Much, but not all, of our experience has been in the tough NYC market. As the saying goes, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. As we branch out into new areas, we make it a point to learn about the local markets, and how they operate. We then update our guides to reflect any new-found information and terminology.

Top 10 Rental Guides 1. How to Apply for a Rental Apartment - Never rented before? We cover all the basics on what you should expect, right here. Don't fall in love with a lemon! How to Negotiate Your Rent - Is it possible to get a lower rent than the one advertised? Here are some tips and tricks. Or maybe you're a student, or your parents are helping you with rent money.

Everything you need to know is here. Finding a Roommate Who's Not Psycho - There are several things you should keep in mind when screening someone as a potential roommate. Both of you having a love of binge watching Netflix is generally not one of them. But if Fido or Fluffy will be joining you at home, here are tips on finding a place they will be welcome. Learn about your options. Sublet Apartments - Not ready to commit? Know you're only going to be in town for less than a year? But you may find that saving a couple hundred dollars a month by searching a classified ad and avoiding hefty fees is worth it.

These are often a great way to find apartments overseas. This may not be so easy in larger cities, but in small towns it can work quite nicely. Try walking into restaurants, cafes and hotels and ask the people working if they know anyone renting an apartment, or of a local rental agency nearby. Sometimes you can find apartment listings pinned up on bulletin boards outside of job centers or in hostel common areas.

If worst comes to worst, you can simply knock on doors. When we were hunting for an apartment in San Pancho, we quickly realized that every other house was actually a vacation rental. We literally knocked on doors and asked if places were for rent and if they knew anyone who was renting an apartment. Sometimes locals and expats know of friends who have apartments for rent, or of local rental agencies that have places in good areas.

The more time you give them, the more likely they are to find you something. While the above listed websites can help you find a good apartment, it will really come down to your research and Google skills.

The Ultimate Guide to Finding Apartments Around the World - Goats On The Road

Spend some time searching different terms online and trying to find websites that list new properties. The important thing is that you find a place that is within your budget, that is comfortable and in an area that suits you best. I hope that you found this guide useful. If you have any questions about renting apartments overseas or about our apartments that we listed in this post, please feel free to Contact Us. Some links in this article are affiliate links, which means that if you purchase through them, we receive a small commission.

This will never cost you extra and in many cases you receive a special discount. We appreciate your support! Nick is the co-founder, editor and author of Goats On The Road. He contributes to numerous other media sites regularly and shares his knowledge of travel, online entrepreneurship and blogging with the world whenever he can. This wonderful guide to finding apartments around the world is truly the ultimate guide! I have recently found that tripadvisor is gearing towards short term rentals and have found a great deal in Barcelona through their site.

This post is so helpful! This makes it seem like such a great option. That view from your Guatemala apartment is unreal! I loved this guide! Absolutely Amazing, Well Done!

Top 10 Rental Guides

I have a 2 bed living room bathroom kitchen conference room laundry toilet balcony overlooking the sea bit expensive 5quid a night apartment in Alexandria. While the price of a rental may not be negotiable, the lease often is. Sometimes, you can negotiate the cost of utilities or get a guarantor to co-sign if your credit score is less than perfect. You may also be able to negotiate on price if you need to go outside for amenities, such as laundry, or pay more for transportation. By doing your homework and gathering the right documentation beforehand, you know exactly what you can spend and what to expect during the process.

After the proper preparation, you should be able to snag an apartment and devote more time thinking about furnishing, decorating, and housewarming parties — in other words, the fun stuff.

Final Word

Jacqueline Curtis is an experienced style expert, and she focuses on getting high fashion on a tight budget. She writes for several online publications and specializes in fashion, finance, health and fitness, and parenting. Jae grew up in Toronto, Canada, but now resides in Utah with her husband, two kids, and prized shoe collection. Tips to Find a New Home to Rent 1. Determine Affordability The U.

Lower Rental Costs There are several things you can do to find a lower monthly rent: Look Outside an Urban Area. Instead, check out apartments in the suburbs within a conveniently commutable distance to work.

  • Tips to Find a New Home to Rent.
  • Rental Apartment Guide: How to Find a Place to Live;
  • Location, Location, Location;
  • Bhagavad gita: capitolo 3 (Italian Edition).
  • Nostalgie quand tu nous tues (French Edition)!

Urban areas generally require a smaller transportation budget, since you can likely take public buses or subways to get around. You can slash the price of any apartment in half simply by sharing it with someone.

How to Find the Perfect Apartment for Rent – 10-Step Process

Just make sure you have a written agreement with your roommate laying out all obligations. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD routinely offers subsidies for those with lower-income jobs who may not be able to afford rent. Search the HUD website to find affordable housing or see if you qualify for subsidies. Square footage comes at a premium in an apartment, particularly in the number of rooms.

Going for a studio or one-bedroom may mean missing out on some space, but you make up for it with big month-to-month savings.


Assess how much space you really need based on your lifestyle, visitors, pets, and storage. Check out the rates for comparable apartments with similar amenities in the area and bring your research with you to strike a better deal. You can also offer to pay rent for a longer chunk at a time a landlord may lower the rate if you pay three or six months at a time or choose to sign a longer lease to score a better deal overall. Run a Credit Check Many landlords run credit checks to see if there are any glaring issues with potential tenants, such as unpaid bills or bankruptcy.

While the features you want in an apartment are specific to you and your lifestyle, there are a several basic things you need to look for: Avoid looking at apartments outside of your budget. Instead, set a firm number and only look for places that fall within your budget.

  1. How to Find the Perfect Apartment for Rent - Step Process.
  2. To Honor and Trust (Bridal Veil Island Book #3).
  3. Under The Broom Tree: A Memoir With Southern Roots;