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Rio b Ja lmo do ewp do deiperueaf. EXc, para os devdis eofeits. Dew ards a V. L A duwa nPrra. Antosio do lIg 6arre. U- a tb ramria de aeoads. Se Forerodes Lauria to. ZiaW o Adeltrudes Jayme dia Sitva. CQno 6De swie a unica upiraco dos pab"e do RlA, mea quMaes parau exterqail-os um da atratgia do expellr do. SA aatorlldade civil, li, ale so aima hebaoar o r" Os poe lerses W otafta, qoe no ierior sa. Sogurameote os douinqueoea, contra os q, o Mo va ai, proceder, ale as oesss dona pfr- YUA1.
No Ceari, a excepio ,do Ceareew, que mobre a deaodadameoa ter sabido eomprir a oaa misajo oas impreonsa, esbam ou tro normal sn trove a to- car mesta quest I O etros acesm se ingid ae carro fatal dos moros de o tain. Sper eso quo, mose celeberriwas miseWs, o primeiro empsnbo dos minionaarios 8 mommo- dar ao poor qu e na so ld o a Cearemse, por ser excommoauado, e exeomcnoagaplos que o e- rem I Eoquanto o frado trefego CGaetaoo Ke MeMiaa, aqai, jaotso a goerwno da Regente, pralUea impa.
Ceawea e aarmam tambom o pore contra as autoridadeas. Qual ser o fataroe desta terra, soeo paralyics eoso mover? Joes Bono I Ha bem pooeo tempo Meda, e a proposite de am requerimeanto pars penelo Ai viuva de am dos nown gemeraes, o Sr. Caeias, em rofe- reooi a d am affirmative does se n amav eel c-' legi disse incommodado: Qanodo veremos eie bhoaem fatal f6ra do po- der?
Ah I se o Imperador, mesmoe de long, so lem- brane do qae deve a este paiz I Rio do Janeiro, 25 de novembro do Mnsenhor Plnato de d Canpo. A'mdw agora ites mso smaber o mero de ilter- dicdio com qbe o a. GLispo de Poeumuaeo on. Impeir a nsed dos. No dia egoiolte, veio o Sr. Nao occulto que a mihab besitaleo fW mais tomg. Per- Suntava a mitu mesoso se podia coasideraq-ae do. TaimboB ao desuo do o impreModeua a etr. Moa his aatq- pia A -am mO Ceo ptmas, po to, e preparado tudo qanlo atecodla - aae o: Tat era o meu dosejo de sismptar a soinmu- dade, quoe pergantei so Rev.
Find o aed, ros fe r oeresos radgdfemotos do Sr. Le 9toiqWdeea a ,peMblima. StiiJoa so, dUsei 4ttiro de rewdlter Bo cram A a 0offoam c rel 1e ieow e. Os Goercilos kli oeiaro mkrcbavam a encoelsr-oe ; o patBirm, commandado polo go- oeral Si. Dd 48 a 0 de mot pasw se perava quo as. N "Ma zepobluC a tana edmiravoelmente a c lbeita do fume. A aboerlura do oogreaso partgfiyo tinbs sidJ adiad para o 1tdo e dero, afis do goveroo melhor preparer m projeton quoe oba d apre- seater reiativaroteine aaoCo to Bareiro. Juis i nm tira-e wam tr.
Crnas Al CapB Sr o. Senrido Maeptenro 3 I. Yaclatbo de, Mendona 2r l Dr. Cannlbo, gPravemente ferido, 91reecolb do a case de Loaren- j laechadi, parc onde megxram boU ario Ala- Sia e o delep4do de policia cao Casbot. Um dos mortos era irmao do general Beato IMatlios. Domlaad3 pr iAm pl. Wbi pair- t lH k namal do S. AirrOdtaido k AI araituad adas d. CMpra elIaf o sea Odover. Beaida Barroeto Go- mws, D. Praoisca d4s Nares A! Mauricia Rodrues Cordeio, vnava, corn 80 an0os de idade; em S.
Perdgiao Valbeiro 1, 2. Agostimbo Brdtas I 4. Francico Velp 1, Resende 1, 6 Pernaodo Teixeira 1, 7. DiOgo Vacncellos 1, 8. Gma erqueira 1, 9. Carlo; Peixolo 1,41 Camillo Figoeiredo 1,02 II. Affinso Celno 1, Igsaacio Martins 1, 1W. Lima Dusairte 1, Martiabo Campos 1, Josed Calmoo 1, Cesario Alvim 1, Theophilo Ottoui i4m Joaquim Pedro 1,i83 Campos Carnalho i,li6 No hi mnve etefao nos colleglos de Marianne, S. Bei, Pole Niva, S. Paulo de Morlahd, Coeeeinio, Pemba, S. Roao losD e Antaoes 92 2.
Jo wI iart boilo. Wk v Area do sioiotijo. Fafleaeram a 17 do outebro fiodo, es Cuyab, a Sr. Soe Dias de Barros Ferras a D. Receberam-se oa cdrte os segiotes tlrgram-. Ao ser intimada a pirtaria, membros do partido liberal tirarmn rewolversa e puaiasae, seo- do mIod. Verificouso quo quando o preaideane da ca- mtra fol pars a apuarego ja havia feilo em csa a acts e diplomas, BoB quea exelio 6o vnoss de Por- to dianClm e o ollepo de S.
A maioria effective da camara expe- dio outros diplomas. Noticia a Provincia de S. Paul quae o proloaga. Aastacio de Olveira Paes, e no Ampare, D. Dias Arsaba, irst do vipirio Pinlibro. Coalo d'EWEa e mfstrk0 de imperio effectuaram-se hBte. Cm a med ois dN pratma d: Silver do04ice, do aoa2o. Na primeira destas offlai- on, d Mgegr aairmm dteFa. Metado desal" quefaat frou pura a eaixa economics. Torqpuo Go- to, qae o scompanbon do ugaoot rosaorto: I do lado esquerdo, distaUst 3 eeotttos da NuOaa vetebral e 4 do anglo iiledor do res- pettis omopla0 0 O1 a coemposusao a f.
De odo o qaera fiRa prodo quo o iOm- mado causon intencionalmeaie a mt iWto do cioadi- do coma uan tire de rewolver quo pars esse i0 m levana comsbgo, tendo omn a memsa Inltaio da- do mais tree ou quatro tiros e teolado diparar mals am: Rio, do novon- be doe S tome UII, ooa a A. L em flpsm,ld a ,tO9 S Stole n -tl wm.
Virfltos, Pif Ml n e E r h Sa m8. A' m1 e, I ahetro D. Pedro 11, horn m! IP ,-r a nmo1 a e ra. Aperaslao iaA da eleiio para deptaoos a as- aeSs Igeral: Paeir Fgr-o I Dr. C'cero Dantia Martins 5 Dr. Francieo LJod d Ra toha 6 Dr. Azevsdo Menteiro 7 Dr.
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Marcolino de Moura n Albuquerque 8 C3w. Prancisco Xavier Piato Lima 12 Dr. Pedro Leo Velloso A Aurtiao Pereira de ona. A congregaao da PacouLidade resolve con- demonar a aspw ;. A e'fita mao pVAtb'e M proceddou t apurloq dos votos ptra dpulaSts i aisemblda gnat, e cxpetio diplo s a on. Foi aoeado promoter poMico di com.. Vlagem de oIstrm qoae. Paio, e Sarlt Chburlts.
F ram examinadores o profesor Felix Valais Corrda e a professorial da cadeira. No dia 7, ds'ram eXarmes oa almoos das n- guintes cadoiras: Esets a nnos eae estu- difam todasan materials, ino cotlo uemom o gripn e ponco sabendo de lptUWa soar, eutenlen a eommissbo nada ter a julgar de ditos examsep PO.
Pramcisca dss Cbmagn Rblro W' Oieira. Jot6, regida pal Sri. Tittamift a e pe a n. Tratameoto de cr4ora- ame 0O Oro. Abwuulst im W" ittgm udo, polo Sr. A4U e artigos jocoxos e na yricos, ltudae matremeda per, linlas e interessaureso. Illustrao do BAsM a.
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Sija oal- apreciasis e a figur s quo ese a. Uludiuso acda so ab is- amidst todRsas dodsdes- dto ymveo pab-teaa so iater9ao do am a nfro-a. SQaanJo area capital iluteira so levauta en lato, p-orompe em lagrimas, eacerra suas portas, e Ia- jaza denrepe em cast, no temple, on polas ruoa, exbalaslo doridoas sauipizos, hcompa01ha, assist8 A solemnidades funebreo que a igreja celebra por am ebristfo, ao 6 muito quo so digp: Jaids se pode morrer I SOs effeitos aunsnueam sompre a eaistancia das causes, C Mas porqut a etptosio dese pensamento qu?
Nsea rajscto, sta a cathedral, ura dilvioio Uzia ps bourn militUaes ao rliaio hoada. No contra de amilia e defroaute de. Sloid dos Ajosa da S: Aug soe PAs, emn J. S mm, irer 4do'Vgino a. Aslnf deg sedni-,p e seguoite: Pelo agen Stepple, a rna da Madre-de Dias n. FPauoeftaa DoreeftHms iesoa, pards, Peroambuc, , 35 ano. Pnr-iiii- taebc, aunow, solhiro, S. A's t10 hM a naim prem -Ocm Srs. SPIo lid e ft prvada aa a lda si6 do 4 do corrente. Ba sersauia obre oa preoeboio ds matriuul do tomu'romase Leopoldo Je6 Felipp- ,Jli.
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Advnces in Soil Sciences 10, In: Environmentl nd Experimentl Botny 60, , Mendez, M. Interntionl Journl of Phytoremedition 14 2 , Monterroso, C. Ntionl Acdemies Press, Wshington. Functionl Ecology 10, Oliveir, J. Phytostiliztion potentil of mining res. Geoderm , Prts, J. Journl of Geochemicl Explortion 85, Quentl, L. Contmintion impct mpping nd modelling - Finl Report. Journl of Environmentl Monitoring 1, Rut, J. Industril Crops nd Products 62,.
Geochemistry, minerlogy nd environmentl implictions. Implictions for metl uptke nd productivity of Lolium perenne. Science of the Totl Environment , Sntos, E. Ecotoxicology 18, Sntos, E. Journl of Geochemicl Explortion , Sntos, E. Soil Science 59, Shrm, P. Journl of Plnt Physiology , Roch. Reltionships etween ecotoxicity, soluility nd geochemicl rectivity. Journl of Hzrdous Mterils ,. Nturl ttenution of rsenic, rium nd led, nd geochemicl ehvior of rre erth elements Applied Geochemistry 25, Tng, Y.
Antioxidtive responses in rdish Rphnus stivus L. Anlytic Chimic Act , Tejd, M. Anlyticl Chemistry 51, Tordoff, G. Chemosphere 41, Tornos, F. The Ierin Pyrite Belt. Ore Geology Reviews 28, Trigueros, D. Journl of Geochemicl Explortion , Vlente, T. Science of the Totl Environment 3 , Verdeguer, M. Nturl Product Reserch 6 17 , Wng, X.
Chemosphere 50, Zheljzkov, V. Science of the Totl Environment , Zidne, H. Africn Journl of Biotechnology 12 34 , Zitk, O. Industril Crops Products 32,. These mines re ndoned, except Neves Corvo tht is still operting nd hve different contmintion levels. Soils were chrcterized for ph, NPK nd orgnic C, y clssicl methodologies.
Soils totl frction four cid digestion, nd ville frction extrcted with queous solution of diluted orgnic cids, simulting rizosphere conditions nd plnts shing followed y cid digestion elementl concentrtions, were determined y ICP. Soil-plnt trnsfer nd trnsloction coefficients were clculted.
Principl Components Anlysis in oth wys, the clssicl method nd second pproch with dpttions used mostly in multivrite sttisticl processes control dt, were done in order to compre the plnts popultions. Soils hd lrge heterogeneity in their chrcteristics. Independently of the mine, ville frctions of elements were low. Intr nd inter-popultion vritions in ccumultion nd trnsloction of elements were evluted. Plnts were not ccumultors of the mjority of the nlysed elements. Brncnes soils nd plnts presented strong differences compred to other res.
Cistus ldnifer plnts re le to survive in mining res with polymetllic contmintion t different elements concentrtions in totl nd ville frction. This species presented vritions inter- nd intr-popultions in ccumultion nd trnsloction of chemicl elements, however ll studied popultions, except Brncnes, cn elong to the sme popultion cluster. Inter-popultion vrition on the ccumultion nd trnsloction of potentilly hrmful chemicl elements in Cistus ldnifer L.
Journl of Soil nd Sediments 14,. Although in the mining res cn coexist mny stress fctors for the plnts s, for instnce, high totl concentrtions of chemicl elements in the soil, low ph, low orgnic mtter content, soil wter deficit, comined with high rdition nd ir temperture in summer in mine res from Mediterrnen region, some tilings nd soils developed on mine wstes re nturlly colonized y spontneous vegettion. These plnts popultions usully represent specific ecotypes well dpted to mining conditions constituting communities with smll diversity.
This sru is plstic species tht shows iologicl dpttions, s n efficient system of ntioxidnt enzymes Sntos et l. However, studies involving n nlysis of severl C. Furthermore, the mjority of the studies were prcticlly focused on copper, led nd zinc, nd sometimes As, while the C.
These mines re nowdys ndoned, except Neves Corvo tht is still operting. These mines were exploited in different periods of time, nd the size of the mssive sulfide deposits ws lso different. Brncnes corresponds to copper vein structure. The climte in these mining res is typiclly Mediterrnen chrcterized y long hot nd dry summers, nd winters modertely cold nd wet. The verge nnul rinfll lies etween nd mm INMG, nd occurs mostly in winter nd with n irregulr shpe. These soils were developed on different mine wstes, mixtures in vrile proportions of wstes nd host rocks, eing considered Spolic Technosol Soils re developed on: In ech smpling re, composite smples of soils 3 kg of homogente of, t lest, three tril points were collected in the surrounding of the C.
At the sme time nd in the sme smpling re were lso collected roots nd shoots composed of leves nd twigs of C. Plnt smples represent, s for the soils, composite smples of homogente of t lest three plnts representing popultion of C. Smples chrcteriztion Soils The soil smples were ir-dried, homogenized nd sieved. The sme chemicl elements were nlysed in soil extrctle queous solution tht simulted rizosphere conditions RHIZO solution; Feng et l. Plnts Roots nd shoots smples were wshed with tp wter nd then with distilled wter.
The roots were still sonicted in distilled wter for 30 minutes. Plnt smples were dried 40 C homogenised nd finely ground. Dt nlysis Descriptive sttistics ws performed in the four sets of dt totl concentrtions of chemicl elements in the soils, ville frction of soils, roots nd eril prts of the C. Mesures of centrl tendency nd dispersion were otined. Principl Components Anlysis PCA in two wys the clssicl method nd second pproch with dpttions used mostly in multivrite sttisticl process control dt were done ssuming tht the popultions of vriles re multivrite normlly distriuted.
To ssess multivrite normlity Proility-Proility chrt ws produced to check the tendency of ll vriles together to follow the norml theoreticl curve. In the second pproch insted of rottions of the xis in clssicl PCA, where is tried to mximize the highly correlted dt nd minimize the lowest correltions of dt, it is proposed in this pproch the chnge of the origin of dt to the men. Sometimes it is necessry to chnge the origin of dt to the men more thn once to hve the est fit. The trnsformed vriles re the rtio etween, the difference of the originl vrile nd the men, in numertor, nd the stndrd devition of the originl vrile, in denomintor.
The numer of components ws fitted y cross-vlidtion. Another importnt difference etween the clssicl PCA nd the second pproch PCA is the significnce nd limit of the principl components. Clssicl PCA significnce of principl components determines the numer of principl components until ll the dt re explined. This wy, the numer of principl components corresponds to the numer of vriles. In the second method, the limit nd the significnce of the principl components is sed on the method of cross-vlidtion. The cross-vlidtion method ws V-fold vlidtion. In V-fold cross vlidtion, the dt re divided into v segments, v-1 of which is used to uild up the model nd the rest is used for testing.
This process is repeted for ll possile permuttions of the trining nd testing segments nd the overll Q 2 nd Q 2 V re clculted for the newly dded principl component using the test smples. Given the estimted vlues of Q 2 nd Q 2 V, it is possile to determine, whether principl component is significnt. The reson for the choice of oth methods ws tht the soil nd plnt dt were otined in different mining res with different extrction of ore volumes, which could impct differently the environment.
As ws lredy referred, these mining res hd different periods of mining nd one of them is still in opertion. Clssicl PCA is considered to orgnize vriles in clusters. It is lso importnt to otin the usul interprettions nd tests wht cn e otined with the second pproch. Adding this PCA control process it is expected to extrct more informtion from the dt nd t the sme time, perform qulity control of the dt.
This method is usully otined in the industry to control the qulity of dt produced. Aprt from the clled qulity control tht it is considered necessry ecuse of the diversity of mining res with different ore deposits extrcted in different time periods, it is possile to hve informtion from the predictors nd from the residuls. Predictors correspond to pre-processing the dt nd with it, predict future oservtions, nd in the present cse try to eliminte over representtion of some vriles, merely on the sis of, for instnce, the rnge of dt.
Vriles often hve sustntilly different rnges i. This my hve to do with the units of mesurements or simply the nture of the vriles themselves. However, the numeric rnge of Residuls, on the other hnd, correspond to the properties tht re not cptured y the principl components ut tht cn contin importnt informtion such s outliers. These outliers re oserved in the Hotelling T2 digrm or D- to-model digrm Distnce to the model where moderte outliers re identified. The degree of freedom is given y the difference etween the vriles numer nd the principl components.
At the end, predictions for the PC model plus residul vrince equl the preprocessed dt scled Hill nd Lewicki, The four principl components PC re represented y the lines nd from the ottom line until the first, respectively PC1 to PC4. The groups of vriles tht re correlted with the respective PCs re represented in reltion to the respective lines nd the contriutions re cumultive in the respective digrms. Therefore, the iggest contriution is given y PC1 nd the other re dded to this one. For sttisticl purposes, the results elow the detection limit were ssumed s hlf of the detection limit while for the results over rnge ws considered the limit vlue rnge.
Qulity control of the nlysis ws mde y nlyticl replicte smples, use of certified stndrd solutions nd lortory stndrds t the Activtion Lortories. The ph of the soils cn e considered modertely cid or cid, with vlues elow 4, in res tht uses to receive the influence of cid mine dringe or where soils hve een developed on mine wstes contining sulfides, s is the cse of the mjority of the PIPB mines.
The soils of Brncnes hd the ph in the rnge ecuse the collected smples were developed on host rocks Tle 1. The soils were collected ner the ottom of wste pile, drining directly to the plce. The sme tendency ws not verified for the soil ville frction where the concentrtions of C, Fe, Mg, Mn nd K Tle 3 in the extrctle solutions were mong the highest vlues when compred to the other soils.
The totl concentrtions of the trce elements in the mine soils were high Tle 2 , ut the concentrtions of the sme elements in the soil ville frction were, in generl, low in ll mine res Tle 3. The As, Cu, Fe, P, Mg, Ni nd Zn totl concentrtions in the soils of the studied mines re in the sme rnge thn those reported, y severl uthors, for soils collected from mines of the Ierin Pyrite Belt Areu et l.
In fct, the ccumultion cpcity for elements in C. Considering ll the popultions s cluster, the elements concentrtions in shoots nd roots were not correlted to the concentrtions of the sme elements in soils totl nd ville frction , except for P. For the different mine res, the existence or the sence of this type of correltion vry with soils, plnts nd chemicl elements nd, usully, did not show regulr pttern. The different concentrtions of chemicl elements in the shoots re the result of severl plnt processes, like uptke, ccumultion in roots, trnsloction from roots to shoots nd tolernce In fct, some of the studied plnts showed higher concentrtions of some elements in shoots thn in the soil ville frction.
Although Lousl popultion hd in shoots nd roots similr elements concentrtions compred to the plnts from the other studied mines except for C nd Zn; Figs. The concentrtions of this element in C. The sence of As toxicity in C. Furthermore, the increse of As concentrtion with the leves development from mture to senescent stge in C. Regrding As in plnts in the other mine res, two clusters cn e formed: Plnts from Cveir popultions showed wide rnge of P concentrtions ut most of the vlues were lower thn One of the C. Nickel ws considered s nutrient ecuse this trce element hs possile essentil role in plnt metolism Srivstv nd Gupt , however high Ni concentrtions hve toxic effects.
Brncnes nd Neves Corvo popultions showed the gretest vriility for Ni concentrtion, especilly, for roots Fig. Regrding Mn, plnt popultions from the six studied mine res ehve similrly to nickel. In generl, independently of the popultion, Zn concentrtions in shoots Fig. Cistus ldnifer shoots nd roots collected in different mine res showed wide rnge of concentrtions for the sme chemicl elements Tle 4 eing, in some cses, different from the vlues otined in present study nd for the sme elements Figs.
The differences cn e induced y sesonl nd temporl vritions in plnts nd soils e. The sme vritions were lredy reported for the sme species from IPB mines y severl uthors Areu et l. In generl, this species ws C ccumultor except one smple from Lousl nd other from Neves Corvo while for the Mn plnts presented oth ehviours. Chopin nd Allowy lso reported oth ccumultion ehviours of Zn in C. According to the concentrtions referred in the literture in order to consider plnt s hyperccumultor of specific element Kt-Pendis, , none C.
This order grees with tht reported y Kt Pendis for the mjority of the plnt species, except for Mn nd Ni. The soil to plnt coefficient trnsfer clculted y de l Fuente et l. As for the ccumultion ehviour, vrition inter- nd intr-popultion in the elements trnsloction from roots to shoots ws oserved TrnslC: The sme ehviour ws lso indicted y other uthor for the sme species Areu et l.
Nutrients were minly trnslocted from roots to shoots, independently of popultion, due to their importnt metolic functions TrnslC: Copper retention in the roots of the Although Neves Corvo soils hd low concentrtions of As nd P in totl nd ville frctions Tles 2 nd 3 , plnts from this re trnslocted these non-essentil elements from shoots to roots Trnsloction coefficients of nd for As nd P, respectively.
However, n opposite ehviour of As trnsloction ws oserved y Sntos et l. The Proility-Proility chrt P-P showed tht the sets of vriles tend to the theoreticl curve norml s whole. However, when those re seprted the sme tendency does not occur. The digrms were produced using the elements concentrtions in the soils totl nd ville frctions , nd in the eril prts shoots nd in the roots of the plnts. The est tendency to normlity ws oserved in the P-P digrms of the soils. Even so, certin elements C, Fe nd Ni seem to devite more thn others from tht tendency.
However, the devition is more evident in the P- P digrm for elements concentrtions in roots Fig. Tle 5 represents the summry of the clcultion of the four principl components determined y the prediction model Q 2 cumul with the respective Zn Cu cumultive vrince explntion R 2 X for ll smple type nlysed. Similr groups were identified on the PC1 of soils ville frctions nd plnts, lthough not lwys in the sme sites.
In the cse of the ville frction of the soils, those re more relted with Neves Corvo mine re. Wheres in cse of the plnts those re more relted K Mg with Brncnes mine re. There is strong correltion for Cveir re etween P concentrtion in -1,,,,,,,2 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 the soils ville frction nd in the plnts shoots nd roots.
When oserving individul p1 contriutions not presented , ll smples collected in Cveir re significntly more correlted with P thn with other chemicl elements, with specil contriution of the smple Cv5. The exception is the totl concentrtion of the elements in soils which hve different ehviour. This different ehviour is expected, ecuse totl frction of the elements in soils my not e entirely ville for plnt uptke nd it differs depending on the chemicl element Fig.
PCA predictions for scled preprocessed dt not presented confirm some of the previous oservtions for score xis where P is relted with the Cveir smples. These results were never oserved in previous studies of Brncnes nd Neves Corvo Btist et l. PCA residuls for scled dt not presented show tht distl smples of Neves Corvo, Lousl nd Cveir smples elements concentrtion in the soil ville frctions re relevnt, therefore not included in predictions of the modelled PCs.
Previous studies Areu et l. However, with this set of studied smples nd the comprison etween the six mine sites there is strong difference in the ehviour of smples collected in Brncnes compred with the other smples of soils nd C. Independently of mining re, the high concentrtions of the trce elements in soils did not induce toxicity for C. This species is le to grow in mining res with soils presenting different levels of polymetllic contmintion. Cistus ldnifer presented vritions inter- nd intrpopultions concerning the ccumultion nd trnsloction of chemicl elements.
Whtever the mine re where the plnts grew, nutrients were minly trnslocted from roots to shoots while trce Plnts elonging to the popultions from ll mine res were non-ccumultors of As, Cu, P, Fe nd Ni ut they were C ccumultor. In generl, the totl concentrtions of chemicl elements in shoots nd roots of C. The ehviour of the Brncnes plnts popultion, s well the chemicl elements concentrtions in the soils where these plnts grew, presented strong when compred to the other mine res, oth for soils nd plnts.
Led uptke cpcity of Cistus plnts growing in mining res. Environmentl Geology 55 8 , Btist, M. Journl of Geochemicl Explortion 92, Btist, M. Summry tles updted Septemer, Environmentl Pollution , Freits, H. Environment Interntionl 30, Hill, T. Possile species for plnt-sed soil remedition technologies. Science of the Totl Environment , Mtos, J. Regionl study of the Portuguese Sector. Europen Network of Mining Regions. Science of the Totl Environment , Risvic, H. Chemosphere 50, Zhng, W. Science of the Totl Environment ,.
Although the plnt soil reltionships of some potentilly hzrdous elements e. As, P, Cu nd Zn re known, for other elements lso potentilly hzrdous nd non-essentil this informtion is scrce. However, in soils with multielementl contmintion nd for lndscpe rehilittion processes, these elements should lso e considered. The im of this investigtion ws to evlute the potentil of C. The uptke, ccumultion nd trnsloction of these non-essentil elements nd their influence on the concentrtions of eneficil elements Co, N nd Se nd mjor nutrients were studied.
Elementl concentrtions in the shoots were elow the limit vlues indicted for phytotoxicity nd toxicity for domestic nimls intke. Although the sttisticl negtive influence of Ag, S nd Sr on the concentrtions of the eneficil elements N nd nutrients C nd Fe in roots or shoots hd een otined, no visul symptoms ws oserved in the plnts. Due to its dptility, tolernce nd stndrd plnt ehviours in the three mining res, C.
Cistus ldnifer phytostilizing soils contminted with non-essentil chemicl elements. In ddition, severl mining res hd significnt environmentl impcts relted to the gret volumes of different tilings dispersed irregulrly long the mine res; high totl concentrtions of trce elements in the tilings, soils, sediments nd wters; leching of potentilly hzrdous elements for djcent res y wter or wind erosion; nd low production of iomss nd iodiversity Areu et l.
According to the ove referred uthors, the ndoned mines from IPB hve dditionl environmentl prolems ecuse some of their mine wstes re composed of rective minerls sulfides , which generte cid mine dringe. Nevertheless, other Europen Directives e. In Portugl, few reserch progrms hve een developed on ndoned mines from Portuguese IPB iming to contriute to their environmentl ssessment nd monitoring of the contmintion e.
Mtos nd Mrtins, ; Quentl et l. Wheres ctive mines cn hve efficient procedures of environmentl mngement, the rehilittion progrms of the ndoned mines, generlly focus on pulic sfety. The rehilittion of ndoned mines in the IPB must emrce ecologicl nd economicl pproches. Phytotechnologies re emerging, nd re successful in situ tools to remedite contminted soils due to their lower cost-effective nd environmentl impct s well s esier implementtion in lrger res, compred to conventionl ex situ engineering methods.
At medium-long term, the success of the phytostilistion nd ecologicl succession in the mining res depends on the knowledge of the chrcteristics of spoils nd contminted soils, rhizosphere processes s well s the ehviour of spontneous, utochthones nd pioneer plnts e. These plnt popultions re usully specific ecotypes well dpted to mining conditions metllophytes nd, in Mediterrnen conditions lso to drought nd nutritionl stresses.
The ecologicl ehviour of distinct plnt species from IPB mining res hs een studied y severl uthors e. However, the mjority of the studies in the field with this species Areu et l. As, Cu, P, Zn while for other potentilly hzrdous nd non-essentil elements e. Al, Ag, B, Bi, Se this informtion is scrce. It is lso importnt to emphsize tht the knowledge out the plnt ehviour regrding these chemicl elements, in different sustrt nd mining conditions, is scrce despite of its importnce for the performnce improvement of glol rehilittion progrms.
Independently of the concentrtions of elements in soils, C. Exmples of this dptility mechnisms re: The uptke, ccumultion nd trnsloction of these non-essentil elements, nd their influence on the concentrtions of mjor nutrients nd eneficil elements Co, N nd Se in C. According to Mtos nd Mtins , the mssive sulfide deposits in the three mines were clssified s medium 5 50 Tg eing exploited, pproximtely, in the sme time period.
The modern exploittion strted in the XIXth century Cveir: The mine closures led to socil nd economic degrdtion in the region. These res included representtive soils where C. Soil properties depended on mterils where soils were developed presenting, in generl, ph vlues considered modertely cid or cid, low electricl conductivity except in Lousl nd vrile fertility Tle 1; Sntos et l.
Composite smples of soils nd C. Soil smples were collected in the surrounding of the C. Ech soil smpling 3 kg ws homogente of soil smples from, t lest, three tril points locted round the plnts roots t 20 cm depth. Roots nd shoots smples were wshed with tp wter nd then with distilled wter. The roots were still sonicted in distilled wter for 30 min.
In these smples were determined the concentrtions of the sme elements thn in soils y ICP-MS, fter shing t C nd nitric cid digestion Activtion Lortories, c. Differences etween concentrtions of the elements in roots nd shoots from the sme popultion were nlysed non-prmetriclly using Kruskl Wllis ANOVA y Rnks test. For sttisticl purposes, the results elow the detection limit were ssumed s hlf of the detection limit while for the results in over rnge ws considered the limit vlue of the rnge.
Three coefficients reported y Hung nd Cunninghm , Brook nd Perelmn were clculted to evlute the potentil of C. Soil-plnt trnsfer nd trnsloction coefficients hve een considered s key prmeters of the possile use of plnts for phytostilistion purposes Mendez nd Mier, The trnsloction of n element from roots to shoots ws evluted y the trnsloction coefficient while uptke cpcity ws ssessed y iologicl sorption coefficient. As, Cu, P, Zn , extrcted with the sme queous solution, in soils from the sme mine res Areu et l. For Cd nd Se, no significnt differences mong the three res were oserved for their concentrtions in the soils ville frction.
Chemicl elements in plnts Non-essentil chemicl elements The concentrtions of the studied chemicl elements in the roots nd shoots of the C. Non-essentil elements cn e importnt environmentl contminnts in mining res cusing often phytotoxicity. Besides these fctors, the uptke rte cn lso depend on the soil properties, the rhizosphere effects, the roots system, nd the stge of plnt development Areu et l. Cistus ldnifer ility to uptke the nonessentil elements except for Cd were high, which ccording to Kt-Pendis is not consistent with the tendency oserved for the plnts in generl.
On the contrry, Cd seems to e esily uptke y the C. Aluminium, Ag, B, Bi, Cd nd Sr were stored in roots hving, in the mjority of the plnt smples, higher concentrtions thn in the ville soil frction, ut not higher thn the totl soil concentrtions. Plnt roots cn chnge the ph vlues of the rhizosphere nd exudte compounds tht ffect vilility of the chemicl elements nd their uptke y the plnt Areu et l. Thus, independently of the mine re, the uptke of S seemed e This fct cn suggest the existence of tolernce mechnism Kt-Pendis, The concentrtions of the studied non-essentil elements in the roots of C.
Trnsloction of Al from roots to shoots in C. Interpopultion vriility in the trnsloction ehviour of some non-essentil elements ws lso oserved Tle 7. The heterogeneity in the trnsloction ehviour cn e relted to the plnt ge nd trnspirtion rte of the shrus Pilon- Smits, However, similr concentrtions of non-essentil elements except Cd in the roots nd shoots from the sme popultion were oserved.
Independently of the trnsloction ehviour, concentrtions of the non-essentil elements in the C. Some uthors Kidd et l. Thus, in spite of the intrpopultion vriility of concentrtions of the studied elements in the roots nd shoots of the sme species growing in other contminted nd non-contminted res studied y other uthors Tles 4 nd 5 , they were, in generl, higher thn those otined in the present study. Although concentrtions of Ag nd S in Cveir plnt shoots were not considered phytotoxic for plnts in generl, these elements concentrtions seem to influence negtively C concentrtions Sntos et l.
The clculted vlues of the soil-plnt trnsfer coefficient indicted tht, in the three popultions, the C. Sme result ws reported for Al nd C. In spite of the ccumultion nd trnsloction ehviours of B nd Cd, the concentrtions of these elements in the shoots indicte tht none C. Beneficil chemicl elements Beneficil chemicl elements cn promote the growth or e essentil for some plnt species. However, the function nd concentrtion vry with element nd plnt species Pilon-Smits et l. Some uthors report significnt growth stimultion for some species in presence of N esides its function s osmoticum nd counter-ion during long-distnce trnsport de Vrennes, ; Pilon-Smits et l.
Concentrtions of the eneficil elements in the studied C. The uptke of N nd Se evluted y the iologicl sorption coefficient BAC clcultion in plnts from the three popultions ws strong-intense Tle 6. This fct cn explin the no existence of significnt differences mong the concentrtions of these elements in the roots Tle 4. However, Co concentrtions in the roots showed inter-popultionl vriility Tle 4 , which ws not explined y the Co concentrtions in the soils Tles 2 nd 3 s well s y the differences in the plnts uptke ehviour.
As reported for nutrients Sntos et l. However, the distriution of these elements etween roots nd shoots depended on No cler tendency etween the vriility intr- nd inter-popultion in the shoots nd the concentrtions of elements in the soils totl nd soil ville frction ws oserved. Concerning the plnts trnsloction nd uptke ehviours, for the sme elements, lso no cler tendency ws oserved. The vritions tht cn e oserved in the plnt ehviours cn e relted to plnt response to other elements or to the chemicl elements interctions synergisms or ntgonisms , s well s ecophysiologicl chrcteristics of ech popultion.
In generl, concentrtions of non-essentil elements in the shoots or roots did not influence negtively the concentrtions of the eneficil elements in the sme orgns. Similr interction etween N nd Mn ws lso reported y Kt-Pendis for the plnts in generl. In spite of the reltive smll iomss production nd the slow growth of C.
Although the non-essentil elements cn e trnslocted from the roots to the shoots, the shoots concentrtions re low, elow phytotoxic limit, nd do not pose ny environmentl risk y their intke. Nturl ttenution of the contmintion hs een oserved in the contminted soils of some mining res s consequence of spontneous plnt coloniztion Areu et l. This process is slow nd cn minimize the leching nd spred of contminnts t long-term, ut not lwys t short-term Burgos et l. According to the sme uthors, it is necessry speedy ssisted remedition.
The ddition of mendments, nmely orgnic nd inorgnic wstes, is essentil to promote the germintion, estlishment, coloniztion nd development of the pioneer species, like C. The improvement of the spontneous plnts individul growth cn densify the nturl popultions. In fct, Kidd et l. In gossn mine wstes mended with mixture of orgnic nd inorgnic wstes, the germintion nd development of this species ws significntly improved, without the increse of the mjority of the potentilly hzrdous elements concentrtions in the ville frction nd lechtes Sntos et l.
It hs een oserved microil ctivity increse in the mended gossn wstes with plnt development Sntos et l. In order to self-sustin the phytostilistion, the use of different tolernt nd utochthones plnts species is recommended ecuse they cn perform distinct functionl roles in the hitt. According to the sme uthors, the contminnts cn reduce the growth nd multipliction of Rhizoi nd ffect the steps involved in Leguminose Rhizoium symiosis, wht contriutes to lower N fixtion.
To gurntee similr ecologicl ehviour nd tolernce to the co-existence of vrious stress conditions from mining res, the use of seeds collected in contminted res in phytostilistion progrms of hevily contminted soils is recommended. However, due to its complexity, n ccurte economic evlution of this technology is very difficult. Severl intngile enefits re known, e. The economic vloristion of the improvement of the ecologicl functions nd the identifiction of trget groups, which enefit from the mine rehilittion, is difficult to ssess.
Phytostilistion progrms hve low instlltion nd mintennce costs compred to other remedition options. This technology cn increse the incomes from non-productive contminted soils if ssocited to species with economic vlue Licht nd Isernds, Different options cn e economiclly vile for C. However, it is essentil the ssessment of the environmentl nd pulic sfety risk of these products derived from contminted res. However, the soil ville frctions of non-essentil elements were usully low wht reduce the environmentl risk.
Independently of the mine re nd soil chrcteristics, C. According to the ecophysiologicl ehviours uptke, trnsloction nd ccumultion of this species tht led to the gret uptke nd roots ccumultion of non-essentil elements ut low shoots ccumultion, nd consequently low toxicity for domestic nimls nd even low intke risk, this species cn e considered good choice for phytostilistion.
Furthermore, its potentil economic vlue cn e considerle income for implementtion of this technology. Eds , PHEs, environment nd humn helth: Environmentl Geology 55 8 , Anwr, H. Environmentl Geochemistry nd Helth 33, Btist, M. Journl of Geochemicl Explortion 92,. Geoderm , Brooks, R. Trce element moility nd plnt composition. Journl of Environmentl Mngement , de l Fuente, V. Environment Interntionl 30, Hung, J. Species vrition in led uptke nd trnsloction. Plnt nd Soil , Kidd, P. Chemosphere, 66, Kumpiene, J. Science of the Totl Environment , Licht, L. G Linking phytoremedited pollutnt removl to iomss economic opportunities.
Izd Vish Shk, Moscow. Applied Geochemistry 23, Pilon-Smits E. Science of Totl Environment , Reis, A. Soil nd Sediment Contmintion: An Interntionl Journl 21 2 , Sntos, E. Journl of Soils nd Sediments 14, Sntos, E. Journl of Soils nd Sediments 16 4 , Scnell, Y. Journl of Energy nd Environmentl , Sheorn, V. Interntionl Journl of Soil, Sediment nd Wter 3 2 , rticle 13, 21 pp.. L Nturl stiliztion of mine wste-dumps Evolution of the vegettion cover in distinctive geochemicl nd minerlogicl environments. Journl of Geochemicl Explortion , Wong, M. Trnsloction ehviour of elements ws not cler ccording to the physiologicl importnce of the elements.
No significnt differences were otined etween concentrtions of Chl, totl protein, proline nd cid-solule thiols in shoots collected in oth res, s well s SOD ctivity totl nd specific nd specific CAT ctivity. Lvndul peduncult plnts re le to survive in soils developed on different mine wstes with multielementl contmintion nd low fertility showing no symptoms visile nd physiologicl of phytotoxicity or deficiency. Mutielementl concentrtion nd physiologicl responses of Lvndul peduncult growing in soils developed on different mine wstes.
Over time, the extrction nd processing of the ore produced different mining wstes which were disposed in n uncontrolled nd irregulrly wy in ll the mine res Mtos nd Mrtins, As consequence, significnt environmentl prolems were occurring e. Mining res from PIPB ecome extreme environments where coexist mny stress fctors for the plnts: Although very few species occur only in the specific conditions of the mining res e.
Nonetheless, plnts hve severl ntioxidtive defence responses to scvenge ROS Png et l. This informtion out the interction etween stress fctors, in this cse the multielementl contmintion, nd physiologicl This study imed to: In oth res, L. The climte in these res is typiclly Mediterrnen semirid mesothermic Thornthwite clssifiction.
The smpling res re locted within the mine re where soils re incipient nd were developed on mixtures, in vrile proportions, of different mine wstes nd host rocks eing clssified s Spolic Technosol Toxic IUSS Working Group WRB, Field smpling Severl smpling res six in SD mining re nd three in CP , with 10 m 2 ech, were selected to include representtive soils where L.
The smpling ws done in the spring of April. In ech smpling re, composite smples of soils 3 kg of homogente of, t lest, three tril points were collected in the surrounding of the L. Soils chrcteriztion The soil smples were ir-dried, homogenised, nd sieved. Before the nlysis, shoots were lyophilized, finely grounded nd homogenised. Pigments determintion The ssy ws sed on McKinney V using homogeniser t g for 15 min, nd then these smples were left to mcerte for 2 h t 4 C.