Financial services cover a wide range of services from banking to insurance to brokerage and asset management. The global trade in financial services has registered rapid growth in the past two decades on account of growing internationalization of trade and finance. Financial services firms see regulation as the biggest obstacle to their global ambitions. The liberalization of trade and investment in financial services is a part of wider financial sector liberalization which consists of domestic e.
Exactly the same tactics that he tried against Russia Disporre di quei fondi, ha insistito il presidente di Confindustria, significa poter garantire miliardi di euro di crediti da destinare in tempi rapidissimi alle piccole e medie imprese. Ci sono persino dei tariffari sui numeri di conto corrente, che possono essere venduti con un valore fino a dollari, a seconda dell'affidabilita' o della freschezza dei dati'. Crisi, Geithner e Bernanke "Serve ampia riforma del sistema" - la Repubblica, 24 marzo Intervento del segretario al Tesoro e del presidente della Fed al Congresso.
Ribadita l'esigenza di nuove regole, in particolare per la supervisione Banche Usa: Hiding money in mattresses is too risky. Hugo Chavez is working to ensure that his core support, the people, can still fill their shopping baskets with food. The real obstacle has been the empire that Obama today presides over, which has exported terrorism for nearly years , has launched atom bombs on innocent cities, has bombarded, invaded and issued orders to kill whenever they have taken the notion [war in Bankistan] Downturn will only end when 'banks are fixed' - Elizabeth Judge, Times Online, March 23, Speaking at a meeting of the International Labour Organisation ILO , he said that the economic crisis would push millions into poverty and unemployment and could lead to social unrest and even war HACK MONEY, HACK BANKING - by Douglas Rushkoff, March 20, Except in a few rare cases, corporate charters and centralized currency were never intended to promote commerce.
They were intended to prevent locals and non-chartered entities from creating and exchanging value. They are not extensions of the free market, but efforts at extracting value from the free market. Sell Bad Assets - Borowitz Report, March 23, Legendary Swindler Pressed into Service Obama should beware the growing anger in America - Michael Crowley, The Observer, 22 March With each revelation of fat bonuses at AIG, Americans grow increasingly willing to embrace a popular anti-Barack demagogue [no fraudster left behind] Tim Geithner's US bank rescue may not go far enough , experts warn - By Richard Blackden and Edmund Conway, Telegraph, 21 Mar US President Barack Obama is poised within days to unveil a new trillion-dollar plan aimed at restoring America's crippled banking system to health, as anger over bonuses paid to executives at bailed-out institutions escalates UK population must fall to 30m , says Porritt - Jonathan Leake and Brendan Montague, The Sunday Times, March 22, The trust will release research suggesting UK population must be cut to 30m if the country wants to feed itself sustainably.
Such views on population have split the green movement. Many experts believe that, since Europeans and Americans have such a lopsided impact on the environment, the world would benefit more from reducing their populations than by making cuts in developing countries maybe we can begin with those lunatics?
Brown said that more than two-thirds of the plots threatening the UK are linked to Bankistan We cannot rely on what we are being told by officials or those on Wall Street. If we look at how poorly the TARP has been mismanaged, should we trust the same people to come up with a better plan? Why are we to believe this next plan is going to help? In fact, this plan from the start is designed more poorly than the TARP. Think of a car loan.
If you default, the lender has the right to takeover the car and many consumers are facing this. Now why is this now at zero? Well as a lending institution, would you rather take a loan or a free grant coming from the taxpayer? That is why this lending facility went to zero once other mechanisms of lending were brought about inching closer and closer to free money funded by the U.
How sound is your bank? Fifty-two thousand employees were laid off. In just three days, its stock lost more than half its value. Rumors swirled that Citi was so desperate they were looking to sell or split up the company Processo Bassolino: It could become the first such expropriation in Germany since the s La disoccupazione non esiste! E' invece molto facile.
Basta disporre del controllo dei mass media e raccontare balle dalla mattina alla sera. Lo predicava Gelli, lo applica B. I nostri disoccupati ci sono invidiati da tutti. Pochi, bene educati, con protezioni sociali. Il professor Mauro Gallegati dimostra il contrario. But the fury directed at the robber barons by the robbed blind in America has been getting hotter, not cooler.
Brethren - By Robert Parry, consortiumnews. Ideato in collaborazione con la New York University per spiegare le dinamiche sociali attraverso i videogiochi. Solo che in Lay Off — letteralmente "licenziare" - le vittime non sono zombie o criminali, ma dipendenti in esubero, da mandare a casa per evitare il fallimento di una holding o una banca Finding the True Unemployment Rate - Dr. Housing Bubble, March 21st, On an annualized basis for , both Michigan and California have the highest unemployment rates.
Michigan is at The scams helped accelerate the Banking Crisis of , a panic that started in the U.
- Mario Draghi, il Governatore: Dalla Banca dItalia al vertice della Bce (Italian Edition);
- Textbooknova Laltare Della Patria Storica Paperbacks Italian Edition Pdf B0064ywtfk By Bruno Tobia?
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- The Art of Invention - Bibliography.
The January plunge exceeded the From the previous month, output fell 3. Whether Bernanke holds all this trash on his balance sheet or manages to scam Treasury into exchanging it for T-bills , the result is the same - there is no collateral behind Bucky and as employment collapses no production to replace it with either. Federal Reserve is getting desperate and is running out of options 'These newly redundant bank employees have got a lot to learn. Per favorire ulteriormente le risposte dei cittadini, dall'inizio del la Commissione ha inoltre esteso la durata delle consultazioni pubbliche da 8 a 12 settimane.
Museo centrale del Risorgimento al Vittoriano - Wikipedia
Appuntamento di sabato 28 Marzo , a Roma , in Piazza della Repubblica. It reports annually on trends and developments relating to drug issues. No other funding is foreseen at EU level for the collection of statistics on poverty and social exclusion in general and child poverty in particular. A national study released Monday finds that one in 50 children in America is homeless.
These strata would provide a firm basis for comparing the efficacy at daily intakes between 2. It is a voluntary cooperation between EU overseers and supervisors to address weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the field of payments security. It's over — we're officially, royally fucked. It happened when Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was forced to admit that he was once again going to have to stuff billions of taxpayer dollars into More consumers are just a paycheck or two away from ruin - By Jennifer Waters, MarketWatch, March 20, Americans are in a collective state of financial depression as many admit they could only cover their bills for two months at most if they found themselves suddenly jobless, a nightmare more and more worry may come true hope they revolt BEFORE it is too late!
Now, more than a century later, history is -- sort of -- repeating itself John Embry: Own gold, the metal, not a paper promise - Gata. Since mine production is declining, where is the ETF gold coming from? And since the custodians of the ETF gold are also the perpetrators of the gold price suppression scheme, is the ETF gold really there at all? Ha iniziato a boccheggiare. Questi contratti in derivati determinano un grande trasferimento di risorse finanziarie dai bilanci degli enti locali verso le banche.
Queste banche, nazionali e soprattutto internazionali, sono le stesse che sono in situazioni di grande crisi proprio per le bolle speculative create dai titoli tossici. Sono sempre le stesse banche che chiedono sostegni finanziari ai governi per salvarsi dalla bancarotta. La prima per salvare le banche dalla crisi e la seconda per pagare i derivati sottoscritti con le stesse?
Buchanan, March 20, As the U. If they ever get lost or destroyed, the United States will merely give you more paper promises! We can give you more and more dollars until you are freaking drowning in them! Taking the Credit - report from the World Development Movement, March 20, In times like these, a banking sector that puts people before profit is vital. Buy Mario Draghi, il Governatore: Read Kindle Store Reviews - prog Earnings unconnected with such privilege are not subject to the tax. Unaware of these special definitions, most Americans give the words their common meaning, fill out and sign their tax returns accordingly, and mistakenly pay taxes they do not owe.
Hendrickson points out that, "The limited nature of the tax is not a matter of my opinion. In addition to the clear words of the law, dozens of United States Supreme Court rulings agree with my research and analysis, while no Supreme Court rulings support any alternative view, including the broad misunderstanding of the law the IRS likes to encourage. Are the Norwegians -- whose standard of living exceeds Canada 's -- "Luddites," "protectionists" or simply good managers? Banchisti disperati sull'orlo di una crisi di nervi: In a search for answers, Corporate Counsel looked for examples from the catastrophe that highlight both problems and solutions, including the many ways in which compensation is structured to reward bad behavior De Benedetti; allarme precari, detassare redditi bassi - MF Dow Jones, 20 marzo Carlo De Benedetti lancia l'allarme precari 3 milioni e invita il Governo a non finanziare l'offerta per lavorare maggiormente sulla domanda ogni tanto, qualcuno che capisce qualcosa Crisi: It sacked BTA chairman Mukhtar Ablyazov who criticised the takeover as "corporate raiding", and is now investigating him for theft and money laundering EU leaders reject further stimulus plan - www.
Loro non si arrenderanno mai - ma gli conviene? Mr Lundgren chuckled at the Wall Street joke that "Swedish models used to only attract attention if they were blonde and leggy" But regardless, it should now be obvious that the Geithner-Summers-Bernanke plan to prop up asset prices is not only crazily expensive, but it is a failed approach Real cost of EU is ten times higher than EC figures show, Taxpayers' Alliance says - By Martin Banks, Telegraph, 18 Mar The real cost of EU membership for British taxpayers is ten times higher than figures quoted by the European Commission suggest, it has been claimed Bank of America Ordered to Give Bonus Data to N.
Attorney General - Noeleen G. Goodman, CNews, March 18, If President Obama and Leon Panetta were serious about stopping torture and abuse as well as extraordinary renditions that led to torture and abuse in Third World countries, then why would they not adjust the chain of command to remove those high-ranking individuals responsible for these measures Possibly because they don't want to lose the opportunity of using those measures against economic terrorists? Madoff in facing criminal charges in connection with Madoff's vast Ponzi scheme. Federal prosecutors accused David G.
It is a disgrace," said Lewis, a Georgia Democrat. Paul's abolition plan calls for the director of the Office of Management and Budget to "liquidate" Fed assets "in an orderly manner so as to achieve as expeditious a liquidation as may be practical while maximizing the return to the Treasury. Federal Reserve moved to pump more than a trillion dollars of new cash into the ailing economy late Wednesday Banche: Al tempo stesso - ha sostenuto Bersani - le Banche devono individuare e sostenere gli imprenditori che ci vogliono provare.
Su questo punto le banche devono fare bene il loro mestiere ed anche lo Stato deve fare la sua parte, assicurando le garanzie pubbliche per aiutare chi ha investito''. All police leave has been cancelled in London for the first two days of next month — the summit is on April 2 — and thousands of uniformed officers will be on the streets to prevent legitimate protests by violent activists after indications that there will be the worst public disorder in a decade Lord Turner: Put Organized Crime Into Bankruptcy!
Government," Lyndon LaRouche declared today.
Museo centrale del Risorgimento al Vittoriano
The bailout arrangements should be canceled on that basis, he continued. You can't take it from me! It is high time for a new Pecora Commission. State couldn't handle a multiple mogul meltdown - By Moti Bassok, Haaretz, Mar 17, Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer told a Knesset temporary Finance Committee session yesterday that the state could handle the collapse of a single local tycoon. But Israel would be in trouble if several of the country's richest businessmen went under, he said Netanyahu Embraces New Economic Thinking - By Neal Sandler, Businessweek, March 17, With unemployment up and exports down, Israel's next Prime Minister is casting off laissez-faire philosophy in favor of more state intervention Abi: The Russian administration believes that it is incorrect to keep dollar reserves against the background of the uncontrollable and irresponsible financial policies [grazie Draghi!
L'uomo, negli ultimi tempi, aveva cercato di tirare avanti facendo il muratore, ma guadagnava troppo poco per mantenere la moglie e i tre figli. March 18, China's purchase of Treasuries to fall with trade surplus - By Wang Xu, China Daily, Beijing, March 18, Associazione a delinquere fra i Ros - Daniele Martinelli, 17 marzo Tra gli imputati ci sono una dozzina di agenti del Ros, il loro numero uno Giampaolo Ganzer e il giudice Mario Conte, tuttora in carica alla procura di Bergamo , oltre che alcuni narcotrafficanti originari della Colombia e del Libano.
You must normally buy an apartment or a house - simply because there is very rarely the opportunity to rent Rules of physics provide insight into economic crisis - Russia Today, 17 March, Russian scientist Victor Maslov calculated the global financial crisis using formulas derived from mathematical physics. He is is now disclosing his know how to help government fight the recession I can believe this: In response, lenders are hiking rates and slashing credit lines. Monies collected from payroll taxes are treated as general revenues and used in the "unified budget. If the G20 Summit fails to prevent the world entering into the phase of geopolitical dislocation, similar operations of manipulation and destabilization will increase in number, each regional block trying to discredit their opponent, like any zero-sum game Bernanke has decided to shrug off the advice of nearly every reputable economist in the country, most of whom are pushing for a government takeover of the failing banks nationalization , just to toss his shifty banking buddies a lifeline.
Il Terrore, durante la Rivoluzione francese, fu uguagliato e superato dal regno di terrore istituito dalla Cheka sotto Stalin e Trotsky. La sola differenza consisteva nel fatto che, data la non-esistenza della borghesia, una nuova classe doveva essere generata sotto forma di una immensa burocrazia statale. Per fare in modo che il popolo accettasse questa rivoluzione e seguisse i suoi capi, una sorta di Messianismo doveva essere introdotto in ogni atto di propaganda. Noi ti promettiamo che ci atterremo alle tue ingiunzioni con onore! Noi ti promettiamo, compagno Lenin, che non ci sottrarremo ad alcuno sforzo per attenerci, anche in questo caso, alle tue ingiunzioni, con onore!
E via di questo passo. Wetter, e lo Stato Sovietico appare come il nuovo Demiurgo. In una lettera a Gorki Lenin scrisse: A questo atteggiamento si applica molto bene una affermazione che troviamo in una Conferenza tenuta da William James a Edinburgo: Facciamo qui riferimento al Fascismo.
Nella Germania di Hitler, simboli e cerimonie erano copiati in maniera servile dalla religione spirituale, con una aggiunta ulteriore di misticismo. In entrambi i casi troviamo i seguenti passaggi tattici:. In due encicliche Non abbiamo bisogno , ; Mit brennender Sorge , il Papa Pio XI fece sentire la sua voce in maniera forte, nei limiti imposti da una condizione di impotenza e dal timore di ulteriori repressioni nei confronti dei cattolici.
Nel , alcune sezioni del campo di concentramento di Dachau erano destinate al clero. Wikipedia, Persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany. Questi aspetti possono essere qualificati ed elencati come:. Un nobile messaggio e una testimonianza vivente di quel messaggio ebbero il potere di attrarre verso i primi gruppi di cristiani un numero crescente di individui.
Quindi, nel corso del tempo, sulla base di questi pilastri teorici e pratici, nacque una Chiesa universale. Per questo motivo, i poteri temporali si affidavano ad uomini di Chiesa per amministrare i loro affari. Le ultime due fasi sono identificabili con il periodo della Restaurazione Europea e della lunga Guerra civile Europea Durante il periodo della Restaurazione in Europa, la Chiesa, tranne alcune eccezioni come ad esempio Papa Leone XIII, rispose ai progressi della scienza e alle aspirazioni di emancipazione sociale, alleandosi con poteri reazionari o condannando istanze di progresso.
Un esempio fu il rifiuto verso talune correnti di idee come il Modernismo e il Cattolicesimo Liberale. Queste concezioni, mentre preservavano il nucleo del messaggio Cristiano, cercavano, al tempo stesso, di abbandonare gli aspetti oscurantisti e obsoleti della dottrina della Chiesa che erano del tutto in contrasto con il progresso dei tempi. Per questo motivo, tutti quei pensatori, in modi diversi e con accenti differenti, contemplavano un forte potere centrale che ponesse sotto controllo la violenza e assicurasse la sicurezza.
Ad ogni modo, questa idea di un forte potere assoluto non era nulla di nuovo e di moderno. In breve, il declino culturale della Chiesa, e i successivi eccessi delle Chiese Cattolica e Protestante nella loro lotta per la sopravvivenza e la prevalenza, rese inevitabile il desiderio di un ambiente culturale non soffocante. Come sottolineato da uno studioso contemporaneo: Il nuovo Stato non poteva riconoscere tali limiti.
Precedentemente le persone vivevano in gruppi. Una persona doveva appartenere ad alcuni gruppi, e poteva appartenere a parecchi gruppi contemporaneamente. Non tutti si sono lasciati incantare da questo approccio a favore dello stato. Come sottolineato da un autore moderno:. Max Stirner ha sintetizzato molto bene questo nuovo atteggiamento mentale e comportamentale delle masse:.
Possiamo indicare un duplice processo:. Le imitazioni, consapevoli o inconsce, da parte degli ideologi dello stato, dei simboli e delle forme della religione spirituale, sono notevoli. Qui possiamo citare solo alcuni casi, senza scendere troppo nel dettaglio. Paradossalmente, intellettuali statalisti, che non credevano assolutamente nel creazionismo divino, hanno generato, attraverso la distorsione artificiosa del passato, e accettato ciecamente il creazionismo statale.
I governanti nazionali sono diventati i supremi sacerdoti e la loro ideologia religiosa, basata su laicismo, patriottismo, sciovinismo, ha potuto reggersi sulle sue proprie fondamenta. Balagangadhara in William T. Esse trovarono espressione, ad esempio, nei numerosi ordini monastici e nei gruppi di devoti cristiani, come i fraticelli, che si unirono a San Francesco nella sua vita quotidiana e nella sua predicazione.
Essi ebbero la meglio anche nei confronti della Chiesa. Essi sono scacciati, e il loro ordine soppresso, con dure parole di denuncia anche da parte del Papa. Dopo lo scisma protestante, la religione spirituale fu usata, in maniera crescente, dai poteri secolari solo come pretesto per le guerre di supremazia degli stati. Per citare solo un esempio: Molti settori legati allo Stato, erano attivamente impegnati a promuovere una nuova visione, laica e anti-cattolica. La propaganda contro la Chiesa Cattolica e la religione spirituale era, infatti, vista come un punto di passaggio necessario per il successo della ideologia dello Statismo.
Tuttavia, conflitti e guerre non scomparvero ma addirittura si intensificarono e si ampliarono su una scala mai vista prima. Questa religione secolare si chiama Statismo. Per cui, se esaminiamo a fondo qualsiasi misfatto commesso o attribuito alla Chiesa nel passato, troviamo quasi sempre lo stato come iniziatore, complice, o esecutore.
Draghi, Mario
In altre parole, la Chiesa da sola, era, in generale, del tutto impotente a mettere in atto una qualsiasi misura repressiva. Possiamo far partire lo spiegamento del dominio pieno ed esclusivo dello Stato e dello Statismo dallo scoppio della Prima Guerra Mondiale. Egli poteva vivere dove e come volesse. Poteva viaggiare all'estero o lasciare per sempre il suo paese senza un passaporto o qualsiasi tipo di autorizzazione di alcun genere.
Poteva acquistare merci provenienti da qualsiasi altro paese del mondo alle stesse condizioni dei beni prodotti nel proprio paese. A questo riguardo, uno straniero poteva passare tutta la sua vita in questo paese senza dover richiedere alcun permesso e senza dover informare la polizia. Secondo il Professor R. Rummel, Twentieth Century Democide. Altre stime sul numero di persone che sono morte a seguito delle guerre, dei massacri, uccisioni e oppressioni del ventesimo secolo, variano da a milioni di esseri umani si veda: Rummel, Pre-Twentieth Century Democide.
Unethical human experimentation in the United States con il pretesto della sperimentazione scientifica compiuta su Ebrei, Neri, minoranze etniche. Questo non significa la fine delle religioni spirituali o secolari intese come concezioni e pratiche che uniscono re-ligo le persone. Gli esseri umani di tutte le epoche si sono compiaciuti di prendere in mano la causa di Dio e di farlo complice delle loro passioni sanguinarie. E poi qualcosa accadde. Di nuovo, nelle parole di de Puydt:. Il progresso dello spirito umano lo ha spazzato via come fa il vento d'autunno con le foglie morte.
Per citare di nuovo de Puydt:. Nationalism as a Religion http: The rise of the total state and total war, Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, Harrap, London, Third Edition Bender, Anabaptist Testimonies on Religious Liberty vedi: State, Economy and Society, Cavanaugh, The Myth of Religious Violence. Cavanaugh, Migrations o the Holy. The Church Catholic Encyclopedia http: The Catholic Church Wikipedia http: State church of the Roman Empire Wikipedia http: Constantine the Great Catholic Encyclopedia http: Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum http: Editto di Tessalonica http: Madden, The Real History of the Crusades, http: Internet Medieval Sourcebook Fordham University http: Conflict of Investitures Catholic Encyclopedia http: The Suppression of the Jesuits http: State - Church http: Monuments in Naples and the Surrounding Area, 29 Michalsky a , See Thum ; Thum literature; see also Michalsky b.
Concerning sity, Oxford, On Antonio Baboccio, see Bock for redemption, was developed as a standard theme ; Moos ; Oberste The church the layout of the Clarissan choir, see Bruzelius Elisabetta Scirocco is Until recently, however, this development had not as a public space; see Wenzel , 23ff. Consider, for exam- 44 Bologna a , ; Fleck ; Warr ; involved in the conceptualization. Concerning the depiction of the Last 59 At one time, the rear pillars also supported sculp- and Joanna of Durazzo d.
Cathedral of Pisa has been difficult to reconstruct. Kroos ; Oexle Concern- was displayed on his tomb or was instead created for a of a misconception, Christ has been shifted from 32 This is comparable with the apotheosis in San ing its architecture, see De Rinaldis ; Dell'Aja nonreligious context. The research of Tripps the center in favor of an engraved cross and thus Francesco at Pisa see Blume [], and Fig- ; Michalsky a , ; Freigang i ; has not answered these questions, although he did appears where John the Baptist should be; or con- Bruzelius b , ; Gaglione Both propose another reconstruction.
For a dating and the church and its monuments were severely dam- 61 For further reflections on the ceremonial functions the Cathedral Santa Restituta , where two knights description of the frescos, see Blume , aged by bombardment during the Second World War. From the s onward, 33 For a discussion of the belief that the lineage of 48 Concerning the fresco, see Bologna a , 62 Concerning the Angevin ideal of piety; see Michalsky the trias of the Virgin Mary, Christ as imago pietatis, the Anjou represented a beata stirps, see Michalsky It presumably stood behind the high altar.
A for example, the tomb monuments of Raimundus The inscription unmistak- in Santa Chiara; Pietro Brancaccio d. For an interpretation of the animals, see De Ste- ably declares her to be Summae humilitatis exemplum. The variant of the Regarding the reception of this unusual work, The inscription on the tomb supports this inter- Musto Madonna with Christ Child flanked by saints is also see Di Fabio Summonte , 3: After nio Piccolomini; see Carl Concerning the 74 Bock ia , The fact that 77 Concerning the sculptor and his other works, see del Benevento appear in inscriptions.
Concerning Pietro Martire; see Ferrante , 73, n. Isabella it is obviously a copy has unfortunately meant that Bock I a. A pre- Urbani ; Cirillo Mastrocinque See also Colantonio and hanging in the Galleria Nazionale Hersey a , According to a Florentine Toscano a , who assigns an earlier date to the di Capodimonte , who with her support had been English translation in Hersey a , iii.
Concerning Besozzo, see Delle Foglie and The remains of her children Alfonso Rossellino's authorship was never actually disputed; At the earliest, the monument was shipped from Carl provides evi- Pisa and assembled in Naples during ; see Ciardi 94 See Trinchieri Camiz , who has pointed out chapel, as were those of Beatrice of Aragon d. Concerning Brancaccio, see Girgensohn the large number of musical instruments depicted in See Aceto ib ; 79 See Lightbown , 89ff.
Concerning the marble altar, Thoenes , 37; Grund Concerning late the east of the church, access to it was possible from monuments and altars in the side chapels, a practice Gothic marble altar retables from the second half of 8o Poeschke , i: Guido Mazzoni, was continued in the sixteenth cen- cat. For a short summary, see Nichols Concerning their pro- see Quinterio , ; Pepe ; Cun- It is somewhat smaller, although this fact is not evi- ; and for the two tombs, see Bock b , motion of humanistic learning, see Bentley For a history of the founding of dent from the outside; see Pepe , , Figure For the tomb, see 6.
The lack of inter- Hersey a , I For a discussion of the local Neapolitan Hartt, Corti, and Kennedy ; see also Hansmann Caglioti , , claims that the sarcophagus Aragon , see Bock ib ; Bock b. Vitale Pardini, and Tommaso di Matteo under the arche , where the results of a major restoration during the os ordered a painted copy of the stu- See Pepe , Regard- Pepe , Abbate has con- ing the scrittorio, see Borsook i.
Concerning the Illustrated in Pepe , Figure Beyer's Pietro da Milano was active in Naples from labor. The monument was completed in at the Summonte , 3: Of the monuments ascribed earliest. The Domenico and at Castel Nuovo. See also the descrip- the choice of the site in its urban context, as well in Sant'Agostino, Arienzi, has survived; see Abbate inscription, which purports to date from , refers tion of humanist Tristano Caracciolo in Caracciolo as Carafa's considered appreciation of antique mod- , 73ff.
Concerning the Jacopo della Pila also began his career in Pietro's title he received in Concerning the Lombards in Naples, see could not have been completed until after this date; in Messina and is buried in the cathedral there; see Florence, see Pontieri Con- Pontano later published portions of the inscriptions di Satriano , 3: See Romano and Tateo , 13ff.
Michalsky a , and especially for this par- this group. See Hersey a , ; Gramaccini griefand hope in colorful images. Therefore, the texts b. The monument was not vanni Pontano's De amore coniugali, in Pontano , dress, although in a somewhat less obvious manner. See also Pane This is particularly obvious in the case of the but- tic agenda. I thank her for her cordial assistance and "Nec non promisit dictis magister Jacoubus facere in ipso , 2: Jacopo promises to make the lower part of the tomb nal condition.
Concerning the problems of tradition and executed by Tommaso Malvito; see Ascher a , streams of tears. Another example is the tomb of Sante Vital- , without the permission of the author. Kennedy Concerning the use of majolica in Naples, see Dona- Concerning the catalog of his son's works, see Abbate iano and Ippolita Imparato from according to , i8o, considers it to date from around The humanists, in particular Sannazaro, , 83ff. Heads of this kind were also frequently found on abbey during the thirteenth century Christ is sup- ing the second decade of the sixteenth century.
Yet Gramaccini , 27ff. On the topic of matrimonial tombs in Naples, see on the interpretations of Hersey a and Verdon Concerning Petrarca's love for Laura, see Baader The Entombment of Christ by Colantonio, which today Michalsky a. The influ- hangs to the left of the Working of Miracles, may also A sediale is mentioned in a contract between Tom- The Latin inscription, no longer extant, is reported ence of Petrarca on the visual art of the fifteenth have been a part of the first phase of decoration; see maso Malvito and Bernardino Poderico from in Celano , 3: The English translation is and sixteenth centuries is the subject of an impor- Navarro c.
No details can be given at present concerning a tomb in the family sepulchre in San from Hersey a , n. Reflections on a regarding the attribution of specific elements of the Lorenzo, no longer extant; see Pane , 2: Pane , 2: Gianozzo Manetti , a humanist at also refers to the significance of the miraculous cross.
See , 2: Blunt , 23ff. Concerning Manetti, see Bentley , Abbate 19, argues in favor of not only Jacopo Pane , 2: The form uniqueness, for which see also Colonna and De Divitiis is consistent with that of the wooden benches of the Michalsky a , Meliseus, a quo uxoris mors deploratur, in Pontano di Candida , In this case, the endowed by a member of the Puderico family for For other poems to his dead wife, see Kidwell tion of grief, as his fictitious collection of epitaphs references to antiquity in the scheme of the triumphal his parents in the choir chapel of San Lorenzo; the , Carafa nio d'Alessandro and his wife, also at Monteoliveto Galante , The texts contain general state- see Frommel I and Ferrante I.
His memorial, which he wrote for for Primo Jacob -Pisanello in San Lorenzo; te ipsum cognoscere. His role in both diplomatic and cultural same church. See so A case in point is the transferral of individual monu- Concerning the fresco, which is ascribed to Francesco known in Naples, given that, among other things, Beyer woo , ; De Divitiis , See the list 22I Migliaccio Concerning the building, see Solimene ; Bor- of busts from the workshop of Francesco Laurana iii Sarnelli , Hersey a , See also Kruft and Middeldorf See Migliaccio The date of the and designs, see later in this chapter.
See Abbate , 71, concerning the author- completion of the head is uncertain. Concerning the Pontano , r roff. Of the earlier literature, see especially of Giovanni da Nola. Strazzullo and Strazzullo a. The Pane , 2: For a broader article includes a transcription of the early descrip- da Fiesole and Romolo Balsimelli with its architec- authorship of this work: Abbate , 49; Abbate discussion of the tomb and its relations to both antiq- tion of the ensemble by the Sicilian Fra Bernardino.
Summonte uity and to Sannazaro's writings, see Laschke , See also Pane , 2: Con- regarded funerary art as a subject worthy of mention ; Michalsky Abbate , who was the first to suggest the cerning their function, see Pane , 2: An English translation is found in Carafa could have made in that city. Other literature , 3: Sannazaro , Consider also the effigy of De Gennaro d.
Concerning the authorship and dating, r 8o Concerning San Gennaro, see the Acta Sanctorum arti- Concerning the architecture and its planning, see in San Pietro Martire, which displays an open see Bologna ob , ; Berliner , ; cle in Carnadet, ed. Consider also the com- with bibliography; Pacelli Other umentation of individual monuments, see the various the detail illustrations in Abbate , Figures Thus, the arrangements for the welfare of the soul as descriptions are found in Norman , , writings of Abbate, Naldi, and Speranza.
See also Faraglia vance of the "culto divino. See also Abbate anniversaries of each of these four persons, as well as in n. Nichols , , proposed that Giu- the tomb of Arcamonio d. For the most recent version of Giambattista del Doce in his chapel in San Domenico ter. Laschke , 29; and also Naldi b , Nichols's argument, see her Chapter 3 in the present Maggiore; and the tomb of Leonardo Tomacelli d.
That Sannazaro com- , Even Bramante ; Nichols , 73ff. See Concerning the rediscovery of ancient heroes during See the text and commentary in Strazzullo a , evidence of sixteenth-century regard for him usefully also Migliaccio , who follows a similar line of the Renaissance more generally, see Weise 62, The sarcophagus found in does not gathered by Morisani b , ; and Abbate argument.
The altarpiece , illus. Consider, for example, the tombs of the Compare the tomb of the poet Bernardino Rota in eastern chapel of the south transept. Spinelli family in Santa Caterina a Formiello. San Domenico, which was erected between and , cat. Here Concerning the church, see Pessolano ; pared with the considerable production of bust-sized the tomb of Galeazzo Caracciolo.
In the case of the classically disposed Ars, one sees the instruments of the vari- Concerning the church, see Borrelli Pier- pont , ,, gives a detailed description 6 ous arts. Concerning the date of the mals. See Laschke , Pierpont has notably See Trapp , with sources and an iconographical clarified the image of the viceroy as a patron of art.
COD history of the tomb from the Middle Ages forward. The appendix of her study contains two versions of Vasari , 6: The identification of the per- in Naples, but as tantalizing as the idea of a Spanish son in female clothing with woman's hair as Apollo is prototype may be, similarities between her exam- in keeping with convention and is generally accepted. In my opinion, Thus the sea god is usually identified as Neptune these examples cannot readily be compared. These were introduced in the But the complex games on the political chess- and the nymph as Diana.
It would, however, also be The influences that inform this tomb have been capital, as we might expect, but they were also scat- board of southern Italy modified the very nature possible to recognize the nymph, or else the woman traced back to the Italian monuments of Giovanni tered throughout the provinces. Our analysis of the of power and led to substantial differences between playing the lyre, as Mergellina.
The Concerning Roman sepulchral altars, see Boschung not display the deceased in prayer. See Meyer , their interior arrangements will attempt to reveal Aragonese showed a decided preference for the east- , with numerous examples of this kind. These ern part of the capital, the zone extending between into the medieval tower of Santa Maria Maggiore Compare the similar objections raised by Morisani two types of function, in fact, are all the more impor- Porta Capuana and Poggioreale, and thus favored near the Cappella Pontano.
It was there that they built The history and appearance of residences were the new Royal Palace on a remarkable site near strongly shaped, even conditioned, by the circum- the high stronghold where Castel Nuovo is located, stances of the Aragonese and Spanish occupations. The position of the Royal Palace, of greater or less severity.
For this reason, a con- by Pedro de Toledo's protective wall. Carafa villa and the zone of Pizzofalcone; see Pane 68 The program of the Marquis of Chiusano concerned , ff. U 74 Giannetti , 40, See the transcription of the program, morio di quelle fontane risuono con un non so che January 3, , in D'Addosio , One may also note di musica che non l'arte umana," quoted in Gian- an important group of paintings inventoried at the netti , The reader will easily imagine the c0D home of Muzio Sorgente, president of the tribunal music of these fountains by referring to the astonish- of Camera della La Sommaria; see Archivio di Stato di ing manuscript in which Giovanni Antonio Nigrone, Napoli, Notai del 'zoo: Orazio de Monte, protocollo fountain designer and water engineer, placed the , 16ol.
Some of these drawings are , inventory of the property of the Duchess of reproduced in Chapter 2 by Anna Giannetti in the Amalfi. Napoli, Notai del '5oo: Fabrizio Cardinal Diomede Carafa and bequeathed to his rel- a. In , he paid twenty-five ducats to Sil- in 14 pts. The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms, 12oooo: The 72 Alfonso Caracciolo, conte d'Oppido, Archivio di fountain in the garden, and five ducats that same year In Ernesto Pontieri et al.
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