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awakening - Dictionary Definition : theranchhands.com

At a lower intensity of wakefulness, a person may not be aware of this all-pervading spiritual force directly but they may still be able to indirectly sense its effects. One of the signs of spiritual awakening is a sense of aliveness. To the awakened person, there are no such things as inanimate objects. Objects that are biologically alive become more powerfully animate. I kept staring out of the window and just marveling… I could almost see the atoms in everything I looked at. I had the strongest feeling that everything was perfectly okay and perfect in the universe.

It has a quality of bliss or joy in the same way that water has a quality of wetness. As a symptom of spiritual awakening, we sense that the universe is a benevolent place and that harmony and meaning are its fundamental qualities. Finally, this spiritual energy underlies and pervades all things and so creates a sense of connectedness or oneness.

  • Awakening Synonyms and 66 Awakening Antonyms in Awakening Thesaurus.
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  • When God Spoke to Moses: Biography of a Mighty Prophet.
  • 18 Unmistakable Signs and Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening;
  • Awaken Synonyms, Awaken Antonyms | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus.

An awakened person may have the sense that the boundaries between superficially separate and distinct objects have melted away. When we experience spiritual awakenings, one common sign is that our inner life changes. This shift changes us so profoundly that, in a general sense, we feel as if we have a new identity, as if we have been reborn. We do take on a new identity as the wakeful self-system emerges and replaces the old self-system of sleep.

In cases of gradual spiritual awakening, this identity shift happens very slowly, as the old self-system is gradually remolded into a different form. In sudden spiritual awakening experiences the shift is so abrupt and dramatic that many people can pinpoint the exact moment it occurs. With spiritual awakening and enlightenment comes a dramatic reduction of the inner noise of our thought-chatter. In our normal state, this streams through our mind almost constantly — a whirl of associations and images, worries and daydreams that only usually stops when our attention is absorbed in external things.

This thought-chatter is such a normal part of our experience that many of us take it for granted. It disturbs our inner world, giving rise to negative thoughts and emotions. It disconnects us from the essence of our being, constantly reinforces our ego-identity, and strengthens our sense of separateness. Almost all of the awakened individuals I spoke to described similar spiritual awakening symptoms, although with variations. Some people — a small proportion — reported that their minds had become completely quiet, with a complete cessation of thought-chatter.

More typically, though, people reported that there was still some thought activity in their minds but much less than before. Others reported that while thought-chatter was still there although not as much as before , they felt less identified with it. They were able to stand back, observe their thoughts, and let them flow by without becoming immersed in or overly affected by them.

In spiritual awakening and enlightenment, the sense of otherness between us and the world fades away. Separation dissolves into connection. This sense of connection manifests itself in different ways and at different degrees of intensity as one of the signs of spiritual awakening. At the most basic level, a person may feel strongly connected to other human beings, other living beings in general, or to the whole natural world.

A sense of connection to the spiritual force that pervades the whole universe and that forms the essence of our being may occur at higher intensities of wakefulness and is one of the main signs of spiritual awakening. In other words, we may not just be aware of this spiritual force but also feel connected to it.

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  7. At a still higher intensity of spiritual wakefulness, a sense of connection may intensify into a sense of oneness. With this symptom of spiritual awakening, a person may feel that they exist in a state of unity with all things — even that they are all things. They may not just feel that they are one with the world but also that they actually are the world. This sense of connection is closely linked to the high levels of empathy and compassion associated with spiritual awakening. Love stems from a sense of connection and oneness, a sense that you are another person — or other people — and so you belong to them and share their experience.

    Awakened individuals may not live in a state of complete uninterrupted bliss, but they are generally much more content than other people. One major source of this well-being is freedom from the psychological discord that plagues human beings in our sleep state — habitual worry about the future, feelings of negativity about the past, and a general sense of unease. Spiritually awakened people are much less prone to negative states such as boredom, loneliness, and dissatisfaction. The atmosphere of their inner world is less charged with negativity and much more harmonious.

    The feeling of well-being in spiritual awakening is related to a sense of appreciation. In wakefulness, people are more likely to feel a sense of gratitude for their health, freedom, loved ones, and other good things in their lives. In our sleep state, we likely take these things for granted and fail to appreciate their true value.

    Appreciation is an important sign and symptom of spiritual awakening, especially in terms of well-being because it helps free us from wanting. In Buddhist terms , we become free of craving and so free of the psychological suffering this creates. Fear in general decreases in the wakeful state and fear of death is our most fundamental fear. The ego feels especially fragile in the face of death. This decreased fear of death is related to the transcendence of the separate ego — another sign and symptom of spiritual awakening.

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    However, perhaps the main reason why the awakened person loses fear of death is because of a different attitude toward — and understanding of — death. Our consciousness is just the product of brain activity; when our brain stops functioning, our consciousness ceases, too.

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    5. But from the spiritually awakened perspective, reality is more complex than this. The essence of our being transcends our brain and our individual identity. In the sleep state we have a strong tendency to identify ourselves, to give ourselves labels in order to enhance our fragile sense of self. We like to define ourselves in terms of our religion, ethnicity, nationality, and political affiliation, and also by the labels of our careers, achievements, and qualifications.

      Defining ourselves in these ways gives us a sense of belonging, and bolsters our egos. In spiritual awakening experiences this need for identity and belonging fades away. People no longer feel affiliated with any particular religion or nationality, just as they no longer feel defined by their careers or their achievements.

      They no longer feel that they are Americans or Jews or scientists or socialists. They feel that such labels are superficial and meaningless. Another sign of a spiritually awakened individual is that they often have a similar attitude toward different spiritual traditions , too. As a sign of spiritual awakening, they have an open and ecumenical attitude, and they recognize that different traditions are simply expressions of the same underlying truths. As a sign of spiritual awakening, awakened individuals have a wide sense of perspective, a macrocosmic outlook.

      This means that they have a spiritual awareness of the wider impact of their individual actions. For example, they may decide not to buy or use goods that are produced by exploited workers or oppressive regimes. This wide perspective that occurs as a common symptom of spiritual awakening also means that, for spiritually awakened individuals, social or global issues are as real and important as their own personal concerns. This wide sense of perspective has moral implications. As we have seen, awakened people tend to be more ethical and responsible, more compassionate and altruistic.

      Associations to the word «Awakening»

      But awakening also fosters a more all-encompassing and unconditional type of morality. For spiritually awakened individuals, justice and fairness are universal principles that transcend laws or conventions. They may even break laws and potentially sacrifice their own well-being — perhaps even their lives — in order to uphold moral principles.

      In the sleep state, the process of familiarization that switches off our attention to the phenomenal world acts on our conceptual awareness, too. It switches off our attention to things we should ideally feel grateful for.