Typically, what happens, when that process starts, someone will come to me evangelizing passionately some new game or game type idea that they have so by no means are all our games coming from me. So, with all the incubation, and even going back, how many games never saw the light of day that were past concept stages, that there was stuff there? I have a slide where it shows a curtain, you know, and how does Blizzard consistently make great games and it shows a picture of Blizzard covered by a curtain, and the next slide is this terrifying-looking clown.
The interesting thing about almost all of our failures, they almost all lead directly to the next success. So, Titan lead — one to one — to Overwatch. We honor our failures, learn from them, and they almost always directly lead to the next blockbuster title. I would probably say, what I think is the best game ever made was EverQuest. Dungeons were scary and real and then the social aspect of it that came into play. Even now, when I think about virtual worlds, I go back to EverQuest and tell stories about my experiences there.
For me personally, as a player, progression systems and collections systems, they work well on me. I like collecting things and I love that particular IP. It feels organically correct to that product. Hopefully, we do it in the way the still stays true to our ethics. We dream of the day here where gamers are the rock stars of broad society. Esports is one of the initiatives that I think will help raise that as people realize that as many people or more watch esports than the NFL.
The young generation, of course, coming up they consume a ton of entertainment content and game content — specifically esports and Twitch, other venues. I just like being a gamer with other gamers. When the PlayStation released in , the system represented a sea change in video games in everything from the way games were made to how they were marketed.
The PlayStation brand represented game design without limits; a chance to reach into the game world and pull out the sparks of a revolution in gaming. We got to go hands-on with the system for the first time ahead of its December release and test drive its set of chosen games. Power turns the system on and off, while Reset is the only way to get you back to the home menu to select from the game library.
The back of the system also matches comparable miniconsoles, with a USB power port and an HDMI port, keeping it as simple as possible for people to plug-and-play the devices. Unlike other miniconsoles, however, the controller ports are not proprietary. We compared the PlayStation Classic controllers with the original PlayStation controllers and found them to be identical in shape and weight. The biggest difference is the cord length and build. The original controller had a thicker cord that was also longer by about a foot. In terms of menus, the PlayStation Classic is surprisingly barebones.
The 20 games float in a circle over a blank purple screen without music or any frills. Each game does have a save state, as well as save management, which gives a virtual PlayStation memory card to each title to be handled individually. The charmingly low-res save icons from the original titles are still viewable, which means those who have a preferred save slot in Final Fantasy VII corresponding to their favorite character can still obtain that save icon.
The options are similarly frill-free, with pretty much nothing to adjust the experience of playing the games. The most customization comes in the form of a Screen Saver option to dim the screen after a period of inactivity, with options for language and power saving just below. While maybe not options most people would avail themselves of, their absence is noticeable. There are still some cool aspects to the way the system plays games. When every game launches, the classic PlayStation booting sound fills your ears. For fans who really want a nostalgic experience, hitting power while a game is running and then turning the system back on boots the console back up to that game from the beginning, identical to when you powered the system on in the 90s.
When pressing the Reset button, a menu prompts you if you want to save the state and moving the menu away from it leaves the state there for you to save or dismiss. Trying to overwrite a save state prompts another message, so you could theoretically keep trying a tough part of a game and reloading the original save state if you wanted. The games' load times seem faster, which makes sense considering the data is not being read from a disc. For better or worse, however, the games do still have the same memory card access times, meaning you will have to wait at the main menu for some games for the title to recognize that a Memory Card is plugged in, even virtually.
The games may be the hardest aspect of the PlayStation Classic to report on, as they seem functionally the same to their releases decades ago. That means you will occasionally need to mentally adjust for things like the system menu using X to confirm and Circle to cancel, while games like Final Fantasy VII and Metal Gear Solid use the reverse, before Sony made the changes between regions official.
We also asked Sony if the Resident Evil: The answer was a point-blank no. The PlayStation Classic serves as a reminder to an era of consoles where it felt like the ground beneath your feet was movable when you booted up a game. For many players, the PlayStation was their first system, and the waves of nostalgia the Classic gives off will definitely be enticing to a number of different audiences.
Today, I want to talk about Arthur Morgan. The sights are beautiful, yes, and the gunslinging frantic and appropriately bloody. Arthur Morgan, on the other hand, is a different story. Red Dead Redemption II takes a lot of creative risks. Chief among them is following up a character who is immediately likeable and charismatic in his own homegrown way with someone…who is not those things.
Over at Waypoint , Patrick Klepek expressed criticism of the ludonarrative dissonance variety, drawing attention to how the Arthur he plays in-game kind, sympathetic is often at odds with the violent killing machine Morgan seen in cutscenes and missions. Marston spends the entire story of the original game trying to either outrun his past or literally kill it. Morgan is eventually diagnosed with tuberculosis. The game goes out of its way several times to telegraph that there is no saving him, no Wolfenstein-like moment of salvation hidden in a miracle cure or organ transplant.
The obsession with death was rooted in spiritual anxiety, particularly the notion that everything you did on Earth was transient and that your soul and the weight of its actions during your life was far more important than any material wealth you had obtained because it would determine your afterlife as well as your impressions left upon the world. Can Morgan be redeemed? He gives them enough money to start a new life somewhere else. When the matriarch of the family tells him she won't forgive him, he says he's not looking for forgiveness, pointing to a genuine, selfless desire to be a better person.
In spite of all the things he's done, Morgan is surprisingly sympathetic. Does Morgan pursue the cash that might help him find a cure out west for his tuberculosis spoiler: When the game reveals you are playing Marston in the epilogue and post-game world I was delighted, no doubt.
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However, as my hours in Red Dead Redemption II continue to pile on while I explore the west in search of bounties and hunting down both legendary animals and incredible vistas, my mind keeps drifting back to Arthur Morgan and what he lived and died for. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival recipients and other young immigrants rally at the U. Capitol in Washington in March. A federal appeals court has blocked the Trump administration's effort to end the program.
A federal appeals court in California has blocked the Trump administration from immediately terminating an Obama-era program protecting from deportation young immigrants brought illegally to the U. A three-judge panel of the U. The program allows about , young immigrants to stay and work in the United States.
But the president's action drew immediate legal challenges. In April, a third federal judge, in Washington, D. In this latest ruling, the first by an appellate panel, the judges rejected the government's arguments that the court has no jurisdiction in the matter and said that DACA supporters are likely to succeed in their claim that the administration was acting in an arbitrary and capricious manner.
Earlier this week and before the 9th Circuit had ruled, the Department of Justice asked the U. Supreme Court to intervene by reviewing the three rulings blocking the administration's plan to terminate DACA. The high court has not responded to that request. But virtually all legal observers anticipate that the Supreme Court will ultimately decide the program's fate.
This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR. That is, it virtually disappeared from the mainstream. But thanks to promoter Jack Darrell, a new era of the once popular, but often criticized, Ao final, todos os jogadores ganham brindes. Long Chen , Xuehai Huang. Christopher Hruska , Kim Ruane. In this paper we study CAT 0 groups and their splittings as graphs of groups. For one-ended CAT 0 groups with isolated flats we prove a theorem characterizing exactly when the visual boundary is locally connected.
This characterization depends on whether the group has a certain type of splitting over a virtually abelian subgroup. A significant tool used in the proofs of the above results is a general convex splitting theorem for arbitrary CAT 0 groups. Windows has a little bit of issues with vitrual music. I grew up on a windows, so when I learned about midi, I started off on this midi only sequencer called QWS, stands for quick windows sequencer, developed by a blind man, so naturally very accessible, but also rather old.
It does not work with vst, only soundfonts. Also it is not a fully fledged daw because it does not support audio. In order to get my hands on a daw so I could have vst's and sforzando stuff, I tried reaper. But reaper gave me a delay of almost a full second. So I asked around, and people said to get the Acio4All driver, which basically tries to emulate an acio soundcard thus reducing laightency.
Well I got acio4all, and i don't know what i changed, but I screwed up something so that any time I launched reaper, or anything else running that acio driver, all audio stopped. I uninstalled reaper, but the driver wouldn't let me uninstall it, so I couldn't get a new install of the driver. Also apart from my troubles with acio, I found reaper waaaaaaaay technical. I didn't even quite know how to change virtual instruments. I switched to mac and purchased logic pro, which, I keep reading about how it's so hard to work with, but it was much less jargonistic than reaper, especially if you try starting with the mac's free garageband first.
If you have or are getting windows, make sure you get some specific instructions on that driver, or else make sure you can have an acio soundcard, although I don't know if they sell those for laptops. You'll need one or the other. If you have or are getting a mac, play for at least two or three months with garageband for mac. Then when the price, and the time, is right, get logic.
You don't even need plugins for it to work, it already has many instruments of its own. And if you do go that route you can ask me, I'll give you the resources for learning it. There are resources for reaper I can point you to as well from the old days, lol, but I'd have to look them up and I didn't get help fixing the driver from any of them. I don't mean this to be discouraging, on the contrary, I want anyone who can to do this.
In fact more power to you and I'm going to ask you for tips if you can get this running smoothly on a windows. I just want you to be aware that there is parril in the direction you have been pointed, proceed with caution, and if you have a mac, don't proceed that way lol. Also, whether you use reaper or logic, a good place to ask general midi and virtual instrument and audio production questions is Midimag-X. I think if you google that it'll give you the exact address. Yesterday I wanted to reconfigure the sshd on a remote machine.
Although I'd never done sshd itself, I've done this kind of thing a zillion times before. It looks like this: But this doesn't change the running server; you have to notify the server that it should reread the file. One way would be by killing the server and starting a new one. This would interrupt service, so instead you can send the server a different signal in this case SIGHUP that tells it to reload its configuration without exiting.
It started a shell. Okay, I've never used Match or ForceCommand before, maybe I don't understand how they work, I'll try something simpler. Okay, maybe the sshd is not getting the signal, or something? I hunted up the logs, but there was a report like what I expected:. This was a head-scratcher. Was I modifying the wrong file? It semed hardly possible, but I don't administer this machine so who knows? I tried lsof -p to see if maybe sshd had some other config file open, but it doesn't keep the file open after it reads it, so that was no help.
Eventually I hit upon the answer, and I wish I had some useful piece of advice here for my future self about how to figure this out. But I don't because the answer just struck me all of a sudden. It's nice when that happens, but I feel a bit cheated afterward: I solved the problem this time, but I didn't learn anything, so how does it help me for next time? I put in the toil, but I didn't get the full payoff. Normally when you make an ssh connection to a remote machine, it calls up the server, exchanges credentials, each side authenticates the the other, and they negotiate an encryption key.
Then the server forks, the child starts up a login shell and mediates between the shell and the network, encrypting in one direction and decrypting in the other. All that negotiation and authentication takes time. The handshaking process still occurs as usual for the first connection.
But once the connection succeeds, there's no need to start all over again to make a second connection. You can tell ssh to multiplex several virtual connections over its one real connection. To make a new virtual connection, you run ssh in the same way, but instead of contacting the remote server as before, it contacts the local ssh client that's already running and requests a new virtual connection. The client, already connected to the remote server, tells the server to allocate a new virtual connection and to start up a new shell session for it. The server doesn't even have to fork; it just has to allocate another pseudo-tty and run a shell in it.
This is a lot faster. I had my local ssh client configured to use a virtual connection if that was possible. So my subsequent ssh commands weren't going through the reconfigured parent server. They were all going through the child server that had been forked hours before when I started my first connection. It wasn't affected by reconfiguration of the parent server, from which it was now separate. I verified this by telling ssh to make a new connection without trying to reuse the existing virtual connection:.
It occurs to me now that I could have tried to SIGHUP the child server process that my connections were going through, and that would probably have reconfigured any future virtual connections through that process, but I didn't think of it at the time. Then I went home for the day, feeling pretty darn clever, right up until I discovered, partway through writing this article, that I can't log in because all I get is I like pie!
Ted Nugent, a native of Michigan, took to Facebook Wednesday to express his displeasure at the Badger Chevrolet Wolverine State for electing a whole bunch of Democrats, and maybe one Democrat in particular if you know what he means and we think you do. On the compendium of random brainsharts that serves as his Facebook page , the full-time Texas resident explained the majority of Michigan voters certainly don't speak for most Michiganders, like him, for instance.
Entirely too many local and national media outlets were surprisingly unclear about what particular electoral outcomes Nugent could have had in mind. Here's the Hill missing the point:. Yeah, sure, Nugent doesn't like liberals or Democrats, sure. Fortunately, the Detroit Metro Times knew exactly which winning Democrat from Tuesday that was aimed at, since Nugent's Facebook followers all griped about her winning:.
Yup, that's about the shape of it. Ted Nugent isn't exactly subtle, and frankly, we're annoyed that most other outlets failed to even notice that great big white nationalist turd, which is far nastier than Nugent merely saying Michigan had too many Democrats. No, we're really sure it's Rashida Tlaib he had in mind, not that ballot measure to put redistricting in the hands of a nonpartisan commission. Oh, yes, and with another massacre in the news this morning, the Nugent clan also knows it can't possibly have anything to do with America's virtually unregulated ocean of guns, heck no!
Ted's wife Shemane writes that since even countries that ban guns still have very rare shootings, we need to look elsewhere for the real causes, like maybe Or not eating potatoes at all! Or eating your potatoes or not alone while playing video games:. So please, America, let's all eliminate trans-fats, eat more carbs, be gooder parents, and bar Muslims from public office so we can all have lots and lots more guns and all get along, except for Democrats, who need to die, AMEN.
Yr Wonkette is supported by reader donations. Send us money or we'll do another Ted Nugent story sooner than you'd like. How often would you like to donate? Select an amount USD. You're currently under a dozen internal Interior Department investigations, one of which has just been referred to the Justice Department.
And instead of lying low, you call the Park Police on your neighbors, virtually ensuring that you get hauled in front of Congress for another ten hours of testimony to splain how you weren't abusing your office. Monday night, Ryan Zinke was watching football in his DC townhouse with a bunch of his asshole buddies.
Were they Whitefish assholes? But they arrived at the party in a Mercedes SUV with New York plates, and the driver proceeded to take up three spots on the crowded street while idling the motor for two straight hours. When Regina Arlotto, one of Zinke's neighbors, asked the driver to pull up and make room for her husband, he responded by cutting the engine. Shortly after, the husband got home from work and confronted the driver. Paul Legere says that the Park Police arrived to question him "fully riot-geared out," after which they left, saying that the incident was "all a big misunderstanding.
Arlotto and Legere dispute Vander Voort's account of a probably one-armed man screaming threats and profanity about Trump and Zinke, telling Politico ,. So one of Zinke's guests impersonates a federal official, Zinke calls the Park Police on his own neighbors, the police try to defuse the situation, and then the Interior spokesloon tells an easily disprovable lie about a non-existent man threatening the Secretary, guaranteeing that the story winds up the subject of a congressional investigation and probably an internal Department one as well.
A smart guy who was already answering unpleasant questions about inappropriately using the Park Police to drive him and his pals around to personal events would think twice before siccing them on his neighbors. But Ryan Zinke is not a smart guy. Follow your FDF on Twitter! Please click here to fund Wonkette!
We'll make it through this nightmare together. China's state news agency Xinhua has unveiled a virtual newsreader wearing a sharp suit and a somewhat robotic voice. Lemnis Technologies showcases Virtual Reality headset with eye tracking and varifocal lenses to reduce eye strain, improve comfort and image clarity.
Read the full story at https: Disponibile ora sui dispositivi mobili at Yessgame. Slovenian Ceferin, a lawyer, has held the post since when he replaced former France legend Michel Platini, who was forced to resign several […]. Choose wisely as lines between fantasy and reality will begin to blur…. Arata Mizunashi, a video game programmer, receives a notification from an email sent to him by Shina Ninomiya, a colleague of his who went missing nearly one year ago. When Arata delves hurriedly back into the lines of code haunting his forsaken project, he realizes that his game is now ravaged by an infestation of bugs, and that Shina is its only active player.
Arata soon learns that a nefarious force prevents him from extracting Shina out of the game. Her only way out? On their journey, they encounter a slew of NPC characters that blur perceptions of humanity and A. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in Full Article - http: After having escaped nearly being trapped in a virtual reality, Shido is afflicted by a strange feeling. A disturbance in the world in which he lives. Someone is out there… He cannot shake the helpless, uncomfortable feeling.
This strange feeling persists… A new paradise. As a rule, Japanese indie games receive less publicity and praise than their western counterparts. Unlike a lot of shoot-em-ups, or shmups, Astebreed insists on telling a meaningful story. Set in the future, when a united Earth government has colonized Mars and run afoul of a warlike alien race called the Filune, the game revolves around Roy Becket, a young pilot.
Narrative is important in Astebreed , from beginning to end. Moreover, Arrange Mode—the preferred, console-specific campaign mode—starts and culminates with a beautifully-rendered storyboard cutscene. The developers at Edelweiss mitigate this design flaw with a timeline, accessible in the Extras menu, which captures events before, during, and after Roy's exploits, but the great majority of dialogue is lost in the mechanical demands of the game. Those mechanics, and the gameplay scenarios that surround them, are absolutely brilliant.
Arcade shooters have been around for decades—titles like Space Invaders , Asteroids , and Galaxian laid the ground work in the s—but rarely has a game in the genre experimented with so many fighting styles, camera perspectives, and score multipliers as Astebreed. It's a game that takes the best of horizontal, vertical, and 3D rail shooters, combines it with mech melee combat, and wraps it all in a replayable score-based package.
Let's start with the basics. The Xbreed Roy's starter mech has several offensive moves. The primary function is Lucis Shot, a spread projectile attack. This will destroy low-level enemies and purple bullets. Roy can also use Lucis energy in a homing lock-on attack, in either spherical or conical patterns. Press down on the right stick to create a large circle around Xbreed, and any rival vessels unlucky enough to be caught inside will be tagged; let go the right stick and off go the Lucis bolts.
Players can also direct the homing attack more narrowly by rotating the right stick. Here's where it gets interesting. By holding the lock-on attack longer, you'll tag the enemy with more Lucis energy—which means a stronger homing attack but fewer available slugs for Lucis Shot. Also, spherical lock-on, while covering more real estate, fills the lock-on gauge more slowly than the conical variety. Lucis attacks are only half the battle, though. Xbreed also sports a giant blade—extremely powerful but useless at long range.
Players will deploy this blade in three ways: Finally there are EX moves. As Xbreed fights and destroys enemy bullets with its blade, a yellow EX gauge will fill. Once it's at percent, players can launch three powerful attacks: All of these projectile, melee, and special moves, when combined, make for some incredibly fun, amazingly deep combat. There's nothing quite like taking out an entire fleet of tiny Firune fighters with Lucis Lock-on, then carving up larger capital ships with a flurry of blade strokes.
What's more, nimble controls and plenty of on-screen prompts—Xbreed's Lucis energy is represented by blueish orbs around its mechanical frame, and a glowing yellow outline signals a full EX meter—mean you'll never get lost among the celestial chaos, nor will you fumble looking for the right command or cue.
In fact, despite its medley of mechanics, Astebreed is surprisingly user-friendly, for vets and for shooting rookies. Its accessibility springs from a few things. One, players can lean on Xbreed's sword attack to destroy most enemy bullets and play offense and defense simultaneously—even though it means a lower score more on that to come.
Two, Astebreed provides a generous checkpoint system, so that a failure in the middle of level five, for example, doesn't mean a full restart only a score reset. Three, the game supports three modes: There are many instances of brief down time when this shield can recharge, due to Astebreed 's signature alternating-perspective flow. Where some shooters like Gradius or Ikaruga are content to settle into a single perspective, this game wants it all. These differing perspectives, and the animated transitions that connect them, make Astebreed all the more interesting and mechanically-diverse, and, of course, give harried players a chance to breathe.
So, there are ways for inexperienced pilots to reach the end of the game, but fear not, shmup pros—there are also more challenging ways to succeed at Astebreed. Like any worthwhile arcade action title, Edelweiss' shooter is underpinned by a high score system. Players rack up points throughout the game by accomplishing several things, including dealing damage to enemies marksman points , destroying enemies destruction points , and obliterating enemy attacks.
Adding depth to this formula is the tension rate, which rises as you deploy Shot and Lock-on attacks, and depletes as you use blade and EX moves. Essentially, you fill your tension meter, which feeds into a score multiplier, by shooting down weak ships, then deploy blade and EX attacks to "consume" the tension against stronger enemies. You're able to push your high score further into the stratosphere during boss fights by earning marksman points and wiping out the overlord before a time limit expires.
Furthermore, the game tracks high scores and tension rate in an EKG-like graph in ranked leaderboards—offline only, unfortunately—and offers 40 achievements for the hardcore good luck trying to beat hard mode with no continues or with less than 50, damage taken. These benchmarks are critical, because Astebreed , like the great majority of its type, is a short experience. Its six levels could be finished in an afternoon. So, go in knowing that replaying the game for high scores and perfect runs is meant to replace a substantial single-player campaign. Outside of leaderboards and achievements, Astebreed offers up several extras, including the aforementioned timeline, documents and character bios, demo scenes, artwork, and a nifty mecha model viewer, where mech heads can admire friendly and enemy ships in degrees.
In addition to its collection of modes, mechanics, scoring systems, achievements, and extras, Astebreed sports some gorgeous graphics, breathtaking backgrounds, and impressive lighting and model work. The game's OST is noteworthy as well, thanks to a collection of electronic and progressive rock tracks that seem torn straight from the s. If Japanese indie developer Edelweiss wasn't already on your radar, consider this your wake-up call.
Astebreed is a new classic, a tour de force of arcade action, and an expert distillation of the rules, perspectives, mechanics, and themes that have defined shoot-em-ups for forty years. Absent online leaderboards and English voice-overs, and the brevity of the campaign, are the only pain points. Every beat indicates which saber you need to use and also the direction you need to match. All the music is composed to perfectly fit the hand made levels. Our goal is to make players almost dance while cutting the cubes and avoiding obstacles.
Each cut is strongly supported by great sound and visual effects to emphasize the rhythm. Has the start-up economy stalled? Are American businesses becoming dinosaurs? The class snapped to attention, and a swarm of ideas buzzed down from the semicircular banks of seats in Aldrich 9. Price tags retailers wouldn't have to re-mark them for discounted sales. Sheet music self-turning scores. Newspapers with built-in refreshable video. Menus no more regrets from the waiter that the daily special is sold out.
Camouflage clothing that changes in different lighting Sahlman again: They were having fun. But then Sahlman, who was having as much fun as anyone, had to rein it in. Asserting his pedagogical role himself M. Indeed, technological euphoria and the seemingly limitless potential of new ideas could be inimical to operating a real business. That challenge faced E Ink Corporation, the subject of the class's case discussion, every day. Founded in to revolutionize the mundane printing business with new display technology, the company had its eye on multibillion-dollar markets like electronic newspapers.
But to realize that vision, its scientists had to get into harness with business people and apply themselves to routine tasks like perfecting their technology, learning how to manufacture it, and financing the needed investments in research, development, and marketing through a combination of product sales and venture funding. National retailers like Wal-Mart and J. Penney could assure uniform signage throughout their stores, and could change prices without printing and shipping paper signs—and hoping store managers posted them.
He acknowledged that the scientists, who are driven by discovery, aren't much moved by selling sneakers. Why not try to skip the interim stages, raise the extra money beyond the commitments already made by venture-capital funds, publishers, and others , and go for the prize, a student asked. And so emerged several lessons beyond the technicalities of finance. In 80 minutes of give-and-take among students, professor, and manager, the class touched on the tension between the romance of ideas and the reality of enterprises, the conflicting motivations of the participants in an immature business, and the staged growth and resource needs of a young enterprise.
Financial acuity counts, to be sure, but as Wilcox explained and E Ink's experience made clear, its prospects depend on a welter of fundamentally human choices.
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Late last May, a year after incorporating Polished, she was still struggling to open its first unit. For every glamorous start-up seemingly flush with resources, dozens more have always proceeded more traditionally, out of sight. Rhyne, a Colgate graduate, worked in marketing and investment-banking jobs before applying to business school, propelled by nothing more concrete than a sense that she "ought" to go, perhaps to pursue a job in the biotechnology industry.
Once enrolled, she said, her classes "opened up my eyes" to the challenges beyond finance and the capital markets: In the spring of , just before Rhyne arrived, the business school held its first business-plan contest, offering student teams financial support and technical advice to develop proposed new ventures and present them competitively before venture-funding professionals. A summer job had dulled Rhyne's interest in biotechnology, and in large companies generally.
Also that summer, a chance comment by her mother while the two of them waited for a flight in an airport "Wouldn't it be great if we could go get a manicure right now? During her second year of business school, Rhyne plunged into three entrepreneurship classes and decided to develop "the nail thing" as a paper to satisfy a course requirement. Rhyne's idea for meeting the "weekly beauty needs"—manicures, facials, massages—of time-pressed women made the semifinal round of the business-plan contest. In retrospect, the wave of enthusiasm for the Internet was just cresting. Other semifinalists included eBricks.
Rhyne's old-economy idea was the only nontechnology concept to make the semifinals. Her teammates moved on to other things, but she decided to try to build a business. And then began her harsh encounter with the entrepreneur's basic dilemma, what Sahlman calls "the problem of simultaneity. Rhyne could see a large market for reliable, branded beauty services in office parks and hotels, but she focused first on the high-visibility airport market, where customers in transit needed the services she could provide—and might relish them as an alternative to waiting for delayed flights in crowded terminals.
Prime locations in airports come at a premium, however; securing space depended on financing, a credible design for Polished's stores, and leasing managers' belief in Rhyne's ability to hire people and satisfy customers—neither of which was possible, of course, without a site. Of necessity, she cobbled together a new-style "virtual company," contracting for design services, real estate-consulting advice, expertise on the beauty business and operations—functions an established firm would maintain in-house.
All the while, classmates' businesses took shape. Admitting her frustration, Rhyne confessed, "I feel that I've sacrificed my personal happiness for the time being to pursue this goal. It's definitely been a long road. Mas quem sofreu foram eles. O Wooster Group aqui fechou suas portas. Muitas companhias de teatro daqui e da Europa fecharam suas portas.
Sim, o tempo semi-acabou. Mas somente parte desse tempo acabou. Sou daqueles que viu a Tower Records abir a loja aqui na Broadway com Rua 4. Parece analogia pra um 11 de Setembro? Falo somente de mega lojas de Cds. Fica algo torto ou levemente aleijado. Sim, perdi a vontade de improvisar. Gerald Thomas, 7 September Crepusculo dos Deuses, primeiro ato.
E ainda assim, lembre de Que lindo texto, Mr. Isso nem se imagina…qualquer area com qualquer trabalhador fazendo qualquer coisa que qualquer maquina pode substituir a qualquer momento. Somos a anti-vontade de viver. Que os antigos conheciam e expiavam nos rituais e nas artes. Condenados a ser ready-mades no mercado de trabalho que nos compra por qualquer ninharia. Somos parte do anti-imaginario. Como objetos pintados num quadro de natureza-morta. Yes, I was given the gift of the Gods. Sim, Eu recebi o presente dos deuses. Foi um passeio maravilhoso.
I do not understand more nothing. To the dawn I counted the stories of the son who if blew up. E now another burst? Salty it is the throat. I am in the window waiting. Tradutor esperando ser traduzido. Meio abaldo meio perdido Noticia do post deixando aturdido. Pacheco querido te mandei esse texto na integra faz uns dias. Assim como mandei pra uns amigos seletos do blog. Checa teu email por favor. Enquanto teclo o mundo mudou. Tudo errado na primeira frase. Faz parte de vc. Fazemos o que agora? Agora vou na varanda dar uma fumada. O lap top vai ficar desligado por um bom tempo. A lua, os mares, os ventos, pulsa em ti a VIDA.
Mas ultimamente sinto-me esquisita. Parece que vou estourar de dentro para fora. Vivo em agonia constante. Tem momentos que sinto que posso explodir. Comecei a sentir pontadas com se estivessem me perfurando. Depois teve aquele dia. Depois me acostumei com as regras. De um modo ou de outro os teus habitantes tentam acabar contigo.
Gerald, obrigada pela delicadeza em preparar-nos para esse momento. Lamento informar, mas vc precisa de outro plano. These miniatures and gadgets of self satisfaction do, indeed, fit extremely well the decadent present days of, well, self satisfaction. Perhaps I need to get lost for a while in order to find myself again, as corny as this may sound.
Mas quem sofreu foram eles…. Bom dia para todos!!! Cai o mundo aqui em Sampa. E estando lido o que realmente era pra ser lido nada mais resta para ler. Somos apenas um futuro do preterito …preterito mais que imperfeito! Pedrosa simbolizava o longo e tortuoso percurso que desembocava no encontro do Sion. Publica na Folha de S. Petismo e antipetismo catalisam segmentos crescentes do eleitorado.
As pessoas teclam o google e apresentam o resultado para o professor. Acho o conceito de personagem algo completamente ultrapassado. Acabou de morrer com o socialismo fracassado. O homem pensa como um organismo, deseja que a vida seja um corpo funcional como o nosso. Cada fragmento se reerige em totalidade. De onde falamos, quando pedimos o Bem? O Mal virou uma necessidade social.
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Hitler nos absolveu a todos. Stalin nos fez santos. Mas e o Mal dos democratas? Nem Bem nem Mal. As coisas tomaram o poder. Ou o lixo que o lixo do capitalismo gera. Explodem pela soma de novas tecnologias com o excesso de atraso: Esse malogro traz uma nova era? Ao denunciar o Mal, vivemos dele. Vejam como o Brasil se animou com a crise atual. Para o Bem ou para o Mal. Eu certamente sei mais sobre esses dois do que qualquer comentarista. O Claudio achou umas coisas otimas nao sei como e onde mas, de qq forma, estimulantes — ja que me lembram de mim em alguma hora no passado.
ApenasLivros, Setembro de Esse negocio de ficar sentado em banco de concreto relembrando shows do Led Zeppelin e coisa de hippie Jurassico. Henry Ford Cristo quer salvar o mundo e J. No dia seguinte, foram vaiados ao ir fazerem o show. Desculpe, desculpe, vou providenciar tudo, pode ficar descansado e ir escrevendo seu livro. Eu sou como o Paulo Francis. Mas nenhum cientista avisou-nos da chegada desse planeta? Henry Ford Cristo entra com coroa de espinhos, largas roupas brancas e barba de profeta: Sou o Cristo que regressou!
Eu renasci em Bristol, fui preso, supliciado e novamente morto no pelourinho. Depois, renasci como um louco gaguejante em Novrogod, para ser novamente preso e supliciado junto com os anti-czaristas. Miguel cantarolando Ney Matogrosso: Desta vez, para triunfar! Escute Henry Ford Cristo, tenho uma proposta para lhe fazer…Gostaria muito de ir te entrevistando….
E expulsei o falso sacerdote. Eu sou o Cristo renascido! De nada vale um Cristo morto. E esse nome americanizado? Cristo made in Usa! Lennon dizia que, se vivesse no mundo antigo, gostaria de viver em Roma, mas como vivia no mundo moderno, vivia em New York como eu…. Paul dando uma cotovelada em Miguel: Miguel, informe ao meu motorista que estamos partindo agora! Miguel, pegue as malas de Henry Cristo, o salvador que se apresentou a mim na estrada real de Parati, a nova estrada de Damasco! Desenvolvi capacidade de sair de meu corpo carnal e fazer viagens astrais.
Pessoal, vamos jogar uma partida de sinuca para relaxar, que tal? Estoy com Diogo Mainardi, sou pelo ufanismo da calamidade. Enquanto os homens exercem seus podres poderes, padres, bichas, adolescentes e mulheres fazem o carnaval. Olhe, como eu lhe disse, estou trazendo dois profetas impressionantes para compor a mesa comigo em julho.
Sim, sim, estamos fazendo a Estrada Real…. Os herculubusianos seriam colunistas da revista Veja, economistas liberais que deram um drop out na escola, portanto, todos teriam a cara maldosa do Diogo Mainardi. Todos caindo fora da escola! Henry Ford Cristo dando um berro: A fogueira das vaidades desses escritores! Por que puseste fogo em nosso belo Hotel Parati?
Miguel, busque socorro para ele! Ah, meu Deus, pelo amor de Henry Cristo, o que farei agora? Paul com voz chorosa: Como irei superar a perda desses dois profetas!
We can work it out, we can work it out. Life is very short, there is no time for fusing and fighting my friend. Flashes espoucam e microfones o cercam por todos os lados:. Paul para os microfones: Para destruir a Terra, esse planeta pequeno! Eis que surge, eis que surge o Messias em pessoa. Ele atendia pelo nome singelo de Henry Ford Cristo. Ele trazia uma verdade, duas verdades, muitas verdades de esquerda. Ele estava em Ouro Preto. Ele renasceu em Bristol, fui preso, supliciado e novamente morto no pelourinho.
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Depois, renasceu como um louco gaguejante em Novrogod, para ser novamente preso e supliciado junto com os anti-czaristas. Que sub-produto mental de nosso estado de ser! O tempo que a luz dura depende das velas que encontro pelos cantos da casa. Bruxas e duendes desapareceram do seu mundo quando ele tinha tres anos. Voce consegue e … nos conte depois, por gentileza, sim? O que tem alem do horizonte. Porque o mundo so aprecia o belo, o genial. Estranho os bons jogarem a toalha. Oscar Wilde teria dito: E era um som absolutamente impressionante.
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Nunca vou saber quem eram. Martin Luther King Jr. Vejam a despedida de arromba! Que onda, que adeus de arromba! Vejam quem chegou de repente: Enquanto Cintia e Ana Paula fumavam no jardim, Pedroso e outro gaucho esbarravam em mim. Era o Gerald Thomads que acabava de chegar! Enquanto Cintia e Ana paula fumavam no jardim, Pedroso e outro gaucho esbarravam em mim. Era o Gerald Thomas que acabava de chegar!
Ele me dizia, rindo: Obrigado por tudo Gerald, espero que vc se redescubra. Quem sabe um dia….

O filme fotografico tambem acabou, com as cameras digitais, quem ainda compra filme? Isso eh um avanco ou uma perda? Na minha opiniao um enorme avanco, chato e ficar ouvindo fotografos Jurassicos falando sobre como o filme e superior as cameras digitais. Deus E com firma reconhecida! Existe o tempo para lutar e o tempo para descansar. Cada um tem o seu.
Por isto a ansiedade de todos. Alguns haviam entrado no teatro com um pressentimento estranho. No momento exato de serem abertas as cortinas um estrondo se fez ouvir. Cortinas abertas e o palco todo iluminado mostrava apenas uma linha de horizonte e uma estrada sem fim. Rufar de tambores e entrada do personagem narrador. Pigarreia e diz com voz grave. Apenas um cisco no olho. Acordes se fazem ouvir.
Um show de um pouco de tudo onde todos participaram e foram felizes. Muitos sairam do teatro emocionados. Porque o que seria dos pequenos, obscuros, sem a vela que os ilumina? Ainda que seja para reciclar conceitos, acrescentando um toque pessoal, que sempre acaba trazendo algo de novo, e refinando o que existia anteriormente. Nunca abandone o verdadeiro amigo. Ele pode nem estar ao seu lado agora. Como disse, volta e meia, eu apareco. Mas a ocasiao tera que ser especial. Ja a vida no palco, foi-se. Muitos beijos a todos. Boa Sorte e que Deus te ilumine. O rechei do meu biscoito. A pincumel do meu buteco.
Vou analisar o mundo, os astros.. Sou errante…viajante do tempo Eu sou como o vento Apenas eu passo Se sentires um leve aroma de jasmim… Serei eu que estarei chegando Pra matar minha saudade… Dos amigos que aqui deixei! Basta a gente acreditar e fazer acontecer!
Estarei por aqui um tempo, a ler comments e navegar um pouco na web. No fim, eu ganho sempre porque sei que fui lido. Digo apenas um adeus O que penso Deixo escrito aqui Para que um dia saiba Que sofremos com sua partida. A alegria que aparentemente estou enviando esconde a tristeza do momento.. Por isso tenho que comemorar! E pedir humildemente a Deus para que possamos sempre manter nossos conhecimentos.
Nossa amizade virtual a qual desejo que no futuro possa ser real. Este espelho sem reflexos, escuro, me contemplei. Sei onde estou, pior de tudo, sei onde estou. Oh, Meu Deus, sei onde estou. Pode ser que acabe contugo de vez. Minhas amigas e meus amigos do blog. Muito obrigado Jose Pacheco Filho. Imagina se todos os intelectuais polemicos, como vc, nos abandonarem? Depois basta passar no corretor e em estando corrigido ler o que foi dito.
Quase assustado me sentindo bandido. Daqui em diante fico escondido. Quase sumido To ido. Sei que muitos me aconselham a te deixar sozinho. Eu estou falando com este merda de cigarro que esta esperando ser aceso. To muito cansado, fisicamente e emocionalmente, hoje. As pessoas perdem a civilidade, mesmo contra gestantes e idosos. Nem que seja uma pausa de mil compassos. Pra que tanta tristeza, ninguem morreu. Corrigindo dois deles rs: De que falava, mesmo rs? Consultei o do GT. Amei tudo isso daqui. Sandra e GT, leiam por favor! Beijo a todos voces … na testa! Judeu quando quer mudar completamente a vida e redescobrir como caminhar volta, e faz aliah!
Posso te pedir uma coisa? Os pretensos atores, querem saber de aparecer na tv e odeiam o teatro. O Gerald te respondeu antecipadamente: Quase 4 da manha aqui. Obvio que nao espero que ninguem esteja acordado pra moderar os comentarios. Mas eu acordei num susto…e liberei os que estavam presos. As memorias dos tempos da Amesty International, voltam. Eis uma das arautas da moralidade. Desculpem sair do motivo do post. Disse o Gerald no post atual que somos copiadores. O Chacrinha nos alertava que nada se cria e tudo se copia. Com duas colheres de sobremesa, modele os bolinhos.
Pensamos em demasia e sentimos pouco. Lindo o convite e linda a filhota. Lembra a minha neta Duda. Vamos escrever para ela. Se ele for aumente os brigadeiros. Parece que ele gosta. Ai, ai…menos uma coisa que valia a pena, menos vida inteligente nesse mar de imbecilidades…uma pena….
A cada dia vejo exemplos a minha volta. Quero te mostrar isso e vou te dar um exemplo. Mozart seria melhor do que Led Zeppelin? Led Zeppelin melhor do que Radiohead? Mas isso implica que os bons precisam resistir. E resistem e as pessoas sabem que precisam deles. Totalmente contra a corrente anti-pirataria do mundo, eles disponibilizaram o download. Viaje, se encontre, se inspire e volte a acreditar.
So da o Pacheco chorando, lagrimas de crocodilo, por todos os lados. Prefiro ele falando mal do Lula. Enfim, passo a te admirar, Gerald. Isso sim, sera um alivio. Qual sera a praia dele? X As armas ensaia, Penetra na vida: Battisti deve ser extraditado ou obter liberdade no Brasil?
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Saiba mais sobre Battisti. O mandado quer reverter uma liminar negada pelo ministro Cezar Peluso ao governo italiano em fevereiro. Mas a defesa de Battisti desistiu do agravo. Gerald, aprenda com o corpo humano: O relator julgou a demanda prejudicada em seu voto. Gerald querido , obrigado por todos esses anos de blog…acho que te acompanho desde Seus textos me inspiraram tanto!!
Como transpor a encruzilhada desse nosso tempo? Vi ontem stop makin sense e fez tanto sentido… Seu blog me ajudou a fazer sentido. Sem citar kafka, becket ou joyce. Que a sorte te acompanhe sempre. Grande beijo do Peter Punk. Pois eh sera que ainda realizo um de meus desejos?? Espero realmente que sim…ai nesse dia Thy e Dudinha estariam brincando…e todos nos numa festa animada!!!
Meu e-mail com problemas. Poxa Geralg meu rei. Gente vamo segurar essa barra na boa. You shoud go on G. Do not give-up please!!! E o Gerald nos visite esporadicamente. Uma experimentou o pior lado ao ser deportada; a outra, vivenciou o caminho da liberdade, o prazer de poder escolher, de ter a escolha, de poder realmente ser. E as duas me fizeram sentir e refletir muito. Vc pode escolher o que pode ser bom pra vc. Uma cilada de mestre.
Depois respondeu ao jovem: O que vai fazer com ela? Depois de uns meses vi o filme. Vi novamente este filminho. Um mundo frio, e sujo……. Sou a Miss Imperfeita, muito prazer. A mulher moderna anda muito antiga. Mulher que se sustenta fica muito mais sexy e muito mais livre para ir e vir. Desacelerar tem um custo. Talvez seja preciso esquecer a bolsa Prada, o hotel decorado pelo Philippe Starck e o batom da M.
Eu deveria ter escrito isso. Quando conseguir me escravizar menos para ter um batom da MAC. E as vezes vc deve pensar. Para fazer o mundo melhor? Acho que foi Einsten que disse que: Acredite uma vez o vi numa entrevista na TV no Brasil, eu ainda era adolescente e achei aquilo tudo genial. Pensei a vida pode ser bem mais.
Pessoas trabalham para que ela seja mais que esta maldita rotina suburbana. Vou ler tudo novamente e bem devagar. Devagar irei ao longe. Basta seguir os caminhos apontados. No one can get at you now …. Dry rotten at last …. Hurrying me into my coat …. Last I was favoured with from you …. Come on, Joe, no one can say it like you, say it again now and listen to yourself ….
You were right for once …. Depois pega outro papel e desenha o mesmo personagem, mas agora numa pose um pouquinho diferente. Mas esperemos que ela sobreviva. Logo eu lhe acusei de ter sido o censurador. Sempre gostei de desenhos animados. Fizeram parte da minha vida. E se pensados tem a ver com tudo no mundo. Pelo menos no meu mundo e seus limites. Os desenhos nos divertem e de cada um pode-se tirar exemplos. Salve o desenho animado. Exceto somente o senador Doido Varrido. Entendi a mensagem Blue…e senti recarregada de energias!!!
Geraldo, pare tudo e volte. Volte para o Brasil. Aqui todos esperam Beckett. Aqui se vive a alteridade no cotidiano. Gosto de uma coisa ou outra da Pixar, como Ratatouille e Madagascar por ex, mas de uma maneira geral, desgosto. Vc faz falta por aqui. E tb, o seu humor. Ai ai, Pacheco, Tenho corrido tanto ultimamente que estou sem tempo para pensar acredita?
E sempre quebro a cara. Por sinal o Sr. Querida , nao tem importancia, o que importa eh o carinho!!! Veja o caso das novelas. Algumas beiram ao absurdo. Os primeiros desenhos que assisti foram em Santos e nos cinemas de rua. E pancadaria pra todo lado. E os japoneses com aqueles mistos de transformes eu acho um horror. Mas como os tempos eram outros eu passava mais tempo nas ruas do que dentro de casa. Que saudades da Branca de Neve! Ontem abordei o assunto e acredito que o Gerald vai nos esclarecer melhor. Eu estou finalizando uma brincadeira do senador Doido varrido.
E o que dizer do julgamento do Paloci? Logo o STF dar uma de evidente desprezo as leis. Mas agora q vc me lembrou daquele sonho…tenho certeza que hoje vou sonhar com o GT dizendo ao povo que fica! Estou esperando na janela, ai, ai … rs Ai, deuses meus, estamos em contagem regressiva? Houve um tempo em que escritores e poetas eram cultuados como videntes e profetas. Principamente se assumir o comando. Massacre of Saint Bartholomew Noruega: New Delhi Nova Iorque: Pacific, Pacific Ocean Ohm: Titan Torre de Eiffel: Vatican, the Vatican Veneza: Evening Star, Venus X: Alpinist, climber, mountain climber, mountaineer alquemila: The Hague a despeito de: European, white man brando: American, US citizen cidra: Don Juan, woman-chaser dom-quixote: Christian name nome de batisto: