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First breast cancer diagnosis, had lumpectomy and needed to go back in again to gain clean margin so 2 surgeries. Second breast cancer diagnosis, another lumpectomy in same breast, same scar. Third breast cancer diagnosis, lumpectomy, back in again for clean margin 2 surgeries Then radiation completed to breast. Sentinel node tested scar in armpit area. Full Hysterectomy -cut horizontally so much for re-attaching stomach muscles! Emergency Appendectomy begged to have it laparoscopically to save stomach muscles as much as I could.

Also, re-opened sentinel node scar both sides back muscle scars and mastectomy Exchange surgery to take place, date TBD and whatever else is needed for this current diagnosis. So, as I sit with my husband watching a TV series while recuperating from the mastectomy which happens to include a hot sex scene, I began to cry. Yes, the girl was probably half my age but it still made me think back.

Did I ever believe my body would have gone thru so much making me feel like it looked like a battle field? Between the scars on the outside, the hormonal affects inside, I am not the same woman I used to be. How could one not be sad? In addition to feeling a little sorry for myself, I feel so sorry for my husband. He is my rock and I know I could never have done any of this without his forever love.

But in the almost 39 years of marriage, many of them have had a variety of post-surgery care needed. He has emptied more surgical drains than most partners might make dinner!

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Would you like us to take another look at this review? He had never mentioned having any surgeries so I was quite surprised to see this. When I asked him about it, he let me know that he had been stabbed in that area during a fight when he was 18 years old he was now in his 50s. Naturally, the area had started forming scar tissue after the injury and the removal of his stitches. I started to vigorously work on the area with acupuncture, moxibustion and topical treatments with essential oils. Within the next month, his digestion started to regulate and the lower abdominal pain disappeared.

One of the most unusual cases Salvador has treated was a young, emaciated high school girl who came to our clinic wearing a feeding tube. She had not been able to eat anything for many months and had lost a considerable amount of weight and strength. Once a vital athlete, this young woman came to the clinic looking like skin and bones, and a feeding tube was required for her to receive any form of nutrition since she would vomit anything she tried to eat and digest naturally.

Her doctors were at a loss for the cause of this problem and upon finding no clinical reason for her disorder, she was referred for psychiatric evaluation. After ruling out anorexia and other psychiatric disorders, she came to our clinic hoping to find an answer to why she suddenly developed the inability to eat at the young age of 17 years. During her first visit, Salvador learned she had received surgery for an intestinal obstruction as a very young child.

Upon examining her abdomen, Salvador found two very deep, large scars along the upper part of her abdomen.

Annabel Du Boulay

He suspected these scars to be the cause of her problem, and her history confirmed this. Over time, the scar tissue in her abdomen began binding up her small intestine. At some point the binding became so severe that it blocked her ability to ingest food entirely.