The next section reviews the available research evidence on the relative success of approaches that aim at supporting the development of oral proficiency in an L2. Stanat For younger children, storybook reading seems to constitute an effective method to promoting oral L2 proficiency. One common approach is shared reading in which an adult reads a story and the child listens passively. However, the NELP review provided no evidence for ethnicity moderating the impact of shared-reading interventions on oral language outcomes National Early Literacy Panel, For school children, more explicit approaches to fostering L2 vocabulary seem to be effective.
Appel and Vermeer , for example, designed a program for increasing the vocabulary of students learning Dutch as a second language.
The program consisted of classroom lessons that revolved around a story which was supported by pictures. This was followed by reading the story, discussions of difficult words, and language games. It is important to note, however, that simple drill is unlikely to be effective in building L2 vocabulary. Rather, children are likely to learn L2 lexicon when it is presented in meaningful contexts and when they are given the opportunity to repeatedly use these new words for meaningful purposes Artelt et al. Approaches that comprise a variety of interactive exercises, like the program suggested by Appel and Vermeer , may therefore be especially useful in supporting the vocabulary acquisition of L2 students.
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In line with this idea, Dressler showed that L2 students who were taught to search for cognate relationships were more successful in inferring the meaning of unknown cognates. It must be noted, however, that research on beneficial effects of cognate vocabulary has only been conducted with Hispanic students who learned English as a second language, and it is therefore unclear whether these findings also apply to other languages.
While research indicates that L2 vocabulary knowledge can be successfully enhanced with targeted instruction, linguistic comprehension is more difficult to teach. Nevertheless, it seems possible to provide instruction to help L2 students acquire comprehension skills as well.
Auswertung der PISA-Studien: Einfluss des sozialen Hintergrunds
The comprehension treatment included storybook reading, story-retelling, vocabulary work, and story- sequencing activities that were guided by the teacher. However, as with vocabulary instruction, older L2 learners may profit from more explicit approaches of fostering their comprehension skills. A promising technique is instruction of cognitive and metacognitive strategies such as planning, monitoring, and evaluating listening activities Vandergrift, Conclusion Results from previous cycles of the PISA study indicate that immigrant students in Germany are at great risk of becoming struggling readers and, more generally, poor academic achievers.
The pronounced disadvantage of immigrant students speaking another language than German within their families suggests that these students may lack opportunities to develop their oral L2 skills which, in turn, has negative effects on their reading acquisition. As research has consistently shown, oral skills such as listening comprehension and vocabulary constitute central prerequisites for the acquisition of reading skills in a second language.
Programs designed to help immigrant students gain proficiency in the language of instruction therefore need to entail activities that systematically foster L2 oral skills, such as listening comprehension and vocabulary. Concluded with the Abitur 10 examination which entails the general higher education entrance qualification.
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In the integrated 12 Gesamtschule, these 6 form an educational and organisational whole. Basic structure of the educational system in the Federal Republic of Germany Diagram. Retrieved March 12, , from http: General education school leaving certificate obtained upon successful completion of grade 10 at Realschulen or, under certain circumstances, at other lower secondary level school types. It can also be obtained at a later stage during vocational training at upper secondary level. Summary descriptions of the five proficiency levels defined for the combined reading literacy scale in the Programme for International Student Assessment Level Distinguishing features of tasks at each level: Level 5 The reader must: The reader is generally required to demonstrate a full, detailed understanding of a dense, complex or unfamiliar text, in content or form, or one that involves concepts that are contrary to expectations.
The reader will often have to make inferences to determine which information in the text is relevant, and to deal with prominent or extensive competing information. The reader must draw on an accurate understanding of long or complex texts in which competing information may take the form of ideas that are ambiguous, contrary to expectation, or negatively worded.
The reader must take into account many features when comparing, contrasting or categorising. Often the required information is not prominent but implicit in the text or obscured by similar information.
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The reader must often deal with competing information. Typically, the requisite information is prominent and ther e is little, if any, competing information. The reader is explicitly directed to consider relevant factors in the task and in the text. Level 1ow Level 1 Source: Stanat References Adams, R. PISA technical report. Speeding up second language vocabulary acquisition of minority children. Language and Education, 12, — Accelerating language development through picture picture book reading: Replication and extension to a video-tape training format.
Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, — Expertise [Promotion of reading comprehension: Testkonzeption und Ergebnisse [Reading comprehension: Test design and results]. The critical role of vocabulary development for English language learners. Gateway to English as a second language and literacy learning.
The Reading Teacher, 61, — A theoretical and empirical analysis, with special reference to education. University of Chigaco Press. Cognitive and linguistic processing in the bilingual mind. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 19— Cognitive control and lexical access in younger and older bilinguals. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 34, — Bilingualism, biliteracy, and learning to read: Interactions among languages and writing systems.
Scientific Studies of Reading, 9, 43— Connections between first- and second-language reading.
Journal of Reading Behavior, 27, — Effects of bilingualism and bilingual education on oral and written Spanish skills: A multifactor study of standardized test outcomes. A synthesis of studies examining long-term language minority student data on academic achievement. Bilingual Research Journal, 16, — A proposal for action: Strategies for recognizing heritage language competence as a learning resource within the mainstream classroom.
The Modern Language Journal, 89, — Reading, syntactic, and working memory skills of bilingual Portuguese—English Canadian children. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 7, — Implicit and explicit learning. Constraints, compensation, and enhancement. The word-inferencing strategies of bilingual and monolingual fifth graders: A case study approach.
Harvard Graduate School of Education. First- and second-language literacy. Report of the national literacy panel on language-minority children and youth pp. Background knowledge, linguistic complexity, and second-language reading comprehension. Journal of Literacy Research, 30, — Language proficiency and reading ability in first- and second- language learners. Reading Research Quarterly, 38, 78— Potential difficulties in the acquistion of academic language in immigrant students]. A standard international socio-economic index of occupational status. Dies ist angesichts des schlechten Abschneidens der deutschen Sch ler nicht verwunderlich, sorgt doch die jetzige Ausbildung der Kinder und Jugendlichen f r die Kompetenz und Bildung der zuk nftigen Erwerbsgeneration.
Besonders die gro en Defizite in der Lesekompetenz j hriger Sch lerinnen und Sch ler erschreckte die breite -ffentlichkeit. Dies resultiert vor allem daraus, da trotz der zunehmenden Verbreitung neuer Medien dem Lesen von Texten eine zentrale Bedeutung f r die aktive Teilnahme am gesellschaftlichen Leben nicht abgesprochen werden kann vgl. Deshalb verwunderte es nicht, dass schon wenige Tage nach der Ver ffentlichung der Ergebnisse der PISA-Erhebung Rufe nach einer verst rkten F rderung der Lesekompetenz laut wurden und bis heute anhalten. Das Hauptkapitel dieser Arbeit besteht dann aus einer Analyse der Ma nahmen, die zur F rderung der Lesekompetenz in Deutschland getroffen wurden, sowie einer kurzen Betrachtung besteh.
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Planung der Unterrichtsstunde 1.
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Ziele der Unterrichtsstunde 5. Reflexion der Unterrichtsstunde 1. Beschreibung unvorhergesehener Situationen im Unterrichtsverlauf und deren moglicher Ursachen 2. Politik und Bildung, Sprache: Ein bedeutender Teil des Sozialisationsprozesses eines Heranwachsenden findet im Rahmen der Bildung und somit in der Institution Schule statt. Diese leistet neben den Eltern und dem Freundeskreis Peergroup einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Sozialisation des Kindes und damit auch zur Personlichkeitsentfaltung des Einzelnen.
Ihre Wirkung auf den Schuler und dessen Identitatsfindung wird seit jeher stark diskutiert und bildet einen deutlichen Schwerpunkt sowohl in der padagogischen Forschung der Gegenwart, als auch in diskursiven Auseinandersetzungen in der Offentlichkeit. Vielfach werden kritische Stimmen laut, die behaupten, die Instanz Schule wurde die Kinder und Jugendlichen in ihrer freien Personlichkeitsentfaltung nicht hinreichend unterstutzen, die Wirklichkeit nicht ausreichend vielschichtig und kontrovers darstellen und die Heranwachsenden in ihrer Entwicklung so in eine ganz bewusste Richtung lenken.
Habermas' Bildungsauftrag an die Schule kann man wie folgt konkretisieren: Es gilt eine Schule zu schaffen, in der prinzipiengeleitetes Denken gefordert und verstandigungsorientiertes Handeln trainiert wird. Sie soll Rollen- und Normsysteme der Gesellschaft vermitteln Ausbildung der Rollenidentitat , die Schuler aber gleichzeitig dazu befahigen, sich ihnen gegenuber zu behaupten und sie kritisch zu hinterfragen Ausbildung der Ich-Identitat. Dies ist angesichts des schlechten Abschneidens der deutschen Schuler nicht verwunderlich, sorgt doch die jetzige Ausbildung der Kinder und Jugendlichen fur die Kompetenz und Bildung der zukunftigen Erwerbsgeneration.
Besonders die grossen Defizite in der Lesekompetenz jahriger Schulerinnen und Schuler erschreckte die breite Offentlichkeit. Dies resultiert vor allem daraus, da trotz der zunehmenden Verbreitung neuer Medien dem Lesen von Texten eine zentrale Bedeutung fur die aktive Teilnahme am gesellschaftlichen Leben nicht abgesprochen werden kann" vgl. Deshalb verwunderte es nicht, dass schon wenige Tage nach der Veroffentlichung der Ergebnisse der PISA-Erhebung Rufe nach einer verstarkten Forderung der Lesekompetenz laut wurden und bis heute anhalten.
Seminar Unterrichtsverfahren - Didaktik des Gemeinschaftskundeunterrichts, Sprache: Sei es, dass sich lediglich die Bezeichnung des Faches geandert hat oder aber die zu behandelnden Themen und ideellen Werte einer Modifikation unterzogen wurden: Auch heute noch ist die Entwicklung der politischen Bildung nicht zur Ruhe gekommen.