
First, as part of the pan-Ottoman myriad of lexical items from the hagiolanguages liturgical languages lexical repertoire, Turkisms present in many Balkan languages such as Hebrew and Aramaic to denote religious, cultural, and judicial conceptS? Bulgarian, Macedonian, and Serbo-Croatian. These constitute concepts of Examples of these include darush 'sermon,' get 'divorce,' haham 'rabbi,' every-day life such as uda 'room,' mupak 'kitchen,' or yemi 'boat. The second wave of Turkish borrowings is the direct result of for dissipation or concentration mechanisms depending on the speaker's nationalistic language policies in the s and s that sought to intention.

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Additionally, JS also borrowed hundreds of lexical items from 8 Howard Sachar. The world of the Sephardim remembered. Beitriige zur Kenntnis des Judenspanischen von New York: Vintage, , ; see also Ester Benbassa and Aron Rodrigue. Alfred Holder, , ; see also Penny, Ralph. Los Variation and change in Spanish. Cambridge University Press, , Angeles: University of California Press, , I Recherches sur le judeo-espagnol dans les pays balkaniques.

Indiana University Press, , Paris: Instituto de las Espafias, European heritage. Vanden Broele, , It seems that in Monastir other factors in addition to stress are causing Marie-Christine Varol-Bornes. Facts and conceptual framework. Language Hommage a Hai'm Vidal Sephiha. Peter Lang, , ; see also Crews I J Turkish, JS acquired more Turkisms, especially to designate modem You know something, the thing about Jews is that they all know five or six concepts.

And one timeT was at my relatives' home and some of my as part of code-switching. As Sephardim's English, Spanish, all mixed, in four languages, very normal. I didn't notice bilingualism increased, the community utilized more than one language for that it was strange because that' s how we talk. When we returned home daily life, eitper as language allocation in which one language is assigned my children said to their father, "they were talking in four languages fo; one particular domain or as language shift when one language takes over two hours," and they thought this was very funny.

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There are no more monolingual JS communities, To summarize, among the main distinctive dialectal features of JS we and bilingualism or multilingualism appears to be the norm. For instance, when Wagner visited the Bucharest community patnn: These features are relevant to this study as JS speakers and writers choose to either overgeneralize them in the stuve unde el kroitor, me tom6 Ia mazura d'una roke, me la izo tan potrivita parke era turnat.

This sentence mixes JS with Romanian unde, concentration model or omit or accommodate them to the PLA varieties in the dissipation model. First, speakers or writers become aware of certain features not Hebrew, and Greek respectively. These features are then maximized or emphasized speakers who encounter the language readily notice that language mixing throughout the population, creating new contexts for their distribution, or is the norm in these communities.

In a previous study on the lstanbulite simply creating new items selecting distinct features as models. For instance, the Sephardim: I una vez with the Hebrew nominalizer -ut 'idleness. Kuando 12 Benbassa and Rodrigue , ; Sachar , Spanish in the Bosphorus: A sociolinguistic study on the Judea- Tracy K. Death of a Language: The History of Judea-Spanish.

Spanish dialect spoken in Istanbul.


Libra, , I University ofDelaware, , In example 2 , the wTiter posted general pattern throughout the language. However, because these forms a poem about Sephardic identity. Example 3 is meant to be more forma.! I Avlo Ladino deshde chilro, antes del sefarad, y eshkribo en caracteres In fact, the form ladronim is often cited in Spanish linguistics textbooks hebreos.

No sey muy bien ishkibrir en karakteres Iatinos tal kual ustedes.


This provides the No e el kostumbre de mishpacha shell. Mas me kiero ensinyar misrepresentation of the language, as extrapolation from one example may lead to think that Hebrew -im is a productive plural marker in the I speak Ladino since I was little, before Spain, and I write it in Hebrew language. I don't know how to write very well in Latin script like you all.

It's In addition to the expansion of dialectal features, speakers may not my family's custom, but I want to learn. That is, if you speak X language, then you must produce Y feature in your speech, 2 Entonse.

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Furthermore, this may also involve identity, and the ke. I Levad me par los association between ethnic group Z and feature Y. That is, if you are Z, caminos segurosl Salva de! These assumptions vavohu I Se torne en! I I [x] in their speech. Therefore, concentration of dialectal features may saw myself in front of the mirror I And I did not recognize that face I If serve the metalinguistic purpose of asserting group membership or that was not my body, I Where was my soul? I Take me on the safe roads I inclusion. Concentration may be a bottom-up process, in which some Save my soul from confusion I Make the chaotic land I Become the good dialectal features are noticed by native speakers or language learners and land.

Concentration may also be a top-down process, in which linguas ofisiales de Yisrael. For instance, a JS textbook that solely focuses on Balkan dialects with initial [f] and vocalic raising and that has These examples demonstrate the expansion of several phonological and a lesson on Hebrew plurals may contribute to dialect concentration among lexical features.

For instance, in l we see the palatalization of [s] to [D in its students. Not surprisingly, revitalization movements that seek to stress deshde 'since,' eshkribo 'I write,' and ishkribir 'to write,' which does not the unique character of the language may also choose and promote occur in any variety of JS the forms are desde and eskrivir, iskrivir, or nomenclatures that set the dialect apart from its macrolect.

The invention of these forms occurs when neophytes or people Ladino and Judezmo do not convey a clear connection to Spanish as do who are new to the language make the wrong analogies based on PLA Espanyol and Muestro Espanyol, which are also used by Sephardim. Spanish varieties or other languages. Other examples of of dialect concentration in JS.

The first two examples come from JS communities on Facebook. The from these samples include: PLA senor third example comes from Wikipedia.


In example 1 , the writer was: JS sinyor , defronte PLA de frente:: JS dospues , and levad PLA llevad:: The form sey with the extraneous -y in l is not clear. Another strategy is the inclusion of 17 David M. Sefarad 'Spain,' mishpacha shelf 'my Judezmo. This might also be symptomatic of an underlying linguistic neologisms, such as new terms for computing and digital technologies.

Therefore, the Hebrew This occurred before, in the late nineteenth century, as newspapers such as elements, from which only Sefarad, ivrit, and neshama appear regularly in El Tiempo created new terms for transportation and other technological non-Rabbinical literary works, decrease mutual intelligibility with PLA advancements, and even everyday lexical items, basing the neologisms on Spanish varieties and with the Spanish of non-Jews. A third element that French forms. This created unintelligibility even among native speakers of all three texts present is the random mixing of languages.

Although JS who were not bilingual in French. Instead, the muestra sivdad. Ke kiere decir esto, Ezra? Kien save Benuta; no mashkarel nada. El explained by Halio Torres: Dio ke los fieda a los djomales ke eskriven tanto enfrankeado para no pueder modrer ni una palavra20 Every Spanish-Jew who speaks the language of his ancestors knows that his dialect is not tightly governed by rules.

Almost every one of them Ezra: What does that mean, Ezra? Who knows, Benuta; I didn't grasp anything. I read, you understand. May God strike these newspapers that use so much French that The perception of a language without tightly governed rules shapes I can't grasp a single word. It also encourages those who seek to learn In the above dialogue, sinistro, devast6, edifisio, and sanitaria are all JS to mix Spanish with Hebrew and Portuguese and other languages ad neologisms based on French forms.

Ezra and Benuta complain that they hoc and present it as an authentic representation of the language. In cannot understand this kind of JS. Concentration can have a similar effect addition, the writers of 1 and 3 also failed to notice some of the lexical on modern revitalization efforts. In 1 , the PLA pronoun ustedes is used, instead of the Judeo-Spanish vozotros, and ensinyar should be 4. Dissipation of dialectal features. In 3 , the author uses the JS feminine plural prinsipalas, but fails to do so with the next adjective, writing PLA ojisiales instead of Dissipation consists of minimizing those dialectal features that do not exist ojisialas.

Thus, the resulting version of JS may include extremely in the perceived standard variety of the language by accommodating or divergent elements mixed with PLA items. Dissipation seems to be the result 18 Tohu vavohu is a phrase from Biblical Hebrew, found in Parshat Bereishit of contact with PLA Spanish varieties which leads to the awareness of Genesis. It refers to earth being "formless and void. Voices from Jewish Salonika. Rey Romero 61 60 Dialect Concentration and Dissipation like 'i[3]a,' 'mu[3]er,' 'mu[x]er' for example, it's mu[x]er. For instance, Harris noticed that: Angeles, as well as the Spanish speakers in.

This is due mainly to the similarities of the two Languages and the ever- anJeo[J]os. La [x]e se izo [: There is even some Standard We uh.. Here we say ti[3]eras, anteo[3]os. Spanish interference in Israel in cases where the informants have either Letter [x]e became [3]e. In 4 , the speaker equated accommodation to the velars as a "correction," But accommodation and dissipation may also occur in situations without and in 5 the participant claims that the forms with [x] are the right ones.

For instance, many participants from Istanbul and the Prince ones, and the JS [3] is a later development, when actually the opposite is Islands were introduced to dialectal differences through family members true. The palatal to velar accommodation was also noticed by Harris in the who had migrated, through interacting with PLA speakers during business communities of New York and Los Angeles: Thus, dissipation can be a bottom-up approach, as it can be based on speakers' perception of dialect differences and their knowledge Besides lexical borrowing there is also a great amount of phonological on how to accommodate them or avoid them in the target variety.

This can interference [ On the Angeles informants. Dissipation may happen at the phonological level. For instance, the aforementioned JS palatals [Jl, [3], and [d3] are often accommodated as PLA [x] in the dissipation model, although only in lexical items where 22 Rey Romero.

Palatal east meets velar west: Dialect contact and phonological there is a [x] in PLA Spanish. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 6: Sound patterns and strategies: Then I eh correct myself, 'Do Doctoral dissertation, 1odiana University at Bloomington, , But in Ladino, we are spelling it 26 Karina Donath.

Estudios sabre el judeo-espaiiol en Mexico. INAH, , 72, She calls this process recastellanizar or "make Spanish again. Linguistic correlates of language death. Doctoral dissertation, University ofTexas at Austin, , Notas sabre el judeo-espafiol de Marruecos en Nueva 21 Harris , Revista de Filologia Hispanica 14, , , En conclusion, el um poko. Porke, [komo] dishe, entraron siertas palabras turkas i mmerial recientemente publicado confirma el triunfo casi general de! In conclusion, the because [as] 1 salCi, some Turkish and French words entered Specific demonstrates that it is a common mechanism to achieve dissipation, and examples were given by informants from Istanbul and the Prince Islands that in some cases, as in the Tetouani community, it has led to a complete as illustrated in 7 and 8 correspondingly.

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