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Yes No Thanks for your feedback! A super sexy ball player who is kind, loving, and not caught up in the glitz and glamour, what's not to love?? When JP meets single mom, Sonny Miller, he's a goner. Now getting her to give him a chance. Great storytelling, writing, and characters make this a book you will want to read.
I highly recommend it. I found this books characters to be very well developed, with steamy romance, and i like that previous characters are still there. And, Jennifer Seasons really pulled it all together. She brought every feeling, thought and dream to life while incorporating laugh-at-loud moments, tender moments and hot, steamy sexy moments. Jan 07, Liz rated it really liked it.
I really really liked this one. What a great series: Jan 01, Amanda Hootie Clark rated it really liked it Shelves: Playing The Field was equal parts sweet, romantic and heart warming. Single mother Sonny has spent the better part of her youth raising her son Charlie after being abandoned by her parents at a young age. She's never had a good parental role model but has managed to carve out a nice life for herself and her son and even started a successful business on her own.
The only security she's ever known is threatened when she meets JP Trudeau, the handsome shortstop for the Denver Rush baseball team. JP Playing The Field was equal parts sweet, romantic and heart warming. JP wants her and will stop at nothing to show her he's serious about having her in his life but he's got a long way to go if he wants to get past all her barriers.
Plus it's not just Sonny he has to win over but the ten year old Charlie who is the only man in her life. The story of a single mother struggling with abandonment issues while raising her son single handedly is something I can seriously relate to. Having been raised by my mother when my dad bailed I could really get into Sonny's head-space. Her father left her at a young age and her mother left almost immediately after that, leaving her with her grandmother. The treasure trove of issues that plagued Sonny is why I loved her character so much.
It was like watching my won life unfold before my eyes. Raising her son alone, working hard at providing the basic necessities for Charlie who, by the way, suffers from Type 2 diabetes and neglecting her own hearts desires of love and security are all things I watched my mother selflessly give up to raise me and I loved Sonny on that principle alone. She was strong and independent with just enough of a soft side to not be overbearingly annoying. The struggle she faced with being the only parent made me respect and love my own mother that much more and therefore the story felt more special to me because of that.
Although my mother never found her own JP Trudeau she did alright with what she was given. After binge reading the first book in this series I can't really say that JP's character really stood out to me enough for me to crave his story but I'm glad I read it. He was the new guy on the team when I first met him.
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The cocky, self assured, younger player seemed to have the world at his fingers tips. I automatically assumed he would be a philandering jerk because of his good looks and fame but there was way more to him than that. This precious Iowa farm-boy was close to his family and respected women enough to know that he'd rather be in a relationship than have a different women every night. In fact, it was this quote that sold me on his character.. And that had led him to be picky, which wasn't a bad thing. It did mean, though, that he dated less than people thought he did.
He'd rather be alone than waste time in a relationship that didn't satisfy on all the level. He was young, famous and the subject of multiple tabloid rumors and gossip stories but he had a good head oh his shoulders. He wasn't perfect by any means but he was just a great guy. He went out of his way to care for Sonny and her son that made me wish I would have had someone like him in my life growing up. The romance between Sonny and JP was beautiful and sweet with some nice sexy moments thrown in between the two. Playing The Field was another excellent love story in the Diamonds and Dugouts series that has held me captive for several days.
I can't wait to jump right into the third book which is the one I've been waiting for! If you're a fan of sports romance then you'll love these books! Jul 29, Jody rated it really liked it. As the second book in the Diamonds and Dugouts series we get to revisit the Boys of Summer as they're on the hunt for the women of their dreams. Playing the Field features an older woman, younger man theme and realistically displays all the issues pertaining to a single mother and the perceptions of what a young man wants out of life.
The romance of upbeat and confident JP and the overly cautious Sonny, who's quick to assume the worst, is a slightly rocky one that's both sweet and teeming with s As the second book in the Diamonds and Dugouts series we get to revisit the Boys of Summer as they're on the hunt for the women of their dreams. The romance of upbeat and confident JP and the overly cautious Sonny, who's quick to assume the worst, is a slightly rocky one that's both sweet and teeming with sexual tension.
From start to finish it's a fun story that had me falling completely for JP while being left frustrated by Sonny at times. Sonny is a strong-willed woman who's devoted her whole life to her son, Charlie. She's neglected her own love life to make his dreams come true when possible. She's been hurt emotionally numerous times throughout her life and it's made her completely suspicious of everything that remotely promises to bring her happiness.
She was immediately attracted to JP but fought against him every step of the way using her son as a shield. JP did everything to prove himself but Sonny was a hard one to win over. Even when they appeared to be heading towards a HEA she overreacted in a childish way that left me disappointed in her. It took a grand gesture to finally convince her and though their HEA was satisfying, I still think JP deserved a bigger apology from her. JP is the ideal hero, charming and sexy.
He's young in years but mature in his heart and soul. He knows what he wants out of life and who he wants in it. He's immediately drawn to Sonny and has no problem becoming an instant father to Charlie. He's immensely good interacting with Charlie and though he longs to jump Sonny's bones he understands she's gun shy and is willing to take their relationship slowly. Watching him woo her makes him even sexier as he shows a sweet and caring side in his dealings with her, right alongside the overpowering sexiness that radiates off him.
His grand gesture was especially endearing though unnecessary as their falling out was clearly Sonny's fault. It just shows how important she and Charlie are to him that he was willing to take the steps necessary to bring them all back together. This story brought a smile to my face as JP and Sonny were a delightfully compatible couple.
Their sexual interludes were steamy but not too hot. The majority of their time together was spent getting to know each other which allowed us to get to know them. Not only do we get to meet a wonderful main couple but we get glimpses of the other ball players who are all charming and sexy themselves. I can see many wonderful stories still to come in this series as these players are to die for. Barring my momentary unhappiness with Sonny I found this story a wonderful read and can't wait for the next installment. Jul 21, Nicole rated it really liked it Shelves: Review originally posted here: JP has only been in the majors for two years, but he is the kind of man and player who knows exactly what he wants when he sees it.
When he sees Sonny at a charity event for kids with diabetes, he knows right then and there she is what he wants. Although she is leery of his al Review originally posted here: Although she is leery of his almost celebrity status, Sonny is drawn to JP in ways she never expected. When Sonny told the father of her son that she was pregnant, he cut and run like so many other people in her life.
I really liked this book, but there was one aspect that was a big disappoint to me. I would have liked to see Seasons explore that aspect of the story more. That being said, I really liked the other aspects of the story. I loved the way that JP single-mindedly pursued Sonny, and kept finding new and different ways to spend time with her and her son, Charlie.
I liked that Seasons also took the time to develop a relationship between JP and Charlie, and had them work on their relationship outside of the romance. I loved Sonny, I thought she was such a hard working and genuine heroine. She had wonderful interactions with her best friend, and the other baseball girlfriends. I liked that she was so protective of Charlie, and at the same time allowed him to make a connection with JP.
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- Playing The Field (Diamonds and Dugouts, #2) by Jennifer Seasons.
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It felt real and easy and flowed well within the confines of the story. I like getting a chance to see and know more of the baseball players who will hopefully be featured in future books in the series.
Playing the Field (Diamonds and Dugouts, book 2) by Jennifer Seasons
He is such a louder-than-life character, and there is definitely something brewing with him. All in all I really enjoyed this sophomore book from Seasons. JP and Sonny were wonderful characters who had a sweet romance. Although I wished we would have had the chance to explore his disease more, it was a great read.
I give Playing the Field a B Jul 03, Debby Shepherd rated it it was amazing. I loved the first book in this series and this second release by Jennifer Seasons doesn't disappoint. Sonny Miller is trying to do the best she can by her son and doesn't want to end up like her mother who basically chose her latest flame over her own child. When JP walks into her life with is larger-than-life self and public life she is really shaken. Sonny has not thought about herself or her own needs since her son was born and she has worked really hard to make sure no one can look into her I loved the first book in this series and this second release by Jennifer Seasons doesn't disappoint.
Sonny has not thought about herself or her own needs since her son was born and she has worked really hard to make sure no one can look into her past and make her ashamed to be who and what she is. She is also very protective of her son and doesn't want anyone to threaten their privacy. JP bulldozes into their life and doesn't mind all the public attention. He also comes from a large family and understand the importance of Charlie, Sonny's son in her life.
Charlie is a huge fan and immediately takes to JP. As they begin to spend more and more time together JP is convinced that Sonny and Charlie are what he wants and needs in his life and Sonny is trying to reconcile what she wants with what is best for her and Charlie. When JP pushes a little too hard suggesting that they move in together after just a few weeks followed by a tabloid publishing a stolen moment between JP and Sonny, the safe, protective and very private lives of Sonny and Charlie are tested. The final straw comes when JP tells Charlie of his relationship with his mother and Sonny blows up.
JP has to come to terms with the fact that he can't just charm them or bulldoze them in to doing what he wants and Sonny had to realize that JP is not going to hurt either her or Charlie. They both have to realize that this relationship is worth working for and learn to trust each other to protect not only their own hearts but Charlie's as well.
The frustrations, love and caring that is written into this book is so much a part of being a parent that you can easily see where Sonny comes from in her protectiveness. I really enjoyed seeing how both JP and Sonny come to terms with their wants and needs to come to an agreement for all of them. Jul 22, Ambur rated it really liked it Shelves: I haven't kept my love of sports romances a secret, so it should come as no surprise that when I read the blurb for Playing the Field I knew that I absolutely had to read it! D I really enjoyed it, and I think I've definitely found another new sports romance author to keep my eye on All in all, I thought that Playing the Field was great.
JP and fantastic, sexy, male l I haven't kept my love of sports romances a secret, so it should come as no surprise that when I read the blurb for Playing the Field JP and fantastic, sexy, male leads just like him are the reason that I enjoy this sub-genre of romance so very much. He was a cocky guy, so sexy and he knew it haha I pretty much fell for him right from the start I don't know how Sonny held out for so long. P haha I liked Sonny, but she did frustrate me and her reluctance to hear JP out kind of held me back at times during this book, but in the end she made me proud.
I absolutely adored the two of them together, and once you added in Sonny's son Charlie, they made an awesome trio.
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I also enjoyed JP's budding relationship with Charlie, and all of the friendships in this book, I especially loved getting to see JP and his teammates interact. I thought Jennifer Seasons did a great job writing friendships and with the way that she developed relationships, too. I definitely got attached to the characters and their lives very quickly!
For the most part, I loved Sonny, too, but I did feel like she overreacted a bit and kind of just expected JP to be the one to fix everything P Even with Sonny being silly at times, I was still rooting for her and JP to work everything out, for the two of them, but also for Charlie's sake. I loved how he was getting closer to JP, and I thought it was amazing to see the three of them open up to each other. I'd recommend this one to other sports romance fans out there, and to any fans of romance who like seeing two great people find love Apr 02, Andrea rated it really liked it Shelves: When I read Stealing Home earlier this year, I had such a great time.
I enjoyed the story, and the characters, especially Mark and the other members of the Rush baseball team. There were a few teammates who really caught my eye, JP Trudeau was one of them. He was a doll, and I knew that I would love him even more in his own book. JP did not disappoint in Playing the Field. His is the type of character I always enjoy reading. He was cute, sweet, loyal and charming. That's not to say he was perfect When I read Stealing Home earlier this year, I had such a great time.
That's not to say he was perfect, and boring. JP had enough swagger to keep his sweetheart Sonny on her toes, and me as well. What I loved most about JP, was his willingness to fall in love. When JP first sees Sonny, he realizes she is the woman of his dreams. It doesn't matter to him that she is a few years older, doesn't lead a glamorous life, and she has a ten year-old son.
With her regular life, Sonny is the kind of woman a lot of us can relate to. I love having heroines that lead the same type of life that I do, and even though I'm not single, I could empathize with her being torn between love and motherhood. Playing the Field is not only a love story, but also about two people who must face hard truths about themselves before they can even begin to be a couple. JP has issues with compromise and thinking about someone else's wants over his own.
Due to her lack of a stable family, Sonny has severe abandonment issues. With JP, though, she must almost face feelings of inferiority in the face of love with a hot, young baseball star. Sonny must constantly weigh what she wants with what is best for her son.
Her continued struggle is realistic, but I will admit to getting frustrated with Sonny more than once. Playing the Field is a nice addition to the Diamonds and Dugouts series. Stealing Home, with it's super intense and hot-blooded leading characters, was the more fun of the two for me to read, but I still liked this one quite a lot. I have a strong suspicion whom the next story in the series will be about, and if I'm right, it has potential to rock! Jul 20, Sharon Redfern rated it really liked it.
In this book shortstop JP Trudeau meets single mom Sonny Miller when her son Charlie is invited to a charity event at the Rush stadium. Sonny is not looking forward to the event as it occurs on the dreaded Saturday, the day of the week when all bad things in her life have occurred. When JP sees Sonny he is a goner and sets out to make her see that she is the perfect man for her and her son. JP has to work hard to earn her trust and to show her that he is interested in a serious relationship not just a fling.
I also liked that there was an actual plot to this book unlike some of the sports based romances that are just one sex scene after another with little in between. There is a minor subplot of Charlie being diabetic and it is handled very responsibly. JP and Sonny both make some mistakes along the way but the ending is satisfying. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.
Jun 30, Autumn Review rated it really liked it Shelves: Playing the Field was sexy, sweet, and endearing. I love sports romance, especially when baseball players are involved. And, I'm really enjoying this series. Going to into this book, I loved JP. He's the rookie on the team, so he's a bit younger than the others. Even though he's younger, he is really mature and responsible.
Plus, JP has a heart of gold. When he meets Sonny, he's instantly attracted to her. She's not like the typical groupies. And, she has a son. In fact, her son brought them toge Playing the Field was sexy, sweet, and endearing. In fact, her son brought them together in a way. Sonny hasn't been in a relationship in years. She had a terrible childhood and her son's father left her stranded. So, she's settled into a life with her son. She's never made time for relationships, because they've never been good for her.
Then, she meets JP. She's definitely attracted to him, but she isn't at all interested in his lifestyle. She feels like starting something with him could hurt her and more importantly, she doesn't want her son to get hurt. But, they can't stop their attraction and JP shows her time and time again that he is the guy for her. Overall, I enjoyed Playing the Field.
I'm not sure what exactly I expected going into this story, but what I got was a sweet romance with some spicy times thrown into the mix. This series has been a lot of fun so far and I can't wait to share my thoughts on the third book, Throwing Heat, which will post later this month. At some point you have to just let go and let yourself experience. You have to let life happen. It's not all bad.

After reading several "darker" or intense new adult romance novels this month, this book was just what the doctor ordered to lighten my mood! Quirky characters always appeal to me, so I instantly liked Sonny. She is a single-mother making it on her own. She has her own business- a Go "Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the crowd She has her own business- a Goat Cheese business at that and is very superstitious..
JP is a farm boy from Iowa who made it in the Major Leagues and he is instantly drawn to Sonny and all her quirkiness. Sonny's son suffers from Juvenile Diabetes. I enjoyed the tie in with this, Charlie is a fun loving kid that despite having a very serious childhood illness is able to lead a normal life. JP is amazing with Charlie and who doesn't love a man that realizes that Charlie is just as important to his relationship with Sonny as the relationship itself!
This is one of those books where there was nothing I didn't like about then hero or the heroine. It is a feel good read that will make you happy as they get to their happily ever after! I give this book four bright and happy smiley faces instead of stars!
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Mar 22, Bette Stanek rated it really liked it. This is a sweet, romantic and heartwarming story. It goes quickly and it isn't overly dramatic. There's plenty of baseball and humor with a fair amount of tension. Sonny hates Saturdays, they are cursed. Every single bad thing that has ever happened to her has happened on a Saturday.