E canta, canta, canta Il Re volle provarsi lui stesso; e arrivata la stagione si mise a far la guardia. Quando le arance furon mature, ecco il cardellino che si posa sopra un ramo, e comincia a cantare. Il Re avrebbe voluto tirargli, ma faceva buio come in una gola. Intanto aveva una gran voglia di dormire! Santi Buscemi It is said that there was once a king, who had a magnificent garden behind his royal palace. Every type of tree could be found in the garden, but the rarest and most valued was the one that pro- duced golden oranges.
When the season for the oranges arrived, the king ordered a sentry to guard it night and day. And every morning he came down himself to inspect the oranges with his own eyes to make sure that not even one leaf was missing. One morning, he went into the garden and found the sentry asleep. He looked at the tree…The golden oranges were gone! Oh, wretched sentry, you will pay with your head. Majesty, it is not my fault. A goldfinch landed on a branch and began to sing. He sang, and sang, and sang so much that my eyes became heavy. I drove him from that branch, but he then flew to another.
He sang, and sang, and sang so much that I could not fight off my sleepiness. I drove him from that branch too, and as soon as he stopped singing, my sleepiness disappeared. How- ever, he then perched on the top of the tree and he sang, and sang, and sang. I have been sleeping until this very moment! The next season, he placed the prince himself in charge of guarding the tree. One morning he went into the garden and found the prince asleep. He looked at the tree…the golden or- anges were gone!
Even you fell asleep? The prince is falling asleep. The prince is falling asleep! And when the oranges rip- ened, the goldfinch perched on a branch and began to sing. The king wanted to pull him down, but the garden was covered in darkness and the king felt very sleepy. Traitorous goldfinch, this time you will not succeed, but he had a hard time keeping his eyes open.
The goldfinch began to serenade him: La mattina apriva gli occhi: Allora fece un bando per tutti i suoi Stati: Passarono sei mesi, e non si vide nessuno. Finalmente un giorno si presenta un contadinotto molto male in arnese: Ma quando le arance furon mature, una mattina va in giardino Il Re si fece scuro. Doveva dare la Reginotta a quello zoticone? Ma quanto alla Reginotta, nettati la bocca.
Il Re disse al cardellino: Il cardellino strillava, sentendosi strappare le penne ad una ad una. Bisogna sapere il motto; e lo sanno due soli: Vorrei entrare nella Grotta delle sette porte, e non so il motto. The king is sleeping! In the morning, he opened his eyes; the golden oranges were gone!
Therefore, he pro- claimed throughout his realm: Finally, one day there appeared a crusty old peasant, who was shabbily dressed: Promise me the hand of the princess, and in less than three days you shall have him. The next day, he returned. However, the peasant was stubborn, and the next day he returned.
Meanwhile, he ordered that an iron net be built around the tree; such a barrier eliminated the need for a guard. When the oranges had ripened, the king went into the garden one morning…and the golden oranges were gone. Now he was obliged to come to terms with the crusty old peasant. Now the princess is mine. Do you want gold? You can have as much as you want. But as for the princess, say no more. The king turned to the goldfinch. However, guarding them is a merchant wearing a red cap. You need to know the magic words, and only two people know them: The king called for the peasant.
In quella grotta i diamanti, a mucchi per terra, abbagliavano. Il Re si vuotava le tasche, e tornava a riempirsele di questi. Dovea dare la Reginotta a quello zoticone? Ma per la Reginotta nettati la bocca. Si mette le mani nelle tasche, i diamanti son diventati tanti gusci di lumache! Ma il cardellino la pagava. Quanto alla Reginotta, nettati la bocca. Un giorno la Reginotta disse al Re: If you tell me them, the princess is yours.
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The peas- ant waited outside and waited for him. Within the grotto on the ground was a pile of diamonds, shining brilliantly. Seeing that he was alone, the king stooped down and filled his pockets. But in the next room, the diamonds, also in a pile, were bigger and more beau- tiful.
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The king emptied his pockets, and he refilled them with these. Thus it was until he came to the last room, where he saw the golden oranges of the royal palace piled up in a corner. Nearby, there hap- pened to be a knapsack, and the king filled it. Now that he knew the magic words, he would return over and over again. As he left the grotto with the knapsack on his back, he found the peasant waiting for him. But instead of golden oranges, he found rotten oranges. He put his hands in his pockets, and he found that the diamonds had turned to snail shells. This is the work of that crusty old peasant!
But the goldfinch would pay for it. And he decided to torture the bird. Tell me the magic words to get back the oranges and the princess will be yours. Therefore, the peasant returned: But as for the princess, say on more. E gli aperse la gabbia. Intanto la povera Reginotta viveva in ambascia: Intanto venne un ambasciatore del Re di Francia che la chiedeva per moglie.
Il Re non lo potevan trattenere: Come rimediare con quella figliolaccia caparbia? E la Reginotta zitta. Per mantenere la parola ora patisco tanti guai! Non vuol farsi vedere? Il Re non sapeva che rispondere, imbarazzato. Sentendosi rispondere dallo scatolino, la Reginotta lo aperse. Quante lagrime ho sparse. E noi restiamo a grattarci la pancia. Because the gold- finch was in a cage, the golden oranges stayed on the tree from one year to the next. One day, the princess said to the king: Go tell him that and return right away.
But the goldfinch did not return. One day, the king asked the princess: I have not heard him for quite a while. Meanwhile, the poor princess lived in anguish. Meanwhile, there ar- rived an ambassador from the king of France, who wanted to marry the princess. Her father was extremely happy, and he quickly gave his consent. However, the princess refused: I want to remain a maid. But she was obstinate: How was the king to deal with his stubborn daughter? He became so angry that he tied her hands and feet, and he lowered her into a well: The king then lowered her half way down. The king then lowered her even further into the water with only her head above it.
And he pulled her up, but he locked her up in a room, giving her only bread and water. Un giorno venne uno, e disse al Re: Dovea dire che lei era la figlia del Re. It was a small box made of gold and dia- monds. However, the princess put it aside without desiring to open it. I have shed so many tears. But now your destiny is fulfilled. The Bronze Horse by Luigi Capuana translated by Santi Buscemi There once was a king and queen who had a daughter more beautiful than the moon and the sun, and they loved her more than the pupils of their own eyes. One day, someone came and said to the king: If she is not here within three days, woe to him!
What were they to do? The savage was terrifying; he could devastate the entire kingdom. She was told to say that she was the daughter of the king. The next day, the girl returned to the palace. The princess has a birth- mark on this arm! If the princess is not with him within two days, woe is you! Doveva dire che lei era la figlia del Re. Il povero Re e la povera Regina avrebbero battuto il capo nel muro. E mi ha rimandato dicendo: Per la salvezza del regno, bisogna sacrificare la Reginotta! Il Re non sapeva rassegnarsi: Passato un anno, un mese e un giorno, arriva a corte un forestiero, che chiede di parlare col Re.
Era un nanetto alto due spanne, gobbo e sbilenco, con un naso che pareva un becco di barbagianni e certi occhietti piccini piccini. Il Re non aveva voglia di ridere; ma come vide quello sgorbio non seppe frenarsi. The savage knows that the princess has a birthmark on her left arm; it is impossible to fool him.
She was to say that she was the daughter of the king. However, the next day, the young woman came back. Why should they throw that joy of a daughter into the arms of the savage? We will look for another young woman. The artist will paint the birthmark on her arm, and he will dye three hairs on the nape of her neck white. The savage will not know the difference. But the next day, even this young woman came back.
He looked through the hair on the nape of my neck. In order to save the kingdom, you will have to sacrifice the princess! The king could not resign himself to this; he would rather sacrifice the blood of his own veins than give up his daughter. But fate would have it this way, and he had to submit. The princess showed herself to be more courageous than them all. After all, the savage would not eat her! She put on a wedding gown, and accom- panied by the king, the queen, members of the court, and an im- mense number of subjects, she made her way toward the forest amid weeping and heart-rending cries.
E non era trascorsa una settimana, che il Re riceveva un avviso: Il Nano, di quando in quando, gli domandava: Ma quello cambiava discorso: Si era rizzato di terra, si era ripulito il vestitino, ed era andato via, lesto lesto, come se nulla fosse stato. Lei dunque voleva quel Nano gobbo e sbilenco? Anche la Regina non viveva tranquilla: Il Re rispondeva con una spallucciata: Ma la Reginotta ripeteva: From that point, nothing was heard about her or about the savage. However, after a year, a month, and a day, there came to court a stranger who wished to speak with the king.
If you give me half the kingdom as well as the hand of the princess in marriage, I will free her from the hands of the savage. And before a week passed, the king received a message: They believed that this runt was trying to trick them. And at sunrise, there appeared the hunchbacked, lop-sided dwarf, who was leading the princess by the hand. She was dressed as a bride, just as she had been she entered the forest to meet the savage. The celebrations and the banquets never ended. However, no one ever spoke of the wedding or of giving half the kingdom away.
Now that he had his daughter and the savage had been killed by the dwarf, the king no longer knew how to keep his word. From time to time, the dwarf asked him: They went to search for him in the street, but he was gone. He had gotten up from the ground, had cleaned himself off, and had run away very quickly. It was as if he had never been there. However, from that day forward, the princess became melancholic. She refused to speak and to laugh, and she had lost the color in her cheeks.
Did you want that hunchbacked, lopsided dwarf? Il giorno delle nozze era vicino. La gente accorreva in folla nel giardino del Re, dove il cavallo di bronzo era stato collocato su un magnifico piedistallo. Par di sentirlo nitrire! Scese a vederlo anche il Re con la corte; e tutti: Solo la Reginotta non diceva nulla.
Gli tastava il ciuffo, gli accarezzava il collo, lo spronava leggermente col tacco; e intanto diceva scherzando: Tutti erano atterriti; non osavano fiatare. Ma in mezzo a quel silenzio scoppia a un tratto una risatina, una risatina di canzonatura! Il Nano continuava a contorcersi dalle risa: Cavallo, mio cavallo,Non metter piede in fallo;Torna sul piedistallo,Cavallo, mio cavallo.
Allora il Nano disse al Re: The prince of Portugal sent word that he wanted to marry the princess. The princess said neither yes nor no, but the king and queen could not wait to celebrate the marriage. The prince of Portugal started his journey, and on the way he met a man who was driving a large cart with a bronze horse in it, which looked as if it were alive.
The day of the wedding neared. They were all astonished: Amazed, the prince asked her: She stroked his forelock, she caressed his neck, she spurred him lightly with her heel , and all the while she said jok- ingly: In the wink of a eye, the horse and the princess were no longer to be seen. The king watched, and he saw the dwarf who was writhing with laughter, he with his little hump and his crooked little legs. He knew right away that what the horse had done was the work of the dwarf.
Sorrowfully, the King said: But the dwarf continued to writhe with laughter: And finally, even the queen began to laugh. Only the poor king now felt scorned and humiliated, a pitiful sight. E noi restiamo a leccarci le dita. However, his love for his daughter made him consent. He turned his back to the dwarf and waited for the kick; however, the dwarf wanted to show himself to be more generous than he and, instead of kicking him, he said: Then, the dwarf said: With that, the dwarf ceased to be a dwarf and became a handsome, tall young man.
The prince of Portugal realized that he could not marry the princess, and he said: The princess and the dwarf they always called him that became husband and wife. And here we remain, just licking our fin- gers. This book won the foreign section of the National Frascati award in and was rendered into Italian by Antonella Anedda and Carle. Alfredo De Palchi was born in near Verona. He grew up with his mother and grandfather and as a teenager was tortured by the Fascists and the Partisans. He was then imprisoned for six years.
De Palchi has resided in New York City for over thirty years, yet maintains strong ties to his native Italy. It consists of writing no American poet would undertake. Although his poetic line is drawn out, his poems do not tell stories. They are always based on a precise physical or concrete experience, which is then arrested and trans- formed.
We can say that his style is devoid of sentimentality. De Palchi is not afraid to confront sex and eroticism with shattering metaphoric visions. The three poems here translated all from Paradigma, Mimesis Hebenon, are typical of his work from a thematic and stylistic standpoint, the erotic amorous vein, the trans- gressive spirituality, and the ever-present memory of wartime trau- mas all merge into distinctly charged poetic entities.
In uno di questi alberghi, il Phoenicia, col nome inglese pronto per ituristi americani, ci diedero una bellissima camera con la terrazza sul mareaccogliendoci con un enorme cesto di frutta. Poi ci mettemmo alla ricerca della solita guida disposta a trasportare le macchine fotografiche. Era basso, grasso, puzzolente, sporco: Kirschenbaum Some fifteen years after the end of the war [World War II] we went to Beirut, which was then a splendid city, its shoreline studded with fabulous hotels, those that the criminal madness of munitions makers would have destroyed some twenty years later, mowing down so many human lives on the pretext of this or that ideology.
In one of these hotels, the Phoenicia, its English name ready for Ameri- can tourists, we were given a very lovely room with balcony overlooking the sea, a room that welcomed us with an enormous basket of fruit. The open-air bar was set up at a lower level than the swimming pool, and once we were seated there the swimmers could be seen from low down instead of from above. Even apart from the pool the hotel was so pleasant that we stayed there for several days just doing nothing, resting after a very exhausting trip in the Middle East.
Then we set about looking for the usual guide willing to carry around photographic equipment. He was short, fat, foul-smelling, dirty: We visited one of the most beautiful museums ever seen, we bought some item for my ethnographic collection, Lino took tens of rolls of photographs. The next day Lino said: Thus we left by car on our own for Damascus. The road soon began to stretch out through the desert and on both sides we saw every so often Bedouins in little groups of four or five t a time.
Era una situazione senza speranza. In pochi minuti ci lasciarono passare, tutti improvvisamente sorridenti e amichevoli; ma quando arrivammo a Damasco era pomeriggio tardi, il museo era chiuso e ci mettemmo a girare alla cieca in cerca di un albergo. E inutile descrivere quello che trovammo. Le didascalie erano perfette: Passando davanti a uno spaccio di scarpe occidentalizzate riconoscemmo o credemmo di riconoscere da una sua strana acconciatura uno dei beduini visti il giorno prima lungo la strada: Arrivammo in albergo a sera avanzata e trovammo quella guida orribile ad aspettarci.
Finse che avevamo sbagliato giorno, che ci aveva aspettato fin dal mattino, pretese di essere pagato.

No one was capable of reading the western alphabet and the border police kept on passing our documents from one to the other and turning them between their hands with a suspicious manner. It was a hopeless situation. In a few minutes they let us go through, all of a sudden smiling and friendly; but when we reached Damascus it was late afternoon, the museum was closed and we set out blindly wandering in search of a hotel. Next morning we were at the door of the museum before it opened, and when they let us in we received our reward: The identifying note-cards were perfect: We left again convinced that the one in Damascus, along with the one in Beirut, was one of the better arranged museums in the world and we went on our way toward the highway.
Passing in front of a westernized shoe shop we recognized or thought we recognized from his strange attire one of the Bedouins seen the day before along the street. We arrived at the hotel in the late evening and found that horrible guide waiting for us. Avevo in mente che Lino se ne facesse un anello ma Lino non se lo fece mai.
La visita al Castello dei Crociati la ricordo male. Lino attraverso lo spessore dei muri non sentiva e quando riuscii a divincolarmi cominciai a correre come in un sogno angoscioso, proprio come in quei labirinti di cui si parla tanto adesso nei convegni letterari, inseguita dalla guida che rideva alla Lovecraft. E gli raccontai la mia storia. Rusconi, ; repub- lished But there were no other guides available, and we came to an agreement with him for the next day.
That evening we read in the Blue Guide about what the Castle was and the next day there we were on the ancient Phoenician beach. Young boys were in the water up to their knees. They had already raked through the sand and now they were looking around underwater for greenish Ro- man shards of glass that they sell to tourists as Phoenician and that I com- plying with the rule bought along with a lovely star in relief on a round coin fascinatingly oxidized. I had in mind that Lino should make a ring out of it but Lino never made it. Lino, as always, pho- tographed everything without paying attention to me and while I wandered through the corridors in the darkness between high walls, dank and black, I was unexpectedly attacked by the so-called guide, who leapt upon me from behind.
Lino on the other side of the thickness of the walls did not hear and when I managed to break loose I began to run as in an anxiety nightmare, through those very labyrinths about which so much is said these days at literary conferences, closely pursued by the guide who was laughing like a maniac out of the stories of H.
The more I ran the worse I got lost, and I threw myself into a state of anguish fit to tell in psychoanalysis. By pure chance I ended up, guided by a thread of light, at a sort of window where Lino was leaning to photograph the outside, and I set up a clamor. When we went toward the exit the guide, who had made us pay in advance, had disappeared. And I told him my story. We never spoke of it further.
The next day we left, with the sweet- scented slopes covered with cedars fixed in memory, beyond the bloody destruction that lay in wait for them. She has produced three documentaries: Italian Festival Traditions and Circo Rois: She originated the nationally-aired cable TV show, Italics. Riccardo Cordiferro Riccardo Cordiferro , pseudonym for poet, playwright, jour- nalist and political activist, Alessandro Sisca, emigrated to the U. In , he, his father Francesco and brother Marziale, founded La Follia, a newspaper which was widely read in the major Eastern Italian colonies.
Adapted from his similarly titled poem, it exposes the dishonesty of some Italian-Ameri- can bankers and their tragic exploitation of Italian immigrants, and touches on the emancipation of women. Attributing it to the playwright is supported by the following evidence: Cordiferro also edited manually in what is clearly his own, characteristic handwriting. The script is replete with not only literary changes but corrections of typographical errors, misspellings, capitalization, punctuation, missing words, layout, form and grammar. The manuscript is undated, with no indication when it was typed and edited.
The play was completed in and premiered in The date of this manuscript, therefore, could fall anywhere between and its last production in Audiences, composed of the displaced men and women of Italy, were hungry for enter- tainment, recognition, a support system and social intercourse, all emotional needs which the theatres and the nightclubs helped to satisfy.
All these factors contributed to creating an original theatrical expression: During the 19th Century, a great variety of dramatic forms and entertainments were essayed on Italian-American stages. First and foremost, audiences came to the theatre expecting to be entertained. Italian and European writers were introduced to immigrant audiences, many of whom had never before experienced the theatre or the classics of literature. The Italian-Ameri- can experience also furnished subject matter for original plays written by Italian immigrant playwrights, among them Riccardo Cordiferro.
Ad un ta tratto si sente bussare alla porta. Fate sempre la sostenuta voi! Siate ragionevole una volta! Io non voglio farvi alcun male. Sono venuto soltanto a trovarvi. E con quale sfacciataggine osate affermarlo? In casa mia voi non ci dovete venire Voi siete un miserabile, una spia, un traditore! Suddenly a knock is heard at the door. What do you want? You always act aloof! Be reasonable for once! I came here only to find you. With what audacity do you dare say that? You should not be in my house. You are a despicable sneak, a traitor!
Con un gesto di minaccia Ah, tacete! Impedendogli di avanzarsi Si, ve lo ripeto: Non sono stato io che ho fatto arrestare vostro marito. Ma non sono una donna senza onore io, e voi ben mi conoscete! Io non desidero altro al mondo che 1' amore di mio marito! Le mostra una borsa piena di monete Se io vi offrissi questa borsa? Scagliandosi verso di lui, come una belva ferita. With a menacing gesture Oh, shut up! But if that were true, I would have done it to punish your pride. But I am not a dishonorable woman, and you know that very well! Love is an ironic joke when you suffer from hunger!
But I never thought that when you married I would be made to beg you so much, to. With greater insistence, coming even closer to her But. He shows her a wallet full of money What if I were to offer you this wallet? Rushing toward him like a wounded, wild beast. Coward, a thousand times coward!
No amount of money would be enough to buy my honor. Riesce finalmente ad afferarla per la vita ti voglio, insomma, che ti desidero Sofia!? Esci, esci da qui, miserabile He finally succeeds in grabbing her at the waist I want you, finally, that I desire you Sofia!? It will never be! In the blink of an eye she rushes to the cupboard; in a flash she pulls out a pistol and suddenly turns around It will never be! So this is the way you attack someone who wants to help you? He picks up his wallet which had fallen to the floor during the scuffle, and puts it in his pocket, always watching out for the gun aimed toward him I will go, yes.
SOFIA Following him to the door, grasping the gun, ready to pull the trigger if he lingers another minute longer. Get out, get out of here, you bum. Giuseppe lo chiama ancora una volta. Io son venuto a visitarti, per vederti finalmente libero e compiacermene. Ti ho visto e me ne vado. Qualche altro giorno staremo assieme lungo tempo. Oggi, sei stanco e hai bisogno di riposo. Then staring him in the face, wanting to make him understand that with his look alone his hour has come.
Do you feel sick? Short pause Take heart, because now you will get healthy. I came to visit you, to enjoy seeing you finally free. Segue una lotta disperata a corpo a corpo. Tu non hai il dritto di vivere in mezzo a gli uomini Ho vendicato il mio onore! My wife sleeps the eternal sleep because you, you murderer, have forced her to die. But what has this got to do with me? It was you who had me arrested, to take advantage of the poverty in which she lived and to use her for your own purposes. You won, because she was afraid that I would die in jail.
But you have to die. A desperate hand to hand struggle ensues. You will die, yes. I have avenged my honor! His long and pro- ductive writing career goes from to and is remarkable for its variety. Il Doge was published in , when Palazzeschi was in his eighties, and a full six decades after his debut. The translation of Il Doge from which these pages are excerpted is meant as a step towards a fuller understanding of Palazzeschi for readers of English, providing for the first time a sample of his late narrative work.
It aims to offer a readable and accessible English version of Il Doge that is nevertheless faithful to the complexity of the original. Antonio Melchor received his Ph. I pessimisti non tardano a prender quota in un frangente come questo. The announcement was strictly limited to these circumstances, neither adding nor even minimally alluding to the reasons for or the cause of such an event, which produced no surprise at all among the Venetians, but only a jumble of conjectures, ideas, and comments; of differing opinions about what the Doge would say under these cir- cumstances, and how he would behave.
Some people said that the Doge was doing this only to keep alive a venerable custom, one very natural for a ruler, that allowed him to stay in uninterrupted and loving touch with his people, and that he would simply direct to the citizenry a warm, benevolent greet- ing that would be an omen of happiness, of general wellbeing, and of a long, healthy, and prosperous life for every single person hail- ing from that special place, which is not only really famous but also certainly among the most beautiful things ever seen.
You bet they were careful not to say it: From his high lordly seat, they said, with its unrivalled splendor and arcane fascination, he would throw into St. Others, finally, those with an excessively prosaic spirit, entirely homespun and tranquil at all costs, completely incapable of flights of fancy, but, luckily for them, inclined always to see everything through rose-colored glasses, thereby sparing themselves any jolts or anxieties, or even minimal disturbances, especially when it might upset their digestion, predicted that once on the loggia, the Doge would limit himself to dispensing smiles, smiles and kisses, an infi- nite number of kisses delivered with a regal gesture of the hand, and so many smiles that they would confound any attempt to keep track of them or to calculate their number, so many that there would be more than enough for everyone, and not even one citizen would leave empty-handed.
The women, for their part, asked, with an insistence that be- trayed a certain impatient want, a yearning that was unchecked in the most infantile and bizarre way, if the Dogess would be appear- ing with the Doge. And they concocted the most fantastic and vivid predictions about how the First Lady of Venice would appear and behave. They discussed in minute detail and with crackling liveli- ness the style and color of her dress, which would be woven with gold and studded with jewels, and they counted, one by one, the rows of pearls that starting at her neck would cover her royal person entirely; and they all dreamily closed their eyes at the thought of the blinding sparkles that would cover her luxurious mane as if she were a legendary Byzantine empress: Knowing the great love, the consuming curiosity, the enthusi- asm that the Venetians have always had for their Doge, only one thing surprises us in this affair, leaving us in a state of wonder and taking our breath away and something had to be taken away, since we can no longer remove our hats as people used to do in the last century, when they would take off their hats at the drop of a hat and when, for the sheer pleasure of de-hatting, any excuse was good.
But something had to be doffed, given this extraordinary circumstance: And this for the very simple reason that he had not let himself be seen for much too long, having withheld his person for a very extended period, thereby denying his subjects their most vivid pleasure: But time, which during our moments of sloth appears to us in- tolerably slow in its passing, so that it seems eternal, quickly becomes quite the opposite once it has passed, so that at the end of it, even the longest life, brimming with tribulations and boisterousness, seems to us but a vague dream, evanescent and light, which we could even call a flash, or a puff like the one that blows out a candle: So the Venetians, one can easily understand, now that they would be see- ing him again, felt like it had only been a few days since they had seen the Doge.
So at nine that morning the Riva degli Schiavoni was already swarming with expectant citizens walking back and forth while they exercised themselves in discussions and predictions, pas- sionate and extremely varied, as we have previously noted. They all walked around with their noses in the air, impatient to have the re- gal loggia opened to their view. The marble which is the handsome attire of the regal city dis- plays the bright and delicate sensitivity of its soul, mirroring the iri- descence of the water as it is orchestrated by the light of the day, changing its shape and color from one moment to the next.
In that silent glow, St. It may as well have been that, for, taken as advice, wise as it was, their words, as too often happens in cases like this, were meticulously unheeded. People noted the advance of the human suitcase sandwiches and proceeded not to move by even a fraction of an inch. The suitcases near the major hotels were loaded onto and unloaded from motorboats and gondolas that were boarded and disembarked by strange pilgrims whose appear- ance was a marriage of beauty and oddness. They were followed by their servants, who were also weighed down with suitcases.
Some looked at these suitcases with the familiarity of habit, without really seeing them, while others asked themselves what there could be in such big, beautiful suitcases: His several books, nearly all republished in the last five years, are captivating evocations of the underside of Italian life from the late s through the 60s. Duri a Marsiglia examines the underworld of organized crime in Marseilles between the two world wars. XXV, Number 4, Spring The special ingredient in this case is the ingenious touch of compos- ing each of the stories around the preparation and consumption of a particular recipe for pasta and, in fact, the stories themselves read very much like tales told around the dinner table over coffee and dessert.
He is now working on a translation of Corpo by Tiziano Scarpa Einaudi, , extracts of which will be published in the Winter and Spring issues of Raritan in Fra gli altri, scelse mio padre. E come tantissimi italiani che frequentano scuole a indirizzo tecnico, disprezzava profondamente le questioni tecniche e si occupava, appassionatamente, di letteratura. Le sue letture, per quanto assidue ed attente, erano piuttosto disordinate. His reading, despite all of his assiduity and attention, was rather haphazard.
Like all those of the generation who were born under Crispi and came of age under Giolitti, his interest for art, in- cluding poetry, was first and foremost, if not exclusively, aesthetic. Mia nonna contemplava, come sempre, mio nonno, tacendo. Mio padre chiese al colonnello Pugliese il permesso di aggregarmi alla spedizione. Naturalmente, a sue spese. Si era in giugno. Avevo appena compiuto non so se 10 o 11 anni.
Mancava una settimana alla partenza. Da dove, cambiando treno, alle prime luci dei giorno, arrivammo a Milano. Quindi, si rimise in viaggio per Brescia. Il quale ci stava aspettando davanti alla porta della villa, con un gigante barbuto alle spalle. We were eating dinner. My maternal grandfather, at the head of the table, interrupted his savoring of a magnificent pear, accompanied by thin slices of aged parmigiano, to say that in October of , when he was four years old, his father had taken him to the fort at Varignano to see Garibaldi, wounded at Aspromonte.
My grandmother, as always, gazed at my grandfather in silence. My sister Franca, three years younger than me, had fallen asleep over a bowl of cherries. The last of the great Italians! At his expense, naturally. The colonel for- warded the request to the Ministry of the Navy.
The Minister, upon the favorable opinion of the Director of Personnel, said yes. I had just turned 10 or maybe We had a week to go before our departure date. We left in the waning days of June, on a late afternoon train from La Spezia to Genoa, from where, after changing trains, we ar- rived in Milan at the first light of day. Indossava un abito di gabardine di un marrone molto chiaro. Sulla camicia avorio serpeggiava una cravatta verde ramarro. Calzava scarpe bianche dalla mascherina cannella traforata. Siate i benvenuti, uomini del mare!
Poi, porgendo una ciotola di legno, soggiunse: Non era una tavola da pranzo, quella dove sedemmo qualche ora dopo. Era una specie di altare, sul quale piatti e posate occupavano il minimo dello spazio indispensabile, in mezzo a una selva di cimeli e oggetti dal misterioso significato. Guardavo quel briccabracche a bocca aperta. I had imagined him not very tall, but thin. Instead, he was more stocky than short. He had on a light brown gabardine suit with an ivory shirt and a serpentine bright green tie.
His feet were clad in white shoes with cinnamon-red per- forated tips. His head, perfectly bald, was tucked down a little be- tween his shoulders and his right eye was covered by a black band. Welcome, men of the sea! It was a kind of altar, on which plates and silverware occupied the bare minimum of space, surrounded by relics and objects of mys- terious significance. Propeller shards, statuettes in bronze and sil- ver, ecclesiastical chalices, shreds of damask, satin, and brocade, dag- gers of all shapes and sizes, aviator helmets, a dozen or so among them of oriflammes, pennants, and streamers, phials of colored crys- tal, a machine-gun ammunition belt with all its bullets…I looked around at all that bric-a-brac with my mouth hanging open.
Was I dreaming or what? Infatti, pochi istanti dopo entrarono le clarisse. Due donne dai capelli corvini, lunghi sulle spalle, che recavano ognuna un vassoio di metallo dorato che fosse proprio oro? Talmente ferino, nelle due ancelle del Vate, che andavano servendo la pastasciutta sorridenti e disinvolte, da procurarmi non solo stupore, ma addirittura spavento. Due micini neri accovacciati al calduccio? Un segno di lutto insolito?
Mentre tutti gli occhi dei commensali erano fissi su di me. Guardai il piatto per la prima volta e notai che gli spaghetti non erano di forma cilindrica, come quelli di casa. E nomata pasta alla chitarra. Two women with long raven hair, down to their shoulders, each of whom was carrying a gilded metal tray could it have been real gold? What were those dark stains? Two black kittens holed up to keep warm? Some strange sign of mourning? When Sister Pecchia as I learned afterwards she was called came over to fill my plate, my eyes re- mained glued on the tangle of her pubis.
While the eyes of everyone else at the table were glued on me. And do you know why, my little blond white sailor? Al posto della quale venne poi usato un istrumento, munito di alcuni fili metallici ben tesi. La rammenterai, angeluzzo marino? La ricordo, infatti, ogni volta che mi capita di mangiare spa- ghetti alla chitarra. E insieme ad essa ricordo anche le due macchie nere che mi apparvero, misteriose, attraverso un velo di un lievissimo color rosa.
Which later on was replaced by a tool, furnished with tightly stretched metallic strings. It is said that this utensil was con- ceived by a shoemaker from Palena, on the slopes of Mt. Maiella, whose name was Manicone. That is the story of this pasta from Abbruzzo. Will you remember it, my little angelic sailor? And along with it I also recall the two black patches that appeared to me, mysteriously, through the folds of a pallid pink veil. Professor Mortimer has published widely in the fields of Renaissance poetry and Anglo- Italian literary relations. Among his recent publications are Variable Passions: Of his Michelangelo translations Anthony Mortimer writes: Coming to Michelangelo after translating Petrarch, I found that the major difficulty was to give a sense of the difference between the two poets while still making it clear that Michelangelo remains within the Petrachan tradition.
I do not think that sixteenth- century love poetry can be really adapted to a twenty-first century idiom and thus I am not afraid of the occasional archaism or of echo- ing Shakespeare, Sidney or Milton where this seems appropriate. I want to remind the reader of the literary context that Michelangelo shares with other major Renaissance poets. The same strategy dic- tates my approach to rhyme. Without rhyme of some kind, a sonnet degenerates into fourteen so why not fifteen? My solution has been to exploit every variety of assonance and con- sonance, from full rhyme to the merest echo, in order to give an impression of the original rhyme scheme without indulging in the excesses of rhyme-forcing.
For an even more grotesque self-portrait, see No wonder that my mind is so far out of joint that it gets nothing right; show me the crooked barrel that shoots straight. Se ben dice il Poeta di Pistoia, istieti a mente, e basta; e se tu dici ben di Fiorenza, tu mi dai la soia. A caudate sonnet, possibly for Giovanni di Benedetto da Pistoia see 5. The violent tone seems to go beyond the jocular Berni tradition. The greatest Medico of all our ills laughed so much at the message that he blew his nose too hard and broke his spectacles.
And there are many others who would curse the name of Christ to have you here again; no harm in that, nobody thinks them worse for lack of faith. E come vostro amico e mio fedele disse: This burlesque verse-letter is a reply to Francesco Berni who had written a poem, purportedly addressed to the painter Sebastiano del Piombo in Rome, but obviously intended for MB. MB replies by impersonating del Piombo and compounds the joke by making himself the supposed bearer of the letter. Berni had exalted MB over contem- porary Petrarchist poets: And then he said, as your good friend and mine: But by his teaching I can still be shown the light; and what a marvel it would be to make a real man from a painted one!
The lines now have a sinister overtone that MB could not have intended: Commandatemi, e fate poi da voi. Sebastiano del Piombo had become a friar in To you, whom I account most rare, I offer all that I am; and even if I lost my cowl, you must not think that I would waver. Around my door I find huge piles of shit since those who gorge on grapes or take a purge can find no better place to void their guts.
Within the body soul enjoys such ease that, if the plug were pulled to free a fart, it would not stay behind for bread and cheese. That blocked back door stops soul from flying out, and coughs and colds are keeping death at bay by checking breath escaping through my throat.
My happiness consists in melancholy and these discomforts are my only rest: Io tengo un calabron in un orciuolo, in un sacco di cuoio ossa e capresti, tre pilole di pece in un bocciuolo. A burlesque portrait of the artist as an old man. Arachne challenged the goddess Athena to a weaving contest and was transformed into a spider as punishment for her presumption. My eyes like blueish powder, ground and pounded, my teeth like keys from some botched instrument — they move, a sound comes out and then goes dead. My face is ghastly, but, if I were sent to frighten birds, my clothes alone would scare crows from dry furrows in a time of want.
Love and the muses, bowers of delight, my scrawls and scribbles, end up as a lot of tavern-bills, bog-paper, brothel notes. Making all those big dolls, I wonder what the point was, if my end is still like one who swims across the sea, then drowns in snot. Date uncertain, but before , probably The first of four sonnets exploring different attitudes towards night. The poems are later than the famous sculpture of Night in the Medici chapel. So weak is night that in a given place its life is taken by a man who lights a little torch — so feeble it takes flight as soon as flint and tinder rend its space.
In traditional Aristotelean theory only the male seed was seen as active in procre- ation. See note to You cut the thread of tired thoughts, for so you offer calm in your moist shade; you send to this low sphere the dreams where we ascend up to the highest, where I long to go. Shadow of death that brings to quiet close all miseries that plague the heart and soul, for those in pain the last and best of cures; you heal the flesh of its infirmities, dry up our tears and shut away our toil, and free the good from wrath and fretting cares.
From these were born, before the moment passed, the fortune, fate and chance of every man; I was assigned the dark time for my own, as what my birth and cradle suited best. Moreover, the whole four-sonnet se- quence starts out with a reference to Phoebus , 1. He is the co-author of Teaching the Art of Poetry: The Moves and of A Surge of Language: Teaching Poetry Day to Day.
Longo, , on the city in Renaissance theatre. She also works on the integration of language and culture in Italian teaching methodology. Within the framework of the shared management principle, the managing authorities agree with the Commission on their priorities for the use of the decided EU funds. The managing authorities and programmes then run selection processes which lead to the allocation of funding to specific projects in line with agreed priorities.
In a multi-annual programme, it is not unusual that project selection takes place progressively. As money can be spent up to the end of , this rate of execution is more than reasonable. The Commission therefore considers it is fulfilling its role in the management of the funds, also in drawing attention to the funds still available for allocation to specific projects, permitting a refocusing of this money on youth employment and SME support.
The recent negotiations on the proposed models for economic governance have spurred heated debates. To these country-specific medium-term objectives, the TSCG adds a lower limit in the form of a structural deficit of 0. Non-compliance with these values is always followed up by an analysis of different country-specific factors including cyclical circumstances, in order to assess the seriousness of the situation and possible consequences. Regarding the position of the Member States with a derogation, it should be noted that the sustainability of the governmental financial position criterion is only one of several convergence criteria, which also include the achievement of a high degree of price stability, the observance of the normal fluctuation margins provided for by the ERM II and the durability of convergence achieved.
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It is thus the overall sustainability of the convergence process which is key for fulfilling the obligations of the Member States concerned. L'Italia dipende ufficialmente dalle importazioni di pesce. Tale principio si applica a tutti i prodotti venduti nell'UE, a prescindere dalla loro provenienza. Italy officially depends on fish imports. However, this is not the only problem: Combating fraudulent activities that pass off imported products as EU ones is the responsibility of the competent authorities of EU Member States.
Under these rules, all fisheries and aquaculture products must be traceable at all stages of production, processing and distribution. In addition, the current Commission proposal for the Reform of the Common Organisation of the Markets for fisheries and aquaculture products envisages the extension of mandatory labelling requirements to all products including canned and processed products. Competent authorities of Member States are responsible for the management of this system and the control and enforcement of these requirements.
Nuovo carburante per l'alimentazione dei velivoli. Insieme al tradizionale cherosene, un aereo di una compagnia aerea australiana ha utilizzato olio da cucina raffinato che proveniva direttamente dalle cucine di una catena americana. Le emissioni di carbonio e il tasso di inquinamento provocato dalla tratta aerea sono stati minimi: La Commissione ritiene che i vantaggi dell'uso dei biocarburanti sostenibili per l'ambiente possano essere considerevoli. La tabella di marcia prevede l'utilizzo di 2 milioni di tonnellate di biocarburanti avanzati e sostenibili nel settore del trasporto aereo in Europa e sta per essere avviata una serie di seminari che affrontano problemi e tappe fondamentali del percorso verso la diffusione dei biocarburanti.
A plane from an Australian airline has used a mix of traditional kerosene and refined cooking oil that came directly from the kitchens of an American chain. The aircraft had a large number of passengers on board and took off from Sydney at Carbon emissions and pollution from the air route have been minimal: Another point in favour of biofuels is functionality: This change is needed due to the challenges that we must tackle in relation to the environment, and because in future we will not be able to continue to rely exclusively on traditional fuel. Does it believe this could be a further solution to consider in order to reduce pollution and improve air quality?
The Commission is aware of the commercial flight using a mixture of refined cooking oil referred to by the Honourable Member and the feasibility study that will be conducted by Quantas into the use of biofuels in aviation. It believes that the environmental benefits from sustainable biofuel use are potentially significant. Finally, the success story of biofuels cannot be dissociated with an effective Research and Innovation strategy addressing the full value chain of biofuels. Therefore, the European Commission has earmarked this topic as having a high priority under the current Research and Development Programme Seventh Framework Programme — FP7 as well as within Horizon within which demonstration activities are addressed identification of possible pathways, technology gaps, blending rates, barriers….
Sequestro a Bari e risultati della lotta antifrode. Le sigarette si trovavano nascoste sotto alcuni sacchi di riso che costituivano il carico dei tir sbarcato poco prima da una motonave proveniente dalla Grecia. Insomma, la Puglia si conferma ancora una volta il cuore del traffico di sostanze stupefacenti nel Mediterraneo. Dal inviano inoltre informazioni sui sequestri di sigarette superiori a un determinato limite. The operation took place at the port of Bari. The cigarettes were found hidden under several bags of rice that had been loaded onto heavy goods vehicles which had just disembarked from a ship that had come from Greece.
The marijuana was found in the car of one of the three arrested men, hidden in a section carved out of the fuel tank. In short, Apulia has once again been confirmed as the centre of illegal drug trafficking in the Mediterranean. What are the results of the multiannual agreement signed nearly two years ago by the European Union and Imperial Tobacco Limited with a view to working together to combat the illegal trade in tobacco products?
Since , they have provided OLAF with information on seizures of cigarettes above a certain threshold. OLAF coordinates Joint Customs Operations JCOs and, where appropriate, coordinates investigations into large scale cigarette smuggling conducted by the national law enforcement authorities. Wie aber wird dieses Projekt speziell finanziert? Gibt es einen Plan B, sollte dieses Projekt scheitern? Falls ja, wie sieht der aus? Falls nein, warum bedenkt man so etwas nicht, wenn es um solche Summen geht?
Jeder Mitgliedstaat muss sparen bzw. Wie rechtfertigt man diese Unsumme an Steuergeldern bei der Sparpolitik, die von der EU ausgegeben wird? Was verspricht sich die EU von dieser Hilfe? Mai von den Mitgliedstaaten gebilligt wurde. However, how will this project specifically be financed? Which budgets will be used? Is there a backup plan, should the project fail? If so, what is the backup plan? If not, why has something like this not been considered when such amounts are involved?
Is it necessary or possible to establish a maximum amount? While each Member State is required — or forced — to save, these amounts of money are then invested. In view of the austerity policy, what justifies these large amounts of tax revenue being spent by the EU? What can EU citizens expect from this project? A policy dialogue with the partner country will clarify the reforms needed to attract the necessary private investment.
Only when and if these reforms are made EU funding in the framework of this initiative may become available. Costs for access will vary per country as they depend on specific needs and local circumstances. The success of the initiative will be determined by the ability to attract private sector investment.
Providing energy access can enhance job creation, stimulate education, and thus alleviate poverty. Sharing our best experts with growing economies can enhance our trade relations and can provide new markets for European industry. Providing access will require technical assistance and investment.
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EUR aus dem Sozialfonds bereitgestellt werden. Zahlreiche Stellen bleiben unbesetzt, selbst in Mitgliedstaaten mit steigender Arbeitslosigkeit. In addition, civil service vacancies are also to be filled with members of these national groups. In Spain, for example, unemployment stood at Although some Member States have managed to reduce their unemployment levels, the numbers of unemployed are still several times higher than in other years. Why does the Commission want to put even more pressure on the labour markets of the other EU Member States by removing all barriers within the labour market?
How are we to cope with a possible flood of cheap, poorly qualified workers from Romania and Bulgaria? Does it wish in this way to punish those countries who have managed their affairs well so far and who have operated successful labour market policies by forcing them to take on responsibility for the unemployed from other countries?
Does it not make sense that only citizens of Member States should be permitted to work in the civil service? After all, the loyalty and patriotism among citizens of Member States is bound to be greater than among citizens from third countries. This hinders adjustments in allocating resources that could support economic and employment growth. Substantial numbers of jobs remain vacant even in Member States where unemployment is on the rise. Deepening European labour market integration is crucial to enable all employment opportunities to be exploited.
Several Commission reports and studies have found that post-enlargement mobility has generally had a positive effect on the economies, and thus the labour markets, of Member States that opened up their labour markets. Posts which involve direct or indirect participation in the exercise of powers conferred by public law and duties designed to safeguard the general interests of the State may therefore be reserved to a Member State's own nationals.
All other civil service posts must be open to EU migrant workers. Experience shows that they contribute loyally, for example as teachers, doctors and nurses. Die beiden angesprochenen Projekte richten sich an junge Menschen, u. Mit mehreren Tausend Zuschauern bzw. Im Hinblick auf diesen Bericht hat die Kommission am 9. The EU cannot therefore be said to be making its presence felt.
Certain measures are already under way. Would this money not have been better invested in something else? Under the Culture Programme, projects are funded on merit, further to a transparent and rigorous selection process undertaken by independent external experts.
The procedures and objectives of the Programme were approved by both the Council and the Parliament. Both projects aim to stimulate young people, including from disadvantaged economic and social backgrounds, to take an interest in music and dance. They promote cross-border circulation of these arts, train cultural operators and stimulate intercultural dialogue. Audiences of several thousand people were reached. Their impact can be expected to continue beyond the duration of the projects.
The European Year of Citizens will raise awareness among the general public of their rights as EU citizens. Improved understanding is necessary for people to engage as EU citizens and to appreciate the importance of voting in European Parliament elections. Having such a European Year was one of the 25 actions the Commission proposed in its EU Citizenship Report to remove obstacles EU citizens encounter in their daily lives when exercising their EU rights.
In this report the Commission will assess progress made on the 25 actions put forward in and propose further actions to remove persistent obstacles. I have been contacted by one of my London constituents who has enquired what political pressure can be exerted on the Chinese authorities to help prevent the widespread practice of returning North Korean refugees to their homeland. Would the European External Action Service EEAS agree that forced Chinese deportations back to North Korea have resulted in interrogation, torture, horrific labour camps and even execution for those individuals unfortunate enough to have been caught?
In responding would the EEAS please take into account the following important points:. On the death of dictator Kim Jong-Il, you issued a statement declaring that: All countries should as a matter of principle fulfil their commitments under the Convention related to the status of refugees and its Protocol by refraining from refouling people to their country of origin where they might face the death penalty or other human rights abuses. The Chinese position has remained unchanged until now.
It does not recognise North Korean refugees and regards them as economic migrants. We will continue to follow closely the situation of North Korean refugees and to engage China on this issue. I have been contacted by one of my London constituents who has enquired whether political pressure can be exerted by the European External Action Service EEAS on Iran to bring an immediate end to ethnic, religious, economic and cultural human rights violations faced by its own Arab citizens in Al-Ahwaz which Tehran calls Khuzestan. The EU has therefore called on the Islamic Republic of Iran to live up to the international human rights obligations that it has itself signed up to, including the obligations that relate to these matters.
These measures still stand. Within that perspective, the EEAS is making its best effort to increase its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. In , thanks to the elimination of duplications, synergies and savings from more modern working methods, the EEAS has managed to cover through substantial staff redeployments the chairing of the Political and Security Committee and working groups, to reinforce priority areas for Parliament development policy and crisis management, peacekeeping and to provide for new functions to support the High Representative and the Corporate Board, including policy coordination, strategic communication, strategic planning and a legal service.
It proposes to freeze appropriations for missions, representation and training at headquarters and in delegations, transport and technical equipment, public information and public events at headquarters, at their level in nominal terms. The EEAS building policy is geared towards promoting synergies wherever possible with other EU institutions and Member States through sharing of premises and pooling of services. The creation of the EEAS and the transition by EU delegations in taking over the previous tasks of the rotating presidency has taken place against the background of acute budget constraints.
The limited extra resources available have been allocated to delegations according to a rigorous assessment of political priorities and workload, fully consistent with the principles of cost-efficiency and effectiveness. The success of this process has been generally welcomed by Member States and the authorities of third countries.
Commission staff based in EU Delegations remain Commission staff. Therefore the Commission remains the Appointing Authority for them. Such transfers, carried out on a pro-rata basis, left a certain number of gaps. In addition, the role of EU Delegations has to evolve to take into account the changes introduced by the Lisbon Treaty. The Budgetary Authority accepted to grant the EEAS, for , an increased budget, essentially to fill initial these gaps and to undertake these changes.
However, the EEAS has to face increasing security needs in Delegations, notably in Iraq and Afghanistan where it must also meet legal obligations. Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione. Visto il regolamento CE n. Le disposizioni che autorizzano a far intervenire il Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione FEG in circostanze eccezionali sono sufficientemente flessibili.
Dato che le domande di finanziamento FEG sono presentate dagli Stati membri, la Commissione invita gli onorevoli parlamentari a chiedere alla persona di contatto del FEG per l'Italia il motivo per il quale non sono state presentate domande a sostegno dei lavoratori in esubero citati nella loro interrogazione.
A tale riguardo la Commissione deplora che una minoranza di blocco in seno al Consiglio abbia impedito di prorogare la deroga legata alla crisi. Does it believe that the EGF could also be used to facilitate the mobility of workers and to analyse and better anticipate changing economic trends? The provisions allowing the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund EGF to be mobilised under exceptional circumstances are sufficiently flexible.
Out of the 98 applications so far received, nine including one from Italy were submitted under this provision, and seven of these have already been approved by the European Parliament and the Council. None have been rejected. In this regard the Commission deplores that a blocking minority in Council prevented the extension of the so-called crisis derogation. It aims at simplifying and improving the Fund, in particular through a strong emphasis on genuinely active labour market policy measures, including training, entrepreneurship promotion and mobility incentives.
The EGF's primary role is not to help to anticipate economic trends. The Commission services are already carrying out activities to increase the visibility of the Fund and the exchanges of best practices. Naar aanleiding hiervan heb ik de onderstaande vragen. Europese wetgeving vrouwenquota aan bedrijven en lidstaten opdringt? This gives rise to the following questions.
If not, why not? We note that the number of universities in Europe is growing.
Il freddo modifica la traiettoria dei pesci : Pierre Szalowski :
In its new strategy for modernising higher education, the Commission identifies reforms that need to be adopted by national governments to create skilled graduates who are able to contribute to job creation, economic growth and innovation. The most important objectives are to improve the quality of education and increase the number of students. In Romania, the top priority is not to increase the number of students but to improve the quality of education and adapt to the needs of the labour market.
Romania should aspire to a European higher education. Can the Commission state how the new strategy for modernising higher education will succeed in eliminating the gap between high-performing university systems and those, like Romania, aspiring to such a status? The main responsibility for delivering reforms in higher education rests with Member States and education institutions themselves. Thus the Agenda identifies areas for reform where action by Member States — geared to their own national situation — can improve quality while increasing higher education attainment. It also details how the European Union can support their modernisation policies through policy cooperation and by harnessing EU funding programmes.
The Commission would encourage Romania to continue its higher education reforms. There is no trade-off between policies to increase graduate numbers and to raise quality. In fact, strengthening the quality of higher education and increasing public trust in qualifications is key to increasing participation and attainment. Structural funds are currently financing efforts to better align the higher education offer to labour market needs and to increase quality in higher education and research.
Further reforms to broaden access to higher education would help develop a highly qualified skills base from which to create growth. This is the objective of the Europe higher education attainment target and the national attainment targets set by Member States. Participation in the Erasmus and FP7 programmes, and in their future successors Erasmus for All and Horizon , are also vital elements in enhancing the quality of Romania's higher education system, through collaboration and exchange. In general, differences in treatment are allowed only under specific conditions. A legitimate aim may, for example, be the protection of women against violence.
However, it has to be established under national law whether a legitimate aim justifies the measure. The directive also requires that the price information must be unambiguous, clearly legible and easily identifiable. National authorities are primarily responsible for enforcing EU consumer legislation. Therefore consumers in the Netherlands should bring this practice to the attention of the enforcement authorities. Can the Commission please explain the rationale for the difference in the levy charged between the regulations in December and April?
Can the Commission explain why two different mechanisms are used for releasing beet and cane sugar to the market? The reduced surplus levy to release out-of-quota sugar is based on the difference between the most recent publicly available average EU price and the world price: Quotas currently limit the market opportunities for sugar beet producers, while sugar refiners source year round raw sugar on the world market where prices are typically below the Union prices. Having a reduced surplus levy for beet sugar and a tendered reduced duty for cane sugar refiners only reflects the differences between the two origins of sugar.
These different systems also mean that if as a refiner you are successful in your bid, you may receive the full volume you have requested, and there is no pre-defined ceiling limiting the volume of the refiners' bid. Given the transport and logistical costs for imported sugar, this clearly militates in favour of allocating sufficient volumes for refiners, and this is what the tendered duty system in place delivers to those refiners proposing the most competitive bid. In Scotland, it is common practice for livestock to graze on heather, especially in the highlands and islands and during winter, given the large proportion of the land it covers.
To a large extent this could meet the Honourable Member's concern. Konsekvensen er, at ca. Systemet kan udvides til at omfatte al transport af hunde og katte. There are also associated risks of mistreatment, spread of disease, unfair competition and misleading of consumers. Since transportation takes place within the Schengen area, suspicions of ill-treatment can be substantiated only where it is possible to trace the origin and successive holders of the animals concerned.
An alternative system exists which is likely to provide effective traceability of origin and of successive holders so as to dissuade illegal traders. It is based on identification of puppies and kittens and on registration with a local database linked to a central information system. It could be extended to cover all movements of dogs and cats. Since movements of puppies and kittens now require identification and a passport for every animal, which most breeders comply with, traceability would only need identifications made in the breeding country to be registered on a database linked to the central European information system.
In the light of the results of this study, the Commission will consider if further actions are necessary in this field with due regard to the principles of proportionality and subsidiarity. Trenutno je v veljavi sedmi okvirni program za raziskave, ki se bo iztekel leta Bee-keepers are facing the problem of mounting bee deaths. Among the major causes of bee death are a variety of complex bacterial, virus-related and parasitical factors, along with climate change and the loss of biodiversity.
One of the main causes of bee death is the parasitic varroa mite, and it is therefore essential to develop means of control compatible with the principles of sustainable agriculture.
Whenever chemicals are used, there is a risk that they will spread through hives and into bee products such as honey, beeswax and propolis. Bee health is an area in which research and innovation at European level are of great importance. The Commission is supporting research projects with the objective to improve bee health and will continue in the coming years to put emphasis on innovative approaches to address bee health issues, including the potential causes of increased bee mortality, and Varroa control.
The project specifically addresses sub-lethal and chronic exposure to pesticides and screens how apicultural practices affect colony health. The Horizon programme is expected to continue to cover important aspects of sustainable agriculture including animal health issues. However, it is not possible at this stage to know which share of the budget could be spent to develop sustainable means of pest control in bees.
No es el caso de esta planta. It will burn huge amounts of forest material, crop residues and bioenergy crops. The area in which the plant will be built contains irrigated farmland, with small villages nearby. The main crop residues in the area are the remains of corn plants after harvest. Obtaining bioenergy crops means replacing the existing crops, where corn predominates. In its opinion, the Committee recommends that replacing food crops with bioenergy crops should be avoided and that only waste from crops not needed to fertilise the soil should be burnt.
The fact that the European Union has recently issued a number of alerts concerning the deteriorating quality of European soil must be taken into account. In the area concerned, removal of corn waste is already above the recommended level, and the only measure that would make sense would be to burn forest waste, but this should be done near its point of production. This is not the case with this plant. The fact that production of corn and wheat in Spain is very low whilst production of electricity is very high must be taken into account. If a large number of biomass plants the newspapers say 40 are built in Catalonia as planned the results will be very bad for CO 2 levels, for soil quality and for the production of cereals in Spain.
The Commission is not aware of the details of the planned power plant mentioned in the question. The Commission is planning to report on this in due course. The Commission is aware of the opinion referred to by the Honourable Member, but does not consider it relevant to local and regional health effects of solid biomass plants.
While the combustion of solid biomass involves the emissions of certain air pollutants most notably particulate matter that can adversely affect health, the Commission notes that fossil energy sources that biomass is aiming to replace involve similar emissions. Emission limit values applicable to air pollutants emitted by smaller plants or installations should therefore be regulated according to national law. Neuregelung des Datenschutzes in Europa. Experten kritisieren jetzt Medienberichten zufolge den Entwurf vor allem aus Arbeitnehmersicht.
Arbeitnehmervertreter sehen in den geplanten Vorhaben deutliche Verschlechterungen. Daraus ergeben sich folgende Fragen:. The EU Commission proposal for changes to European data protection has been on the table for some weeks. According to reports in the media, experts are now critical of the draft proposal, particularly as seen from the perspective of employees.
They complain that insufficient attention is paid to the potential threat to data concerning employment conditions and that the proposed regulation contains too many grey areas. They see a lack of attention to reasonable protection of employee data. According to the draft, guidelines issued unilaterally by employers should simplify the communication of information within companies in the future.
Austrian and European data protection laws contain few provisions that consider the particular protection needs of employees. For this reason, experts are calling for adequate data protection provisions for employees, as well as more efficient law enforcement to protect employment data, particularly at company level.
This gives rise to the following questions:. How does the Commission intend to make it clear that European data protection rules do not reduce the validity of national labour relations? How does the Commission intend to ensure that privacy protection and the information rights of those concerned are upheld through mandatory reporting to the Data Processing Register?
How will a national data protection authority operate under the new changes, so that efficient law enforcement is guaranteed? Moreover, in order to ensure efficient and uniform law enforcement, the autonomy of national data protection supervisory authorities and their powers are reinforced so that they can carry out investigations, take binding decisions and impose effective dissuasive penalties. The Member States will be obliged to provide the data supervisory authorities with sufficient resources.
I dipendenti del ristorante sono stati colpiti dall'esplosione mentre chiudevano il locale. A novembre due bombe sono esplose in un locale notturno e presso una rivendita di bevande alcoliche, mentre a dicembre ha subito un attentato un altro ristorante in cui si servivano bevande alcoliche. Ritengono i funzionari del SEAE che esso s'inquadri nel movimento di crescente opposizione al laicismo che si sta sviluppando in Libano?
In che misura tali attentati costituiscono un rischio per la sicurezza dei cittadini dell'UE in Libano? Ritengono i funzionari della sicurezza che possano essere coinvolti gruppi come Hezbollah? Se gli attacchi terroristici sono caratterizzati per definizione da una violenza indiscriminata, anche gli attacchi mirati a luoghi specifici possono mettere in pericolo il pubblico in generale, compresi i cittadini dell'Unione che vivono o viaggiano in Libano. In tale contesto gli Stati membri dell'UE o i relativi ministeri degli Affari esteri forniscono informazioni utili tramite i consigli per i viaggiatori.
L'Unione europea condanna in modo inequivocabile ogni forma di violenza illegale. Qualsiasi attacco del tipo a cui si riferisce l'onorevole parlamentare dovrebbe essere oggetto di un'accurata indagine penale e i responsabili dovrebbero essere processati. L'Unione europea partecipa attivamente alla riforma e al potenziamento del settore della sicurezza in Libano tramite specifici programmi di cooperazione, che dovrebbero proseguire nei prossimi anni.
Employees at the restaurant were caught in the blast as they were closing the premises. The restaurant is known to serve alcohol and allow dancing, and many think this was the prime motivation for the attack, as there has been a spate of bombings targeting establishments selling alcohol in this predominantly Muslim city and its surrounding areas.
In November, two bombs detonated in a nightclub and a liquor store, while in December another restaurant, which also sold alcohol, was bombed. What effective steps are the Lebanese authorities taking to root out the individuals responsible for the attacks? While terrorist attacks use indiscriminate violence by definition, targeted attacks against specific establishments can pose threats to the general public as well, including EU citizens living in Lebanon or travelling there. The EU unequivocally condemns the use of all illegal violence. All attacks such as those mentioned should be thoroughly investigated as a criminal matter and their perpetrators prosecuted.
The EU trusts that the Lebanese law enforcement authorities will be able and determined to follow the cases appropriately. It is the role of these authorities to establish the identity of the perpetrators and whether or not they belong to a specific group or party. The EU is actively involved in the reform and strengthening of Lebanon's security sector through special cooperation programs, which are foreseen to continue in the coming years.
Si ritiene che la confessione rilasciata da Abu Shahala sia stata estorta con la tortura. In caso affermativo, con quali risultati? L'UE sostiene l'applicazione del principio del giusto processo in tutti i procedimenti giudiziari palestinesi senza eccezioni e ha espresso questa posizione ai rappresentanti palestinesi in diverse occasioni. Si ricorda inoltre che l'Unione europea resta contraria alla pena di morte in qualsiasi circostanza.
A number of news agencies have said he was sentenced following a rushed trial. His crime was simply to sell property to Jews. The sentence will only be carried out if President Mahmoud Abbas signs his death warrant. Following the creation of the Palestinian Authority, one of the first laws to be adopted was to make it a capital offence to sell land to Jews. If so, what was the outcome? Furthermore, no judgment has yet been rendered in this case. The EU remains committed to a broad and comprehensive effort to monitor human rights developments in the West Bank areas under Palestinian Authority control.
The EU supports the application of due process in all Palestinian proceedings without exception and has made this point to Palestinain representatives on a number of separate occasions. The EU recalls that a de facto moratorium on the carrying out of death penalty sentences has been in place in the West Bank since Can the Commission provide a breakdown of the number of staff employed in the Commission?
The Honourable Member will find a breakdown of the number of staff per grade employed in the Commission at the following link: September eine Anfrage bzgl. April wurde die Frage nicht beantwortet. The citizen is currently being treated as an outpatient in the Czech Republic Marienbad using his German health insurance. These costs are requested regardless of whether or not the insured persons receive healthcare in Germany or in another Member State. Verwendung und Wiederverwendung der Mittel: Wie wird es informiert? Wo erscheinen diese Mittel im EU-Haushalt?
The Commission must therefore seek the most efficient use of available resources by using financial instruments with leverage effect. Such effect could be increased by enabling the use and re-use of funds invested and generated by financial instruments. Use and re-use of funds: How is it kept informed? The new Financial Regulation foresees an increased role of the Parliament in the programme design, budgetary process, implementation and unwinding of financial instruments. In particular, detailed reporting requirements will ensure full transparency and control for the Parliament both in the context of the budgetary and the discharge procedure.
Reflows are revenues including dividends, capital gains, guarantee fees and interest on loans and on amounts on fiduciary accounts and repayments including capital repayments, guarantees released, and repayments of the principal of loans paid back to the Commission or fiduciary accounts opened for financial instruments and attributable to the support from the Union budget under a financial instrument.
While currently no horizontal rules for the reuse of reflows exist the revised Financial Regulation will contain general provisions for such reuse. Sono in essere rapporti diplomatici di mediazione da parte dell'UE per assicurare la pace fra i 2 stati e per tutelare i diritti dei Cristiani nella Regione? Fortunately, there were no victims. The event occurred at the same time as the announcement of the retaking of the Heglig region, which is rich in oil and has been contested for years by Sudan and South Sudan, and which in recent months has seen fierce fighting.
Is the Commission aware of this fact? Of the funds allocated to Sudan by the European Development Fund, will any be used to support the Christian communities in the country? Freedom of religion or belief is a universal human right which must be protected everywhere and for everyone. It is the primary duty of States to protect their citizens, as well as all people living in their jurisdiction, and to safeguard their rights.
The EU is closely watching the human rights situation in Sudan, in particular freedom of religion and belief. Human rights issues are constantly on the political agenda with the Government of Sudan. The EU has established a dialogue on religious freedom with the Sudanese Advisory Council for Human Rights, and with the Christian authorities in the country. Current EDF allocations focus on agriculture, health and education.
Additivi per abbattere le emissioni inquinanti e ridurre i consumi di carburante nel comparto pubblico. Considerati i dati forniti dallo studio, la Commissione ritiene che sarebbe utile estendere l'utilizzo tali additivi a tutto il comparto del trasporto pubblico e non solo a scelte di singole amministrazioni o aziende? This additive yields its best results in terms of cutting polluting emissions in older engines, which enables the savings to be reinvested, for example, in the purchase of new vehicles.
Is the Commission aware of this experiment and of the results obtained? Given the data supplied by the study, does the Commission not agree that it would be useful to extend the use of these additives to the public transport sector as a whole, and not only to individual administrations or companies who choose to use them? Further it is also well known that the magnitude of the effects positive or negative can largely depend on the engine technology as well as on the operating and environmental conditions.
This has been demonstrated in the specific study of the Commission's Joint Research Centre mentioned by the Honourable Member. Needless to say conclusions cannot be generalised. Moreover the specific product mentioned is just one of the possible commercially available options that can be used to reduce emissions from existing vehicle fleets.
Each of these options presents advantages and drawbacks that have to be thoroughly assessed in terms of their consequences on air quality at local level. In Indonesia continua la discriminazione contro le donne. Come procedono i lavori della delegazione europea in Indonesia sul fronte dei diritti dell'uomo? La Commissione ha intenzione di prendere posizione per sostenere i diritti delle donne in Indonesia? Negli ultimi anni, l'Indonesia ha compiuto alcuni progressi in materia di protezione e promozione dei diritti delle donne.
Tra gli esempi sono annoverate la legge sulla violenza domestica, adottata nel , e la legge sulla tratta delle donne, adottata nel Tuttavia,come illustra l'esempio citato dall'onorevole parlamentare riguardo alla proposta di un emendamento volto a mettere al bando le gonne corte, occorrono ulteriori miglioramenti nel campo dei diritti delle donne.
Le discussioni su svariate questioni sui diritti umani di interesse comune, compresa quella relativa ai diritti delle donne, sono state aperte e costruttive. There is continuing discrimination against women in Indonesia. In fact, conservative policies and the police are increasingly failing to criminalise men who perpetrate acts of violence against women; instead they portray women as being indirectly responsible, through a lack of discipline in the way they dress. Is the Commission aware of this situation?
Examples in this regard include the law on domestic violence adopted in and on trafficking in The Government has also acknowledged the need to improve the protection of domestic and migrant workers, who are mainly female. The discussions on a wide range of human rights issues of mutual interest, including women rights, were open and constructive.
The EU, in particular through its Delegation in Jakarta, will continue to monitor and address human rights issues and to support human rights projects in Indonesia notably through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human rights. Gli Stati membri hanno competenza esclusiva in quest'ambito. Qualora la Commissione fosse informata di eventuali violazioni da parte di un'impresa alle disposizioni citate, procederebbe ad ulteriori indagini.
Given the cost of safety, in terms of speed limits, driving hours, no excess loading, does the Commission intend to investigate what is happening to the detriment of the safety of all European citizens? The Member States have alone competence in this field. Therefore, the Commission cannot take any measures as regards wage setting.
Should the Commission be notified of any breaches to the abovementioned provisions by undertakings, it would investigate the matter further. Dal al il trend dei fallimenti nella penisola mostra un evidente e costante aumento: Quali sono i programmi a favore delle imprese e dei lavoratori inseriti nell'Agenda per nuove competenze e per l'occupazione? The figure is 0. Since the bankruptcy trend on the Italian mainland has been moving clearly and constantly upwards: The situation is not the same across the board.
The problem is more serious in some areas than in others. In absolute terms, Lombardy has suffered the highest number of bankruptcies, but only because companies are generally concentrated there. In view of the above, does the Commission have information on the number of European companies that went bankrupt in the first quarter of ? What programmes are included in the Agenda for New Skills and Jobs to assist companies and employees? The Commission is not able to provide information on the number of European companies that went bankrupt in the first quarter of The Commission is aware of the negative consequences that company restructuring may have on concerned workers, their families and regions.
It reaffirms the need to anticipate and prepare as far in advance as possible any restructuring operation. Boom di iscritti negli atenei europei online. Una laurea per tutti: Anche la revisione delle. A degree for everyone: That seems to be the common thread in, and the reason for, the success of distance learning universities. This trend is illustrated by the many agreements signed by the 11 online universities with private companies and institutions.
The company encourages employees by paying part of their fees, and the university widens its target group by providing cheaper enrolment packages. While it is true that the distance learning universities offer an extra chance, the academic distinction conferred is not always outstanding.
The online university system provides a university education to those who cannot or do not wish to attend university in person, but there are no quality checks on the services provided, even though, in some cases, standards might be high. In view of the above, and bearing in mind that high standards of education and vocational training are essential if Europe is to establish itself as a knowledge-based society and compete effectively in the globalised economy, does the Commission have information on the number of students enrolled at European online universities?
However, it is clear that online provision is growing. As the EU's modernisation agenda underlines, higher education systems need to develop flexible, innovative learning approaches and delivery methods: Combining class-based with online learning, or making teaching material freely available. Online universities are thus one facet of a growing use of ICT in higher education.
They should be screened and subject to the same quality control as any other institution. This is an issue that Quality Assurance Agencies are increasingly engaging with, and the revision of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance agreed by Bologna higher education ministers will be an opportunity to adapt quality practices accordingly.
This depends on whether a qualification awarded by an online university is included in a national qualifications framework NQF and whether this NQF has been related to the EQF by the country concerned. If so, this qualification will, by law, bear a reference to an EQF reference level. Since the EQF is based on learning outcomes, all types and levels of qualifications which are defined in terms of the acquired knowledge, skills and competences can be related to the EQF via an NQF — the length of the course or identity of the institution involved are not used as criteria.
The scope and number of qualifications in an NQF is a national choice. Poi le temperature saliranno e rimarranno elevate. Quali politiche sta attuando per evitare gli effetti negativi per il territorio dovuti ai repentini cambiamenti climatici? Le tendenze pertinenti ai cambiamenti climatici si evincono da rilevazioni atmosferiche effettuate a lungo termine la cui raccolta dura, di solito, decenni.
Le politiche climatiche adottate dalla Commissione si basano su dati scientifici aggiornati e affidabili e sul consenso scientifico di esperti nel settore dei cambiamenti climatici. In view of the above facts, can the Commission state whether it is aware of the sudden climatic changes that have been occurring in Italy and in Europe during the first months of the year? What policies is it pursuing to prevent the adverse effects on the land of sudden climate changes? Climate change trends are derived from long-term records usually collected over decades. This is because weather records often show numerous fluctuations on shorter timescales, which are part of the natural variability of the climate system.
It is highly likely that the temporarily unseasonal weather in Italy over the period indicated by the Honourable Member is part of this natural variability. The Commission bases its climate policies on the best available current science and on the scientific consensus of experts in the field of climate change. The scientific consensus view is presented in this subject area by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC , which involves thousands of climate change scientists from around the globe. Reliable observations of the climate system are key to addressing the threats posed by climate change.
Le Nazioni Unite hanno predisposto un sistema per garantire l'efficace applicazione delle sanzioni nei confronti della Repubblica popolare democratica di Corea RPDC. If, as it would seem, the vehicle was made in China, then Beijing will have violated the sanctions imposed on Pyongyang after the missile and nuclear tests of and According to a report by a weekly newspaper, which cites sources close to the Security Council of which China is a permanent member , an investigation has already begun into alleged Chinese assistance in the North Korean missile programme.
Whether she is aware of these events and whether investigations have been launched to ensure compliance with international rules? One of the specific tasks of the Committee is to examine and take appropriate action on information regarding alleged violations of measures foreseen under the Resolution. Under Resolution , adopted by the Security Council in after the second nuclear test by the DPRK, a Panel of Experts was also created to assist the Committee in carrying out its task. Per quanto concerne i progetti orientati alla politica solo USA , possono partecipare anche altre organizzazioni, quali le agenzie di certificazione, le organizzazioni o le agenzie operanti nel campo dell'istruzione, le aziende private, i gruppi settoriali o aziendali, le organizzazioni non governative, gli istituti di ricerca e le associazioni professionali.
La proposta della Commissione comprende disposizioni relative a bandi di gara congiunti modellati sull'attuale programma Cooperazione con i paesi industrializzati. Al momento attuale la Commissione non ha ancora determinato un bilancio per la cooperazione con questo particolare sottogruppo di paesi. The EU wants to provide its citizens with greater opportunities by offering new learning opportunities.
Programmes concerning education, training, culture, research and youth therefore play a key role within this strategy. European opportunities in the education, culture and youth sector include the Industrialised Countries Cooperation Programme. This aims to improve the quality of education and training systems and promote intercultural understanding through international dialogue, engagement and competition with the most industrialised countries of the world. With regard to politically-orientated projects United States only , other organisations such as certification agencies, organisations or agencies operating in the educational field, private companies, sectoral groups or companies, non-governmental organisations, research institutions and professional associations can also take part.
A variety of best practices have been identified within the Industrialised Countries Cooperation Programme by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency who manage this activity. The Commission's proposal includes provision for joint calls, modelled on the current Industrialised Countries Cooperation Programme. At this stage the Commission has not yet determined a budget for cooperation with this particular subset of countries. I limiti rappresentati dal trattamento con inibitori dell'acetilcolinesterasi hanno portato la ricerca a orientarsi verso approcci terapeutici alternativi.
The limitations of treatment with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors have led research to focus on alternative therapeutic approaches. This is the result of studies conducted by an Italian research scientist at a New York university. This research scientist has found that the slow release of antibodies intravenously protects the brain by increasing its plasticity and delaying the onset of the disease. The Commission is aware of research at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York for the development of intravenous human immunoglobulin treatment against Alzheimer's disease. The proposal focuses on objectives of relevance to work in this area, such as facilitating the up-take of innovation in healthcare to contribute to innovative and sustainable health systems; and to increase access to medical expertise and information for specific conditions to improve access to better and safer healthcare for EU citizens.
Il giovane fermato si era convertito all'islam e, secondo gli inquirenti, era pronto a scappare a Rabat, in Marocco. L'uomo aveva cambiato nome ed aveva in tasca un biglietto di sola andata per il paese nordafricano, verso il quale sarebbe partito tra due giorni, secondo quanto riferito dal titolare dell'indagine.
I due indagati avevano tra loro una conoscenza virtuale costruita sul sito islamista minbar-sos. In queste ore si stanno concludendo diverse perquisizioni con l'acquisizione di materiale ritenuto molto importante. An Italian has been arrested in Cagliari during a counter-terrorism operation conducted by the national General Investigations and Special Operations Division DIGOS involving about ten suspects, whose homes were also searched.
The man, who was suspected of setting up training for international terrorism, was arrested at dawn.