1. Introduction

Images via The Richest and Daily Mail.

People keep roaches as pets? I mean, look at them. Images via Chicago Now and altairjian Instagram. The Python may seem like a neat conversation starter, as well a pet that will bump you up to bad-butt status. That is, until it eats you. These bad boys can grow up to 17 feet in length. And they swallow lesser animals whole. So if you choose to have a python as a pet, make the python your only pet.

Here Are 15 Exotic Animals Trying To Take The Best Pet Title Away From Dogs

Or it might, well. Images via Becuo and furbesties Instagram. Another adorable adversary, this fox looks like it jumped straight outta Pokemon. Technically in the same family as dogs, these critters apparently act more like cats and you know how we feel about those eternally-shade throwing mice catchers.

  1. ExNOTic: Should We Be Keeping Exotic Pets??
  2. Bliss: Death and Resurrection in a Chinatown Stripclub.
  3. Easter Rabbit.
  4. Exotic, Domesticated, and Wild Pets - Texas A&M Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences!
  5. For the fragile Muses....

Images via Wikipedia and patflinschrod Flickr. The Kinkajou is also a carrier of a fatal species of roundworm. Images via Hourly Notes and richarddavistattoos Instagram. Images via Wikimedia Commons and serena. According to what I read, the Serval is not your typical house cat.

It comes from the plains of Africa where… Wait.

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Images via The Richest and paulyjcairns Instagram. A small mammal such as a hamster, gerbil, guinea pig, chinchilla, or rat or even a reptile or small bird that can live in a fairly small cage might be a more feasible choice. Remember, good things come in small packages. Exotic animals can be great for people with pet allergies. Although many people would love to have a pet dog or cat, they often cannot, because they or their family members have allergies to the dander that furry pets carry on their coats.

All is not lost for these people, however; they can still have a loving pet if they choose a reptile such as a lizard, turtle, tortoise, or snake that has neither hair nor dander on its skin.

Top 21 Most Exotic Domesticated Cats On Our Planet

They might even be able to have a hairless rat or guinea pig if they are not severely allergic, and if they are not allergic to feathers, they might also be able to own a bird. Many exotic pets live a long time. In contrast to our traditional pets, we know very little about the natural behaviours and needs of most exotic species, so it is hard to know what stresses them and how to prevent it.

ExNOTic: Should We Be Keeping Exotic Pets?

Moreover, dangerous exotic pets are often operated on to make them safer — servals may be declawed and venomous snakes defanged. Unlike zoos, private enclosures are generally self-funded and self-managed. While some exotic animals are certainly easier to keep than others, I believe that very few can thrive in human homes. Presented by Helen Skelton.

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  • This page is no longer being updated. Licensed exotic pets in the UK. Out of the wild Scientists have discovered a lot about the development and behaviour of captive exotic species by monitoring them in zoos but studying animals in private homes is challenging.