Sign language

Only a suggestive comparison of text type within the Auslan Corpus and between Auslan and ASL is possible, as the categories used in the ASL study formal, casual, and narrative actually vary in two dimensions: Nonetheless, the data do indicate some variation according to these tentative categories see Table 4. The total number of tokens is fewer than the Auslan Corpus as some elicited material, which are also in the study data set and were excluded in this count as they did not fall into these three categories. In both SLs, there appears to be an increased depicting sign use from formal to casual register, and then in the narrative genre; and decreased pointing sign use from a high in casual signing, lower in formal texts, and the lowest in the narratives.

However, given the small sizes of the corpora and the overlapping and tentative categories represented in the dataset, I believe it is premature to conclude that this type of distribution is robust. It may not persist as the size and representativeness of SL corpora continue to grow. With respect to gestures, in the Auslan data in Table 4 , there is a higher percentage of gestures in the formal texts compared with the narratives and the casual texts. This may appear surprising because it might be supposed that one would gesture less in a formal situation, whether signed or spoken. Indeed, Quinto-Pozos and Mehta report that the presence and intensity of constructed action—a type of mimetic gesture coded as g ca — may be less in formal registers.

They tend to express regulation of the interaction by the signer: Because all gestures have yet to be comprehensively tagged for subtype in the Auslan Corpus— g: With respect to the register itself, examples of texts from unambiguously formal registers, such as talks, addresses to meetings, sermons, and so one, are not currently part of the Auslan Corpus, so it is not yet possible to compare or comment further on this issue.

A comparison of Auslan and ASL in this regard is also inconclusive with respect to gesture: Larger corpora with linked media files are needed to clarify the situation. In the Auslan Corpus, the majority of the signers are right-hand dominant. The 55, sign tokens in the Auslan dataset represented approximately 6, types that ranged in frequency from a high of Many of the hapax legomena are unlexicalized fingerspellings, gestures, and as yet unregularized depicting signs regularization is explained in the Discussion section.

Table 5 lists the most frequent signs in the Auslan Corpus in rank order see the Appendix for a list of the top signs. Deictic or indexical pointing signs that appear to function as pronouns, locatives, determiners, and possessives— pro1 , pro2 , pro3, det , loc, poss1 , poss2 , and poss3 —have been identified accordingly. However, second- and third-person points have been collapsed into one category each, partly because there are so few second-person forms and partly because it has yet to be established if there is any formal difference between these two point types Meier, Indeed, the grammatical status of index finger pointing signs remains an open question Cormier, , in press ; McBurney, Thus, there is an argument for considering all index finger pointing signs as one sign type not only for certain kinds of comparisons e.

One can see that 25 of the top most frequent signs appear to be function words, 24 appear to be verbs, and 19 nouns. The function and word class of many depicting signs are often difficult to determine, especially handling depictions that can be difficult to distinguish consistently from gestures. For this reason, the gesture category sign g ca: These acts would not be appropriately labeled as depicting signs. Finally, 1 of the top signs has the gloss indecipherable. It is actually not a type at all: The label is used for signs that were unidentifiable and unclassifiable.

Table 6 lists those signs that appear more than 4 times per 1, signs in the Auslan Corpus. As can be seen, there are both similarities and differences, neither of which are surprising. However, there are differences in specific content signs in this group. This is clearly symptomatic of the participants, and the composition of the corpora primarily retells, narratives, interviews and their relatively small size.

For instance, the signs sign and deaf are clearly related to the participants and the language they are using; and the signs boy and wolf, and frog and dog are due to the retelling of an Aesop fable The Boy Who Cried Wolf and a picture story Frog Where Are You? Rank frequency of types occurring more than four times per 1, signs in three corpora a. The presence of elicited texts in the dataset also impacts on the frequency of depicting signs.

With respect to pointing signs, the data across the corpora are comparable, but there are differences. No comparison can be made for pt: There is insufficient data reported for NZSL to make an overall comparison. This may be explained by the nature of the corpora. The Auslan Corpus dataset as it currently exists has a higher percentage of narrative texts than the other two corpora, and as the data in Table 4 discussed above reveal, there appears to be less use of pointing signs in narratives. Nonetheless, across all three corpora, the most frequent sign or sign type is overwhelmingly the pointing sign, by several orders of magnitude.

Considering the data presented in Tables 5 and 6 together, the numbers of depicting signs in the Auslan data are noteworthy. No depicting signs at all occur within the top 37 signs in ASL more detailed frequency data beyond this rank was not published , and only one depicting sign occurs within the first ranked signs in NZSL no.

It seems unlikely that text type alone can explain this discrepancy. However, as has been noted, the data presented in Table 4 do show a higher incidence of depicting signs in narratives and there are more narratives in the Auslan Corpus. Glossing and annotation practices, based on assumptions on what constitutes a lexical item, undoubtedly also play a part see Discussion section.

The sorting of the number of tokens of different sign types gives us a rank frequency, as we have seen. However, linguists are not just interested in which types are more frequent relative to other types—the distribution of each type i. The Auslan data are presented twice: In the second column, the measure of the percentage of different tokens in the corpus is that of fully lexical signs with respect to other fully lexical signs. Data extracted from British National Corpus frequency lists http: The data from the BNC are also presented in several ways in order to highlight similarities and differences.

First, spoken English data are presented because the most appropriate form of English to compare with Auslan is spoken conversational English: Like all SLs, Auslan is a quintessentially face-to-face language. Data from the entire BNC, which consists of mostly written data with some spoken data, are also provided for further comparison. Finally, the BNC data are presented in lemmatized and unlemmatized forms. Grouping all the inflected forms of a word, e. This process enables one to treat all the instances of a word, irrespective of inflection, as a single item.

The lemma is used as the headword in a dictionary. As we shall see, both forms of the lexical data are revealing. One can see from Table 7 that in all languages, only very few signs account for a significant proportion of each corpus. The differences are minor at this level and depend on the language, whether the data have been lemmatized or not, or if the type counts listed represent only fully lexicalized signs or include partly lexical and nonlexical signs.

That a small number of high-frequency types should account for a significant proportion of all of the words or signs in a corpus is a common pattern cross-linguistically and is unremarkable Conrad, ; Nation, Another explanation lies in the well-known fact, supported by lexicographical research in Auslan and other SLs over several decades e.

That is, the total number of fully lexical signs in Auslan appears to be comparatively small. At last count March , there were 3, unique fully lexical signs in the Auslan lexical database. Given this relatively small total number, one may thus expect the type counts in an SL to plateau relatively early. The NZSL dictionary, for example, has 4, entries. As reported in Johnston , no SL dictionary, including those of Auslan or NZSL, has more than several thousand unique sign entries rarely more than 4,, including regional variants.

A decade later, this still holds true. Even giving lexical status to phonological variants that differed most dramatically—maybe in more than one way—from their assumed base form, for example, using another handshape known to be phonemic in other environments as well as having, say, another movement or location value, would barely double the number of unique sign entries in most databases.

The Auslan lexical database, for example, would have approximately 7, unique entries if one gave lexical status to the large number of common variants that have been recorded. McKee and Kennedy make a point of reporting that only 15 lexicalized signs in the top ranked signs in the NZSL corpus were not already in the dictionary of NZSL and have thus since been added.

By way of comparison, it is estimated that approximately only 50 new entries for fully lexical signs have needed to be created in Auslan Signbank as a result of 4 years of corpus annotation.

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Yet McKee and Kennedy make no mention of the balance of 3, other hitherto unrecorded signs that are listed as the total of unique types within their study corpus. With respect to the Auslan data, the reason for this apparent mismatch is obvious. There are only 2, unique fully lexical types in the Auslan Corpus the second Auslan column in Table 7. This is a figure lower than the current type count in the Auslan lexical database of 3, Of course, it is to be expected that a type count from any linguistic corpus will be less than the known lexicon because except in the relatively few instances in which a corpus will throw up neologisms or genuine conventional signs that have simply never been recorded in a dictionary of a language, a corpus should not have more types conventional signs than the known lexicon.

So, of the apparently 6, unique types in the Auslan Corpus, approximately 3, types must be partly lexical and nonlexical signs, particularly depicting signs. Of course, it is not at all surprising that a small corpus would not include tokens of all the words or signs of a language. Indeed, even very large corpora do not have tokens of all the lemmas of a language. Given these observations and caveats, we can now turn to the results for the frequency of the fully lexical signs in an SL.

These are the type of signs closest to what is usually thought of as the lexicon of a language. From the previous discussion, it should be evident that these signs only represent a subset of all the signs in an SL corpus and cannot, by themselves, give a full picture of sign frequency. Nonetheless, these data are important—they count and rank the major citable conventional signs of an SL.

From Table 8 , one can see that there appear to be 24 function signs, 27 verbs, and 28 nouns in the top signs in Auslan. The remaining 21 signs are adverbs or adjectives, save the single indecipherable category. According to the spoken portion of the BNC, the top words in English contain 56 function words, 18 verbs, 5 nouns, 17 adverbs or adjectives, and 4 minor categories.

In both the frequency lists I have presented thus far Tables 5 and 8 , there is a much lower presence of function signs in the high-frequency ranks of Auslan and NZSL and ASL compared with English and other SpLs and, of the content signs, considerably more nouns in the SLs than in English. Rank frequency of the top fully lexical types in the Auslan Corpus a. The ID glosses in the Auslan Corpus are used to identify sign types rather than to serve as the basis of independent or standalone written transcriptions of the source signed text. They are annotations appended to media files.

Of course, it is only natural that the most common meaning and use of a sign motivate the choice of the English word used in the assignment of ID glosses to sign forms. Thus, in many sign tokens of a given ID gloss, the wording may reflect its probable meaning and use grammatical class.

However, ID glosses essentially identify lemmas and, because many of the signs of Auslan and many other SLs can function in more than one grammatical role, the grammatical class of a sign cannot be transparently inferred from the ID gloss. This is why in our earlier discussion of the data I used the qualification appear to be verbs based on the ID gloss. Each token thus needs to be separately tagged for grammatical class for more detailed and accurate linguistic analysis. Indeed, the very determination of grammatical class is itself the product of linguistic analysis: Determining grammatical class is not a simple or straightforward procedure see Method section.

Not only is the grammatical class of some kinds of signs, like pointing and depicting signs, still open to question, the range and type of grammatical sign classes found in Auslan have yet to be rigorously investigated. Establishing empirically the type and number of grammatical classes in Auslan and the way this is manifested in the morphosyntax of the language is actually one of the central reasons for the creation of the Auslan Corpus: By way of comparison, the glossing practices followed in the ASL and NZSL corpus transcriptions were described in only the most general of terms in the respective studies and it is thus impossible to know if unique glosses for apparently fully lexical signs in these corpora actually do represent formationally distinct sign types—thus deserving of separate lexical counts—or if they better described as contextual translation glosses of formationally identical signs—thus not necessarily appropriately counted as separate lexical items.

In other words, because glosses are assigned contextually, the English word used in the gloss often acts as a surrogate marker of sign grammatical class. However, the glossing is ad hoc so it is not a reliable guide to grammatical class. Without an explicit act of categorization, one should make few assumptions. Part of speech tagging has only been completed for a subsection of the Auslan Corpus, approximately 9, tokens. Nonetheless, though the data only come from a subset of the corpus, it is still possible to use these data to compare the ranking of ID glosses without tagging for grammatical class with those that have been so identified.

These data are presented in Table 9. The frequency of fully lexical types in the Auslan Corpus distinguished by grammatical class a. The first observation to make is the degree of overlap: Only two thirds of the top ID glosses sorted by grammatical class also occur in the uncategorized list. There are two explanations for this difference: With respect to the first, as is to be expected, source data and text type are clearly having an effect here because the categorization of lemmas by grammatical class has only been done for a subset of the corpus.

This will change their relative frequencies in an unsurprising way. More importantly, there is the question of multifunctionality. It is common for a given Auslan sign to perform a different grammatical function in different environments without any apparent change in form—for example, as noun, verb, and adjective. It should be noted, however, that not all signs have this potential. The tagging for grammatical class within the corpus at each token will, therefore, vary accordingly.

The various different multiple functions of many signs in Auslan will clearly affect rankings after each token is subcategorized. For example, the tagging of deaf sometimes as an adjective and sometimes as a noun, depending on function in context, has the effect of creating two distinct entries to be ranked. This thus drops the ranking of deaf from no. A similar pattern can be observed with good , which drops from no. There is no such effect with a set of very high frequency signs that appear equally high in both lists. This is because these signs look, have, say, think , and want tend to function primarily or exclusively as verbs.

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A case in point is the sign finish. Its frequency of use, even when subcategorized into two of its major functions as a verb and as an auxiliary , is sufficient for it to be promoted to no. Indeed, the example of finish. When all the uses of this sign and another semantically related sign finish. One can therefore see that both sorts of measures of lexical frequency—type by ID gloss and then subcategorized by grammatical class—are relevant for linguistic description and analysis. As Morford and MacFarlane and McKee dand Kennedy conclude, SLs appear to have many fewer function signs overall and that the function signs that do exist account for an overall smaller proportion of signs in any corpora of these languages.

There is certainly also support in the Auslan Corpus data for this general observation. There is a plausible and likely explanation for the small number of fully lexical function signs: It is an observation of long-standing by SL linguistics that SLs exploit simultaneous nonmanual and spatial modifications to convey meanings usually encoded in SpLs by separate and sequential morphemes affixes and words function words. Morford and MacFarlane , however, do qualify their observation of lexical density: Data from two much larger corpora of SLs, NZSL and now Auslan, suggests that the low token frequency of grammatical signs in SLs appears unrelated to corpus size but also that a true measure of lexical frequency in SLs will only emerge when two issues are addressed.

First, all corpora, such as they exist, need to be expanded to include a wider sample of registers and genres, in particular, free unplanned conversational data. This will give us a much better picture of the core lexicon. Second, the treatment of partly lexical signs pointing signs and depicting signs and nonlexical signs gestures needs to be made as consistent and systematic as possible both within and across corpora to facilitate quantification and comparison.

Continued annotation of archived data already collected in some corpus projects will go some way to addressing the first point, as in the Auslan Corpus, but further data collection is also needed in most cases in order to broaden the sample base to make the corpora truly representative.

With respect to partly lexical and nonlexical signs, both glossing practices and categorization need to be reconsidered as this has a direct impact on what is counted and then used as a measure of comparison. The data on sign distribution presented in Table 7 could be reevaluated in order to better draw out the similarities and differences between the SL data and the SpL data.

I now revisit these signs with this in mind. Most SpLs have a large number of deictic words that are fully specified phonologically e. In contrast, deictic indexical pointing signs in SLs are unspecified phonologically: Thus, though the information in Table 7 correctly identifies the frequency of the multiple deictic words along with all the other lexical words in an SpL like English, it does obscure the fact that an SL like Auslan has a single deictic form, the point, that has functions carried out by multiple deictic words in English.

Table 11 , for example, re-presents and recalculates the data in Table 7. The Auslan deictic points have been conflated into two groups: The English deictic words are conflated into two categories that map onto these Auslan categories, that is, the deictic words that would be realized by an index pointing sign in Auslan are conflated into the single pointing category, and those that would be realized by a possessive pointing sign in Auslan are conflated into a single possessive category. In this way, the highly context-dependent deictic words and signs in both languages are similarly identified.

With each of these two superordinate categories now considered as a type, we then recalculate the percentage of signs within the corpus represented by a given number of types, descending from the most frequent to the hapax legomena. In Table 11 , one can see the effect of this: All these tokens are primarily concerned with various forms of deixis. Depicting signs are important in considering lexical frequency. Depicting signs are usually only specified for handshape and, to a lesser extent, orientation and this is manifested in the type characteristics of these signs.

Just about every other formal feature of these signs depends on the context-specific conceptualization by the signer of the particular event or entity represented in the depiction. These features are expressed in the token usage event characteristics of these signs. Glossing practices should not obscure the dual type-token characteristics of depicting signs as this could seriously inflate the numbers of hapax legomena and lead to a misleading ranking of sign types.

Given that annotators have some freedom in how much detail is given in each depicting sign annotations, many of them appear as unique tokens in the corpus because they do not exactly match each other. However, inspection of the actual video clip of suspected similar depictions often reveals that apparently different glosses essentially describe identical representations in form and meaning, that is, they depict the same kind of event when it is understood, and glossed, sufficiently abstractly. For example, dsm 1-vert: The former annotation could be substituted for the other two; it could be even further simplified or regularized to dsm 1-vert: Many could be assigned to a more broader type-like category.

This is exactly what happens in one aspect of corpus management, which I refer to as the regularization of depicting sign glosses. Some of these regularized depictions occur hundreds of times in the corpus, as I have reported see Table 5. Of those that are as yet unregularized, approximately are depictions that already appear between 2 and 16 times in the corpus, and 1, appear as hapax legomena.

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  4. If regularized, they would together represent no more than a few hundred type-like depictions many of which would represent many tokens. The apparent 6, separate types in the corpus are thus likely to be reduced considerably if this is taken into consideration. Regularizing depicting sign annotations in this way does not, of course, make any difference to the overall count of depicting signs in the corpus.

    The phenomenon of depicting signs needs to be taken into account in any discussion of SL data. For example, it is misleading to equate each token of these depicting signs with a lexical item within the context of calculating lexical frequency. Nonetheless, they should not be ignored in profiling the lexicon and corpus. Indeed, the indexic nature of depicting signs may partly explain why Auslan uses comparatively few primarily overtly deictic signs.

    It is beyond the scope of this article to discuss this issue at length here, but within a broader semiotic framework depicting signs can be seen to be a type of symbolic indexical sign in just the same way that gestural deictics and SpL deictic words are symbolic indexical signs Enfield, Indeed, in both SLs and SpLs the frequency of symbolic indexical signs, as a semiotic type, may actually be comparable Johnston, a. Precisely the same sort of issues regarding gloss annotations of gestures will also impact on our account of sign distribution and frequency.

    The former uses the prefix G for all gestures, manual or nonmanual, with finer distinctions made elsewhere in the annotation; the latter uses the codes MIME and NMS for nonmanual sign , respectively. However, some signs are treated as gestures in one corpus and as conventional signs in the other e. More importantly, the vast majority of gestural acts, in either gloss or annotation system, will appear as unique sign tokens because the specification of the meaning of the gesture i.

    In the Auslan Corpus, many gestural act annotations can be regularized in much the same way as are those for depicting signs. However, because they are nonconventional signs, all except the most common forms, which are used in very much the same way e. The few that are most type-like are, naturally, the very forms about which there will be uncertainty as to their degree of conventionalization e. Are they essentially gestures, or are they fully lexical signs? Thirteen gesture types account for approximately 2, tokens of gestures that occur more than 11 times each, gesture types account for approximately tokens of gestures that occur between 10 and 2 times, and other gesture types are hapax.

    In other words, a considerable number of these would be expected to be conflated into a much smaller set of recurring gesture types, even though—almost by definition—many more will remain as unique and thus hapax than the more conventionalized depicting signs. These forms are identified in the annotation conventions and are included in the count of fully lexical signs. To be precise, in the Auslan Corpus, there are approximately fingerspelling types, the vast majority of which approximately were not considered to be lexicalized fingerspellings.

    It was this number of nonlexicalized fingerspellings that were subtracted from the count of unique fully lexical signs presented in Tables 3 and 7. However, the observation that Auslan has a small conventional lexicon should not be misinterpreted or taken as a value judgment. First of all, as already noted above with respect to the number of unique sign entries in SLs dictionaries published to date, Auslan does not appear to be special in this regard compared with other SLs.

    Third, in cultures with writing, especially those using an alphabet or a even a syllabary, and with a long history of deaf education, a degree of familiarity with the written majority SpL is almost universal in the deaf community, and expressed through fingerspelling. Individual degrees of bilingualism will determine how much of the majority language lexicon is available and used by any signer and the extent to which it forms part of one single mental lexicon for any individual.

    Lexicon size brings us to the final point of potential misinterpretation. SLs are unwritten face-to-face languages. That is, for most of the time, speakers get by with a lexicon whose size is of the same order of magnitude as that of signers. Nonetheless, the observation that there is a relatively small number conventional citable listable fully lexical signs in Auslan and apparently other known sign languages still holds true.

    Comparison of Auslan and other SLs with SpLs in communities without writing may reduce these differences somewhat, but it would not make it disappear. Literacy, a written literature, institutional writing-based education, and a technological culture does have the effect of expanding the lexicon of a language even in nontechnical spoken genres—after emerging first in specialist or technical ones—and thus not just in written texts. However, even non-literature small-scale traditional societies have huge inventories of lexemes that name things in the natural and physical world, often running into many thousand or tens of thousand of terms.

    These nomenclatures form large, if not vast, hierarchies. Basic-level ethnobiological terms rarely number anything less than 1,—1, even in preliterate societies. Although some of these languages appear to have a very small established lexicon in some semantic areas or in some word classes e. As mentioned above, previous research has attempted to use familiarity ratings instead of or as a surrogate for measures of lexical frequency in SLs.

    A comparison of the BSL norms for sign familiarity Vinson et al. Of the signs used in the norming study, approximately half occur in the Auslan Corpus even though almost all are recorded in the Auslan lexical database or have and close equivalent therein. Sign language, on the other hand, is visual and, hence, can use a simultaneous expression, although this is limited articulatorily and linguistically. Visual perception allows processing of simultaneous information.

    One way in which many sign languages take advantage of the spatial nature of the language is through the use of classifiers. Classifiers allow a signer to spatially show a referent's type, size, shape, movement, or extent. The large focus on the possibility of simultaneity in sign languages in contrast to spoken languages is sometimes exaggerated, though. The use of two manual articulators is subject to motor constraints, resulting in a large extent of symmetry [36] or signing with one articulator only.

    Further, sign languages, just like spoken languages, depend on linear sequencing of signs to form sentences; the greater use of simultaneity is mostly seen in the morphology internal structure of individual signs. Sign languages convey much of their prosody through non-manual elements. Postures or movements of the body, head, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, and mouth are used in various combinations to show several categories of information, including lexical distinction, grammatical structure, adjectival or adverbial content, and discourse functions.

    At the lexical level, signs can be lexically specified for non-manual elements in addition to the manual articulation. For instance, facial expressions may accompany verbs of emotion, as in the sign for angry in Czech Sign Language. Non-manual elements may also be lexically contrastive. An example is the sign translated as not yet , which requires that the tongue touch the lower lip and that the head rotate from side to side, in addition to the manual part of the sign. Without these features the sign would be interpreted as late. While the content of a signed sentence is produced manually, many grammatical functions are produced non-manually i.

    They are shown through raised eyebrows and a forward head tilt. Some adjectival and adverbial information is conveyed through non-manual elements, but what these elements are varies from language to language. For instance, in ASL a slightly open mouth with the tongue relaxed and visible in the corner of the mouth means 'carelessly', but a similar non-manual in BSL means 'boring' or 'unpleasant'. Discourse functions such as turn taking are largely regulated through head movement and eye gaze.

    Since the addressee in a signed conversation must be watching the signer, a signer can avoid letting the other person have a turn by not looking at them, or can indicate that the other person may have a turn by making eye contact. The first studies on iconicity in ASL were published in the late s, and early s.

    Many early sign language linguists rejected the notion that iconicity was an important aspect of the language. However, mimetic aspects of sign language signs that imitate, mimic, or represent are found in abundance across a wide variety of sign languages. For example, deaf children learning sign language try to express something but do not know the associated sign, they will often invent an iconic sign that displays mimetic properties. As a form becomes more conventional, it becomes disseminated in a methodical way phonologically to the rest of the sign language community.

    She concluded that though originally present in many signs, iconicity is degraded over time through the application of grammatical processes. In other words, over time, the natural processes of regularization in the language obscures any iconically motivated features of the sign. Some researchers have suggested that the properties of ASL give it a clear advantage in terms of learning and memory. In his study, Brown found that when children were taught signs that had high levels of iconic mapping they were significantly more likely to recall the signs in a later memory task than when they were taught signs that had little or no iconic properties.

    A central task for the pioneers of sign language linguistics was trying to prove that ASL was a real language and not merely a collection of gestures or "English on the hands. Thus, if ASL consisted of signs that had iconic form-meaning relationship, it could not be considered a real language. As a result, iconicity as a whole was largely neglected in research of sign languages. The cognitive linguistics perspective rejects a more traditional definition of iconicity as a relationship between linguistic form and a concrete, real-world referent.

    Rather it is a set of selected correspondences between the form and meaning of a sign. It is defined as a fully grammatical and central aspect of a sign language rather than a peripheral phenomenon. The cognitive linguistics perspective allows for some signs to be fully iconic or partially iconic given the number of correspondences between the possible parameters of form and meaning. Many signs have metaphoric mappings as well as iconic or metonymic ones. For these signs there are three way correspondences between a form, a concrete source and an abstract target meaning.

    The abstract target meaning is "learning". The concrete source is putting objects into the head from books. The form is a grasping hand moving from an open palm to the forehead. The iconic correspondence is between form and concrete source. The metaphorical correspondence is between concrete source and abstract target meaning. Because the concrete source is connected to two correspondences linguistics refer to metaphorical signs as "double mapped".

    Although sign languages have emerged naturally in deaf communities alongside or among spoken languages, they are unrelated to spoken languages and have different grammatical structures at their core. In non-signing communities, home sign is not a full language, but closer to a pidgin. Home sign is amorphous and generally idiosyncratic to a particular family, where a deaf child does not have contact with other deaf children and is not educated in sign.

    Such systems are not generally passed on from one generation to the next. Where they are passed on, creolization would be expected to occur, resulting in a full language. However, home sign may also be closer to full language in communities where the hearing population has a gestural mode of language; examples include various Australian Aboriginal sign languages and gestural systems across West Africa, such as Mofu-Gudur in Cameroon.

    A village sign language is a local indigenous language that typically arises over several generations in a relatively insular community with a high incidence of deafness, and is used both by the deaf and by a significant portion of the hearing community, who have deaf family and friends. Deaf-community sign languages , on the other hand, arise where deaf people come together to form their own communities.

    These include school sign, such as Nicaraguan Sign Language , which develop in the student bodies of deaf schools which do not use sign as a language of instruction, as well as community languages such as Bamako Sign Language , which arise where generally uneducated deaf people congregate in urban centers for employment. At first, Deaf-community sign languages are not generally known by the hearing population, in many cases not even by close family members.

    However, they may grow, in some cases becoming a language of instruction and receiving official recognition, as in the case of ASL. Both contrast with speech-taboo languages such as the various Aboriginal Australian sign languages , which are developed by the hearing community and only used secondarily by the deaf. It is doubtful whether most of these are languages in their own right, rather than manual codes of spoken languages, though a few such as Yolngu Sign Language are independent of any particular spoken language.

    Hearing people may also develop sign to communicate with speakers of other languages, as in Plains Indian Sign Language ; this was a contact signing system or pidgin that was evidently not used by deaf people in the Plains nations, though it presumably influenced home sign. Contact occurs between sign languages, between sign and spoken languages contact sign , a kind of pidgin , and between sign languages and gestural systems used by the broader community. One author has speculated that Adamorobe Sign Language , a village sign language of Ghana, may be related to the "gestural trade jargon used in the markets throughout West Africa", in vocabulary and areal features including prosody and phonetics.

    The only comprehensive classification along these lines going beyond a simple listing of languages dates back to In his classification, the author distinguishes between primary and auxiliary sign languages [61] as well as between single languages and names that are thought to refer to more than one language.

    Sign languages vary in word-order typology. Influence from the surrounding spoken languages is not improbable. Sign languages tend to be incorporating classifier languages, where a classifier handshape representing the object is incorporated into those transitive verbs which allow such modification.

    For a similar group of intransitive verbs especially motion verbs , it is the subject which is incorporated. Only in a very few sign languages for instance Japanese Sign Language are agents ever incorporated. Brentari [65] [66] classifies sign languages as a whole group determined by the medium of communication visual instead of auditory as one group with the features monosyllabic and polymorphemic.

    That means, that one syllable i. Another aspect of typology that has been studied in sign languages is their systems for cardinal numbers. Children who are exposed to a sign language from birth will acquire it, just as hearing children acquire their native spoken language. The Critical Period hypothesis suggests that language, spoken or signed, is more easily acquired as a child at a young age versus an adult because of the plasticity of the child's brain.

    In a study done at the University of McGill, they found that American Sign Language users who acquired the language natively from birth performed better when asked to copy videos of ASL sentences than ASL users who acquired the language later in life. They also found that there are differences in the grammatical morphology of ASL sentences between the two groups, all suggesting that there is a very important critical period in learning signed languages. The acquisition of non-manual features follows an interesting pattern: At a certain point, the non-manual features are dropped and the word is produced with no facial expression.

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    After a few months, the non-manuals reappear, this time being used the way adult signers would use them. Sign languages do not have a traditional or formal written form. Many deaf people do not see a need to write their own language. So far, there is no consensus regarding the written form of sign language. Except for SignWriting, none are widely used. Maria Galea writes that SignWriting "is becoming widespread, uncontainable and untraceable.

    In the same way that works written in and about a well developed writing system such as the Latin script, the time has arrived where SW is so widespread, that it is impossible in the same way to list all works that have been produced using this writing system and that have been written about this writing system. For a native signer, sign perception influences how the mind makes sense of their visual language experience. For example, a handshape may vary based on the other signs made before or after it, but these variations are arranged in perceptual categories during its development.

    The mind detects handshape contrasts but groups similar handshapes together in one category. The mind ignores some of the similarities between different perceptual categories, at the same time preserving the visual information within each perceptual category of handshape variation. When Deaf people constitute a relatively small proportion of the general population, Deaf communities often develop that are distinct from the surrounding hearing community. This sign language was developed in the Black Deaf community as a variant during the American era of segregation and racism, where young Black Deaf students were forced to attend separate schools than their white Deaf peers.

    On occasion, where the prevalence of deaf people is high enough, a deaf sign language has been taken up by an entire local community, forming what is sometimes called a "village sign language" [79] or "shared signing community". In such communities deaf people are generally well integrated in the general community and not socially disadvantaged, so much so that it is difficult to speak of a separate "Deaf" community.

    Many Australian Aboriginal sign languages arose in a context of extensive speech taboos, such as during mourning and initiation rites. They are or were especially highly developed among the Warlpiri , Warumungu , Dieri , Kaytetye , Arrernte , and Warlmanpa , and are based on their respective spoken languages. It was used by hearing people to communicate among tribes with different spoken languages , as well as by deaf people. There are especially users today among the Crow , Cheyenne , and Arapaho. Unlike Australian Aboriginal sign languages, it shares the spatial grammar of deaf sign languages.

    In the s, a Spanish expeditionary, Cabeza de Vaca , observed natives in the western part of modern-day Florida using sign language, [ citation needed ] and in the midth century Coronado mentioned that communication with the Tonkawa using signs was possible without a translator. Signs may also be used by hearing people for manual communication in secret situations, such as hunting, in noisy environments, underwater, through windows or at a distance.

    Some sign languages have obtained some form of legal recognition, while others have no status at all. Sarah Batterbury has argued that sign languages should be recognized and supported not merely as an accommodation for the disabled, but as the communication medium of language communities.

    The Internet now allows deaf people to talk via a video link , either with a special-purpose videophone designed for use with sign language or with "off-the-shelf" video services designed for use with broadband and an ordinary computer webcam. The special videophones that are designed for sign language communication may provide better quality than 'off-the-shelf' services and may use data compression methods specifically designed to maximize the intelligibility of sign languages.

    Some advanced equipment enables a person to remotely control the other person's video camera, in order to zoom in and out or to point the camera better to understand the signing. In order to facilitate communication between deaf and hearing people, sign language interpreters are often used. Such activities involve considerable effort on the part of the interpreter, since sign languages are distinct natural languages with their own syntax , different from any spoken language.

    Sign language interpreters who can translate between signed and spoken languages that are not normally paired such as between LSE and English , are also available, albeit less frequently. With recent developments in artificial intelligence in computer science , some recent deep learning based machine translation algorithms have been developed which automatically translate short videos containing sign language sentences often simple sentence consists of only one clause directly to written language.

    Interpreters may be physically present with both parties to the conversation but, since the technological advancements in the early s, provision of interpreters in remote locations has become available. In video remote interpreting VRI , the two clients a sign language user and a hearing person who wish to communicate with each other are in one location, and the interpreter is in another.

    The interpreter communicates with the sign language user via a video telecommunications link, and with the hearing person by an audio link. VRI can be used for situations in which no on-site interpreters are available. However, VRI cannot be used for situations in which all parties are speaking via telephone alone. With video relay service VRS , the sign language user, the interpreter, and the hearing person are in three separate locations, thus allowing the two clients to talk to each other on the phone through the interpreter.

    Sign language is sometimes provided for television programmes. The signer usually appears in the bottom corner of the screen, with the programme being broadcast full size or slightly shrunk away from that corner. Typically for press conferences such as those given by the Mayor of New York City , the signer appears to stage left or right of the public official to allow both the speaker and signer to be in frame at the same time.

    Paddy Ladd initiated deaf programming on British television in the s and is credited with getting sign language on television and enabling deaf children to be educated in sign. In traditional analogue broadcasting, many programmes are repeated, often in the early hours of the morning, with the signer present rather than have them appear at the main broadcast time.

    Some emerging television technologies allow the viewer to turn the signer on and off in a similar manner to subtitles and closed captioning. Legal requirements covering sign language on television vary from country to country. In the United Kingdom , the Broadcasting Act addressed the requirements for blind and deaf viewers, [86] but has since been replaced by the Communications Act As with any spoken language, sign languages are also vulnerable to becoming endangered.

    For example, a sign language used by a small community may be endangered and even abandoned as users shift to a sign language used by a larger community, as has happened with Hawai'i Sign Language , which is almost extinct except for a few elderly signers. There are a number of communication systems that are similar in some respects to sign languages, while not having all the characteristics of a full sign language, particularly its grammatical structure.

    Many of these are either precursors to natural sign languages or are derived from them. When Deaf and Hearing people interact, signing systems may be developed that use signs drawn from a natural sign language but used according to the grammar of the spoken language. In particular, when people devise one-for-one sign-for-word correspondences between spoken words or even morphemes and signs that represent them, the system that results is a manual code for a spoken language, rather than a natural sign language.

    Such systems may be invented in an attempt to help teach Deaf children the spoken language, and generally are not used outside an educational context. It has become popular for hearing parents to teach signs from ASL or some other sign language to young hearing children. Since the muscles in babies' hands grow and develop quicker than their mouths, signs can be a beneficial option for better communication. This reduces the confusion between parents when trying to figure out what their child wants. When the child begins to speak, signing is usually abandoned, so the child does not progress to acquiring the grammar of the sign language.

    This is in contrast to hearing children who grow up with Deaf parents, who generally acquire the full sign language natively, the same as Deaf children of Deaf parents. Informal, rudimentary sign systems are sometimes developed within a single family. For instance, when hearing parents with no sign language skills have a deaf child, the child may develop a system of signs naturally, unless repressed by the parents.

    The term for these mini-languages is home sign sometimes "home sign" or "kitchen sign". Home sign arises due to the absence of any other way to communicate. Within the span of a single lifetime and without the support or feedback of a community, the child naturally invents signs to help meet his or her communication needs, and may even develop a few grammatical rules for combining short sequences of signs.

    Still, this kind of system is inadequate for the intellectual development of a child and it comes nowhere near meeting the standards linguists use to describe a complete language. No type of home sign is recognized as a full language. There have been several notable examples of scientists teaching signs to non-human primates in order to communicate with humans, [94] such as common chimpanzees , [95] [96] [97] [98] [99] [] [] gorillas [] and orangutans.

    One theory of the evolution of human language states that it developed first as a gestural system, which later shifted to speech. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about primary sign languages of the deaf. For signed versions of spoken languages, see manually coded language. History of sign language. List of sign languages. French Sign Language family.

    Russian Sign Language cluster. Czech Sign Language cluster. Danish Sign Language family.

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    Swedish Sign Language family. German Sign Language family. South African Sign Language.