Worries about musical hypnosis were in a sense an extension of these fears, going beyond over-stimulated nerves and imagination to a complete loss of autonomy. He used gongs and tuning forks on patients to provoke cataleptic fits, one of his stages of hysterical hypnosis. The only question Charcot considered open was whether the reaction related to the auditory nerve or the nervous system more generally.
He described a typical experiment of this kind in the following words: I have these two hysterics take a seat on the sound box of a large tuning fork. As soon as I set the fork vibrating, you can see that they fall into catalepsy. When we stop the vibrations, they fall into somnambulism. If we begin new vibrations with the tuning fork, the catalepsy reappears.
- Mind Control Stories.
- Mind Control Stories: T;
- Hypnotic Music, Automatic Response and the Self.
- Good Wine: The New Basics.
- ?
- Sing Lullaby!
Is this strange fact … due to the excitation of auditory sensitivity, or that of sensitivity in general? The actual nature of these events has been much disputed. Eventually the view of Charcot's rival Hippolyte Bernheim that all hypnosis is related to suggestion eventually won out against this more physiological approach. The view of hypnosis put forward by Bernheim that everyone was potentially hypnotisable, not just hysterics, was another blow to the idea of subjective autonomy. Musical hypnosis was seen as a real danger in a context in which there was a widespread sense that the control of the mind over the body was not secure but at the same time absolutely necessary for order and morality.
The assertion of the will, understood primarily as an inhibiting agent closer in fact to the Freudian superego than the ego was paramount. The emphasis on willpower as a force for inhibiting acting on desires had particular relevance when it came to sexuality. The sexual implications of this kind of hypnosis were brought out in a study done by the American psychologist Aldred Warthin at the University of Michigan.
He had been informed by colleagues of cases in which subjects were brought to orgasm when in a quasi-hypnotic state induced by listening to Wagner, but reported that he could not replicate this result in his experiments. The experiments with sound and hypnosis of this period were taken up in literary, philosophical and critical writing on music, all of which reflected the recurring anxieties about the self and loss of sexual self-control.
The literature of the period also provides examples of the influence of scientific work on hypnosis and music and its related anxieties. It is striking that the level of anxiety about the hypnotic effect of music has fluctuated according to the scientific and cultural context ever since the days of Mesmerism. The concept faded somewhat in the early twentieth century, partly because of the emphasis on the psyche rather than automatic response in Freud and dynamic psychology and also because of the development of hypnosis understood as suggestion as a medical sub-discipline.
Panics about jazz, for instance, tended to relate straightforwardly to its supposed lubricity and not to its ability to hypnotise people. Although many on the Left have fretted about the music's power to undermine the political autonomy of audiences, it proved particularly popular on the Right.
The theme of musical brainwashing has recurred many times since the Second World War, generally relating to fears of subversion of the individual and national will by external forces. Many aspects of the debate on musical brainwashing showed a marked degree of continuity to previous discussions of hypnotic music. The language of musical neuropathology, the mixing of moral and medical agendas and concern about personal autonomy in the face of music all had a long pedigree. The atmosphere in the United States, from the days of Cold War paranoia to contemporary Culture Wars, has proved fertile ground for panics about brainwashing.
Another crucial change was the development of recorded music and the related phenomenon of the emergence of modern mass culture, as Rouget noted in his classic study of musical trance. Although many of the ideas associated with brainwashing came to prominence with the Stalinist Show Trials in the s, it was during the Korean War that the term became known in the West.
Although the concept of brainwashing did not have a long career in academic psychology, it proved more enduring in popular culture, expressing widespread Cold War anxiety about outside manipulation, including manipulation by music. Although journalists and CIA men such as Hunter played a huge role in promoting the idea of brainwashing, psychologists and psychiatrists also got in on the act, in particular those influenced by the Russian Ivan Pavlov. His influence on the debate on musical brainwashing related in particular to his famous use of a bell to provoke salivation in dogs.
The conditioned reflex theory he developed, which also employed other acoustic stimuli such as tuning forks, metronomes and whistles, proved to be a crucial model for the power of musical hypnosis in the twentieth century. One important example of the Pavlovian psychology of automatic and conditioned response being applied to music can be seen in the work of the prominent English psychiatrist William Sargant, who had a significant impact on thinking on the dangers of musical brainwashing.
Like Pavlov and Charcot, Sargant portrayed the will as vulnerable to external stimuli and promoted a highly reductionist view of human nature. Work like this on music and hypnotism has proved extremely influential among American conservative evangelicals. Noebel alluded to Alexander Luria and Pavlov and attempted to demonstrate that they were the brains behind an elaborate Soviet brainwashing programme.
He presented Sargant as a crucial witness for the prosecution, along with the founder of the American Institute for Hypnosis, William J. During the Reagan era, the American anxiety about musical brainwashing that developed in the context of the Cold War in the s was in part shifted onto another supposed worldwide conspiracy—Satanism.
Books with titles like The Devil's Disciples , Rock's Hidden Persuader and even Hit Rock's Bottom spread the word that certain bands were brainwashing innocent American teenagers with subliminal messages to lure them into the worship of the devil, sexual immorality, murder and especially suicide.
Musical brainwashing, by articulating powerful anxieties about the power of the mass media on the self-control of young people, has remained an influential theory in the Culture Wars that have divided America in the last 30 years, in which a resurgent American Right sought to reverse many of the changes of the s.
Heavy metal was an easy target partly because of the use of satanic iconography and rhetoric in the genre, a means of provoking parents and society as well as asserting masculine power for an audience of alienated teenagers uncertain of their identity. Those who led the attack on heavy metal as a form of satanic brainwashing drew on the automatic response theories of musical hypnotism.
For instance, Carl Raschke's Painted Black: Child psychologist Dr Paul King stated that 87 per cent of his patients listened to heavy metal and compared it to a new religion. A new twist to the brainwashing theme emerged in the s with a widespread panic about the ability of messages recorded backwards on record or CD influencing listeners subliminally and thus damaging their mental health.
For instance, a well-known preacher in Ohio publicly burned a recording of the theme tune to the TV series Mr. The backmasking scare really took off when it was used to link heavy metal to the rise in teen suicide, which quadrupled in the United States between and Although the case was not successful, the idea of heavy metal as a form of lethal brainwashing entered the public imagination. After teenager Richard Kuntz killed himself while listening to Marilyn Manson in , his father testified before a US Senate Committee to argue that the musical brainwashing was responsible, and media reports blamed Manson for the Columbine school massacre in Aranza related his own born-again experience and conservative politics to the reaction against the Civil Rights movement, especially the racial integration of schools, and to the emancipation of women.
Academic sociological and psychological research on the relationship between teenage alienation, musical subcultures and suicide is continuing, but beyond a right-wing fringe the idea of satanic heavy metal musical brainwashing is no longer widely accepted. Also, the passage of time has often made heavy metal bands into more or less respectable middle-aged musicians or reality TV stars, making accusations of Satanism harder to credit.
However, a large number of Americans continue to believe in musical brainwashing. Although it has proved highly influential in a range of different societies and contexts, the whole idea of musical hypnosis or brainwashing has several important weaknesses. There is not much evidence that people can be hypnotised against their will, let alone without their knowledge, in the way that the idea of brainwashing implies. Most studies have demonstrated that a weak stimulus in fact has a weak effect, and that backward messages have no effect whatsoever.
In terms of the role of music, it should be noted that it has been found to have only a limited effect in the practice of hypnosis per se. From the Bacchanites to Beatlemania, the Dionysian urge to escape individual subjectivity has often been associated with music, and since Plato has generally aroused the hostility of those for whom sober self-control is the essence of morality.
Today, when neurophysiological explanations of human behaviour are again en vogue in the humanities, politics and anthropology might be just as important as neurology in our understanding of the connections between music and the trance states of our own time. This article was written with the generous support of the Wellcome Trust. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.
For several decades Braid's work became more influential abroad than in his own country, except for a handful of followers, most notably Dr. The eminent neurologist Dr. George Miller Beard took Braid's theories to America. The psychiatrist Albert Moll subsequently continued German research, publishing Hypnotism in France became the focal point for the study of Braid's ideas after the eminent neurologist Dr.
At the request of Azam, Paul Broca , and others, the French Academy of Science , which had investigated Mesmerism in , examined Braid's writings shortly after his death.
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The study of hypnotism subsequently revolved around the fierce debate between Bernheim and Jean-Martin Charcot , the two most influential figures in late 19th-century hypnotism. Charcot, who was influenced more by the Mesmerists, argued that hypnotism was an abnormal state of nervous functioning found only in certain hysterical women. He claimed that it manifested in a series of physical reactions that could be divided into distinct stages. Bernheim argued that anyone could be hypnotised, that it was an extension of normal psychological functioning, and that its effects were due to suggestion.
After decades of debate, Bernheim's view dominated. Charcot's theory is now just a historical curiosity. Pierre Janet — reported studies on a hypnotic subject in Sigmund Freud — , the founder of psychoanalysis , studied hypnotism at the Paris School and briefly visited the Nancy School. At first, Freud was an enthusiastic proponent of hypnotherapy. He "initially hypnotised patients and pressed on their foreheads to help them concentrate while attempting to recover supposedly repressed memories", [61] and he soon began to emphasise hypnotic regression and ab reaction catharsis as therapeutic methods.
He wrote a favorable encyclopedia article on hypnotism, translated one of Bernheim's works into German, and published an influential series of case studies with his colleague Joseph Breuer entitled Studies on Hysteria This became the founding text of the subsequent tradition known as "hypno-analysis" or "regression hypnotherapy".
However, Freud gradually abandoned hypnotism in favour of psychoanalysis, emphasizing free association and interpretation of the unconscious. Struggling with the great expense of time that psychoanalysis required, Freud later suggested that it might be combined with hypnotic suggestion to hasten the outcome of treatment, but that this would probably weaken the outcome: Only a handful of Freud's followers, however, were sufficiently qualified in hypnosis to attempt the synthesis. Their work had a limited influence on the hypno-therapeutic approaches now known variously as "hypnotic regression", "hypnotic progression", and "hypnoanalysis".
The next major development came from behavioural psychology in American university research. Hull published many quantitative findings from hypnosis and suggestion experiments and encouraged research by mainstream psychologists. Hull's behavioural psychology interpretation of hypnosis, emphasising conditioned reflexes, rivalled the Freudian psycho-dynamic interpretation which emphasised unconscious transference.
Although Dave Elman — was a noted radio host, comedian, and songwriter, he also made a name as a hypnotist. He led many courses for physicians, and in wrote the book Findings in Hypnosis , later to be retitled Hypnotherapy published by Westwood Publishing. Perhaps the most well-known aspect of Elman's legacy is his method of induction, which was originally fashioned for speed work and later adapted for the use of medical professionals.
Milton Erickson — , the founding president of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis and a fellow of the American Psychiatric Association , the American Psychological Association , and the American Psychopathological Association , was one of the most influential post-war hypnotherapists. He wrote several books and journal articles on the subject. During the s, Erickson popularized a new branch of hypnotherapy, known as Ericksonian therapy , characterised primarily by indirect suggestion, "metaphor" actually analogies , confusion techniques, and double binds in place of formal hypnotic inductions.
Erickson had no hesitation in presenting any suggested effect as being "hypnosis", whether or not the subject was in a hypnotic state. In fact, he was not hesitant in passing off behaviour that was dubiously hypnotic as being hypnotic. In the latter half of the 20th century, two factors contributed to the development of the cognitive-behavioural approach to hypnosis:. Although cognitive-behavioural theories of hypnosis must be distinguished from cognitive-behavioural approaches to hypnotherapy, they share similar concepts, terminology, and assumptions and have been integrated by influential researchers and clinicians such as Irving Kirsch , Steven Jay Lynn , and others.
At the outset of cognitive behavioural therapy during the s, hypnosis was used by early behaviour therapists such as Joseph Wolpe [71] and also by early cognitive therapists such as Albert Ellis. Hull had introduced a behavioural psychology as far back as , which in turn was preceded by Ivan Pavlov. The American Medical Association currently has no official stance on the medical use of hypnosis. However, a study published in by the Council on Mental Health of the American Medical Association documented the efficacy of hypnosis in clinical settings.
Hypnosis has been used as a supplemental approach to cognitive behavioral therapy since as early as Hypnosis was defined in relation to classical conditioning ; where the words of the therapist were the stimuli and the hypnosis would be the conditioned response. Some traditional cognitive behavioral therapy methods were based in classical conditioning. It would include inducing a relaxed state and introducing a feared stimuli. One way of inducing the relaxed state was through hypnosis. Hypnotism has also been used in forensics , sports , education, physical therapy , and rehabilitation.
Hypnotic methods have been used to re-experience drug states [79] and mystical experiences. Stage hypnosis can persuade people to perform unusual public feats. Some people have drawn analogies between certain aspects of hypnotism and areas such as crowd psychology, religious hysteria, and ritual trances in preliterate tribal cultures. Hypnotherapy is a use of hypnosis in psychotherapy.
Physicians and psychologists may use hypnosis to treat depression, anxiety, eating disorders , sleep disorders , compulsive gambling , and posttraumatic stress , [87] [88] [89] while certified hypnotherapists who are not physicians or psychologists often treat smoking and weight management. Hypnotherapy is a helpful adjunct having additive effects when treating psychological disorders, such as these, along with scientifically proven cognitive therapies.
Hypnotherapy should not be used for repairing or refreshing memory because hypnosis results in memory hardening, which increases the confidence in false memories. Preliminary research has expressed brief hypnosis interventions as possibly being a useful tool for managing painful HIV-DSP because of its history of usefulness in pain management , its long-term effectiveness of brief interventions, the ability to teach self-hypnosis to patients, the cost-effectiveness of the intervention, and the advantage of using such an intervention as opposed to the use of pharmaceutical drugs.
A hypnotic trance is not therapeutic in and of itself, but specific suggestions and images fed to clients in a trance can profoundly alter their behavior. As they rehearse the new ways they want to think and feel, they lay the groundwork for changes in their future actions Barrett described specific ways this is operationalized for habit change and amelioration of phobias. In her book of hypnotherapy case studies, [88] she reviews the clinical research on hypnosis with dissociative disorders, smoking cessation, and insomnia, and describes successful treatments of these complaints.
In a July article for Scientific American titled "The Truth and the Hype of Hypnosis", Michael Nash wrote that, "using hypnosis, scientists have temporarily created hallucinations, compulsions, certain types of memory loss, false memories, and delusions in the laboratory so that these phenomena can be studied in a controlled environment.
Hypnotherapy has been studied for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. A number of studies show that hypnosis can reduce the pain experienced during burn-wound debridement , [] bone marrow aspirations, and childbirth. Hypnosis is effective in decreasing the fear of cancer treatment [] reducing pain from [] and coping with cancer [] and other chronic conditions.
However, according to the American Cancer Society , "available scientific evidence does not support the idea that hypnosis can influence the development or progression of cancer. Hypnosis has been used as a pain relieving technique during dental surgery and related pain management regimens as well. Researchers like Jerjes and his team have reported that hypnosis can help even those patients who have acute to severe orodental pain. For some psychologists who uphold the altered state theory of hypnosis, pain relief in response to hypnosis is said to be the result of the brain's dual-processing functionality.
This effect is obtained either through the process of selective attention or dissociation, in which both theories involve the presence of activity in pain receptive regions of the brain, and a difference in the processing of the stimuli by the hypnotised subject. The American Psychological Association published a study comparing the effects of hypnosis, ordinary suggestion, and placebo in reducing pain.
The study found that highly suggestible individuals experienced a greater reduction in pain from hypnosis compared with placebo, whereas less suggestible subjects experienced no pain reduction from hypnosis when compared with placebo. Ordinary non-hypnotic suggestion also caused reduction in pain compared to placebo, but was able to reduce pain in a wider range of subjects both high and low suggestible than hypnosis. The results showed that it is primarily the subject's responsiveness to suggestion, whether within the context of hypnosis or not, that is the main determinant of causing reduction in pain.
Treating skin diseases with hypnosis hypnodermatology has performed well in treating warts , psoriasis , and atopic dermatitis. The success rate for habit control is varied. A meta-study researching hypnosis as a quit-smoking tool found it had a 20 to 30 percent success rate, [] while a study of patients hospitalised for cardiac and pulmonary ailments found that smokers who used hypnosis to quit smoking doubled their chances of success. Hypnosis may be useful as an adjunct therapy for weight loss. A meta-analysis studying hypnosis combined with cognitive behavioural therapy found that people using both treatments lost more weight than people using cognitive behavioural therapy alone.
The hypnosis instructs the stomach that it is smaller than it really is, and hypnopedia reinforces alimentary habits. A pilot study found that there was no significant difference in effectiveness between VGB hypnotherapy and relaxation hypnotherapy. Controversy surrounds the use of hypnotherapy to retrieve memories, especially those from early childhood or supposed past-lives. The American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association caution against recovered-memory therapy in cases of alleged childhood trauma, stating that "it is impossible, without corroborative evidence, to distinguish a true memory from a false one.
American psychiatric nurses, in most medical facilities, are allowed to administer hypnosis to patients in order to relieve symptoms such as anxiety, arousal, negative behaviours, uncontrollable behaviour, and to improve self-esteem and confidence. This is permitted only when they have been completely trained about their clinical side effects and while under supervision when administering it. A declassified document obtained by the US Freedom of Information Act archive shows that hypnosis was investigated for military applications.
According to the document:. The use of hypnosis in intelligence would present certain technical problems not encountered in the clinic or laboratory. To obtain compliance from a resistant source, for example, it would be necessary to hypnotise the source under essentially hostile circumstances. There is no good evidence, clinical or experimental, that this can be done. It would be difficult to find an area of scientific interest more beset by divided professional opinion and contradictory experimental evidence No one can say whether hypnosis is a qualitatively unique state with some physiological and conditioned response components or only a form of suggestion induced by high motivation and a positive relationship between hypnotist and subject Barber has produced "hypnotic deafness" and "hypnotic blindness", analgesia and other responses seen in hypnosis—all without hypnotizing anyone Orne has shown that unhypnotized persons can be motivated to equal and surpass the supposed superhuman physical feats seen in hypnosis.
It is probably significant that in the long history of hypnosis, where the potential application to intelligence has always been known, there are no reliable accounts of its effective use by an intelligence service. Many of these programs were done domestically and on participants who were not informed of the study's purposes or that they would be given drugs. Self-hypnosis happens when a person hypnotises oneself, commonly involving the use of autosuggestion.
The technique is often used to increase motivation for a diet , to quit smoking, or to reduce stress. People who practise self-hypnosis sometimes require assistance; some people use devices known as mind machines to assist in the process, whereas others use hypnotic recordings. Self-hypnosis is claimed to help with stage fright, relaxation, and physical well-being. Stage hypnosis is a form of entertainment, traditionally employed in a club or theatre before an audience.
Due to stage hypnotists' showmanship, many people believe that hypnosis is a form of mind control. Stage hypnotists typically attempt to hypnotise the entire audience and then select individuals who are "under" to come up on stage and perform embarrassing acts, while the audience watches. However, the effects of stage hypnosis are probably due to a combination of psychological factors, participant selection, suggestibility, physical manipulation, stagecraft, and trickery. The idea of music as hypnosis developed from the work of Franz Mesmer.
Instruments such as pianos, violins, harps and, especially, the glass armonica often featured in Mesmer's treatments; and were considered to contribute to Mesmer's success. In their experiments with sound hypnosis, Jean-Martin Charcot used gongs and tuning forks, and Ivan Pavlov used bells. The intention behind their experiments was to prove that physiological response to sound could be automatic, bypassing the conscious mind. In the s and s, a moral panic took place in the US fearing Satanic ritual abuse.
As part of this, certain books such as The Devil's Disciples stated that some bands, particularly in the musical genre of heavy metal, brainwashed American teenagers with subliminal messages to lure them into the worship of the devil, sexual immorality, murder, and especially suicide. The counteraction on heavy metal in terms of satanic brainwashing is an evidence that linked to the automatic response theories of musical hypnotism.
Various people have been suspected of or convicted for hypnosis-related crimes, including robbery and sexual abuse. In , a Russian "evil hypnotist" was suspected of tricking customers in banks around Stavropol into giving away thousands of pounds worth of money. According to the local police, he would approach them and make them withdraw all of the money from their bank accounts, which they would then freely give to the man.
The victim did nothing to stop the robber from looting his pockets and taking his cash, only calling out the thief when he was already getting away. In , the thenyear-old amateur hypnotist Timothy Porter attempted to sexually abuse his female weight-loss client.
She reported awaking from a trance and finding him behind her with his pants down, telling her to touch herself. He was subsequently called to court and included on the sex offender list. Besides the primary charge by a year-old woman who he sexually abused in a hotel under the guise of a free therapy session, he also admitted to having sexually assaulted a year-old girl. The central theoretical disagreement regarding hypnosis is known as the "state versus nonstate" debate.
When Braid introduced the concept of hypnotism, he equivocated over the nature of the "state", sometimes describing it as a specific sleep-like neurological state comparable to animal hibernation or yogic meditation, while at other times he emphasised that hypnotism encompasses a number of different stages or states that are an extension of ordinary psychological and physiological processes. Overall, Braid appears to have moved from a more "special state" understanding of hypnotism toward a more complex "nonstate" orientation.
State theorists interpret the effects of hypnotism as due primarily to a specific, abnormal, and uniform psychological or physiological state of some description, often referred to as "hypnotic trance" or an "altered state of consciousness". Nonstate theorists rejected the idea of hypnotic trance and interpret the effects of hypnotism as due to a combination of multiple task-specific factors derived from normal cognitive, behavioural, and social psychology, such as social role-perception and favorable motivation Sarbin , active imagination and positive cognitive set Barber , response expectancy Kirsch , and the active use of task-specific subjective strategies Spanos.
The personality psychologist Robert White is often cited as providing one of the first nonstate definitions of hypnosis in a article:. Hypnotic behaviour is meaningful, goal-directed striving, its most general goal being to behave like a hypnotised person as this is continuously defined by the operator and understood by the client. Put simply, it is often claimed that, whereas the older "special state" interpretation emphasises the difference between hypnosis and ordinary psychological processes, the "nonstate" interpretation emphasises their similarity.
Comparisons between hypnotised and non-hypnotised subjects suggest that, if a "hypnotic trance" does exist, it only accounts for a small proportion of the effects attributed to hypnotic suggestion, most of which can be replicated without hypnotic induction. Braid can be taken to imply, in later writings, that hypnosis is largely a state of heightened suggestibility induced by expectation and focused attention.
In particular, Hippolyte Bernheim became known as the leading proponent of the "suggestion theory" of hypnosis, at one point going so far as to declare that there is no hypnotic state, only heightened suggestibility. There is a general consensus that heightened suggestibility is an essential characteristic of hypnosis. In , Clark L. If a subject after submitting to the hypnotic procedure shows no genuine increase in susceptibility to any suggestions whatever, there seems no point in calling him hypnotised, regardless of how fully and readily he may respond to suggestions of lid-closure and other superficial sleeping behaviour.
Ivan Pavlov stated that hypnotic suggestion provided the best example of a conditioned reflex response in human beings; i. Speech, on account of the whole preceding life of the adult, is connected up with all the internal and external stimuli which can reach the cortex, signaling all of them and replacing all of them, and therefore it can call forth all those reactions of the organism which are normally determined by the actual stimuli themselves. We can, therefore, regard "suggestion" as the most simple form of a typical reflex in man.
He also believed that hypnosis was a "partial sleep", meaning that a generalised inhibition of cortical functioning could be encouraged to spread throughout regions of the brain. He observed that the various degrees of hypnosis did not significantly differ physiologically from the waking state and hypnosis depended on insignificant changes of environmental stimuli.
Pavlov also suggested that lower-brain-stem mechanisms were involved in hypnotic conditioning. Pavlov's ideas combined with those of his rival Vladimir Bekhterev and became the basis of hypnotic psychotherapy in the Soviet Union, as documented in the writings of his follower K. Soviet theories of hypnotism subsequently influenced the writings of Western behaviourally oriented hypnotherapists such as Andrew Salter.
Changes in brain activity have been found in some studies of highly responsive hypnotic subjects. These changes vary depending upon the type of suggestions being given. They may indicate that suggestions genuinely produce changes in perception or experience that are not simply a result of imagination. However, in normal circumstances without hypnosis, the brain regions associated with motion detection are activated both when motion is seen and when motion is imagined, without any changes in the subjects' perception or experience.
It is, however, premature to claim that hypnosis and meditation are mediated by similar brain systems and neural mechanisms. Another study has demonstrated that a colour hallucination suggestion given to subjects in hypnosis activated colour-processing regions of the occipital cortex.
Instead the listener is given the hypnotic suggestion that when they or somebody they trust slowly starts counting down from ten to zero while stroking their cock they inevitably drop deep into hypnosis. Suggestions to practice this method of going into hypnosis and to feel confident sharing this hypnotic trigger with others are given in this recording.
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At the end of this recording the listener is told to get dressed and go about the rest of their day. In this recording Fiona guides the listener on a hypnotic fantasy where she is cuddling with them on a bed while she hypnotizes the listener into a deep peaceful sleep. Eventually the listener reaches a point where they are so relaxed that they can not move even if they want to and at this point Fiona starts to touch and tease the listener as they spiral down into slumber. There is no wake up command at the end of this recording.
Instructions for the listener: Lay down while listening to this recording. Start this recording wearing clothes that are easy to remove. You will be told while in trance to strip off your clothes. This recording will take the listener deep into trance and into a fantasy scenario where they are placed in a full body latex suit. The listener will then be strapped to a table and sexual stimulated.
Bondage, encasement and subsequent breathe restriction , heavy submission, brainwashing, tickling, multiple forced orgasms, and objectification. This version of the recording is gender neutral and guides the listener on a fantasy where they are giving a blowjob to a mystery person through a glory hole. This recording includes suggestions to masturbate and to orgasm while giving a blowjob. Commands to swallow the cum during the blowjob are also given. This version is designed for male listeners and guides the listener on a fantasy where they receive a blowjob from a mystery person through a hole in the wall.
This recording does include commands to experience an orgasm during the blowjob. This recording by Fiona is designed for male listeners and guides the listener through an erotic fantasy in which the listener is told to masturbate and edged 17 times. This hypnotic fantasy is inspired by the popular rock song Edge of Seventeen this recording can be enjoyed regardless of personal preference to the song. The listener is brought out of trance with their final edging and they are given the option to keep edging or finish with an orgasm.
This recording by Fiona is designed for female listeners and guides the listener through an erotic fantasy in which the listener is told to masturbate and edged 17 times. Please listen to the Bedwetting Conditioning recording first. This file will assist you to wet yourself in trance, encourage you to wear a diaper, and generally promote the idea that you are a bedwetter.
Then at night time, listen to the Bedwetting Dreams recording. This recording will encourage the listener to dream of a toilet and then urinate themselves in the dream, while also still promoting the deep hypnotic suggestion that the listener is a bedwetter. This is not designed for erotic entertainment, it is purely focused on the goal of bedwetting. This recording, Dumb Fun, takes the listener gender neutral into a deep trance and has them enter into a cycling level of visualization while their IQ is drained away.
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Masturbation instructions are given to the listener while they are feeling so very dumb. A full wake up command is given at the end.

Two things to note with this recording: First, the listener can only listen to this recording after 2 days of not having an orgasm. Second, there is no wake up command for this recording, it is expected for the listener to wake up on their own. Cum eating is a must in this recording. Strong themes of Small Penis Humiliation. This erotic recording has the hypnotized listener believe they are being watched by Fiona on a hypnotic webcam. While hypnotized on camera, the listener must strip and masturbate. It is best to start this recording with clothes on, to fully enjoy the experience.
This recording has a conditional wake up command that must be met before the listener can wake up. Once you have met the required command you will automatically wake up from trance and go about the rest of your day. This recording is 44 minutes in length, but each individual's experience will vary in length depending upon completion of the command. This recording is designed for male listeners. In this file Fiona takes the listener through a progressively, escalating, erotic trance experience with heavy mind control themes. The tone of this recording is dominant but the terms slave and mistress are not used in this file.
There are commands to masturbate in this recording and the listener is given the option to orgasm near the end. Additionally the listener is instructed to chant mantras during this file. This recording is designed for female listeners. This recording is a slave hypnosis recording for male listeners that focuses on the mental aspects of an orgasm.
In the beginning of this recording you are instructed to masturbate while you being hypnotized to empty you mind. Once your mind is empty you are given suggestions to associate pleasure with my voice and being submissive. These feelings are intensified until you are given an intense mental orgasm. In this recording there is no explicit instruction to stop masturbating so you can use this file for a hands free or hands on orgasm. Finally after the orgasm you are given suggestion to train more often and to feel more proud and open about your interest in erotic hypnosis.
This recording is a slave hypnosis recording for female listeners that focuses on the mental aspects of an orgasm. For this recording you will want to be laying down and have yourself wrapped up in blanket before you begin. In this recording Fiona unravels the listeners free will and mind more and more as she wraps them tighter and tighter in the blanket and her control. In this recording there are commands to repeat mantras, to feel arousal, and to eventually have a hands free orgasm.
This requested recording is Fiona's version of a script originally recorded by UltraHypnosis. This recording is designed to make the listener drop into a deep submissive state of trance whenever they use a butt plug. This recording can be listened to without the listener using a butt plug however it will implant hypnotic suggestions to re-listen to this recording with a butt plug. This recording does not have a full wake up command and instead gives suggestions for the listener to listen to more erotic hypnosis and to masturbate.
Suggestions are given to experience more pleasure while masturbating while using a butt plug.
There is also a short wake up and removal command recording for you to use at the end of your hypnotic session that will wake you up fully and completely. This recording is designed for male listeners and guides the listener on an erotic fantasy where Fiona is a nurse who is preforming a very special kind of relaxation therapy. In this recording Fiona has the listener strip naked, become hypnotized by a hypnotic pink light, ties them down to an examination table, massages the listener with warm oil laced with hypnotic aphrodisiacs and forces the listener to have a hands free orgasm.
This recording is designed for female listeners and guides the listener on an erotic fantasy where Fiona is a nurse who is preforming a very special kind of relaxation therapy. This is a Script-Sponsored Script written by patron Seanaxial. This recording is for males and takes the listener through a sexual experience with Mistress Fiona. Since this script is written by a fellow patron who is expressing their personal fantasy, Fiona would truly appreciate if everyone would be respectful in the comments.
This erotic hypnosis fantasy is designed for male listeners. In this recording Fiona plays the role of the listener's ex-girlfriend who is coming over after the break up to look for her necklace. Fiona instead hypnotizes the listener and forces them to strip naked, masturbate and orgasm for her amusement. In this recording Fiona calls the listener a "Good Boy" and gives suggestions to feel pleasure when the listener is called a Good Boy.
Fiona also refers to herself as the listener's Mistress. This alluring hypnotic file guides the listener into a deep trance where they are filled with positive emotions. Listeners are given an optional suggestion to use their hands however they like during the second half of this recording to increase their good feelings. This particular version also gives direct suggestions to have dreams as pleasurable as your trancing experience. This particular version also gives direct suggestions to use hypnosis daily.
For this slave hypnosis recording you will need to be laying down and you will want some privacy. This recording does contain direct suggestions to hold your breath so please only listen if you do not have any respiratory issues. In this recording Fiona hypnotizes you and then decides to play with you while you are completely helpless. She climbs onto you straddling you and starts smothering you with her breasts. Fiona then commands you to only masturbate while you are being smothered if you still have the strength to do so. Fiona finally challenges you to last through one final smothering where if you make it to the end you will be allowed to orgasm for her and if you fail you will be sent into a deep and horny sleep without release.
This recording uses a wall of sound style induction along with a few sleep commands to bring the listener into trance very rapidly and deeply. For best effects listen to this recording naked. This is a slave hypnosis file that gives the listener instructions to masturbate and edge over and over again. There is no orgasm command in this file. There are suggestions to remain horny after trance, feel submissive when aroused, be addicted to edging especially when hypnotized, preference to be naked when training, to be unable to resist hypnosis, and feeling the need to train daily.
There are 3 different versions of this file all with different lengths. There is an orgasm command in this recording. Before listening to this recording please be sure to listen to Fiona's "Slave, Say My Name" recording. Slave, Say My Name: The listener is not given permission to orgasm in this recording and can not orgasm until they have completed at least one task to improve them self as Fiona's property. This hypnotic recordings takes the listener into a deep trance and conditions them to physically respond to verbal punishment triggers. This recording will be supplemental training for future hypnotic fantasies involving punishment.
Warning, the listener will be moving around and making noise during this recording. You will be instructed to say Fiona's name out loud in this recording. This recording is Fiona's version of the Hypnotic Masturbation Curse. This recording is a powerful hypnotic curse that makes the listener capable of masturbating only when they are hypnotized. If the listener is not hypnotized they cannot touch.
The effects of this recording are not tied to any one particular hypnotist. This version of the recording only allows the listener to edge and grants no orgasm at the end of the file. Fiona has been ill for the past few weeks, and she has not been able to record while her voice is recovering. This recording uses a wall of sound style induction to hypnotize and then enslave the listener. There are commands to masturbate, edge, and to have multiple orgasms in this recording.
There are 2 versions of this recording, a shorter 37 minute version, and a longer 1 hour and 14 minute version. This hypnotic recording is based off of the leading topic in the Patron poll posted earlier in the month. This is the NSFW version of the recording which locks in the hypnotic suggestions with a masturbation and an orgasm command. The SFW version can be found here: The listener will still have the full ability for free thought after trance, and will still remain fully functional, although the illusion of control will be ever present.
Effects are meant to be long term. Also safety measures are stated to prevent unintentional and unsafe trancing. At My Mercy is a slave training, hypnotic experience offered on 2 different levels. This version referred as Kink is the more normal and mild erotic version of hypnotic enslavement the other version is a bit more bizarre. This recording gives suggestions to increase submissive feelings and desire to obey to Mistress Fiona.
A post hypnotic suggestion is given to the listener to seek out and select special sexy underwear after the recording to be worn for Mistress. The set of underwear can be something you already own, or you may choose to purchase something new- it does not matter. Slave is also given a trigger to allow themselves to enter self-hypnosis when they wear their designated underwear. This recording also includes masturbation and orgasm commands. Suitable for all genders.
This recording gives suggestions to increase submissive feelings and desire to obey to Mistress Fiona, along with teasing and insult, and ends in ruined orgasms. Themes for this recording: This recording is intended for Male Listeners. This recording is intended for Female Listeners. The larger the breasts are, the more mindless the listener will become.
The effects of this recording are intended to be long term. This recording requires full privacy. The more nude the feet are, the more mindless the listener will become.
This recording is not recommended for anyone with a fear of heights. This recording contains instructions to masturbate and edge yourself. There are no orgasm commands in this file but listening to this file will not interfere with orgasm commands from other files. There are 2 loopable versions of this recording one that is roughly 30 minutes and one that is roughly one hour. These files do not have wake up commands.
Hypnotic suggestions given in these files are, increased pleasure and arousal in trance, being unable to resist hypnosis, increasing your desire to train to hypnosis daily, being more responsive to hypnosis and dropping deeper faster, and developing reoccurring fantasies about being a hypnotized slave. This is a transformative hypnotic fantasy. The listener is taken deep into trance and transformed into the perfect female form. This recording will work on any gender equally well. After the transformation, the listener is collected and brought to The Sisterhood, a clan of beautiful women within the forest.
Within The Sisterhood pleasure is freely given and taken.