Here are just a few examples and highlights of your love declarations. At the same time, the DOJ and the European Commission allowed Google to buy Motorola Mobility, thus giving the search company a sizable patent portfolio. ACTA, a multi-national treaty to enforce copyright and patents, is threatening Free Software and freedom in the information society.
It endangers people's access to essential medicines. The treaty creates a culture of surveillance and suspicion, and the way in which it was negotiated is a mockery of proper democratic process. In the Free Software community, we exchange a lot of criticism. We write bug reports, tell others how they can improve the software, ask them for new features, and generally are not shy about criticising others.
Sometimes we forget to say "thank you, for all your work". As in the last years, we want to change this, at least for one day. Free Software Foundation Europe has been awarded a grant from Mozilla. Dazu gibt es eine Mitmach-Kampagne, zu der ihr Material und Ideen auf ilovefs. Read about copyright originality in the EU, publication of Library License, European Commissions proposal to reform the old data protection rules, iPad litigations and more. The winner of the election will help FSFE's strategic decision making body plan the future of the organisation, and will join Hugo Roy who occupies the other Fellowship seat since Both Fellowship representatives are full members of the General Assembly for a term of two years, and have all the rights and obligations of other members.
On 28th of March , we will be running a campaign for document liberation - Document Freedom Day On this occasion, we would like to ask you for help in promoting its underlying idea by means of your art. Read about launch of cloud computing interoperability intitiative, US Supreme Court decision on copyright extension, plan of Spanish region to use For our January fellowship interview we met Heiki Ojasild. He joined the Free Software Foundation Europe in , undertaking the task of translating fsfe.
In he took part in the Baltic Olympiad in Informatics. In this interview, he explains us his views about copyright, Digital Restrictions Management, kopimism, and activism. Please help us in showing your support for Free Software by participating in our online campaign. Emails, blogs, microblogs, donations, everything is welcome!
There are free banners to use for your website available, too. In addition, this year will also be an event to celebrate Free Software in the Unperfekthaus in Essen. We would love to see you there! Read about European concerns with SOPA, dangers of Secure Boot, Nokia's move to sell patents to a patent troll, summary of Free Software developments in , web blocking in Germany and many more. In a reply to the BBC about proposed changes to the national curriculum, Sam Tuke explains some of the ways in which teaching Free Software programming skills in schools is important to the future of Britain.
Currently, these licenses are considered to be void due to lack of their written form and problems with formation of the contract. Slovakia is thus one of a few countries where these popular licensing tools still struggle with rigid legislative framework. Read about the release of Mozilla Publice License 2. Paul Boddie is a developer in the bioinformatics domain.
In this interview, he explains his conception of Free Software, which has a lot to do with sustainable computing and with the ability to use, maintain and develop solutions indefinitely. Read about ground-breaking decision of the Court of Justice of EU, abuse of copyright against an Android developer, AG's opinion in awaited European interoperability ruling and much more. Read about ground-breaking decision of the Court of Justice of EU, AG's opinion in awaited European interoperability ruling, two software patent cases and much more.
City officials in Helsinki, Finland, are overwhelmingly satisfied after trying out the Free Software office suite OpenOffice. We fought against software patents and the way they restrict Free Software and competition. We helped to defend the GPL against those who would take away our freedom to study and modify the software on our computers, and worked on many other important issues. Competition authorities in the US and Europe are currently investigating the sale of patents from Nortel, a bankrupt telecommunications equipment manufacturer, to a consortium of Apple, Microsoft and four other companies.
The European Commission has adopted a set of proposals for its next framework program. Called Horizon , this program will provide 80 billion EUR for research and development projects from to Prior to finalisation of the proposal, FSFE had provided input to the Commission in order to make the program accessible for Free Software research and projects. Our input also aims at making the results of publicly funded research available as widely as possible.
Le projet YaCy vient de publier la version 1. Le logiciel prend une direction radicalement nouvelle pour la recherche. YaCy n'utilise pas de serveur central. Mirko Boehm currently works as a researcher at the Technical University of Berlin, focusing on the subject of Free Software and copyright and patents. For a long time he has been involved with KDE. FUD, invalid patents, etc.
Also, new questions arise on exact scope of the copyrightability of software, with the litigation between Oracle and Google, again on Android, exploring new issues on linking, user-space and APIs specifications. The Dutch government wants to tie the country's schools to a single software vendor for years to come. Dutch students using Free Software or devices without Silverlight-support will find themselves locked out of schools' online systems due to the use of proprietary technology and closed standards. Marja Bijsterveldt, the secretary of education, recently said that she is unwilling to enforce the Dutch government's own Open Standards policy on educational institutions.
Instead, the government will accept long-term vendor lock-in of educational institutions. Yesterday, the court dismissed this principal claim. Thus, it also confirmed that users of embedded devices with pre-installed Free Software have the legal freedom to make, install, run and distribute modifications to this Free Software. In the October Internship Interview he considers the importance of having an active and engaged community of users, which, thanks to events like FSCONS, have the opportunity of direct interaction.
Facebook intends to act as its own private Internet, but fortunately there are lots of projects out there that will do the same things that Facebook does, and much more. Stefan Kangas is the President of the recently started Fripost, the Free Email Association, which proposes itself to deliver a free and reliable Email service. This service, which is running since February, represents an alternative to proprietary Email providing services, which may limit user's freedom and privacy. Im Rahmen der am Richard Shipman, Teaching Fellow at the Computer Science department of Aberystwyth University, talks about the importance of promoting Free Software alongside alternatives at school level, and what role the computer sciences can play in relating the messages of Free Software to other institutions and disciplines.
We talked to approximately 60 people, handed out approximately leaflets, received one donation, and sold five t-shirts. FSFE was generally well received and I felt that the booth was a great success. This weekend Free Software activists will find and report web advertising for proprietary software that is being funded by the British Government. Activists will meet on Saturday at Manchester's 'MadLab' Hackerspace to hunt for new adverts and contact government departments requesting that they be removed.
What constitutes a socially acceptable and sustainable approach to "Cloud Computing" and "Software as a Service"? Georg Greve examines seven categories of requirements of cloud based systems which are truly Free. Computer Aided Design software is critically important to a variety of industries and professions. It's also notorious for being poorly catered for by Free Software applications. Here's a brief summary of the current situation.
He takes over from Fernanda Weiden, who held the volunteer position for the past two years. Yesterday in Berlin a court hearing took place in a case that could set a crucial precedent for the embedded industry see also "AVM violating license of the Linux kernel". Florian discusses the past present and future of LibreOffice and The Document Foundation, and his views on the importance of Free Software marketing.
Fresh action in the European Commission's antitrust proceedings against Microsoft: FSFE has participated in the case for a decade and will intervene on the Commission's behalf. We need your help to write a paper with details of recommended Free Software applications for use in the UK public sector. Please contribute your knowledge by joining us on Etherpad. In the case of the Foreign Office turning away from Free Software, the German Government is entangling itself in contradictions. As British Telecom plans to roll out their new music subscription service to its 5.
On Friday, Free Software Foundation Europe asked the European Commission to create a legal avenue for citizens seeking collective redress against companies. In its contribution to a public consultation by the Commision, FSFE argues that consumers should be able to join forces in order to defend their rights against harmful business practices. Michiel explains how the Unhosted project could change the face of Free Software web applications, and solve problems of privacy, scalability and affordability for all kinds of software provided as a service. Free Software Foundation Europe has provided the European Commission with input on modernising the way in which public bodies buy software and related services.
According to the German authorities, the terms of the sale have been slightly modified since we registered our concerns with them on December 22, Despite these modifications, the transfer of a substantial number of patents to firms with a history of using them against Free Software remains a worrying prospect. Both documents are available on our overview page for the case. Today FSFE announced a new cutting-edge development: Today the ARD internet platform Tagesschau. Today, activists in 37 cities around the world are raising awareness for Open Standards and open document formats.
In workshops, talks and other events, they are explaining why Open Standards and Free Software are crucial to a free and competitive information society. As companies and communities come together to raise awareness of Open Standards for the forth consecutive Document Freedom Day, the issue of freedom from restricted digital files is more relevant in the UK than ever. As Britain reverses its traditional role and moves to the fore of European public sector Free Software policy, FSFE explains the most important recent developments.
On January 24, ADUC filed a complaint against Microsoft demanding that the company should reimburse consumers who return unused licenses for the Microsoft Windows operating systems that are pre-installed on newly bought computers. Free Software Foundation Europe is ten years old this March. Fixing the flaws in government IT", which calls for dramatic change to government attitudes, and wider use of both Free Software and, as Glynn Moody points out , the principles behind its development.
In a meeting called by the Home Office's lead architect, members of the British Computer Society's Open Source Specialist Group argued that some proprietary software was "viral" in the way that it had spread and stagnated within government and industry, and should be banned from government systems. A presentation given by the Cabinet Office which outlines its expectations for greater availability and support of Free Software in the public sector is available to the public.
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It makes clear that the government sees great value in high quality FS, and expects to make significant savings by using it. The election period ended yesterday at midnight, with the following results: Notes and pictures from FSFE's attendance at two important events last week. Free Software activist, Creative Commons musician, and professional geologist Massimo Barbieri discusses his experiences with Free art, software, and standards. This was only the start of a tremendous love declaration to Free Software developpers and applications that went out until late at night, around 3: DFD is a global day to celebrate Open Standards and open document formats and its importance.
Open Standards ensure the freedom to access your data, and the freedom to build Free Software to write and read data in specific formats. The process might have slipped away quietly. But now it is in the spotlight, thanks to a request from the SPD parliamentary group: The Foreign Office AA , once a "beacon project" for the use of Free Software in the federal ministries, will return to proprietary software. Political veteran Anne discusses new ways influence European legislation, the scale of Free Software support in developing countries, and the importance of local culture in community campaigning.
After months of work by FSFE's Web Team a new website design has been launched, bringing with it a fresh look, improved infrastructure, and new features. Fedora maintainer Alex discusses working with Free technology at Nokia, the threat of diluting Free Software principles, and how he uses computing for emotional development. Un mois, une campagne, un objectif: Interviews with FSFE fellows are back! In the first in this new series Chris Woolfrey talks to Leena Simon about dogmatism, surveillance, and why Free Software needs more geek girls.
Au cours de la campagne pdfreaders. In the drawn-out battle to retain at least a weak recommendation for Open Standards in the revised European Interoperability Framework, FSFE has countered a leaked letter by proprietary lobby group Business Software Alliance with its own thorough analysis of the relation between standards and patents.
With the upcoming local elections, the Vienna Fellowship group asked the political parties about Free Software and Open Standards. Eight out of fifteen parties replied to the questions about use of Free Software, adoption of Open Standards for communication internal and external and E-Governance. Research published this week suggests that the majority of federal government departments in Germany are ignoring requirements to implement Open Standards.
Research published by FSFE this week suggests that the majority of federal government departments in Germany are ignoring requirements to implement Open Standards. For Rogall-Grothe a valid technological standard must first be fully publicized, secondly be unrescritively and consistently used, and thirdly not be subjected to any legal restrictions. On 25 May the regional government authority of Bolzano decided to spend 2. All this was done without a public call for tender, making it impossible for competing suppliers of similar software to make offers of their own.
The European Commission has officially published its long-awaited Digital Agenda, outlining its policy plans for the next five years. The medal is awarded once a year in Stuttgart by a non-partisan foundation named for West Germany's first president. Berlin, le 28 avril Today is Document Freedom Day For the third time, groups all over the world are celebrating open document formats and Open Standards. They are raising awareness for how a technical issue impacts our day- to-day lives. The draft gives rise to concerns that the Commission is giving up its worldwide leadership in the use of Open Standards, hurting innovation, competition and user freedom in Europe.
FSFE has updated its analysis page, comparing the current draft with previous versions, as well as demands from a proprietary lobby group. Will you be able to read your documents 20 years from now? Every day, millions of computer users like you edit text and spreadsheets, take pictures and record audio and video. What if you couldn't read your private letters anymore, or even open that album with pictures from your honeymoon? What if you couldn't exchange those files with friends, because the software used by each one of you can't talk to each other?
To help you make your documents future-proof, we celebrate Document Freedom Day on March FSFE welcomes the arrival of greater competition in the web browser market. From today, Microsoft has to offer Windows users in Europe the possibility to choose among different browsers. This step puts into practice the company's settlement with the European Commission from December The winner of the election will help FSFE's strategic decision making body plan the future of the organisation, and will join Torsten Grote who occupies the first Fellowship seat since earlier last year.
La fondation Theodor Heuss indique: The European Commission EC has given in to the demands of lobbyists for Microsoft and SAP when it revised a key document on interoperability between electronic government services. FSFE has unleashed an advocacy push in order to prevent the European Commission from hollowing out an important European reference document on interoperability.
A new set of graphics that includes banners, web 2. Whether you manage a bullettin board, a weblog or a website feel free to copy and paste our html code into your site. The European Commission is on the verge of settling two antitrust cases against Microsoft. The details of this settlement will determine how much competition there can be in Europe's software market for years to come.
Andreas Tolf Tolfsen is a web technologist, developer and aspiring musicologist - who works at Opera Software, and regularly fights for digital freedoms. I sat down for a Jabber session with Andreas, asking him about his work, his life and his music. The issue of Free Software has hit the run-up to the German elections. In response to questions from supporters of FSFE, they explain that Free Software equals more competition, promotes innovation and provides cost savings.
With the German federal elections coming up on September 27 , FSFE calls on all friends of freedom to ask the parties' candidates about their positions on Free Software and Open Standards. We have set up a page about the German Bundestagswahl to help you ask questions, and to collect the answers.
FSFE - Archive des nouvelles
He already agreed to continue coordinating the team after the conclusion of his internship in November. Free Software Foundation Europe FSFE congratulates the European Commission on its firm stance in the antitrust investigation against Microsoft, which has led the company to offer a settlement.
For any such settlement, getting the details right will be crucial for competition and innovation in the web browser market. During its General Assembly in Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain, the members of FSFE elected new coordinators for several of the organisation's activities, including strategy, legal and executive coordination. Patents on software provide obstacles to knowledge-based industries by making computers less secure, less reliable and by preventing competition on a basic level.
Lack of competition and uncalculable legal risks raise the cost of ICT and cost jobs across the entire industry, for which the enablement through software is a major innovation driver, as highlighted in the UNCTAD Information Economy Report We moved the Fellows' blogging platform to a new site, we created a Planet to aggregate the Fellows' blogs and we provided them with an improved and functional wiki. Myriam Schweingruber is a devoted Free Software advocate with a flair for convincing people.
Having worked as a translator, a school teacher and a pharmacist, Myriam is quite experienced in the art of communication, and gives a clear impression of trustworthiness. Read on for the latest instalment of our Fellowship interview series - "the smallest unit of freedom".
It will be the responsibility of the Executive Director to coordinate FSFE's day-to-day affairs through working with a mixed team of volunteers and employees. Further responsibilities include management of the organisational assets according to the priorities set by the General Assembly and coordination of the Executive Council.
The election process for the first Fellowship seat on FSFE's General Assembly is underway now and four people have put themselves up for election by all Fellows: A great global community is gathering today to celebrate the second Document Freedom Day. After a successful celebration, Document Freedom Day teams all over the world are joining efforts to raise awareness for Document Freedom and Open Standards.
This conference will provide a forum for discussions on supply chain management, compliance procedures, licence management, community interaction, and other legal issues related to the growth of the European Free Software market. For eight years now, the Free Software Foundation Europe has been working tirelessly for basic rights and freedoms in an increasingly software-driven society. He has been involved in many different projects relating to Free Software and is deeply concerned about social issues. Read on for the fourth in our Fellowship interview series - "the smallest unit of freedom".
FSFE's new year translation sprint ended yesterday with a respectable result: FSFE's core team expresses its appreciation towards all the volunteers who contributed. Still looking for a good New Year's Resolution? This month features the third installment of our Fellowship interviews series. This is the third in our series of Fellowship interviews - "the smallest unit of freedom".
The aim of this sprint is to provide information about Free Software and FSFE's work in as many languages as possible. This guide will help users and developers to deal with license violation reports. It explains how to make a report, what information is useful to include, and offers suggestions for how projects or businesses can deal with reports once they are received.
The resulting paper is about the most harmful effects of patents on standards, the effectiveness of current remedies, and potential future remedies. Cette remise ne s'applique pas aux frais de port. However, the training wheels keep children from falling and give freedom to both the children and their parents. Likewise Wine helped to give freedom and security to the users. It is for this we are thankful and we recognise their work. Shane Coughlan adds "I believe our new agreement will help ensure sustainability for legal infrastructure to support Free Software in Europe.
Yesterday's media briefing by Microsoft on its its pledge to release interoperability information for flagship products contained little actual news. Over the years Microsoft has made multiple similar pledges and they at times proved to be detrimental rather than beneficial for interoperability. Examining the terms of the Microsoft's latest action shows no major change of policy. The venue for this meeting is the InterContinental Amstel Hotel. The initial phase of the FTF was possible thanks to support by the Netherlands based philantropic organisation NLnet foundation.
NLnet's support allowed the FTF to provide training, consultancy and to work in partnership with gpl-violations.
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The FTF also formed networks of technical and legal experts to foster cooperation between lawyers, projects and businesses with licensing concerns. Now, after just over twelve months of continual growth, NLnet is providing a second round of financial support to this innovative legal project. To help achieve this goal, FSFE offered its support for a possible antitrust investigation based on the complaint of Opera Software against Microsoft. The complaint was based on anti-competitive behaviour in the web browser market.
One case is over and interoperability won. The European Court made clear that interoperability information should not be kept secret and the agreement shows that Microsoft saw no way to continue its obstruction of interoperability in this area. This establishes a standard which everyone will have to meet from now on. It distorts the market and denies Free Software solutions equal competition on the merits.
The problem has been that many lock-ins are invisible, for example reliance on proprietary protocols or needing to use certain document formats.
L'indépendance de la Catalogne
Certified Open makes that lock-in visible and allows users to measure their dependency. The FSFE criticises the proposed "second Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive" IPRED2 for sweeping criminalisation across various areas of law and loosely described areas of activity, including for 'attempting, aiding or abetting and inciting. The Free Software Foundation Europe FSFE is committed to working with lawyers throughout Europe to maximise the legal security of Free Software and is aware that as the community matures it is important to be able to locate professional legal advice.
For this reason FSFE has introduced a new policy for recommending legal experts in individual countries. The FLA is a copyright assignment that allows Free Software projects to bundle their copyright in a single organisation or person. It enables projects to ensure their legal maintainability and can be used to either assign copyright to FSFE's Fiduciary Program or to assign the rights to another organisation set up by the project team itself. FSFE considers this a unique opportunity: With the release of Vista, users will need to upgrade to a new operating system that will feel different and require some time to get used to its functionality.
It is about the same investment in effort, but it will give you control over your own data.

The Fiduciary licence Agreement is part of this. It provides a clear way for projects to consolidate their copyright.
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In the case of OpenSwarm, FSFE is acting a legal guardian for the project and ensuring that the developers can focus on maturing an exciting development platform. In this talk, Richard Stallman explains why Free Software is defined the way it is, the technical and political choices that have gotten the Free Software movement to where it is today, and what we have to do to prepare for what's ahead. With more than 20 years of practice, Stallman also entertains while telling the story.
Early this morning, a group of contributing organisations and authors launched DRM. The contributing groups come from different areas, such as digital freedom, network activism, consumer rights and libraries. After six months of public comment, the second public discussion draft of GPLv3 is now online - responding to public input about patents, Digital Restrictions Management, and global enforceability among other things.
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European Commission to fine Microsoft 1. December , totalling Should Microsoft not come into compliance until the end of July , the daily fines could be doubled. These fines are a reaction to Microsofts continued lack of compliance with the European Commission decision to make interoperability information available to competitors as a necessary precondition to allow fair competition. The conference will take place in Barcelona, Spain, and the exact venue will be announced soon. Commonly called "the GPL", this licence is used by the majority of Free Software to detail the distribution terms of the software.
Meanwhile, Microsoft left no doubt as to the legal nature of that Bubble: FSFE's way to say thank you for the support: Like last year's PDA, donated by xtops. For two lucky Fellows, April Fool's Day will be anything but foolish. Yesterday Microsoft acted like a robber that, when asked to please put away the gun, tosses you a grenade. Not continuing what was begun, or changing from a horse to a mule midstream, as the honored Indian delegate so eloquently put it, would be wasting the time and effort spent on this initiative by all sides, North and South.
For this reason we strongly support the notion of letting the IIM process finish what it began. Stichting NLnet donate , EUR to support GPLv3 activities The project will bring together thousands of organisations, software developers, and software users from around the globe during , in an effort to update the world's most popular Free Software licence. The GPLv3 promises to be one of the largest participatory comments and adoption efforts ever undertaken.
After years of struggle, the European Parliament finally rejected the software patent directive with of votes: A strong signal against patents on software logic, a sign of lost faith in the European Union and a clear request for the European Patent Office EPO to change its policy: Citing scientific evidence, the text argues that software patents in Europe will hurt jobs and innovation. Among the supporters are leaders of some of Europe's biggest trade union groups. DE has sponsored a handheld computer which will be raffled on June 25 at The winner will be chosen at random from all FSFE Fellows whose contribution has been received before that date.
Kroes" - "European Commission is about to enter legal house-to-house fighting! This proposal, if accepted, will effectively revert the court decision for the most serious competitor of Microsoft in this market. Le 9 mars , les Japonais attaquaient nos garnisons. Et dix, vingt, trente autres encore. Mais aussi des sportifs, des acteurs, des chanteurs, des musiciens.
Des femmes de sa famille. Une jeunesse de soleil et de rires. Bal l ades irlandaises. Les hommes y sont debout. Les femmes y sont belles. Miggiani, ambassadeur de Malte en France. L'Olive, le doum et l'orange Bernard Hoerni. Interdit aux chiens d'aboyer! Pierre Descaves croit au matin de notre pays. Gautier et au cours Rousselot. Qui se souvient des Hommes? Qui se souvient des Indiens? Leurs faiblesses aussi, parfois. Pour en savoir plus sur l'auteur: Vengeances de femmes est une anthologie. Gofman 8 minutes sur France 3 14 avril Jean Monneret est Docteur en Histoire. Le Vente et la voile.
La terre, elle, ne ment pas Un pamphlet le dernier livre de Roger Holeindre?
Le blog de l'auteur sur le sujet: Son livre sonne comme un tocsin pour que les clochers qui nous restent encore ne sonnent pas le glas: Le singing cowboy , est devenu une institution. Le blog de l'auteur: Alors, tournez les pages, laissez vous porter par la petite musique des mots et… bouclez vos valises! Voir le blog de l'auteur: Le blog du livre: La Marseillaise de Santa Chiara. L'OAS et ses appuis internationaux. Pierre-Yves Laurioz Une belle vie de chien. Le soir tombait sur Oran.
Ici, un vieil homme menait son dernier combat. Et le saut fut fait: Ceux qui savent liront Pierre Descaves en disant: Il est mort en Sous la forme de cet opuscule de vulgarisation. Loi des gouvernements locaux. Loi interdisant les grandes surfaces commerciales en dehors des villes. Voir dans cette page: Le Parlement de Catalogne: Police catalane ne les execute pas en tant que police judiciaire. Les crises dans les CA. Il a fini par quitter Podemos. Une autre lecture est possible: Ou de leurs abstentions.
Elle avait 70 ans. La famille retourne assez rapidement en Catalogne. En fait, ceci est assez logique: Elections espagnoles en Catalogne: Nous leur remercions de nous avoir permis de reproduire le graphique 5 ci-dessous. La Catalogne entamera-t-elle son processus constituant? Les deux signent le texte, en catalan dans la version originale. Pourquoi le symbolisme du tennis? Du nationalisme espagnol assimilateur le plus classique?
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Les signes sont nombreux: Peu de transparence sur son financement. La SCC mobilise peu. Les institutions de gouvernement se centreront sur le fonctionnement du nouvel Etat. Une nouvelle a fait la une en Catalogne cette semaine. Et ceci que le gouvernement espagnol soit de droite ou de gauche. Il est actuellement la seconde force du parlement catalan.
A peine investie maire de Barcelone, Ada Colau a pris comme conseiller personnel son mari, avec le budget de la coalition. En suivra la guerre civile en