Right away, my Dad could see there was something off about him. He looks too perfect. Flawless skin, a child-like smile, and very overdressed for a hot summer day. He looks distinctly out of place. The man walks up to my Dad and asks for his name. My Dad around 15 at the time asks him why he wants to know. The man smiles and explains that he just wants to ask him a few questions and he means no harm. First, the tall white dude asks my Dad if he lives here. My Dad says yes, and asks why he wants to know. The man has a completely relaxed, non-confrontational tone, and seems almost giddy — like he was really excited to be having this conversation.
He asks my Dad if he had seen, felt, or heard anything that he felt was outside of the ordinary. My Dad said sometimes, and again asked why he wanted to know. The man just kept grinning, and by now my Dad was feeling pretty comfortable. He had never seen this guy before in his life. His grin disappears and he looks worried. Without so much as a goodbye, he opens his car door, gets inside and drives away — still making no noise at all.
My Mom saw the same fucking dude. She was in a bookstore looking to buy something — dunno the details really — when she turned around and noticed this tall, fair-looking blonde guy in a black suit sitting at table in the cafe, 30 feet or so from my mom. He was reading a newspaper. Sitting across from him was another dude, dressed exactly the same as the blonde one.
They still looked strangely out of place, somehow too perfect, too clean. The blonde guy notices my mom looking at him. Again, his demeanor completely changes. He stands up, turns around, and quickly walks out of the bookstore with the second guy right behind him. What the fuck right? Or the most obvious alien ever is trying to study my family in our natural habitat. Ok, here it goes. The first time I had ever seen anything I was 7 in Houston, Texas.
One night I saw an intensely bright floating light over the treeline probably about a half mile away. I hollered but nobody came to see it. I did not see anything else until March of This was in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. My mother lived in a garden home community, all houses the same size, all one story, and you had great visibility distance wise. When I walked out something caught my eye to the left of me. I looked over and saw a bright blue, yellow, green, white, red, orange strobing flashing light floating silently to the left.
It was a teardrop, sunflower seed type shape, and the craft seemed to have the lights being transmitted from the top half of it. It was almost as if it was transmitting some type of light pattern upward. It also had a dark, thin, smooth line of exhaust that disappeared feet behind it. This all occurred no less than yards away from me. After it passed the moon I ran inside and grabbed someone. He saw it but it was too far away to make out what it was. I went home which was only a few blocks away and looked out from the driveway the same direction the first craft had come from.
I saw two dim white lights slowly coming over the horizon at a slow pace heading towards me. I then ran inside and grabbed my mother out of bed. We stood there for about 20 minutes while 5 separate crafts flew over us, first came two, then two, then one, about minutes apart from each other, maybe 20 mph, maybe feet up, completely silent. The way that they looked from underneath was each one had two huge bright white lights which were maybe feet across each but they were so bright it was hard to get a good estimate.
They also had a pulsating red one between the white lights that dimmed and re-lit. I would estimate from the size of the white lights that each craft was maybe between feet wide. The last craft that flew over us flew over lower and slower than the first four had. Then, it made a noise. It let out a sound that to this day haunts me. What I could best compare it to would be this sound. Take those two sounds, except make it digital, and multiply it by 50, this…was…loud. The craft did that twice.
These craft flew directly over us and I believe that the sound was an acknowledgement. Whatever was piloting it knew we were watching it, kind of like a hello. I immediately started crying, I had no idea what I was looking at or had just heard. The second big experience I had occurred a couple weeks later. I was standing in my driveway smoking a cigarette listening to my iPod somewhere around 2 AM.
I decided to pause my iPod to turn on the back light, waved my hand over it a couple times making somewhat of a strobe pattern. I looked up, and directly above me was a trapezoid shaped craft with rounded edges that had a dark red and black pulsating glowing outline. It was like flowing electricity. It was not even 75 feet up, I could have hit this thing with a rock.
I stood there while it hovered directly above me completely silent for maybe seconds while it made this kind of motion similar to the ball that Luke trained with in Star Wars. It hovered side to side, front to back in a smooth motion, never getting more than 20 feet away from its original position. It was extremely fascinating, but I was frozen stiff. After those few seconds, I waved one hand at it in a friendly manner, it then changed light pattern and hovered away behind my house. Upon deeper inspection, the fact that it knew that I saw it but made no effort to evade my detection makes me think it wanted me to follow it, although I was too freaked out to think about that at the time.
I have seen that same craft on 3 other different occasions, once again in Tuscaloosa, once in Hoover, and once in Bessemer. The time I saw it in Hoover was at an apartment complex at the top of a huge hill with a great overlook. It was night time and I was with friends. Over the overlook, I saw a grey craft facing my direction that looked similar to a Hoth fighter forgive the star wars references , and as soon as I saw it, it took off to the right silently extremely quick.
The times in Bessemer and Tuscaloosa the trapezoid shape appeared in the sky solid white, stretched to twice its length, then the bottom shot up to the front, like it hit light speed or something. I do frequently see what I like to call streaks. They look like shooting stars only very low, move slower, but they still have tails that stream behind them.
They can also appear in many different colors. One strange story is one night when I had a dream in Tuscaloosa. I was laying on something cold, and I felt what seemed like rubber between my legs around my junk. It was very strange to me since a lot of people who report abductions report sperm and eggs being taken for breeding programs. The next morning, I went to let the dog out in the backyard, which is very small. To the left of the patio, there was a solid white ring in the grass that was maybe feet wide. I showed my mother and she had told me that she heard a noise that woke her up the night before, but she just dismissed it.
Another extremely confusing experience I had occurred in my driveway in Tuscaloosa. To give you an idea of where this occurred, look up Shelton State Community College. The house was less than a quarter mile from the campus in the Englewood neighborhood. It was night time and I heard this static that I could compare to a jet, I looked over and directly above the community college was a light blue slit in the sky. I would say it was maybe two hundred yards long, completely vertical, and had what looked like white electric currents coming off of both sides of it.
I looked at it and maybe about 25 white things shot out of the slit to the left one at a time at a quick pace leaving the trail behind it that I previously talked about. After they passed, the bottom of the slit went upward until the slit closed, and it made a strange sound, and then it was gone. Some solid lit that float across the sky or move in strange patterns, and some that brighten up to a great intensity and then fade as they pass.
After that first big experience I started doing some research because I was so confused. I found a type of UFO witness called a contactee. These people are similar to abductees except they are kept up with. I have no idea why I have had so many experiences, and I have only listed a fraction of them. My best guess would be that since I acknowledged the presence of whatever it was I was seeing, it decided to keep up with me. There are so few people that I can talk with about it and be taken seriously. I want to seek hypnotherapy to see if there might be anything else I could uncover.
As we passed it the top of it looked like a bowl and was a lighter grey and it remained there fixed and in place for a good minutes until we drove out of sight. It blinks once more and is directly in front and over top of us, the red light is so bright it floods the car in a deep scarlet hue. I lean forward so that I can see directly into the light, in that brief moment I feel a flood of negative emotions the closest description I can offer is to that of being naked under a giant microscope and having every pore examined thoroughly.
I then look away from the light to my friend and ask him to drive, he barely responds apparently in a similar state. I look out the window and to my horror the light is following us and does so for approximately miles. The light unexpectedly veers off to the left and comes down to ground level in a patch of trees adjacent to the road. My friend stops the car again and continues to stare at it and abruptly declares he is going to get out and look it like he is in some sort of trance. He opens the door and I grab his arm and tell him if he does get out I will get in the driver seat and leave him, that we had to leave that instant.
He looks at me and seems to come to and punches the gas so hard the tires lose traction and spin. I guess I would consider myself an abductee. As a child I had experiences of being abducted. I would lie awake in my bed all night in a state of hyper vigilance, trying to observe the bedroom door, closet door, windows, and walls around me all at once, until I exhausted myself to sleep. The small grey ones are about as tall as toddlers, 3 ft I suppose, classic grey. Large heads, big insect eyes. Their torso and limbs are very slender and you have difficulty figuring out how they stand and walk upright carrying that large head.
Their fingers are very long, and the long fingers and the eyes are the creepiest things about them.
Being with them is like being in the same room as a very creepy doll or mannequin, except they move around and are alive. They have a very disturbing vibe about them. I imagine that they probably stand in a closet when they are not working. But they still seem to be organic — they are not machines or robots. That skin and those eyes are their real skin and eyes, not a space suit or a helmet. She defintely had a personality and a sense of presence about her. She would look into my eyes with her large eyes and she could see all of my thoughts. I could sense her in my head.
She would say things to me, clearly as an attempt to get me to believe them or buy into them. I only wanted them to take me back home. I had no idea where I was. I just wanted to go home. In sleep paralysis, I have a dream or nightmare about a physical presence that is hostile or angry, and is restraining me or physically accosting me.
I just wake up feeling like complete shit, maybe several days in a row, and I might have daydreams about aliens or remembering scenes from alien abduction shows. As a kid, I remember finding an alien abduction book in the library, and it was like a door had been unlocked. My mom took us to McDonalds afterwards, and I finished the book there. It was like confirmation that they were real, that other people did know about them, and that I was really never safe from them.
After that, as a teenager, I got my hands on all the alien abduction books and shows I could find. They scared the shit out of me but I had to keep reading them. I have strong opinions about depictions of grey aliens, and there are some I consider to be very accurate while others seem like a stylized interpretation by someone who has never seen them. I suppose a wasp or a mantis has the most alien-like eyes out of all the insect. In my 20s I started seeing a therapist I have depression and during some really intense sessions I recalled the memories of the aliens, the specific memories I outlined about.
She had to walk me through breathing exercises to get me to calm down. If I were someone other than myself, I would be completely skeptical, and conclude that the alien abduction experience is just another type of sleep paralysis. Or that reading too many scary alien books will corrupt your mind. But why would you dream up aliens? They never touched me sexually anyways. Even if they device an experiment where they hook people up to machines and have brainwaves proving that certain types of sleep paralysis is the alien abduction phenomenon, I would still believe they were somehow real, because the experiences feel real, even after you wake up, not like a dream, nightmare, or sleep paralysis.
I know both of those are too crazy to really be explanations, but to me, those creatures are more than nightmares. I know that on a logical level this is some kind of nightmare or brain disturbance, but let me tell you, the people that suffer from this really do suffer. Some people made up a name for this: But I do wish sufferers could talk more freely about it, without fear of ridicule or dismissal.
It happened in while my father was stationed on a military base in New Brunswick. One night my fathers best friend and his girlfriend left just after dark to go see Tron there was no movie theatre near the base so they had a long drive ahead of them. About an hour later my friends father and his girlfriend were back on the base, the car pulled in and my father immediately noticed that it was damaged pretty badly and covered in several different colors of paint.
My father asked them what had happened, why they had not gone to the movie. They brushed him off and went to bed. Dad said they looked pretty shook up. A few days later my father got out of his friend what had happened. My fathers friends were driving along a stretch of highway with not much around but trees and hills, when they rounded a bend they noticed that a bunch of strange lights were coming from over a hill just ahead where no lights should be because there was nothing around for miles.
Just at the base of that hill was a parking lot for a park of some kind with a narrow entrance. A bunch of cars were pulling into the parking lot to investigate the lights so my fathers friend pulled in to, every one got out of their cars and were about to start hiking to the top of the hill, when a large disk with flashing lights rose above the hills peak emitting a loud strange sound. My fathers friends drove back to the base as fast as possible. My fathers friend took him to the spot that it happened there were car mirrors and other miscellaneous parts littering the parking lot.
A few days later men in black suits showed up on the base looking for people. My father asked him what the men wanted to see him for. Back when I was an undergrad I had a couple buddies who were big stargazers. One of them lived in a remote part of Eastern WA where you could see everything clearly away from the light pollution. He invited me and another friend to visit his family for Thanksgiving one year and we said yes.
One night we went out into a field of knee high grass and were looking up at the sky. It was really neat and we saw a bunch of shooting stars. My friend suddenly pointed to a bright light in the sky and asked what it was. Then, like a candle or something, it fizzled out. It literally looked like it burned up. We sort of thought nothing of it and were actually joking about seeing a UFO, when we came across a guy. In the middle of a field. I still have no idea how he got there since we could see pretty far in all directions and would have noticed him walking around.
He was youngish, pretty much our age. He was sitting curled up, with his arms wrapped around his knees, and shivering. Keep in mind it was the end of November so no one would ever go out without a shirt, much less a jacket. We were scared to approach him so we asked from afar if he was okay. He sort of stared at us blankly and said he was fine.
Eventually we went over to him and asked how he got there. My friend called and some cops showed up with an ambulance at a nearby gas station we all walked to. I let him borrow my coat while we waited. He also asked my friend about a couple constellations. My friend told the story to his family the next morning and I remember I had forgotten all about the light. He made that connection though. They seemed kind of…iffy talking about it but provided more details.
They live in Ukraine but took a trip to Turkey sometime in the 90s. They had rented a little cottage there that was far enough into the countryside to be considered fairly remote. Long story short, one evening the dogs outside started going absolutely crazy- barking viciously and just overall behaving erratically.
He called for the rest of the family to come and see, and to this day they can still confirm what they saw well, the ones that are still alive, at least. They said it was triangle shaped and had three lights, one in each corner. When it got seriously close to the house they really began to panic and ran back inside. The very walls were shaking, dishes were breaking from the force of the vibrations going throughout the walls and floor, and the dogs outside were barking louder than ever.
It hovered over the cottage for several minutes before ascending back up and disappearing. These are all people who are very conservative and rational, and they hate discussions regarding the supernatural, so I have no doubt in my mind that they were telling the truth. I was lying in my bed when a dark figure climbed through my bedroom window. It felt so surreal, at this point I realized it was a dream. Eyes still closed, I only had the sensation of ascension. I felt myself stop, and opened my eyes to a dark room with reddish lights. I felt just a soft pinch on the back of my left hand and the front of my right.
Next thing I knew, I was back in my bed with the uncontrollable urge to cry. I ran downstairs to my babysitter and just cried in her arms. And obviously, I believed it. The next few years, the metal would often cause my skin to bubble up around it, cause warts, set off metal detectors, and confound every doctor I went to. It was noticeably more irritable in places like church, airports, and next to circuit breakers.
I never got it removed, because I was scared of being anesthetized, and I kind of liked feeling different having it there. I believe it was aliens with all my being. I also still have the scar on my left hand, though it has shrunken considerably. I had a chemistry professor in high school who was a very upright, respectable man. He also coached the soccer team that I played on. His friend and the dog ran into the dunes, leaving just my teacher and his girlfriend.
As they were sitting there, a bright light started moving across the sky, and then rapidly got bigger as it approached them. Within a minute, a giant space ship was hovering above the ocean. It hovered for 30 seconds perfectly silent, and then shot off again, rapidly shrinking and then disappearing in the distance.
Him and his girlfriend were absolutely flabbergasted. When the friend and his dog showed up, neither of them had seen or heard anything, though they were past the dunes and away from the beach. His skeptical parents devised a clever solution to prove if the story was true- they brought each of them into a different room, gave them a blank sheet of paper and a pen, and had them independently draw the ship they had seen.
They both drew the exact same picture, with the same shape and ring of lights around the middle, and estimated its width and distance from the shore similarly. At this point telling our class the story, my teacher drew the ship on the white board for added visual effect, and it was a wide oval with a ring of lights in the middle and a bright light on the bottom.
I got up from watching TV to close the blinds and happened to look up at the sky. I saw what looked like a formation of three lights in the shape of a triangle. They appeared to be on a craft of the same shape. You can see in the video that I set the camera down for a sec to grab my wife for a witness. Sorry for the poor quality, I was way too excited. For a full disclaimer, this was shot on the west side of Chicago, facing north. I just kinda shook it off after maybe 15 minutes as a weird coincidence and hopped up to meander my way home.
When I got home all the lights were off which I found kinda weird until I went to plug my phone in. October of , my dad calls me and says he wants to go camping for the weekend and that he was leaving right away, this is like 4 or 5 in the afternoon. I agree, he picks me up, and we head out to the Mogollon Rim. It gets dark before we get there and rains a little bit. Very weird vibe, we pass a stranded motorist, and we are usually the type to stop and help but we decided against it.
I tell him to stop the car, he does, and shuts off the lights. The light slowly gets bigger and kind of twists, and slowly moves from left to right. When it left, it left VERY fast. And when it left, it lit up the forest. Still shook up, we got to our destination and set up camp, had a great weekend. My family noticed a star-like thing in the sky and decided to look at it through a telescope since it was still light outside and seemed strange. This thing literally had tiny black spots crawling all over it, and was only slightly moving.
My brother and dad got in the car to try and get a closer look, and witnessed something from this object literally land into some bushes far away and it was still glowing. We were on the porch having a smoke around 11pm. I was leaning on the railing when suddenly what I thought was a plane in the distance turned towards us.
It was flying so low that the front lights blinded us. Though the craft was steadily gliding, it was all happening so fast. As the object got closer we noticed it was a huge triangle, almost venti black, and had three huge circular lights on the bottom. It was so close, just above the trees right in front of the building. It was so silent. Then the huge black triangle mother fucker turned on a DIME right In front of us and disappeared over the tops of the buildings.
I was maybe 11 or 12 and we would always play hide and seek at night around neighboring houses with friends. Hard to say how high, but it was almost gliding. It was also more elongated, like a star destroyer shape from Star Wars. Of course, I told my friends, but none of them believed me. Not really spoken about it much since. The cabin was situated in a small clearing in the forest. It was pitch black out except for the bonfire. All of a sudden all the woodsy sounds stopped. No crickets, no birds, no bullfrogs.
The adults were all drunk and carrying on but we kids noticed immediately. The night was suddenly silent except for the rustling of the tree tops. It was way too slow and way too low to be a plane. It had 3 lights at the back and we could just make out a massive triangular shape. It was a black that made the night sky above it seem lighter.
I think there were 4 or 5 of us kids and we had been playing a little ways away from the fire. Well, once we saw it, you better believe we hauled ass to the adults pointing to the sky and yelling. The adults thought we were just being dramatic but when my mom looked up, she saw it. Then everyone saw it. As we watched, it turned above the clearing then blasted out of view without a sound. As soon as it was gone the crickets started chirping again. The whole thing lasted maybe a few minutes but I had such a terrible feeling of dread in my stomach.
My mom and I still talk about it sometimes. Met a guy while I was tripping on LSD who was working a snowcone stand. He looked like a carnival worker and had a pentagram necklace and an illuminati ring not joking. He must have sensed we were on something so he proceeded to unload his crazy story on us. He saw a saucer hover above a radio tower where he worked and claimed others were there to witness during the middle of the day as well. In addition, he had another sighting when cruising around with his then girlfriend very late at night.
They followed it for half an hour through oilfield roads and finally saw it land in an open field. It flashed its light at them so they flashed the headlights back. Then they both blinked and looked down and it was exactly something like 3 hours later and neither could recall exactly what had happened. He said he talked to the newspaper and somebody writing a book about alien encounters. I assumed that he was high on meth or coke or something and was just making up stories to account for his blacking out in the middle of a wild bender night.
Sure enough, he was in the local paper and was quoted in a book published long ago and told his abduction story there. Too dark to make out what it looked like, but it kept making these weird fucking snorting noises. But this just struck me as really weird and unexplained.
Needless to say, I booked it the fuck out. We were hiking with friends and my sister and I got separated from the group as we stopped to look at the night sky. It was a gorgeous summer night, very clear. I remember being able to see the huge array of stars extending over the sky like a carefully crafted mantle made out of glitter. We stopped on a high rock and when we turned around to continue our way up the trail, we saw this little person about meters away from us.
I will never forget and to this day I avoid going hiking by myself or late at night. Also when it sort of waved, I noticed it had long fingers too. It had normal sized eyes and no mouth or at least none we could see. I was driving down a road in the middle of the day there are fields on both sides , no other cars on the road. I saw what looked like a falling star, it was a big white ball of light with a tail, and it was hard to look at, even with sunglasses on.
I had time to pull over and stop, still watching it fall straight down. This thing was going way faster than it should have, and so I was struggling to get my phone out of my pocket without taking my eyes off of it. Without warning, when it reached about eye level, it leveled off.
Ancient Aliens - Wikipedia
I watched this thing go from vertical to horizontal in less than a second. It disappeared behind a line of trees and I noped out of there. I was coming home one night from work at about 2am. I approached a church that I passed every single day. The first weird thing I noticed was a radio tower-esque light hovering above it. It was red and was blinking in an unusual manner.
Most radio towers have an alert light that has some kind of pattern to it. This one was just going nuts. The next thing I noticed was that all of the streetlights in the parking lot were out. This place has a VERY well lit parking lot that was completely black. I pulled up to it and immediately hit the breaks. Hovering about ft above the steeple was a long airship with these weird vents protruding off the sides. The vents seemed to be spotlights that was illuminating the church-yard and some of the street. It made no noise. It just hovered there like a weird balloon perfectly silent.
It even drifted slightly to one side. I was I shock. After watching it in shock for what seemed like 20 minutes but it was probably just seconds it shot off. Like 0 to in mere milliseconds. I tried to follow it but in moments it was a speck, and then it was gone. Had I not seen it with my own eyes, stone sober, with the closeness that I did…. I kick myself for not taking a photo, but my phone at the time was a blackberry with a 3-megapixel camera so it would have just looked like a black blob.
I was listening to the local radio when all of a sudden it cuts out. Not sure if this was a coincidence or not but it creeped me out. However, I got up and gazed out of the window only to see all the street lights were off. Most street lights tend to turn off by 3AM, which is why this is extra weird. I look up far into the sky and see two red and blue lines in the sky, standing completely still. Motionless in the sky. My first thought was a military aircraft or something I was an 8-year-old who was obsessed with planes and UFOs etc but what convinced me that they were something more is the fact that they started circling each other and eventually blasted off crazy fast into the sky.
They just turned into blurs. I might have been seeing things, but as soon as they had left the radio came back into tune. The street lights turned back on , and I could now hear all the cars in the distance, and the wind. When the UFOs were above my street, everything was silent. But it felt really real and afterwards I was sure it had actually happened. I remember laying on the couch reading and as I was about to drift of I was waken again by these really bright lights. They hurt my eyes and it was really hard to see anything.
These are the top twelve most famous alien abduction stories.
Like I was falling and never hitting the ground. My body hurt, mostly my legs like someone had stuck a knife into them , or like they had been removed. I just remember it being really uncomfortable and terrified, and the pain in my legs. I just lay there feeling watched and my legs hurting a lot. It was terrifying whatever it was.
I was doing wildlife research in a remote part of WV that required us to be out late at night. Close enough to DC, but remote enough that there are a lot of secret bases etc. Witnessed it with another colleague. I tell my friend to look up and he also sees the faint object circling the star. I was freaked out, yet excited at the same time. Witnessed an alien abduction back in …. This takes place when I was A friend of mine wanted me to help her grandparents set up their computer.
I said sure and ride my bicycle to their house. I get there and clouds appear so I decide to make this pretty quick. I set up the computer and install AOL for them, showing them all how it works and such. All of a sudden a cold breeze went through the room. It was odd as all the doors and windows were shut. The grandparents looked toward the kitchen and what I saw made me freeze in place. There were three creatures standing in the kitchen. Two of them were short grey creatures with a thicker neck than described with the eyes closer to the sides of their heads.
They wore silver jumpsuits. In between them was a taller creature looking like a humanoid mantis wearing a black robe with a yellow stripe going down the middle. They walk to another room and a minute later return with the robed creature carrying the granddaughter in its arms. I was very scared. More of the situation than of them and the grandparents were looking at them too but not doing anything. All of a sudden the light stretched around them and they vanished. An odd glow remained for a few seconds before fading. After a minute of an awkward silence and the grandfather repeating she will be brought back soon I decided to leave.
I rode my bicycle back home fast as I could while looking back to see if some ship was hiding in the clouds. The next day I did tell my friend what happened and she did tell me it has happened before. The grandparents and other family members have tried to stop it but to no avail. They just accepted it with a look of defeat and moved on. They flew off out of sight, and I never could really explain it. This happened two and a half years ago. I try to ignore it and I tell myself I am dreaming, but then I look outside my window. I see some sort of triangle above my house with extremely powerful flashing lights.
I see another movement in my TV screen, so I decide to book it into the master bedroom downstairs and hide under the gigantic covers. I slowly peek out and see four different figures surrounding the giant queen sized bed I then see the power flicker out on the monitor on my desk. I see the figure in the dark reach down and touch my head, I pass out and start having really vivid dreams that I knew were dreams.
Like I could feel that they were fake and that I needed to wake up, but every time I did I woke up to a kind of surgical light and a very scary sensation I now know to be sleep paralysis. Every time I would go back to sleep I would feel some sort of tingling sensation in my legs, arms and head. After a few times of waking up to the light, I woke back up in the bed room with the figures standing over me whispering in a rough scratchy voice about something. The one closest to me touched my head and I semi passed out again with the sensation of sleep paralysis freezing me into a fearful kind of passing out.
I wake up the next morning, my clothes completely drenched in sweat and something super sticky. I was afraid to sleep for about two years I have barely slept without sleep paralysis until a few months ago. I have always kept this to my self, I now am afraid of being alone, my paranoia has heightened and sleep is very hard to come by. I also have long scar like marks on my legs head and arms where I had felt the sort of feeling you get when you are being numbed and cut into aka a tingling feeling.
This place was in the middle of nowhere, and we spent 45 days hiking through the wilderness. Though I did sneak my personal can of peanut butter and a bag of crackers with me, so I had enough to eat. On the second night, I saw a UFO. It was triangle-shaped, with a bright light on each corner.
It would zip around the sky, traveling what must have been 50 miles in a fraction of a second. For a while, I watched it zip around in utter fascination, not believing what I was seeing. And man, these beings were evil. I know, and they know, that something truly awful was going to happen to me. I started scrambling for something to do. Of all things, that gave them some hesitation, so I kept yelling. At this point the ship was probably yards above me.
A couple years later I awoke to a being grabbing my ankles trying to drag me out of my apartment. It might have been sleep paralysis for all I know. I tried telling a couple people when I got home, but all they said was that I must have been hallucinating from the lack of food which I doubt or that I was imagining things. A few weeks ago. Was working promo outside one of the bars in town. Standing there holding the sign, fully sober, wide awake, never hallucinated, and no lights were there to cause sunspots in my eyes or any logical explanation.
For some reason I look up. I sometimes look up just to make sure the sign is still facing the right way I usually hold it half arsed and get paid to stand around doing fuck all. There I see what was either one large craft or four smaller crafts. Where 2 and 4 are red lights and 1 is the front.
They all moved uniform and they seemed quite low down, so it was either 4 amazingly synced crafts or a single low craft. My guess would be a single low flying craft. The issue is town was dead, it was silence save for the bouncers chatting with staff outside. You could hear cars a block or two away not that there were any that night. But this thing that seemed to float over the buildings low down made no noise whatsoever. Nobody said a thing. I used to live next to the beach in a apartment complex. One night I was with my friend looking at the ocean from the balcony.
After a while my friend tell me it was so dark that if I stand up over there the only thing she could see are my teeth and we started laughing. Seconds later we see a light on the ocean it slowly came out of the water. What we saw was like a orb shaped ball of light. It kept going up slowly and it suddenly flied fast to the sky at light speed disappearing in the dark sky. Everything happens in like 8 seconds we both were freak out and went inside the apartment. It was a a scary but incredible experience. Years later I saw a report on national geographic about orb shaped lights flying around forest in USA.
I knew it was the same thing I saw. Rewind to August ? It lasted for about 3 seconds, then disappeared totally and completely. It appeared without warning, no sound at any point, floated from left to right about the length of a house and lawn, and disappeared completely. It was low, too. About feet high.
To this day my brother and I maintain what we saw. My dad claims it was a lightning ball?
By Richard M. Dolan
I call malarkey due the lime green color and slight smokey exhaust. I think a little background on my family is necessary. My parents are pretty old and super religious — not the type of people who are into extraterrestrials or pranks per se.
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Anyway, on to the story. It was early evening and the my brother and sister were out riding their bicycles in the driveway and on the allotment. According to both of my parents, the ship slowly approached the house and it was enormous. It was triangular in shape and had windows all along the bottom of the aircraft that you could see into. The weird part, according to my dad, was that the ship appeared to be metal not a blimp but it did not emit any sound which was strange due to the ships massive size.
Needless to say, after the gawked at it for a minute or so, they all kind of freaked out and hid in the basement. Nothing really happened after. Basically some creature ran out from the trees on the other side of the highway, jumped the median and sprinted towards the trees on our side. It was black, had long gangly limbs and moppy black long stringy hair. This thing moved so fucking weird I can see it clearly to this day. It galloped so awkwardly, did not run at all like a deer or anything of the sort, when it jumped it jumped off of the back two legs and landed again on the back two legs before coming down and galloping across the road.
Everyone in the car said the same thing. It was large, and terrifying and the way it moved was unlike anything I have ever seen in my life. Me and my sister have seen the same UFO multiple times on our own property. It looks like a large ball of very bright shining orange light that comes from high up in the sky and slowly lowers until its just meters from the ground. We live out in the sticks, on an old farm that we inherited from our parents.
After this had happened a few times, we saw the light again and my sister being extremely stubborn decides to stay up all night to see if she could figure out what was happening, but when it had gotten pretty late i got tired and decided to go to bed. When I woke up, my sister was very much not herself. She has never really been the same since that night. She did eventually start to go back to her normal self, but she completely dodges any questions about what went down that night.
Even to this day, I will never be able to empirically prove what I experienced. I am currently 26 years old, this happened on June 16th, I remember it vividly, It was immediately embedded in to my long term memory when it all happened, in psychology I believe they refer to these events as a flashbulb memories. Anyways, I was living in my parents home at the time.
I was playing WoW at the time, enjoying the idea that I had a legitimate excuse not to go out and do anything. I try for about 30 anxious minutes to get the internet to work, and you guessed it… nothing. I head to my room, frustrated. Here I am… home alone, no internet and irritated as hell. My parents at the time were out at a work related event. I remember laying on my bed just staring at the ceiling, turn my head to look at my old retro alarm clock, it read: I immediately sprung up, eyes wide open, startled as hell!
I head to the door not really thinking much of it, I honestly thought they were church people just soliciting their beliefs. I ask them a bunch of questions… It turns out that they were in fact the FBI and someone had allegedly tried to poison the city water. I called my parents to let them know what was going on, they okay-ed the situation.
I tried to ask if there was a motive or if it was terrorist..
The guys taking water samples turn on their flashlights, as one of the flash lights, flashes over the tallest of the suited men, I see a reflection from his face, like there was metal under his face. The guy with the flash light quickly directs the light somewhere else. A moment later, the guy with the flash light says: The suited guy with the Geiger-Counter turns it on. The thing just starts going haywire. Not even 3 seconds later, It felt as if I was being pulled into a million different directions, I could not see anything at first just excruciating pain, I thought I was in the process of being disintegrated alive.
Out of nowhere, I see nothing but white, I literally thought I was in what religious people call heaven. I try to walk but nothing, then white room gets sucked into itself, and I see my life flash before my eyes, I see everything, Disneyland at 5, my first kiss at 15, watch happen on TV with mom and dad, everything. I see earth suspended in space, I am watching Earth from above, and I fall….
Top 10 Strange UFO Encounters
I am falling, heart racing, numbness, disbelief. I see the ground getting closer and closer, I know this is it, and I know I will die. Before I hit the ground I hear the mono-toned voice of the suited man say in my head: I woke up in my bed with a cold sweat and a panic, I freaked the fuck out and ran downstairs to find my parents cooking dinner.
I run back upstairs and see the time is 6: I was relieved find out it was a dream. BUT, it gets creepy. I go back down stairs and ask my parents when they got home. I asked how their company event went and they said it was last week. I asked them what time I feel asleep. I go to my computer and find that my WoW account was logged in and where I left off before the internet went down.
I check my computer for the date date, and It was the 23th. I have literally no memory of a full week. I try to recall what had happened in my dream, it was a a blur. I go back upstairs and see that it looked like someone went through my closet. I have never told anyone about this till now.
I still have the Geiger-Counter and dont know what to do with it. I can post a pic of it if someone wants but, I dont really want to, for my own protection. I will though as I know this sounds crazy. This may have just been a very vivid childhood dream, but whenever I think about it, it never feels like it.
It has to be, though…. Anyway, my mom was a single mom who worked an overnight shift when I was young. Despite this being totally illegal, she used to let me stay home by myself overnight in our apartment. One night, I remember seeing this being in my bedroom. I cowered under my comforter as I watched the being draw glowing lines along the wall near my door. I asked the being what it meant and in my head it told me that I would eventually understand some day.

You know the grey ones with the big eyes. I kind of remember it being like a sickly greenish white, but it did have big eyes. Last halloween me and my friends were on a dock about to light off some fireworks. We had all just arrived and were still just shooting the shit to see if anyone else would show up. Myself and my buddy were looking up at the stars when right above a hill behind our town we seen a light and it looked really odd. It was sort of blueish grey in color, but what was interesting was it had a metallic rainbow colored halo around it in the shape of a magnetic field like how you see the magnetic field of the earth it was just hovering there at first, but then it slowly moved in a sort of wavy motion from east to west and then when it got to the edge of the hill it hovered for a minute longer and then shot straight up into the sky.
I will never forget the color of that magnetic rainbow force field looking thing. December 29th we left my house at 6pm. He said he disobeyed his orders as he felt it was important for contact between our people and his to occur. They talked for 10 minutes until he suddenly ran back in the direction he came. The woman, realizing the gravity of her situation and the strangeness of what had just occurred, ran home in a panic stricken state.
Whilst doing so, she heard a thunderous buzzing noise, growing in haste and volume behind her. She turned to see a large spherical object, glowing a brilliant orange and white, rise from the trees and eventually disappear up into the atmosphere. Taking aim and firing at an Elk something strange happened; his bullet seemed to move in slow motion. As he went to retrieve the bullet a sudden strange feeling came over him. Turning around, he saw a humanoid over six feet tall which he described as having a black jumpsuit, a wide belt decorated with a six-pointed star and emblem of yellow.
It had straight hair standing out from his head, no eyebrows, bow-legs and long arms ending with rod-like appendages instead of hands. The humanoid then pointed to him, and in an instant he found himself encased in a transparent device and wearing a helmet. Two more humanoids appeared, carrying the 5 elk Higdon had previously hunted; which were now stiff and in an unnaturally frozen state. He was told he was going to their home planet, some , light-years away, and subsequently arrived there in a flash. His next memory was of being back in Medicine Bow Park, with 2 and a half hours having elapsed.
He staggered in a deranged state unable to find his truck, eventually finding it 3 miles away. After being taken to the local hospital and examined, they found all his vitamin levels were miraculously high, and tuberculosis marks he had on his lungs had vanished. Higdons wife and 2 other people in the area saw green and red lights in the sky on the night of his abduction. George Gatay was a well respected local man in the town of Nouatre, in western France. On the 30th of September, , he was in charge of an 8 man crew working on a construction site.
He felt compelled to walk, although he did not know where or why, as if some unknown force was guiding him. When he stopped he was in sight of an unknown being some 30ft away on a hill. He described it as having an opaque glass helmet, grey coveralls and short boots. He also noticed a rod like weapon in its hand and a square shaped electronic device on its chest. The creature stood in front of a dome shaped object which hovered 3ft above the ground.
The craft also had a cupola shape on top, with blade like devices protruding from its highest point. In total awe of what he was looking at, Gattay stood in a paralyzed silence. As he gazed in amazement, something even stranger happened. Then I heard a strong whistling sound which drowned the noise of our excavators. Soon the object rose by successive jerks, in a vertical direction, and then it too was erased in a sort of blue haze, as if by a miracle. In a Top 10 list of strange UFO stories, this one really is strange. The local Councillor for Winchester in Hampshire, Mr Adrian Hicks was in the town centre on a busy Saturday afternoon during the early months of The way she moved and her general demeanor gave off a strange impression which singled her out from the crowd.
She had very large oval eyes and was twirling her hands in a circular motion. She seemed friendly and totally at ease with us. I remember she was very interested in the clock over Lloyds Bank. He has stated that several people noticed her without paying any extra attention and spotted some people taking pictures of her, though no pictures have ever surfaced. Hicks believes that the encounter is to do with a much larger Alien presence in Winchester, due to the secret US and British operations in a nearby base. An orthopedic technician with over 35 years experience, Hicks kept his encounter secret for 5 years in order to secure his place in local government, revealing his story only after securing election as a Liberal Democrat Councillor.
During July , an off duty police Sergeant was driving along the A4 motorway during the early hours of the morning. He noticed they had shining blonde hair and were dressed in white coveralls with their hoods down, which reminded him of forensic detectives. Intrigued by such a bizarre spectacle, the sergeant parked his car and approached the men. From a distance of yards he shouted at them, but his attempts fell on deaf ears and he was ignored. Upon entering the field, however, the 3 men became aware of his presence and simultaneously turned toward him before making off at a miraculous speed heading southward away from the hill.
He followed them for a few seconds, but realized he was no match for their pace and watched in awe as they strode off in superhuman strides. Walking back to his car, he felt something akin to a static electricity echoing throughout the field. The crops began to ripple and sway in time with a crackle that was pulsing all around him, and he developed a massive headache. The noise was still around but I got an uneasy feeling and headed for the car.
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The sergeant continues to remain anonymous. Two days later at the private Ariel Elementary in Ruwa, 20km from the capital, Harare, 62 school children between the ages of 5 and 12 spotted a glowing ball in the sky during the schools morning break. They watched as it hovered around, appearing and disappearing for a short while before it gradually descended to the ground and landed ft away from the school in a bushy area off limits to the children.
The schools teachers and staff were indoors attending a meeting at this point, which left the children unsupervised. As he moved in their direction he suddenly disappeared in mid step, reappearing on top of the craft, where he silently stared at the children for a few moments, before re-entering the ship and soaring off at an incredible speed. Many pupils were terrified due to African folklore stories which talk of demons and vampires that kidnap children and devour them.
The only adult present in the playground was a parent running a tuck shop near the school entrance, who the children descended upon in stampede like fashion to relate their extraordinary tale. She interviewed the pupils and asked them to recreate drawings of what they saw. Upon interviewing the children, Hind became convinced of the stories authenticity.
A drawing one of the pupils produced can be seen above. On the 5th of November, , Robert Taylor, a forester employed by the Livingston Development Corporation, left his house at Accompanied by his dog, he parked his pickup truck at the beginning of a forest trail and preceded the rest of the way on foot. Turning a corner and coming onto a forest clearing, Taylor was greeted by an unbelievable spectacle.
Suspended in mid air was a silent and motionless spherical object, which he recalled measuring around 20ft across by 12ft high. Made of a material he likened to black sand paper, a row of small circular windows ran around the centre of the object. A ring also protruded along the same course, sitting just below the portholes. Parts of the object were transparent and seemed to morph, which gave Taylor the impression the object was trying to make itself invisible, or had the capability to do so.
As he went to walk toward the object, two smaller spheres covered in metal rods which reminded him of old navy mines ejected from the primary object and began to roll towards him. Attaching themselves to each of his trouser legs, they emitted an acrid, stifling smell which made him gag for air and lose consciousness. He awoke to find himself face down in the grass, with the UFO long gone and his dog running around barking wildly.