Hate Speech, Pluralism and the Many Faces of Tolerance

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Tolerance is among the most important democratic values. It underlies the principle of religious freedom and helps create the social and political space needed in pluralistic democracies. Pluralism religious and otherwise is both the hallmark and the inevitable product of religious freedom.

Reclaiming Prophetic Witness: Liberal Religion in the Public Square by Paul B. Rasor

Hate speech is a mark of intolerance. The dramatic increase in anti-religious hate speech in recent years has undermined this important democratic value, both in the Netherlands and throughout Europe, and narrows the social space required for a healthy democracy. These developments raise several important questions: What do we mean by tolerance? How is tolerance affected by structures of power and privilege?

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Should hate speech be tolerated as an expression of democratic freedom? How far can a liberal democracy tolerate intolerance without undermining its own values? A long overdue "clearing up" of religiously liberal confusion about the separation of church and state and a call to carry our convictions into the public square.

Nov 09, Neil Harmon rated it liked it.

“Liberal Religion in the Public Square”

I read this book because it is the UU common read for The book starts strong with a lot of very interesting background on the religious composition of the U. As well as discussions about what makes religions liberal or non-liberal. It also discusses that liberal religion is not the same as being liberal politically although there may be some correlate between the two. It then does a good job of analyzing why UUs may be hesitant to introduce their religion when publicly debating impor I read this book because it is the UU common read for It then does a good job of analyzing why UUs may be hesitant to introduce their religion when publicly debating important issues and discusses why it may be proper to do so.

It was clear that the book was very well researched As I said, the early part was chock full of facts but the abrupt ending was somewhat unsatisfying.

American Journal of Theology & Philosophy

In many ways, the books intent seems to be a justification for the rational introduction of religion into debate. I expected to end with a pep talk that would want to make people want to start writing letters and pushing back on the fundamentalists who want to push their "don't think, just do what we say" statements down society's throat but that didn't happen. I finished the book somewhat unfulfilled.

On the positive side, perhaps this sudden stoppage may lead to some good book group discussions about where to go from here and perhaps that is the point of making it the common read. Jun 15, Dan rated it really liked it.

Hate Speech, Pluralism and the Many Faces of Tolerance

Rasor makes a good case for religious liberals having more influence in society than what they given credit for. Aug 05, Carlin marked it as to-read. This is the UU Common Read for A good reflection why the liberal religious voice is not heard in the public square and how we need to own our voices. May 26, Jay rated it liked it.

Dec 24, Greg rated it it was ok.

"Reclaiming Prophetic Witness: Liberal Religion in the Public Square"

I read this as part of the Common Read program at my church. The basic premises were established in the first 20 pages, but then much repetition.

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Jan 04, Conrad rated it liked it. Why does the word religious seem to pertain mostly to the religious right in America? Good question, but deserves better treatment than was done in this book.

Jun 17, Linda rated it it was amazing. I read this one for an upcoming book discussion. Very good look at the role of liberal religion in engaging the complex problems of today. Kat C rated it liked it Oct 22, Jessica Zimmer-saltzman rated it liked it Apr 01, Bill Martin rated it liked it Jan 21, Emma Christen rated it it was amazing Jul 03, James R Dempsey rated it liked it Jun 06, Ren Olive rated it really liked it Feb 03, John Harvey rated it really liked it May 30, Amanda Dudley rated it it was ok Oct 29, Sunshine Jeremiah rated it really liked it Jul 24, Stephen rated it really liked it Apr 26, Alan rated it liked it Feb 16, Carl Van Valkenburg rated it really liked it Aug 24,