Edited by Peter Boxall, John Purcell, and Patrick M. Wright

Public organizations continuously find themselves pressed by legislative mandates, facing outside forces, and often have to try to accommodate a host of other organizations or interest groups that can have conflicting goals. Public officials and political parties establish agendas on specific issues that advance their interests and keep them winning elections and in office.

Stephen Bach and Ian Kessler

In this way, the goals of a public organization can see big changes driven by electoral politics. Public and private organizations face challenges that are unique to each sector. Leadership in both spheres requires specific abilities for achieving their goals. While private sector managers often benefit from analytical thinking, business savvy and creative marketing techniques, public administrators who wish to excel require a deep understanding of laws and strong communication and interpersonal skills in addition to the business-oriented skills of a private sector manager.

If you seek to change the world on a local, national, or global level, the University of San Francisco is a great place to start.

HR: your friend or your foe?

By learning more about the University of San Francisco Online Master of Public Administration MPA , you will be taking an important first step toward pursuing your professional goals and commitment to social justice. Our program is designed for professionals who want to become effective managers and civic leaders who effect change through policy management and advocacy. Mail will not be published required. An enrollment advisor will contact you soon to discuss the program and your academic goals.

Differences in the way employees are hired The ways in which employees are hired differs in both sectors.

5 Key Differences Between Organizations in the Public and Private Sector | Online MPA | USF

The procurement process is drawn out in the public sector Since public organizations are owned by the government and are funded by tax revenue, which is generated by the public or through the issuance of public debt, the procurement process is something public organizations do not directly control. Public organizations face unique accountability Government organizations are subject to a specific kind of scrutiny.

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Learn More If you seek to change the world on a local, national, or global level, the University of San Francisco is a great place to start. Recommended Readings Public Sector vs. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. Please take a minute to answer some questions and learn why this MPA program is right for you! With that interest in mind, within which setting will you use this degree? Complete this form to download a FREE program brochure and an enrollment advisor will contact you to discuss your plans in greater detail.

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1. Their goals are fundamentally different

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