In the sci-fi series Lexx , the main characters go through much of the second season unaware that an enemy they defeated earlier is still alive. The villain, Mantrid, rebuilds himself, takes an army of simple-minded floating robot drones, and destroys much of the "Light Zone," one of two parallel universes. The heroes eventually stop him, but soon afterwards, the entire universe collapses in on itself.
The main characters and their ship, the Lexx are spit out as interstellar debris into the "Dark Zone," the second universe. One episode of Big Wolf on Campus has hero Tommy Dawkins prevent the end of the world by winning a wrestling match against a demon. Occurs during the Timeskip between seasons 16 and 17 of Power Rangers. The entire biosphere has been destroyed globally , except for a single city fighting for survival. The History Channel ran the "documentary," Life After People , which speculates on what would happen to the Earth if humans suddenly disappeared The Event was apparently so horrible that it seems to have imposed a near-universal amnesia about life before it, and anyone who tries to think about it is reduced to hysterics.
There's also the live broadcast of the Invasion of the Earth by an unknown but vastly powerful extraterrestrial aggressor. Odyssey 5 begins with the destruction of Earth; our heroes are then sent back in time to try and stop it. A few notable examples follow. If the Goa'uld had ever attacked Earth with ships in orbit, at least before Season Five or so, they could have used orbital bombardment to conquer or destroy Earth civilization with impunity. The SGC prevented that with guerrilla tactics, alliances with other enemies of the Goa'uld, and sheer luck.
The Replicators, a Grey Goo made up of Lego-sized pieces that acted like a Horde of Alien Locusts , could have consumed and overrun Earth if they ever got a foothold on it, but they never did. Throughout the series, numerous Goa'uld plots or other misused alien technology could have caused Earth Shattering Kabooms all by themselves. The Top Gear special, Top Gear Apocalypse showed what would happen to motoring after the end of the world via a nuclear holocaust. In The Shannara Chronicles , Amberle has visions from a large tree, the Ellcrys, that warn her that unless she acts, demons will devastate everything and kill every living being besides themselves.
What would happen if the AI wins or the US destroys technology to stop it. They don't accurately reflect ANY title , let alone this one. To the point that even Michael Stipe isn't entirely sure of the official lyrics , and he wrote them. The second one, Mechanical Animals has this in "The Last Day On Earth", but the world doesn't actually end in-album it's a prequel to Antichrist Superstar and there's a song after it. Happens in Food for the Gods by Fireaxe. The first time around it's a class 3a, 4, 5, 6, X, or X-2 it's not explicitly stated at the end of On Earth as it is in Hell.
Then in Cold and Dark Infinity'', God completely loses it , and obliterates all of creation in an angry rage, resulting in a Class Z.
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The hardcore punk wave was also called "no future" punk, as the fear of an imminent nuclear holocaust, or environmental destruction was a common theme. The primitive-sounding percussion implying it's being sung After the End , weird lyrics and Tom Waits's voice make for one very creepy song.
There were no screams. There was no time. The mountain called Monkey had spoken. There was only fire. Your world will fail my love It's far beyond repair Your world will fail And you all and the love You must run for you life. The Book of Revelation from The Bible , which serves as the inspiration for the Left Behind books and any Christian end-times related fiction. The infamous phenomenon which inspired the film of the same name , in which according to some, the world would actually end on December 21, , as that's when the Mayan calendar's supposed to end, even though the Mayans themselves actually didn't.
In actuality, the Mayans, like many cultures, believe in the concept of cyclical time. When she denies the world will end in , Penn snarks "Ah, what does she know? Days like today make me glad that I already stopped the moon from crashing last year! Play Majora's Mask today, you owe it to yourself! The Day the Saucers Came , by Neil Gaiman almost parodies this, describing how every possible apocalypse happens on the same day. Alien Invasion , Zombie Apocalypse , Ragnarok to name just the ones that get their own verses.
Society, particularly industrialized society, begins to collapse one month later, as food production and utilities break down. The Gathering , has suffered no less than several apocalypses: The Brothers' War the entire face of the planet shattered, two thousand years of ice and snow.
The Phyrexian Invasion the greater part of the world's population slaughtered by demonic invaders. Karona's apocalypse all magic in the world briefly extinguished. The "Time Spiral" crisis was an attempt to keep the entire plane from folding in on itself in the wake of these and various other huge magical events- an apocalypse caused by having too many apocalypses, and this doesn't count near-apocalypses like the end of the Thran War.
It's a wonder the old rock's still holding together. The Melting of the Iceage was its own apocalypse, and the world exploded at least three times during the Invasion Cycle. And that's to say nothing of the other planes we've visited since Invasion, where each one has had at the very least one world-ending event, if not two or three, in addition to the general world-wide-war situation most of them are in. Mirrodin features a Zombie Apocalypse in the Scars of Mirrodin block wherein all the people of Mirrodin are slowly infected with The Virus and become the aforementioned demonic invaders' descendants.
Rise of the Eldrazi. In artificial planes, the lack of someone to focus on keeping the plane stable causes the plane to collapse. This happened to Serra's Realm, when coupled with the presence of a Phyrexian in a white-mana realm. Inverted in Innistard, where the End of the World as we know it was the return of the angel Avacyn, thereby putting the world closer to the way it was before we ever saw it. There are actually cards that let you "destroy all X". When you get to a high enough level, you can kill gods and wipe out entire planes of existence The defining trait of the D20 setting DragonMech is that this is going on right now , with the friggin' moon descending on the planet , complete with a perpetual meteor bombardment and the gods being attacked by the lunar gods.
Well, this is one defining trait, the other being Instant Awesome: Warhammer 40, 's The Imperium has a policy to bring this about, on a single world, through Exterminatus. It's usually done with cyclonic torpedoes or the result of a virus bombing with what's left over in the latter usually being set on fire , or sometimes other, more exotic means. Normally done when a world is considered to not be worth the manpower or resources in taking it, or when the inhabitants of an established planet, or the planet itself is considered beyond redemption.
This is considered to be crossing the Godzilla Threshold in-universe, though it still happens pretty frequently. Also, this is technically not as bad as other examples, since you could on paper escape, and there are at least a million worlds out there; but it's still a loss typically in the millions or billions of lives. This is also what happens when certain other entities arrive on the world.
Tyranids making landfall on a world can mean a swift, bitter war; and if they aren't pushed back, they'll eat everything down to the bedrock to get all the organic matter before moving on to the next world. A single plague zombie getting on the surface of a world can be disastrous.
Certain Necron dynasties are known for sterilizing conquered worlds. A particularly bad daemonic incursion can end with all mortal life being butchered or the world being swallowed into a warp storm. Dozens of ways, really. On the grander scale, the universe is entering the eleventh millennium of the ongoing end of the Galaxy. As the Imperium is considered to be the only real contender against most galactic threats, and it's been steadily failing by inches, as well as being the main force fighting most enemies simultaneously.
The only reason it's lasted this long is because most of the bringers of the end are as happy to fight each other as humanity. Chaos wants to engulf the galaxy, Orks and Necrons both want to climb to the top and kill or subjugate everything left standing, the Tyranids want to eat everything, and the Eldar fear the last war against Chaos will be starting sooner than they predicted.
The end of the End Times event for Warhammer involved the complete obliteration of the Warhammer world to make way for Warhammer: This what mostly likely will happen if the Titans win in Scion The Crapsack World of BattleTech ends and restarts just to meet another horrible end several times, including the fall of the Terran Alliance , the fall of the Star League the closest thing to a golden age Battletech has ever had , the Word of Blake Jihad, and the destruction of the HPG communications network and subsequent "Dark Age.
Well, there's Gehenna from Vampire: The Masquerade , when the Antediluvians rise from their slumber, run roughshod over the earth and devour their vampiric children. And then there's the Ba'ali, who believe a different set of Eldritch Abominations will rise, the so-called 'Children' who existed before God created light and who will surely destroy all of mankind should they ever wake up.
To prevent this, the Ba'ali commit as many utterly depraved acts as possible in the name of the Children, in an attempt to ensure they don't realise how relatively nice the World of Darkness is and come to remake things in their image.
The End of the World as We Know It
And then there's the Apocalypse from duh Werewolf: The Apocalypse , the final battle against the Wyrm and his corruptive forces. The Ascension featured a somewhat optimistic end of the world in its endgame, where all of mankind Awakens at once and the constraints on reality are lifted as everyone becomes a god unto themselves. Unless the 4th apocalyptic scenario is used, where the Nephandi win and bring hell on earth.
The Dreaming has the overhanging threat of Endless Winter, a time when imagination, belief and hope are all but gone and the world of the fae slowly withers and dies. The Oblivion ended the line with the Sixth Great Maelstrom, where a harrowing wind tore through the Shadowlands as Oblivion ran roughshod and Stygia fell.
Orpheus let the players explore the aftermath New World of Darkness: One of the supplement books, Mirrors , provides various possible scenarios to handle a campaign involving the end of the World, as well as the consquences it would have on all the supernatural inhabitants. The Drowning has it as part of its premise: Exalted has several factions planning their own, most notably The Fair Folk who don't like order very much and the Neverborn who don't like anything very much. The "Return Of The Scarlett Empress" book details the actual bringing about of the End of the World as We Know It at the hands of the Yozi, who actually like lots of things, but prefer them crushed under their rule , particularly the Ebon Dragon who deeply hates absolutely everything on a personal basis.
Unknown Armies has an interesting take on this. The world will end when the number of the Invisible Clergy hits ; once it ends, the Clergy members and the Archetypes they embody get to have their say in how the next world is shaped, the Clergy is emptied, and the whole process starts again. In other words, the current incarnation of the world shapes the next, for good or ill.
It's insinuated that this has happened several times before; the Comte de Saint-Germain is always present because he embodies The First and Last Man — the first human born in the new world and the final person to ascend to the Clergy. The Shadowrun setting may or may not be wiped out by the Horrors, depending on how soon they break through into reality and whether technology gives more of an advantage to them or us.
Oh, and whether or not your game master acknowledges that Earthdawn ever happened. In the backstory of the Towers Of Hanoi puzzle a legend is told of a temple with 64 golden disks; when the priests manage to relocate the tower in accordance with the rules of the puzzle, the world will cease to exist.
As for the authenticity of the legend, The Other Wiki cautiously states that "it is not clear whether Lucas invented this legend or was inspired by it. The survivors of the Fall have spread throughout the solar system. The End Of The World by Fantasy Flight Games allows players to experience the apocalypse from its beginning where they live, with themselves serving as the player characters. Preventing this is the fundamental point of Arkham Horror.
Should you fail to stop the arrival of the eldritch god, it razes the city as you fight it back, and defeating it doesn't actually stop it. Additionally, beating it in combat means you don't win the game, you and the eldritch god tie as the rules state. Defeating it means it still had time to bulldoze the city and destroy a lot of the world.
Should you fail, which is a definite option in this game, this trope is essentially played straight. The Others is essentially about the world being on the brink of destruction every day by the spontaneous appearance of monsters on a regular basis, and should you fail to stop it during your mission, the Sins of the Apocalypse will rise up and demolish the city before taking down the world. Finale ends this way, with the gamma radiation from a nearby galaxy causing earth to become inhabitable. Tribulation Trail is entirely devoted to this.
Destroy the Godmodder has a more limited example. The entire community the server in the first game, every minecraftian ever in the second ragequits permanently, leaving the target server or Minecraft completely desolate and devoid of activity. Tiberian Sun was unique in that its last missions were essentially a race against time before everything changed. Kane has completed his World Altering Missile, which will turn all life into Tiberium based life, and there is only three hours left till it is fired.
The Super Robot Wars Alpha sub-series's finale had several endings that involved trying to stop the death of all sentient life in the universe. The worst one involved the embodiment of life and rebirth going nuts and using its Wave Motion Gun at the party The end of Chapter 4 in Bravely Second has the heroes arrive just too late to stop the Kaiser's plan: He escapes into the Holy Pillar bringing Agnes with him, but not before destroying the Moon, which kills all of Magnolia's allies, plunges the world into an eternal night, and since the Moon was the only line of defense against Ba'als, they invade Luxendarc, replacing all random encounters, with NPCs in every town going from panicking to being resigned to their fate.
Good thing the player has a Reset Button and Yew is quick to recommend they use it. If there's too much war and conflict, she destroys the world, angry that the dark god has been freed and that Lehran hasn't been able to fulfill his promise. However, the galdr of release freeing Yune prevents her from doing this and she turns almost everyone into stone statues, preparing to rebuild the world anew. Even the villains get a few cracks at saving the world in a bit of Destiny subversion a certain arc shows you what would happen if you fulfill your potential as a Destined One and take over the world — there'll be no world left to take over.
You then have to thwart Big Bad Lord Recluse in the future to convince the present Recluse not to go through with the plan Treasure of the Rudra followed this pattern of extinction of races about 5 times before the game actually begins; Every 4, years, a being called Rudra kills off the current race and creates a new one.
This turns out to be a plan established by Mitra: Creator of the world in order to create a race that can defeat invaders from destroying the world in the first place when she is defeated or unable to do her duty. The Second Story the main antagonist plans on erasing the universe by causing the Big Crunch. His plan goes through anyway even after you defeat him. And in Star Ocean: In Novalogic 's F Lightning II, the last campaign has a collection of military and political extremist groups contesting the last Ukrainian election, with the intended result of re-creating the USSR.
In the second to last mission US, Russian, Israeli, British and such intelligence have assured that even if they take a nuclear silo, they cannot reconfigure a new launch code. Now, not only have they taken one, but they have reconfigured the launch codes. Russian attempts to initiate self-destruct have failed.
Their KGB sources no longer answer their phones. The world is only minutes from a nuclear holocaust. The Halos in the Halo series are weapons designed to wipe out all sentient life in the galaxy, i. Commander Keen had to prevent this a couple of times in the classic platform-game series by Apogee.

His first game-series was titled The Earth Explodes , and he had to prevent the mind controlled Vorticons — who were being manipulated by his Evil Counterpart — from doing just that. The sequel, 'Goodbye Galaxy', upped the ante as suggested. The next series was supposed to be about him preventing the end of the entire universe , but at that point, Apogee was running out of money, and he only got enough funding to save his babysitter. In the second game it is in fact possible to blow up the earth by 'accident' by flipping the switch on one of the Death Rays before disabling it, leading to a Nonstandard Game Over.
In The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask , a falling moon threatens to wipe out the world of Termina. In most other games in the series, the villain's only trying to rule the world. Stated at the very end of The Legend of Zelda: Death Mountain suffers from an everlasting winter, the swamp region is always flooded, constant earthquakes have torn the land apart, and the kingdom is overrun with monsters. Without the Triforce, Lorule would eventually be destroyed. A Similar event occurs in Dark Cloud 2: The being who is the true identity of the assumed Big Bad is the one who has invoked and is responsible for stopping the Star of Oblivion from falling.
Would have been the fate of the world in three of Drakengard 's Multiple Endings if not for the intervention of the protagonists. The protagonists get a glimpse what will happen to the multiverse if they fail when they visit a place called "The End of the World. The current setting of Kingdom Hearts is actually the aftermath of a world ending scenario known as "the Keyblade War".
The many worlds were originally one single world, bathed in the light of Kingdom Hearts.
The End of the World as We Know It - TV Tropes
People began to fight over the power of Kingdom Hearts, and their conflict destroyed the original world. The next generation were able to reshape the world, creating the smaller ones we know today. They actually succeed in destroying the Sammer Guys' Kingdom — almost while the heroes are still in it. In Live A Live You are actually given the option to end all of existence by your own hands just by selecting the Armageddon option!
Every Shin Megami Tensei game including the spinoffs deals with this in some fashion or another.
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In one of those spinoffs, Persona 3 , the Main Character is explicitly told from the start that "the End" is coming soon. If he chooses, he can delay it a couple of months and have it come without knowing it's coming. Or, he can go out fighting, but it's ultimately portrayed as futile. And then you win. In the original Shin Megami Tensei I , halfway through the game, civilization is destroyed in a nuclear war.
You and your companions are spared by being transported to the demons' realm, but when you return a few decades later, the world remains devastated as demons roam free and the forces of Gaia and Messiah wage war. Then Messiah floods Tokyo for good measure. Nocturne or Lucifer's Call , the world ends after the first hour of gameplay and you spend the rest of the game rebuilding it while not getting ganked by the Demons who roam freely now. And the True Demon Ending involves ending everything in order to destroy Heaven.
In Digital Devil Saga , another spinoff, not only does the world of the Junkyard end at the end of the game , but the real world that you end up in was half destroyed five years ago, and starts disintegrating into the sun halfway through the game. Your goal is to stop it. In Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey the Schwarzwelt swallows Earth in a few seconds if you die. With a black hole for irony. There's a free online flash game Pandemic and its sequel Pandemic 2 in which the player assumes control over a disease by spending evolution points on symptoms like fever or making the disease transmitted by air.
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The goal is to kill every single human on earth. Its Spiritual Successor Plague Inc. It also includes some non-standard world-ending scenarios, such as humanity devolving to Neanderthals. This is at least part of the villain's plan in almost every Final Fantasy game. Subverted in Final Fantasy VI , wherein the Big Bad , Kefka, actually succeeds in destroying the world , despite your best efforts otherwise. You watch as countless NPCs are killed as their land is ripped apart, and the world map is left permanently scarred. The rest of the game is spent trying to get revenge because you failed the first time around and trying to break his tyrannical grip on what's left of society.
In Final Fantasy X this is subverted towards the end, as the protagonists try to end the "eternal spiral of death" that had the entire world in it's grip for a thousand years, bringing the End of the World as We Know It. In Final Fantasy X-2 , the world is recovering from the confusion left after the removal of the Corrupt Church.
It's played straight with the original creation of Sin, which turned a futuristic cyber world into a society of villages outlawing the use of machines and advances technology. It really doesn't help that the avatar Bahamut thinks that the best way to prevent this is to wipe out all sentient life on Vana'diel. They ultimately do change the future And as such, the sequel, Lightning Returns: Lightning's task is to save as many souls as she can to bring into the new world that shall be created. The moon turns out to be an ancient Allagan construct designed to seal the elder primal, Bahamut.
Once the moon breaks apart, Bahamut razes all of Eorzea with his fiery and destructive powers. Bahamut could have easily caused total global destruction, but thanks to Louisox intervening, the damage was reduced to just within Eorzea itself. In Chrono Trigger , the driving point of the game is to prevent Lavos from destroying the world in AD. The 'present' year in the game is And that one of the time periods you eventually find yourself is AD, thus providing the player a playable Post-Apocalypse.
Also, after a boss battle, the magical kingdom of Zeal does a Colony Drop where the entire floating continent falls from the sky. The resulting destruction including a huge tidal wave destroys everything, leaving a small handful of survivors in the world. This apocalypse is also indirectly caused by Lavos. In Mass Effect , Shepard's mission is to prevent the End of the Galaxy As We Know it at the hands of Saren, whose ship is in reality an AI known as Sovereign, a representative of an ancient race of sentient machines AIs who are responsible for bringing about the destruction of all sentient organic life in the galaxy every 50, years or so.
In Mass Effect 3 , this happens in the first ten minutes of the game. At the end of Mass Effect 3 , all of the endings have shades of this, though with an optimistic outlook for the future. Except for the Refusal option, where the Reapers ultimately succeed in harvesting the current galactic civilization, and the minimal-EMS "Destroy" ending, where the activation of the Crucible causes the mass relays to overload and cause widespread damage throughout the galaxy.
Terranigma kinda reversed it. The world has already ended from the start of the game and it's then the job of the Hero to starts the world again. Then he takes on the task of keeping it from ending again , much to the consternation of the god he's been taking orders from the whole time. All 4 games in the Guild Wars series involve a looming threat that will destroy the world if the player characters don't stop it. The first game Prophecies twists the trope by having you discover at the end just in time to be able to do something about it that you've been duped by the Big Bad , and all your actions have been helping to bring the end of the world, instead of averting it.
The next two Factions and Nightfall play the trope straight. The fourth Eye of the North subverts it at the end, when a cutscene seen by the players but not the characters hints that you didn't actually kill the Big Bad , and something end-of-the-world-ish is still going to happen anyway. Word of God has confirmed this interpretation in pre-release information about Guild Wars 2.
In World of Goo — and this meets the original definition of sheer — the world becomes incompatible with its inhabitants, like software , when it's upgraded into three dimensions. Super Mario Galaxy has one, but purely by accident and is not a part of Bowser's plan, but ignoring the programming of the game, it would have happened anyway whether he defeats Mario or not, because he unwittingly puts his plan above his own safety. After beating Bowser for the final time, one of the suns around his galaxy reactor implodes, causing a huge chain reaction that creates a massive super black hole that begins to suck up everything in the universe.
This is the end of the universe as they know it! All the Lumas throw themselves into the black hole to stop the destruction in a Heroic Sacrifice. Avalon Code has this as its premise. The world is going to get destroyed, and your job is to collect well, scan them by hitting them with the book It turns out that this particular end is happening too soon, due to Werner and Olly's meddling.
He does anyway when Lucas pulls the final needle, but in the finale you find that most if not all of the good characters survived, presumably to be reborn into the next world. Several of these in the Wing Commander series. In Wing Commander III , one of the missions is to shoot down missiles carrying biowarfare warheads that would render a planet uninhabitable by humans for centuries. Also the fate of Earth in the losing scenarios of the game, though just hinted at with a Terminator 2 -esque scene of a Kilrathi boot crushing a human skull.
From the same game there's also the more literal world-enders of the Behemoth and the Temblor Bomb. Believed to be the fate of humanity by Tolwyn in Wing Commander IV , without his plan to shape humanity into a race focused on killing, as enacted by the Black Lance. The novel ''Fleet Action'' , by William Forstchen, not only has the Earth threatened with orbital bombardment by "dirty" nukes averted by a Big Damn Heroes moment , but actually kills off two colonies in orbit around Sirius by that manner, on the way to Earth.
In Armored Core for Answer , it's implied that the main character wiped out the rest of humanity on ending C. Other paths to humankind's extinction exist in the game as well The Resistance series on the PS3 features The Virus systematically conquering and assimilating humanity in an alternate history setting. This is the goal of everyone in Ar tonelico II: There are two different Assimilation Plots: Ascension halfway through the game and Sublimation at the end.
You yourself almost destroy the known world when you screw up singing Metafalica early in the game, and at the end you have to destroy half of it in order to reveal the Very Definitely Final Dungeon. The Elder Scrolls In the series' mythology, Alduin, the draconic Beast of the Apocalypse , provides a very literal example of the trope. It is repeatedly stated that Alduin, as the World-Eater, is not going to erase all of Creation from existence; he is "merely" going to destroy the current incarnation of the world so that a new one can take its place.
This Eternal Recurrence is his divine mandate. As Alduin is embodiment of the end of the world itself, he can only manifest his full power when it is time to actually end the world, at which point he becomes a titanic monster with divine power even beyond that of the Daedric Princes. As an Omnicidal Maniac of the highest regard, he seeks the utter destruction of Mundus, the mortal world.
Worse still, in The Seven Fights of the Aldudagga , it is implied that Alduin originally cursed Dagon into this state as a form of Ironic Hell as a punishment for hiding parts of earlier kalpas from him: I take away your ability to jump and jump and jump and doom you to [the void] where you will not be able to leave except for auspicious days long between one and another and even so only through hard, hard work. And it will be this way, my little corner cutter, until you have destroyed all that in the world which you have stolen from earlier kalpas, which is to say probably never at all!
In the end, it is revealed that the Holy Grail has been turned into an Artifact of Doom that will grant all wishes as destruction , and continuously spew out evil on a scale that threatens the entire human race. Gilgamesh's "sword", which he calls Ea, is said to have the capacity to end all life on Earth, effectively destroying the world. Gilgamesh never uses that much power though Word of God states that if Gilgamesh ever actually tried to do that, he would fail: Shikkoku no Sharnoth nearly has an end of the world situation when Sharnoth overwrites the real world for a brief time.
In Rewrite , the world is at risk of undergoing the Song of Salvation and having humanity wiped out. It has happened before. In Muv-Luv Unlimited , all of the endings result in this. College Roomies from Hell!!! Don't be fooled by the early years; the "from Hell" part is quite literal. In The Wotch , Anne actually laughs at Xaos when he reveals that he wants to use her to destroy all worlds , claiming she is "not sure [he] thought this diabolical plan all the way through. Other dimensions shown in the series have visited have faced similar threats.
On a couple occasions the main characters have helped save these other worlds; on a couple other occasions, they're actually the ones responsible directly or indirectly for the destruction of the human race. Tom Siddell described City Face a Gunnerkrigg Court interim comic as "a story of how love can save the world. City Face is a pigeon, and Gunnerkrigg fairies are So how seriously one is supposed to take this is questionable at best.
Averting this trope is the main reason Order of the Stick have been struggling to foil Xykon and Redcloak. May turn out to be a subversion, as recent revelations suggest there's more to the Snarl's prison than both good and bad guys have been led to believe. Homestuck features a benign-looking computer game that turns out to summon the end of the world. In a unique variation, this is how the story begins, and rather than being the result of a villain's meddling, it is a natural part in a multi-universal circle of life.
Not that that makes it any less disconcerting to see messages from the people left behind on Earth. The Earth Explodes is the name of a web comic where after each strip the world explodes, well, the final comic in the collection is always a picture of the planet exploding. Exactly What It Says on the Tin , can be read here. Far Out There opens with Trigger being trained from birth to prevent this. It turns out to be completely unnecessary Avatar was also created with this in mind. In Endstone , Jon tried to do this. Given the hints of a Lotus-Eater Machine , this may not mean he's a complete monster.
In Sinfest , God starts this, changes his mind, and rewinds. The premise of the whole comic is that the balance of all things has been upset and thus everything is slowly going down the drain. If the Witch isn't stopped, she'll exterminate all living things with her magic. The Last Airbender , in the first episode of the four-part series finale Aang learns that if he doesn't stop the Firelord before Sozin's Comet, that Ozai will go on an Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe genocide, obliterating every race in the world except the firebenders.
And the worst part is that he's more than capable of doing that. January 29, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway. There's a problem loading this menu right now.
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