matter to us all.
The fair Cunegonde is the Governor's favorite mistress. We have each of us in our pockets to the value of five or six millions in diamonds; you are cleverer at these matters than I; you must go to Buenos Ayres and bring off Miss Cunegonde. If the Governor makes any difficulty give him a million; if he holds out, give him two; as you have not killed an Inquisitor, they will have no suspicion of you. I'll fit out another ship and go to Venice, where I will wait for you.
Venice is a free country, where we shall have nothing to fear from Bulgarians, Abares, Jews or Inquisitors. He was inconsolable at the thoughts of parting with so good a master, who treated him more like an intimate friend than a servant; but the pleasure of being able to do him a service soon got the better of his sorrow. They embraced each other with a flood of tears. Candide charged him not to forget the old woman.
Cacambo set out the same day. This Cacambo was a very honest fellow. Candide continued some days longer at Surinam, waiting for any captain to carry him and his two remaining sheep to Italy. He hired domestics, and German applauded: Those sheep must certainly be laden with an immense treasure. I'll e'en stop here and ask no more; but make him pay down the thirty thousand piastres, and then we may see what is to be done farther. He paid him beforehand, the two sheep were put on board, and Candide followed in a small boat to join the vessel in the road.
The skipper took advantage of his opportunity, hoisted sail, and put out to sea with a favorable wind. Candide, confounded and amazed, soon lost sight of the ship. Straightway upon his landing he applied to the Dutch magistrate; being transported with passion he thundered at the door, which being opened, he went in, told his case, and talked a little louder than was necessary. The magistrate began with fining him ten thousand piastres for his petulance, and German agrees: Segel, segeln, steuern, lavieren, befahren, besegeln, navigieren.
Voltaire 73 then listened very patiently to what he had to say, promised to examine into the affair on the skipper's return, and ordered him to pay ten thousand piastres more for the fees of the court. The villainy of mankind presented itself to his mind in all its deformity, and his soul was a prey to the most gloomy ideas. After some time, hearing that the captain of a French ship was ready to set sail for Bordeaux, as he had no more sheep loaded with diamonds to put on board, he hired the cabin at the usual price; and made it known in the town that he would pay the passage and board of any honest man who would give him his company during the voyage; besides making him a present of ten thousand piastres, on condition that such person was the most dissatisfied with his condition, and the most unfortunate in the whole province.
Upon this there appeared such a crowd of candidates that a large fleet could not have contained them. Candide, willing to choose from among those who appeared most likely to answer his intention, selected twenty, who seemed to him the most sociable, and who all pretended to merit the preference. He invited them to his inn, and promised to treat them with a supper, on condition that every man should bind himself by an oath to relate his own history; declaring at the same time, that he would make choice of that person who should appear to him the most deserving of compassion, and the most justly dissatisfied with his condition in life; and that he would make a present to the rest.
This extraordinary assembly continued sitting till four in the morning. Candide, while he was listening to their adventures, called to mind what the old woman had said to him in their voyage to Buenos Ayres, and the wager she had laid that there was not a person on board the ship but had met with great misfortunes. Every story he heard put him in mind of Pangloss. Would he were here! Certainly if everything is for the best, it is in El Dorado, and not in the other parts of the world. He had been likewise deprived of a small employment on which he subsisted, and he was persecuted by the clergy of Surinam, who took him for a Socinian.
It must be acknowledged that the other competitors were, at least, as wretched as he; but Candide was in hopes that the company of a man of letters would relieve the tediousness of the voyage. All the other candidates complained that Candide had done them great injustice, but he stopped their mouths by a present of a hundred piastres to each. Both had seen and suffered a great deal, and had the ship been going from Surinam to Japan round the Cape of Good Hope, they could have found sufficient entertainment for each other during the whole voyage, in discoursing upon moral and natural evil.
Candide, however, had one advantage over Martin: Besides, Candide had money and jewels, and, not withstanding he had lost a hundred red sheep laden with the greatest treasure outside of El Dorado, and though he still smarted from the reflection of the Dutch skipper's knavery, yet when he considered what he had still left, and repeated the name of Cunegonde, especially after meal times, he inclined to Pangloss's doctrine. What notion have you of moral and natural evil? I cannot for the soul of me think otherwise.
I always except El Dorado. I scarce ever knew a city that did not wish the destruction of its neighboring city; nor a family that did not desire to exterminate some other family. The poor in all parts of the world bear an inveterate hatred to the rich, even while they creep and cringe to them; and the rich treat the poor like sheep, whose wool and flesh they barter for money; a million of regimented assassins traverse Europe from one end to the other, to get their bread by regular depredation and murder, because it is the most gentlemanlike profession.
Even in those cities which seem to enjoy the blessings of peace, and where the arts flourish, the inhabitants are devoured with envy, care, and inquietudes, which are greater plagues than any experienced in a town besieged. Private chagrins are still more dreadful than public calamities. In a word", concluded the philosopher, "I have seen and suffered so much that I am a Manichaean. Each took out his glass, and they spied two ships warmly engaged at the distance of about three miles. The wind brought them both so near the French ship that those on board her had the pleasure of seeing the fight with great ease.
After several smart broadsides the German assassins: Kriechen, kriecht, krieche, kriechst, schleichen, schleiche, schleicht, schleichst.
Voltaire 77 one gave the other a shot between wind and water which sunk her outright. Then could Candide and Martin plainly perceive a hundred men on the deck of the vessel which was sinking, who, with hands uplifted to Heaven, sent forth piercing cries, and were in a moment swallowed up by the waves. The boat was hoisted out to see what it might be, when it proved to be one of his sheep. Candide felt more joy at the recovery of this one animal than he did grief when he lost the other hundred, though laden with the large diamonds of El Dorado. The French captain quickly perceived that the victorious ship belonged to the crown of Spain; that the other was a Dutch pirate, and the very same captain who had robbed Candide.
The immense riches which this villain had amassed, were buried with him in the deep, and only this one sheep saved out of the whole. This villain, the Dutch skipper, has met with the fate he deserved. God has punished the knave, and the Devil has drowned the rest. They disputed fourteen days successively, at the end of which they were just as far advanced as the first moment they began. However, they had the satisfaction of disputing, of communicating their ideas, and of mutually comforting each other.
Candide embraced his sheep with transport. In some, one half of the people are fools and madmen; in some, they are too artful; in others, again, they are, in general, either very good-natured or very brutal; while in others, they affect to be witty, and in all, their ruling passion is love, the next is slander, and the last is to talk nonsense.
At my arrival I was robbed of all I had in the world by pickpockets and sharpers, at the fair of Saint-Germain. I was taken up German artful: Spezies, Art, Sorte, Schlag. I knew the whole tribe of scribblers, malcontents, and fanatics. It is said the people of that city are very polite; I believe they may be. I am going to wait for her at Venice.

I intend to pass through France, on my way to Italy. Will you not bear me company? I see nothing strange in this passion. I have seen so many extraordinary things that there is nothing extraordinary to me now. Were they always guilty of lies, fraud, treachery, ingratitude, inconstancy, envy, ambition, and cruelty? Were they always thieves, fools, cowards, gluttons, drunkards, misers, calumniators, debauchees, fanatics, and hypocrites? Unterschied, Differenz, Abweichung, Verschiedenheit. The only thing that give him concern was being obliged to leave his sheep behind him, which he entrusted to the care of the Academy of Sciences at Bordeaux, who proposed, as a prize subject for the year, to prove why the wool of this sheep was red; and the prize was adjudged to a northern sage, who demonstrated by A plus B, minus C, divided by Z, that the sheep must necessarily be red, and die of the mange.
In the meantime, all travelers whom Candide met with in the inns, or on the road, told him to a man, that they were going to Paris. This general eagerness gave him likewise a great desire to see this capital; and it was not much out of his way to Venice. As he wore a diamond of an enormous size on his finger and had among the rest of his equipage a strong box that seemed very weighty, he soon found himself between two physicians, whom he had not sent for, a number of intimate friends whom he had never seen, and who would not quit his bedside, and two women devotees, who were very careful in providing him hot broths.
I was very poor, and accordingly I had neither friends, nurses, nor physicians, and yet I did very well. The priest of the parish came with all imaginable politeness to desire a note of him, payable to the bearer in the other world. Candide refused to comply with his request; but the two devotees assured him that it was a new fashion. Candide replied, that he was not one that followed the fashion. Martin was for throwing the priest out of the window. The clerk swore Candide should not have Christian burial. Martin swore in his turn that he would bury the clerk alive if he continued to plague them any longer.
The dispute grew warm; Martin took him by the shoulders and turned him out of the room, which gave great scandal, and occasioned a proces-verbal. Candide recovered, and till he was in a condition to go abroad had a great deal of good company to pass the evenings with him in his chamber. Candide was surprised to find he could never turn a trick; and Martin was not at all surprised at the matter. Among those who did him the honors of the place was a little spruce abbe of Perigord, one of those insinuating, busy, fawning, impudent, necessary fellows, that lay wait for strangers on their arrival, tell them all the scandal of the town, and offer to minister to their pleasures at various prices.
This man conducted Candide and Martin to the playhouse; they were acting a new tragedy. Candide found himself placed near a cluster of wits: Fichte, Tanne, gepflegt, Edeltanne, schleimig. Voltaire 83 from shedding tears at some parts of the piece which were most affecting, and best acted. The author does not understand a word of Arabic, and yet he has laid his scene in Arabia, and what is more, he is a fellow who does not believe in innate ideas. Tomorrow I will bring you a score of pamphlets that have been written against him. Candide was greatly taken with an actress, who performed the part of Queen Elizabeth in a dull kind of tragedy that is played sometimes.
I should be very glad to pay my respects to her. Candide, who was brought up in Germany, desired to know what might be the ceremonial used on those occasions, and how a queen of England was treated in France. I happened to be at Paris when Miss Monimia made her exit, as one may German actress: Schauspielerin, Darstellerin, die Schauspielerin, Spielerin.
She was refused what they call here the rites of sepulture; that is to say, she was denied the privilege of rotting in a churchyard by the side of all the beggars in the parish. They buried her at the corner of Burgundy Street, which must certainly have shocked her extremely, as she had very exalted notions of things. It is the way of these people. Figure to yourself all the contradictions, all the inconsistencies possible, and you may meet with them in the government, the courts of justice, the churches, and the public spectacles of this odd nation.
Lebensunterhalt, Broterwerb, Erwerb, Erwerbsquelle, Gelderwerb. Voltaire 85 The abbe was not a person to show his face at this lady's house, which was frequented by none but the best company. The company was engaged at basser; twelve melancholy punters held each in his hand a small pack of cards, the corners of which were doubled down, and were so many registers of their ill fortune.
A profound silence reigned throughout the assembly, a pallid dread had taken possession of the countenances of the punters, and restless inquietude stretched every muscle of the face of him who kept the bank; and the lady of the house, who was seated next to him, observed with lynx's eyes every play made, and noted those who tallied, and made them undouble their cards with a severe exactness, though mixed with a politeness, which she thought necessary not to frighten away her customers. This lady assumed the title of Marchioness of Parolignac.
Her daughter, a girl of about fifteen years of age, was one of the punters, and took care to give her mamma a hint, by signs, when any one of the players attempted to repair the rigor of their ill fortune by a little innocent deception. The company were thus occupied when Candide, Martin, and the abbe made their entrance; not a creature rose to salute them, or indeed took the least notice of them, being wholly intent upon the business at hand. She then ordered a seat for Candide, and desired him to make one of their party at play; he did so, and in a few deals lost near a thousand pieces; after which they supped very elegantly, and everyone was surprised at seeing Candide lose so much money without appearing to be the least disturbed at it.
The servants in waiting said to each other, "This is certainly some English lord. At first everyone was silent; then followed a few confused murmurs, and afterwards several insipid jokes passed and repassed, with false reports, false reasonings, a little politics, and a great deal of scandal. The conversation then turned upon the new productions in literature.
The town is pestered with a swarm of impertinent productions, but this of Dr. Gauchat's outdoes them all. In short, I was so cursedly tired of reading this vile stuff that I even resolved to come here, and make a party at basset. Only think what pains he is at to tell one things that all the world knows; and how he labors an argument that is hardly worth the slightest consideration!
The man makes me quite sick! A few pages of the good archdeacon are enough in conscience to satisfy anyone. They next began to talk of tragedies. The lady desired to know how it came about that there were several tragedies, which still continued to be played, though they would not bear reading? The man of taste explained very clearly how a piece may be in some manner interesting without having a grain of merit. He showed, in a few words, that it is not sufficient to throw together a few incidents that are to be met with in every romance, and that to dazzle the spectator the thoughts should be new, without being farfetched; frequently sublime, but always natural; the author should have a thorough knowledge of the human heart and make it speak properly; he should be a complete poet, without showing an affectation of it in any of the characters of his piece; he should be a perfect master of his language, speak it with all its purity, German absurdly: Voltaire 87 and with the utmost harmony, and yet so as not to make the sense a slave to the rhyme.
There are very few good tragedies; some are idylls, in very well-written and harmonious dialogue; and others a chain of political reasonings that set one asleep, or else pompous and high-flown amplification, that disgust rather than please. Others again are the ravings of a madman, in an uncouth style, unmeaning flights, or long apostrophes to the deities, for want of knowing how to address mankind; in a word a collection of false maxims and dull commonplace.
He is a great judge of writing, especially in tragedy; he has composed one himself, which was damned, and has written a book that was never seen out of his bookseller's shop, excepting only one copy, which he sent me with a dedication, to which he had prefixed my name. No one knows what is his rank, his office, nor what he does, nor what he should do. With the exception of our evenings, which we generally pass tolerably merrily, the rest of our time is spent in idle disputes and quarrels, Jansenists against Molinists, the Parliament against the Church, and one armed body of men against another; courtier against German amplification: Gekwatsch, inhaltlose Gerede, Delirien.
In short, this world is nothing but one continued scene of civil war. After supper the Marchioness conducted Candide into her dressingroom, and made him sit down under a canopy. The Marchioness said to him with a tender smile, "You answer me like a young man born in Westphalia; a Frenchman would have said, 'It is true, madam, I had a great passion for Miss Cunegonde; but since I have seen you, I fear I can no longer love her as I did.
Candide tied it on again. Voltaire 89 surrender to you at first sight, because I am willing to do the honors of my country to a young Westphalian. The abbe took part with him in his uneasiness; he had but an inconsiderable share in the thousand pieces Candide had lost at play, and the two diamonds which had been in a manner extorted from him; and therefore very prudently designed to make the most he could of his new acquaintance, which chance had thrown in his way.
He talked much of Miss Cunegonde, and Candide assured him that he would heartily ask pardon of that fair one for his infidelity to her, when he saw her at Venice. The abbe redoubled his civilities and seemed to interest himself warmly in everything that Candide said, did, or seemed inclined to do. I left her again after this, and now I have sent a messenger to her near two thousand leagues from here, and wait here for his return with an answer from her. He soon took his leave of the two adventurers, after having embraced them with the greatest cordiality.
Verlobung, Verpflichtung, Verbindung, Verabredung, Einstellung. I have heard of your arrival, and should fly to your arms were I able to stir. I was informed of your being on the way hither at Bordeaux, where I left the faithful Cacambo, and the old woman, who will soon follow me. The Governor of Buenos Ayres has taken everything from me but your heart, which I still retain. Come to me immediately on the receipt of this. Your presence will either give me new life, or kill me with the pleasure. Distracted between these two passions he took his gold and his diamonds, and procured a person to conduct him and Martin to the house where Miss Cunegonde lodged.
Upon entering the room he felt his limbs tremble, his heart flutter, his tongue falter; he attempted to undraw the curtain, and called for a light to the bedside. If you cannot bear the light, speak to me at least. The sick lady then put a plump hand out of the bed and Candide first bathed it with tears, then filled it with diamonds, leaving a purse of gold upon the easy chair. In the midst of his transports came an officer into the room, followed by the abbe, and a file of musketeers.
Voltaire 91 "But pray, good sir, where are you going to carry us? When Martin had a little recovered himself, so as to form a cool judgment of what had passed, he plainly perceived that the person who had acted the part of Miss Cunegonde was a cheat; that the abbe of Perigord was a sharper who had imposed upon the honest simplicity of Candide, and that the officer was a knave, whom they might easily get rid of.
Candide following the advice of his friend Martin, and burning with impatience to see the real Miss Cunegonde, rather than be obliged to appear at a court of justice, proposed to the officer to make him a present of three small diamonds, each of them worth three thousand pistoles. Three diamonds worth three thousand pistoles!
Why, my dear sir, so far from carrying you to jail, I would lose my life to serve you. There are orders for stopping all strangers; but leave it to me, I have a brother at Dieppe, in Normandy. I myself will conduct you thither, and if you have a diamond left to give him he will take as much care of you as I myself should. The officer then explained to them what the abbe meant. Is there no flying this abominable country immediately, this execrable kingdom where monkeys provoke tigers?
I have seen bears in my country, but men I have beheld nowhere but in El Dorado. In the name of God, sir", said he to the officer, "do me the kindness to conduct me to Venice, where I am to wait for Miss Cunegonde. The Norman, whom the other three diamonds had converted into the most obliging, serviceable being that ever breathed, took care to see Candide and his attendants safe on board this vessel, that was just ready to sail for Portsmouth in England. This was not the nearest way to Venice, indeed, but Candide thought himself escaped out of Hell, and did not, in the least, doubt but he should quickly find an opportunity of resuming his voyage to Venice.
Aufseher, Aufpasser, Concierges, Hausmeister, Babysitter. Zweifel, bezweifeln, zweifeln, Bedenken, anzweifeln. What sort of a world is this? To say exactly whether there are a greater number fit to be inhabitants of a madhouse in the one country than the other, exceeds the limits of my imperfect capacity; I know in general that the people we are going to visit are of a very dark and gloomy disposition.
The shore on each side the harbor was lined with a multitude of people, whose eyes were steadfastly fixed on a lusty man who was kneeling down on the deck of one of the men-of-war, with something tied before his eyes. Opposite to this personage stood four soldiers, each of whom shot three bullets into his skull, with all the composure imaginable; and when it was done, the whole company went away perfectly well satisfied. When he received for answer, that it was an admiral. You must know, he had an engagement with a French admiral, and it has been proved against him that he was not near enough to his antagonist.
The skipper was ready in two days. They sailed along the coast of France, and passed within sight of Lisbon, at which Candide trembled. From thence they proceeded to the Straits, entered the Mediterranean, and at length arrived at Venice. I can confide in Cacambo, like another self.
All is well, all is very well, all is well as possible. Kniend, Hinkniend, Kniebeugung, Kniefall. He sent every day to inquire what ships were in, still no news of Cacambo. Instead of her, I only met with a Parisian impostor, and a rascally abbe of Perigord. Cunegonde is actually dead, and I have nothing to do but follow her. You are in the right, my dear Martin; you are certainly in the right; all is misery and deceit.
Martin said to him, "Upon my word, I think you are very simple to imagine that a rascally valet, with five or six millions in his pocket, would go in search of your mistress to the further of the world, and bring her to Venice to meet you. Ankunft, Eintreffen, Versorgung, Kommen. Tasche, Ablagefach, die Tasche, Hosentasche, Fach. Let me advise you to forget your valet Cacambo, and your mistress Cunegonde. His melancholy increased, and Martin never ceased trying to prove to him that there is very little virtue or happiness in this world; except, perhaps, in El Dorado, where hardly anybody can gain admittance.
The Theatin looked fresh-colored, plump, and vigorous; his eyes sparkled; his air and gait were bold and lofty. The girl was pretty, and was singing a song; and every now and then gave her Theatin an amorous ogle and wantonly pinched his ruddy cheeks. Hitherto I have met with none but unfortunate people in the whole habitable globe, except in El Dorado; but as to this couple, I would venture to lay a wager they are happy. The girl blushed; the Theatin accepted the invitation and she followed him, eyeing Candide every now and then with a mixture of surprise and confusion, while the tears stole down her cheeks.
No sooner did she enter his apartment than she cried out, "How, Monsieur Candide, have you quite forgot your Pacquette?
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Pangloss to that fine condition I saw him in? I find you are acquainted with everything; and I have been informed of all the misfortunes that happened to the whole family of My Lady Baroness and the fair Cunegonde. But I can safely swear to you that my lot was no less deplorable; I was innocence itself when you saw me last.