Editorial Reviews

The Lutheran and Catholic Churches concluded that: The current bill will have substantial adverse effects onto the entire provision of life help to the disadvantage of the person seeking help. This is serious in view of the comparably small number of abuse cases. It curtails the rights of the providers of life help in an objectionable way.

The bill was thereafter dropped. Churches and religious or spiritual organizations have always had the pur- pose of helping people. It is traditionally of atheistic inspiration. Genesis — A Family Conflict It was created in by Roger Ikor, a writer who is a winner of the Gon- court prize, who had a twenty-year old son who adhered to a Macrobiotic Zen lifestyle and later committed suicide. The son was on bad terms with his fa- ther, especially concerning his philosophical choices, and was apparently anorexic as he weighed 42 kilos at 1m75 when he committed suicide. He declared to several newspapers in January and February We have to hit, destroy these sects which proliferate on our decay.

When enough peo- ple go to ransack the premises of sects, they [public authorities] will probably move. Throw up macrobiotic restaurants, Krishna centers and others. Then maybe public authorities will pay more attention. Ikor and his son had started years earlier. A shape- less bag on his shoulder, as only luggage, he thought he was free because he was free from any material tie; and he would sleep with pleasure on bare earth to be in harmony with earth waves.

Ikor states derogatorily in his book: He decided there to kill himself but he came to do it here, in the family house where he was born, where I myself had him delivered before the arrival of the doctor. Faced with this unbearable tragedy, Mr. He stated in les Cahiers Rationalistes rationalist journal in Nine times out of ten, you have a Founding Father, a guy who comes forward and claims with conviction: I received the rev- elation.

Indeed, the Dictionary gives the following definitions: Their duplicity is only equalled by their aptitude to throw the faithful into a sacred terror, propitious to exerting unlimited power over their soul and their will. Infiltration of the Minds Alleging that freedom goes together with critical mind, CCMM describes its role as that of informing, educating and alerting the public on minorities of religion or belief. To this end, they feel entitled to assess the doctrines of minorities of reli- gion or belief in order to determine if the very nature of these beliefs makes the targeted group a sect.

Of course, we cannot avoid presenting the doctrine peculiar to each sect; but this analysis, even short, has only one purpose: After digging carefully our route through this dense and stifling jungle for the last six years, we find ourselves trapped in the tremendous apparent diversity of species which it is constituted of pseudo- Christian sects, pseudo-Hindu sects, or philosophical, scientific, ecologist, or natur- ist ones, are there traits that they share in common?

Drafting this publication gave us confirmation that in reality, they are all identical and quasi interchangeable. One will be convinced by comparing the specification sheet we drafted for each of them. It is the announcement of a new spiritual age. It intends to make known to the sick West the salvation forces of self-achievement through meditation circular to the teachers of T.

Clearly, it intends to substitute to the sick Western thinking the sane Hindu one: Paris ; hence exclusive possession of truth, from the message of the guru. The equivocal part lies in the ideological core itself of T.


Its mission is to bring peace, happiness, etc. In order to be accepted, it acts in a covert way at the beginning and presents itself with a mask of Western ideology: It is therefore decisive to examine the technique of meditation to have an idea of the doctrine. It appears at the youngest age and is a matter of temperament and hereditary predisposition. Mystics eagerly look for the strange, the mysterious, the incomprehensible. They feel confined in realities, they need a world of dreams, fantasy and the unknowable.

According to their education, their company, the fashion, they will throw themselves headlong into religion, spiritualism, magnetism, magic, occult sciences. They will create sects, discover new mysteries, invent miracles, and even create from scratch religions unknown to this day. Religious mysticism is the most frequent one. It resists in some minds to the most various and complete culture. It can be met at all degrees of the intellectual scale, and if it is frequent amongst the degenerated and the dumb, it is not rare amongst superior unsteady people and even amongst people of higher intelligence who are normal in all aspects.

And the fact that this religious belief does not have 2, years of history is appar- ently an aggravating factor. This would not be a problem if CCMM were a private group. But the financing of such an association which fights against religious beliefs by the French State is a violation of its duty to neutrality un- der the French constitution and human rights treaties that France has signed and ratified.

In an interview of 9 June , he gave the following explanation: Actually there are several influential groups inside MIVILUDES, in par- ticular a Catholic conservative group, who designate evil based on their own criteria, and an atheistic left-wing group for whom evil is freedom of belief. They also agree on defending their interests: The gathering of direct and collateral victims of deviances observed in the Christian religions in particular has become a necessity for the CCMM.

This Action Group assigns itself the mission to gather testimonies in order, in par- ticular, to be a proposition force with the Ecclesiastical and political authorities, to provide them with indisputable arguments and to give them the means to act and take their responsibilities. To this end, CCMM has set up a private support group: However, it is used here following what CCMM itself publishes. Their son who was of age did not consult them about his choice and told them by phone only a few days later that he had joined the movement.

Dr Champollion and his wife studied the basic books of the group and disagreed with the beliefs they outlined which contradicted their own: Members are found throughout the world, with the largest number living in South Korea and Japan. Church membership is estimated to be several hundred thousand to a few million. The Church and its members own, operate, and subsidize organizations and projects involved in politi- cal, cultural, commercial, media, educational, and other activities.

Unification Church beliefs are summarized in the textbook Divine Principle and include belief in a universal God; in striving to- ward the creation of a literal Kingdom of God on earth; in the universal salvation of all people, good and evil, living and dead; and that a man born in Korea in the early 20th century received from Jesus the mission to be realized as the second coming of Christ. Unification Church members believe that Jesus appeared to Moon when he was 16 and asked him to accomplish the work left unfinished after his crucifixion.

It was a series of unfounded statements on the history of humanity since the Creation , revealing an abysmal lack of education, on history as well as on the Biblical Exegesis. Champollion met other parents whose children had also left to join AUCM. These families brought us some documentation from AUCM they had tried to con- vince them and mostly the story of their experience.

Some parents had had long discussions, Bible in hand, without any result. The persons con- sidered as victims in all these cases were the parents. This was made clearer on 12 May when members of the new board met and decided to found an association for the defense of the family and the individual with the following object: This association aims at maintaining and defending all the family values, in particular the unity and cohesion of the family, the integrity of the individual.

Champollion explained the choice of the name ADFI in the following way: We did not like the one [name] that was chosen that much: But it was indeed true that each departure for AUCM had been a family tragedy, and that the concerned individuals were under subjection by a force which deprived them of any personal freedom, of any critical mind, at least as regards that decision. Con- version to such beliefs was considered by ADFI as an infringement of human integrity and even dignity. In , an Article 2 bis was added after Article 2: This association aims at maintaining all the family values, in particular the cohesion of the family and to defend the integrity of the individual.

The association will initiate any judicial proceedings it deems necessary for the fulfill- ment of its purposes, against any person or group whose or which activities seriously prejudice the cohesion of the family or the integrity of the individual. In this regard, it will give particular attention to human rights as defined in international conventions. This association aims at defending the general interests of families and the integrity of the individual.

The association will initiate any judicial proceedings it deems necessary for the fulfill- ment of its purposes, against any person or group whose or which activities seriously prejudice the family institution or the integrity of the individual. Rights of Victimized Parents versus Rights of Overage Followers The problem posed by this approach relates to the limits which can be put to freedom of religion or belief under international human rights standards.

In so doing, the Court has to satisfy itself that the national authorities applied standards which were in conformity with the principles embodied in the Convention. As concerned the destruction of families, the Court held that: Quite often, the opposite is true: It is true that friction often exists in marriages where the spouses belong to different religious denominations or one of the spouses is a non-believer.

Nor is it apparent that the prosecution experts had interviewed anyone who had been coerced in that way into joining the commu- nity. Contrary to this reasoning of the European Court of Human Rights, ADFIs and UNADFI consider that the followers of minority religious or belief groups, even though they adhere to their religious or belief association of their own free will, are somehow victims of mind control without realizing it.

Under this heading, its editorial explained: What constituted her personality seems to not be allowed to express itself anymore. The Archbishop of Vienna, his Grace C. Even related to the change of personality which results from the ad- herence to a sect, this term is inappropriate, because brainwashing implies inhuman methods applied by totalitarian regimes in order to influence or change the personal- ity.

As concerns the education of members of ecclesiastical communities, this term cannot be used. Actually, it is a freely chosen transformation, which is respectful of the dignity of the human being in Jesus Christ. It results from the call of Jesus to con- version and faith cf. Saint Paul himself speaks of this transformation in one of his letters: It is a process which lasts the whole life, which requires all the time the renewed free decision of the Christian.

Ecclesiastical communities have the duty to see that the decisions to follow Christ are made in total freedom. To detach oneself from a child is certainly not always easy, even in case of marriage. However, the departure from home in total freedom to follow the call of Christ is not an avoidance of family obligations and can neither be criticized as the effect of undue influence by a community.

The following question then emerges: Going further, the Archbishop of Vienna explained: The one who follows this path and compels himself to it after several years of probation and prayer, waives consequently, by a free decision of conscience, certain rights: The person who re- ceives them is led to modify all her criteria, her relations and projects. Indeed, the doctrines and what accompanies them explicitly but most often in a veiled way , i. They are susceptible to generate two categories of harmful effects: At the same time, and by way of consequence most often, these doctrines can lead to sectarian behaviours, i.

It acts as a mediator between God and the faithful. Three key ideas prevail: Its principle is simple: It convinces the poor to not claim their situation but […] to refuse it and get out of it. Another article on the Rosicrucian published in gave the following assessment: The Gospel of John, opened at the chapter on Apocalypse, is present in all the Temples of the Rosicrucian. The word is cited once in the Bible, more precisely at Chapter 16 on Apocalypse, verse There is a responsibility that we bear, we Christians, if we isolate ourselves in our faith and do not give any importance to the other, to the others, to the gatherings.

When I was twenty, there was a reception in our parishes. If anyone of us could think: Did I have a real contact with someone today? This would change things. There used to be groups welcoming youth with superficial, intermittent, even inexistent faith. These youth clubs that we stopped a bit too fast, by what did we replace them? It is easy for sects to occupy the space that was left free. From there one can sell any merchandize. Lassere, when she was interviewed as the official representative of ADFI. According to the Vatican web site, this office was founded in by Pope Paul III and was originally called the Sacred Congregation of the Universal Inquisition as its duty was to defend the Church from heresy.

The fact that an association functioning almost exclusively with public fi- nances associates with recognized Churches to attack minority religion or belief groups constitutes a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. In its decision Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia and Others v. Moldova,88 the Court had to rule on the refusal of registration of the Met- ropolitan Church of Bessarabia, an Orthodox Church of the Republic of Moldova, autonomous from the official Moldovan Orthodox Church, and seen as deviant and as a competitor.

The association was founded by persons of Catholic origin, but with open minds. I wished to go towards more openness. The associa- tion had been founded by families with relatives touched by the sectarian phenom- enon. Today, I have the feeling that it has become politicized. But this does not seem to be the case. What is primarily at stake here is the doctrine itself and its impact on followers.

A bishop, in an internal document of the Church, stressed the insufficiency of the training of brothers. Errors in the doctrine have appeared clearly […] The lack of time for oneself, the lack of inner freedom severely destabilize the minds. The person, who was valued during recruitment, is then weakened by a mak- ing guilty inherent to the system. The expectancy being very high, the person feels depreciated and ends up breaking up with her familial, spiritual and even cultural roots: This could apply to any religious community, any convents or mon- asteries in particular.

The article goes on: Their ecclesial status is not clear: As a conclusion, all branches of St Jean have the following in common: UNADFI and the Association Religious Life and Families play each their role to fight against these destructions, the former through its general knowledge of sectarian methods, the latter through its experience of tragic consequences of the deviances in the Church on individuals and families.

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To this date, the Catholic Church does not seem to have taken the right measures to remedy this situation. The theories of destruction of the personality and destruction of families have been addressed by the European Court of Human Rights as concerns followers of age who have adhered freely. For the same reasons de- veloped earlier, this activity pursued with public funding cannot be recon- ciled with Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights. One on Opus Dei reads: And repentants or apostates have a right to not believe equal to the right they had earlier to believe.

De- prived of freedom, the follower will claim that he is totally free, that he has come into the group freely and that he can go out of it freely, that it is his family or his relatives, who infringe his freedom to adhere to this group. And in case the sect is summoned to Court, he will be ready to defend despite all opposition the head and the members of the sect.

In order to defend his sect, he will not hesitate to distort reality. This behaviour can be perfectly explained analyzing the process of the specific mental manipulation practiced in a sect. Specifically because it is sectorial, which means that it impacts only one sector of life, that is to say that the follower loses his capacities of thinking, of discernment judgment and decision, his critical mind and free choice, solely as concerns the theories and practices of the sect. For the rest of his profes- sional and family life, he can be totally normal.

This is what explains the behaviour of the follower when he appears before a court or a psychiatrist, to whom he will show his intellectual, human, etc. How can a youth be freed when he is already subjugated by the sect? In fact, no argument impinges on him, in proportion to his sincerity and sectarian fanaticism: As concerns mediation with the sect, it is totally impossible. Similarly, parents whose child is caught in a prostitution network will not reach any solution by discussing with the pimps. It is the same with sects, which are a psychological drug and psycho- logical rape.

No mediation is possible. These methods have long since been found to be criminal in the US and Europe. The attacks from sects were not unrelated to this feeling: Our abiding with the law, one must admit, is often only due to the fear of the police. Circumstances and mentalities are different in the US, where all are used to take their responsibilities, even if they have to bear the consequences.

More than the conferences, what struck me was the attitude of the people during meals and informal discussions. During a TV show, Claire C. She complained in particular about the fact that she could not go to the bathroom without Alexandra Schmidt, member of ADFI, standing next to her. Asked by the journalist why she did that, Alexandra Schmidt stated that she was well aware that some young people had tried to commit suicide in the US while subject to deprogramming.

Asked also why they would try to have people recant their faith, Alexandra Schmidt answered: Because, you have to understand, all of ADFI was based on that, it had been created by parents who suddenly faced a child who spoke a different language, who did not look the same, who did not react the same way anymore, it was like if […] they had acquired all of a sudden a new world of meaning, everything had another meaning, and they felt that something had happened.

The first question raised by such methods is quite obvious: This cannot be justified in its very principle. Indeed, the European Court of Human Rights decided on these deprogramming methods used in Barcelona in a case Riera Blume and others v. Spain of 14 Oc- tober Both parents were subsequently charged in Septem- ber for kidnapping and sequestration. In this hypothesis, the presence during judiciary police operations of a unit of intervention composed of a psychologist and specialized and generalist as- sociations of help to victims, allows a better handling of minors and followers of age.

It is indeed essential to make sure that the dismantled group cannot re-form again. This would be done, like in deprogramming, on the basis of critical, one- sided information and testimonies of apostates provided by the anti-sect as- sociations against such a group, pursuant to the usual basis of operation of these associations see below. What is actually recommended is to remedy this situation by an enforced follow-up by anti- sect associations to de-convert the followers so the group does not reform again. This poses serious problems of infringement of freedom of religion or belief of the concerned followers.

This unit of six police officers is due to help the judicial police in any jurisdiction to characterize this subjection and the cor- responding criminal offence. It is of course advisable that this unit intervenes with the investigators from the very beginning of an investigation, but its assistance can be obtained at any phase of the investigation, in particular during arrests and custodies.

We now succeed to address the majority of sectarian groups and we have a specialist former follower or parent for the ten biggest sects whom the people can meet at ADFI or outside. We give advice adapted to the case because our knowledge is up to date thanks to documentation on each group, which allows us to determine the internal techniques of the sect. Coming out of the sect This year, we count 42 persons who have decided to quit the sect thanks to our inter- vention meetings and talks with the follower. We insist on the fact that these meet- ings take place at our association and most of the time with the family of the follower.

These meetings are long, delicate and require competence both in the psychological area and in the techniques used by the sect. Biased Basis of Operation — Devastating Consequences The very way of functioning of ADFIs, based on collecting information from angry or anxious relatives or receiving and compiling denunciations on groups is problematic. According to the telephone requests we receive at the association, they constitute, at our opinion, the new sectarian field.

We are not faced anymore with well constituted groups but with a number of networks which interfere with tech- niques of physical betterment yoga, relaxation, kinesiology, reiki , natural medicine, personal development, various transpersonal psychotherapies coming from the US, sometimes mind reading and mediumship, Amerindian shamanism or other. In this particular context, it is more relevant to speak of sectarian deviances than of sects. This way of operation and its potential devastating consequences for the groups concerned have appeared clearly in the case of Doctor Jullien.

Accused of being the guru of a sect, the medical doctor has been the victim of a de- structive harassment. Yves Jullien wrote little before his death. This rumor, spread for several years in the Yonne Region, let people think that this doctor, beyond reproach other- wise, was the guru of a sect. The members of the purported sect, Epinoia, were living at the castle of Isle-sur-Serein and, according to the accusations, were having shady and disreputable activities.

Former patients, parents, colleagues and friends of Yves Jullien came to bring their testimonies in the premises of Epinoia, the centre where Dr. Jullien was taking care of drug addicts and psychotics, in particular. We often heard that Epinoia was a sect, even from authorized persons. Why was it asserted that this doctor was not a doctor anymore, that he had been dismissed by the Na- tional Doctors Association?

The rumor ran for several months.

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But the members of Epinoia were living in community at the castle of Isle-sur-Serein. Their look of old-fashioned 70s freaks was shocking locally. From there, there was only one step to conclude that Epinoia was a sectarian movement, and the plunge was taken blithely. The journalist concluded his article by the following words: He was disturbing, even though he was not openly opposing the system. He was just asking for the right to be different. This right has been denied to him. Indeed our role is extremely difficult, extremely peril- ous because our association is there to denounce the acts of sects, of persons who trap future victims, but our role is also to meet victims of sects […] Journalist: But in this precise case of Maya Blache [Dr.

Well a person called us to say that she heard that a person who heads this centre would be a member of I think it was Sai Baba […] Journalist: This is an Indian guru. He is an Indian guru, and we said that it was true that she had been for some time with Sai Baba, but that is all. But it is true that it poses certain problems. Yes, but this is because we are all the time solicited. It is terrible because in that case it is true that now we have to be very careful. Indeed all we say becomes so serious because we are a known and recognized association and I believe we have to be even more prudent.

But now, do you regret it? Tavernier resigned from her functions at UNADFI and quit the group because she realized, as she herself stated, that they were engaged in witch hunting. This mode of operation, of gathering in- formation based on rumours and prejudice, did not stop with Mrs. A priest explained their activities: These gave me the opportunity to provide access to the Gospel and Psalms of the Bible to a pop- ulation who generally does not go to Church.

The attendees either do not know anything of the Christian religion, or they have fallen out with an insti- tution which left them bad souvenirs. I am glad to be able to answer my mis- sion: It is for me the opportunity to meet representatives of other traditions than mine. I have thereby been able to have a friendship with Sufis like Faouzi Skali, Hindus like Swarni Muktananda, not to mention Christians whose routes are varied Orthodox and Protestants.

Tavernier who made an official statement, posted on Terre du Ciel web site: The raid done at Terre du Ciel can only confirm my concerns. Considering such acts, I want to pub- licly support this association which pursues, in a spirit of freedom and re- spect of individuals, activities for individual and collective human progress. Is it reprehensible to be off the dominant ideology? This centre does not pose problems as such. But, what is highly questionable is the nature of the pro- See testimony of Stan Rougier: These practices have been the topic of court columns.

The problem here again is: Where are the victims? And the consequences for the targeted groups and the human consequences on individuals are not minor. Another police raid occurred more recently on 22 February in an- other centre of personal development. After verification, MIVILUDES referred the case to the Prosecutor because the founder of the Centre seemed to have undue influence on the attendees with family break-ups and professional res- ignations.

The activities of the Centre have been frozen for the duration of the investigation. Applications of kinesiology in human health include the rehabilitation professions, such as physical and occupa- tional therapy, as well as applications in the sport and exercise industries. It is obvious that X. He was certainly immersed in this very mystical, very anxiogenic climate.

According to its President Mr. They said they were alerted as early as by former followers who contacted their branch in Britanny. Apart from the repres- sion of beliefs of a Christian prayer group, this shows how unreliable UNADFI accusations can be and how the reputation of minority religious groups can be unduly damaged. On 14 November , the President of ADFI North interceded with the authorities to have a Rosicrucian meeting forbidden, which was due to be held in a city conference hall. She justified her intervention stating: Rather than stigmatiz- ing certain groups, he gave instruction to exert particular vigilance on any suspicious organization in order to identify and repress any criminal or ille- gal act.

The Special Rapporteur urges the Government to ensure that its mechanisms for dealing with these religious groups or communities of belief deliver a message based on tolerance, freedom of religion or belief and on the principle that no one can be judged for his actions other than through the appropriate judicial channels. Moreover, she recommends that the Government monitor more closely preven- tive actions and campaigns that are conducted throughout the country by private initiatives or Government-sponsored organizations, in particular within the school system in order to avoid children of members of these groups being negatively af- fected.

She urges judicial and conflict resolution mechanisms to no longer refer to, or use, the list published by Parliament in This situation is aggravated by defama- tion. Whereas, in order to reject this claim, the Court of Appeals stated, concerning the reported statements from the book, that […] they referred to AMORC not more than to other sectarian movements and expressed generalities on the nature and the functioning of sects and that this being a general opinion, it was wrongly claimed that these excerpts were defamatory; The Parliamentary Report containing the list was registered in December and published in January Indeed, in many countries members of religious or belief minorities experience a shocking degree of public resentment or even hatred which is often nourished by a paradoxical combination of fear and contempt.

Such allegations can escalate into fully fledged conspiracy theories fabricated by competing groups, the media or even State authorities. At the same time, members of religious or belief minorities are often exposed to public contempt based for instance on rumours that they allegedly lack any moral values. It is exactly this combination of demoniz- ing conspiracy projections and public contempt that typically triggers violence either directed against members of minorities or occurring between different communities. Hence the eradication of stereotypes and prejudices that constitute the root causes of fear, resentment and hatred is the most important contribution to preventing vio- lence and concomitant human rights abuses.

A recent survey they did throughout Europe showed that France was the European country where they recorded the highest number of hate inci- dents in , against their places of worship or their members: For a criminal act to qualify as a hate crime, it must meet two criteria: The target of a hate crime may be a person, people or property associated with a group that shares a protected characteristic.

Their writings and positions provide evidence that they lead an ideological crusade with public financing which cannot be reconciled either with the French Constitution or the international human rights instruments signed and ratified by France. However painful it can be for families to see relatives follow different ideological paths or for followers to decide to quit a movement they once adhered to and believed in, individuals must always have the right and freedom to believe or to not believe, and this right should be equally respected.

Their readiness to make accusations and value judgments and to stigmatize religious or belief minorities can only instill prejudice and result in discrimination and violence. The French State should not support such activities. Als weitere Themen werden angesprochen: Gorbachev had opted for pluralism and fair competition between religions but very soon, reaction- ary religious and political forces rebuilt a wall of protectionism.

The rejection of pluralism and the persistent lack of tolerance towards the Catholic Church and new religious movements are the background colors of the current religious panorama in Russia. The anti-sect campaigns and legal actions jointly carried out by institutions of the Russian state and by organs of the Orthodox Church pursue one and the same goal: The Russian member association of the anti-sect umbrella organization FECRIS European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Sectarianism , which was created in France in and is mainly funded by French public powers, is a major actor in a more general plan aiming to rein- tegrate the lost sheep into the Orthodox Church: Catholics, members of new- ly implanted religious movements, atheists and non-believers.

Under Peter the Great, the Patriarchy was abolished and replaced by a Holy Synod run and controlled by secular officials. This situation prevailed until the Revolu- tion. On the one hand, the Holy Synod was part of the state structures and was obliged to cooperate on a number of issues but on the other hand, the Church was fully protected by the state against competition with other faiths and had a monopoly on missionary activities.

A prominent source of religious diversity in Russia was provided by do- mestic schismatic movements. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Please try your request again later. Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central. Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg. Die Inquisition im Hochmittelalter: Available for download now. Manche bleiben in der Ferne und beginnen dort ein neues Leben. Zwei Welten, einander vertraut und doch in vielem so fremd.

Handelsbeziehungen machen sich auf — der byzantinische Lebensstil wird innerhalb der Eliten nachgeahmt. Die Legitimation von Macht: Leiter an drei Familientischen und drei Erwachsenentischen Antwort u. Entweder direkt aus der Ausstellung oder via: Im Fokus steht das Auseinanderbrechen. Die beiden Welten — Ost und West treffen aufeinander und geraten aneinander. Nichts trennt Byzanz und den Westen mehr als die gemeinsame Religion — den christlichen Glauben.

Im Jahr dann der Skandal: In den folgenden Jahrhunderten wird die Kluft immer tiefer. So wird auch der Kontakt mit Byzanz eng wie nie zuvor. Das verstehen selbst viele Kreuzfahrer nicht. Denn eigentlich waren sie ja zur Befreiung des Heiligen Landes von den Muslimen aufgebrochen. Die Suche nach Orientierung. Wer waren und wer sind wir? Was ist von uns geblieben? Byzanz muss sich neu erfinden.

Benutzer:Elkawe/Artikelprojekt Wegbereiter der Europaeischen Union

Einerseits existieren die lateinischen Kolonien weiter, andererseits erlebt Byzanz einen kulturellen und intellektuellen Aufschwung von Wissenschaft, Kunst und Architektur. Die Bedingung an den Osten lautet: Im Zentrum steht die westliche Wahrnehmung. Das Byzantinische Reich ist damit Geschichte, sein Erbe wirkt aber weiter: An welchen Fragen wird sich die Zukunft des Mittelmeerraums entscheiden — und damit vielleicht auch die Zukunft Europas?

Eine Reise rund ums Mittelmeer Sebastian Schoepp: Ein Haus mit vielen Wohnungen Erhard Busek: Das Mittelmeer — Seele Europas? Sie fordern auf aktiv zu werden, regen zum Nachdenken an und verweisen in die Ausstellung, schicken in den Arkadenhof und in den Schlossgarten. Allen Illustrationen dienen Exponate oder historische Darstellungen als Vorlagen. Falko Daim, geboren am Februar in Wien. Dominik Heher, geboren am Oktober in Melk und unweit der Schallaburg aufgewachsen.

Promotion in Byzantinistik Sonstige Forschungsschwerpunkte betreffen das byzantinische Zeremoniell und politische Rituale. Read More 07 03 By: Wien Favoriten war immer ein Stadtteil wo Arbeiter und Arme gewohnt haben. Siehe die Geschichte der Tschechen in Favoriten. Man kann durchaus sagen Kopftuch, Kopfbedeckung, Schleier stammt aus der Tora und dem neuen Testament aber nicht aus dem Koran. Habe Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen! Dass die Menschen in Religionsdingen sich ihres eigenen Verstandes ohne Leitung eines Anderen sicher und gut zu bedienen, daran fehlt noch sehr viel.

Hier sollten wir doppelt aufpassen. Warum ist Kopftuch-tragen dann ein Gebot im Islam? Warum stellen wir die Frage? Damit wir hier nicht unter dem Vorwand der Religionsfreiheit betrogen, manipuliert bzw. Wenn wir hier als Beispiel nur einem Wissenschaftler des 9. Nach diesem Geist sind die Frauen sogar verpflichtet Niqab Gesichtsschleier zu tragen. Hier geht es nicht um die Ablehnung dieser Werke, sondern darum, mit welcher Autonomie die MuslimInnen damit umgehen! Woher stammt das Kopftuch? Seit wann wird es getragen? Wo ist eine Verpflichtung zum Tragen eines Kopftuches im Koran festgeschrieben?

Er besteht aus Suren, die man auch Kapitel nennt. Jede Sure hat drei bis Verse. Anders in der Bibel: Es empfiehlt sich daher, Ihnen jene Suren und Versen des Korans entgegenzuhalten, auf die sie sich selbst berufen:. Und Gott ist voller Vergebung und barmherzig. Unter Mitwirkung von Muhammad Salim Abdullah. Das Tragen des Kopftuches war staatlich seit den 20er-Jahren verboten.

Zahlreiche Verunglimpfungen und Aussagen der Diffamierungs-Bande, die auch der Ehefrau des Propheten Verleumdung vorwarfen, zeugen davon. Der Teufel liegt hier im Detail! Das ist aber nicht der Fall. Sure Nisa, Vers 34 verwenden. Um es auf den Punkt zu bringen: Die in der Burka-Debatte angestellten Vergleiche mit Ordensfrauen sind jedenfalls bemerkenswert: Wenn wir im sogenannten Alten Testament, Bibel Gen. Wer ist der Mann dort, der uns auf dem Feld entgegenkommt?

Das ist mein Herr. Auch in der Bibel Gen. Will sie sich nicht bedecken, so schneide man ihr das Haar ab. So verschleierte sich Rebekka, die Frau Isaaks nach Gen. In der Geschichte kommt das Kopftuch bereits erstmals bei den Sumerern und somit lange vor dem Judentum vor. Sie erforschte ihr Leben lang die Kultur und Geschichte der uralten mesopotamischen Zivilisationen.

Poesie verfasst und im Laufe der Jahrhunderte zu einer Einheit zusammengefasst wurde Quelle: Es wird sowohl von den Juden, als auch von den Christen als Heilige Schrift betrachtet. Schon damals kam es dabei zu Diskussionen unter den Aposteln und Paulus. Der Koran ist also eine Privatoffenbarung an eine einzelne Person. Ein Vers in der Bibel ergibt nur dann einen Sinn, wenn er im Zusammenhang mit dem ganzen Text betrachtet wird.

Auf der anderen Seite wurde der Koran, der aus Kapitel Suren und 6. So nennt der Koran sowohl die Tora arab. Was meint allerdings der Koran mit dem Evangelium? Damit man sie von anderen Beterinnen unterscheiden konnte, mussten sie ihren Kopf bedecken. Nachfolgend ein paar Ausschnitte aus einem Interview mit Frau Prof. Es gibt in der Wissenschaft zwei Thesen zur Herkunft der Sumerer. Die Erforschung der sumerischen Kultur erfolgte immer zusammen mit den anderen mesopotamischen Kulturen. Deswegen kommt es vor, wie z. Ein wichtiger Punkt in der Geschichte der Sumerer ist die Wirtschaft und speziell die Tempelwirtschaft.

Wer bei den Sumerern hat sich wieso bedeckt? Bei den Sumerern hatte jeder Gott ein eigenes Haus, sozusagen einen Tempel. Genau, diese Tempel waren Orte, wo Menschen mit ihrem Gewissen alleine bleiben konnten. Sie waren in ihren Gebeten freier als in den heutigen Moscheen, Kirchen oder Synagogen. Unter den Betenden waren auch Ordensfrauen. Das waren die Frauen, die die Aufgabe hatten, Geschlechtsverkehr zu praktizieren, aber sie waren keine Prostituierten, denn sie verlangten kein Geld.

Im Gilgamesch-Epos gibt es eindeutige Hinweise darauf. Um dem Mann, der im Wald unter Tieren aufgewachsen ist, Menschlichkeit beizubringen, wurde eine Ordensfrau aus einem Tempel bestellt und sie lernte ihm, wie man spricht, isst und Geschlechtsverkehr hat. Damit man sie von anderen Ordensfrauen in den Tempeln unterscheiden konnte. Zum Beispiel trugen die Prostituierten auch kein Kopftuch. Der Sinn dahinter war, dass man zeigen wollte, dass auch diese Frauen legalen Geschlechtsverkehr haben. Judentum und Christentum, einfach dazu, ihren Status zu zeigen?

Sogar nicht ich, sondern die Geschichte sagt das. Also, wie man sieht, ist das Tragen eines Kopftuches eine ganz alte Tradition des mittleren Osten und des mesopotamischen Raums. Im geschichtlichen Verlauf wurden aber in fast allen Religionen einige sittliche und gesellschaftliche Konventionen in das heilige Wort Gottes hineininterpretiert.

Die Angst vor dem Islam ist vollkommen berechtigt. Im Namen dieser Religion werden die schrecklichsten Verbrechen begangen. Im Namen dieser Religion geschieht derzeit eine ungeheure Barbarei. Wahrhaftig eine platte, ausgetrocknete Vorstellung von der Religion! In der Welt der Moscheen herrscht oft noch die Dummheit, die Unwissenheit.

Niemals ein Wort der Selbstkritik. Die ganze Welt hat unrecht, und wir ruhen uns auf unserer kleinen Wahrheit aus. Es ist deswegen falsch zu behaupten, wer den Islam angreife, greife die Muslime an. Im Koran sucht man das Kopftuch vergeblich! Katharina von Schnurbein verwehrt sich dagegen, dass bestimmte Parteien beim Antisemitismus nur auf Muslime zeigen. Muslimischer Antisemitismus ist nicht genuin angeboren , sondern politisch, er wurzelt im jungen arabischen Nationalismus.

Auch dieser ist ein Import aus dem Westen. Der gebotenen Verurteilung von Beleidigung, Hass und Mord oder sonstigen Manifestationen der Judenfeindschaft steht die notwendige Differenzierung nicht im Wege. Abt Hieronymus von Bethlehem nannte im 4. Jahrhundert den Antisemitismus hervorbrachte.

Die Juden sehen Deutschlands kulturelle Wurzeln keineswegs im Judentum. So innig wie heute war die Beziehung zwischen Christen und Juden in Deutschland noch nie. Die neue Innigkeit ist nicht von Theologen und Pastoralklerikern ausgerufen worden, sondern von Politikern.

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Im Jahr 72 nach der Reichspogromnacht haben sie etwas entdeckt, was es nicht gibt: Und wo es gemeinsame Wurzeln gab, hat die Mehrheitsgesellschaft sie ausgerissen. Jahrestag der Reichspogromnacht wird eine neue Kategorisierung der Minderheiten propagiert nicht nur von scharfen Islamkritikern wie Geert Wilders und Thilo Sarrazin: Diese Sortierung wird nicht dadurch besser, dass muslimische Milieus oft sehr antisemitisch sind. Der Talmud gibt dem heutigen Judentum sein Gesicht. Christen haben ihn jahrhundertelang ignoriert, verfemt und immer wieder verboten.

Sie geht immer mit der Liebe einher! Es gibt keine Wahrheit ohne Liebe. Die Liebe ist die erste Wahrheit. Wenn es keine Liebe gibt, gibt es keine Wahrheit. Diese Menschen wollen eine Wahrheit, die sie zum Zweck ihrer eigenen Interessen versklavt haben. Man kann sagen, auch hier gibt es eine Art Liebe: Was ist unsere Sprache? Diese Scheinheiligen, die mit Schmeichelei, Verlockung und all diesem sprechen, enden damit, sich Zeugen zu suchen, um diejenigen, denen sie zuvor noch geschmeichelt haben, zu beschuldigen. Alles andere ist zu viel bzw. Wien OTS — Heute am Egal woher wir stammen.

Vielen Dank Ute Bock.

Kaum jemand kann sich den Festlichkeiten im intimen Familienkreis oder bei Freunden entziehen. Wir freuen uns genauso. Dieser Gott trug einen langen Bart und einen langen Mantel, und er wohnte in einem glitzernden Palast im Himmel. Und dann luden sie ihre Verwandten ein, sangen und tanzten um den Baum. Trotz der vorhandenen Unterschiede bedarf es Stimmen, welche das Gemeinsame vor das Trennende stellen ohne alles gleich zu machen.

Wir als TKG sehen uns in dieser Vermittlerrolle. Im Dunkel sucht man nach Licht. Den Auftakt machen ab Oktober ein wichtiger Punkt. Deswegen bieten die Nationalratswahlen am Laut Medienberichten erfahren wir, dass mehr als ein Drittel der untersuchten 16 Moscheevereine aktiv gegen die Integration der Muslime in die Gesellschaft wirken. Der Glaube ist keine Hautfarbe! Partizipation in der Gesellschaft verkaufen. Die neue Regierung ab Wohnbaustadtrat Michael Ludwig, S. StR Michael Ludwig 2. Halten wir alle die Erinnerung an diese grausame Zeit wach!

Er hob in diesem Zusammenhang die aktive Bildungsarbeit der Stadt Wien hervor. Gleichzeitig warnte Ludwig vor weiterhin aktiven rechtsradikalen Gruppen, die fremdenfeindlichen Hass verbreiten. Stadtrat Ludwig dankte besonders Herrn Dr. Der Tempel wurde am September im Rahmen einer festlichen Zeremonie eingeweiht. Der achteckige Betraum war in Marmor und Gold gehalten. Michael Ludwig Magistrat der Stadt Wien. Der Islam besteht aus vielen Richtungen. Es ist daher aus unserer Sicht falsch, alle Muslime in einen Topf zu werfen. B Pauschalisierung und Sataniesierung! Genauso fordert der koranische Islam, dass man sich an die jeweilige Zeit und den Ort der Zivilisation und den menschlichen Errungenschaften anpassen muss.

Es ist also geboten, dass der Muslim und die Muslima sich an die Rahmenbedingungen eines Staates oder einer Gesellschaft anpassen sollen. Als verbindlich sind die regionalen Gesetze, die Verfassung, die Kultur und die jeweiligen Gegebenheiten zu sehen, die sich im Laufe der Jahrhunderte dort etabliert haben. Denn vielen Moslems, die nicht unsere Ansicht vertreten, wird das nicht gefallen. Der koranische Islam verabscheut Terror, Scheinheiligkeit und Unmenschlichkeit. Die faschistische Ideologie einer pseudo-islamischen Dogmatik ist dagegen gewaltbereit und gewaltverherrlichend.

Seine Taten wurden nach seinem Tode in den Hadithen zusammengetragen. Der Koran ruft zur unbedingten Nutzung des Verstandes und der Vernunft auf und er ermahnt die Menschen warmherzig zu sein. Wo liegt das Hauptproblem? Eben dieser umayyadische Kalif Yazid I. Oktober beim zentralirakischen Kerbela stattfand, enthauptet.

Yezid war ebenfalls Kalif und hat ebenfalls behauptet den Islam zu vertreten und den Weg des Propheten Muhammed zu verfolgen. Nicht nur das — dieser angebliche Kalif, der sich diese faschistische, umayyadische Theologie ab n. Dies geschah durch das Niederschreiben von Hadithen, die eigentlich Verleumdungen des Propheten sind. Sie hat es sich in ihr gut eingerichtet. Sie wollen keinen Koran-Islam.

Das bringt uns zu der Frage, wie es im Jahrhundert zu einer Radikalisierung des sunnitischen Islams kommen konnte. Die NATO spielt mit: Es handelt sich um eine Win-Win-Situation. Solange wird auch die Spannung zwischen Wirtschaft, Menschen und Religion bestehen bleiben. Bis heute wurde keine einzige Atomaufbereitungsanlage im Irak gefunden. Und ein Schuldiger ist schnell gefunden: Sie sind Terrorzucht-Programme, nicht der Islam. Interessant ist hier die Verallgemeinerung auch auf der Seite der IS.

Das ist die Sprache des Hasses, der Hass regiert. An die Stelle der Umayyaden sind heute moderne Herrscher getreten. Gott preisen, verherrlichen, ausrufen. Die Bedeutung dieses Lobpreises ist sehr einfach: Auch der Schreiber dieses Artikels. Weil sich die Journalisten auch nicht mehr auskennen.

Um sich zu informieren, braucht man vor allem Zeit und einen breiten Horizont. Beides ist Mangelware in einer linksliberalen Medienbranche. Es ist eine teuflische, unheilige Allianz! Im Gegenzug kommen Waffen und Dollarnoten. Zudem ist es wichtig, sich von Vorurteilen freizumachen und die vielen Informationen neu zusammenzubauen. Wichtig ist, die Geschichte nicht nur in einem chronologischen Ablauf zu sehen, sondern auch schematisch zu erfassen. Haben Sie sich schon einmal die Frage gestellt, warum in Arabien nichts produziert wird?

Das Volk ist gefangen und versklavt, die Superreichen richten es sich. Die Antwort ist sehr einfach: Die Unterscheidung der Geister ist denkbar einfach und sei mit einem Jesus-Wort auf den Punkt gebracht: Und dabei sind wirklich Taten gefragt. Aber Ethik und Moral ist noch wichtiger als Religion? Einerseits schmerzt dies, andererseits ist es seltsam. Aber leider ist es die Wahrheit. Wir sollten den Unterschied zwischen Moral und Sittsamkeit bzw.

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Wir sollten es einsehen, dass unsere Vorstellung vom moralischen Handeln als sexuelle Enthaltsamkeit falsch ist. Leider leben wir in einer Zeit der korrupten Scheinheiligkeit. Im Westen wie im Osten. Im Okzident wie auch im Orient. Wo Korruption ist, kann keine Liebe sein und wo keine Liebe ist, kann keine Wahrheit sein.

Dieser historische Zusammenhang geht leider in der Berichterstattung unter und muss hier noch einmal betont werden. Diesen muss man neben dem Koran als zweites Gottesbuch folgen. Seine traurigen Nachahmer sehen wir heute im Internet und im Fernsehen. Sie halten intensive Kontakte zu sunnitischen Vereinen und Moscheen. Das kann auch kurz in Sure 10, Vers 25 im Koran nachgelesen werden: Was jene Verbrecher glauben, ist ein Schein-Islam.

Der Bedeutung des Wortes nach ist ein Muslim jemand, der sich freiwillig dem Willen Gottes hingibt und das Friedenmachen als seine Aufgabe ansieht. Nicht nur, dass unfassbare Grausamkeiten gegen die Vielzahl von Menschen begangen wurden, dies hat auch dazu beigetragen, dass zahlreiche achtbare Menschen sich von ihrer Religion abgewandt und gegen Gott und die Religion aufgelehnt haben. Die Zeitungen vom Sie waren nicht verschleiert.

Sie mussten alle sterben. Diejenigen, die Wissenschaft und Bildung achten, wissen allerdings, dass es im Islam eine innere Wahrheit gibt. Muhammad wurde um das Jahr n. Muhammads Vater starb vor dessen Geburt und seine Mutter, als er sechs Jahre alt war. Von seiner Jugend an war er als rechtschaffener Mensch bekannt. Die Muslime beten weder Muhammad noch irgendeinen anderen Propheten an.

Die Muslime glauben, dass Muhammad das Siegel der Propheten war, d. Sie glauben, dass allein Gott und nicht irgendein menschliches Wesen angebetet werden darf. Der Koran berichtet uns, dass Jesus durch ein Wunder ohne Vater geboren wurde. Er gab ihm eine Botschaft an die Menschen. Er wurde nicht gekreuzigt, sondern in den Himmel erhoben Koran 3: Zudem ist das Fleisch von Raubtieren nicht erlaubt, weil sie selbst verendete Tiere fressen. Wein oder Bier, und auch keine Drogen zu sich nehmen. Ein Vers im Koran sagt: Der Islam verurteilt jede Form von Gewalt, wie z.

Terrorismus und Gewalt gibt es auch dort, wo keine oder kaum Muslime leben, z. Man muss differenzieren und herausfinden, warum Menschen zu Terroristen werden. Im Islam gibt es keinen Oberhirten bzw. Wer hat hier Schuld? Wir beantworten das ganz einfach: Sehr wichtig, sogar oberstes Prinzip. Hier nur einer davon: Man sagt doch auch z. Ist das nicht unglaublich? Folgende Adjektiva und Substantiva kommen im Koran vor: Diese Tatsache wird deutlich in den Vordergrund gestellt. Ohne Tevhid, also das Einheitsprinzip, kommt es zu einem manipulierten und mutierten Islam, der einfach mit dem wahren Islam Koran nichts zu tun hat; es herrscht im wahren Islam ein absolutes Eingottprinzip bzw.

Es bezeichnet vor allem die Einheit Gottes.

Der beste Weg, den Koran zu kommentieren, besteht darin, ihn als eine Einheit zu begreifen und wahrzunehmen. Der Koran hat gewisse Prinzipien, wie er zu kommentieren und zu interpretieren ist. Wo liegt dann das Problem? Warum ist es so wichtig, zwischen wahrem und falschem Islam zu unterscheiden? Zumindest bis zum schrecklichen Terroranschlag vom Was ist das Paradies?

Wie kommt man dort hin? Sure 8, Vers 53 und Sure 13, Vers Versiegt dieser Quell, so stirbt die koranische Religion. Sure 2, Vers Das Paradies ist also kein Ort, sondern ein Symbol. Es steht nicht in unserer Macht, es zu definieren oder gar abzubilden. Der Koran betrachtet das Paradies ganz und gar nicht als Angelegenheit eines irgendwie verbrieften Rechts, sondern in Verbindung mit dem menschlichen Tun. Juden und Christen sind dem Koran nach die wichtigsten Vertreter solch einer monopolistischen Auffassung vom Paradies vgl. Sure 2, Vers und Sure 5, Vers Die Auffassung vom Paradies als Luxushotel: Vers der Sure 3 und Vers 21 der Sure 57 beschreiben, dass das Paradies ausgedehnt wie der Himmel und die Erde ist.

Jahrhunderts, Muhammed Iqbal , einmal mit der Aussage Nachdruck verliehen: Und auch dies ist eine Tatsache: Es handelt sich also schlicht um Paganismus. Eine der grundlegenden Folgerungen daraus lautet: Diese wahre Aussage des Korans ist die wichtigste Prinzip, die in den islamischen Gesellschaften verschwiegen und versteckt wird.

Dieses rechtsstaatliche Gut kann dem Einzelnen durch Wahlen anvertraut und falls notwendig auch wieder entzogen werden. Seid ihr denn Propheten, dass ihr euch auf Gott beruft und uns regieren wollt? Der Prophet ist tot und die Zeit ist damit beendet. Aber ihre Bedeutung wurde verzerrt wiedergegeben und so ausgeformt, dass sie dem traditionellen Islam ins Konzept passte. Der verstorbene islamische Gelehrte Fazlur Rahman sagt hierzu: Vielmehr bedeutet es wechselseitige Konsultation von Gleichberechtigten. Wie wichtig sind der Verstand und die Prinzipien universellen Rechtes im Koran? Der Koran hat dem Menschen die Allmacht entzogen und sie an bestimmte Prinzipien und Leitlinien gebunden.

Dem Koran zufolge ist der erste dieser Werte der Verstand.