Would you also like to submit a review for this item? You already recently rated this item. Your rating has been recorded. Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, German View all editions and formats Rating: Subjects Children's songs -- Germany. More like this Similar Items. Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Sound Recording Music Type: Reviews User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers.
Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Similar Items Related Subjects: Linked Data More info about Linked Data. We have not been so lucky politically, and are now in the throes of a major democratic crisis, with the rise of right-wing, xenophobic, broadly anti-democratic forces in the United States, Europe, and beyond. These may seem like very different crises, but they are connected. The last few global economic crises all have something in common. Although they were politically dislocating — producing major winners and losers — most governments responded by pretending that they had technical-economic fixes.
Our governments contributed to the wider technocratic trend of narrowing political debate by pushing many of the most pressing questions — like inequality, which many of these policies ended up increasing — off the table. I have spent much of my career trying to make sense of economic crises and the politics of our responses to them.

I suppose this makes me something of an academic ambulance chaser! While I began optimistically about how we could learn from our mistakes and make constructive changes, over time I have seen a depressingly familiar pattern emerge. I went back to grad school because of the Canadian debt crisis.
Back then, Canada was a bit like Greece but on a smaller scale, happily. After the Mexican peso crisis, the bond markets were skittish, and the level of federal and provincial debt began to look worrying. To regain bond market confidence, we were told, the government must slash its debt through austerity measures. We had no alternative.
Jacqueline Best – Why we need to stop letting economic crises go to waste
Arbeitsspiel n functioning, action Mech. Arbeitstakt m power stroke Mtr. Arbeitsurlaub m leave for purposes of war work. Heimat fit for labor duty in zone of interior only. Armaturenbrett n instrument board, instrument panel. Armband n See Armbinde. Armeebefehl m army field order.
Olympische Sommerspiele /Teilnehmer (Argentinien) – Wikipedia
Armeebekleidungsamt n army clothing depot. Armeefeldlazarett n army surgical hospital. Armeegebiet n army area. Armeeintendant m army Intendant Adm official at army Hq in charge of rations, clothing, equipment, pay, etc. Armeekartenlager n army map depot. Armeekorps n army corps. Armeekraftfahrpark m army motor transport park.
Armeemunitionslagern army ammunition depot. Armeenachrichtenregiment n army signal regiment. Armeeoberkommando n high command of an army, army headquarters abbr. Armeeverpflegungsamt n office o. Armeeverpflegungslager n army ration-supply depot. Armzeichen n arm and hand signal, arm signal. Arrestant m person under arrest. Arrestlokal n detention room, guardhouse cell, guardhouse.
Arrestraum im Lazarett detention ward.
SEP-Streit: IP Bridge und HTC gehen mit Remis in die nächste Runde
Artillerieauf marsch m moving up to positions Arty. Artilleriebeobachter m artillery observer, spotter. Artillerieeinschlag m shell hit, shell burst, point of impact Arty. Artillerieflieger mpl artillery reconnaissance aviation. Artillerieflug m artillery mission Avn. Artillerieflugzeuge artillery observation airplane. Artilleriefiihrer m division artillery commander special staff Arty officer and Arty commander at Div Hq. Artilleriekommandeur ni corps artillery commander in GHQ pool ; division artillery commander when GHQ artillery is attached.
Artillerienachrichtentrupp m artillery intelligence section. Artilleriepark w artillery equipment park. Artillerierechenschieber m graphical firing table. Artilleriesperrfeuer n artillery barrage. Artillerieverbindungskommando n artillery liaison command post, artillery liaison detachment. Artillerieverbindungsoffizier m artillery liaison officer. Artillerievermessungstrupp m artillery survey section. Arzneikasten m medicine chest. Arzneimittel n medicine, medicament. Arzt m doctor, medical officer. Assistenzarzt m second lieutenant Med. Astm branch; knot in wood.
Astro m celestial navigator Avn slang. Astverhau m dead abatis made of tree branches. Atemeinsatz m filter element gas mask. Atemsack m respirator bag oxygen breathing apparatus. Atemschlauch m hose gas mask, oxygen breathing apparatus. Audion n grid-leak detector, detector, 2nd detector Rad. Aufbauliifter in ventilator in Tk sponson or turret.
Aufblitzend flash Arty fire. Aufbruchsort m departure point, starting point. Aufenthaltspunkt m stop RR, MT. Aufgebot vt See allgemeines Aufgebot. Aufhakenn message pick-up Avn. Aufladekommando n loading detail. Auflademotor m supercharged engine Avn. Auflagepunkt m center of tire impact MT ; point of support Tech. Auflagern pedestal, support Bdg ; hanger bar harness. Aufmarsch m concentration or assembly of troops for action; strategic concentration; moving up to positions Arty.
Aufmarschgebiet n concentration area Tac. Aufmarschplan m plan for strategic concentration. Aufnahmehaken m pick-up hook for message pick-up Ap. Aufnahmering m receiving ring AA gun. Aufnahmestreifen m tape Tg printer. Aufsatz m sight mount, telescope mount in a loose sense, either the optical sight alone or the entire sight assembly ; essay, composition. Aufsatztrieb m elevation mechanism G. Aufsatzwinkel m angle of elevation Gunnery ; superelevation AAA. Aufsatzwinkeltrieb m angle-of-elevation mechanism G.
Aufsatzzeiger m telescope mount reference pointer matches with Rohr-zeiger when gun is laid for elevation. Aufschlagpunkt m point of impact, objective point. Aufschlagwinkel m angle of impact. Aufschreiber m recorder Arty. Aufschrumpfen n heat shrinking Ord. Aufsichtsturm m control tower Adrm.
Aufspuler m reel Tp. Aufstellbahnhof m make-up yard RR. Aufstellgleis n make-up track RR. Aufstellungsbefehl m initial organization order to activate a unit. Aufstromvergaser m updraft carburetor. Auftakt m initial phase of an operation. Auftrag m mission, task Tac. Auftreffpunkt m point of impact. Auftreffwinkel m angle of impact. Auftrieb TO buoyancy, lift Avn. Auftriebsmittelpunkt m center of lift Avn. Auftritt m fire step. Aufwind m anabatic wind, up-slope wind. Aufziehen der Wache guard mount. Aufzug m elevator, hoist. Augenabstand m interpupillary distance Optics. Augenblicksziel n fleeting target, transient target, fleeting objective.
Augenfenster n eyepiece gas mask. Augenring m eyepiece frame of goggles gas mask. Augenschlitz m viewing slit telescopic sight. Ausatemventil n outlet valve gas mask. Ausbau m construction; improvement of a position ; dismantling, removing, dismounting of a gun, etc. Ausbildungsanweisungen fpl training order. Ausbildungslager n training camp. Ausbildungsplan m training schedule. Ausbildungsrichtlinien fpl training outlines, training regulations. Ausbildungsstab m training staff. Ausblickm objective lens Optics ; prospect, view. Ausblickstutzen m objective-lens socket Optics.
Ausbruch der Feindseligkeiten outbreak of hostilities. Ausfahrgleis n outgoing track RR. Ausfallm sortie Tac ; long lunge, long thrust bayonet thrust ; casualty ; failure, breakdown of an engine, etc. Ausgangsort m point of departure air navigation. Ausgangspunkt m initial point, origin, point of departure. Ausgangstransformator m output transformer Rad. Ausgehanzug m dress uniform. Ausgehverbot n curfew Mil Govt. Ausgleich m equalization, compensation, equilibration, balancing.
Ausgleicher m compensator Ord, Mech ; equilibrator G. Ausgleicherarm m equilibrator anchor G. Ausgleichgetriebe n differential gear. Ausladebahnhof m detraining point, railhead. Ausladegebiet n detrucking area. Ausladekommando n unloading detail. Ausladeplatz m detrucking point. Auslauf m outlet for liquids, etc. Auslegezeichen n ground panel Sig C. Ausleseknopf m selector switch Ap armament control. Ausnahmezustand in state of emergency. Auspuff m exhaust, exhaust system Mtr. Auspuff hub m exhaust stroke Mtr. Auspuffkanal m exhaust duct Mtr.
Auspufftakt m exhaust stroke Mtr. Auspufftopf m muffler Mtr. Ausrollen n landing run Avn. Ausschalen n stripping the forms concrete construction. Ausschaltehebel TU throwout lever aiming circle. Ausschalten der Grundstufe calibration correction, correction for velocity error Gunnery. Ausschalten der Schnittbildversetzung halving adjustment coincidence range finder. Ausschalten des Schallverzuges acoustic correction sound locator. Ausschalten des Windes wind correction Gunnery.
Ausschalter m switch; throwout lever. Ausschlag m decisive factor; rash Med. Aussetzen n posting of guards ; cessation of rain, fire, etc. Aussichtsturm m observation tower. Austausch m exchange PW, etc. Austauschschiff n exchange ship, cartel ship Nav. Austauschstoff m substitute material. Auswanderungsmesser m lead computer AA. Ausweichflugplatz m dispersal landing field. Ausweichgleis n siding RR. Ausweichhafen m alternate airport. Ausweichziel n alternate target, secondary target bombing. Ausweis m identification card, document, etc.
Ausweispapier n identification papers. Auswerfer m ejector Ord. Auswertelineal n computing slide rule FR. Auszieher m extractor Ord. Ausziehgleis n lead track RR. Auszug m extract, summary, departure; extension Tech. Autokartograph m stereoscopic plotting machine.
Autoschleppstart m auto-tow take-off glider. Azetylensauerstoffbrenner m oxyacet- ylene torch. Azimutentfernungsmesser m depression position finder. B Bach m stream, brook, rivulet. Backbord n port side. Backbordmotor m port engine. Bade wagen m shower-bath truck. Bagger m excavator, dredge, power shovel. Bahndamm m railroad embankment. Bahnhof m railroad station; trolley or bus station.
Bahnhofsoffizier m railroad station traffic officer. Bahnplanum n subgrade RR. Bahnsteig m platform RR. Bahntransport m railroad transportation. Bajonettangriff m bayonet charge. Bajonettfechten n bayonet fighting. Bajonettgriff m bayonet grip. Bakenempfang m radio-beacon reception. Bakterienkrieg m bacteriological warfare. Baldachin m canopy center section of upper wing of biplane. Balken m balk, beam; girder; log. Balkenstapel m log crib, timber crib Bdg. Balkenverhau m timber obstacle.
Ballen m bulb horse ; heel harness ; bale. Ballistit n ballistite Am. Ballonabweiser m anti-balloon device Ap. Ballonaufstiegplatz m balloon site. Ballonbeobachter m balloon observer. Ballongurt m rigging band captive Bin. Ballonkorb m balloon basket. Ballonnetz n balloon net. Ballonreifen m balloon tire. Ballonstoff m balloon fabric. Ballonvariometer n balloon statoscope. Ballonventil n gas valve Bin. Baltasekunden fpl ballistic density and wind factors in time-of-flight seconds.
Baltasekunden-Verfahren n procedure in correcting for ballistic density and wind. Bananenstecker m banana plug. Band band, cord, tape, strip, ribbon. Bandgestell n harness gas mask. Bandmikrophon n ribbon microphone. Barackenlager n cantonment, camp having semipermanent buildings.
Barbarist m artilleryman slang. Basislineal base-line arm plotting protractor. Bataillonsabschnitt m battalion sector. Bataillons-Adjutant m battalion executive officer, aide to battalion commander. Bataillonsgefechtsstand m battalion command post. Bataillonshornist m drum major formerly called Tambourmajor. Bataillons-Kommandeur m battalion commander. Bataillonsstab m battalion staff, battalion headquarters. Bataillonsverbandplatz m battalion aid station. Batteriebild n battery-location plot SB.
Batteriechef m battery commander. Batteriekasten m battery box Elec. Batteriekran m gun hoist, loading crane Arty. Batterieoffizier m executive firing Btry. Batterieplan m firing chart Arty. Batteriestand m See Batteriestellung. Batterietrupp m battery detail, battery headquarters detail, battery commander's detail Arty. Bau w construction, structure, type of construction. Baubataillon n construction battalion.
Bauch m abdomen, belly. Bauchgurt m front cinch pack saddle. Bauchtreffer m sidewise-striking projectile. Bauglied n structural unit, section of a structure, structure element. Baumbeobachtungsstand m observation post in a tree. Baumstamm m tree trunk. Baumstumpf m tree stump. Baumuster n model, type Ap, MT. Baumverhau in live abatis. Baumwollabfall m cotton waste, cotton linters. Bausoldat m engineer soldier in construction unit.
Baustab m construction staff. Bautrupp m construction detail, construction squad. Bautruppen fpl construction troops. Beamter m official, civil servant. Bediener m controller AA SL. Bedienungsschalter m operating switch Elec. Beendigung der Luftgefahr "all clear. Befehl m order, command. Befehlsnetz n command net. Befehlspanzer m command tank.
Befehlsstand m command post, headquarters.
Befehlswagen m command car, command truck, commander's car, staff, car. Befehlsweg m chain of command, command channel. Befestigungsarbeiten fpl fortifications, works.
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Befestigungswerk n permanent fortification, work. Begegnungsgefecht n meeting engagement. Begleiter m escort; assistant driver. Begleitfeuer n accompanying fire. Begleitkommando n escort party, escort detachment, covering party. Begleitpanzer m accompanying tank. Begleitschutz m escort, fighter escort Avn. Begleitzettel m emergency medical tag.
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Begrenzungshebel m clamping lever MG. Begrenzungsstift m traversing stop MG. Behelf m expedient, makeshift. Behelfsgasschutz m emergency gas protection. Behelfsmaterial n emergency construction material. Behmlot n fathometer, echo depth sounder Nav ; Behm sound-ranging altimeter, sonic altimeter Ap.
Beiende n warp of a rope. Beifahrer m rear rider, sidecar rider Mtcl ; assistant driver MT. Beinleder npl leather puttees, leather leggins. Beitreibungsschein m requisition receipt for civilian property. Beiwagen m sidecar Mtcl. Beiwagenkrad n sidecar motorcycle. Bekleidnngsnachweis m clothing account. Bekleidungssack m duffle bag, bar-rack s bag. Beladeplan m stowage chart for vehicle. Belag m planking Bdg ; reinforcing strap harness.
Belagerungszustand m state of siege. Belastungsfaktor in load coefficient. Beleg m voucher, proof, evidence, document. Beleuchtungsfenster n illuminating window panoramic sight. Benzinkanister m gasoline container. Benzinmanometer n gasoline pressure gage. Benzinstandmesser m fuel gage. Beobachter m observer; air observer, navigator-observer.
Beobachterabzeichen n observer badge decoration. Beobachterfernrohr n observer telescope. Beobachtersitz m observer's seat Ap. Beobachtungsbereich m observation area Arty. Beobachtungsfehler m personnel error. Beobachtungsfernrohr n observation telescope BC telescope. Beobachtungskorb m observer's basket captive Bin. Beobachtungsnetz n observation post system Arty. Beobachtungsoffizier m observation post officer Arty. Beobachtungsraum m " searching sector AAA ; observation area.
Beobachtungsrohr n trench periscope. Beobachtungsstand m See Beobachtungsstelle. Beobachtungsturm m cupola Tk. Beobachtungs- und Wirkungsstreifen m sector of fire SA firing. Beobachtungswagen in' observer's car. Beobachtungswinkel m aiming point offset Arty. Beobachtung von seitlicher Beobachtungsstelle flank spotting Arty.
Bereich m area, district, zone; range, scope. Bereitschaften fpl alerted reserve troops or police. Bereitschaftsbataillon n reserve battalion. Bereitschaftslazarett n mobile surgical unit. Bereitstellungsbefehl m assembly order. Bereitstellungsplatz m assembly position, assembly point Tac. Bereitstellungsraum m assembly area Tac. Bergm hill, mountain collective: Bergedienst m recovery service, salvage collecting service. Bergekommando n collecting unit, salvage party, recovery party.
Bergen n recovery, salvage. Berghang m mountain slope, hillside. Bergjoch n saddle Top. Bergschuhe mpl mountain boots, ski boots. Bergungsschiff n rescue vessel, salvage vessel. Bericht m report; communique, news dispatch. Berichter m correspondent, reporter. Besatzung'sheer n army of occupation. Beschlagmeister m horseshoer with rank of Tech Sgt. Beschlagschmiedobergefreiter m horseshoer with rank of Cpl.
Beschwerungsrohr n counterpoise,counterweight G. Beselerstegm hasty trestle footbridge named after General H. Besetztschauzeichen n "busy" signal light Tp. Besetztzeichens busy signal Tp. Besoldungsdienstalter n seniority for computation of pay. Besoldungswesen n pay and allowance administration. Besoldungszulage nach dem Dienstalter longevity pay. Bestand m stock supplies, equipment, etc. Bestandsbuch n stock book. Bestattungskommando n burial detail. Besteckn ship's position; set of instruments or utensils; knife, fork and spoon considered as unit of mess kit.
Bestellschein m requisition ticket Adm. Betonbunker m concrete bunker, concrete pillbox. Betonturmm concrete turret Ft. Betonunterstand m concrete shelter, concrete dugout. Betrag TO amount, sum.
Betrieb TO operation Tp, Rad ; traffic; action; factory. Betriebsbuch n station log Rad. Betriebsfunkspruch m routine radio message. Betriebsschalter m operating switch Tp. Betriebsstoff m fuel, gasoline, Diesel fuel. Betriebsstoffkesselkraftwagen m gasoline tank truck.