What sort of things to do you do to help keep yourself grounded and focused in this kind of lifestyle? These past couple days have just been extremely rough for some reason. A few weeks ago, I attended Winter Jam , a Christian music event. I had myself prepared for this and had my tissues ready. But this story had a different ending than mine. Turns out that she went through treatment and is now in remission.

California’s Climate Goals: Realistic Or Just Wishful Thinking?

Immediately I felt hurt, anger, jealousy, and everything in between. Why does God choose to save some people and not others? Why does God let these awful things happen to such good people who mean so much to so many others?

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No answers leave a wandering heart and soul unable to find peace and rest. Does God not love, show mercy, or bless those people? Does God not love, show mercy, or bless me because he ignored my prayers and took my mom out of this world? I have spent days where I sleep for 20 hours and accomplish nothing. So there goes what little motivation I had. So I lay back in bed mad at myself but too upset to do anything about it. People have moved on or forgotten about it by now.

Eventually it dies down and life somehow is supposed to go back to normal. And just when I think I might be okay for a little bit, a sad song comes on, someone makes a joke about death, a classmate talks about their mom, cancer is brought up in class, one of those miracle stories is posted, a memory comes up on TimeHop, I see a mom and her kids out in public, or whatever else sort of event.

The sad part is, nothing can make this better. And then that makes everyone else feel sad and bad for us which in turn makes me feel worse.

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The reasons vary from person to person. Maybe you want to get out of debt. Whatever it is, you need to make it personal and make it known. Need help finding a purpose? A Documentary About the Important Things. Or consider reading some books like Minimalism: To start out, write down a list of a few things you want to accomplish by taking this on; think SMART specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time based goals.

These could include things like go through your closet, clean out the downstairs closet, organize files on your laptop, or read an enjoyable book for 15 minutes every night. Again, hang your list somewhere you will see it often so you can plan accordingly. Then once you finish your first list, you can write up another one.

Tons of people have done this before you and shared their journey. Consider checking out some blogs to help you develop your plan. The third step is where a lot of people get lost. This is why we started off small with your to do list. So just do it. Write it on your calendar. Add it to your planner. Commit to conquering your first task on your list and actually do it. Need some accountability or help?

Tried asking people and ran out of option? There are Facebook groups , blogs as mentioned above, or consider keeping up with mine to see how my journey unfolds! You can start small and work towards the final goal. Once you complete your first list, keep making lists with projects to tackle. When facing a purchasing decision, think about the cost of that product and if the worth of it is justified in your mind. For example, one thing I will never give up is going out to eat. To me, that money, energy, time, effort, etc.

Here is your basic outline to getting started with minimalism. Keep your eyes open for some more blog posts about my personal journey and other helpful tips, resources, and products. Leave your thoughts and comments below! Wonder no longer my friends, for you have come across the first post in my blog series about minimalism. Post by post, you will learn more and more why this lifestyle has picked up traction and why people choose to live this way. For this post, we will cover the absolute basics to give you some foundation for the concept. A lot of people have their own definitions of what minimalism is, because it is personal and a little different for each person.

Essentially, minimalism is living with your necessities; the things that bring you joy and the basic necessities to survive as a functioning human being. For someone else, it looks like a 1, square foot house with pieces of art on the walls, 2 cars in their garage, and closets with boxes and boxes of shoes. Again, different people have different reasons for choosing to adapt a minimalism lifestyle. Some of the most common options are:. Again, these are just a few of the many reasons, but if you find yourself agreeing with any of the above reasons, maybe you too are considering to work minimalism into your lifestyle.

For now, I encourage you to search. Browse around on Pinterest and get some ideas, because this topic is going to be a future blog post in this series. I knew I would be one of the people who falls into the trap of having a lot of hope, but ruining everything by day 3. And that, my friends, is self care.

Some may say because of my experiences in the last year, this is obvious and something I should be doing anyways especially with the extremely difficult holiday season that just passed where I experienced some of my lowest points ever.

#2 Get a Hobby

I agree that remembering to take care of yourself is important for coping and grieving, but I also believe this message extends beyond just that. Let me make a disclaimer here. I bet you have an idea of where this whole story is going. I want to make something very clear: I think it is unfair to my family and friends if they have to constantly deal with my struggles if I refused to work on myself.

With all of that being said, this year I really hope to make some changes; even if it takes more than this year! The whole purpose of this is to help myself heal, cope, grow, and learn. What are your resolutions this year? Or do you not believe in resolutions? Death is a weird thing, yet it is something that everyone has in common. Eventually, one day, every single one of us will die. Death is something that I have always been afraid of. I never liked to think about it, talk about it, or acknowledge the fact that it would happen.

In fact, the first thing my mind jumped to when my mom got sick is that I was going to lose her; my ultimate fear. I wanted it all to be another nightmare. It was real life. And I knew that this was going to take time to deal with and I was going to need professional help to get through this. Of course I was in denial, but then we got into deeper things and I shared my view on death with her. I find myself wishing I were dead quite often, whether it be in my thoughts or in conversation.

My mind, though it may be bright and creative and whatever else people want to say about it, is a horrible creature. It often feels as if it is its own separate being. My mind drowns me in sorrow at night. I am scared of myself and often feel on the verge of a mental breakdown. I guess the good news is that I am getting help. Even with that being said, I face these things daily and a lot of the time I want to give up and not get out of bed.

The last thing I want is people worried about me. No matter what anyone says or does, nothing is going to bring back my mother, so why should I burden other people with my issues? I already know that I have anxiety, but I often wonder if I have depression too.

Believe it or not, writing is at least somewhat therapeutic for me. I like to organize my thoughts into words. I like to blog. I find it difficult to calm my thoughts and focus on relaxing, let alone work on falling asleep. I talked to my therapist about it and she offered some food for thought on ways to calm my mind, relax my body, and get some sleep. Having a respiratory infection after being sick 2 weeks ago, along with a night off of work before a 4 day stretch of shifts starts tomorrow, I decided it was time to try and give myself a break.

I had never gotten around to trying their stuff until I got some as gifts. The first thing I tried was a bath bomb. I turned on some tunes and warmed up the water then dropped the bath bomb in the water. It was actually a lot of fun to play with because there were different colors inside of it and eventually all mixed together to make the water purple. It also made my skin really soft and smelled like fresh floral.

After my bath, I took a nice shower.

California’s Climate Goals: Realistic Or Just Wishful Thinking? | theranchhands.com

Showers often include shaving for me because it seems like my leg hair grows a mile a minute. While there, I started talking to an employee about them and she made a comment about how she loved the scrubs because you could use them all over your body. I had only used them for my hands and it was like a lightbulb went off.

So the point of that story is, use a sugar scrub on your legs after shaving. It takes all the icky dead skin off and makes your legs super smooth, plus you smell pretty afterwards. It helps boost my mood every time I run my hand over my legs afterwards.

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  • Crash Course: Minimalism – Getting Started.
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After a good shave, you need to moisturize. Working in the cosmetic department always leads to me browsing products, especially when we get new ones. I ended up taking some home and fell in love with it. It smells like chocolate and makes my skin so soft, smooth, and most importantly, hydrated. Next, I decided to show my face some love and try the face mask scrub my boyfriend got me from Lush. On April 29, California Governor Jerry Brown issued an executive order to establish a statewide greenhouse gas GHG reduction target of 40 percent below levels by The medium-term objective matches a similar goal set by the European Union last October, but west of the Atlantic, California stands alone in its ambition.

Since , total CO2 emissions have fallen more than 12 percent — bolstered by a 17 percent decline in the transportation sector. Still, improvements in the commercial, industrial, and residential sectors have been less than spectacular. Moreover, recent progress in the electric power sector has taken a step backward as nuclear the closure of the San Onofre power plant and hydro drought generation have dropped approximately 50 and 40 percent respectively since Back in January, during his most recent inaugural address, Governor Brown announced plans to increase renewable electric generation to 50 percent; reduce petroleum use in cars and trucks by up to 50 percent; and double the energy savings from existing buildings — all by However , according to a new study by electric consultancy E3, the state will need that, and likely more, to achieve its climate goals.

To reach the 40 percent target, technology commercialization and deployment — and lifestyle changes for that matter — will simply have to occur faster. Whether California has the policies in place to make this change occur is unclear. The good news is the fix is relatively cheap. Though, factoring in air pollution health costs, jobs growth, and other climate externalities, the recovery period is a speedy seven years. Perhaps too soon to say. Improvements across all sectors will have to move at a pace heretofore unseen. The materials provided on this Web site are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to provide tax, legal, or investment advice.

Nothing contained on the Web site shall be considered a recommendation, solicitation, or offer to buy or sell a security to any person in any jurisdiction. Threat To Withdraw Support. Energy Secretary Perry To Saudis: Official Of Plotting Venezuela Invasion. Home The Environment Global Warming. Colin Chilcoat Colin Chilcoat is a specialist in Eurasian energy affairs and political institutions currently living and working in Chicago.

A complete collection of his work can… More Info. Realistic Or Just Wishful Thinking?