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He transferred the vials to a small carry on overnight bag. Next, he drove into Washington, DC and parked under a tree three blocks from the Union train station. He went inside, bought a Washington Post newspaper, looked around, then sat on a wooden bench. He set the bag next to him and started to read the paper. A few minutes later another man, equally nondescript took the seat next to him and started reading the New York Times. He looked up when a train was called, folded the newspaper, and took the bag. He strolled down the corridor and disappeared into a crowd. A few minutes later a woman screamed when the gentleman with the wire rimmed glasses fell over onto the floor, dead.

Chimera is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble. About Evelyn Cullet I write mystery romance and romantic suspense novels. I'm an avid organic gardener, and I play the piano. I have a spoiled Black Lab mix. Visit my blog every Monday to discover new authors and their novels at: This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged Chimera , engineer , environmental forensics conultant , Georgetown , magician , oceanographer , professor , San Gabriael's Writer's League , sientist , Texas. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. To add more books, click here.

Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Left at Georgetown by David Ciambrone 4. Rate this book Clear rating 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. The Handbook for Writers by David Ciambrone it was amazing 5. Want to Read saving… Error rating book. The following list of articles was electronically generated by Zemanta, based on the content of Hotshots! Ernie Patino is the real deal.

David Ciambrone – Chimera

With a background as a Special Agent for the FBI, he can help us make our own stories and believable, while still making our P. Besides his 23 years with the FBI, he now wears two hats: His career spanned 23 years, most of which were spent in South Florida. He now lives in Tucson, Arizona, and divides his time between writing and working as a private investigator.

Ernie will be available to answer questions after his talk. Ruben Vasquez, a Crimes Against People Detective, provided interesting information on interviewing individuals, using a kinesic interviewing method and other techniques and working with the Crime Scene Investigator. He emphasized that detectives are always working for the victim.

Treasure Island in Laguna Beach

Detectives do not touch or move anything until the CSI has completed his or her tasks, which include photographing everything—from the exterior to the interior—and documenting all evidence. The chain of evidence must be preserved in all cases. Only upon a release from the CSI may the detectives proceed to the crime scene. They may have already begun their interviews with individuals not at the scene. As in all cases, time is of the essence.

Armed with information, HoTxSinC members and other participants attempted to solve a crime based on a created crime scene. Three teams alternately examined the crime scene, inspected the evidence, and interrogated the suspects. Each team arrived at a different conclusion…unfortunately, none of them was exactly correct.

George was the lone culprit and his motive was money. So easy when one has all the facts. For more training, we plan to ask Detective Vasquez to do a presentation at one of our meetings.

  • Books by David Ciambrone!
  • October | | HOTSHOTS! Sisters in Crime Heart of Texas monthly newsletter.
  • Zona retrocessione (Italian Edition)!

He was kind, gracious, and informative, and we offer a heartfelt thank you to him and Lieutenant David Morgan for a pleasant and productive afternoon. Sue Vertrees is Assistant Editor of Hotshots! Working pro bono, he has helped to free a number of people convicted of arson. He has testified as witness for the defense in dozens of arson cases. Critics like Dorothy Parker and Rex Reed. Their comments were witty, dry, often acerbic.

For many years, Rex Reed has been known for his acidic movie reviews.

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  • PEREGRINATION: Poems for All Points Between Departure and Return?
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  • To Be Read, Wally Will Sing the Blues - latimes.
  • Vergangene Gegenwart (German Edition).

Just a small example among many is this one, from the New York Observer , July 13, As long as you were witty, dry, and often acerbic. A good critic made expert use of sarcasm and unkind jokes and metaphors. I learned that the origin of the word sarcasm was from Latin for rending the flesh. As a person who thought cheap shots and ill-considered comebacks were the height of wit, I discovered how devastating it was to be on the receiving end of those oh-so-clever comments and witticisms. To my chagrin, I had to take some classes in which, among other things, we had to learn the proper manner of critique.

Critique etiquette, as it were. Nasty, witty comments were strictly taboo. I had to learn how to give constructive criticism to classmates. At first, I had a very hard time. What if I just hated what the other person wrote? What if it was stupid, boring, idiotic, or insane? And I had to do it over and over again.

In short, I hated it. I felt totally out of my depth. It was pure torture. Witticisms leaped to my tongue, only to die a stillborn death within my mouth. It was a change of habit. A critic is a star. She is the center of the universe. She earns her money by saying clever, often unkind things. But a person who offers a critique is not a star.

Napa Nights: A Virginia Davies Mystery - David Ciambrone - Google Книги

To offer a critique is to offer a somewhat educated opinion, encouragement, and suggestions. One endeavors to be honest without being cruel or funny. I had to learn that I was not the director of the show. My lofty pronouncements did not come straight from Mount Olympus. You had to give feedback. All the critiquer has to offer is a personal opinion. I want feedback, gentle feedback. The aim, I should think, of a writing group, is to keep the writers writing and coming back to the critique group.

If a writer seeks out a critique group, obviously said writer, number one, wants to be read and, number two, wants feedback. Number three, said writer probably wants to continue writing. A writer puts his heart and soul and ego on the page. A writer needs tender treatment.

About Evelyn Cullet

Tell the truth, but do it in a constructive manner. To critique is to help a fellow writer improve, not implode. What goes around comes around. She blogs at Write Pretty. Each of the twelve stories features veterans or active duty military personnel. Several members of Sisters in Crime are contributors. If your story is chosen, it will be recorded and broadcast over a Houston radio station on a program for the blind and visually impaired.