Enrico Biancardi, Leonard W. Panella and Robert T. Lewellen: Beta maritima: The Origin of Beets

Along the undisturbed shores, especially of the Mediterranean Sea and the European North Atlantic Ocean, is a widespread plant called Beta maritima by the botanists, or more commonly sea beet. Indeed it is considered the mother of all cultivated beet crops, and recent research has confirmed the lineage.

  • The Kings & Queens: New York (New York City Book 1);
  • Beta maritima. The origin of beets | Annals of Botany | Oxford Academic.
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Selection applied after domestication has created many cultivated types with different uses. The wild plant has always been harvested and used both for food and as a medicinal herb.

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This makes its use as a reservoir of traits partly lost during domestication, because the selection process aimed only at increasing the features useful to farmers and consumers. Indeed, as with several crop wild relatives possible and Beta maritima has been used successfully to improve the genetic resistances against diseases and pests. Evaluation of rhizomania-resistance segregating sequences and overall genetic Evaluation of rhizomania-resistance segregating sequences and overall genetic diversity pattern among selected accessions of Beta and Patellifolia.

Potential implications of breeding for genetic bottlenecks in terms of rhizomania resistance. Tubercle disease Xanthomonas beticola and other gall-malformed diseases of Tubercle disease Xanthomonas beticola and other gall-malformed diseases of sugar beet roots: Sugar Tech , Jul A PDF file should load here.

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Sugar theranchhands.com hectares cultivation.

Panella and Robert T. Gynodioecy and mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in natural populations of Beta vulgaris ssp maritima Characterisation of sugar beet Beta vulgaris L. Some figure that betacyanin and anthocyanin are important in the exchange of substances of cancer cells; others note two main components of the amines, choline and its oxidation product betaine, whose absence produces tumours in mice[].

The juice has been applied to ulcers[].

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A decoction is used as a purgative by those who suffer from haemorrhoids in South Africa[]. Leaves and roots used as an emmenagogue[].

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Plant effective in the treatment of feline ascariasis[]. In the old days, beet juice was recommended as a remedy for anaemia and yellow jaundice, and, put into the nostrils to purge the head, clear ringing ears, and alleviate toothache[]. Beet juice in vinegar was said to rid the scalp of dandruff as scurf, and was recommended to prevent falling hair[].

  • The Academy (Nelson Estates Series Book 2)!
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  • Da dor ao amor (Sabrina) (Portuguese Edition).
  • Beta maritima: The Origin of Beets;
  • When God Spoke to Moses: Biography of a Mighty Prophet.
  • Comfort & Joy: Stories of Hope, Meditations for Happiness.

Juice of the white beet was said to clear obstructions of the liver and spleen[]. Culpepper recommended it for treating headache and vertigo as well as all affections of the brain[]. Beets grow well in a variety of soils, growing best in a deep, friable well-drained soil abundant with organic matter, but doing poorly on clay. They prefer an open position and a light well-drained soil[52].

  1. Beta maritima: The Origin of Beets | Sugar Producer Magazine!
  2. La psicologia positiva (LB) (Catalan Edition).
  3. Terror on the Air!: Horror Radio in America, 1931–1952.
  4. Sea beet - Wikipedia.
  5. The optimum pH is 6. Some salinity may be tolerated after the seedling stage. Beets are notable for their tolerance to manganese toxicity. Beet is reported to tolerate an annual precipitation of 23 to cm, an average annual temperature range of 5. This is the wild beetroot of coastal areas. The cultivated beetroot, sugar beet, seakale beet and Swiss chard have all been developed from this species by means of selective breeding[1, 5].

    Publication : USDA ARS

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