Gill Potter

They reinforce each other.

We alone are not responsible for who we are and what we do and that is the essence of leadership. We are never truly self-sufficient. In a practical way, gratitude provides guardrails in our life. Gratitude helps us to protect from ourselves. It is amazing how much gratitude plays into avoiding poor behavior and wrong thinking. Gratitude sets a boundary on our thoughts by making us mindful of others. It helps us to avoid going where we should not go because we are more self-aware. Gratitude requires that we slow down and reflect. Gratitude is the basis of emotional intelligence.

It puts other people first. It says you know and you care. While empathy has been found to be essential to leadership, empathy is not empathy if it is silent. It must be expressed. Gratefulness helps to curb unproductive emotions such as frustration, resentment, and revenge. Studies have shown that it is an antidote to depression. It has the power to heal and move us forward.

It improves relationships and is a remedy to envy and greed. Instead of trying to strive with others we are thankful for what they do. Grateful people find more meaning in life and feel more connected to others. In these changing and uncertain times, gratitude is a leaders ally. Life is a continuum. Gratitude allows a leader to appreciate where they are and the resources they have at their disposal to face what life throws at them. A habit of gratitude gives us perspective. More than a behavior it must come from the heart. It must be the mindset we lead from, manage from, and make decisions from.

Gratefulness is grounded in reality because ultimately we must realize that everything good in our life is a gift. Leadership begins and ends with gratefulness. The ability to quickly master hard things. The ability to produce at an elite level , in terms of both quality and speed.

To produce tangible results that people value. The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy. As a consequence, the few who cultivate this skill, and then make it the core of their working life, will thrive. Learning is an act of deep work. An act of intense focus. We are what we focus on and that is increasingly, the superficial.

Shallow work adds to our sense of meaninglessness. Here are a few Newport suggests: There is the Monastic approach that eliminates or radically minimizes shallow obligations. The Bimodal approach that suggests binging on deep work for various lengths of time. The Rhythmic approach makes deep work a habit by scheduling a regular chain of deep work in your day. The last approach and the one Newport prefers, is called the Journalistic approach. Using this approach you fit deep work wherever you can into your schedule. This last approach however, requires a great deal of willpower and practice.

The Rhythmic approach may work best to get you started. Take Breaks from Focus Make deep work a priority by taking breaks from focus, not from distraction. Be Intentional with Your Time Have a plan for your day. If you start your day with blocks of deep work scheduled in, you stand a much better chance of actually getting some deep work done. A deep life is a good life. But a growing feeling of disappointment overwhelmed him.

Finding Your Second Anchoring Technique.

Agony Aunts

Our environment triggers behaviors or responses in us. When to Cooperate and When to Compete. What Are Your Hidden Strengths? Your strengths will get you in the door, but to make progress you are going to have to become more of who you are and draw on your hidden strengths. Hidden strengths are not weaknesses. They are capacities you have that have yet to be recognized, developed and utilized. They become your Learned Strengths.

Your strengths and weaknesses need to be managed. Strengths need to be managed so that they are not overused or overbearing. Often they can be delegated. But the area between the two—your hidden strengths—not only provide a deep pool of strengths to draw on but they will help you to smooth out your rough edges and bring into balance your natural strengths.

Is it Time to Disrupt You? Disruption can be a powerful and positive force. If we are to work with and take advantage of the disruptions in the world around us, we must be willing to disrupt ourselves. Return on Character We live in an age where wisdom is only wisdom if it is supported by numbers. There are two obvious problems with this. First, we miss a lot because we are looking for immediate return.

And so it puts our focus on the wrong things. And secondly, as a result, we tend to assign value to things in terms of numbers. It is assumed that if it gives us the best numbers, it must be the best choice or behavior. Nevertheless, it is satisfying when the numbers do add up. The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity. The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership.

Do you have Moxie? Where it Comes From Why do some leaders make an impact, while others flounder after initial success? How to Find Leadership Blindspots. The 12 Rules of Respect. How to Discover Your What. What Keeps Leaders Up at Night? Self-leadership is fundamental to good leadership, but it is not the end-game. Self-awareness for self-awareness sake has a limited value. Through introspection and reflection we can get to know a great deal about ourselves—as far as we know.

The problem is that we don't know what we don't know. Only when we are able to test our assumptions about ourselves, can we know if we are getting it right. It is when we see ourselves in relation to others and in relation to a higher purpose that we really begin to clarify and many times even identify our core values, beliefs and intentions. We can all know who we think we are, but it isn't until we get out and interact with others that we can begin to see where we are right and where we have been fooling ourselves. Who we are takes on meaning when it is in the context of our relationship with others.

Superman's stance on "truth, justice and the American Way" is pointless if he remains isolated in his Fortress of Solitude. His values only have meaning in relationship to other people. All the self-knowledge in the world counts for very little if it is not put to work in the service of others. Self-awareness that points to your unique contribution in the world is leadership. Who you are is leveraged when it is placed in the service of other people. Surely we must lead with integrity—in a manner consistent with who we are.

However, the only way to know if we are really doing that is by looking at how we impact the lives of others—how our leadership is experienced by others. Self-awareness provides the opportunity for us to close the gap between who we think we are or want to be and who we actually are at a particular point in time. But that can only be achieved with feedback of some kind. It's a book about trust in leadership and the trust that is generated by knowing who you are and leading as that person.

At thirty-five, I was already an executive vice president with Turner Broadcasting, overseeing two divisions and reporting directly to the second most senior executive who soon would be named the company's CEO. I believed that I was very much at the top of my game, already delivering a lot of high-level presentations, and getting consistent positive feedback. I was more than a little offended by the suggestion that I needed any help at all with my communication skills.

In Atlanta, I participated in Speakeasy's exclusive, invitation-only workshop for C-suite executives. Called "The Leader's Edge," this intense three-day workshop focused on communication style and delivery with respect to leadership. In spite of my initial resistance, I did my best to participate without revealing my conviction that I felt superior to this target audience that needed help with communication and presentation skills. I wasn't the least bit nervous when it came time to watch the video recordings of our individual presentations. I was sure I'd done just fine.

With the others in our group, I watched as the executive persona of Scott Weiss delivered his speech from the screen. The guy up there looked pretty good. Very sure of himself. I expected to be told, as I always had been before, that I was a very effective presenter. But after a moment, Sandy Linver, the faculty leader who had directed our session turned to ask me a question. If you could separate yourself from this person and experience him objectively, would you want to hang out with a person like that on the weekend?

But I looked at that person frozen on the TV monitor and thought about it. Reluctantly, I had to tell the truth. I had just admitted that the person I was projecting was not someone to whom I could relate. He wasn't even someone I really liked! And apparently, I wasn't the only one to be put off by Scott Weiss's executive persona. In our remaining time together, other members of the audience began to offer more specific impressions of how they had experienced me as a communicator, and as a person.

Those were just some of the terms they used. I had never heard myself described this way before. I felt like the emperor with no clothes. I had not gone to Speakeasy for a consciousness-raising experience. But I sure had one. In the weeks following that close and uncomfortable encounter with my own executive persona, I did a lot of thinking. I examined what I had learned about how others actually did experience me, and thought about how I wanted people to experience me.

There was a gaping abyss between those two extremes, and I realized that I had a lot of work to do to bring them closer together—to become more congruent as an individual and as a leader. I needed to find my authentic self and learn how to bring more of my real personality to my vocation. I appreciate Scott Weiss sharing this story, for it's not just a process all growth oriented leaders must go through, but a process we must seek out continuously.

Feedback is a process that, if we allow it, will keep us honest with ourselves. We see things as we are; and we see ourselves through our intentions. Feedback gives us a reality check that we are free to accept or reject, but without it we have no way to combat our own self-deception. We must be able to experience ourselves in relation to other people if we are to have a genuine understanding of who we are and why we do what we do. So the place to begin if we truly want to know ourselves is to reflect on the impact that we have on others.

Only then can we lead authentically knowing that our inner being is congruent with our outer behavior. Self-awareness is vital to the development of a leader. But it's not navel-gazing.

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It is not an inward focus. It is an outward focus. Its ultimate goal is to improve our connection and effectiveness with others. The self absorbed leader struggles with self-awareness and emotional intelligence because self-awareness is about how we are perceived by others. It's about understanding how our behaviors are affecting other people. And we just can't do that by focusing on ourselves. It is easy for us to focus on ourselves—to think people just don't understand us. And when we do, we tend to rationalize rather than grow.

Explain rather than listen. Disconnect rather than lead. Self important leaders can't see how they are sabotaging themselves because they focus on their needs and feelings and not those of their followers. Consequently, they don't encourage feedback because it never seems relevant to them. An inward focus dooms us to operate from a place of weakness—never able to see what is holding us back. It is in the character of great leaders to have a great appetite for feedback.

It's a gift and still the best way to gain an awareness of ourselves. You might think of it as a personal scorecard. To see where we need to grow, we need to see how we affect other people. Only then can we begin the introspection that will lead us to a deeper understanding of ourselves and learn to move past unproductive thinking and develop new behaviors. Self-Awareness Like us on Facebook for additional leadership and personal development ideas. How to Make Better Decisions "Why do we have such a hard time making good choices?

We often just go with our gut. And that hasn't always served us well. Are You a Giver or a Taker? Learning the Wrong Lesson. Fred exemplified an attitude of exceptional service delivered consistently with creativity and passion in a way that values other people.

Leadership and the Art of Struggle: The problem is we view struggle as a negative. But struggle is how we grow. How to Make Work— Work for You. If I did that, if I was good to my family, true to my friends, if I gave back to my community or to some cause, if I wasn't a liar, a cheat, or a thief, then I believed that should be enough. We begin with values that drive our behavior based on intrinsic rewards. But over time, something can happen if we are not careful. Competitive pressures weigh on us. The chance for extrinsic rewards like money and power loom larger.

So if we want to have lasting change, the beginning point has to be our thinking. When we look at our behavior we have to understand that there is a thought going on in our heads that is tripping us up. And we have to change that first. How to Avoid the Artificial Maturity Trap. Feedback Can Be Fun. You According to Them. They have limited our responses. And it profoundly affects our ability to adapt.

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Behaviors and Mindsets that Ruin Careers. The Titleless Leader Leading without a title is about taking personal responsibility. We—the world—is in desperate need of people who will choose to lead whenever and wherever they can. People are frustrated, angry, disillusioned, tired, and afraid. Not to mention skeptical, cynical, and distrustful. And those plaques touting people as the most important asset should be taken down.

Not everywhere, of course, but in far too many organizations. But we have a choice. No one needs to appoint you, promote you, or nominate you. What Russell is talking about here is a different kind of leadership that starts with what all good leadership begins with: It is taking responsibility for the outcomes in your area. Negativity Loops Destroy Intention When the stakes are high, negative thinking is a no-brainer; it comes naturally to any of us. Living intentionally is the path to success, but what happens when our intentions are derailed? Kristi Hedges is an expert in executive presence.

Negativity dramatically affects your ability to lead. Negativity pulls us down and inward. Positivity pulls us up and outward. Negative thoughts have two characteristics: When they have setbacks, they see the issue as temporary and specific, not permanent and pervasive. Most of our pessimistic thoughts are just catastrophizing with little or no root in reality. They destroy our game. Learn to challenge your thoughts before, during, and after a stressful situation. Find a pregame ritual—a repeatable process to get yourself in the zone of your intention—to get yourself into a positive frame of mind from the outset.

When you have a physical reaction in a stressful situation, accept that it is a normal response and use helpful strategies to work around it, including taking deep breaths, pausing, and simply acknowledging them. The Power of Habit Habits will always be with us. But how do you replace bad habits with good habits? More importantly, how often do we ask ourselves if what we are doing is really just a habit? We are less intentional than we think we are. Develop a Relentless Solution Focus. Where Negative Emotions Come From. Finding Gratitude in the Common Things We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.

Do You Have Moral Overconfidence? Most will behave well or poorly, depending on the context…. Business leaders need to remember that most of us have too much confidence in our strength of character. Nohria is exactly correct. Good leadership is humble leadership. Humility is living in truth. The truth about our limitations and an understanding of our proper relationship with others.

Humility gives us a better understanding of how we are to treat each other. Without it we operate from only one perspective—our own. As leaders, we are to work with people, not over them. It is far too tempting to think hierarchically and not relationally. A humble leader will close the gap between themselves and others.

Humility manifests itself in understanding the need to learn. Authority disciplined by humility is teachable. It is merely an opportunity to learn from another perspective. If you stop learning, you stop leading. Leadership has a way of revealing our weaknesses. Practical Genius is a Choice Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses you.

Are You Up, Down, or Sideways? There are no guarantees in life. We can be proactive, but there are some things that are completely outside of our control. We must learn how to interact with the forces in our life that are bigger than we are to create the outcomes we desire. No matter where we are—up, down, or sideways—there are things we can do to mitigate the downs, take advantage of the ups and maximize the sideways times in our life. What to Ask the Person in the Mirror While we might like to think otherwise, here is a fact about successful leaders: Successful leaders go through significant periods of time in which they feel confused, discouraged, and unsure of themselves and their decisions.

They feel as if they should be somewhere else, doing something else. And un successful leaders go through the same thing. The trick lies not in avoiding these difficult periods; it lies in knowing how to step back, diagnose, regroup, and move forward. Have a Nice Conflict! Reading Have a Nice Conflict was like listening to my Dad again. Behaviors are the tools we choose and use to support our self-worth. You can look at personal strengths like behaviors.

They represent the different ways a person can interact with others to achieve self-worth. When a person tries one of these strengths and has success with it, they use it more often. Other strengths might have rendered poor results, and so they might tend to use those less and less. They become our modus operandi.

What are they overdoing? What are they really trying to accomplish? Most likely, their intent is not to annoy you. Conflict can happen when other people misinterpret your strengths. We want to recreate the success they have enjoyed in our own lives. So we try to imitate them. It seems like the shortest distance between two points. Of course, we are trying to copy a result. What we often fail to see is the work it took to get them to the place where they could do what they do. A big part of the problem is the lack of confidence we have in ourselves.

Sometimes in watching the success of others, we lose faith in ourselves. Jazz saxophonist Stan Getz took a teaching position at Stanford in In an interview with a reporter about his role there, he put it this way: I always tell them that they have to be themselves. And I will tell them: If you want to try and do the same thing, it will only be an imitation, however perfectly you will do it.

I keep on trying to convince them that they have to play what they feel themselves. Your hero is the only one that can play it that way. Success easily erodes humility. It is the humility that comes with a habit of respect for others. Humility is all about perspective. Their strongly worded advice to aspiring leaders inside IBM should be read as words of wisdom for leaders at every level of all kinds of organizations: They focus on the work, not themselves. They seek success—they are ambitious—but they are humbled when it arrives.

They know that much of that success was luck, timing, and a thousand factors out of their personal control. They feel lucky, not all-powerful. Oddly, the ones operating under a delusion that they are all-powerful are the ones who have yet to reach their potential. But do not belittle others in your pursuit of your ambitions. Raise them up instead. The biggest leader is the one washing the feet of the others.

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The result, when it comes together—the execution of a great idea—should be humbling to any leader. It is humility coupled with ambition that correlates with results. Does Your Wellbeing Need a Boost? Gallup scientists have determined that there are five universal and interdependent elements of wellbeing that differentiate a thriving life from one spent suffering: Every day, use your strengths. Spend six hours a day socializing—face-to-face, phone, e-mail.

Spend on others instead of solely on material possessions. Get at least 20 minutes of activity each day and 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Identify how you can contribute in your community based on your own values. If we are struggling in any one of these areas, as most of us are, it damages our wellbeing and wears on our daily life. Ways to measure and improve in each of these areas is provided in Wellbeing by Tom Rath and Jim Harter. The Wellbeing Finder can be taken online by using the code provided in the book. Small changes can have a huge impact.

To get started they recommend setting positive defaults. One of the best ways to create more good days is by setting positive defaults. Any time you help your-short-term self work with your long-term self, you have an opportunity. You can intentionally choose to spend more time with the people you enjoy most and engage your strengths as much as possible.

You can structure your finances to minimize the worry caused by debt. You can make exercise a standard part of your routine. Through these daily choices, you create stronger friendships, families, workplaces, and communities. There will always be drama. From Values to Action. This Might Not Work! Creating and producing is mostly a matter of getting out of the rut, allowing the process to guide you, letting go of perfection, and showing up.

Chuck Close, renown American photorealist painter and photographer, says that in his work, so much is embedded in the process of following the path wherever it leads. The important thing is to get going. But if you simply get going something will occur to you. Leading Minds on Reflection Part 4. Leading Minds on Reflection Part 3. Leading Minds on Reflection Part 2. Leading Minds on Reflection Part 1. While reflection seems to have no place in a competitive business environment, it is where meaning is created, behaviors are regulated, values are refined, assumptions are challenged, intuition is accessed, and where we learn about who we are.

Some of the greatest barriers to getting the results we want lie within us. Growth happens when we stop repeating our habitual patterns and behaviors and begin to see things in a new way and in the process, discover the power to create the results we want. That kind of leadership requires courage. McGarvie describes courage as a firmness of mind and will in the face of danger or extreme difficulty. Do you set the bar for your accomplishments high and find ways to tackle them realistically?

Are you receptive to new ideas, both your own and those originating from your colleagues? As you develop your listening and analytical skills and pursue your curiosity, you will be amazed at the new opportunities to be tapped. He willingly takes the blame for bad ideas to create a safe environment for his employees to be creative. Sometimes courage means having the drive to take on even the most daunting of tasks: But, courage also means not giving up in the face of high hurdles.

Managing Yourself First Checklist Make sure that the first person you are managing every day is yourself. Take good care of yourself outside of work so that you can bring your best self to work every day. Arrive a little early to work and stay a little late. Focus on playing the role assigned to you before trying to reach beyond that role. Focus on doing your tasks, responsibilities, and projects very well, very fast, all day long. If you want to carry weight with your boss, that should be your primary focus.

Be a problem-solver, not a complainer. Commit to continuous improvement through rigorous self-evaluation. Think about context and figure out where you fit in every situation. Why am I here? What is at stake for me? What is my appropriate role in relation to the other people in the group? What is my appropriate role in relation to the mission? Contribute your very best thoughts, words, and actions. No matter how lowly or mundane or repetitive or minor your tasks and responsibilities might seem in relation to the overall mission, play your role to the max.

Start mastering the art of human relations. Approach every relationship by focusing on what you have to offer the other person rather than on what you might want or need. Be a model of trust. Exhibit respect and kindness. Speak up and make yourself understood. Celebrate the success of others. Make yourself a great workplace citizen. Be an accurate source of information. Instead of under-dressing, overdress. Practice old-fashioned good manners.. Our Contribution to the Human Spirit: Thanks-Giving I am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over our cities, we, too, will be remembered not for victories or defeats in battle or politics, but for our contribution to the human spirit.

The Laws of Charisma Even though charisma is thought of as something intrinsic to the individual, a person cannot reveal this quality in isolation. It is only evident in interaction with those who are affected by it. Charisma is, above all, a relationship, a mutual mingling of the inner selves of leader and follower. Most people will never say anything to you that will alert you to the fact that they are being repelled.

They walk away and simply never deal with you again. How can you influence others if you are always talking? Showing How Much You Know. You can come across as forceful, aggressive, and obnoxious. Getting To Friendly Too Fast. Research tells us that the majority of people do not appreciate unsolicited small talk, and many find it offensive. Getting Too Comfortable Too Fast. Respect their things and they will respect you. You must respect personal space, or you will make others feel uncomfortable.

There are facts and there is the truth. Are you genuine and transparent? Having to be right demonstrates an arrogance that is masking insecurity. Are you guilty of any of these? Do You Have Leadership Lock-in? As individuals, familiarity breeds cognitive lock-in. We experience cognitive lock-in whenever we choose to do something out of habit even when objectively better alternatives exist. We behave automatically rather than intentionally. This impacts us as leaders too. It develops a kind of leadership lock-in.

We get so locked-in to the values, beliefs, behavioral norms, habits and routines that it is hard to lead intentionally—the way we know we should—the way we want to. We just go through the motions of leadership without really thinking about what we are doing or the long-term consequences of our actions. Instead of adapting and learning, we plow ahead with behaviors that we are comfortable with. The more we behave or think in a certain way, the less likely it is that we will do anything to change it, even when we can see that it is not serving us well.

Learning is an action step. But leadership lock-in contributes to our desire to avoid the effort needed to change our behavior in a way that would get us the results we truly seek. The comforting feel of immediate gratification plays into much of the problem presented by leadership lock-in. For example, self-serving behaviors, emotional outbursts, expediency, unrealistic pacing, and control issues, all give us immediate—momentary—gratification, but in the end, masks the long-term consequences of such behavior and thinking.

And we get locked-in to what we think is working or more likely, is only working for us. Leadership lock-in is at odds with sustainable leadership. They get tripped up by their own thinking. The cumulative impact of their behavior derails them and eventually neutralizes their influence. Is this how I would want to be treated? Is what I am saying or doing expressing the values I believe in? Train Yourself to Succeed. Harvey Mackay on Managing Your Career. Do You Argue With Reality? Timeless Advice from a Father to a Daughter.

In short, I would say, optimism is finding perspective. Building Relationships by Valuing Others. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love. Mark Twain on Leadership. The Progress of a Moral Purpose T wain created a series of photographs that humorously point out what often goes through the minds of man when considering any kind of self-improvement.

Mojo is that positive spirit toward what we are doing now that starts from the inside and radiates to the outside, writes Marshall Goldsmith. The kind of positive impression you make profoundly affects your ability to influence. Mojo can make or break your leadership effectiveness. Goldsmith says that four ingredients need to be combined in order for you to have great Mojo: Who you think you are?

Or how do you perceive yourself? Our identity is created in a number of ways: What have you done lately? There is a difference between what we think we achieve and what others think we achieve. When these get out of sync we can have a Mojo crisis. Understand what "achievement" means to you. What do other people think you are? Your reputation is a scoreboard kept by others. You can choose the reputation you want if you are disciplined enough to live out your objectives in daily, consistent behaviors.

What can you change, and what is beyond your control? You know how it goes: Worse still we whine, complain and lay blame for things that happen to us instead of taking it all in stride. We limit our opportunities to find meaning and happiness. We kill our Mojo. Four Steps to Building Loyalty Loyalty is a critical subject for leaders.

Successful organizations are built on relationships. Leadership is all about relationships. But how important is modeling loyalty in everything you do? Can You Pass the Fitzgerald Test? In his classic self-analysis, The Crack-Up , F. Most leaders just aren't ready to grapple with the paradoxes that will increasingly characterize their day-to-day lives. I have to focus on running operations with laserlike precision without stifling creativity. Attention to detail and focus on numbers has allowed me to progress in my career, but too much focus on details or numbers can crowd out innovation.

The people I trust the most are people who deliver short-term results and never surprise me, but innovation almost always involves some kind of surprise. To this we might add the ability to look at solutions to problems that have more than one solution or seemingly opposing goals—serving shareholders and our communities, to grow and be good stewards. If you have a low tolerance for opposing thoughts you are less likely to look for other alternatives.

This greatly limits your ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Anthony reports that it has been estimated that no more than 5 percent of the manager population can truly grapple with paradox. Again, self-awareness is key. Understand how you view the world. Avoiding the Unforced Error. How to Be a Positive Force in Any Situation To overcome the force of gravity—that which pulls us down—we have to generate an opposing force greater than gravity.

That force is lift. Any opposition to lift is called drag. Instead of experiencing lift we fall back into our comfort zones, become reactive, self-centered and fatalistic. To intentionally experience lift and to be a positive influence for others, we have to make a conscious choice. The Habit of Noticing. Exerting control over stress means that we do whatever is necessary to lower the stress level to one at which our performance is not compromised.

Accountability means that, even when we are not required to answer to others because of our position or corporate policy or law, we intentionally place ourselves in a relationship with someone who tests our motives and our actions. Sometimes we need a wake-up call to finally deal with our own issues. But we can learn vicariously. A guide for asking the hard questions. Tim Irwin has developed an online assessment This exercise will help you to identify your risk for derailment in four key areas.

There are 48 questions within this assessment. It should take you minutes to complete. By purchasing this book, you can also download both the e-book and the audio versions for free. Three for the price of one! Self-Awareness Without self-awareness leadership becomes just another exercise in ego gratification. Self-awareness allows for self-discipline and control of the ego. Without it the ego runs amok looking after itself and only incidentally in the service of others if the needs of both happen to align.

Self-awareness is the ability to see when an emotion or a perception is influencing your thinking and behavior and, if necessary, do something about it. Gaining control over the state of your mind will pay big dividends in terms of your leadership effectiveness. It is the blind spot of leadership. Being able to step back and see both the positive and negative aspects about yourself, to see how you affect others, and to see how you are behaving in real-time , is critical to your success as a leader.

Self-awareness is a bigger problem than one might think. This means that two thirds of us are typically controlled by our emotions and are not yet skilled at spotting them and using them to our benefit. You can not manage the behaviors of others without first getting a handle on your own. An Apollo 11 Lesson. In The Next Level , Scott Eblin cites research that finds that 40 percent of new executives fail within eighteen months of their promotion. What begins as one of the best moments in your career can turn out to be one of the most stressful events of your life.

With a new role comes a new set of expectations requiring a new set of competencies. Part of the problem faced by newly promoted executives is that while the expectations are high, they are not clearly stated. Eblin has defined nine set of key behaviors and beliefs that new executives need to pick up and let go of to succeed. There is no arguing the fact that we all have various combinations of strengths in varying degrees.

Maximizing the use of those strengths as we can, in the context we find ourselves in is advantageous to all involved. You may need to develop a new strength and turn some of your weaknesses around. Then there is the question of whether or not your particular brand of strength is marketable. Great hobby, but not a career at least not at my current level of competence. Robert Kaiser has assembled fifteen authors in The Perils of Accentuating the Positive to help you get some perspective on the strengths movement.

They bring out four ways to look at strengths: What comes naturally to you Competitive Strengths: Skills that are stronger than most of your competitors Distinctively Competitive Strengths: Strengths that distinguish you from others Competitive and Aligned Strengths: Strengths you need for long-term career success If you plan to succeed by focusing on your strengths, make sure you do more than just discover and build on your strengths your personal best.

You will also need your strengths to stand out compared to your peers competitive strengths. If you want to stand out among your peers and have a better chance for promotions, make sure your strengths set you apart from other also competitive peers distinctively competitive strengths. Finally, you better hope that your five distinctive and competitive strengths include the ones that make a difference when it comes to long-term career success competitive and aligned strengths.

We regularly tell the up-and-coming youngies to first discover their strengths, then gauge how those strengths compare to those of the people they are and will be, competing with, and finally, find out which strengths they need to fulfill their career dreams and to start working on the ones that are not up to par. As we have stated here before, the overuse of a strength can be a weakness. When we rely too much on our strengths we usually end up emphasizing them to the point where they become weaknesses and derail our career and relationships.

Leading Blog Main Page Leading Matters is about the journey. The stories he tells here are revolve around the ten elements that shaped his journey and how he relied on these traits in pivotal moments. The elements are relevant to any leader at any level. As he observes, the higher up you go the crises just get bigger and come faster. He begins by discussing the foundational elements: He then links them together with courage. Finally, he shows how collaboration, innovation, intellectual curiosity, storytelling, and creating change that lasts, helped him reach his goals.

Here are some of his thoughts on each element extracted from his stories: Arrogance sees only strengths, ignores our weaknesses, and overlooks the strengths of others, therefore leaving us vulnerable to catastrophic mistakes. Authenticity and Trust Authenticity is essential to building trust. Consider the wisdom popularly attributed to Socrates: So this is part of the practice: If you take a leadership role as a step toward a personal goal of gathering ever-greater titles, awards, and salaries, you will never see true success in that role.

Recognize the service of others. As a leader it is easy to get wrapped up in big projects and ambitious initiatives, and, in the process, to forget the smaller, but no less important, individual acts of service taking place all around you. Much of that service supports and enables the widely celebrated success of others. Empathy Empathy should always be a factor in making decisions and setting goals. Empathy represents a crucial check on action—placing a deep understanding of and concern for the human condition next to data can lead to decisions that support the wellbeing of all.

Empathy usually implies compassion and perhaps charity, but we are looking for more than that: Courage, on the other hand, compels a leader to take that right action. While many people can discern what is right and true, acting on that discernment is more difficult. Even if risk-taking is against your nature, for the good of your organization, you must find the courage to practice it.

Collaboration and Teamwork Most significant endeavors will be accomplished by a team. Certain ground rules circumvented interteam rivalries. Check out some of the ways youth are sharing their testimonies of the Savior on social media! When we prepare for Christmas by pondering its real meaning, we prepare to experience the Christ and His Message.

Ask questions, learn from our leaders and connect with other youth! Talking to your friends about Christ is easier than you think! Hales gave some great counsel about spiritual and temporal self-reliance — which is exactly what you are studying in November in your church classes. Living prophets issued the The Family: A Proclamation to the World 20 years ago. Where are your strengths?

What can you work on? This quiz can help you find out! Check out these 5 fun facts about Elder Scott and 6 wonderful lessons he taught us! How do I forgive them? Now you can import any scriptures from the Gospel Library app to the Scripture Mastery app to memorize! Download and share these cards as you learn about ordinances and covenants!

The words of our hymns can inspire, give hope, and teach powerful lessons. This life is the time to better ourselves, lift others, and fulfill our personal missions. Your patriarchal blessing is revelation just for you! But why do I need one and how can I prepare? It may not be easy, but you will never regret it. Give yourself an easy reminder to prepare for your Sunday lessons! Why do bad things happen to good people? A young cancer survivor discovered one answer. Like anyone else, you can say what you know and how you know it. Six ways your life is different because of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Have you ever been asked a tough question about the Church by one of your friends? Join youth around the world in a live interactive chat with Elder and Sister Bednar. When we are judged and bullied by others, the Savior is there for us to take away our pain. Because of the great joy of the gospel, each of us can and should share that joy with others. These eight principles will help you get started. If a friend who once had high standards slips ever lower, what should you do? Sometimes the best way to be a missionary is to simply show people what we believe.

The basic truths about life before we came to earth bless us with wonderful insights. Set trends and make friends. After all, the world could use a little more of your positive influence. Make setting goals go from frustrating to fun with these three simple steps. Youth in Italy share how they serve God with all their heart, might, mind, and strength. As you study the Come, Follow Me Sunday School lessons this year, try focusing on a different service principle each month.

Find out what helped these youth remember. When we understand everything the Savior does for us, He becomes the most important person in our lives. As special witnesses of Jesus Christ, living prophets and apostles share their testimonies of the Savior. The most important goals in life are those that bring joy and help you return to Heavenly Father.

As you partake of the sacrament, you renew your covenant to always remember the Savior. You can help new members by understanding what they are going through. They wanted me to dance. We knew the Book of Mormon held answers. But did it hold an answer for a family that would lose financial support by joining the Church? The Lord asks us to serve with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength. Thousands of African youth unite at their first For the Strength of Youth conference.

Conference is over, but the time for reflection and learning has just begun. Youth write about their experience watching the new Meet the Mormons film. Try these seven ideas to help you learn more from the words of the prophets. On my mission, a memorized scripture made a big difference during a lesson. Where could I find the secret to popularity in the New Testament? You work hard for your money. A few simple principles can make your cash go further. The better you understand others, the better you can help them understand your standards.

As you keep moving forward, you can stay upright even when outside forces try to pull you down. The world told me I would be giving up everything, but what I gained was worth so much more. One of the greatest adventures of your life will be your role and calling as a father. The truck driver drove away angry. Who would take the time to separate tiny seeds from gravel and tar? Be brave and humble, firm and gentle, all at the same time.

Have you ever felt like technology is distracting you too much? Download these wallpapers and this cutout to remind you to use technology wisely. I never knew how much my life could change by preparing for the sacrament all week long. When we study and ponder the symbols in gospel ordinances, our thoughts center on Jesus Christ. Wondering how to open your heart to the Spirit? Sister Burton has nine specific answers.

Missed the live event? Catch up on it here. Decide now to pay an honest tithe. Doing so will help you learn that the Lord keeps His promises. I was excited to get the feeling everyone else seemed to have. When you know what to look for, you can more easily recognize the Holy Ghost. If someone asked you why you think being a Latter-day Saint youth is awesome, how would you respond? I tried to find answers outside the gospel, but all I found was emptiness.

How can you turn a simple story into a powerful teaching tool? But I will need it consistently if I am not to be overcome or deceived. In the April general conference, church leaders answered many questions relevant to youth. Find out what youth can accomplish when they work together. The words of the prophets and apostles can bring you incredible strength and protection. The end of conference is an opportunity to change and become a new you. Share what you learned and what you plan to change.

In each general conference, there is bound to be a message just for you. Associate with those who, like you, are planning for those things that matter most—even eternal objectives. A young woman shares her experience in sharing the gospel with a friend who lives on the other side of the world. From making cookies for others to playing volleyball, teens all around the Church come together for wholesome activities at Mutual. You may be left scarred by abuse, but those scars need not be permanent. Scatter sunshine every day this month—no matter what the weather is! Christlike service invites the Holy Ghost and brings the promise of peace.

Need an idea for Mutual, family night, or a group date? This new site has you covered. For Latter-day Saint teens, the modern dating scene can look complicated. Here are a few thoughts and tips to put things in perspective. Consider what you want from life and make sure your decisions help you reach your goals. The way we keep the Sabbath day holy is an outward manifestation of our covenant to always remember Jesus Christ.

Five principles about the Godhead can make a difference in the way you live. As you draw near to the Lord, you will have a desire to serve others. In a world of sinking standards you can rise above the norm and be a moral authority. As a young woman, I never thought pornography would be something I could struggle with. I realized that no matter what path my life or career took, being worthy to enter the temple was more important. How do you remember the real meaning of the Christmas season? Great men and women in ages past were able to keep going, to keep testifying, to keep trying to do their best, not because they knew that they would succeed but because they knew that you would.

Your conscience will tell you when you need to talk to him. Want to feel better and more confident physically and emotionally? Regular exercise will help. I had turned down offers to drink, but now the president of the company was offering me a glass of wine. My friends all gave in to smoking, but the little things helped me stay strong. Every job has something amazing to offer. These six youth talk about why hard work offers so much more than income.

Your temple endowment is more than just a step on the path toward a mission or marriage. Everything in the temple points us to Christ when we are prepared to learn through symbolism. If you know how to be a friend, you know how to share the gospel. Becoming like the Savior is a gradual, lifelong process, and you can begin by taking small steps every day.

Could our attention to the counsel and the teaching of the Brethren be more active, searching, and responsive? A sincere and ongoing study of the Book of Mormon will bring you great blessings and change your life. To those who faithfully and honestly live the law of tithing, the Lord promises an abundance of blessings.

Raising my standards for the music I listen to helped me love it even more. An experiment with mice shows us how much the music we listen to can affect us. When the world tells you that its way is better, have the courage to stand up and live the truths of the gospel. Remembering these 5 principles can help you face an unfamiliar place. Commandments are not given to restrict but rather to make possible what we truly desire and what our Heavenly Father, who loves us, wants for us.

If I had chosen to join in with the gossip, what would that have said about me? The words we use reflect the feelings of our heart and who we really are. Try these tips for making your seminary experience the best it can be. When faith is properly understood and used, it has dramatically far-reaching effects. We talk a lot about temple marriage in the Church. Have you ever wondered why? There are lots of ways to keep Church standards and still build relationships with the opposite gender.

As a disciple of Christ, these personal attributes are expressions of who you actually are. Remember, your goal is exaltation and eternal life. Try out these 10 great features you can access when you sign in with your LDS Account. My charge to you is to develop the skill and the capability of thinking straight. A testimony can come to any ordinary person, wherever he or she may be, because our Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost know each one of us intimately. The overwhelming evidence of Church history is positive and faith-promoting.

In its full context, it is absolutely inspiring. The Lord spoke to His disciples and taught the people in His day. Today He continues to do so. Returned missionaries give advice on missionary preparation to the next generation of elders and sisters. We receive many blessings because of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood.

Learn about some of them and then share how it has blessed you. Try some of these ideas. What I learned about conversion helps me track my progress in the gospel. In addition to giving me the formal interview, Dad, who was my bishop, wanted to make it a learning experience for me. Sometimes our preoccupation is on having friends.

Perhaps we should focus on being a friend. There are many reasons why the Book of Mormon is important in our day. Suggestions to help you gain a testimony of the importance of family. You may have found yourself in some tough situations with gossiping, judging, and more. Learn what you can do when it happens. To reach, to teach, to touch the precious souls whom our Father has prepared for His message is a monumental task. I felt completely alone at my new school, but I learned that the Lord loved me and would help me in times of need.

One of your greatest protections against making bad choices is to not put on any mask of anonymity. You are the one who decides how to write the script for your life. I was spending so much time playing that I stopped doing what really mattered. Let us hold fast to the words of the prophets.

Let us hold fast to the iron rod. Learning how to conduct a meeting may be a little scary at first, but it will get easier. Here are some tips. The next time your friends ask questions about the plan of salvation, consider using these short answers. The Spirit of the Lord can be our guide and will bless us with direction, instruction, and spiritual protection during our mortal journey. Increased knowledge affords us the opportunity to be of greater influence in accomplishing the Lord's purposes. Learn your essential role in the new approach to Sunday learning.

Spending face-to-face time with other people is necessary to build true friendships. Honor the principle of the Word of Wisdom and you will receive the promised blessings. From creating videos to teaching children, youth are blessing lives throughout the world. January marks the start of a new Mutual theme: We know that you are choosing to stand in holy places in your life, and we want to see your photos!

Knowing more about the Godhead can bring you closer to Them. At Christmastime we often focus on giving gifts to those we love. Here are some unforgettable gifts you can give your parents. If a mission is the right thing for you, here are some ways you can continue the preparation you've already begun as a disciple of Christ. Come, Follow Me is an exciting new way of teaching and learning.

This year the Church invites you to feel the spirit of Christmas—and to invite others to feel it too. Here are five things you can do at christmas. Get to know some of the youth artists who entered the competition. I really wanted to compete in the piano competition, but it was going to be held on Sunday. Have fun with one of these creative twists for the 21st century. What does the First Presidency letter on family history and temple work mean for you? Consider some of these ideas. I was tempted to follow the crowd, but then I realized I needed to be an example instead.

God has numberless creations, and He has an individual plan for me. Wondering how you can share the gospel? Here are some things other youth have done. I challenge you to work with people of other faiths to improve the moral fabric of the world and to protect religious freedom. They wanted me to share my testimony with the stake. But first I had to find out if I had one. An unexpected question from a friend led to an opportunity to share the gospel. The promise is certain—if we do our best to repent, we will be cleansed of our sins and our guilt will eventually be swept away.

Your Father in Heaven knows what you can become through faith in Him. Beck talk about the revised For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. I learned valuable lessons the night my brother and I sold worms. When I was baptized, I promised to stand as a witness of God. Now I had a big chance to do just that—in Honduras. A priesthood blessing is a conferral of power over spiritual things.

Learning responsibility today will open doors for you tomorrow. Missionary work can occur by example as we live the gospel of Jesus Christ. As you pray, recognize that Father in Heaven is near and He is listening. You have been ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood. What are you supposed to do now? Our conversion comes step by step, line upon line. We first build a foundation of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I thought my plan was flawless, but Grandma had something else in mind.

The gospel teaches us all we need to know to return to live with our Father in Heaven. A few minutes a day can uncover names of many people waiting to receive temple ordinances. Asking questions is essential for learning. But how you ask a question can make a huge difference in where it leads you.

Art and Spirituality – Healing the separation from our spiritual reality

I knew the counsel—no steady dating in your teens. But I thought we were the exception to the rule. Use these cards to help you remember messages from conference. In a remote jungle, seminary is making a huge difference for these youth. These young women learned that their lives are a lot like a patchwork quilt—they are pieced together one square at a time.

Study the scriptures carefully, deliberately. Ponder and pray over them. What you need to know before going to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. Here are some suggestions to help you gain more benefit from temple attendance. Your gifts and talents and your preparation now will help you to accomplish your divine mission. A testimony generally comes slowly, over time, as you work to help it grow. The key to this work is in keeping our covenants. In no other way can we claim and demonstrate the powers of godliness. Here are a few things you might not know about the Prophet Joseph Smith.

As you learn about the life and teachings of the Savior, you will come to know Him better and your testimony will grow. Take a minute and concentrate on your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Why did the Wise Men give Joseph and Mary gold, frankincense, and myrrh? Sacrament meeting should focus our attention on the Atonement and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There are many blessings that come from being grateful for the good things we enjoy. What brings the Spirit into your life? Service is not a one-way street; it blesses both the receiver and the giver. We should be grateful with all our heart to live in the time of the Restoration and to bring truth and eternal blessings to our brothers and sisters. How can you write a meaningful talk?

Here are some tips and ideas to consider as you prepare, organize, and deliver your talk. This deacons quorum president served a quorum member in a unique way. Reading the Book of Mormon is like planting a seed. If you do not cast it out in unbelief, it will begin to be delicious to you, and there is no better or more important time to do so than in your youth.

All of our choices have consequences, some of which have little or nothing to do with our eternal salvation and others of which have everything to do with it. Personal Progress helps each young woman who participates develop daily righteous routines and holy habits. Brethren of the Aaronic Priesthood, God has a work for you to do. The purpose of Duty to God is to help you experience the power, authority, and divine mandate you received when the priesthood was conferred upon you. Three words give you the key to fulfilling your duty to God. Personal Progress helps you develop values that prepare you and mold your character so that you can fulfill your divine potential.

Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and gives us opportunities to choose joy, happiness, and goodness. Youth conferences around the world build testimonies and friendships. If you would like to have all of the blessings that Heavenly Father has prepared to give you, a very good place to start is being a full tithe payer. Joseph Smith found his answer in James 1: I found mine a few verses later.

We each can learn much from our early pioneer ancestors, whose struggles and heartaches were met with resolute courage and an abiding faith in a living God. When he needed help, Ezra, a year-old in Samoa, turned where his father had taught him: Though the seas of life may be rough at times, Latter-day Saint teens in Visakhapatnam, India, know that the harbor of home is a haven of peace.

The time I spent boosting my video game character was virtually sapping my spiritual side. It will build our testimonies. Watching a Frenchman and his Labrador retriever helped me to more deeply appreciate eternal relationships that are infinitely more important. You have not yet been full-time missionaries.

But all can be member missionaries. Working with my grandpa taught me about a lot more than just cars. When two Tahitian teens gave the scriptures a chance, their lives changed. Jesus Christ, our Mediator, pays the price that we are not able to pay so we can return to live with our Heavenly Father.

Spirituality, Art and Healing

Together we may stand intolerant of transgression but tolerant of neighbors with differences they hold sacred. To have friends who will always take you to higher ground is an incalculable blessing. Members of the Church need to be involved in the world in a positive way. Joseph Smith knew that we must believe in standards and values and seek after these things in order to have the power and strength of the Holy Ghost. Why is sexual sin such a serious matter? And what are the blessings for those who remain—or become—clean? Use these basic lifesaving principles to help yourself and others.

Do you appreciate your parents and treasure your relationship with them? Read what these teens have to say. What started as a Personal Progress experience has led Sadie Taylor to some great musical experiences. Are young men and young women too different to understand each other? Joy and happiness come from living the way the Lord wants you to live and from service to God and others.

Early one morning a group of young women set out to walk the path that a dedicated man walked over a hundred years ago. Breadcrumb Youth Featured Articles. Holland 13 December 0 So much of your happiness is in your hands, not in events of circumstances or fortune or misfortune. Nelson 6 December 0 When we omit His name from His Church, we are inadvertently removing Him as the central focus of our lives. Article 7 Ways to Catch the Christmas Spirit By Charlotte Larcabal 6 December 0 The flourish and festivities are fun, but merry ministering is the key to having the Christmas spirit.

Andersen 21 November 0 Difficulties are a part of life, but do they have to be so hard? Do You Choose Gratitude? So why was I so nervous? Article I Got My Answer! Article My Conference Experience: By Jess Verzello 5 October 0 General conference is just around the corner! Inspired to Change By Jess Verzello 20 September 0 Youth from around the world share what they learned during the April general conference. Article Five Things Good Listeners Do 30 August 0 Truly listening will help you know how to help meet the spiritual and temporal needs of others as the Savior would.

Article Actually, I Can! Article What Is the Gathering of Israel? Edwards 16 August 0 Prophesied thousands of years ago, it is the most relevant thing for you today. Murdock 9 August 0 What prophets have seen in our day says a lot about what God sees in you! Article The Youth Battalion: By Charlotte Larcabal 19 July 0 I was super nervous to join Relief Society, but because of how they welcomed me, I learned to love it.

Zivic 28 June 0 We must strive to obey all the commandments and pay close attention to those that are hardest for us to keep. By Alex Hugie 21 June 0 Each of us has been given special missions to fulfill in this life, and if we can imagine how strong we were in the premortal world, we can understand why. Personal Revelations By Jess Verzello 21 June 0 Youth from around the world testify of what they learned during the April general conference.

Rasband 4 May 0 The Lord is in the small details of your lives. By Jess Verzello 29 March 0 Use this guidebook to help prepare for and enjoy taking notes from general conference. Article A Message from the Prophet: You Can Accomplish the Impossible! By President Russell M. Nelson 22 March 0 You can accomplish the impossible. Perkey 1 March 0 You can change fear into faith.

Article Daters, Waiters, and Loophole Creators: Edwards 8 February 0 When it comes to dating, different people have different questions. Article Peace in the World vs. Article An Example of Obedience and Love: Monson, — 5 January 0 We will remember President Monson as someone whose sense of duty and love moved him to serve God and his fellowmen. Article Light the World: By Sarah Hanson 21 December 0 Family Traditions create memories and bridge gaps between generations. Article 12 Ways to Use the Mutual Theme: What Will You Do?

Article Mutual Album Spotlight: Edwards 2 November 1 They may be overlooked or unnamed, but these people from the Book of Mormon are still heroes! Edwards 26 October 1 The prophet Mormon taught us a vital way to receive the pure love of Christ. Eyring 26 October 0 Our dear young friends, our desire for each of you is that you may know for yourselves, independent of anyone else, that the God of heaven is real, that He knows you, and that His Son has atoned for the sins of the world.

Article Shareable Quotes Becoming More Christlike 12 October 0 You can save, print, and share these quotes about becoming more Christlike! Catch up on it here! Article 10 Lessons from Elder Robert D. Hales — 5 October 1 Elder Hales taught us a lot about returning with honor. Oaks 5 October 9 Always remember that you are a son or daughter of heavenly parents, seeking to qualify for your eternal heirship under that parentage.

By Sarah Harris 21 September 0 Youth learned about faith, sacrifice, and the power to do hard things as they trekked through the jungles of Micronesia. Commandments 7 September 0 You can save, print, and share these quotes about commandments! Romney 31 August 0 An airplane can teach you a lot about obedience, revelation, and spiritual direction. Edwards 24 August 4 In so many ways, seminary is where things come together. Marriage and Family 10 August 0 You can save, print, and share these quotes about marriage and family!

Oaks 20 July 1 The things we must do to acquire, strengthen, and retain a testimony are vital to our spiritual life. Ordinances and Covenants 13 July 0 You can save, print, and share these quotes about ordinances and covenants! By Charlotte Larcabal 6 July 2 You are living for something better than just the moment. West 6 July 0 To be a Latter-day Saint is to be a pioneer.

Romney 22 June 7 We asked four patriarchs to answer questions about patriarchal blessings. Renlund 15 June 2 A mighty change of heart is just the beginning. Article Yes, You Can: Schwitzer 27 April 1 When you plan for a mission, it is important that you come well prepared physically, spiritually and emotionally. Cook 20 April 2 Where can I turn for peace?

Murdock 13 April 2 Worried all the time? The Apostasy and Restoration 6 April 0 You can save, print, and share these quotes about the apostasy and restoration! I try to be nice, but they turn me away! By Emily Walmer 16 March 2 My sister and I prayed about the same question—and our answers came in completely different ways.

By Charlotte Larcabal 4 March 2 Missed the event? Perkey 1 March 3 You can change anything you want to change and you can do it very fast. The Plan of Salvation 2 February 1 Save and share these cards about the plan of salvation. Article Mutual Theme: Russell Ballard 19 January 2 Brothers and sisters, are we ready to do something? That friend could be you.

The Godhead 12 January 0 Save and share these cards about building the Godhead! Uchtdorf 29 December 2 Patience is not just enduring. It is enduring well! Article Introducing the Mutual Album! Are You a Selfless Giver? Wilson 22 December 3 What kind of giver to you want to be? Article 25 Ways in 25 Days: Building the Kingdom of God 1 December 5 Save and share these cards about building the kingdom of God! Article New Music Spotlight: Article Quotes from Conference, October 10 November 3 Save and share these amazing quotes from general conference!

Article Answers to Common Questions: Why are Mormons against gay people? Edwards 20 October 1 Do you want it right now — or do you want it right? Catch the highlights here! Todd Christofferson 13 October 3 What is life like when Christ is at the center? Monson 29 September 8 How can you remain true to what God has commanded? Article Understanding Suicide 22 September 6 If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, seek help immediately.

Murdock 22 September 2 Everyone feels down sometimes. How can you be sure what you believe is true? Hales 8 September 7 Gratitude is a divine principle. Commandments 1 September 0 Save and share these cards about commandments! Article Face to Face with Studio C! Marriott 11 August 1 You can do four simple things right now to build a happy, faithful home in the future.