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Testing consisted of observing 15 static screenshots of each cockpit display type and then selecting applicable responses from 27 standardized responses for each screen. A paired samples t-test was computed comparing accuracy and response time for the two displays. A demographic questionnaire and a feedback survey were included in the trial. An equivalent three-quarters majority of participants rated the PFD as "easy" and the OZ as "confusing", yet performance accuracy and response times between the two displays were not operationally different.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Researchers at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition invented OZ , a primary flight display that provides a single, unified graphic display of critical flight Yuan, Fang; Lidman, C. Oz DES is a multi-object spectroscopic survey targeting multiple types of targets at multiple epochs over a multi-year baseline, and is one of the first multi-object spectroscopic surveys to dynamically include transients into the target list soon after their discovery. At the end of three years, Oz DES has spectroscopically confirmed almost supernovae, and has measured redshifts for 17, objects, including the redshifts of 2, supernova hosts.

We also find that the change in signal-to-noise with exposure time closely matches the Poisson limit for stacked exposures as long as 10 hours. This work marks the first Oz DES data release, comprising 15, redshifts. Oz DES is on target to obtain over 30, redshifts over the six-year duration of the survey, including a yield of approximately 5, supernova host-galaxy redshifts. This process consists of a new sol-gel method nano-sized mixed AlxMoy Oz phases whose structure is correlated to the chemical composition Judas, Verrader of de trouwste leerling?

Theologische kanttekeningen bij een roman van Amos Oz. His gospel has been rediscovered. Interesting books are written about his role in Scriptures and in history. Novelist Amos Oz has written his own unique contribution to the debate. This Israeli writer has. Beringer, Jason; Hutley, Lindsay B.

Oz Flux is the regional Australian and New Zealand flux tower network that aims to provide a continental-scale national research facility to monitor and assess trends, and improve predictions, of Australia's terrestrial biosphere and climate. This paper describes the evolution, design, and current status of Oz Flux as well as provides an overview of data processing.

We analyse measurements from all sites within the Australian portion of the Oz Flux network and two sites from New Zealand. The response of the Australian biomes to climate was largely consistent with global studies except that Australian systems had a lower ecosystem water-use efficiency. We also found that Australian ecosystems had a similar radiation-use efficiency per unit leaf area compared to global values that indicates a convergence toward a similar biochemical efficiency. The two New Zealand sites represented extremes in productivity for a moist temperate climate zone, with the grazed dairy farm site having the highest GPP of any Oz Flux site gC m-2 yr-1 and the natural raised peat bog site having a very low GPP gC m-2 yr The paper discusses the utility of the flux data and the synergies between flux, remote sensing, and modelling.

Lastly, the paper looks ahead at the future direction of the network and concludes that there has been a substantial contribution by Oz Flux, and considerable opportunities remain to further advance our understanding of ecosystem response to disturbances, including drought, fire, land-use and land-cover change, land management, and climate change, which are relevant both nationally and internationally.

It is suggested that a synergistic approach is required to address all of the spatial, ecological, human, and cultural challenges of managing the delicately balanced ecosystems in Australasia. In this reading, Ratada becomes therapeutic writing, as it provokes in the reader's mind an effect of pain equivalent to the cleansing of wounds, necessary for the healing of the body.

By doing so, it redirects a current trend of visual studies that are fascinated with the non-specificity of the objects and the itinerancy of languages. Is it the mechanical reproduction or the ability to chemically fix the image? Is it the power to isolate the instant or to perpetuate anything captured by the machine? The transformation that introduces photography has less to do with the work itself and more with the experience of image.

That experience is, first of all, an experience of time since the image produces an intermediate time between proliferation and what is left as a remain. The Case of Dr. A recent, unsuccessful attempt to censure Dr. Oz raises the issue of whether the medical profession can effectively self-regulate at all.

It also raises concern that the medical profession's self-regulation might be selectively activated, perhaps only when the subject of professional censure has achieved a level of public visibility. We argue here that the medical profession must look at itself with a healthy dose of self-doubt about whether it has sufficient knowledge of or handle on the less visible Dr.

This work deals with the current debate about reality and its literary and artistic expression: The simulated base consists of two mobile modules whose dimensions and shape approximate those of horizontally landed bent biconic spacecraft described in an earlier paper. The modules are designed to support field engineering, robotics, architectural, geological, biological and human factors research at varying levels of simulation fidelity. Non-Mars related research can also be accommodated, for example general field geology and biology, and engineering research associated with sustainable, low impact architecture.

Crews of up to eight can be accommodated. In addition to its research function, the base also will serve as a centre of space education and outreach activities. This region contains many features that provide useful scientific analogues to known or possible past and present conditions on Mars from both a geological and biological perspective.

The features will provide a wealth of study opportunities for crews. The very diverse terrain and regolith materials will provide ideal opportunities to field trial a range of equipment, sensors and exploration strategies. If needed, the prime site can be secured from casual visitors, allowing research into human interaction in isolation.

Despite its relative isolation, the site is readily accessible by road and air from major Australian centres. This paper provides description of the configuration, design and construction of the proposed facility, its interior layout, equipment and systems fitouts, a detailed cost estimate, and its deployment.

Pressurized HxCy Oz Cells at ca. Also, increased pressure may increase the electrode reaction rates. High pressure means increase energy density in gaseous products. Furthermore, as hydrocarbons, alcohols or ethers - in common denoted HxCy Oz - are very convenient fuels, we have Building on insights gained from the discovery of the antimalarial ozonide arterolane OZ , we now describe the structure-activity relationship SAR of the antimalarial ozonide artefenomel OZ Primary and secondary amino ozonides had higher metabolic stabilities than tertiary amino ozonides, consistent with their higher pK a and lower log D 7.

For primary amino ozonides, addition of polar functional groups decreased in vivo antimalarial efficacy. For secondary amino ozonides, additional functional groups had variable effects on metabolic stability and efficacy, but the most effective members of this series also had the highest log D 7. For tertiary amino ozonides, addition of polar functional groups with H-bond donors increased metabolic stability but decreased in vivo antimalarial efficacy. Primary and tertiary amino ozonides with cycloalkyl and heterocycle substructures were superior to their acyclic counterparts.

The high curative efficacy of these ozonides was most often associated with high and prolonged plasma exposure, but exposure on its own did not explain the presence or absence of either curative efficacy or in vivo toxicity. One of related materials to high-temperature superconductors HTSC's with nominal compositions of Pb0. All samples are nearly single-phase, and its crystal structure is likely to be so-called "" type which is one of typical structures of HTSC's.

Electrical resistivity is decreased as x increases. Beer Oz , a set of Matlab routines for the quantitative interpretation of spectrophotometric measurements of metal speciation in solution. The modelling of the speciation and mobility of metals under surface and hydrothermal conditions relies on the availability of accurate thermodynamic properties for all relevant minerals, aqueous species, gases and surface species. Spectroscopic techniques obeying the Beer-Lambert law can be used to obtain thermodynamic properties for reactions among aqueous species e.

Post-Tsunami Hazard: Reconstruction and Restoration

Beer Oz is a set of Matlab routines designed to perform both qualitative and quantitative analysis of spectroscopic data following the Beer-Lambert law. Beer Oz is modular and can be customised for particular experimental strategies or for simultaneous refinement of several datasets obtained using different techniques. Distribution of species calculations are performed using an implementation of the EQBRM code, which allows for customised activity coefficient calculations.

Beer Oz also contains routines to study the n-dimensional solution space, in order to provide realistic estimates of errors and test for the existence of multiple local minima and correlation between the different refined variables. The paper reviews the physical principles underlying the qualitative and quantitative analysis of spectroscopic data collected on aqueous speciation, in particular for studying successive ligand replacement reactions, and presents the non-linear least-squares algorithm implemented in Beer Oz.

High temperature dielectric properties of BxNy Oz thin films deposited using ion source assisted physical vapor deposition. Full Text Available The dielectric integrity has been one of the major obstacle in bringing out capacitor devices with suitable performance characteristics at high temperatures. In this paper, BxNy Oz dielectric films for high temperature capacitors solutions are investigated.

The films were grown on silicon substrate by using ion source assisted physical vapor deposition technique. The capacitor structures were fabricated using BxNy Oz as a dielectric and titanium as metal electrodes. The elaborated devices were subjected to electrical and thermal characterization.

They exhibited low electrical loss and very good stability when subjected to high temperature for a prolonged period of time. Las limitaciones se presentan, sin embargo, cuando incitadoras de odio. The proposed model introduces an empirical temperature parameter for the hypothetical structural units i. The thermodynamics for both our proposed model and the original WSME model were investigated. For a system with beta-hairpin topology, a mathematical treatment contact-pair treatment to facilitate the calculation of its partition function was developed. The results show that the proposed model provides better insight into the site-dependent thermodynamic behavior of the system, compared with the original WSME model.

From this site-dependent point of view, the relationship between probe-dependent experimental results and model's thermodynamic predictions can be explained. The model allows for suggesting a general principle to identify foldon behavior. We also find that the backbone hydrogen bonds may play a role of structural constraints in modulating the cooperative system. Thus, our study may contribute to the understanding of the fundamental principles for the thermodynamics of protein folding. His work has been described as demonstrating a discourse of ellipsis; yet no study has examined in detail his masterful use of syntactic and figurative omission.

His work has been commented on in various panoramic essays considering contemporary poetry published in Spain at this temporal intersection and a number of his poems have been gathered into noteworthy anthologies of this same era. At the same time this intriguing dialogue also offers a unique response to the essential question framing this poem and the collection as a whole: Why is poetry an addiction?

Memorial and biographical history of Spain: A menor taxa de crescimento de 'Paluma' indica maior sensibilidade ao O3. We will proceed by analyzing it through the ideas of migrant subject and migrant discourse developed by the critic Antonio Cornejo Polar. Starting from the instability and the fragmentation of these symbolic and discursive realities, we will try to point out how the text intends to investigate and to represent the alienating dynamics that, in the migration experience, mark the process of social and identitarian redefinition.

Determination of Fallout Radionuclides in Environmental Samples by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry; Mesure Spectrometrique Gamma des Radionucleides de Retombee Presents dans des Echantillons du Millieu; Opredelenie radioizotopov radioaktivnykh osadkov v probakh iz okruzhayushchej sredy pri pomoshchi spektrometrii gamma-luchej; Determinacion, por Espectrometria Gamma, de los Radionuclidos de Precipitaciones en Muestras del Medio Ambiente.

Vse proby imeli maluju udel'nuju aktivnost', i izmerenija proizvodili pri pomoshhi spektrometricheskogo ustrojstva dlja gamma-luchej nizkogo urovnja, sostojashhego iz kristalla NaJ T1 diametrom 8 i tolshhinoj 4 djujma, prichem jetot kristall byl zashhishhen ot fona stal'noj kameroj s tolshhinoj stenok 5 djujmov i soedinen s kanal'nym anali- zatorom amplitudy impul'sov.

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Otschet nabivok vozdushnyh fil'trov i krupnyh prob 1kg suhogo furazha, zerna i pometa krupnogo rogatog o skota proizvodili neposredstvenno v postojannoj geometrii. Proby osadkov koncentrirovali propuskaniem ih cherez kationo- obmennye kolonki, zapolnennye doveksom Radioaktivnost' moloka, mjasa i mochi pod- schityvali v bol'shih kol'ceobraznyh kontejnerah iz ljucita. V moloke, mjase i moche ob- naruzhivajutsja v chisle gamma-izluchajushhih radioizotopov lish' cezij, kalij, jod, barij i lantan, poskol'ku oni javljajutsja edinstvennymi produktami delenija, po- gloshhaemymi v znachitel'nyh kolichestvah.

Pomimo jetogo, drugie proby soderzhali cezij, cezij, sur'mu, rutenij, rutenij, cirkonij, niobij i marganec Fotopiki cezija, marganca i sur'my byli sovershenno rasplyvchatymi, a radioizotopy bolee malyh jenergij cezij, cezij i rutenij imeli znachitel'nye komptonovskie vklady ot radio- izotopov bolee vysokih jenergij. Pri nedostatochno jasnyh fotopikah posledovatel'noe vydelenie produktov delenija iz spektrov ne javljaetsja nadezhnym. Kogda vlijanie drugih radioizotopov delaet nevozmozhnym. Cyclones, bi-cycles, and psychoanalysis: Works of applied psychoanalysis normally use psychoanalytic theory to reveal the secret meanings of works of art.

An attempt is made to reverse the directionality of such analyses and see whether a work of art, The Wizard of Oz , has something to teach psychoanalysis about adolescent female psychosexual development. The author argues that the popularity and importance of the film is an effect of its symbolic representation of a girl's entry into menarche, and the meaning of this milestone for herself and for her mother. He addresses ideas about feminine castration fears or what more recently have been called fears of genital injury , issues about menopause, and fantasies--both surprising and violent--around the meanings of menarche for both mother and daughter.

Barendregt Barbara ; E. Langerak Anton ; J. The first polymorphism concerns a single, 2- or 3-fold amplification of 5. Single night-sleep polygraphic recordings of 10 patients, screened in a clinical sleep disorder setting, were recorded simultaneously with both placements, and visual sleep classification was performed separately by two independent observers. Interobserver and interplacement agreement were evaluated by way of average dis agreement matrices and kappa values computed for overall and individual stage scoring.

Interobserver agreement for both the test and the standard electrode placements and interplacement agreement for both observers were assessed as fair to good or excellent. Scoring differences were evaluated by the rank sign test applied to clinical and theoretical difference scores. It appears that the interplacement differences are about equal to the interobserver differences, except for a slight tendency for sleep to be scored in a deeper stage with the proposed alternative placement. The data are presented and discussed in relation to current literature concepts.

Full Text Available Head-mounted displays and other wearable devices open up for innovative types of interaction for wearable augmented reality AR. However, to design and evaluate these new types of AR user interfaces, it is essential to quickly simulate undeveloped components of the system and collect feedback from potential users early in the design process. One way of doing this is the wizard of Oz WOZ method. The presented pilot study was an initial investigation of the capability of the WozARd method to simulate an AR city tour. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from 21 participants performing a simulated AR city tour.

The data analysis focused on seven categories that can have an impact on how the WozARd method is perceived by participants: Overall, the results indicate that the participants perceived the simulated AR city tour as a relatively realistic experience despite a certain degree of technical instability and human-operator mistakes.

Procesos de escritura en Beatus Ille L-1 ensaio 1; 8,0 mg. L-1 ensaio 2 e 10,0 mg. Ca3Co2O6 was found to be a point compound. The structure of a member of the solid solution, Gd0. A ternary oxide compound CaGdCoO4-z which has an orthorhombic structure Bmab was found to be stable at this temperature. Full Text Available Ozone is a colorless and unstable gas with pungent smell and partially soluble in water, which is characterized by its high oxidant power. It is a strong agent disinfectant with high power germicidal properties acting in the inactivation of a wide variety of pathogenic organisms, including bacteria, virus and protozoa, presenting a germicidal efficiency that exceeds chlorine.

Ozonization has become well-known in recent decades due to implementation of standards increasingly restrictive concerning the by-products of chlorination. Unlike chlorine, ozone do not form halogenated compounds with organic matter.

However, it may form several other organic and inorganic. In the food industry, ozone can be use in sanitization processes of equipments and surfaces, as well as in the direct use on foodstuff in order to inactivate microorganisms and to extend shelf-life of food products. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of residual lignin content and nature on the efficiency and selectivity of ozone bleaching of conventional kraft and oxygen delignified kraft-O pulps.

Ozone bleaching efficiency was found to be enhanced by increasing pulp residual lignin content. Ozone treatment is more selective for kraft-O pulps, but for a given type of pulp kraft or kraft-O, ozone bleaching selectivity increases with increasing pulp lignin content. Ozone bleaching efficiency increases with increasing pulp lignin phenolic hydroxyl content whereas selectivity is negatively affected by these structures.

His brief yet relevant activity as a Byzantinist is often underestimated in the secondary literature, despite the fact that, before the war, he was unanimously considered as the most promising Italian specialist in Byzantine art. At this early stage, his most important work was without doubt the new edition of the Rossano Gospels , which was internationally praised as a significant step forward in the history of Byzantine illumination.

Full Text Available The article seeks to explore the particular features of group communication networks and processes in the media-created environment of Oz , The Federal Prison. Specific characteristics of the OZ groups, their members, internal and external group pressures, distribution of status and group formation are analyzed by retorting to group communication theories and the pioneering work of American sociologist Ervin Goffman on prisons as total institutions.

The analysis applies theorethical concepts to individual characters and actual contexts depicted throughout the series. La vida cotidiana de la novela transcurre en las coordenadas de la vida urbana marginal de los seres humanos excluidos. Es un relato de los de abajo que narra las miserias internas y externas de diversos personajes: Requirements elicitation is one of the most important phases in software development process.

A good requirements understanding can lead to better software products, achieving satisfaction of stakeholder needs. However, requirements-capture process is sometimes difficult for analysts, because of the face-to-face character of the meetings required for it and because of difficulties of people for expressing clearly their ideas.

In this paper we present UNC-Analista, a proposal for Wizard-of- Oz experiment focused on the design of a dialogue-controlled system for helping the analyst labor in the requirements elicitation process. With this system will be possible to capture a requirements corpus, for leading a future development of an automatic requirements elicitation system. Full Text Available This study was conducted to evaluate the decomposition kinetics of gaseous ozone in peanut grains.

This evaluation was made with 1-kg peanut samples, moisture contents being 7. Time of saturation was determined by quantifying the residual concentration of ozone after the gas passed through the grains to constant mass. The decomposition kinetics of ozone was evaluated after the grain mass was ozone-saturated. For the peanut grains whose moisture content was 7. For the grains whose moisture content was As regards the half-life of ozone, the highest value obtained was equivalent to 7.

In the process of ozone decomposition in peanut grains, temperature was concluded to be the key factor. Determinou-se o tempo de satura. La piel de tigre y la serpiente: Territorial organization in Spain and in Colombia: What is the appeal of the territorial model? With common constitutional errors occurring in the territorial area, and a crisis in both function and coordination in various levels of the Government —as well as in the different regions and autonomous communities—, is legal reform preferable to constitutional change? These are some of the issues raised and evaluated in current debates.

In the work in question, the main problems in Spain are analyzed and the author proposes ways of solving or diminishing these problems, such as a return to centralism, the partial conservation of autonomous communities, the replacement of the current model with a federal State, as well as the possibilities of self-determination and separatism. Surface Collection of Radioactive Fall-Out on a Large Alpine Lake; Determination par detection nucleaire des coefficients de diffusion et des courants dans les eaux naturelles.

Evolution de la surface de collection d'un grand lac alpin pour les retombees radioactives; Opredelenie koehffitsienta diffuzii i skorosti techeniya estestvennykh vod pri pomoshchi yadernogo detektirovaniya. Ehvolyutsiya poverkhnosti sbora radioaktivnykh osadkov na bol'shom al'pijskom ozere; Determinacion por deteccion nuclear de los coeficientes de difusion y de las corrientes en las aguas naturales evolucion de la superficie de captacion de un gran lago alpino para las precipitaciones radiactivas.

Midieron diariamente la radiactividad en muestras de agua del lago Leman tomadas a 0, 10 y 20 m de profundidad y en un colector de precipitaciones atmosfericas secas y humedas.

A pesar de la complejidad del regimen de aportaciones en funcion del tiempo, la inter- pretacion de los diagramas obtenidos puede contribuir a resolver el problema del destino de los productos radiactivos en las condiciones de difusion y de corriente que reinan en la practica. La difusion de productos radiactivos en cantidad muy pequena, unida a la utilizacion de diversas tecnicas de deteccion nuclear de alta sensibilidad, permitiran obtener mas datos sobre la difusion in situ y el movimiento de las masas de aguas naturales. Zakony diffuzii, primenennye v ehtom sluchae, legko pozvolyayut predvidet' skorost' ''radioaktivnogo Oblaka'' vo vremya diffuzii.

Takim obrazom, registratsiya aktivnosti v zavisimosti ot vremeni, izmerennaya s pomoshch'yu dvukh nadlezhashchim obrazom raspolozhennykh gamma- detektorov, privela k otsenke koehffitsienta diffuzii dlya ispol'zuemogo izluchatelya i k izmereniyu skorosti techeniya v toj tochke, gde proizvodilos' izmerenie v dannom sluchae ozero Leman.

Na vtorom ehtape v sootvetstvii s geofizicheskim issledovaniem obshchej problemy radioaktivnogo vypadeniya, avtory ispol'zovali nakoplenie radioaktivnykh osadkov , voznikshikh v rezul'tate yadernykh ispytanij, provedennykh v atmosfere v oktyabre - yanvare g. Kazhdyj den' bralis' proby vody Lemanskogo ozera na glubinakh O, 10 i 20 m, a takzhe sukhikh i vlazhnykh atmosfernykh vypadenij.

Nesmotrya na slozhnost' rezhima nakopleniya v zavisimosti ot pogody, tolkovanie poluchennoj-diagrammy mozhet sposobstvovat' razresheniyu problemy vypadeniya. Aqueous model feed comprising of ethanol, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, ethyl acetate, methanol, and propanol was used as representative liquid product derived from a Rh-based mixed oxygenate synthesis catalyst. In order to rationalize formation of the products observed feed components were individually evaluated. Major constituents of the feed mixture ethanol, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, and ethyl acetate were found to produce isobutene-rich olefins.

C-C coupling was also demonstrated for propanol feedstock - a minor constituent of the mixed oxygenate feed - producing branched C6 olefins, revealing scalability to alcohols higher than ethanol following an analogous reaction pathway. Using ethanol and propanol feed mixtures, cross-coupling reactions produced mixtures of C4, C5, and C6 branched olefins.

The presence of H2 in the feed was found to facilitate hydrogenation of the ketone intermediates, thus producing straight chain olefins as byproducts. While activity loss from coking is observed complete catalyst regeneration is achieved by employing mild oxidation.

X-ray diffraction and scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis reveals the presence of primarily cubic phase ZrO2 and a minor amount of the monoclinic phase, with ZnO being highly dispersed in the lattice. The presence of ZnO appears to stabilize the cubic phase resulting in less monoclinic phase as the ZnO concentration increases. Infrared spectroscopy shows the mixed oxide acid sites are characterized as primarily Lewis type acidity. The direct relationship between. En la tesis Texto literario y texto jilmico.

El alcance de las relaciones entre cine y literatura es muy amplio y opera en ambas direcciones. En este trabajo se lleva a cabo un estudio comparativo de los textos con el fin de comprobar si mantienen Antimalarial activity of artefenomel OZ , a novel synthetic antimalarial endoperoxide, in patients with Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria: Artefenomel OZ is a novel synthetic trioxolane with improved pharmacokinetic properties compared with other antimalarial drugs with the artemisinin pharmacophore.

Artefenomel has been generally well tolerated in volunteers at doses up to mg and is being developed as a partner drug in an antimalarial combination treatment. We investigated the efficacy, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of artefenomel at different doses in patients with Plasmodium falciparum or Plasmodium vivax malaria.

Adult patients with acute, uncomplicated P falciparum or P vivax malaria received artefenomel in a single oral dose mg, mg, mg, or mg. The first cohort received mg. Testing of a new dose of artefenomel in a patient cohort was decided on after safety and efficacy assessment of the preceding cohort. The primary endpoint was the natural log parasite reduction per 24 h. Definitive oral treatment was given at 36 h. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials. Between Oct 24, , and May 25, , 82 patients were enrolled 20 in each of the mg, mg, and mg cohorts, and 21 in the mg cohort.

One patient withdrew consent before the administration of artefenomel but there were no further dropouts.

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Maximum plasma concentrations, dose-proportional to mg, occurred at 4 h median. The estimated elimination half-life was h. No serious drug-related adverse effects were reported; other adverse effects were. To evaluate the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect of intraocular ozone diluted in BSS on experimental Staphylococcus epidermidis endophthalmitis. Seven rabbits were assigned to a control group and received an intravitreal injection of 0. Ten rabbits were treated with intravitreal injection of 0. Data were distributed according to clinical and histological findings after 24 hours, each rabbit receiving a score.

Mean scores and standard deviations were compared using the two-sample t test. Mean clinical score for the control group was Mean clinical score for the treated group was 4. Structural changes of Bi1. The mode of the incommensurate modulation in the b direction of the Bi1. There is a growing interest in technologies that improve food quality, as well as food safety aspects. After water, coffee is the most consumed beverage in the planet, with a rising demand for special types, such as fermented coffee, in some importing countries. This type of coffee is obtained by removing the mucilage, submitting the coffee to fermentation, a process that varies with the climate and the associated natural micro-organisms, among other factors, and that can lead to detrimental.

Full Text Available I would like to add my voice to the words of congratulations and thanks to the British Library for organising this forum, and for their generosity in making it possible for me to come across the world to be part of it. The issues we are discussing today have an importance extending beyond cellulose acetate, as they reflect our ability as custodians to deal with common threats to the documentary heritage we are charged with preserving.

As I will argue later, we need to see this situation in the context of the full range of preservation management issues that face our institutions. While it imposes a burden and a challenge on us as preservation managers, it also presents opportunities to sort out some things that have needed attention for some time. I have been asked to talk about problems with cellulose acetate microfilm collections in Australia, and specifically the strategies — both national and local — that have been adopted or at least explored in response to those problems.

One thing to emphasise from the start is that we have had a number of goes at dealing with acetate microfilm collections: One significant context in which we have been working is that of a national strategy for all kinds of cellulose acetate collection materials. Explaining this national strategy will form a major part of my presentation, with issues and approaches specific to microfilm discussed towards the end.

Full Text Available Psidium guajava 'Paluma' has being tested as an ozone O3 bioindicator and responds with pigmentation between the veins on the adaxial surface, due to the accumulation of phenolic compounds. These compounds act as non-enzymatic antioxidants that neutralize reactive oxygen species ROS, formed from O3.

This study aimed to evaluate the leaf structure of plants with and without visible symptoms and to establish these symptoms at the cellular level. Beside this we also aimed to detect structural changes that can minimize the effects of the O3 on the plant. The accumulation of phenolic substances, stomatal density and structural changes in P. Leaves with symptoms showed, on the adaxial surface, anthocyanin accumulation in the vacuoles of epidermal cells and hypodermis.

When the symptoms were more intense this accumulation was observed even in the first three layers of palisade parenchyma. Comparing symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves, there was higher accumulation of phenolic compounds in the symptomatic leaves. Some parenchyma cells adjacent to substomatal chambers showed intrusive growth towards the stomatal pore, promoting its occlusion, which could reduce the entry of O3 in the leaf.

The accumulation of anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds, in addition to the occlusion of the chamber, protect the plant against O3 effects. These features and the compact arrangement of the mesophyll contribute to why Psidium guajava 'Paluma' does not present cell death, a symptom usually observed in species sensitive to O3.

The multistage filtration FiME is an alternative to accomplish water treatment for small communities, however, as for removal of true color associated to dissolved organic carbon DOC or humic substances, it have been questioned or reported as low efficiency. The present research evaluated the removal of humic substances in the FiME using ozone and hydrogen peroxide as a pre-oxidation, using for this indirect parameters how true color, UV absorbance nm and DOC.

Five experiments were conducted using four slow filters, from this two were composed the intermediate layer of granulate activated carbon GAC. The assays were conducted with pre-oxidation alternatives using ozone and hydrogen peroxide in several applications forms. Adotou-se a metodologia vetorial autorregressiva VAR e o teste de causalidade de Granger.

  1. Doctor Honoris Causa investiture of Santiago Muñoz Machado.
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  3. Informe sobre España. Essay, Santiago Muñoz Machado at Spain is culture.;
  4. Ceremony naming Santiago Muñoz Machado doctor honoris causa;
  5. So Rich, So Poor: Why Its So Hard to End Poverty in America.
  6. Full Text Available The study of the type material of Zonabris rosinae Escherich, and Zonabris pauper Escherich, , allow us to confirm the taxonomic criteria for the recognition of these two species established by Pardo Alcaide , In order to properly discuss the nomenclatural and taxonomic issues associated with these taxa, we designate lecto- and paralectotypes of both species.

    We have located at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales Madrid, Spain three specimens assignables to the type series of Mylabris quadripunctata var. Once designated as lecto- and paralectotypes we are able to discuss the identification of this species, ignored or confused until now, and establish its synonymy with Z.

    The nomenclatural priority corresponds to Mylabris beauregardi. We discuss the geographic range of M. Micrabris beauregardi and M. Asimismo se han localizado tres ejemplares atribuibles a la serie tipo de Mylabris quadripunctata var. Una vez designados estos ejemplares como lecto y paralectotipos, discutimos la identidad de este taxon, ignorado o malinterpretado hasta el momento, y establecemos su sinonimia con Z.

    In the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo, air quality monitoring network often register ozone concentration values higher than those established by Brazilian legislation. In some occasions, weather conditions favorable to ozone formation allow the occurrence of high concentration values for several consecutive days in the area.

    The influence of meteorological conditions on the air pollution episode registered between February 24 and March 05, was assessed through numerical simulations with the SPM-BRAMS model. Observational studies show that the occurrence of calm winds. M D Subash Chandran.

    A View of Evolution.

    Santiago Muñoz Machado, Jordi Sevilla and Joan Ridao debate on the State model for Spain in La Nau

    A schematic drawing of the Large Electron. Positron Collider ring, depicting the posi- tions of the four detectors Aleph, Delp i, L3. GFC, tax hiccup fail to slow Oz momentum. Once again there is a promising outlook for Australia's coal producers, with Asia's seemingly insatiable appetite for both thermal and coking coal driving expansion of production and export capacity. The article reports on recent developments at ports and coal terminals and on plans to further improve rail transport of coal.

    Accordingly, individuals are being standardized in the prison through programs, strategies and technics that the power structure determined. In this process, there is no direct enforcement on the individual. The power structure connects the individual to itself through knowledge and body. At the base of becoming standard individual through lost of identity, there is crime production.

    As for crime production, it takes shape in accordance with space. In the novel, space dependent suffering, inflicted on individuals, places the subject on a hierarchical plane, as Foucault has also indicated, and brings an end to existence.

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    The power structure, cutting off the individual from his private space, taking him first into the interrogation room, and then to the prison, has made him a part of the system and has objectified him. The digestive effect of the power structure has become even more concrete with the presence of the second person narrator within the narrative plane; depersonalization has taken place within the new order. Lifting the Curtain on the Wizard of Oz: The consistent, but often wrong, impressions people form of the size of unseen speakers are not random but rather point to a consistent misattribution bias, one that the advertising, broadcasting, and entertainment industries also routinely exploit.

    The authors report 3 experiments examining the perceptual basis of this bias. Elegy to an Oz Republic: First Steps in a Ceremony of Invocation towards Reconciliation. This wholesale 'borrowing', 'quotation' and 'citation' raises the questions addressed in this article. What does it mean to engage in acts of appropriation now?

    And, more importantly, can such acts of appropriation draw on the spirit of the 'original' work to make a political difference? It has expanded throughout the country, so that today the research Static and dynamic magnetization properties of Y1Ba2Cu3 Oz thin films. Critical current densities J c H,T are deduced from the magnetic hysteresis. Analysis of the results of low frequency response of these films to collinear ac and dc magnetic fields are compared with the dc magnetometry results. J c H,T is observed to be quite sensitive to the type of epitaxial growth on the various substrates.

    Is the Land of Oz an Alien Nation? Examines the political thinking underpinning strategies and counterstrategies used by school administrators and black leaders struggling over the fate of seven black youths who protested against unfair treatment in their suburban high school. Midlevel administrators aligned with bureaucratic control images were ineffective at interpreting and…. Calorie count - sodas and energy drinks. Pepper 12 oz 0 Diet Pepsi 12 oz 0 Dr. Pepper 12 oz The tropics are the major source of heat and moisture for the Australasian region. Determining the tropics' response over time to changes in climate forcing mechanisms, such as summer insolation, and the effects of relative sea level on exposed continental shelves during the Last Glacial period, is.

    Structural and photocarrier radiometric characterization of Cux CdTe y Oz thin films growth by reactive sputtering. This research presents a structural and photocarrier radiometric PCR characterization of Cu x CdTe y O z thin films grown using reactive radiofrequency co-sputtering. Electronic distribution induced by variations in dopant concentration as a function of the position was studied using photocarrier radiometric images. Optical and structural characterization of these thin films was carried out by using micro Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction.

    Due to its nondestructive and noncontact characteristics, the PCR is an excellent technique that permits one to obtain details of lateral electronic distribution across the sample. It was found that Cu target power influences the electronic distribution and produces different phases such as Cu 2 Te and CdO. Workplaces today demand graduates who are prepared with field-specific knowledge, advanced social skills, problem-solving skills, and integration capabilities.

    Meeting these goals with didactic learning DL is becoming increasingly difficult. Enhanced training methods that would better prepare tomorrow's graduates must be more engaging and game-like, such as feedback based e-learning or simulation-based training, while saving time. Empirical evidence regarding the effectiveness of advanced learning methods is lacking. Objective quantitative research comparing advanced training methods with DL is sparse. This quantitative study assessed the effectiveness of a computerized interactive simulator coupled with an instructor who monitored students' progress and provided Web-based immediate feedback.

    A low-cost, globally accessible, telemedicine simulator, developed at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel-was used. Content type and training audience were not significant. This study evaluated the contribution of an integrated teaching environment using a computerized interactive simulator, with an instructor providing immediate Web-based immediate feedback to trainees. Involvement of an instructor in the simulation-based training process provided better learning outcomes that varied training content and trainee populations did not affect the overall learning gains.

    Reptile species, and in particular snakes, are protected by national and international agreements yet are commonly handled illegally. To aid in the enforcement of such legislation, we report on the development of three plex assays from the genome of the carpet python to type 24 loci of tetra-nucleotide and penta-nucleotide repeat motifs pure, compound and complex included. Seventeen of the loci are newly characterised with the inclusion of seven previously developed loci to facilitate cross-comparison with previous carpet python genotyping studies.

    Assays were optimised in accordance with human forensic profiling kits using one nanogram template DNA. Three loci are included in all three of the multiplex reactions as quality assurance markers, to ensure sample identity and genotyping accuracy is maintained across the three profiling assays. Allelic ladders have been developed for the three assays to ensure consistent and precise allele designation.

    A DNA reference database of allele frequencies is presented based on samples collected from throughout the species native range. A small number of validation tests are conducted to demonstrate the utility of these multiplex assays. We suggest further appropriate validation tests that should be conducted prior to the application of the multiplex assays in criminal investigations involving carpet pythons. Thermal analysis and thermogravimetry were used to determine stability and the melting sequence of Bi 2 Sr,Ln 2 CuO z phases in air. The compositions of these crystals were homogeneous and close to the stoichiometric composition.

    Background Workplaces today demand graduates who are prepared with field-specific knowledge, advanced social skills, problem-solving skills, and integration capabilities. Methods A low-cost, globally accessible, telemedicine simulator, developed at the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel—was used. Results from objective knowledge tests were analyzed using hypothesis testing and model fitting.

    Conclusions This study evaluated the contribution of an integrated teaching environment using a computerized interactive simulator, with an instructor providing immediate Web-based immediate feedback to trainees. What to Do with the Bounty?

    Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version

    The research investigated the way in which school administrations implement resources provided by Israel's "Courage to Change" reform. The uniqueness of this reform stems from the fact that the allocated resources come in the form of "weekly instruction time" rather than finance, and the school management needs to decide how to…. Influence of the choice of internal temperatures on the composition of CxHy Oz Nt plasmas out of thermodynamic equilibrium: Application to CH2 plasma. The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of the choice of internal temperatures on the composition of C x H y O z N t plasmas out of thermodynamic equilibrium.

    The numerical calculation is specially performed for CH 2 plasma in the pressure range 0. Precisely, the investigation of this plasma allows one to show that the choice of internal temperatures can have more influence on plasma composition than the choice of the form of the two-temperature Saha and Guldberg-Waage laws. Indeed, for one of the supposed hypotheses, it is observed that the two forms of the two-temperature system used here can give the same equilibrium composition by uncoupling the excitation temperature of the diatomic and the monatomic species.

    Great attention must then be given to the adopted hypothesis for internal temperature and not only to the form of the two temperature system used. An accurate comparison between the two models requires the measurement of plasma parameters such as the various internal temperatures and the species concentration. Therefore, we have also carried out an analysis of the potential experimental diagnostics of these plasma parameters. Such diagnostics can help to test and validate theoretical models.

    Behavior of the irreversibility line in the new superconductor La1. The irreversibility properties of high-T c superconductors are of major importance for technological applications. For example, a high irreversibility magnetic field is a more desirable quality for a superconductor. The irreversibility line in the H-T plane is constituted by experimental points, which divides the irreversible and reversible behavior of the magnetization. The irreversibility lines for series of La 1. The samples were synthesized using the usual solid estate reaction method.

    Rietveld-type refinement of x-ray diffraction patterns permitted to determine the crystallization of material in a tetragonal structure. The data of irreversibility temperature allowed demarcating the irreversibility line, T irr H. Two main lines are used for the interpretation of the irreversibility line: The irreversibility line is described by a power law. The obtained results allow concluding that in the system La 1. This feature of the irreversibility line has been reported as a characteristic of granular superconductors and it corroborates the topological effects of vortexes mentioned by several authors.

    Synthesis of nanolayers hydroxo- SnxOyHz and heteropoly- HxPWy Oz compounds of hybrid-type on silica surfaces by successive ionic layer deposition method. On heating the as-synthesized layers to deg. The layers have amorphous agglomerate-like structure. The agglomerate size is from 20 to nm. Upon heating to deg. C, the size insignificantly increases, the agglomerate form being practically unchanged.

    The data obtained allow conclusion that the layers present a hybrid compound consisting of fragments of isopoly- Sn x O y H z and heteropoly- H x PW y O z compounds. The R ion in La type com- pounds provides structural stability without any effect on superconductivity similar to the role of R ion at Y-site in Y superconductors. Neutron-diffraction study of the crystal structure of the superconductor TiSr2 Eu0.

    Neutron diffraction has been performed on the Eu-containing compound TiSr 2 Eu 0. The sample was contained in a thin flat cell of 0. The absorption correction for the flat sample was taken into account in the Rietveld refinement. Integration of ice-core, marine and terrestrial records for the Australian Last Glacial Maximum and Termination: The degree to which Southern Hemisphere climatic changes during the end of the last glacial period and early Holocene ka were influenced or initiated by events occurring in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere is a complex issue.

    There is conflicting evidence for the degree of hemispheric teleconnection and an unresolved debate as to the principle forcing mechanism s. The available hypotheses are difficult to test robustly, however, because the few detailed palaeoclimatic records in the Southern Hemisphere are widely dispersed and lack duplication. Here we present climatic and environmental reconstructions from across Australia, a key region of the Southern Hemisphere because of the range of environments it covers and the potentially important role regional atmospheric and oceanic controls play in global climate change.

    We identify a general scheme of events for the end of the last glacial period and early Holocene but a detailed reconstruction proved problematic. Significant progress in climate quantification and geochronological control is now urgently required to robustly investigate change through this period. Formation pathways in the synthesis and properties of Tl0. The formation pathway of Tl 0.

    The following reaction pathway was proposed: The thallate and the plumbate compounds then form the Tl 0. Finally, between and deg. C, the phase is formed from Tl 0. Parallel experiments to fabricate the Tl, Pb superconductor resulted in specimens with critical temperatures of Differences between the pathways for the formation of Pb-doped, Sr-rich and Pb-free, Ba-rich Tl superconductors are discussed. Performance Enhancing Ration Components Program: Neutron structural studies of La3.

    Full Text Available In different areas of the Hercynian in the Iberian Peninsula some reactions are repeatedly observed in pelites, these reactions are: A resultant grid was obtained by combining those obtained in the aboye systerns. In addition to the stability fields of reactions the P-T-XFe-Mg theoric relations for three univariant and thirteen divariant reactions have been obtained. The grid confirms the imposibility of staurolite-K feldspar and Garnet-Cordierite-Muscovite coexistence, as weH as the extension of the stability fields for Garnet-Staurolite, Cordierite-Staurolite and Garnet-Cordierite assemblages in muscovite-poor metapelites.

    A carga microbiana de Coliformes totais foi constatada apenas em T6. Strawberries were selected, washed in tap water, and sanitized using the following treatments: T1 Immersion in aqueous ozone at 0. The microbial count of total coliforms was observed only in T6. Treatments with aqueous ozone were more effective than treatment with chlorine in removing filamentous fungi and yeasts. Contamination by Salmonella spp. A cevada Hordeum vulgare L sp. The present work aims at investigating the performance of ozonation and chlorination used in the pre-oxidation of water with high microalgae and cyanobacteria concentration to be submitted to downflow direct filtration followed by chlorine disinfection, and evaluating the quality of the water produced, especially with regard to phytoplankton removal, trihalomethane formation, and toxicological tests.

    The pilot scale tests carried outwith the pre-ozonation exhibited better results when compared to the results from the pre-chlorination tests. Esta ciudad es uno de los mayores exponentes de la cultura maya, habiendo sido incluido por Unesco en la Lista de Patrimonio Mundial en , por sus valores culturales y naturales.

    The experimental spectra are found to be the same throughout the wide solubility range. This suggests that the local environments of Al are independent of the solute concentration. First-principles band-structure calculations are systematically made to interpret the experimental spectra. Effect of a core hole was included into the calculation. Theoretical spectra were obtained using variety of different model structures constructed by a set of plane-wave pseudopotentials calculations in our previous study [K.

    B 66, ]. They are classified and averaged according to the local atomic structure of Al solutes. This is consistent with the conclusion obtained by the first-principles total-energy calculations. In the spinel phase, Al atoms are found to be located preferentially at the octahedral cationic site. This agrees with the conclusion in a recent report on the nuclear magnetic resonance experiment. Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to evaluate the concentrations of tropospheric ozone and VOCs under the sugarcane agro-industry emissions in urban and rural areas of Araraquara, SP.

    The sampling was performed using active and passive air samplers during the sugarcane harvest and in the period between harvests in and