Bestselling Series

See the Light Language Offerings here! The last few days of incoming energies, has spiked the frequency for us all once again, as we come closer to the Full Moon on Tuesday. And messages have been sing-song-ing through…. We are being reminded of the importance of our choices. None of this is new. Are we taking the steps to let go of outworn, dense, heavy, habitual energies which we have grown comfortable with? This will be different for each, depending on where we are at, at any given time.

Are you ready to be awakened?

We may feel a loss, a void, yet it creates more space for Grace to uplift us. Light Language is another form of this which allows deep shifts to occur. Light Language, though relatively new to many, has been known since ancient times. They assist us in releasing outdated programs that keep us stuck in patterns which no longer serve our highest good. LL are a part of our make-up, our DNA. Please arrive a few minutes early to settle in with some tea. Self-rejection takes shape when we judge our self as wrong, bad, not-enough, faulty, etc.

Take it gently in your heart. See it for what it is. This is the path of the Sacred Feminine. This is the path to your Truth. And so we surrender to each cycle, always lifting us into our next level of human-divinity, as ushered in through the Love of the Divine Feminine. This is the entrance into the personal Mystery School, that is the sacred awakening of your Divine Being. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at: Gratitude continues to expand these days for many things. One of which is being in a part of the country with the change of seasons.

During the winter, a time of crone-hood, my hibernation felt out of place, with the continuous liveliness of the maiden-sunshine. The death processes that often required long periods of sleep or melancholy, were harder to sink into. This year, in the mid-west, I feel in sync, in tune, the outer is reflecting the inner.

The elements are working in tandem with my energy. Meditating more through out the day. Letting the death process unfold of this highly transformative last year. Mother Nature is teaching us, mirroring our own nature to us, through her cycles. The willingness to surrender. This is not a metaphor. This time of Ascension, Awakening, are preparing our beings as vessels of Love.

That makes thirty million Americans alone, and in addition to those people in other North American countries, about ten percent of the population of Western European countries are also awakening. This is probably enough of a critical mass to bring about a new earth. So the transformation of consciousness is truly happening even though they won't be reporting it on tonight's news. Is it happening fast enough? I am hopeful about humanity's future, much more so now than when I wrote The Power of Now. In fact that is why I wrote that book.

Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

I really wasn't sure that humanity was going to survive. Now I feel differently. I see many reasons to be hopeful. You say in your new book that for humanity to make this transformation, there needs to be a shift from object consciousness to space consciousness. Can you explain more about that? I am saying that I see the emergence of space consciousness as the next stage in the evolution of humanity. By space consciousness I mean that in addition to our being fully conscious of things—that is to say of sense perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and whatever happens in our lives—there is at the same time an undercurrent of awareness or Presence operating in us.

Awareness implies that we are not only conscious of things, such as the objects and the people around us, but we are also conscious at the same time of being conscious. Conscious of the timeless I AM without which there would be no world. We can sense an inner alert stillness in the background while things happen in the foreground.

That is the unconditioned. That is true intelligence. If there is only object consciousness in our lives, we remain trapped in the conditioned, trapped in form, which creates an appearance of separation. We are always trying to change the form or are resisting it in some way.

We are looking to the world of form for salvation. But when we are aware of space consciousness, aware of being aware, we are freed from identification with form, which is ego, and there arises within us a sense of oneness with the whole and with our Source. That's right, because in space consciousness there is no future and no past. There is only the present, and it is always free. This is what the Buddhists call "emptiness" and Jesus calls "the fullness of life. Because it is an opening into the vertical dimension, which has no limit, the present is never confining or fraught with problems.

Problems need time, that is to say past and future, to survive.

Awaken~The Divine You

On the other hand, if we let our focus drift back to the past or forward to the future, we are functioning in the horizontal dimension, and this results in an expanded differentiation of forms deriving from ego constructs. Entering the vertical dimension requires a high degree of Presence. The Now needs to be the main focus of our attention. Of course, we need the concept of time in order to function, for example, to schedule this interview. But the point is not to be limited to that dimension alone.

The arising of space consciousness—a shift to vertical rather than horizontal awareness—is the next stage in the evolution of humanity, and it's happening more and more as our awareness remains in the now moment. One thing we can do is to notice the little things all around us, paying attention to details such as the birds in the trees and the flowers in the garden or the park—just notice the beauty everywhere, even the smallest things.

To notice seemingly insignificant things requires alertness. That alertness is the key. It is the unconditioned. It is consciousness itself. Another helpful practice is to watch the breath, and breathe consciously. If we are paying attention to our breath, we cannot be thinking of anything else at the same time. Our attention is in the now moment and not on our worries about yesterday or our plans for what we will do next week.

Awaken ~ The Divine You – The Golden Space Malaysia

We are just breathing, not thinking. Because the practice of breath meditation takes us out of the activity of thought, it is an effective way to awaken. In fact, breath, because it has no form as such, has traditionally been equated with spirit, the formless One Life. In the German language, the word atmen, meaning "breathing," is derived from atman, which in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India , refers to the innermost essence or universal self. Thinking, or more precisely identification with thinking, gives rise to and maintains the ego, which, in our Western society in particular, is out of control.

It believes it is real and tries hard to maintain its supremacy. Negative states of mind, such as anger, resentment, fear, envy, and jealousy, are products of the ego. When the ego is in control, these states of mind appear to us to be justified and also to be caused by some external factor.

Usually another person is blamed for these feelings.

Their true cause, however, is not to be found in the content of your life, but in the very structure of the egoic mind. It needs enemies because it defines its identity through separation, and so it emphasizes the other-ness of others.

For this reason, letting the ego be in control leads ultimately to violence, fighting, and war. This is madness, but the ego doesn't see it that way. The film A Beautiful Mind does a good job of depicting how the mind can delude us if we are not aware that it is controlling us. It's the true story of a man who is a genius but he's also insane.

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The divine art of being by Mark Gerard Craig. This book explores the notion of 'being' as compared with 'doing'. Many people are caught up in the endless and futile struggle of trying to become something; of adding to themselves in some way. This is because many people today, especially in western culture, feel incomplete; they feel that there is something missing in their life that renders them either of less worth o This book explores the notion of 'being' as compared with 'doing'.

This is because many people today, especially in western culture, feel incomplete; they feel that there is something missing in their life that renders them either of less worth or less capable of being happy. Consequently, one is vulnerable to what Buddha called the source of all suffering: The mind believes that unless one is continually adding 'things' to itself that one can never fully 'be' oneself. This dynamic forms the basis of inner compulsion that drives individuals to seek fulfilment and completion, sometimes at great cost to others.

Perhaps we are already complete and in realising this, can know and experience liberation right now. Perhaps our personal story doesn't have to have a perfect ending for genuine peace to reign. Kindle Edition , pages. Published November 11th first published September 3rd To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

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