You deserve someone who loves you, even though they have seen every one of your flaws.

Dedicated to your stories and ideas.

Someone who accepts that you are the kind of person who overthinks and overreacts. Someone who loves you just the way that you are.

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You deserve someone who never holds back their love. Someone who grabs your hand in public, no matter who is around to watch.

You Deserve Love

Someone who kisses you on the forehead as often as the neck. Someone who says I love you every single time they feel the urge, because you deserve to hear those words as much as humanly possible. You deserve unlimited love from the person who promises you forever. From the person who swears you mean more to them than anyone else.

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Of course, you also deserve love from your close friends and family members. You deserve to surround yourself with people who see the best in you, not people who tear you down, not people who point out your flaws, not people who make you feel like you are never going to achieve enough.

Most of all, you deserve love from yourself. You need to stop overthinking every little thing that you do. You need to stop criticizing yourself in a way you would never dream of criticizing anyone else. You need to stop assuming that there is something horrifically wrong with you, that you mess up every good thing that enters your life. You need to stop acting like you are lesser, like you do not deserve happiness. You need to learn to love yourself.

Because You Deserve Love Quotes

You need to use your soft heart to see the good in yourself. I really wanted to make sure that no one ever feels like that again.

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  2. You Deserve Love, Right Now, Just As You Are!
  3. You Deserve Love | Thought Catalog;
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  5. I recently learned that I have to stop thinking like that, and self-love is honestly the only way to solve this problem. Which brings me to my next quote:. I try to let everyone know exactly how much they mean to me, and how much they should value themselves. To make sure that those that you love, know just how important they are, and how much they matter.

    You Deserve Love, Right Now, Just As You Are | Thought Catalog

    So reader, I just wanted to end this long post with some positivity. Those who say that to other people are just insecure about themselves, to a point of displacement onto others.

    Always love yourself, and others will too. I love you all, and thanks for reading! Sign in Get started. Never miss a story from P. I Love You , when you sign up for Medium.