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We can be disappointed with our emotional weaknesses or our lack of abilities, talents, or strengths. There are times we may become discouraged in the way we handle relationships or our inability to get the right job or our lack of discipline. A woman is never at a loss for ways to be down on herself.

In fact, we are champs at beating ourselves up mentally over past choices or mistakes. Let me assure you, if you struggle in this area, you are definitely not alone. The good news is God works through both our strengths and our weaknesses for a greater purpose. Disappointment with Others It is probably safe to say that someone has let you down at some point in your life. The fact is, even the noblest of people will disappoint us, because we are all human and we are all sinners.

Friends will frustrate us, in-laws will annoy us, coworkers will anger us, and neighbors will be unkind to us. If you think you are the only person in the world who has been wounded by another person, think again. People have been causing pain to others since the beginning of time remember Cain and Abel? Will we allow them to grow into bitterness and resentment, or will we live in the realm of grace, forbearance, and forgiveness? Loneliness can be a by-product of our disappointment with people. It can develop as a result of our own choice to distance ourselves from a hurtful person, or it could be a result of someone distancing herself from us.

You may have trouble connecting with people because you have been hurt in the past, or perhaps you have a tendency to be critical of others. Loneliness can be excruciating at times, yet God can comfort us in our loneliness through his presence and through his people. He can also use our loneliness as a catalyst to help us reach out to others and draw closer to God. Disappointment with Circumstances Do you feel like life is not exactly blowing you kisses?

Circumstances beyond your control may have turned your seemingly happy life into a completely different scenario. A debilitating injury, a devastating hurricane, an unexpected layoff, an unplanned pregnancy, a cancer diagnosis, bankruptcy, addiction, divorce—all can lead us into lives we did not plan. Financial disappointments can be a constant source of frustration and pain. You may feel as though you will never get back on your feet again, or you may feel frustrated because you are not living at the level you always thought you would.

Thrive, Don’t Simply Survive: Passionately Live the Life You Didn’t Plan

Although life seems unfair and unpredictable, I want to reassure you it is also full of potential and possibilities. The path you are on right now may not be fun or glamorous, but God can give you strength day by day as you move toward the hope ahead of you. Disappointment with Religion If you are disillusioned by established religion, you are a part of an increasing number of individuals, both Christian and non-Christian alike. The authentic church based on the foundation of Jesus Christ is a beautiful thing.

Unfortunately, many have been hurt by religiosity, whether it was a bad experience in a church, a not-so-faithful minister, or cruel students at a Christian school. Gossip, cliques, or judgmental spirits can also cause disillusionment with religion in general. As we take our focus off religion and put it back on Jesus, we begin to see the glory and goodness of his sincere love. Disappointment with God You prayed and prayed, and no clear answer seemed to come. Or worse, you prayed fervently, passionately, ceaselessly.

You thought God loved you and would take care of you, but your life fell apart. Disappointment with God comes in many different forms. Usually it brings with it a fair amount of guilt as the Enemy whispers in your ear, How could you give up on God? What kind of person are you anyway? Believe it or not, some of our greatest Christian leaders have had moments of doubt or disillusionment.

As we walk through this book together, I hope you will experience God in a new and fresh way. He can pick up the broken pieces of your life. Understanding why he allowed something in your life will not change the reality of who he is and what he can do through your circumstances. Although we may not be able to envision the end result, God has a plan that goes far beyond what we can see. Throughout this book, you will read stories about women just like you and me who have weathered the storms of change in their lives.

In every story I hope you will see the hand of God carrying her along through her difficulties and leading her to new possibilities. Yes, God can use the twists and turns in our lives to lead us on a new journey. He may have a greater, eternal purpose that we cannot understand right now, and we may not fully comprehend it until we see Jesus face to face. The question is, are we willing to trust God and believe that he will bring blessings out of our pain? Will we trust him to design a new life that may be more beautiful than we ever imagined? Or will we settle for mere survival, or—maybe even less than survival—will we fall into discouragement, bitterness, and frustration?

Hope in God can turn disappointments into appointments to trust God. Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. Encouragement from the weeping prophet! But I think you will be encouraged too. As Jeremiah grieved over the destruction of Jerusalem, he turned his eyes toward the day-to-day faithfulness of the Lord. The thought of my suffering and homelessness is bitter beyond words. I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the LORD never ends!

His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the LORD.

  1. Where Are They Now? - Portsmouth FC.
  2. After Eden.
  3. Thrive, Don't Simply Survive.

Cry out to him for help, and trust his faithfulness to get you through one day at a time. Not one of us has been guaranteed a perfectly happy life. We may be called to persevere through trials and be patient in tribulation, but God can still bring hope. The truth is, our hearts long for a lovely and happy life. We long for heaven. One of my favorite passages in the Bible is found in the book of Nehemiah. Their hearts moved toward repentance as they opened their hearts to God. It is not a joy brought on by our circumstances or by people; it is a deeper joy that comes from the Lord.

I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! Life may not always be happy, but the joy of the Lord can always be our strength.

  • Passionately Live the Life You Didn't Plan;
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  • Hope and joy are two words that seem to be woven into the life of Corrie ten Boom. All stages of life bring new challenges and for some they are major obstacles wh Disappointments come to each of us in a variety of ways. All stages of life bring new challenges and for some they are major obstacles while for others they are just small setbacks.

    For either scenario you will find encouragement and a new perspective from this book. At different times this book can read as a self-help, a friend talking to a friend or a biography. At the end of each chapter there is a guideline with the main points, a Scripture passage, prayer, and plan. This "Stepping Forward' section made it easy for me to use as a devotional rather than just a book to read. I recommend this book to any woman who wants a positive look at life. Sep 10, Wendi rated it it was amazing.

    This is a wonderfully uplifting book for anyone who has experienced disappointment in areas of their life or expectations. We make plans, and dream about our future, and sometimes these plans and dreams work out, and sometimes they don't. The author explains that there are seven common areas where women experience disappointment I have a feeling that men do too: She provides examples and information on each area.

    Karol Ladd has written a book that gives readers hope. She stresses that we are in control of our outlook and that we need to embrace the unexpected changes in our life and find good in them. She goes even farther to help readers see how to accomplish this. If you or someone you know is struggling with their circumstances in life, pick up a copy of this book. It will provide hope, guidance and skills to help you thrive in your life, not just survive it. The book includes an introduction to the book, and three main sections: Live Passionately Your confident stride, Healthy connections, Life is not a spectator sport, Strength of soul.

    See a Problem?

    The book also includes a conclusion, leader's guide and discussion questions. Each chapter begins with information and examples that pertain to the topic. The reader will find both real-life and Biblical-life examples throughout the chapter, as well as passages from the Bible. One of my all-time favorite stories from the Bible is the story of Ruth, the Moabite priestess who married a Jewish man. Shortly after her marriage, her husband dies and she and her mother-in-law are left alone without an income.

    The author shows how the women maintain their faith in God, and how they take control of a bad situation and thrive. There is a recap at the end of each chapter called "Stepping Forward" that provides a quick recap of the chapter, an uplifting passage from the Bible, a Prayer, and a plan to help the reader put what they just learned into practice.

    The book is easy to read, and thanks to the examples and stories that are shared, it is easy to relate to. This will be a very helpful and uplifting book for anyone who is realizing that life didn't turn out exactly as they expected it to, and for those who are disappointed in the life they currently have. Karol Ladd not only shows you that it is possible to thrive in the life God has given you, but she gives you the tools to do it!

    Feb 23, Howard Books added it. The best-selling author of The Power of a Positive series--whose books have sold more than , copies--returns with an outstanding guide to living with passion and joy, even when life doesn't turn out as planned. Apr 14, Amy rated it it was amazing. If you need something to move you or make you understand points in life that go over your head, this will help! I buying a few for Christmas presents. This is book touched me, I hope it does the same for you. Feb 06, Wendy rated it really liked it.

    Thrive, Don't Simply Survive: Passionately Live the Life You Didn't Plan by Karol Ladd

    This was a very good Bible study that I read with a friend. Thrive, Don't Simply Survive: Life is unpredictable and often doesn't turn out as we'd planned. The things that matter most to us -- marriages, children, careers, families, and friends -- sometimes fall apart and leave us only with deflated dreams.

    1. Thrive, Don't Simply Survive | Book by Karol Ladd | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster?
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    Whether you're struggling with the big issues of life or simply overwhelmed by the demands of every single day, Karol Ladd's powerful biblical principles will give you the help you need. In this book, you will discover how to redefine your unexpected life, and you'll learn concrete skills that will help you move past simply surviving and into a thriving life that is lived passionately and with joy.

    New purpose and hope await you just beyond the cover of this book. Flowing text, Original pages. Web, Tablet, Phone, eReader. It syncs automatically with your account and allows you to read online or offline wherever you are.

    Thrive, Don't Simply Survive: Passionately Live the Life You Didn't Plan

    Please follow the detailed Help center instructions to transfer the files to supported eReaders. Power of a Positive Woman. This life-changing book explores seven principles that can help you become a powerful force in your family, your church, your community, and your world. Through biblical teaching, inspirational quotes, and true stories of women just like you, you will learn to incorporate your life as you have a powerful impact on those around you. Do you want to be a positive woman of powerful influence?