Brian replies:

But most importantly — you can still choose your Mr. Right — the biggest decision you will ever make, period. Women in a hurry to stop being single push for commitment — sometimes in just a couple of dates — with the first decent guy they find themselves attracted to. If your feelings are telling you to commit after a very short time, then those feelings are not in your best interest. Emotional maturity means knowing when your emotions are leading you astray. They love the companionship. They love having an empathetic supporter after a bad day. These are the real benefits of being in a relationship.

And men know it. General attractiveness is a good start. Worthy of a flirt — certainly. They judge his attractiveness irrespective of his effort. If you want a high-quality man to chase, your attraction to him should be directly proportional to his effort towards you, no matter how tall, dark, handsome or wealthy he is. When you put your standards and your self-respect first, something magical happens. Build a life you love. Ultimately, men chase quality women, who set themselves apart in every aspect of their lives.

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Dedicated to your stories and ideas. A website by Thought. A law of the universe. That which has true value, requires work. A man wants to chase. So chasing is important. Now, how do you get the guy to do that? And it will work. Instead, this is how to do it for real. Build a high-quality, exciting life. You can ignore everything else I write in this article if you get this right. What does he want from you? He is not interested. Men who are interested send you texts, not the other way around. You cannot force someone to like you.

You cannot stir up interest by always being in his face. Do you like being abused? Does it feel good? Every day is another stab to your heart. You will get over it. Comment by Miss Suzanne — February 12, He usually dont start the conversation, and am seeking his attention, each and every moment i wait for his msg, but neva reply.

Is it his attitude or he dont like me? What should i do for attention. M almost lost my interest in everything, and also bein rude 2 every1. Comment by Saloni — February 10, If you are seeking his attention that means you are chasing him. He knows he could have you anytime, therefore you are already caught.

There are so many men in the world. How many have you met? And next time, let the man chase you. Comment by Myotherself — February 12, I also put this question on Yahoo but everybody started rude on me. They only marry a rich woman. How do i find a rich man fro me to marry? Comment by Meghna — February 15, Comment by HowVeryTrue — February 17, Comment by SeriousSteve — February 18, Comment by Meghna — February 18, Hello, I read the comments and am still puzzling about men.

I want a rich man because I am financially established and want my equal. I seem to have all the qualities you described, but do not run into quality men that often. If I do, they are married and want an affair. I just turn 50 and am about to give up. I saw a survey on major television that single men over 40 are less qualified than older women.


Women are single because they are picky. Older men are single because no one wants them. The good ones are already taken. What should I do? Comment by Lynn Ahbonbon — February 24, Having a rich man does not mean you all will be compatible. It means, that you all will not have to support each other financially. Not all women are single because they are too picky; not all older men are single because women do not want them; and not all of the good men are taken.

What you should do is wait and try not to rush into a relationship. Balance out every situation…. Comment by Alympia Moore — May 27, Older women are single because they are scorned on. Older men who are single have either 1. Or they just lack social skills. Comment by Bison — June 24, Bison, you have a good point and I understand your perspective, but do you understand mine?

Yes, there are a lot of women old or young that are scorned, but that does not keep them from getting a man — it keeps them from keeping the man; there is a difference! The older men that are single, I will have to agree with you on some aspects. Comment by ella — March 16, Comment by tiff — March 22, That would be a miracle! Comment by Kindra Weaver — April 8, Hi there the rich guys here in tax industries they care about their money,they dont trust any one the talk abt their friends. Comment by Mandisa Gasela — May 7, I find these comments very sad… as someone who just last year lost the love of my life, I know that marrying for money is always a mistake.

When you meet someone that you cannot bear to be away from for even an hour, and know that he feels the same, then marry….. Comment by Mary Brown — May 25, Mary, first of all, I am truly sorry for your loss. Second of all, this is the best comment on this blog. The reason being, love is what kept you all together; and for me, that is beautiful. Your story reminds me of my grandparents, they were married for 40 plus years, and they loved each other dearly.

What parted them — was death. I am a thirty-two year old woman. Yes, I do desire a rich man. I believe that I am a virtuous woman; a woman of class, integrity, and dignity. I am not a perfect woman, but I am an excellent choice. A problem that I have is, I have never dated. I am not sure what to look for, but I know what I am not interested in.

I know a lot about relationships through reading book, journals, articles, and being taught by the older women in my family — I am speaking about women that were married for years, and women with great wisdom. My face is gorgeous, but my body is not hot! I get approached daily but I do not want just anything! Yes, I am striving to balance everything appropriately. However, according to the article paraphrased , men have their preferences, but they prefer their woman to be in a normal body size. Comment by coleenST87 — May 31, Wow very interesting, I think that I have most of the qualities you mentioned on your article.

I was in a relationship for a year and a half with a man 18 years old older than me, to be honest it was the first time I dated a man with that difference of age. I got tired to chase a guy that did not want to be with me. I was with a man like that, and I regret it. I did make mistakes and the worse mistake I made was to let him feel that he was so important for me by showing him all my love and giving him the best sex I could. Comment by Mareli — July 14, I am truly sorry for the pain in your heart. I am very sorry for the loss of your child. However, may I ask a few questions: Why did you have to experience this pain?

Were you to over confident? Were you in some way, shape, or form insecure? Help me to understand your perspective. As women, we have instincts…. I met a rich guy before and yes you have to be very patient as they are very busy and they dont ever want to feel like you have more knowledge than them ,but girls becareful most of these men are married they marry young,well with my guy i found out after 5months that he was married the signs had been there but i over looked them because i was enjoying the special treatment and having fun but when i knew the truth i was deeply hurt so girls becareful ,be smart and unique as these guys can have anyone they want….

Comment by Zandile — August 4, You have to be perfect? The men should just get rubber dolls, they make them quite life like now. No amount of money will make up for losing oneself for a selfish man. Comment by GGB — August 16, Nw i realise my mistakes thanks to this web site never chase a man no matter how much u love them.

Bt its nw water down the drain. Comment by Merryjane — August 21, Please i work in a site as a consulting engineer with other contractors, and am more of a tom boy kinda girl. Am 24yrs old and i really like this guy.

Win a Rich Man by Avoiding These Common Mistakes | PairedLife

My concern is if he is interested in me or he just looks at me because am a tom boy. So am confused but i really like him. Please what can i do to get him to notice me and want to hang out with me? Comment by doris — September 8, What can you do to get him to notice you? He already is noticing you.

What can you do to get him to hang out with you? A smile is a welcome sign. He just wants to look. Men who are interested approach when they are invited. Comment by Miss Suzanne — September 9, I wish I had a chance to meet a rich guy, well, not exactly rich, but someone with enough money and smart, good looking, kind….. Comment by Nicky — September 15, Think of yourself first such as your sense of worth and what you have accomplished as a woman! CEO and handsome and exciting!

He very well is married.. Comment by Cheryl — January 24, Im 27 and dating an older guy. He proposed marriage weeks ago, but, he asked for us to get pregnant before making things formal. But I want to marry him. Women want rich guys and rich guys know it. You know what a rich guy wants?

To make up for all the girls he lost while he was broke. Not while you are used to fun on a bicycle. A rich man knows what money can buy. Just a good time in the sack. With a different girl everytime. Comment by West African Dating — April 4, I think if you have a high self esteem you would avoid them completely. It is better to just go for a high earning professional that has a regular 9 to 5 job. With the rich guy i found it rude the way he was always late and would even pick up the phone during our dates.

He would also treat me as a business deal, offering to give me more money when he messed up. After a while I started to feel like a doormat. When I dumped him he was so cocky and over-confident , he even came crying to me asking me if i was really serious about us breaking up. Then I got back together with him and he treated me the same way again. Sorry but if you have any self- worth you would not date any of these people. Also because they are usually very intelligent they might disrespect you without even knowing it. Every time we had an argument he would shout over me and would not let me have an opinion or say at all.

I think they are often so caught up in their world of making money and manipulating people to get what they want that they lose their humanity. These type of men should never marry. Or they should be like in biblical days, have a wife in every city and only marry women because they want to take care of them, which by the way still happens in many Arab cultures. How can you have a normal relationship if the person is never around or has no time for you. That is not a nice life. It is lonely and depressing.

No wonder so many of them end up divorced. Sorry I passed on that. Goodluck to you that are seeking that. It is not an easy life. Watch episodes of the old s Dallas TV show. It shows you what it is really like. I loved watching Dallas because I experienced that life once and know it is true. The life of rich people is not always glamorous and no problems. It seems that way on the surface but often they are some of the most unhappy people in the world. Look at Sue Ellen in the s tv show Dallas, she is a perfect example of what you might end up like when you marry a rich man.

Comment by suzie33 — July 2, Just self sufficient, confident, and alot of what you mentioned that men want. Well, I finally found a man that I do want. And, he wants me. He is not a millionaire either. So actually, two intellectuals equally interested. He does respond to my texts, and thanks me even for the smallest of things.

How to Attract Rich Men and Keep Them Interested

Just yesterday he said that I was a great catch. He thinks that I have a higher sex drive than he does. When he was younger, apparently enjoy alot more sex. Now that he is older his drive is much lower. What he wants is my heart. To him, the rest is just part of nature.

I get the feeling he wants to feel like the one who possess my heart and mind, and because of that he knows that no one can take his woman. He even admits that its in his competitive nature to want to keep me even more. I know this is highly unusual. It is his dream to be one too. I like ambition, but I am fine without a millionaire. What I want is …. Intelligent, Loves life, caring, integrity, logical, spends quality time with family, outgoing, respectful, and I find we both share interests and experiences. Because of his profession, his are corporate, mine are simply family estate.

Comment by Rita in Texas — July 25, I am currently with a wealthy man. The key is to be patient, very, very patient!

Work will be before you majority of the times, he may not text or call as often as you like, cancel plans at the last minute and will arrive late most of the times. For him, he will still have doubts of trusting, this takes months or years for him to trust. I take him to my hang out spots — not high end, because he is accustom to high end, I talk about my hobbies. Do not sleep with him, wait at least a 2 or 3 months.

This is very important. Dress sexy, but classy, cover up a bit. He may have many women that are after him, but you will stand out. If you are after his money it will not work. You need to genuinely love and care him, his money is a bonus. Comment by Patience — October 13, I dated a self made wealthy man for 3 months. He was a handsome 51, I am a young fit with a brain! We were the stereotypical trophy wife scenario on the outside. Chemistry was incredible and we have shared some amazing times together.

Vacations, meals and the latter where always paid for by him. I own a business and am not quite as highly-financially well off as him, but I will be. You will get gifts in exchange for his time. If you are shallow- then go for it. You will never be truly trusted since everyone he knows is practically out for his money. Also- he is a business man- negotiator. This is gladly not my scenario, I ultimately am looking for my equal. However, you will find, at some point in your life, that the money you married will eat away at you and it will change you.

I was always waiting for him. And he was usually only available on his terms. If I said something about me, he made it about him. A wealthy man has an ego. Mine specifically, a drinking problem too. I am a loyal, driven woman and I began to question us when he was away one weekend hounding me about what I was doing here at home.

He kept accusing me of cheating and he became extremely jealous. He wanted me to be faithful and not date- yet he wanted to fly for meetings and party every night at the bar while I sit home in his ideal little box of safety net. Even though he may be wealthy, he is what I would consider a high functioning alcoholic, in addition to a having horrific upbringing and some major trust issues.

Is that worth it for a vacation? Marrying rich comes with a price. Even then, once you have wealth, people treat you differently. The best thing you can do is earn your own wealth. Recognize that a true gentleman will WANT to spend time with you. If he is wealthy and cannot put you first, he will disclose that early on and not lead you on if he wants to be with you which is fine if you both are ok with it.

Choose love- always- and trust your gut instincts! Comment by Leslie — December 18, Rich men do things because money gives them the option to do so. Comment by Tom Savage — May 2, Thanks for shairing the information. Comment by tomsavage11 — May 8, Comment by Nantabo winnie — October 22, You are commenting using your WordPress.

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