Scarpia passeggia, meditando; a un tratto si arresta; dall'aperta finestra odesi la cantata eseguita dai cori nella sala della Regina. Scarpia siede di nuovo. Spoletta e quattro sbirri introducono Mario Cavaradossi; poi Roberti, esecutore di giustizia, il Giudice del Fisco con uno scrivano e Sciarrone entrano. The painter was there He showed such taunting irony in every word and gesture that I arrested him. Scarpia paces up and down, pondering. He stops abruptly as he hears, through the open window, the choral cantata being sung in the Queen s apartment. To Sciarrone Fetch Roberti and the judge.
Scarpia sits down again. Spoletta and four bailiffs bring in Mario Cavaradossi; then enter Roberti the executioner, the judge with a scribe, and Sciarrone. Odesi la voce di Tosca che prende parte alla cantata. Are you aware that a prisoner Tosca's voice is heard in the cantata.
I vostri sbirri invan frugar la villa. Si alza e chiude stizzito la finestra per non essere disturbato dai canti che hanno luogo al piano sottostante; poi si volge imperioso a Cavaradossi: What proof have you? In vain your spies ransacked my villa. This is a place for tears! He rises and angrily shuts the window to be undisturbed by the singing from the floor below, then turns imperiously to Cavaradossi.
Io vi consiglio, dite: And that he's hidden there? This stubbornness of yours is not prudent. A prompt confession saves enormous pain. Take my advice and tell me: Tosca accenna che ha capito. Il Giudice vi entra e gli altri lo seguono. Spoletta si ritira presso alla porta in fondo alla sala. Tosca e Scarpia rimangono soli.

For the last time, where is he? Or you will kill me! Tosca indicates she understands. Sciarrone opens the door to the torture chamber. The judge goes in and the others follow. Spoletta stations himself at the door at the back of the room. Tosca and Scarpia are now alone together. Ne siete ben sicura? Come now, don't look so frightened. He still adopts a gallant air. Are you quite sure?
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Par che abbiate paura di tradirvi. Sciarrone riparte e chiude l'uscio. Che avviene in quella stanza? Perhaps you fear you may betray yourself. Sciarrone goes out and shuts the door. What do you mean? What are you doing in that room? Che avvien, che avvien, che avvien? Sente un gemito prolungato di Cavaradossi. Sciarrone entra di nuovo nella camera della tortura, chiudendo.
A ring of hooked iron at his temples, so that they spurt blood at each denial. Sciarrone returns to the torture chamber, shutting the door. And now the truth! Taci, taci, sprezzo il dolor! Lo strazi, lo uccidi! Spoletta apre l'uscio e sta ritto sulla soglia.
Spoletta opens the door and stands stiffly on the threshold. TOSCA si rivolge ancora supplichevole a Scarpia, il quale fa cenno a Spoletta di lasciare avvicinare Tosca; essa va presso all'uscio aperto ed esterrefatta alla vista dell'orribile scena, si rivolge a Cavaradossi col massimo dolore: Must I lie to you? It's more than I can bear I can stand no more TOSCA turns imploringly to Scarpia, who signals to Spoletta to let her come near; she goes to the open door and is overwhelmed by the horrible scene within.
She cries out in anguish to Cavaradossi. Mario, consenti ch'io parli? Con voce singhiozzante si rivolge a Scarpia che sta impassibile e silenzioso. Intanto Spoletta brontola preghiere sottovoce: Judex ergo cum sedebit quidquid latet apparebit nil inultum remanebit. Son io che cosi torturate! Scoppia in singhiozzi strazianti. Si, l'anima mi torturate! Mario, will you let me speak? What do you know and what can you say?
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Spoletta goes into the torture chamber, returning after a moment. Tosca, overcome with emotion, has fallen prostrate on the sofa. Sobbing, she appeals to Scarpia. He stands silent and impassive. Spoletta, meanwhile, mumbles a prayer under his breath: It is I you tor ture so. It is my spirit Scarpia, profittando dell'accasciamento di Tosca, va presso la camera di tortura e fa cenno di ricominciare il supplizio. Un grido orribile si fa udire.
Tosca si alza di scatto e subito con voce soffocata dice rapidamente a Scarpia: Scarpia, profiting from Tosca's breakdown goes towards the torture chamber and orders the resumption of the torment. There is a piercing cry, Tosca leaps up, and in a choking voice says rapidly to Scarpia: I want to see him. Sciarrone re-enters and then Cavaradossi, in a faint, carried by the policemen, who lay him on the sofa. Tosca runs up, but on seeing her lover spattered with blood, covers her face in fright and sgomentata, si copre il volto.
Poi, vergognosa di questa sua debolezza, si inginocchia presso di lui, baciandolo e piangendo. Sciarrone, Roberti, il giudice e lo scrivano escono dal fondo, mentre, ad un cenno di Scarpia, Spoletta ed i birri si fermano. Then, ashamed of her show of weakness, she kneels beside Cavaradossi, kissing him and weeping. Sciarrone, Roberti, the judge and the scribe go out at the rear. At a sign from Scarpia, Spoletta and the policemen stay behind. But this just God will punish him! Cavaradossi has heard; he rises threateningly towards Tosca, but his strength fails him and he falls back on the sofa, bitterly reproachful as he exclaims: Cavaradossi, che con ansia crescente ha udito le parole di Sciarrone, trova nel proprio entusiasmo la forza di alzarsi minaccioso in faccia a Scarpia.
L'alba vindice appar che fa gli empi tremar! Cavaradossi, having listened to Sciarrone with anxious expectation, now, in sheer enthusiasm, finds the strength to rise threateningly towards Scarpia. The avenging dawn now rises to make the wicked tremble! And liberty returns, the scourge of tyrants! Have pity on me! And now your blood runs cold, o Scarpia carnefice! Tosca, aggrappandosi a Cavaradossi, tenta, con parole interrotte, di farlo tacere, mentre Scarpia risponde a Cavaradossi con un sarcastico sorriso.
T'affretta a palesarmi il fondo dell'alma ria! Va, moribondo, il capestro t'aspetta!
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Sciarrone e gli sbirri s'impossessano di Cavaradossi, e lo trascinano verso la porta. La porta si chiude e rimangono solamente Scarpia e Tosca. Si avvicina alla tavola, vede la sua cena lasciata a mezzo, e ritorna calmo a sorridente. Tosca clutches Cavaradossi and with a rush of broken words tries to calm him, while Scarpia answers with a sardonic smile.
Pour out the last dregs of your vile soul! Go, for you die, the hangman's noose awaits you. Sciarrone and the policemen seize Cavaradossi and drag him towards the door. Tosca makes a supreme effort to hold on to him, but they thrust her brutally aside. The door closes and Scarpia and Tosca remain alone. He goes to the table, notes his supper interrupted midway, and again is calm and smiling. La povera mia cena fu interrotta. Vede Tosca abbattuta, immobile, ancora presso la porta.
Via, mia bella signora, sedete qui. Volete che cerchiamo insieme il modo di salvarlo? Tosca si scuote e lo guarda; Scarpia sorride sempre e si siede, accennando in pari tempo di sedere a Tosca. E allor sedete, e favelliamo. E intanto un sorso. Riempie il bicchiere e lo porge a Tosca. Un sorso per rincorarvi. Se la giurata fede debbo tradir, ne voglio altra mercede. My poor supper was interrupted. Come, my fair lady. Shall we try to find together a way to save him?
Tosca bestirs herself and looks at him. Scarpia, still smiling, sits down and motions to her to do the same. Well then, sit down, and we shall talk. And first, a sip of wine. It comes from Spain. He refills the glass and offers it to Tosca. A sip to hearten you. She sits resolutely facing him, then asks in a tone of the deepest contempt: I want other recompense if I am to betray my oath of office.
Ma poc'anzi ti mirai qual non ti vidi mai! Quel tuo pianto era lava ai sensi miei e il tuo sguardo che odio in me dardeggiava, mie brame inferociva! Agil qual leopardo t'avvinghiasti all'amante. Ah, in quell'istante t'ho giurata mia! Le balena l'idea di recarsi presso la Regina e corre verso la porte. Already in the past I burned with passion for the Diva. But tonight I have beheld you in a new role I had not seen before. Those tears of yours were lava to my senses and that fierce hatred which your eyes shot at me only fanned the fire in my blood.
Supple as a leopard you enwrapped your lover.
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In that instant I vowed you would be mine! I will have you He rises and stretches out his arms towards Tosca. She has listened motionless to his wanton tirade. Now she leaps up and takes refuge behind the sofa. I'll jump out first! It suddenly occurs to her to appeal to the Queen, and she runs to the door. But your hope is vain: Come tu mi odi! Fugge da Scarpia inorridita. Spasimi d'ira, spasimi d'amore!
Si ripara dietro la tavola. Tosca draws back in fright, her eyes fixed on Scarpia. She drops on the sofa. She then looks away from him with a gesture of supreme contempt. How you detest me! I hate you, hate you! She flees from him in horror. Spasms of wrath or spasms of passion Un lontano rullo di tamburi a poco a poco s'avvicina, poi si dilegua lontano.
S'avvia; guida la scorta ultima ai condannati. Al tuo Mario, per tuo voler, non resta che un'ora di vita. Freddamente si appoggia ad un angolo della tavola continuando a guardare Tosca. Con man furtiva quante miserie conobbi, aiutai. A distant roll of drums draws slowly near, then fades again into the distance. It is the drum that leads the way for the last march of the condemned. Tosca listens in terrible dread, and then comes back from the window to lean exhausted on the sofa.
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Are you aware of what dark work is done down there? They raise a gallows. By your wish, your Mario has but one more hour to live. He coldly leans on a corner of the sofa and stares at Tosca. Whatever misfortunes I encountered I sought with secret hand to succour. Ever in pure faith, my prayers rose in the holy chapels. Ever in pure faith, I brought flowers to the altars.
In this hour of pain, why, why, oh Lord, why dost Thou repay me thus? A misero prezzo; tu, a me una vita, io a te chieggo un'istante! In this hour of distress, why, why, oh Lord, why dost Thou repay me thus? With clasped hands I beseech you! And, vanquished, I implore the help of your word I yield to you. And at a paltry price; you ask me for a life.
I ask of you an instant. Non posso far grazia aperta. Bisogna che tutti abbian per morto il cavalier. Everything is ready, Excellency. Tosca nods assent She weeps with shame and hides her face. I cannot openly grant pardon to him. All must believe the Cavalier is dead. Spoletta chiude la porta, poi ritorna presso Scarpia.
Il prigionier sia fucilato Fissa con intenzione Spoletta che accenna replicatamente col capo di indovinare il pensiero di Scarpia. Come facemmo del Conte Palmieri. Come avvenne del Palmieri! Bada, all'ora quar ta. Spoletta, shut the door. Spoletta shuts the door and comes back to Scarpia. I have changed my mind. The prisoner shall be shot Tosca starts with terror.
He fixes on Spoletta a hard, significant glance and Spoletta nods in reply that he has guessed his meaning. As we did with Count Palmieri. As we did with Palmieri!
And remember, at four o'clock. Scarpia, ritto presso la porta, ascolta Spoletta allontanarsi, poi trasformando nel viso e nei gesti si avvicina con grande passione a Tosca. Voglio un salvacondotto onde fuggir dallo Stato con lui. Va allo scrittoio; si mette a scrivere, interrompendosi per domandare a Tosca: E qual via scegliete? Scarpia, near the door, listens to his retreating footsteps, and then his whole behaviour changing, advances towards Tosca flushed with passion. I want a safe conduct, so that he and I can flee the State together. He goes to the desk and begins writing.
He stops to ask: And which road do you prefer? Ma l'accento voluttuoso si cambia in un grido terribile - Tosca lo ha colpito in pieno petto. Scarpia stende il braccio verso Tosca avvicinandosi barcollante in atto di aiuto.
Lingua siculo-araba
Tosca lo sfugge ma ad un tratto si trova presa fra Scarpia e la tavola e, vedendo che sta per essere toccata da lui, lo respinge inorridita. Scarpia cade, urlando colla voce soffocata dal sangue: As he writes, Tosca goes up to the table to take, with shaking hand, the glass of wine that Scarpia has poured, but as she lifts it to her lips, her eye falls on a sharply pointed knife that is lying on the table. She sees that Scarpia at this moment is absorbed in writing, and so, with infinite caution, still answering his questions, and never taking her eye from him, she reaches out for the knife.
Finally, she is able to grasp the knife. Still watching Scarpia, she hides it behind her as she leans against the table. He has now finished making out the pass. He puts his seal upon it and folds the paper, and then, opening his arms, advances towards Tosca to embrace her. But his shout of lust ends in a cry of anguish: Tosca has struck him full in the breast. Scarpia stretches out an arm towards her, swaying and lurching as he advances, seeking her aid.
She eludes him, but is suddenly caught between him and the table, and seeing that he is about to touch her, she thrusts him back in horror. Scarpia crashes to the floor, shrieking in a voice nearly stifled with blood. E ucciso da una donna! E avanti a lui tremava tutta Roma! Senza abbandonare cogli occhi il cadavere, Tosca va alla tavola, vi depone il coltello, prende una bottiglia d'acqua, inzuppa il tovagliolo e si lava le dita; poi va allo specchio e si ravvia i capelli.
Quindi cerca il salvacondotto sullo scrittoio; non trovandolo, si volge e lo scorge nella mano raggrinzata del morto; ne toglie il foglio con un brivido e lo nasconde nel petto. Spegne il candelabro sulla tavola e va per uscire, ma si pente e vedendo accesa una della candele sullo scrittoio, va a prenderla, accende l'altra, e mette una candela a destra e l'altra a sinistra della testa di Scarpia. Alzandosi, cerca di nuovo intorno e scorgendo un crocifisso va a staccarlo dalla parete TOSCA watches him as he struggles helplessly on the floor and clutches at the sofa, trying to pull himself up Is your blood choking you?
And killed by a woman! Did you torment me enough? Can you still hear me? And now I pardon him! All Rome trembled before him! Her eyes still fixed on the body, Tosca goes to the table, puts down the knife, takes a bottle of water, wets a napkin and washes her fingers. She then goes to the mirror to arrange her hair. Then she hunts for the safe-conduct pass on the desk, and not finding it there she turns and sees the paper in the clenched hand of the dead man.
She takes it with a shudder and hides it in her bosom. She puts out the candle on the table and is about to leave when a scruple detains her. She returns to the desk and takes the candle there, using it to relight the other, and then places one to the right and the other to the left of Scarpia's head. She removes it with reverent care, and returning to the dead man, kneels at his side and places it on his breast.
She rises, approaches the door cautiously, goes out and closes it. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies. Dispatched from the UK in 3 business days When will my order arrive? Home Contact Us Help Free delivery worldwide. Un cartoccio di parole. Empatia Paperback Bacchilega Editore Italian. The Best Books of Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Looking for beautiful books? Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more.
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