TOTAL 10 TOTAL ii S 10 1 1 TOTAL 2 TOTAL 89 8. TOTAL 7 7 TOTAL 45 i 2. TOTAL 4 22 22 48 1. TOTAL i TOTAL 46 4" 25 64 57 4? TOTAL 26 m 6. TOTAL 2 2 TOTAL 49 25 49 63 0. TOTAL 5 TOTAL 9 TOTAL 7 NRC, commission on Hunan Resources. However, the major outline has re- mained constant; the main changes have been to add further details of information as the insti- tutions and other data users have felt the need for more data. The form in use at the time the present book was written is given on the three following pages, together with the specialties list.
The biennial surveys of doctoral scientists and engineers have been accomplished by means of questionnaires sent to a carefully stratified sample of PhD's in the science fields. These questionnaires have also varied somewhat from one survey to the next. The questionnaire form used in the Survey of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers is given on pages Maiden name or former name legally changed B. Permanent address through which you could always be reached: Care of, if applicable.
CM 50 51 H. Racial or ethnic group: Check all that apply. Do not include yourself. High school last attended: School Name Year of graduation from high school: City State K. List in the table below all collegiate and graduate institutions you have attended Including 2-year colleges. List chrono- logically, and include your doctoral institution as the last entry. Enter below the title of your doctoral dissertation and the most appropriate classification number and field. If aproj- ect report or a musical or literary composition not a dissertation is a degree requirement, please check box.
Name the department or interdisciplinary committee, center, institute, etc. Please check each source from which you received some support during graduate study. Check as many sources as apply. Ptease check the space which most fully describes your status during the year immediately preceding the doctorate. How well defined are your postgraduation plans? If you plan to be on a postdoctoral fellowship, associate- U. What will be the type of employer?
Classify using Specialties List. Government 1 D College or university 5 Q U. What is the name and address of the organization with which you will be associated? Please indicate, by circling the highest grade attained, the education of your father: If there b an alternate address through which you can always be reached, please provide it on the line below.
Dale ot Birth Mo. State or Foreign Country ol Birth 3. Plesie check the pre-printed Inlormatlon, Including the number and name ol the specialty from the Hat on page 3, to be certain that It Ie correct and complete. What WM your employment status as ol the periode Indicated? Check only one category In each year. Prefer nongcience or nonenglneerlng position D i Promoted out ot science or engineering position D 2 Pay Is better D 3 Locational preference D 4 Science or engineering position not available Check only one category in each year.
Check only one box In each column. D 2 D Medical school D 3 Q 4-year college or university, other than medical school D 4 D Elementary or secondary school system D 5 D Hospital or clinic D 6 State government Q 9 Q Local or other government, specify: D 10 D International Agency D 11 D Non-profit organization, other than hos- pital, clinic, or educational institution D 12 D Other, specify: D D 15 O D From the Degree and Employment Specialties Llal on page 4, select and enter both the number and title ol the scientific specialty most closely related to your principal employment or postdoctoral appointment.
Write In your specialty If It la not on the llat. What percent of time did you devote to each of the following Please give the name of your principal employer organlia- activities? Management or administration of: TOT L tlon, company, etc.
UBC Theses and Dissertations
Baalc annual salary Is your annual salary before deductions tor Income tax, social security, retirement, etc. Check whether salary wss for D months or G months. DM you hold a tenured position during February ,? What Is the rank ol your position? Hne you evet held a postdoctoral appolntmmt? How many other poatdoctoral appointments have you held? Have you ever bean a tull-tlnie em- ployee excluding summer employ- ment of business or Industry since earning your doctorate?
Have you ever been a lull-time em- ployee excluding summer employ- ment ol an academic Institution or organization since earning your doctorate? Have you ever been a full-time em- ployee excluding aummer employ- ment of government federal, state, or local since earning your doc- torate?
Year s II yes. For now many yeers? Year s i7-i8 b. II you were employed by an academic Institution or or- ganization In February, II not, how many yeere ego did you leeve your most recent aca- demic employment? For how many yeers? Year s b. If you were employed by gov- ernment In February, If not, how many years ago did you leave your most recent government employment? Year s Listed below are selected topics of critical national Interest. II you devoted a signlllcanl proportion of your professional time to any of these problem areas In February, , please check the box for the one on which you spent the MOST time.
Was any of your work In February, , supported or sponsored by U. Petrology - Geochemistry - Stratigraphy. Biostatistics see also General - Psychology. Reports listed are some of those pre- pared by the Office of Scientific Personnel OSP , predecessor to the Commission on Human Resources, and by organizations working in close conjunction with the Commission or under its administrative unbrella. The bibliography is arranged by topics or series of reports, rather than chronologically or alphabetically, to indicate the inter- relationships of reports.
There are six groups of reports included: Studies based directly on the DRF. The arrangements for the participation of nationals in elections to which the Honourable Member specifically refers are a matter falling within the competences of the Member States. In some areas of work, particularly in commerce and transport, employees bear full financial responsibility for the goods entrusted to them. I have heard of a number of cases where employers have charged employees the shop retail price for goods which are damaged or lost, whilst the loss suffered by the employers is limited to the purchase price.
Have similar instances been recorded in the old Member States, or is it only in the newer Member States that multinationals indulge in these practices? Does the Commission intend to protect employees from the abuses perpetrated by multinationals? The issue of employees' financial responsibility is currently regulated by the national law of the Member State concerned meaning that the fairness of the compensation requested by employers from their employees can be disputed in national courts.
The Commission does not envisage at present to take action in this area. The effects of homeopathic medicines are no longer disputed, and they are often used — and successfully so — in many Member States. The mobility of members of the public is constantly increasing: During security checks, homeopathic medicines too are unnecessarily and pointlessly X-rayed, rendering them ineffective. Why are the public not compulsorily informed in detail, in writing, about the dangers arising from security checks? All items that are brought into an airport must be screened to ensure that they do not contain prohibited items or materials.
This includes vessels containing medicines or other liquids. Security x-ray machines generate radiation, but they do not pose health risks to operators, items screened or the general public if they are maintained and operated correctly. The low level of x-rays produced within the machine are completely shielded by lead lining, so that there is no hazard to passengers walking by or to people who work by the unit 8 to 10 hours a day. These machines use a low-dose x-ray beam.
In comparison whilst flying on an airliner, a passenger and their belongings are exposed to around 5 microsieverts every hour. In this condition, cancer cells are identified inside a milk duct in the breast. Without treatment, half of patients will probably develop breast cancer.
According to the study, doctors often assess the extent of the illness inaccurately. This results in the unnecessary removal of breasts in some cases, whilst more minor interventions are performed in cases where the full-scale operation should have been undertaken. The researchers drew attention to the enormous differences between individual hospitals, which is why thousands of women receive the wrong treatment. Is this situation whereby unjustified operations are carried out in half the casesstudied compatible with the right to health?
Is the Commission working to set up a single information base for illnesses whichare similarly problematic? The researchers examined over 8 cases, around 2 of which involved breast removal. Is this situation whereby unjustified operations are carried out in half the cases studied compatible with the right to health? Is the Commission working to set up a single information base for illnesses which are similarly problematic? The Commission is aware of the study, but is not in a position to comment on the results of external research projects. The frequency of the diagnosis of DCIS has increased markedly since the widespread use of screening mammography.
Until recently, the customary treatment of DCIS was mastectomy. In view of the success of breast-conserving surgery combined with breast radiation for invasive carcinoma, this new approach is being progressively extended and is replacing mastectomy. To determine whether breast-conserving surgery plus radiation therapy is a reasonable approach to the management of DCIS, the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer EORTC has completed prospective randomized trials, confirming this approach.
Due in , the next version of the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis covering all stages of breast cancer care is due to address problems related to overtreatment for certain types of invasive cancer. Powodem negatywnej oceny jest m. Przeanalizowano trzy alternatywne opcje inwestycyjne. One reason for this negative reaction is that the ring road will be situated only a few metres from built-up areas. This is at odds with the justification given by the authorities in their application for funding under the MRPO, namely the necessity to divert through traffic away from built-up areas.
They cited a lack of public consultation, a direct threat to residents' lives and health, and the fact that the objective set in the funding application, namely to divert through traffic away from the town, would not be met. Will the Commission audit the legal implementation of this investment, including the process of public consultation? Will it order that plans for the construction of the Olkusz eastern ring road be duly altered so that they meet the objective of diverting traffic away from built-up areas?
Consequently, the Marshall Office for Malopolskie is in charge of all appropriate verifications to ensure that the project complies with European and national rules. Only major projects undergo an appraisal by the Commission. The Commission was informed by the managing authority that the environmental impact assessment EIA , including three stages of public consultations, took place prior to the implementation of the project in question.
Three alternative investment options were analysed. The selected option had the smallest environmental impact. The relevant national authorities in Poland have been informed and are aware of the matter raised by the Honourable Member. Unfortunately, this is not the first time that fake students have been signed up to EU-funded training courses. A number of serious irregularities which occurred between and were also disclosed in a report compiled by the Madrid Chamber of Accounts.
Recent information suggests that some of the money taken by the consultancy network accused of the suspected racket might have come from the European Social Fund ESF. Can the Commission say whether it is going to investigate the claims that the organisation concerned has made use of EU funding? Will the Commission stop the payments if the alleged problems are confirmed? Does the Commission believe that an urgent review of control systems should be carried out to ensure that ESF funding is reaching the intended recipients? The Commission is aware of various investigation procedures being undertaken by the Spanish authorities in relation to training courses, including in the Madrid region.
Immediately after the publication in the press, the Commission informed OLAF and requested the national authority managing the European Social Fund ESF to verify if the alleged potential fraud was co-funded by the ESF or is only having an impact on national budget, and to take the corresponding corrective and preventive measures. The national management authority of the ESF in Spain communicated to the Commission that there was no ESF co-financing in the programming period for the training courses under investigation.
At present additional verifications are undergoing at national level regarding previous ESF programming periods. In general terms, the Commission follows up the implementation of the ESF regularly through different tools including the annual Monitoring Committees and Examination Meetings. As regards the financial management, the Commission closely monitors the financial execution and carries out regular controls and audits. The Commission in all cases applies the procedures foreseen in the regulations whenever deficiencies in the management and control systems or irregularities have been detected.
It is a practice in Spain that you must give notice to end an insurance contract two months before expiry, but you cannot get quotes from other insurance companies until one month before the expiry of your current contract. This makes changing insurance companies quite difficult. Could these actions be construed as anti-competitive behaviour? If so, under which conditions would the Commission become involved? In the field of consumer protection the Commission does not have enforcement powers against individual traders. However, the Honourable Member could bring the practices referred to in this question to the attention of the relevant national enforcement authorities.
EU competition rules concern merger control, the assessment of agreements between undertakings, potential abuses of dominant position and of state aid, which may affect competition and trade between Member States. If the practices referred to in this question only concern the Spanish market, the Spanish competition authority would be well placed to make an investigation.
Motivo ufficiale dello scontro una divergenza nella gestione dei terreni anche se alla base del massacro si porrebbero le diverse confessioni religiose. Se fra i finanziamenti comunitari alla Nigeria ve ne sono mirati al sostegno del governo per far fronte alla situazione sopra descritta e in che modo essi sono stati impiegati? Nuova strage di cristiani in Nigeria legata allo sfruttamento dei terreni. Le persistenti violenze in diverse parti della Nigeria, tra cui lo Stato di Zamfara menzionato dall'onorevole deputato, destano grande preoccupazione.
Questi atti colpiscono sia cristiani che musulmani. In Nigeria, more specifically in the village of Galadima, at a meeting of community leaders of various villages and various faiths in Zamfara State, a group of nomadic Muslim herders of Fulani ethnicity killed at least 79 people.
The official reason for the clash was a difference of opinion about land management, although it is likely that the different faiths were behind the massacre. The continued violence in various parts of Nigeria, including in Zamfara State mentioned by the Honourable Member of Parliament, is of great concern.
In Nigeria violence targets both Christians and Muslims. The EU is guided in its actions by a very careful case by case analysis of the situation and by its human rights guidelines, including those on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief. The EU is working with the Nigerian authorities to help bring an end to the cycle of violence. It does so through continuous political dialogue and targeted aid interventions focusing on the underlying root causes for violence. The Instrument for Stability IfS is supporting several peace and mediation programmes and projects to reform criminal justice.
L'ambasciata statunitense in Iraq ha emanato una nota con la quale alza il livello di sicurezza e richiede ai propri cittadini di evitare il transito dall'aeroporto di Baghdad e di mantenere in tutto il paese un basso profilo modificando le proprie consuetudini negli spostamenti e facendo grande attenzione nell'uso dei veicoli. Allarme sicurezza in Iraq: Mediante un apposito sito web protetto Consular on Line gestito dalla Consular Crisis Management Division divisione consolare che si occupa della gestione delle crisi del SEAE, gli Stati membri condividono informazioni riguardanti i consigli di viaggio e la protezione dei cittadini dell'UE nei paesi terzi.
The US Embassy in Iraq has issued a memorandum raising the security level and asking its citizens to avoid travelling through Baghdad airport and to keep a low profile throughout the country, changing their routine movements and being very careful with the use of vehicles. How does the High Representative assess the risk to European citizens currently in Iraq?
EUR-Lex Access to European Union law
This is why EU staff posted in Baghdad is submitted to very strict security measures. With regard to EU citizens present in Iraq, responsibility for their protection primarily falls within the competence of their respective Member States, which ensure the application of the most appropriate security measures in order to prevent risks as well as issue the necessary security alerts. Member States share information regarding travel advice and the protection of EU citizens in third countries.
Priority 3, Environment, of the Operational Programme for Regional Development includes a series of projects for wastewater drainage and treatment in the Autonomous Community of Castile and Leon. Which of the projects firmly scheduled in this programme have already received EU co-financing? Which of these projects have already been completed and how much EU co-financing did they receive? If so, which projects are involved and how much did they receive as an advance in each case? The second group have still to be finalised before end However, advances to individual projects are not provided for by the legislation.
Don Giampaolo Marta e don Gianatonio Allegri sono ora nelle mani di un gruppo armato di matrice islamica che ha fatto irruzione nella parrocchia in cui prestavano servizio. Al momento sembra che i tre religiosi stiano bene, ma le notizie sono scarse. Il ministero degli Esteri italiano sta lavorando per trovare una soluzione al caso.
Gli Stati membri con una rappresentanza in Camerun collaborano sulle questioni relative alla sicurezza dei cittadini dell'UE mediante frequenti scambi di informazioni e il coordinamento dei consigli per i viaggiatori. Father Giampaolo Marta and Father Gianantonio Allegri are now in the hands of an armed Islamist group that raided the parish in which they served. At present the three are apparently well, but there is little news.
This episode is just the latest in a long series that has been going on for years. Acts of violence against priests, nuns and Christian communities are occurring incessantly in Africa and in many Asian countries, without Europe taking any firm action to defend these people and stop these horrific massacres. Often, European missionaries and citizens who travel to these countries undergoing humanitarian emergencies, in order to help the local population, are attacked, abducted, tortured and murdered by fanatical groups because of their faith, under the nose of an EU which has made freedom of thought and expression one of its cornerstones.
The issue of release of kidnapped persons is primarily a matter for national authorities which need to handle it with great care. Member States represented in Cameroon liaise closely on issues relating to the security of EU citizens through frequent exchanges of information and coordination of travel advisories. The EU is determined to use the instruments that it has at its disposal to contribute to the improvement of the security situation in Central Africa. The recent abduction has once again highlighted the continued insecurity in northern Cameroon.
The EU encourages Cameroon, Nigeria and the neighbouring countries to cooperate closely in order to better meet security-related challenges in the region, and in particular Boko Haram's threats in the Northern provinces. At the same time, it should be pointed out that there is no evidence proving that the discrepancies in employment and educational levels that exist between the Lithuanian majority and national minorities have been reduced.
In this context, what steps is the Commission taking to ensure that the residents of Lithuania — including members of national minorities — have equal access to ESF funds? Can the Commission ensure that national minorities are included during consultations on and actions under operational programmes in Lithuania over the next programming period? How does the Commission plan to ensure that national minorities in Lithuania have adequate access to ESF funds, with a view to reducing the barriers to employment that exist on the Lithuanian jobs market?
Lithuania, like all Member States, has to respect the principles of anti-discrimination and partnership in implementing its ESF programmes. The Commission has no specific information that this is not the case. However, indirectly, minorities will have benefited from support to strengthen their employability through general ESF measures. The programming process is ongoing and Lithuania will have to report to the European Commission how these principles have been respected.
Veren kantasolut ovat soluja, joista kaikki verisolut eli punasolut, valkosolut ja verihiutaleet muodostuvat. Valtaosaa rekisteriin kuuluvista luovuttajaehdokkaista ei koskaan kutsuta luovuttamaan kantasoluja. Hematopoietic stem cells HSCs are the blood cells that give rise to all other blood cells: Donated HSCs can be used to treat various serious blood diseases, such as leukaemia and aplastic anaemia.
HSCs are most commonly harvested from donors by giving them growth factor injections, inducing HSCs to move from bone marrow into the bloodstream, from which they can be harvested by means of normal blood donation. It is possible to be entered in such a register if one meets the requisite health and age criteria. Most potential donors who are registered are never actually asked to donate stem cells.
In order for stem cell treatment to be a success, the most important thing is that the tissue type of the donor should match that of the patient. This requires as comprehensive as possible a register of potential donors, so that a donor with the right tissue type can be found for a patient requiring treatment, particularly if the patient has a rare type of tissue. A suitable HSC donor may also be sought from the international network of HSC registers, making it many times more likely that a matching donor can be found. There is a particular need to persuade more young men to register as donors, because, for biological reasons, men are selected as donors more often than women.
Registration as an HSC donor is voluntary. In order to encourage more volunteers to register, it is important to spread awareness of HSC registers and their importance. What will the Commission do to increase at EU level the information that reaches people — especially young men — about HSC registers and their importance?
What could the Commission, for its part, do to encourage more people, particularly young men, to volunteer as potential donors and to have their particulars recorded in HSC registers in the Member States? The Commission shares the Honourable Member's concerns on the need to increase the number of potential hematopoietic stem cell HSCs donors within the European Union. Regulation of the recruitment of such potential donors including promotional activities related to such recruitment remains the responsibility of EU Member States.
In turn the Commission transmits to the European Parliament and to the Council of Ministers a report on such measures. The latest report is currently being prepared by the Commission and includes a chapter on promotional activities undertaken in order to encourage such donation. On the other hand, the report fails to take account of the possible cost to the Treasury resulting from Sareb, the bad bank set up to dispose of banks' property assets.
Bearing in mind the new rules on state aid, will future recapitalisations with public money require internal recapitalisation a bail-in? The Commission is aware of the report issued by Spanish Court of Auditors. The Commission cannot confirm the figures compiled by national administrations.
However, not granting aid to Spanish banks at a time of great distress would have resulted in a massive risk for the country's financial stability. The Commission analyses the potential distortion of competition in each of its decisions, and the measures were declared compatible with the internal market, taking into account a number of measures aimed at limiting those distortions. The new Banking Communication does require, along the lines of the rules agreed under the memorandum of understanding between the Eurogroup and the Spanish Government, that existing shareholders and junior creditors must contribute to the recapitalisation of the bank to the maximum extent through the implementation of different measures, prior to the State injecting fresh capital into the bank.
Nuovi domini web nel settore vitivinicolo mettono a rischio le denominazioni d'origine — Richiesta di intervento da parte dell'UE. Il Commissario europeo all'agricoltura Dacian Ciolos, in una recente dichiarazione sul tema della liberalizzazione da parte dell'ICANN, l'organismo responsabile della gestione del sistema dei nomi di dominio Internet, dei domini web. Intende chiedere l'interdizione della creazione stessa dei domini sopra indicati se non dovesse essere possibile fornire garanzie specifiche ed elevate per evitare lo sfruttamento improprio delle denominazioni?
I domini di primo livello generici gTLD. In risposta alla recente decisione dell'ICANN di assegnare le stringhe senza prevedere garanzie adeguate, la Commissione europea, insieme agli Stati membri dell'UE, ha assunto una posizione ferma. Il blocco dei gTLD in questione per impedirne l'utilizzo nell'UE dovrebbe essere coordinato a livello nazionale. In a recent statement on the release by ICANN, the body responsible for the management of the Internet domain naming system, of the domains. Can the Commission state how it in fact intends to prevent such domains from being used by individuals or companies unconnected with the production of wines protected by geographical indications of origin?
Does the Commission intend to prohibit the creation of the domains referred to where it is not possible to put strong, specific safeguards in place to prevent designations from being improperly used? Commission actions have been backed by a solid inter-service cooperation in the areas of Geographical Indications, Trade and Intellectual Property Rights. Through direct pressure and through actions in the GAC we have demanded a full review of the decision.
Erkent de Commissie dat als gebruik wordt gemaakt van Amerikaanse leveranciers van software er een extra groot risico bestaat dat deze software ingebouwde aftapvoorzieningen bevat ten behoeve van Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten? Kan de Commissie een overzicht geven van haar investeringen en subsidies voor ontwikkeling van cloud computing-diensten aan Europese, Amerikaanse en overige bedrijven in de afgelopen vijf jaar? Wat betreft de steun van de Commissie voor het ontwikkelen van Europese aanbieders van cloud computing, verwijst zij het geachte Parlementslid naar de aanbevelingen over Trusted Cloud Europe die recent werden gepubliceerd door het Europees cloud-partnerschap.
Op het gebied van financiering ondersteunt de Commissie de ontwikkeling van cloud-computing in Europa door middel van het zevende kaderprogramma voor onderzoek en innovatie FP7 en Horizon Onafhankelijke beoordelaars maken een selectie van de projecten op basis van wetenschappelijke kwaliteit, projectbeheer en impact van het project, maar niet op basis van de geografische herkomst van het bedrijf.
Aan het projectconsortium nemen negen partners deel, uit vier verschillende lidstaten en Noorwegen. Is the Commission aware of NSA programmes which have the purpose of gaining access by stealth, on a massive scale, to data which cloud computing firms store as a service to customers? Can the Commission provide an overview of its investments and subsidies to European, American and other businesses for the development of cloud computing services in the past five years?
As regards its support for development of European cloud computing providers, the Commission refers the Honourable Member to the recommendations on Trusted Cloud Europe that were recently published by the European Cloud Partnership. Following a public consultation on these recommendations, the Commission will consider possible future policy activities in this field. The rules of participation in these programmes determine that EU-based firms, including those that may be part of a wider commercial group with presence also in non-EU countries, can receive support.
The project selection is made by independent evaluators against the criteria of scientific quality, project management and impact, not the geographic origin of the firm. Cloud infrastructure provision has also been supported under the Structural Funds, where prioritised in Member States Operational Programmes. Hier kommt der Verdacht auf, dass es sich um organisierten Betrug handelt. Many cases of parallel switching between mobile network operators in Europe and non-EU countries have come to light. The most recent example was a phone call made in Spain from an Austrian mobile to premium-rate numbers.
This leads one to suspect that organised fraud is taking place. This kind of fraud operates in a similar way to credit card fraud. Does the Commission intend to take measures which will protect consumers with a fraud ceiling for unauthorised phone calls, as with the Payment Services Directive? What consumer protection measures and requirements concerning lost or stolen mobiles are in place for service providers? Is the Commission also planning to take steps to protect operators from unjustified fees when international calls are made when roaming?
Who has to pay when there are instances of fraud such as those described above? The EU regulatory framework for electronic communications contains various provisions protecting consumers with regard to inter alia contractual information, transparency, control of consumption and dispute resolution mechanisms. With regard to specific cases of fraud on misuse, the regulatory framework also gives national authorities the power to require undertakings providing electronic communications services to block access to numbers or services in cases fraud or misuse.
The proposal also contains enhanced cross border dispute resolution mechanisms for consumer protection and cooperation between national regulatory authorities. National authorities are empowered to implement additional measures. Consumers should bring cases of lost or stolen devices to the attention of the competent enforcement bodies which are generally addressed by national criminal law provisions and fraud prevention.
He outlined two major issues:. The need for a legal framework in order to give structure to negotiations between the Turkish Government and the PKK;. Does the Commission believe that the progress of the dialogue between the Turkish Government and the PKK is contingent on the existence of a legal framework to support it? In its view, what is the current state of the on-going process between the Turkish Government and the PKK? A solution of the Kurdish issue can only be achieved via consensus over concrete measures expanding the social, economic and cultural rights of the people living in the Southeast of Turkey.
Cross-party and civil society support for this initiative is crucial. The choice of concrete measures is to be decided by the interested parties in an inclusive and participatory manner. The Package also allowed for private education in the mother tongue like Kurdish , the use of non-Turkish alphabet letters which addressed problems stemming from the use of the Kurdish alphabet and the possibility to revert to original village names.
The Commission strongly supports the efforts to find a solution to the Kurdish issue. If so, could the Commission tell us what investigations have been launched, and why? Are there any investigations into whether the Provincial Council has made fraudulent use of Cohesion Funds for the construction of water treatment plants or even received Cohesion Funds for plants which were never constructed? Is the Deputrans project on shaky ground? In the Deputrans project, the Provincial Council of Pontevedra and the Provincial Council of Ourense were two of the four named participating partners, but OLAF's investigation focused only on that part of the project implemented by the Provincial Council of Ourense.
Worauf beruhen die Auswahlkriterien, welche bei dieser Ausschreibung angewandt wurden? Wie wird die Zusammensetzung der Auswahlkommission bestimmt, und wer bestimmt sie? Falls diese Projekte schon abgeschlossen sind: Wie und mit welchem Ergebnis wurde der Erfolg evaluiert? Wie viele Projekte laufen aktuell im Themenbereich Energie?
Has the selected applicant previously won a EuropeAid call for proposals? If so, did this play a role in the decision in favour of this project applicant? If the selected applicant has previously been awarded any contracts for projects following tendering procedures, how many projects are involved, and how much aid is being provided by EU institutions? If these projects have already been completed: How many projects are currently under way in the energy sector?
- The Florida Senate.
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What volume of funding does this correspond to? The success in the implementation of past projects is assessed on a contract by contract basis as per the rules and procedures governing each contract. Het monetair beleid in de eurozone valt onder de exclusieve bevoegdheid van de ECB. De Commissie heeft niet de gewoonte commentaar te leveren op verklaringen van leden van de Raad van bestuur van de ECB. Mais Obama a la solution! But Obama has the solution! But it's going into the open market. Moreover, still according to Obama, the big transatlantic market will facilitate gas exports.
President Barroso's sole response to this blackmail was: Does the Commission really intend to continue negotiations on the transatlantic agreement against this background of blackmail over energy? Will the Commission listen to the people of Europe who are, on the contrary, opposed to the development of shale gas in Europe, as elsewhere? Lastly, Obama took the liberty of commenting on European energy policy in the context of the Ukrainian crisis which: The EU believes in a global, open, well-functioning market, with energy supplies from a wide range of sources so that there is no dependence on one single supplier or group of suppliers.
The Commission believes that energy resources should be traded without any export restrictions and that additional global supplies of liquefied natural gas, including from the United States, would benefit Europe and other strategic partners. Ritiene l'utilizzo del Fondo sociale europeo uno strumento idoneo per risolvere questa situazione drammatica? Secondo le raccomandazioni del Consiglio sul programma nazionale di riforme dell'Italia, il paese dovrebbe assicurare l'efficacia dei trasferimenti sociali, in particolare mediante prestazioni maggiormente mirate.
Anche se sta monitorando l'impatto della riforma pensionistica in Italia, la Commissione non ha informazioni circa il numero di persone che si trovano nella situazione descritta dall'onorevole parlamentare. After these early retirees had stopped working, the pension qualifying requirements suddenly changed when the retirement age was raised; the retirees have consequently been left without income and been pushed below the threshold to be attained in order to draw a pension. The Council recommendations on Italy's National Reform Programme stated that Italy should ensure effectiveness of social transfers, notably through better targeting of benefits.
Even though the Commission is monitoring the impact of the pension reform in Italy, it does not have information about the number of people who are in the situation referred to by the Honourable Member. The Commission considers safeguarding the dignity of retired workers to be very important.
At the same time, pensionable age increases should be underpinned by measures enabling workers to stay on the labour market or, if this is not possible, provide them with adequate income security. These policy considerations do not however affect the responsibility of Member States for their pension systems, as stipulated in the Treaties.
However, in line with the shared management principle, the selection of investments to be financed by the ESF is the responsibility of the Member States, based on the Partnership Agreement and Operational Programmes agreed with the Commission. Ripicche dei reggitori dell'Unione europea per l'esito della democratica consultazione svizzera. Gli elettori svizzeri, con voto popolare e modificando la loro costituzione, hanno posto le basi per una rinegoziazione dell'accordo con l'Unione europea sulla libera circolazione delle persone, senza peraltro procedere alla non applicazione dei suoi contenuti o all'attivazione della denuncia di cui al paragrafo 3 dell'articolo 25 dell'accordo stesso.
Can the Commission explain why the Union decided to immediately suspend or terminate the negotiations already under way with the Swiss federal government when the outcome of the referendum, which has no immediate effects, became known? The European Commission fully respects the Swiss tradition of direct democracy. It can however, not overlook the discrimination against one of its Member States whose citizens risk losing the perspective of enjoying the benefit of free movement to Switzerland. The European Commission has consequently put negotiations of these agreements on hold until Switzerland signs the Protocol.
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Does the Commission believe that more initiatives like this one should be brought in? What does the Commission think of the Spanish initiative mentioned above? A card like this could be beneficial to people with disabilities in different countries. Is the Commission intending to bring in a single European card for people with disabilities?
Recognition of disability status and the allocation of related benefits and their nature are matters of competence of national, regional or local authorities in the Member States. In these areas the Commission cannot intervene in the content of national legislation, rules and practices.
In this context, the Commission will contact the Spanish authorities to learn more about its scheme. The latest media reports show that the terms of the company's sale were extremely unfavourable for the state, and thus for the Czech Republic. The price paid reportedly did not include the prices of subsidiary companies, as these had not been evaluated by a certified auditor.
Was the privatisation of OKD a. Has the Commission investigated this case of privatisation? If so, what conclusions did it reach? In particular, the Commission found that in the context of this privatisation the State's behaviour was consistent with that of a private vendor in a market economy. Since the analysis of several factors led to the conclusion that the sale price was not below market value, the transaction did not provide any advantage to the buyer in the form of foregone State income from the sale.
The Commission wishes to underline that the expert opinions were one among several factors taken into account in its decision. For the last few years a major project has been underway in Ethiopia to construct the Gibe III dam, the contract for which has been awarded to a European Italian company. While offering opportunities to generate significant amounts of carbon-free energy, it is also estimated that this project could result in the resettlement of over 1.
However, testimonials gathered by researchers at Survival International indicate that the indigenous populations in the Lower Omo area have not been consulted about the mass resettlement they are facing, and allegations have also been made of violence used against them. The Ethiopian Government strongly denies these claims. The US Congress recently introduced a provision to ensure that US funds cannot be used to support forced resettlements in the Lower Omo area.
Does the Commission provide any funds to authorities active in the Lower Omo area that could be used — directly or indirectly — to support resettlement? If so, how is the Commission reacting to these potentially very serious allegations of forced resettlement without consultation? While the Ethiopian authorities have provided detailed information, further clarifications are needed on irrigation schemes and on alleged human rights violations committed in the process of clearing the thousands of hectares to be irrigated.
Nevertheless, within the framework of the Development Assistance Group DAG , regular joint monitoring missions have been held by donors to review the Government's resettlement initiatives and to discuss its findings and recommendations with the authorities, both at Federal and local level. To date, these missions have not been able to substantiate allegations of systematic and widespread human rights abuse. The EU has have notably been actively involved in dialogue with the authorities on resettlement since , including on improving implementation and payment of compensation, following international good practice guidelines on resettlement, and establishing grievance redress mechanisms.
Wenn ja, wann war das, und was hat die Bewertung ergeben? Was hat die Kommission bisher unternommen, oder was gedenkt sie zu unternehmen, um den Zwangsvertreibungen und anderen Verletzungen der Menschenrechte im unteren Omo-Tal nachzugehen? The ongoing forced resettlement is being carried out supposedly to provide health and education services, which have yet to be made available. State-run and private plantations, owned by Ethiopian diaspora in India, Italy, Malaysia and the USA are being established in these areas to grow primarily oil palms, sugarcane, grain and cotton.
Thousands of agropastoralists and inhabitants along the Omo river will no longer be able to sustain themselves. The farms, grain stores and beehives of Mursi and Kwegu families have also been destroyed. This destruction has been accompanied by allegations of other abuses, including killings, beatings and rape.
The Ethiopian Government has not paid any compensation. Is the Commission aware that PBS funds are being used for the resettlement programme? How much and what funds and budget lines are being used to contribute to the PBS programme? For how long have such contributions been made? Has the Commission conducted any assessment of the PBS programme? If so, when was the assessment carried out and what were the findings? Is the Commission aware of the ongoing issue of land grabbing and that livelihoods are being jeopardised as a result?
Will the Commission provide support for any compensation payments? What measures has the Commission taken, or does intend to take, to investigate forced evictions and other human rights abuses in the Lower Omo region? Will the Commission suspend its contributions to the PBS owing to these human rights abuses? Moreover, PBS plays an important role in improving the governance of public funds. Its report is due to be published any time soon. The EU has been actively involved in dialogue with the authorities on resettlement since The Commission considers that this regime is not sufficient to address concerns over the trade in lion hunting trophies.
Eventuale accertamento sull'uso di fondi pubblici per il servizio ferroviario in Italia. Le ferrovie italiane ricevono dallo Stato fondi per fornire un pubblico servizio. Tale mancanza di trasparenza non consente quindi di verificare se si configuri o meno un uso indebito dei fondi pubblici.
La Commissione sta quindi controllando l'applicazione della suddetta normativa del settore ferroviario in una serie di Stati membri, compresa l'Italia. The Italian railways receive State funding to provide a public service. However, their financial statements do not specifically show how much relates to the high speed sector, for which the use of State funds is not permitted by EU legislation. This lack of transparency therefore prevents any determination of whether or not a situation of improper use of public funds exists.
Since keeping transparent accounts is the only way to identify how public money is spent and whether it is used for other purposes then the ones foreseen, the Commission is currently monitoring the application of the abovementioned legislation in the rail sector within a number of Member States, including Italy. Could the Commission indicate which, if any, EU funding programmes and initiatives would be of interest to a faith-based development organisation that is interested in sending volunteers on development work assignments, mainly to sub-Saharan Africa, south-east Asia and South America, and is also active in seeking to raise awareness of development groups within its structures?
Could it also indicate when the next calls for proposals under these programmes will be made? It will provide from to opportunities for some 4 European volunteers to be deployed in humanitarian operations across the globe. The Commission is currently developing European standards for humanitarian volunteer management and a certification scheme. Once these are adopted, interested sending and hosting organisations will be able to express their interest for certification.
A call for expression of interest is expected to be published towards the end of After successful certification based on the European standards, sending organisations may apply for funding to deploy volunteers in humanitarian aid operations. The first calls for proposals for deploying volunteers are expected in the second half of More information on the different steps will be published on http: The Commission continues to explore the issues raised by a number of complainants in relation to amendments of the Irish Building Control Act This is a complex case which, as the Honourable Member lists in her question, poses a number of issues for investigation.
The cross-sectoral strand of Creative Europe comprises different actions. It includes a Guarantee Facility to improve access to finance for cultural and creative industries; it supports measures for transnational policy cooperation; it funds the Creative Europe Desks and the membership of the European Audiovisual Observatory; and it supports studies, evaluations and conferences. As is the case in other MFF programmes, the budget profile of Creative Europe starts modestly and increases over time.
In accordance with the comitology procedure it has therefore been decided that in the cross-sectoral strand will only fund essential actions such as, inter alia , the Creative Europe Desks, in order to allow for an adequate level of grants in the Culture and MEDIA Sub-programmes.
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In the Commission is planning to launch a first call for proposals with a view to supporting cross-sectoral innovation. Capacity building actions for financial intermediaries in the context of the Guarantee Facility are also foreseen in ; the launch of the Facility is then planned for All cross-sectoral measures, such as support for innovation, studies, and conferences will also be open to projects in the field of media literacy.
A renewal of this call is foreseen. Could it indicate when the next calls for proposals under these programmes will be announced? The Commission supports MS in their efforts to achieve the policy goals agreed at European level. In particular, Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships promotes innovation, and the exchange of experience and know-how across countries between different types of organisations involved in the topic of the partnership. Actions in this area need to be developed and implemented by Member States, as this touches upon the organisation and delivery of healthcare under national responsibility and there is a need to ensure that specific national requirements are taken into account.
The implementation of specific activities to improve the response to cardiac arrests is also a matter of Member State competence. To support Member States' action, the Commission is addressing the key risk factors of cardiac arrest in particular tobacco consumption, through legislative action and awareness raising. If so, what is the current situation with regard to consideration of this issue? In reference to the aforementioned answer, what is the current situation with regard to the initiative on maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management, which is intended to address coastal erosion, amongst other threats to coasts, through coastal management strategies?
Once adopted by Ministers, Member States must transpose the directive into their national legislation by and draw up national maritime spatial plans by They are free to tailor the content of the resulting documents to their specific environmental, economic and social priorities, along with national sectorial policy objectives and legal traditions, but must respect the minimum requirements of the directive.
Is the Commission giving consideration to coming forward with an initiative on this issue? The Commission is therefore currently assessing the opportunity for further work in this area, in particular regarding the development and validation of standardised test methodologies at Union level. A follow-up initiative currently under consideration is a mandate to the relevant European Standardisation Organisations, as already mentioned in the Annual Standardisation Work Programme for Harmonised standard methods to test such dangerous chemical substances, in particular those which are allergens for consumers, will facilitate demonstrating conformity compliance, market surveillance and enforcement.
In particular, it should allow identifying the need for further actions at EU level, for example further restrictions on the presence of hazardous substances in textiles via the REACH Regulation. Could the Commission indicate which, if any, EU funding programmes and initiatives would be of interest regarding the creation of a sensory garden, which would be accessible and enjoyable to both disabled and non-disabled visitors in Dublin, and could it also indicate when the next call for proposals under these programmes will be launched?
During the period , the two ERDF programmes for 1 Border, Midland and Western region and 2 Southern and Eastern region have invested in a limited number of sustainable urban development projects. No further funding is, however, available under the urban development strand of investment activity. Ways of encouraging urban development under the prospective European Structural and Investment funding streams will be considered during on-going negotiations with the relevant national and regional authorities in Ireland.
Could the Commission indicate whether it is aware of this practice and if it has taken or is considering taking any initiatives to address this problem? The Commission is aware of this matter which is not at present regulated at EU level. Given the differences between relevant provisions of civil law, the scope of motor insurance policies varies between Member States.
In general, motor insurance policies cover the civil responsibility resulting from the use of a specific vehicle. Thus, a person renting a car cannot as a general rule, rely on the insurance policy of his own vehicle since the object covered by the policy is not the same. In that context, stakeholders are invited to submit evidence about practical and legal problems encountered in the application of that directive.
This joint action is intended to identify good practices and develop recommendations for example on mental health and schools, and on mental health in all policies. This study examined the implementation of active inclusion policy at national level in 11 EU Member States, considered the needs of young people with mental health problems, underlined the need for coordinated approaches and compiled 44 cases of good practice. In respect of subsidiarity, this primarily targets activities in Member States.
Could the Commission indicate which EU funding programmes and initiatives would be of interest to an NGO that seeks to support women, children and young people who are affected by domestic violence, and indicate when the next calls for proposals under these programmes will be announced? It provides for various targeted calls for proposals, of which several concern the abovementioned specific objective.
The first call was launched end of April and is about operating grants to European networks cf. Could the Commission indicate which EU programmes under the period would be of interest and relevance for organisations in Ireland that provide and support teaching of English for speakers of other languages ESOL , and indicate when the next call for proposals under these programmes will be launched? However, in order to be eligible for funding, such partnerships will require partners from at least three different Member States.
The call for proposals has recently been closed and the call for will be published during the last quarter of The Partnership Agreements and Operational programmes are currently being negotiated between the Commission and the Member States for the ESF programming period. Once adopted, the Member States will be responsible for the implementation of the programmes and the selection of the projects according to the principle of shared management.
Efficient waterways and the accessibility of sea ports are important preconditions for safeguarding connections to international trade flows. Like other transport infrastructures, waterways also need to be maintained e. There is a concern that the interpretation will mean that there will be little future maintenance of the waterways, as all projects would have to be prohibited if there were even a minor deterioration of the water status.
This would affect or thwart numerous infrastructure projects in all the Member States. Will the Commission state with which Directorate-General the Legal Service reached agreement regarding the drafting of the opinion? Can the WFD be interpreted in such a way that the prohibition of deterioration would represent a goal for the management planning of waters and not necessarily a binding ground for prohibiting individual projects? The Commission will refrain from commenting on the case mentioned by the Honourable Member as the procedure is pending before the Court of Justice.
The prohibition of deterioration of status of water bodies is an environmental objective of the WFD and therefore is binding for the Member States. This provision can help to combine navigation needs and environmental objectives. The Commission therefore considers that the implementation of the WFD can be combined with the development of sustainable maritime transport and the maintenance of the EU's waterways that are essential in order to develop the use of more environmentally friendly modes of transport.
In this respect, it is necessary for Member States to reconcile the requirements of achieving good navigation status under the TEN-T Regulation with those related to good water status and non-deterioration under the WFD. In the report the Commission highlights each Member State's shortcomings as regards the different aspects of the aforesaid framework decision. It has not included individuals in the law and nor, therefore, cases of hate speech occurring online. Nor does Spain meet EU standards on condoning, denying or trivialising crimes against humanity and genocide, as it is only condoning these that is punishable under the law.
This explains in part why some political parties trivialise publically Nazism without suffering any legal consequences. Spain is, moreover, one of the few countries that has not, it would seem, forwarded details of individual cases for the Commission's study on this issue, in spite of various cases of trivialisation of Nazism, and of hate speech directed at distinct groups, having occurred.
In light of the above, has bilateral dialogue begun yet with the Spanish Government to resolve these shortcomings? Does it believe that trivialisation and comparisons with Nazism and the Franco period by democratic political groups would qualify as possible specific cases? Has the Commission received an answer as to why Spain has not reported any cases in ?