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Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jan 14, Zandra rated it did not like it Shelves: I give zero fucks about each and every character, and the heroine works my nerves with her poor grasp of French despite being supposedly French. Every last character is superficial with no character development whatsoever. May the whole town get dysentery. Nov 04, Reforming rated it it was ok. Interesting premise, likeable main and secondary characters, decent plot.

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Promising writer who needs to find a good editor to help with grammar and word choice. Apr 21, Patricia rated it it was amazing. Love endures all things. Love crosses all barriers. You should never have to hide love. Karletta Epps rated it really liked it Apr 30, Kim Grimes rated it it was amazing Oct 23, Shalom Bellamy rated it liked it Nov 06, Brooklyn M rated it it was ok Sep 01, Tippit rated it liked it Feb 05, Paulette Austin rated it really liked it Mar 18, Lillian Kerlus rated it really liked it May 04, Mafulay Caulker rated it it was amazing Sep 26, Butterball rated it it was amazing Jul 27, Denise rated it really liked it Jan 09, She could easily paint a romantic dream of living here with Tyler.

But, Lily knew that dreaming about such a life would only make it harder to live with her reality. Yet, she couldn't help imagining him in the pool like this, naked as a newborn babe, yet all man. Women fight like unchained demons. Instead, she put her face in her hands and wept with all the force of a bursting dam. My mistake was like a pebble dropped in a pond. The ripple effect has impacted everyone I love.

On a long, low hill that sloped to the stream, someone had set stones into the side and planted wildflowers in the pockets of dirt above them.

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  • Favorite Historical Western Romance Novels.

They made her think of opera boxes filled with ladies in colorful gowns. Tyler's mother must have loved cool tones. Jodi Thomas Goodreads Author.

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Lisa Day Goodreads Author. Julie Garwood Goodreads Author. Linda Lael Miller Goodreads Author. Pamela Clare Goodreads Author. Elizabeth Lowell Goodreads Author. Sandra Brown Goodreads Author. Becky Lower Goodreads Author. Pamela Morsi Goodreads Author. Carol Ritten Smith Goodreads Author.

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Kara O'Neal Goodreads Author. Robyn Corum Goodreads Author. Flagging a list will send it to the Goodreads Customer Care team for review. We take abuse seriously in our book lists.

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Pamela AllHoney books friends. Shawna books friends. Eastofoz books friends. Kathrynn books 67 friends. Auntee books friends. Harlequin books friends. Julianna books friends. Apr 12, I've only read the Sarah McCartney westerns really and the odd Heather Graham ones which aren't worth mentioning.

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I'd have voted for Sam's Creed but it didn't make the list so Promises Linger was very close anyway: You can add any you want on here. Oct 22, I've been reading the romance genre since childhood, they have come along way, Sarah McCarty is good, i have most of her series, just started the new one Instinct, shadow wranglers series can't wait for the next one.

Dec 16,