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Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, has been arrested for treason and Benjamin and Roger are made to witness his bloody execution. The true reason for Buckingham's downfall soon becomes apparent: They must pit their wits against the Templars, a secret organisation plotting against the Tudors, of which Buckingham may have been a part and who may still have a member of their society close to the crown.

Publication Order of Sir Roger Shallot Books

The difficulties that wily Shallot - running true to his boast of possessing the fastest legs and quickest wits in Christendom - has to face soon make their presence felt: What readers are saying about The Grail Murders: Always enjoyed the Shallot stories, he is a lovable rogue'.

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But, a murder takes place which forces some plans go awry. At this point, the intrigue begins in the series, which carries on till the end. The various intrigues make Roger Shallot get trapped in numerous mysteries of his time. He seems determined to find out the murderer of an identity of a Florentine envoy.

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And so, he orders Shallot investigate the matter and catch the killer as soon as possible. Roger Shallot is teamed up with Benjamin Daunbey in this investigation.

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  • This book was released by the Headline publication in the year At the beginning of the book, it is shown that the English armies defeat and kill James IV of Scotland in the year at Flodden. She leaves behind her crown under a Regency Council. Wolsey serves as the first minister of King Henry. Because of this linkage, Roger Shallot gets drawn into the web of murder and mystery.

    After visiting Scotland, Shallot and Daunbey first take in a half mad physician named Selkirk for questioning. Selkirk is imprisoned in the main Tower and so they do not face any problem to get to him. But, when the two arrive at his chamber, they find that he is lying dead after being poisoned.

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    Benjamin and Shallot find it shocking because Selkirk was locked and well guarded by soldiers. By trying to solve the riddles, the two gentlemen try to get to the bottom of the mystery.

    Soon, they realize the riddles in the poem contain the seeds for a few more gruesome murders. Later, Roger and Benjamin come to know that the white rose marks the sign of a secret society called Les Blancs Sangliers. This secret society is responsible for plotting the overthrowing of the powerful Tudor monarchy.

    This book was published in the year At the start of the plot, Roger Shallot and his master Benjamin Daunbey are being sent for by Wolsey.

    The Grail Murders (Tudor Mysteries, Book 3)

    The Duke of Buckingham, named Stafford, gets arrested on the charges of treason and is about to get executed. Both Roger and Daunbey are made to witness his execution. They come to know that Stafford was searching for a couple of precious relics at Glastonbury Abbey and Templecombe Manor. Benjamin and Shallot are asked to visit Templecombe and look for the relics for King Henry.

    Hardback Editions

    They are accompanied by the heads of the dreaded secret service of the King, the Rebus Agentes. In order to retreive the relics, both the men are required to pit all their wits against a secret organization called as the Templars. This organization is believed to have plotted against the Tudors.

    The Tudors believe that the secret organization might still have one of its member close to the throne. Roger Shallot tries very hard and uses all his abilities, including fast legs and quick wits to outplay the secret society. But, the difficulties that he is about to face begin to show their presence in the form of a blackmail, with curses, a duel, decapitated heads, betrayals, mysterious fires, and a silent murder.