Hoban has arranged a scatter of apparently separate essays, short stories, poems and sayings in a book meant to do something as well as say something. Together they constitute and reflect a coherent whole. Amusing and intellectually provocative, these stories are intended to benefit readers in their daily lives by providing hidden frameworks for future understanding of the people and circumstances in their lives.
A veteran of multiple substance abuse program staffs, Mary has created an engaging and realistic cast of characters; a composite of chemical dependency counselors she has respected and loved over the years. While quirky and challenged by their own issues, the clinical work and interventions reveal a solid and realistic approach to addiction treatment that is both ethical and effective. Come, join me on my five month journey exploring this frozen jewel!
My tour of duty took me across the South Pacific, New Zealand and to Antarctica, the least visited continent for one of the largest scientific studies ever undertaken. There I experienced adventure and the unspoiled grandeur of nature, as well as crushing tragedy. This workbook is designed to create a sense of competence for new and experienced substance abuse counselors.
It provides information about approaches to facilitation, addressing difficult client behaviors in group, cognitive challenges in early recovery, and is filled with 14 group exercises that the new counselor can adopt immediately. And for veterans who live on guilt can dominate their lives. This book, written by a Vietnam war veteran, gives hope to others by offering inspiring words to help free them from guilts curse.
Casualties were heavy in the last months of the war on both sides. Both sought anyone they could find capable of fighting. He was given the briefest training and sent to Europe as an infantry replacement: This memoir is the story of how he succeeded in fulfilling that challenge, of how he made it through seven and a half months of combat, of how he shared in victory, of the men with whom he fought and what happened to them, told as he remembered it eight years later. It is a story rife with pain and endurance, the lot of the infantryman, a This book is ideal for anyone who is searching for a job, from those who have already been in the workforce to recent college graduates.
No-nonsense and results-driven, this book will give you the information and inspiration you need to become the master of your own destiny and the architect of your own resume. However, no matter what the current economy may indicate, the chance of becoming employed is well within your reach. That is, if you have a effective plan in motion. Now, seasoned senior executive, Bob Braham, draws from decades of experience in both the hiring and job hunting process to give you the roadmap that will lead to a highly desirable position.
Were there specific techniques she had used for the first time? Could those techniques be taught to others? She discovered that yes; she had applied elements that propelled the story to a new level. With this book readers can use these same techniques to enhance their stories and boost their chances of making a sale. Camille Aubry, a certified public accountant, worked hard to build her own firm. At 35, she has a successful practice, a reliable staff, and Stan, a handsome, charismatic boyfriend, who might become that special man in her life. She decides to fight back.
With the help of her best friends Amber and Gabriel and the sleuthing of a mysterious private investigator, Camille pursues every clue. She finally sees her persistence pay off and learns at the same time that what she at first had perceived as a loss is in fact a step to a much better future.
While the authentic mystical path is full of difficulties and demands great discipline, we do have the grace, given to us by God, of a direct and gracious relationship with the Angels. This is known in all the mystical traditions. In the collections of stories called Travels with Ferg , Stephenie Swift Ferguson describes a few of the most memorable adventure trips she and her husband, Professor William E. Ferguson, made during more than six decades of marriage.
Journals, field notes, letters to family members, and photography documented these stories. National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy. Cricket broke up the boredom for daily commuters as they drove home. The poems were gathered from more than one hundred others Carl has saved over the years and those which he wished people to read. He stopped writing poetry in my fifties He is proud of one or two, but less enthused by others.
Carl does not know why he stopped writing poetry, but clearly it was in part because he no longer needed it as a means of expression. Nevertheless, he thinks it worth saving these poems, if only because they are a record of the past. Here, at last, is a comprehensive understanding of Codependency specifically for men.
The story goes through many twists and turns and the reader is continuously pulled along. To be forgiven, the devil is provided the opportunity of living five lives over years to experience five types of alcoholism with a view towards eventually obtaining the means of overcoming this dreaded disease. The breed had been registered in France for many generations and it was thought that the Bichons would readily be accepted for registration by the American Kennel Club.
This was not to be. There would be a long road ahead as there were rules and regulations to follow. It was the meeting of Azalea Gascoigne in Wisconsin and Gertrude Fournier in San Diego, California that made the difference, each with the same goal for the breed. This book is designed to help inexperienced and nervous parents who realize they must provide 50 hours of daylight and 10 hours of night driving in the family car.
On Kauai Wilson meets an Irish-American pediatrician. He later runs into her at the mainland hospital, where his device is being tested. Difficulties with the device persist. Read how Wilson resolves this impasse and reaches a decision about how his life will evolve. Take a journey with Detective Grady Prescott, who is hell-bound to solve a murder that is close to his heart. In this historical murder mystery, Sporleder draws on his experience as a fifth-generation Los Gatan to infuse his writing with a local flavor and history that includes meeting post World War II hobos in Los Gatos and along the California coast.
They lived by their own well-mannered code, picking up jobs from local homes and merchants, all for a chance to ride the rails with a freedom few can imagine. But unexpected violence erupts, and over the next few decades we watch Grady play cat and mouse with a maniacal foe. A thriller that balances the conflict of good versus evil, right versus wrong, and sanity versus madness on a fine grey line.
The diagnosis prompts an unusual reaction from the highly-principled Proffitt. Is it worth an eternity of damnation? A young girl raised in poverty in rural Kentucky finds she has one gift to connect her to the world. That gift is her ability to sing. For the next five decades, performing on stages across the country and in a variety of venues, she observes life at its best and worst. C ollaboration in action. The 16 chapters by 16 contributors draw on research, theory and the work experiences of leaders, university faculty and doctoral students.
To help emerging leaders, team members, team leaders and team consultants understand what they can do to foster collaboration for peak performance, this book begins with a discussion of collaboration- a must for success and ends with how inner and outer fulfillment will lead to self-awareness- a must for collaboration. Regardless of your position, the size of your organization, or the kind of customers you serve, this book is a must read!
Played out against the backdrop of the Chinese Revolution, the life of Shi Ming Hu was one of both unqualified success and soul-shattering heartbreak. From a broad perspective, this is the true story of two lives that were broken apart by the forces that nearly engulfed our world in the mid.
Two young Chinese people, newly married and deeply in love with each other, are suddenly victimized by the bitter struggle for power in China between the Communist and Nationalist forces. A lot of laughs, a few tears, but always entertaining. For centuries folks have gathered around the campfires and told stories of their experiences.
Some tales were true and others were made up on the spot to entertain their rapt listeners. In Short Shorts 'n' Stanzas , are examples of both the real and the imaginative, each told in just a few pages but each with a hook that will make you want to read more. This book tells the intimate story of 11 boys who got together in to fight World War II from the air above the vast Pacific Ocean. The young members of Pilot Frank Jeter's flight crew took their role in defeating the Japanese one mission and one day at a time. They stuck together to face the constant threat of falling out of the sky in war- weary B bombers that lost engines and ran out of fuel at the most inopportune times.
The Jeter Crew's time together wasn't all tragic and sad, however. Brothers at Daybreak also chronicles the Jeter Crew's postwar lives and the enduring bond of brotherhood they never allowed to loosen. Pamela is a poet who has found the beauty, humor, and pathos in the world and is able to convert it into eminently readable—and enjoyable—poetry.
Many of the poems deal with power and control—the ability or inability of the subjects most of the poems deal with characters to affect their world. Transport yourself to this point in time and bear witness to the 7 Utterances of Christ on the Cross. With this booklet, Reverend Marc G. The story of the hardships endured in China, Burma, and India… fighting the Japanese as well as battling snakes, insects, disease, hunger, headhunters, jungles, cruel mountains and bad weather.
But he grew up, he learned, he fought, and he came back home. Now he tells this fascinating tale of his experiences in World War II, set in one of the strangest places on Earth. Drawing on the experiences of love lessons learned the hard way, legendary CrossFit coach Greg Amundson offers insight into the unique relationship between a husband and wife.
Best known for his worldwide CrossFit Goal Setting Course and extensive Law Enforcement career, Greg now opens his heart on the mistakes he made during his marriage. Relive the compelling case of a dog named Tony, court ordered to be euthanized in Clifton, Arizona. This was the story that shocked the world and raised public outcry over judicial murder and how breed specific prejudice has gone too far. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to The Lexus Project, a legal defence fund for all dog breeds. There are no perfect people here.
These characters are you and me trying to make sense of things - good and bad - coming up with a Plan B when life gets messy. One early reader said she would walk across continents to get to this book. These whimsical stories transformed her, made her believe once again in the true beauty and playfulness of life. Historical - Holocaust, History: Eighteen-year-old Sasha flees from the Nazi-occupied Dubno ghetto days before the mobile killing squads of the SS massacre the remaining Jewish inhabitants.
Close calls, unexpected challenges, and hair-raising encounters punctuate each day on the run. Meeting no other Jews, he fears he may be the only Jew still alive in Europe. The stories and conclusions he expressed are matters of personal opinions, not necessarily fact, and are no way intended to be hurtful to any individual or group. Numerous photos and documents were provided by Jackson and placed into this book with his supervision and approval. You are not Codependent simply because your adult child is an addict or alcoholic.
All parents of addicted children of any age or terrified, confused, feel out of control, lose sleep, dread the phone calls at 3: This book is for parents who are Afraid to Let Go because they do not know how to set boundaries with their adult children without feeling crippling anxiety, or walling themselves off to make separation possible.
Come along with the Raging, Flaming Goat of Samos for a turbulent trip of personal transformation. But beware — things get awfully hot! The legend continues to spread via the internet. This novel is based on a true story about the warmhearted rescue of three youngsters who were abandoned by their mother and subsequently raised by strangers. Read of their adventures with the families who found them and how these families devoted their lives to protecting them.
Two stories about couples who struggle to find their way to love and fulfillment. This is a story of a traditional couple who, with their three young children, became caught up in the social politics of poverty and racism, the counterculture movement and spiritual awakening of the sixties and early seventies. Their unique and audacious journey began in Dallas. This book is more, much more, than a memoir. It provides thoughtful and penetrating glimpses from their wanderings in Europe and community development work in the newly independent nation of Kenya to a more in depth involvement in the social, political, and counterculture storm that tore through America.
It is the story about how these events changed and shaped their lives and brought them to their homestead on Sunshine Mountain. Sgarlato describes an improvement in hallus valgus correction and discusses advancements in correction of lesser MP joint dysplasias, in addition to many other important surgical procedures. Mentoring in Higher Education: Best Practices focuses on models of effective mentoring that can be used for staff development and also what administrators and faculty can do to work effectively with diverse student populations in order to promote high levels of student academic success.
This book describes the significance of best mentoring practices in academic institutions and is designed as a resource for boards and presidents, chancellors, faculty, affirmative action officers, administrators of mentoring programs, academic affairs officers, student counselors, and participants in mentoring programs. No one who grew up during the Depression deserved to suffer children who belonged both to the Baby Boom and X generations, but William and Joan Gallagher did, and did they suffer.
How these two fine, moral people produced children who committed larceny, engaged in strange sex, used cremated remains as confetti and got haircuts at the Port Authority Bus Terminal is beyond explanation.
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Christian Gallagher joins Superior Bodies, a shabby, poorly run gym whose only attractions are that it is owned and operated by gay lovers and is five blocks away from his house. I became quite entranced with how deeply Parisian life manifested itself on these benches. Thus it came to me how those very mundane benches are truly monuments, unmarked though they may be by any plaque or guide book. True story of a 10 year-old child who survived alone during the Nazi invasioin of Hungary. A factual recollection of the events just as they happened.
Thanks to this wanderlust, he eventually traveled his way to and through! He used every form of transportation that was available. Read stories told by James in his own colorful, interesting and extremely personal style. As a combat veteran, of the Vietnam War, Clyde also suffers from PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and understands the debilitating effects and the struggle many veterans experience with this terrible disorder.
This cookbook is a collection of everyday vegetarian recipes based on the culinary traditions of Bhojpur region of India. The recipes presented here are simple, wholesome, and full of flavor. Some may find them nostalgic Leadership, Personal Growth - Success, Education: This is hard to believe when in many respects we have come so far. But statistics do not lie and women still earn only seventy cents to each dollar a man earns.
Despite the high levels of education women obtain, we still only hold a very small percentage of senior executive positions. These are personal reflections on universal themes such as concern about being good enough, worry about disappointing others, and facing failures. Each reflection provides an intimate glimpse of the nature of change as it unfolds in a real and true experience of life. The purpose of this book is to present an accurate and comprehensive picture of the development of the tennis racket from its beginning to the mid's.
Development of the tennis racket is as interesting as the development of the game itself, which has been studied extensively by many authorities and students of the game. One can gain insight into the game itself by studying the transformations the racket has undergone. Reimagining and reclaiming the Garden of Eden by creating and co creating in conjunction with the powers and patterns of Nature.
This book is a step-by-step guide to creating your own self-sustaining eco system, including basic principles, design, plant list, and extensive resource appendixes. An invaluable resource to anyone seeking economic independence and balance. Alan is a graduate of Grinnell College and Syracuse University. He worked for the federal government in New York, Chicago and San Francisco, and was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley where he also served three terms on the city council.
Eleanor Thompson had determined at age 12 that she would fly. Once privy to her story, no reader will question that she and the other brave women of the WASP deserved the Congressional Gold Medal, which they finally received in This book is a must-read for every modern manager and team member.
It details practical and immediately applicable steps you can use today to successfully reduce workplace conflict. Whether the conflict in your workplace has arisen due to culture, gender, generational, personality style, or just plain stressed out and overworked employees, Dr. She then walks you through simple steps to resolve the conflict quickly and easily. Each overcomes adversity to achieve inner awareness through personal journeys.
Michael Hamilton, successful San Francisco advertising executive, has his world shattered when he becomes a casualty of the California recession. He faces a bleak future—unemployed, despondent and alone. To pull himself together he must overcome emotional obstacles and accept a broader, unconventional vision of reality. A secret mentor will guide him. Eric Anderson and his boyhood friends find adventure, and danger, in unexpected places. The prairie offers Eric and his friends the freedom to go anywhere and do almost anything, a freedom seldom found anywhere else.
Welcome to the Chang Fury saga features issues one through eight plus the prologue issue with a new extended beginning. Will Chang Lee give into his fury to save his true love and defeat Dark Karma, or will it consume and prevent him from a successful rescue?
Editorial Reviews
A story about Dakota pioneers who lived in the Wild West before the turn of the 20th century. A dream of land of their own was realized by homesteaders who traveled westward to the unbroken prairies of Dakota Territory, known as South Dakota and North Dakota. Four different worlds collide on this windswept land.
Native Americans, cattlemen, sheepmen and homesteaders all try to fit their way of life onto the broad expanse of prairie that rose up from the Missouri River and her surrounding tributaries. This book is about spiritual awakening and unlocking the secret of creation that exists within the sacred spaces of our being. Written in visionary fiction style in which the protagonist's, Radha, quest to know her identity in the cosmic set up of things, she sets off a chain of events which would lead her to the deepest corners and, eventually, put her at the edge of mind.
Thus begins a mystical journey too adventurous to even think, as the answers began to come in the most inexplicable way, defying logic yet standing as facts. Will a simple Native American retain his belief that all Two-Hairs are evil, or will he come to realize that there are good and bad in all peoples?
The good try to follow God as they understand him to be. In this book I try to balance politics and the Farmers Union with a love affair that I have with my family that now includes grandchildren and great-grandchildren as they grow up to find their place in this world.
Come with me on my travels as we visit five continents and interact with the living and explore the ancient past. This is a handbook for parents with at-risk kids. It discusses risky behavior that kids engage in. Drug involvement, gang activity, trauma, and sexual abuse are some of the most pressing problems facing parents today.
Some helpful tips on how to recognize sex offenders and how to protect your children are offered. Anxiety and possible causes are explored as well. Parenting resources are made available. There is also a helpful section with child and parent activities. This book covers a wide range of issues.
JoAn finds a new name and her true identity after coming full circle; reinventing herself through courage and curiosity, and discovering that, yes, there is life after divorce. Like peeling away the layers of an onion, this 21st-Century western saga draws upon the vaquero, Basque and Shoshone traditions to add texture to a story of betrayal and regeneration. Burning can be passionate or corrosive or destructive, but it is always full-force.
Gorgeous things are more than beautiful; they seem flawed or even ugly at first, because the new is always dissonant, always strange. The marshal job is a fun position and like all jobs it has its good points and not so good points A Golf Marshal's Chronicles recounts actual hilarious events that happened on the golf courses Chuck has marshaled. Some names have been changed to protect the innocent but the stories are real.
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It may seem hard to believe these humorous events did happen and just like they say in Las Vegas Love Your Man Like You Love Your Dog challenges women to look at the loving relationships they have with their dogs and extend equal kindness, devotion and understanding to the men in their lives. Instead, it illustrates how unconditional love is an attainable goal, one they already share with their dogs. It is a wake-up call for meaningful change, with instructions included. During his travelse met gangsters, con artists, a variety of playboys and playgirls.
Italy beckoned because of a beautiful, actress and model whom he married. Thena series of commercials—a stepping stone to feature films. Locations took him to interesting places such as a slave market in Marrakech, through an avalanche in Switzerland, and he survived a mob in Yugoslavia. But when the Dolce Vita ended Art, among other expat actors, headed for California. Lee Ann offers us a window into her own world. Despite the physical limitations of living through a severe, repeatedly undiagnosed case of polio in infancy, many medical calamities, and the ramifications of living with a progressing physical disability, Lee Ann has not lived in a limited way.
Insightful and authentic, she shares her life story and spiritual unfolding from a metaphysical perspective in hopes of inspiring others to look beyond the surface of their own life experience to a deeper, sacred level that makes sense out of chaos and creates a joy-filled, peaceful life. A portion of the proceeds from this book is donated to: Canine Companions for Independence. Useful Tips when moving into a Smaller Home.
The task involved going through items collected through the years and identifying what to keep and what to give away. Immigrant families from Europe purchased land in the rolling hills of the knob region of Central Kentucky, and through hard work and determination carved out productive farmland. Jerry Zwahlen, a lifetime resident of Ottenheim and a fourth generation descendant of an original immigrant, has put together this book which will bring back memories. Ottenheim descendants and others have shared their personal photos, postcards and memories to preserve the rich heritage of Ottenheim.
Over Photos and postcards. All profits are donated to Immanuel Lutheran Church and St. In the short span of nine months, the same time period required for birth, Beverly Kalinin nurses her sick husband and attends him lovingly in his dying. Painful mourning follows and she discovers a startling fact—that people grieve as they have lived.
Alone on the Yellow Brick Road is a sensitively written memoir of love, life, death, grief, and moving on. Three Young Professionals match wits with the Corrupt and Powerful Computer software engineers Myron and Jack, along with Sandra, an aspiring art collector, find themselves suddenly and unjustly out of work. Myron, Jack, and Sandra, with the help of Mr. Trelliston, set into action a daring mission that spans the United States, then crosses the Atlantic into Europe, and on into Greece—and in the process discover a determined and daring new side of themselves Action, Romance, Intrigue, Adventure.
He is reeling from a failed marriage and a neglected social life. He remains very close to his two coming-of-age teenage daughters even though they get into trouble in school and out, and it doesn't help that his ex-wife, has long carried a distaste for his parenting style Eminently non-conforming, cynical, and alienated from his previous circle of friends, Walter decides to rekindle his neglected social life.
He ventures out—a night which marks the beginning of a surprising series of events. This is a book of short stories: They might make you laugh, cry, and at times leave you wondering. Our Men will be home when the job is done Not a minute before Where did the FAT go? Join Cathy and find out how she went from size 22 to size 6 petite. With great wit and colorful anecdotes Cathy shares her experience from beginning to end.
I was a 49 year old woman who weighed over lbs and was considered to be morbidly obese. No sugar coating there. My mother likes to tell the story of how I wore a size 6X until I was twelve years old! As a matter of fact, I had a rather good figure up until I was about 21 years old. Who knows what happened to change everything. On my 50th birthday I was in Maui and weighed lbs. It was just 12 days short of my one year anniversary since having gastric bypass surgery. Arriving in Europe, I began a quest to transform myself into a Frenchman.
While working the fields during wine harvest, waiting tables, clerking and cutting lumber, I took up studies at the University of Dijon. I crossed paths with gypsies, con artists, and drug dealers. I also found friends and lovers who showed me new ways of seeing the world. This book is dedicated to those who would like to decode the hymns of Rig-Veda and understand the scientific principles hidden. The Rishis, in a state of super-consciousness, observed the laws of nature and its underlying scientific principles. They presented the observations in hymns with simple words but deep in meaning.
I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture. Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds. An easy to read and use guide to understanding and healing painful events from your past, using Thought Field Therapy TFT with complete instructions for using a non-drug, non-invasive, non-cognitive, safe technique to eliminate overwhelming upset in the context of a complete approach to mending the aftermath of horrific life and death experiences.
This book gives you step-by-step instructions to activate meridian treatment points by tapping on the points with your fingertips. A Safe, effective, and fast relief from overwhelming emotional distress and pain. This book reflects moments, experiences, and issues in black society. Cataloged in the written word of poetry, it explores character flaws and inspires ambitions from teens to adults. Louis Martini, the son of immigrant Italian family grows up in a small California beach town during the depression, joins the armed forces near the end of WWII, goes to college, raises a family, has a successful career This book illustrates his realities of life as they occurred.
Global Energy is a rapid, ever-rising river that we have not been able to control. It will show why the conventional wisdom for solving our energy problems has not been working. You will understand why alternative energy sources have limitations that go beyond technology. All proceeds from this book are donated to Bridging the Gap Africa. West Pokot is an area barely touched by the print of modern man, where the people live as their ancestors did for eons.
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This story begins with the love of two people, sweethearts from their youth, adventurers from their souls with a relentless quiet inward call that beckons them to reach out to others. They came to Africa to help build a bridge—one of many. Esther's story takes place over a period of one year and focuses on her life in transition after the death of her husband— her struggles adapting to the French way of life: Stories based on actual events They were the dregs, the last manpower left to fight the closing days of World War II. They were the cast-offs of service commands, the Air Force rejects, the college boys the Army had hoarded until then in the Army Specialized Training Program, the year-olds just old enough to be drafted, but not to buy a drink.
With inadequate and hasty training these infantry replacements were rushed overseas to fill the gaps in the frontline left by unexpected casualties. Tthe Army had miscalculated. The war had gone on longer than planned; new bodies were needed immediately. And by their presence they brought the war in Europe to a close; they created a peace, they began a new world—a world bright with hope yet stained by the past. An inspiring and adventurous true story of two people who fell in love with an island and it's secluded wilderness, off the west coast of Canada.
Scorpio - Born Again and Again
Carolyn and Robbie Begg left behind the comfort of their urban life in California for the peacefulness of nature that grabbed and wrapped around them. The two of them cleared the land, sawed the lumber, built a home—and in the process found what it was to live among the animals, trees, sea, solitude, and the love of God's wilderness.

This is a great book about living in a wild, beautiful environment. This book is based on participatory observations stretched over a period of more than 5 years. A general introduction of Chinese language and one child policy is given to start with relatively more familiar preconceptions of Chinese culture, prevalent among people outside China. Then the subject matter moves on to the introduction of research locale, enabling the reader to grasp basic demographic picture of the area. The book systematically reveals the origin, cultural practices and belief system of Tujia people, related to each phase of life.
Case studies are also used to complement beliefs. This organization of the book has the potential to engage the reader from the very beginning by starting with the most familiar notions and gradually moving on to specific ethnic group. Contemporary viewpoints are discussed parallel to the findings of the current study. Color photos and images throughout the book. This book presents a realistic portrait of what really went on in the Navy bases and ships. For those who served in the military, this book nails the experience in touching, sometimes painful, and sometimes humorous echoes of our past.
For those who never served, this book accurately portrays the transition of young men from peacetime mid-western quiet life to wartime Pacific Islands during WWII. JFK even makes an appearance at one point. However, as time goes by and the situation worsens, he must adjust to reality. With resilience, he learns to live as normally as possible within his close-knit family, surrounded by the havoc of war.
In difficult times, people show their best or worst behavior. Friendships are made, strained, or lost. Pierre experiences all these, but never loses hope during the four long years separating the first day of invasion to the day of liberation. In our search for the perfect place we discovered, purely by accident, that there are numerous affordable villas for rent in the hills along the Mediterranean coast But knowing little of the language and even less of the culture, will they find bliss—or the Bastille—as they attempt to live among the French?
A must read for those of you interested in the pros and cons of villa rentals—whether your preference is Provence, Tuscany, or any other destination. His mode of travel consisted of whatever was available broken-down buses, ships that should have been junked years prior, backs of motor-bikes, and just plain backpacking. A man of wit and perception, he brings to life the people of Africa, the wide gaps between poverty and wealth, and gives vivid descriptions of cities, jungles and wild animals he viewed on his great adventure.
All profits from the sale of this book are being donated to charities. This book offers a book of support for survivors who are women of color and from diverse cultural backgrounds. Shirley's book of daily readings cover a range of experiences, emotions and feelings that survivors of childhood sexual abuse, incest and rape grapple with in the aftermath of the deep violation of sexual abuse from their childhoods that weave heavily into their adult lives. A surviver herself, she gives us a view that shows daily the post-traumatic stress experiences of survivors who queston every aspect of their psyches and who are on a journey of personal healing.
A Life of Memories and Surprises Margaret enjoyed writing this book because it helped her live her life a second time around. It brought back so many memories, the good ones and even the bad ones. She is thankful that the good Lord blessed her with so many wonderful people in her life.
She learned through her mistakes.
She shared many happy years with loved ones who will always hold a special place in her heart Go West and grow up with the country. LaVerne Brookover Uhte's story begins with her ancestor's 17 week voyage in from Europe to the British colonies in America. When the ship that carried Jacob Brookover from the land of his birth sailed into Chesapeake Bay, he found himself alone in a strange land at the age of sixteen.
LaVerne tells how succeeding generations spread out in all directions from the eastern seaboard to the Pacific Ocean, and goes on to write about her eighty-five years, living through a time of accelerated cultural changes. Sheila White shows by example how any woman can fight for her rights in the workplace. She describes what her life was like working in the railroad yards of Tennessee, how she learned to stand up for herself and how she helped the legal system defend her from the discrimination, retaliation, and humiliation she experienced over the years.
We must not take this type of abuse in the workplace or anywhere else! Throughout the process Sheila shows us that taking charge is not easy nor a fast process; it takes a lot of patience, but it can be done. After reading this book you will understand how she defended herself and in the process helped open the door for all working women. A Night in Odessa tells the riveting story of Erika, a young German woman, and Michael, a Russian cardiologist, and their prohibited love in former East Germany.
What would be a light-hearted love story under democracy turns into a dangerous and chilling tale under communism. California, Odessa, and Dubrovnik are colorful stopovers in this fascinating, fast-paced novel. Award winning author, Ursula H. Meier, weaves a tale full of plot twists that surprise, enthrall, and delight. This collection of short stories and whimsical drawings inspire the reader to discover meaning amid the loves and losses of growing up, growing old, and all the events in between. By taking this book in hand, you will create time for a personal retreat with the exquisite beauty of nature as you host.
The reward, the splendor of grateful living, is priceless. Woven of Water immerses the reader in a mirrored landscape of inner and outer beauty. Luisa Adams' years of retreating for a month of solitude at an enchanted lake have yielded a sensitive collection of compelling stories and deep reflective insights. Her commitment inspires the reader to connect to nature, time, and daily life with fresh eyes and refreshed perspective on what truly matters.
September begins a year of intense training and long hours at Walter Reed in Washington, D. Tension and excitement grip the city and the crowded hospital. In the title poem, 'The Shadow of a Dog I Can't Forget' a woman, married for only sixty days, deals with feelings of melancholy by inventing a mysterious dog only she can see. In this carefully crafted world of runaways, mystical goddesses, happy strippers, and Marilyn Monroe returned to us to comment on her life being auctioned away, the poet's words nag at us the way only a great seduction can By the time we are done you will also know how to run the projector, score a baseball game, play a decent game of chess, give a speech in front of the class, and how to type a book report.
Ray Robertson was a man of many talents, but sitting still was not one of them. He will be remembered best as a businessman perhaps — an entrepreneur who had so much faith in success itself that he was able to take on new business ventures in some cases with no prior experience , and by recreating himself, make them work. She had been imploring him for ages to write his memoirs so his kids and grandkids would know more about their roots. With nothing else to do and with a nagging wife ever present, Ray finally got to work and produced his biography.
It was done roughly, with many asides and flashbacks. As such, I am publishing my recollections in several volumes. Use the " Click to Purchase " link to access to our secure order form. A Ranger, Pure and Simple - Edition. Culture Inside the Company and Outside the Country. A workbook containing legal documents for anyone turning 18 years of age or older. Vazquez was raised in a Texas Barrio. Vazquez details his Civil Rights involvement with iconic figures such as Dr. JSS focuses on the single homeless person; who they are, and the local government roadblocks they encounter.
The book also has suggestions for what a responsible citizen can do for those who have the very least. This book about his career and his comrades in the ranger ranks and some of their experiences and passions. The book also includes sections on wildlife, search and rescue, weather, evolution of modern, and some not-so-modern equipment used by rangers. Chris Packham has written this high level motivational book that will transform you into the person you were designed to become. By appearance alone, you would think twenty-three year old Mitch Baker has it all — smart, good looking, witty, athletic — but you too would be deceived.
Mitch is that volatile workmate, risk-taking friend, class-disturbing clown, irresponsible son, and major screw up. How do you defeat the enemy when the enemy is you? Most contemporary Personal Developement authors and teachers credit this little book for providing foundation to their principles. It is a set of philosophical musings on the power of our thoughts.
Earl Nightingale, widely regarded as the father of modern day personal development, in his best-selling recording, called the ideas in this book, "The Strangest Secret". The secret, he said, is "we become what we think about". You are what you think. Og Mandino counted "As a Man Thinketh" among the top ten success books of all time--read it today and put its wisdom to work for you!
Download Success Bundle Now. Think and Grow Rich. The Top Selling Success Book of all-time!! Cited by many present day success teachers as the book that got them started. This is the original and complete version reproduced for eBook readers. Here are money-making secets that can change your life. Inspired by Andrew Carnegie's magic formula for success, this book will teach you the secrets that will bring you a fortune. It will show you not only what to do, but how to do it. Once you learn and apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success.
And you may have whatever you want in life. Art of War For more than two thousand years, Sun-tzu's The Art of War has provided leaders with essential advice on battlefield tactics and management strategies. An elemental part of Chinese culture, it has also become a touchstone for the Western struggle for survival A lucid epigrammatic text that reveals as much about human psychology, politics, and economics as it does about battlefield strategy. The Roman emperor and second-century Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius discusses life, morality, duty, and community. Originally entitled "To Himself", the work did not surface until the fourth century, shows a spirit attuned to both the particulars of human destiny and the vast patterns which underlie it.
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day. One of the first "self-help" books ever written, Readers who begin this book with the question: This classic personal time-management book originally published in has inspired generations of men and women to live deliberate lives. Not just another collection of timesaving tips, this book is more of a challenge to leave behind mundane everyday concerns, focus on pursuing one's true desires, and live the fullest possible life. Reflection, concentration, and study techniques make it easier to accomplish more truly rewarding undertakings than anyone ever dreamed possible.
The Analysis of Mind. One of Russell's most important and interesting books which reconciles the materialistic tendency of psychology with the anti-materialistic tendency of physics. All of his ideas are clearly stated and made more apparent with the use of simple illustrations. He covers all aspects of what we presently call our mind and allows us to judge for ourselves the relative importance of each aspect.
While this work is older than 80 years, I find it quite amazing that the physiological evidence to his interpretations of the mind is only now becoming apparent The work has been given in the form of lectures both in London and Peking, and one lecture, that on Desire, has been published in the Athenaeum. Within You is The Power. It was around the early 's that Henry Thomas Hamblin began to write.