The importance of tracking the present dynamical and termodynamical conditions along the air path producing precipitation is fundamental for better understanding the climate information preserved in the ice core records. Snowfall on the Antarctic plateau is very scarce and very few direct data exist on the seasonal distribution of precipitation. This lack of information is still delaying the improvement of polar atmospheric circulation and ice-sheet models.
The Project aims at obtaining a continuous, high-resolution record of climate and environmental changes in East Antarctica over the last 2 millennia, a key time period for climate studies but poorly covered by observational and instrumental data. Using a multicore-approach, we will produce a stacked record of the past years with a resolution similar to the meteorological measurements subannual. We propose an integrated, international research project to study the impacts of very low and highly variable accumulation rates on surface mass balance, mega-dune formation, and near-surface snow and boundary layer chemistry.
To minimize costs and maximize flexibility while investigating a broad range of accumulation rates and environmental conditions, we will conduct this research primarily using a surface traverse along a route from Dome C to South Pole. This international consortium of scientists is built around the idea to explore and study the geophysical snow physics, surface mass balance, density, temperature, seismicity, etc. These objectives will be accomplished through a coordinated program of field observations, remote sensing, laboratory measurements, and data synthesis and integration.
The bulk of the field research will be conducted on two overland traverses in East Antarctica: Sotto la spinta del crescente numero di istituti secondari che offrono un curriculum di lingua cinese e della sistematizzazione dei percorsi di abilitazione, il progetto mira alla stesura di una bozza di manuale di letteratura cinese espressamente concepito per il secondario italiano. In particolare, esso si prefigge di: La delimitazione cronologica della ricerca ha infatti un preciso significato storiografico.
The strand of the project I am investigating concerns the development of English as a Lingua Franca in educational contexts, and the feasibility of developing an ELF construct or constructs for assessing ELF. Insieme a una perspettiva panoramica, il progetto presta attenzione a un significativo caso concreto Quevedo. Questi elementi sono nello specifico: Per questo motivo, il versante archivistico costituisce un aspetto non secondario, o meramente strumentale, del progetto proposto.
Di particolare importanza risulteranno le fonti italiane, tedesche e statunitensi: Le fonti straniere andranno a supplire, inoltre, il mancato accesso agli archivi dei servizi di sicurezza italiani. Germanisti italiani e leggi razziali: Servizi di sicurezza americani e orientamento della germanistica italiana Il progetto, a cura della prof. Andreina Lavagetto in collaborazione col dr. Si tratta quindi in una prima fase di ricostruire, sbobinare, trascrivere gli appunti delle lezioni del Lo sviluppo di un processo affidabile di valorizzazione delle biomasse di rifiuti attraverso la produzione di biodiesel da transesterificazione di oli richiede un approccio multidisciplinare per progettare una tecnologia altamente sostenibile.
Infine, i bio-dieseli sintetizzati verranno consegnati all'impresa locale, Texa s. The proposed project aims to expand and enhance the ground-truthing activities related to the VEiL project Visualising Engineered Landscapes: Imprinted with the 'spatial signature' of the Roman Centuriation Fig.
- No More I Love Yous!
- La Navidad es un cuento (Spanish Edition).
- Letture “sostenibili” per un’estate pensando all’ambiente. I nostri consigli — E-R Ambiente.
- Credo for the Checkout Line in Winter.
- Ricerca d’impatto: Università Ca' Foscari Venezia.
Using Computer Vision techniques and advanced processing of aerial and satellite imagery, Using the desktop based outcomes of the VEiL project extended by new UAV generated imagery, Ground-truthing VEiL GTV will extensively test, on the ground, the reliability and integrity of the proposed centuriation model through rigorous field mapping and ground verification activities undertaken via state-of-the-art data recording technologies. Ricerca diretta dal Prof. Raveri articolato in giornate di studio e convegno conclusivo ottobre Incentivo europeo alla ricerca ERC Syg per progetto da sviluppare in 40 mesi dal Missione nel per ricerca biennale su rituali divinatori tra Oriente e Occidente antico.
Convegno relativo alla ricerca sulla voce che ha implicato partecipazioni a convegni e diverse pubblicazioni fino al Vi sono diversi modelli che possono essere utilizzati per effettuare il credit scoring. Altri modelli ampiamente utilizzati sono i modelli di regressione logistica e probit Ohlson, , Mensah, , Zavgren, , Keasey e Watson, Ricerca interdisciplianare sul corpo tra manipolazione e percezione.
E' prevista la pubblicazione nel dei quattro anni di ricerca e lavoro seminariale. Countries such as Bangladesh face fundamental threats from climate change, particularly flooding. Here, national policy adaptation responses implement Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM but significant demand exists for knowledge of comparative national practice to enhance institutional capacity and programme effectiveness. This objective will be achieved through: Contributo alla pubblicazione dei graffiti greci dello scavo.
Modelli e metodi per la valutazione, che potranno essere relativi alla valutazione della ricerca scientifica, alla valutazione di strumenti finanziari, alla valutazione di strutture della pubblica amministrazione ecc. Studio di archivi manoscritti, grafici, fotografici, di calchi di iscrizioni e loro messa in rete open access. Creazione di una biblioteca digitale di calchi epigrafici.
The project explores labor relations and their changes in two shipyards, in Pula Croatia and Gdynia Poland since the late s. It aims at providing an innovative interpretation of post-socialist transformation which, actually, began already long before communist rule came to an end.
The project wants to shed new light on the position of workers in and during transformation, and on their interactions with management and government. How did the agency of workers and other important agents in our story interact with, and impact each other? This is why we will also discuss the significance of global entanglements for the development of local places, departing from the global nature of the ship-building industry. Exploring different levels of analysis and addressing different observer positions will help to arrive at new temporalities of transformation as a multi-dimensional process.
Il progetto si occupa principalmente di: Organizzare un workshop con esperti del settore agricolo veneto per collaborare a sviluppare una serie di scenari macro di sviluppo socio-economico e ambientale di interesse regionale; c. Finanziamento di ricerca della Fondazione A. The aim of this project is to research about a structural element in the construction and consolidation of the empire: We will do so from a broad perspective, in which we not only want to deal with the forms of integration or assimilation within the State, but also, as expressed by the Cicero phrase that gives us its title, with those that suppose annihilation, destruction or marginalization, that Rome used when it considered necessary.
To sum up, we are interested in intervention in indigenous communities. The long chronological period we have established s.

Based on this temporal limit, we consider it essential to research on three aspects. In the first place, the theoretical view on the role of indigenous people in the empire as it appears in literary sources, which also provide us with the necessary data to elaborate a corpus of the intervention, the modalities or types, historically contextualized.
Finally it is essential to see what was its practical historical application, for which, naturally, we must select precise territories. We have chosen three areas, the Hispanic Northwest, the northern part of the Italian peninsula and the south of Gaul. They will allow us to analyze the processes of intervention in different provinces, under different chronologies and in different historical contexts. It will be essential to analyze all the available sources, from epigraphy in different languages to numismatic, archaeological and literary ones.
All this can only be done by a large team of researchers, multidisciplinary and with a wide trajectory of work on these fields. German Catholicism lived through a deep crisis in the years after At stake was the autonomous activity of the Catholic laity in politics, culture and society which coincided with a new openness towards protestantism.
The champions of such a relativ autonomy and opening were opposed bei 'integralists' in theology, laity, the episcopate, and last not least the Roman Curia, which favoured a strict confessionalism and hierarchical control over all fields of Catholic life. In Germany, however, compromises with the Roman authorities were found on all fields of contention: In the papal encyclical 'Singulari quadam' , for instance, the Christian Unions were at least 'tolerated'. The project puts these controversies in a European context and reconstructs the internal decision-making process of the Roman Curia in this 'integralist controversy' for the first time on the basis of the entire accessible archival documentation.
The outcome of the 'integralist controversy' had a decisive bearing on the positioning of German Catholicism within society during the 20th century. Progetto in collaborazione con la Prof. Gender equality is at the very heart of human rights and United Nations values. Despite the efforts exerted by organizations and governments to close the gender gap, the latter is a widespread phenomenon of economic and social life, which operates in all sorts of domains, from the academic sector to the financial and political one, with enormous costs for society.
Why are women underrepresented in top job positions and over-represented in mid-skill occupations? Are men and women different in approaching fundamental aspects of the labour market? Despite the progress made by the recent literature on the behavioral economics of gender, many questions remain unanswered. Our first objective is to clearly disentangle the role of discrimination versus individual demographic, behavioral, and emotional characteristics in determining the gender gap, a crucial aspect if we want to better understand which policies are the best suitable ones to close it.
Lerici" di Stoccolma, che promuove gli scambi culturali tra Svezia e Italia, ha su mia richiesta concesso un finanziamento triennale di Svenska Institutet, ente ministeriale che promuove la cultura svedese nel mondo, ha su mia richiesta concesso, per la seconda volta la prima volta su iniziativa del collega Bampi , un finanziamento triennale di Clima, scoperto come 'comunicano' i poli.
Primo test sui Maori. Startup al femminile per cosmetici green. Le altre storie dei nostri ricercatori. Ethnobotany of divided generations in the context of centralization Horizon - H - Excellence Science - ERC SOUKAND Renata Understanding the logics of obtaining, managing and perceiving of local natural resources, particularly plants, is crucial for ensuring sustainability of human life, as the use of plants is a key for survival of humans.
Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works ca. Aristotle in the Italian Vernacular: How to master and manage knowledge when there is too much to know? Evaluating Policies for Sustainable Energy Investments: The FUture of FUlly integrated human exposure assessment of chemicals: Progetto Europeo Eco-Governance-Fondamenti ecologici per la governance dello spazio costiero adriatico: Unravelling the grammars of European sign languages: Arkwork - Archaeological practices and knowledge work in the digital environment Altri programmi europei - COST TRAVIGLIA Arianna As nations and the EU are making considerable investments in technologies, infrastructures and standards for all aspects of working with archaeological knowledge, critical understanding of how this knowledge is produced and used remains fragmentary.
Mapping Translation Flows in the Eastern Neighborhood countries: Cultura, Turismo e Formacao: Rinaturalizzazione della laguna Nord di Venezia con trapianti di fanerogame acquatiche. Progetto finanziato con 1. Internships, work placements, volunteering: Occupational Safety and Health of Posted Workers: Innovazione di prodotto e di processo per una manutenzione, conservazione e restauro sostenibile e programmato del patrimonio culturale. La rappresentazione delle conoscenze organizzative: Tecnologie avanzate per la conoscenza, la conservazione e la valorizzazione di materiali ceramici, vetrosi e musivi in area mediterranea.
Nuova filiera produttiva per il comparto tessile-calzatura italiano basata su polimeri nanocompositi. La ricerca fondamentale sul linguaggio al servizio della lingua italiana: The engines of growth: Omero, Esiodo, Pindaro, Eschilo: Le letterature scandinave in Italia.
Hyperlinked list of publications by Herbert Marcuse, with texts and reviews
European Waterways Heritage Eu. Comportamento e destino di microcomponenti nel Continente Antartico anche in relazione ai cambiamenti climatici. Progetto Contaminazione ambientale in Antartide: La modernizzazione del testo medievale. Letterature medievali, moderno , postmoderno. PRIN - Reti bayesiane e modelli grafici: Una lunga intervista con un architetto che si pone il tema di come questa disciplina vada ripensata nel contesto ambientale odierno su come vadano ridisegnati i piani urbanistici e le leggi. Un testo multidisciplinare destinato agli insegnanti di scuola primaria e educatori della fascia anni che hanno voglia di sperimentare l'educazione ambientale a scuola ma non hanno gli strumenti per cominciare.
Percorsi urbani di educazione ambientale. Emanuele Banfi e Stefano Vitale, Carocci Per lettori dai 10 anni in su. Una collana per piccoli viaggiatori che vogliono scoprire la natura, con storie scritte da Emanuela Nava in forma di diario. Contengono due grandi poster naturalistici e quattro cartoline illustrate da staccare.
Per bambini dai 5 agli 8 anni. E anche di tante emozioni. Giovanni e Mila camminano nel bosco: Questo libro, come uno scrigno, oltre al tesoro di Mila contiene altri tesori, che insieme formano la ricchezza della natura. Nicoletta, che posto occupano nella vostra libreria i titoli a carattere ambientale?
E i lettori sono andati alla ricerca proprio dei libri che parlavano di questi temi. Ci sono poi diversi titoli sui giardini e sugli orti: McGraw-Hill, , xx. Republished in Douglas Kellner and Clayton Pierce eds.
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- AZIA & (Portuguese Edition).
Routledge, , Translation by Juan David Palacios 2 page pdf. Original available on google books ; archived pdf [use "fit to printable area" if printing] [translation available under this Creative Commons License ] Greek: Die Zeit , Sept. Philosophie und Soziologie," in: Esther Leslie, New Left Review , no.
An Assessment," Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 16 Some of the other essays in the Morgenthau collection of lectures: German political parties, by G.
Letture “sostenibili” per un’estate pensando all’ambiente. I nostri consigli
The labor movement in Germany, by F. The government of eastern Germany, by O. Germany and world peace, by J. Karl Mannheim , Die Ideologie und Utopie, " in: Die Gesellschaft 2 , Die Gesellschaft 8 , Spanish translation of Herbert's Essay on Liberation: Herbert Marcuse on Ecology lecture: Fred Alford , published in: Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 3: Joan Nordquist's page bibliography this is a searchable pdf , which lists 17 books in English by Herbert with many reviews , 22 in German, and articles by him as well as secondary work citations and title and key word indexes.
To find translations in languages other than English or German , use your web browser's page search function usually Ctrl-F to search for the text "Danish," "Dutch," "French," "Hebrew," "Italian," "Korean," "Portugese," "Russian," "Spanish," "Turkish," etc. Philosophische Hefte 1 , pp Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 6: Husserl himself passed through various stages, from psychologism to "neutralism" to transcendental idealism; there were "realistic" and "idealistic" phenomenologists a comparison with the left-wing and right-wing Hegelians suggests itself , religious and irreligious members of the movement, rationalists and fideists, conservatives and radicals.
Actually such a philosophy can only be proven through its achievements, which the following comments do not replace. Rather, they merely try to prevent that examples of concrete philosophy, if they really appear, are repeatedly called 'unphilosophical,' or at best as an interlude in 'true' philosophy. Geschichte und Systeme der Philosophie, in: Philosophische Hefte, 2 Die Errungenschaften des deutschen Idealismus, " Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 53, no. Die Gesellschaft 9 , There is some question whether Heidegger even read this work. See Seyla Benhabib's introduction German translation of Benhabib intro available on this site published Frankfurt: Kant Studien 9 , pdf amazon.
Examining first Hegel's Logic and then his theological writings and Phenomenology of Mind, he argues that Hegel was moving from an ontological to a historical characterization of human existence. The work, among Marcuse's earliest, is highly technical in its vocabularythough a glossary provides some assistance and is translated into English for the first time here. Though it shows little of the Marcuse who became a popular New Left theorist, it will be of interest to students of 19th- and 20th-century philosophy.
Edition de Minuit, , p. English translation "The Concept of Essence," in Negations , pp. Also in Schriften Bd. Focus on "historically situated reason. Philosophy and critical theory pp. ZfS 6 , Also in Schriften Bd. Brief an Ernst Manheim, published in: Table of Contents Kant Studien 38 , pdf Lundberg in Social Forces , vol. Cottrell, Jr in The Philosophical Review Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 9 , translated as "Einige gesellschaftliche Folgen moderner Technologie," in: Herbert Marcuse, Schriften Bd. An Introduction to the Dialectical Thinking of Hegel and Marx first major work in English, focus on critical reason and dialectical thinking often republished: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory Boston: Beacon Press, , with a new preface by the author and "A Note on Dialectic.
Humanities Press , c Atlantic Highlands, N. Humanities Press, Amherst, N. The Foundations of Hegel's Philosophy. Hegel's First System IV. The Phenomenology of Mind V. The Science of Logic VI. The Philosophy of History Pt. The Rise of Social Theory Introduction: From Philosophy to Social Theory I. McGill in The Journal of Philosophy Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Luchterhand, , , p. Edition de Minuit, , orig. Is It Science by Max Eastman, in: Karl Lowith, Von Hegel bis Nietzsche , in: The Philosophical Review Lowith reviewed Herbert's Reason and Revolution in the June issue of Philosophy and Phenomenological Research , with a response by Herbert ; see above.
The complete essay is published in: The Philosophical Review Vol. Il mulino, , pages. Original English sources in Italian translation. Richard Wolin and John Abromeit eds. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research vol. Studies in Critical Philosophy , trans. Joseph De Bres London: Verso, and as chapter 5 of: Saggi di teoria critica , trad.
Cerutti Torino, Einaudi , pp. American Historical Review vol. Rosteutscher , Die Wiederkunft des Dionysos , in: Benjamin Farrington, Francis Bacon: Philosopher of Industrial Science , in: Georg Lukacs , Goethe und Seine Zeit , in: Philosopher of Industrial Science by Benjamin Farrington, in: Herbert's analysis is criticized in Francis L. Political Science Quarterly Everybody and everything is democratic.
Movimenti popolari antidemocratici translation by Raffaele Laudani in Storicamente Nef, War and Human Progress: An Essay on the Rise of Industrial Civilization , in: American Historical Review Oct. Scott, The Anatomy of Communism , in: American Slavic and East European Review Carr, A History of Soviet Russia. The Bolshevik Revolution, ; II: Harvard University Press, , pp.
I nostri progetti
Frankfurter Beitraege zur Soziologie. Aufsaetze Max Horkheimer zum Geburtstag gewidmet ; mentioned in: Joseph Maier, review of Frankfurter Beitraege zur Soziologie. Geburtstag gewidmet ; Frankfurter Beitraege zur Soziologie. Ein Studienbericht by Theodor W. Adorno; Walter Dirks; Friedrich Pollock, in: Phillips Davison's review of: Public Opinion Quarterly The Cambridge Review, 1, no.
Its title alludes to Freud's Civilization and its Discontents. Marcuse's vision of a non-repressive society, based on Marx and Freud, anticipated the values of s countercultural movements. These portions are also archived at Marxists. Herbert Fingarette, "Eros and Utopie," in: The Review of Metaphysics Psychoanalytic Quarterly 25 , The American Imago American Journal of Sociology Theory and Society Drei Studien zu Herbert Marcuse Frankfurt: Nexus, , S. Manuel Foyaca de la Concha, Leyendo a Marcuse: Studium, , p.
Klett, reissued in under the title Triebstruktur und Gesellschaft Frankfurt: