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What My War Was Like. Being Frank About Vietnam.

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Fire from the Sky. Pa's Big Adventure Vietnam The Element of Surprise.

Khe Sanh | Books in Review II

Flak at 12 O'clock. A Trip Thru Hell Nam. Death in the A Shau Valley. A Combat Marine's Vietnam Memoir.

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Point of Aim Point of Impact. Rolling Thunder in a Gentle Land. They Called It Naked Fanny. Mourning Headband for Hue. Run Through the Jungle. Memories of a Fighter Pilot. Story Of The DC Missions Of Fire And Mercy: Until Death Do Us Part. The Ten of Us.

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Battle for the Khe Sanh - Overview / Analysis

Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! He was ninety yards away from Bernard Fall when the famed correspondent and historian was killed by a Bouncing Betty mine.

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Jacobs gives us edited versions of his letters home, and he omits some entirely. He always tells the reader when he is doing this, but he does not tell us why. Jacobs is a guy who avoided formal education, but he comes from a middle-class family and his father was a World War II veteran and a veterinary doctor.

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Jacobs minces no words about sensitive issues, such as bad commanders and their bad decisions, and the tragic decision to take away Ms and replace them with Ms that often jammed. The Inspector General, for whom I worked, was involved in an investigation about how the M let down the Marines. So when I read how the Marines begged for their Ms back and were denied them, I got teary about the deaths this casued.

Sad stuff, powerfully presented by Jacobs and by his commander who has a letter in the book. It took Rodger Jacobs many years to find himself after that war. Jacobs can be proud of this work of art, too, one of the finest enlisted Marine Corps memoirs I have read. I highly recommend Stained with the Mud of Khe Sanh.