Brenda Penniger and Nadine Castelle The unexplained: Frederick Valentich Unexplained death: Wally Spencer Lost loves: The Ghosts of the Mann House Wanted: Rohrey Wychgel's attacker Unexplained death: Lisa Ziegert Lost loves: The Fatima Miracle Wanted: Wade Mitchell Parker Wanted: David Leigh McLeod Wanted: Jill and Julie Hansen Wanted: John Grundhofer's kidnapper Lost loves: The Mona Lisa Wanted: Travis Wade Duncan Missing: Julius Patterson and Paulette Hite". Edmonton Rapist Clifford Sleigh Mystery: Daly City Man Murder: Melissa Jo Sermons Lost loves: Dorothy Johnson Lost loves: Sandy Breen and Bruce Clark Update: Lissette Nukida Lost loves: Saviors of Colleen Frangione Lost loves: The Children of Hilda Craun Wanted: Jay Given Lost loves: Brendan Vaughan repeat from December 1, Grocery Robbers Lost loves: Christopher Kurowski repeat from October 13, Update: Amy Billing Lost heirs: Heirs of Walter Rice Missing: Oliver Munson Lost loves: Rose Marie Luttmer Update: San Pedro Mummy Murder: Andre Jones Lost loves: Bruce Bradney Lost loves: The Mother of Margaret Smith Lost loves: Kimberly Karen Lofton Update: Saviors of Colleen Frangione.
Dick Hansen Lost loves: Healing Waters of Lourdes Wanted: David McLeod repeat from November 3, Nova and Lady Legend: The Children of Faith Brown" Wanted: Travis Wade Duncan repeat from November 17, Lost loves: The Siblings of Eugene Price repeat from February 3, Heirs of Charles Lazarus Wanted: Lissette Nukida repeat from December 1, Pennsylvania Bank Robber Wanted: David Viera Lost loves: Kimberly Karen Lofton" Unexplained death: Jill and Julie Hansen repeat from November 10, Lost loves: Madeline Strauss repeat from October 20, Treasure of Dutch Schultz Murder: Interstate 70 Killer Update: Kevin Wheel Lost loves: The Siblings of Jim Boumgarden repeat from September 2, Bigfoot in the Northwest Mystery: Bill and Dorothy Wacker Missing: The Shroud of Turin repeat from October 2, The unexplained: The Crew of the L-8 repeat from May 19, The Shroud of Turin" Missing: The Allagash Abductions Legend: Roswell Crash and Area 51 ".
Textbooknova Alfred Sheldon And The Abduction Pdf By Nhaveein Devaraj
The Ice Man Murder: La Posada Hotel Legend: Father Solanus Casey Update: Savior of Siegfried Laier Legend: John Wilkes Booth repeat from September 25, Alan Verl Sneed Wanted: Poverty Island Treasure Update: Mary Celeste Lost loves: Saviors of Michelle West Mystery: Frank and Teresa Wilson. David Faux, and Carol Montrose Wanted: John and Linda Sohus Lost loves: The Family of Terris Christie Derby". Kimberly Pandilious Lost loves: Sumter County Does , found murdered in Mystery: John and Linda Sohus repeat from January 13, James Van Praagh Mystery: Kansas City Arsonist Wanted: Wallace Thrasher Lost loves: Robert James Palmer Missing: Kristi Krebs Lost loves: The Search of Helen Elas Wanted: Rose Marie Ledbetter" Murder: Eric and Pam Ellender repeat from January 13, Frank Morris and the Anglin Brothers repeat from February 8, Tara Breckinridge Lost loves: The Friends of Fritz Vinchen Wanted: James and Lisa Albert Wanted: Elizabeth Ortiz repeat from November 25, Wanted: Andolina Gonzalez repeat from October 6, Wanted: Kelly Finnegan repeat from May 4, Arnold Archambeau and Ruby Bruguier Murder: The Search of Bob Coleman Missing: Kathleen Burghardt and Eric Danowski Wanted: Father Solanus Casey repeat from October 9, Justin Burgwinkel Lost loves: Saviors of Dover Family Wanted: Paul Xavier Alexander Mystery: Jordan Family Arson Wanted: Florian Bourch repeat from October 17, Marilyn Hahnlein Lost loves: The Parents of Brenda Abbey Update: Craig Williamson repeat from May 25, Murder: Jordan Family Arson repeat from May 19, Legend: Angels repeat from May 20, Murder: Charlie Anderson repeat from May 25, Red Dye Robber Mystery: Ronald Earl Cains Wanted: Brazos River Attackers Wanted: David Brian Williams Wanted: Derek Leonard Reynolds Missing: Philip Taylor Kramer Mystery: Renee Lamanna Lost loves: The Daughter of Gerda Burian Update: Brazos River Attackers" Lost loves: Saviors of Dover Family repeat from May 12, Wanted: Manwell Marino repeat from February 16, Linda Tellington-Jones Lost loves: The Sister of Sheryl Borkowski Mystery: Philip Taylor Kramer repeat from November 3, Carl and Mary Denny Legend: David Merrifield Lost loves: The Siblings of Debbie Hamilton Wanted: Saviors of Dover Family" Update: Roberto and Eladia Ramirez Lost loves: The Siblings of Tina Shiets Wanted: Miracle of the White Buffalo Update: Epes Bandits Lost loves: The Family of Miss Subway Wanted: Rose Turford and Carolyn Stevens".
Ghosts at the Covewood Lodge Murder: Leroy Dueth Lost loves: The Devil's Backbone Update: Michael Eschweiler repeat from November 10, Wanted: Michael Swango repeat from November 3, Wanted: Ronald Bax repeat from December 1, Missing: Jim Kimball repeat from December 1, Marie LeVeau repeat from November 17, Missing: Philip Taylor Kramer repeat from November 3, Lost loves: The Sister of Sheryl Borkowski repeat from November 17, Thomas David Dixon Lost loves: The Daughter of Gerda Burian".
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Albert Leon Fletcher Wanted: The Mother of Michelle Neal-Arkin". Green River Killer Murder: Martha Moxley Lost loves: Carl and Mary Denny repeat from December 1, Murder: David Merrifield repeat from December 1, The Ghosts of the Comedy Store Lost loves: Saviors of Wendy Radcliffe Murder: Bike Path Rapist Update: The Friends of Fritz Vinchen".
Michael McGuffey Lost loves: The family of Jeanne Martin Wanted: John Anthony Diaz Wanted: Michael Johnston and Rochelle Robinson Update: Saviors of Wendy Radcliffe" Missing: Devin Williams repeat from February 23, Saviors of Duane Miller Wanted: The Family of Miss Subway". Inner City Church Fire Miracle: Roberto and Eladia Ramirez Missing: Moses Lall and Lila Buerattan Murder: Linda Sobek repeat from October 27, Mystery: George Reeves repeat from December 8, The Wickenburg Massacre Mystery: Luis Ochoa repeat from January 31, Nazca Lines repeat from November 10, Matt and Wendy Jameson Update: The Curse of King Tut Mystery: Joseph Cole Lost loves: The Mother of Tim Harrell Wanted: Kelly Lee McGinnis Murder: Kristy Skinner Lost loves: The Daughter of Dave and Christie Carlsen.
The Zodiac Killer Missing: Carl and Mary Denny" Wanted: Tim Good repeat from May 17, Bruce and Rosa Lost loves: The Mother of Sean Moore Wanted: Michelle Cartenaga and Grant Hendrickson Update: Albert Leon Fletcher" Update: The Daughter of Dave and Christie Carlsen". Kelly Lee McGinnis" Update: Meriah and Sabria Widboom Wanted: The Mother of Tim Harrell". Life on Mars Lost heirs: Owen Walker Lost heirs: Candace and Sharina Berry Update: Kansas City Arsonist" Update: Jarod Allgood and Heidee Ruiz Missing: Susan Harrison Lost loves: The Sister of Lois Cappoziello Murder: Bonnie Haim repeat from January 12, Jimmy Ray LeGate Wanted: Alicia Showalter Reynolds Lost loves: Savior of Steve Newton Mystery: Samuel Glover and Marshall Kirkpatrick Wanted: James Bulger and Catherine Greig Missing: Michael Short and Melody Woods Lost loves: The Parents of Gayle Samuels Mystery: Lynn Amos Lost loves: The Parents of Regina Davis Lost loves: The Sister of Charlene Long Mystery: Cokeville Elementary School Explosion Update: The Zodiac Killer repeat from September 20, Wanted: William Jordan repeat from September 20, Missing: Kristin Smart repeat from September 20, Missing: April Gregory repeat from September 20, Wanted: Carl and Mary Denny repeat from December 1, Zenith Elaine Helton Wanted: Jimmy Wayne Pierce Wanted: Zip Gun Bomber Wanted: Elena Souza Lost loves: Kelly Ann Ayres Murder: Boo, Oscar, and Ringo.
Bee Sting Healing Wanted: Dennis Keith Smith Legend: Timmy Ziegler repeat from January 31, TWA Flight Wanted: Highway 50 Phantom Missing: Naoma and Richard Wendorf Wanted: Billy Ray Sisen Update: Merle Marie Vanderheiden Wanted: Gary and Ted Noble Mystery: Melvin Luther Wilson Wanted: Dolly the Sheep Update: The Mother of Sean Moore" Update: The Black Widow Mystery: Candy and Roxy Legend: The Ghosts of the Smith Home Update: Samuel Glover and Marshall Kirkpatrick" Mystery: Mark Gagliardo repeat from March 28, Karen Pelletiere repeat from November 8, Men in Black Mystery: Blair Adams Lost loves: Rosemary Altea Lost loves: The Siblings of Jeff Linn Update: Candace and Sharina Berry" Update: Savior of Donna and Rick Roberts Murder: Chase Bowman Lost loves: The Oakville Blobs Murder: Kevin Wheel repeat from May 11, Reverend Ralph DiOrio Lost loves: The Friend of Moises Treves Update: Jimmy Wayne Pierce" Mystery: Stephanie Booker repeat from November 15, Merle Marie Vanderheiden repeat from March 14, Wanted: Maria Hernandez repeat from March 28, Wanted: Melvin Luther Wilson repeat from March 28, Candy Belt and Gloria Ross.
Michelle Abraham Lost loves: Mary Agnes Gross Murder: Donna Moses Brown Wanted: Ngoc Van Tran Wanted: Chair of Death Lost loves: Savior of Wilma Drea Mystery: Phoenix Lights Lost loves: The Children of Doreen Espinoza Wanted: Gary and Ted Noble". The Skunk Ape Legend: Amy Wroe Bechtel Murder: The Thammavong Children Legend: The Ghosts of Loews Cottage Mystery: John Holland and Elizabeth Joyce. New Millennium Predictions Missing: Amy Bradley Lost loves: Carol Parrish and Juelle Murder: Jessica Lyn Keen Lost loves: Benjamin Austin Baker Lost loves: Jerry and Terry Robinson Mystery: Norman and Lulu Wanted: Camilla Lyman Lost loves: Danny and Kathy Freeman Missing: Lauria Bible and Ashley Freeman.
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The Family of Dolores Camarena Missing: Amy Wroe Bechtel repeat from April 16, Amy Bradley repeat from May 28, Landon and Logan Walker Wanted: Alan Golder repeat from May 28, Jesse James Hollywood Murder: Jessica Lyn Keen repeat from June 4, Jayson Artis repeat from April 16, James Bulger and Catherine Greig repeat from November 22, Karen and Kathy Mills Wanted: Sharon Kinne repeat from May 29, Michael Owen and Wendy Throop Missing: Ok-Cha Wortman repeat from June 11, Karl Rehberg Lost loves: Chandra Levy and Joyce Chiang.
Mickey and Trudy Thompson". Kurt Cobain Murder with Update: Candy Belt and Gloria Ross Solved: Andy Cook Wanted with Update: Jesse James Hollywood The Unexplained: Joe Cole Wanted with Update: Unexplained Death with Update: Richard Bare Wanted with Update: Gettysburg National Military Park Escape: Minnesota Brinks Heist Missing with Update: Albert Leon Fletcher Wanted with Update: Howard Storm Robbery with Update: Patrick Kelly Sci-Med with Update: Phoenix Lights Unexplained Death: Frank Morris and the Anglin Brothers.
Larry George The Unexplained: Dannion Brinkley Murder with Update: Mickey and Trudy Thompson Missing: Tupac Shakur The Unexplained: Gary and Ted Noble Wanted with Update: Yves-Emmanuel Pain and Laurent Hernas. Clayton Waagner The Unexplained: San Pedro Mummy Wanted: Bugsy Siegel Murder with Update: Edward Bell Unexplained Death with Update: Monika Rizzo Amnesia with Update: Lee Young The Unexplained: Randolph Dial The Unexplained: Martin Luther King Solved: Thomas Burkett The Unexplained: Boo; Oscar; Ringo Solved: David Gordon Smith Wanted with Update: Rick Vallee Final Appeal: Blair Adams Robbery with Update: Thomas David Dixon Wanted: Stephanie Booker Treasure with Update: Yamashita's Treasure Lost Loves: The Friend of Stephan Ross.
Dan Montecalvo The Unexplained: Caddy Missing with Update: Arthur Frankford [54] Wanted with Update: Dottie Caylor [13] Unexplained Death: Steven Cox [38] [39] Arson: Inner City Church Fire. Vallejo Armored Car Murders Solved: The Black Dahlia Wanted with Update: Rafael Camarena The Unexplained: Gainesville Killers Amnesia with Update: Three Partners Ranch Missing: Obia-Man Murder with Update: Danny and Kathy Freeman Fraud with Update: John Mooney The Unexplained: Joe O'Brien Amnesia with Update: Eric Tamiyasu Fraud with Update: Skeleton Canyon Treasure Robbery with Update: Joe Smith Wanted with Update: Boston Strangler Missing with Update: Wendy Von Huben The Unexplained: Interceptors Lost Loves with Update: Randy Yager Arson with Update: The Allagash Abductions Missing: Lee Selwyn [52] Fraud with Update: Cooper Wanted with Update: Wade Mitchell Parker The Unexplained: Chair of Death Missing: Jarod Allgood; Heidee Ruiz Missing: David Cox The Unexplained: Frederick Valentich Murder with Update: John and Linda Sohus Sci-Med: Sonny Liston Murder with Update: Jean Moore The Unexplained: Pierre April Wanted with Update: Albert Leon Fletcher Legends: Butcher of Kingsbury Run Missing: Charles Horvath The Unexplained: Charles Warren Boomer Arson with Update: Thomas David Dixon Wanted with Update: Linda Sherman The Unexplained: Brian Brophil Robbery with Update: Rochester Car Heist Missing: Bruce Kelly Murder with Update: William Eugene Hilliard Fraud with Update: Louis Carlucci Unexplained Death: Green River Killer Solved: Delta Queen Riverboat Unexplained Death: Martha Moxley Fraud with Update: Craig Williamson Medical Mystery: Dutch Schultz Treasure The Unexplained: Paul Stamper Murder with Update: The Shroud of Turin Missing: Megan Curl Lost Loves: Arnold Archambeau and Ruby Bruguier Ghosts: Gary and Ted Noble Solved: Ethel Kidd Lost Heirs with Update: Heirs of Dan Willans [56].
Dennis Keith Smith Wanted with Update: Dede Rosenthal Escape with Update: Maria Hernandez The Unexplained: Jill and Julie Hansen The Unexplained: Mark Groezinger The Unexplained: George Anderson Wanted with Update: Jeanne Boylan Murder with Update: Jose Gonzalez Wanted with Update: Johnny Lee Wilson Unexplained Death: George Reeves Robbery with Update: Charles Warren Boomer Ghosts: La Posada Hotel Solved: Matt and Wendy Jameson Murder: Margo Freshwater Unexplained Death: Mann House Missing Persons: The Crew of the Casie Nicole Solved: Maria Armstrong Murder with Update: Saviors of Dover Family Escape with Update: Michael Ziegler Unexplained Death: Victorio Peak Treasure Fraud with Update: Edgar Kerns The Unexplained: Men In Black Fraud with Update: Omar Arroyo Wanted with Update: James Kilgore Missing with Update: Mike Emert The Unexplained: Sam Zelikson Robbery with Update: Craig Williamson Unexplained Death: Kathy Page The Unexplained: Lost Dutchman Mine Missing with Update: Missing Persons with Update: Charlotte Pollis Unexplained Death: Chad Langford Escape with Update: Michael Short; Melody Woods Solved: Duncan Gilmore The Unexplained: Louis Carlucci [24] Lost Loves with Update: Covewood Lodge Abduction with Update: David Merrifield Unexplained Death: The General Wayne Inn Missing: Moses Lall and Lila Buerattan.
Tom Dixon; Gary Simmons Solved: Pizza Parlor Killer Investigators: Wendi Long Ghosts with Update: Sharon Rogers The Unexplained: Dennis DePue Murder with Update: Jerry Gervasoni Fraud with Update: Steven Cox [38] [39] Lost Loves with Update: Elysian Park Treasure Murder with Update: Liz Carmichael Escape with Update: Beaty Castle Lost Heirs with Update: Heirs of Dan Willans [56] Arson with Update: Lois Gibson Fraud with Update: Medjugorje Miracles Unexplained Death: Eric and Pam Ellender Missing Persons: Edward Maynard Wanted with Update: Michael Alfonso The Unexplained: Traci Kenley and Bill Rundle.
Dan Tondevald Robbery with Update: Valley Bank Robbery Medical Mystery: Thomas Drake Wanted with Update: April Gregory; Kristin Smart. David Hurley Fraud with Update: Julius Patterson and Paulette Hite. Baron 52 Unexplained Death: David Davis The Unexplained: Christi Nichols [35] Legends: Carlos Berdeja Lost Heirs with Update: Heirs of Howard Drummond.
Robert Hamrick Wanted with Update: Jeanine Price Lost Heirs with Update: Heirs of George Marsh. Circleville Writer; Ron Gillispie Legends: Champ Murder with Update: Lisa Marie Kimmell Solved: The Shroud of Turin. Son of Sam Fraud with Update: Liza Montgomery Wanted with Update: Regina and Margaret Defrancisco Solved: Tami Leppert Murder with Update: Laura Law The Unexplained: Robert Matthews; Kristina Florence. Aimee Willard Fraud with Update: Edward Maynard Lost Loves with Update: Savior of Phillip Macri.
Dick Hansen Missing with Update: John Anderson The Unexplained: Nova and Lady Solved: Butch Cassidy Escape with Update: David Freeman Wanted with Update: Dale Williams Wanted with Update: Robert Dirscherl Unexplained Death: Vince Foster The Unexplained: Angelo Desideri [63] Solved: Bermuda Triangle Wanted with Update: Tina Jefferson Unexplained Death with Update: Sandra Orellana Lost Heirs: Bill and Dorothy Wacker Murder with Update: Jaclyn Dowaliby Lost Loves with Update: Melvin and Daniel Nellis.
Frederick Young Arson with Update: Roberto and Eladia Ramirez Ghosts: The Child of Mac McDonald. Thomas Hotard and Audrey Moate Solved: Leroy Drieth Missing with Update: Alex Cooper Wanted with Update: Sheldon Weinberg The Unexplained: Kristle Merzlock The Unexplained: Kimberly Pandelious Final Appeal with Update: Port Chicago Mutiny Escape with Update: Diane Brodbeck; Jon Yount [25] [26] Miracles: Reverend Ralph DiOrio Missing: Oliver Munson Unexplained Death: Gander Plane Crash Ghosts: Ryan Stallings Wanted with Update: The Comedy Store Fraud with Update: Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg.
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