The Isagenix website cites several studies showing that the plan does indeed lead to weight loss. However, it should be noted that all of these studies were funded by Isagenix. A study in 54 women found that those who followed the calorie-restricted Isagenix meal plan and completed one day of intermittent fasting cleanse day per week lost more weight and experienced greater fat loss after 8 weeks than women following a heart-healthy diet.
However, the women consuming the Isagenix meals received calorie-restricted, pre-portioned meals while the women following the heart-healthy diet did not. Plus, the women following the Isagenix plan reported greater adherence to the diet than the women in the heart-healthy diet group 1. Had the study been designed so that both groups received the same amount of calories in portion-controlled foods, the weight loss results would have likely been the same. There is also a good amount of research showing that intermittent fasting leads to weight loss 5 , 6 , 7.
A typical Isagenix meal plan can range from 1,—1, calories on shake days and only a few hundred calories on cleanse days.
So, for people going from consuming an excess of calories to a calorie-restricted plan like Isagenix, weight loss is inevitable. Many people struggle with controlling the portion sizes of meals and snacks. Choosing large portions or going back for seconds can lead to weight gain over time. Following a pre-portioned meal plan like Isagenix may help reduce the chances of overeating for some people. However, dieters following the Isagenix system still need to choose a healthy, portion-controlled meal once a day. This could be difficult for some dieters, especially if they are feeling hungry from consuming low-calorie shakes at other meals.
This is why learning to eat in a healthy, sustainable way that works for your lifestyle is so important. The Isagenix system is delivered right to your doorstep, which is convenient for those living busy lifestyles. The prepackaged, portion-controlled design of Isagenix products can save dieters time and make choosing meals a breeze. However, in order to build a healthy relationship with food and learn what nourishes the body, cooking and experimenting with different foods is key. Relying on shakes and processed snacks to sustain you is not a good choice when trying to build lifelong healthy habits.
Although the Isagenix system is convenient and may result in weight loss, there are some major downfalls to this plan as well. Almost every product included in the Isagenix weight loss system has sweeteners listed as the first or second ingredient. On a shake day, a person following the Isagenix plan would consume 38 grams nearly 10 teaspoons of added sugar just from the Isagenix products alone. Isagenix uses multi-level marketing, meaning they rely on customers to sell and market their products.
However, these associates also provide nutritional counseling and support to new clients, often with no nutritional or medical education to speak of. Isagenix coaches counsel clients on cleansing, weight loss and more, which could be extremely dangerous. Medical background, age and any history of disordered eating are just a few of the many important pieces of information that need to be considered when choosing an appropriate weight loss plan for an individual.
One of the most obvious downfalls of the Isagenix system is that it relies on highly processed products. No more soda for me! I need to loose weight fast and now. Does only driking water really looses you 25 pounds? Please reply and help. I dropped weight when I had to take a medication that had side effects with any type of carbonation. I did really well when I HAD to give up soda, I lost about 30 pounds and kept it off over the entire time I only drank water, and hot tea without sugar. I was taken off the medication and then had a really bad week and had a soda and now I am having a horrible time stopping drinking it again.
I do really well but Pepsi is my go to when I am stressed.
Isagenix Diet Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss?
I started drinking soda again, working nights, and being sedate due to my job and sleeping hours gained 30 pounds in less than a month, and I feel like crap all the time. I am going to put my best foot forward and stop drinking soda, avoiding processed sugars and bored eating. Thanks for the article, its a great reminder that if you have a motivator to stay on task even if it is just drinking water, the rewards can be great. Well, my goal is lbs. I am only going to drink water.
Water Ionizer and Why You Need One | Water Ionizer | Pinterest | Weight Loss, Fitness and Diet
No snacks, and eating 6 meals no bigger then a soft ball. I will let you know how things go. OMG you must be me. I am the same weight, same height and want to be my goal weight. I am going to try this because you have inspired me. Will just drinking water help me get there or will I need any other tips? I would really like to get down to 90 pounds in 4 weeks. So would drinking water only help. Thank you so much. I weigh pounds and would like to get to about Could that be possible by just drinking water? How long would it take? Hi, Im 13 and I weigh pounds I want to know if Drinking water will help me lose weight to about also doing sports such as Basketball and Baseball and bike riding.
Also my mother always would tell me to dilute sugary drinks such as something like iced tea… would that actually help much? So do you have to workout or do any fitness routines throughout the day or do you just drink water and thats it? Either you eat less calories than you currently do or pick up the intensity in your work outs. You can do both which will aid. Everyone in their weight loss endeavors goes through a plateau where their weight just stops going down. Continue to drink water and work out…picking up the intensity while cutting about calories from your diet.
Hi Abel can you please send me a list of good foods to eat to lose weight and how much of it to be eating a day thanks! I have a juicer. And I usually juice greens with fruits celery, apples, kale, lemon, oranges etc… Can i drink that as well? Was wondering if carbonated water is okay, I have a Soda Stream and drink the water and add lemon extract.
N also need to burn my tummy fat. Is drinking lots of water will burn d fat. And eat regular meal propery. Even drinking root beat juice daily as I was having anemia problem is daily havva beat root juice is fine? Give me suggestions to reduce belly fats n weight Thank you Krima. Im only 5 feet tall but I weigh about I have an intense fear of being obese and have been working out days a week. In high school I had a bit of an eating disorder. When I workout, Ill take a few seconds in between different exercises for some water or to breathe. I drink probably half a gallon of water a day.
I use sugar free flavor packets because I hate the taste of water. I have allergies to all seafood and all nuts. I need to lose this weight in 2 months. The only way I was about to lose any weight was when I changed my diet and exercise routine. I am at boarding school, and would Like to lose weight, I have a lot I need to lose and was wondering if you had any Ideas.
Im and want to lose 30 pds in 30 days for a wedding. Is my goal possible? I had a devastating injury in where i completely shattered my right knee and dislocated left shoulder. My shoulder still gives me grief from time to time but I lost range of motion in my right knee so now things are even harder on me especially trying to workout. First, I came across this blog via a Google search. I like what I was reading and read the entire blog thru the most recent post. The blog is still a priority notice the frequent posts! But his email and Facebook are easy for him to pull up while on the road or barely on the grid.
Prior to looking into this, I drank water and only water beginning halfway through January and around that same time, I weighed myself and weighed lbs. Only difference was that I stopped touching every other drink except for water with the occasional milk and juice intake. I was actually kind of surprised when I saw the number because I was not aware of the fact that I stopped drinking so many unused calories! Reading that my craving for a crisp refreshment with 0 calories is what caused me to shave off several pounds, in less than a month mind you, really inspires me to actually give dieting and exercise a try to see what I can really do with myself!
Yeah and drinking water also shrinks your heart, weakens the heart muscle. I also did not move nor try to work out. Last year I asked my physician about it. Very bad for the heart. I was working out 4 times a week at high intensity and my conditioning was good. I could do a 60 min class that was extremely tough at a high pace. I ended up getting bored with the classes being very similar and invested in gym equipment at my home.
I know, that never works! I gained the weight back to and my conditioning was terrible. Ive managed my diet, eliminated the juice, beer, snacks , etc…. Hoping to get below by the end of the month and slowly hitting the gym again. Much more motivated than I have even been in my life to get to my goal of under lbs. How do you make up for Calcium and Iron, besides eating greens and fish, that are carried in dairy products, such as milk? Also, is it okay to drink home-made smoothies, which only contain fruits and vegetables?
The more great stuff you can add to your smoothies, the better. Try chia seeds, hemp seeds, etc. So should I go further or just drinking water would help me? How much exercise should we be doing while eating and just drinking water? Also, should we also have a very balanced diet too? I generally drink frozen raspberries, mangos, bananas, strawberries, spinach, mint, etc etc.
I grind them up in a really good blender and add a little bit of healthy yogurt, some milk, protein supplement powder, and flak seeds. This is the usual drink, sometimes Ill mix it up and just have simple drinks of this, maybe two fruits instead of all of them, sometimes blueberries or more vegetables, and sometimes oatmeal. I have about 5 shakes per day and a meal at around 6pm, most of the time a salad with chicken maybe a bit of bacon, and healthy croutons.
Sometimes Ill have a bowl of noodles, the real healthy kind, with beef or chicken with some good tai sauce. Oh and one day a week with breakfast, like eggs and two pieces of bacon and brown toast. I still drink 2 cups of coffee per day and lots of water. I decided to do just this for two weeks with barely working out, although I walk a lot during the day and lift things a lot too.
I can run 10 minutes at the hardest level on a treadmill and bike probably 25 minutes with some difficulty added. My butt has some blubber on it, but I think it wont be a problem to get it to the right size. I am 28 yrs old now. The shakes I mentioned above will stop when lent is over but I will gradually stop doing that in the following week after lent which will be April 6th.
After the fasting is done I have formed a 5 week routine meal choice for day to day intake and exercise routine in between. Then a 6 month routine afterwards. I know I have the will power to do all this, I just want to make sure I do it right. What I need to know is what everyone thinks of this, especially anyone who is a nutritionist or trainer.
To many times I have heard different ways of doing it and its driving me nuts, I want to do it right and I hope everyone agrees with one or two ways of doing it right. If its easier to email me please do…….. How many gallons of water i need a day to lose 25 pounds im lbs and does runing helps if si how many miles a day. Hi Abel, I started listening to your pod-casts about 2 weeks ago — great stuff! How does a product like quinoa fit in to all this? I would think a complete protein with no fat would be acceptable. I would be interested in your comments. There is simply no way that diet soda is more fattening that sugar laden regular soda.
Yes, diet soda probably has some negative effects. But it can also keep some people from eating far worse things — like sugary drinks. Drinks like soda, fruit juice, and sports drinks sap your energy, while water helps to restore it by hydrating. As long as your diet is full of real food, water is just about the healthiest thing we can drink! Cereal is totally fattening, so stay away from that. Stay away from tropical fruits like pineapple and mango, but servings a day of berries or other lower sugar fruits is just fine for fat loss.
I am a 18yo teenager and i am a little obese. Can you please help me out that if i should focus on water and proteins alone for fat burning and muscle building?. I currently need to drop 26pounds in as many days. Normally I drink only water, but a half cup of milk in the cereal in the morning. So I have two questions for you: Would the half cup of milk be okay for breakfast, or do I need to substitute for this to be the most effective?
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Will diet pills make this worse for me? Hi Tristan, I would not recommend diet pills or going without food! For breakfast, go for high-protein like eggs or a green smoothie. Cereal is actually not great for you: I just meant cutting out any teas and coffees and stuff. Food is too vital to me! Thanks for the reply!! But ya, go for protein and fat over carbs for sure! And let me know how it goes…. I am 58 years old and need to drop 20 pounds. It has been MUCH harder to lose and maintain my goal weight. Work and diet I know contribute to this. How can I get back to my weight of just 3 years ago?
Simply water, cardio, weights and diet? I can and have done that, with no results. Hi james ive been training for to long its almost been a year and i havnt reached my goal? I was wondering if you could give tips on toneing an hope to tighten up saggy skin. Talk about that freshmen 15, huh? My ultimate goal is as that seems like a good middle ground for me.
I hope to reach in the next month by attempting the no water, no fast food challenge. I need to loose 25lbs in a month in order to qualify for knee replacement. How much water should I be drinking a day? I just stumbled across your article here while I was searching for specific weight loss info… and I love it. But I have been riding a bicycle around my city for about 8 years now so the extra muscle stabilizes my knee and it only slightly bothers me.
So, knowing all of that, can you recommend how I might kill off my gut at least mostly in the next 3 weeks when we start filming the first scenes? Tomorrow night is my next workout night. Hi JT, thanks for the questions. When I want to lean down quickly, alcohol is the first thing to go. Ditching your beer, milk, and other liquid calories will help. In addition, try a high-intensity workout as part of your exercise program.
Check out details here: Or would you recommend that these drinks should be reduced to only as treats for life? I believe you said in the article that you could drink as much coffee or tea as you want, but what if it has non sugar sweeteners like clover valley stevia extract? If not, then how about without the sweetener? Or is pure water the only solution to dropping this much weight in such a short time span? I think you said red wine from time to time is ok too. I usually drink one or two glasses before I crass to help me sleep since I have insomnia.
Is that too much if I do it every night? Curious about what advice you might have. I need to loose 30 pounds so badly,i just have 40 days before traveling… How many cups of water should I drink per day? Can I have just one meal per day like tofu? By continuing to eat food and making water the only beverage you consume, you may find you drop those extra pounds. For more information on what foods to eat and avoid , be sure to check out The Wild Diet: As for how many cups of water—at least 8 8-ounce glasses per day is a good place to start.
Ahhhhhh need tips on how to help my discipline!! I just turned 31 yesterday. I am considered obese and until this year have never exceeded lbs. What would you recommend, other than drinking water, for me to lose lbs? Hi Umang, if you want to get the most bang for your buck, try this 7-minute workout: You can also get fast results with weight training.
Use the heaviest weights you can safely lift and get in some squats, deadlifts, or get a kettlebell and do some kettlebell swings. Are there any recommendations on what to eat? Do i have to exercise with this as well? Hey Lucy, it sounds like you just found us. So happy you did! The best place to start is by reading The Wild Diet book. You can grab it on Amazon here: Or if you prefer to listen to the audio book, you can get it on Audible here: Here are a few quotes from the book to give you a little taste: Here are a few episodes of the Fat-Burning Man show that I recommend you check out to learn more about which foods to eat and avoid: Eating the right foods and avoiding the junk is going to do amazing things for your body.
And if you want to take it to the next level, try to get in a quick 7-minute workout at least once a week: I have heard that individuals that eat this type of food tend to eventually lower blood pressure to a very safe level, is that true? I run about 2 miles 5 days a week and lift weights times a week. Should I refrain from them until I reach my goal weight? Thanks for this piece of information. I have 30 lbs. My two questions are: The greater issue will always be what someone does after they lose the weight.
In this scenario, the person needed to lose 25 pounds for a specific event and date. It sounds like he achieved that. Will he continue to not drink all of those things for the rest of his life. All diets follow a simple equation; take in less calories than you burn. You will still loose weight.
If someone needs a short-term fix then this plan probably works. If someone would like a permanent fix for the rest of their life then they need a lifestyle change. Sadly, hardly anyone can sustain this kind of change; especially when we are under constant siege by the junk food industry. I hope it works. I need help please I so badly want to be beach body ready!
I may not achieve the exact results because currently I am not exercising. Just doing Physical Therapy due to a back injury. Ill post back in 30 days time with my results. Water is my worst enemy and I finish half a litter in two days no joke. I am graduating from college in May and I want to be a knockout at my graduation.
My plan is to lose 24 pounds until then, do you think its doable? Also, I make my own juice at home from scratch usually berries and mango juice… Is that doing me more harm than good? I already dropped 10 pounds cutting out soda but what else can I do? I really wanna get into the police force but I have to be able to run fast and I need to knock all this weight off. I think this article is great. I wish I could get my self to drink coffee to wake up….
I gotta work on the soda to loss the rest…Sorry for so much just with a battle with myself.. Thanks for the tips…? I would like to know if I drink a Gallon of water a day and drink protein is that good? Or would another type of protein source be better? Hi I used this method and ate fruit for breakfast and snacks and salads for lunch. Grilled chicken breast and steamed veggies for dinner before 6pm.
I took a gallon of water with me throughout the day. I also walked 45 mins at 5am before work and lifted weights after work. I lost 40 lbs in a month. Hie Abel, I really liked your article about your friend. Thanks a lot for the article and I would appreciate it is you would help with the best foods to consume for weight loss. I need to reach atleast 60 kg by July. Besides drinking water, can you suggest any exercise I should do, or food that I should eat? I like what you wrote and will try it. I know running or cardio helps out the process but I wanted to know.
Are you taking any kind of supplements. I would like to be around pounds or less. What do you think of my plan for months? I know you recommend natural and organic but I just love the way pre workout affects me. A ton of comments on this post. To Lili — Cut out the cereal please! And the orange juice.
I am totally onboard with Abel about replacing soda and other sweet drinks with water, but it is also important to take a fundamental look at what one is actually eating. Sure, if you are cutting out a litre of Pepsi a day, great, but continuing to eat foods like cereal which are essentially devoid of any nourishment other than the vitamins they have to add! How about poaching a couple of eggs in the morning, on a bed of spinach and asparagus.
I plan on drinking straight water everyday until then. If I work out every other day, is there a chance that I may lose a little more than what I anticipated? You have quite a lot of blogs and i hope u are not too busy to answer an easy question. Water has no taste but im determined to follow the rules.
Can i put Mio in my water that has no calories and no fat? Sucralose was discovered by two lab students while experimenting with a new type of chlorinated pesticide. Yellow 6 caused adrenal tumors in animals and occasionally causes severe hypersensitivity reactions. It contains the chemical benzene, which is a known carcinogen. While Big Food invents proprietary artificial sweeteners to make a quick buck, remember that many artificial sweeteners marketed to us, like saccharin, are eventually exposed as what they really are: There are a ton of health benefits from adding a squeeze of lemon to your water.
Might be worth trying that instead! I have disabilities, exercise is out of the question. I have never ever and ever been this weight. Plus I am fighting 21 diseases. Because of my depression I was hospitalized, but I lost weight before I went into the hospital. I have absolutely no idea how I put in all the weight especialy me belly. I am crying right now.

What can I do to lose this weight fast. Water, how much do I drink in a day. If I am allowed to eat, what food should I be buying………………….. I gave tried so many of advertisements, like Dr. I felt I was gaining more weight. Please email me back as soon as possible. Hi so I have a few school events coming up in which I have to lose about 30 pounds. I just had a few quick questions. Do I change my regular eating habits? Does this have to be accompanied by any extensive physical workout as well? Will I shed the fat off though?
The only thing I want is the fat to be gone or even smaller so I can get a push on things. Here is a good question for you! How much is enough water for someone who is lbs. How much water per day is needed to loose the weight. I know for a fact that it has to do with weight and how much water our bodies need, different weight requires different amounts of water. I know they say 8 glasses of water a day is great, but I know that it is not enough for those that are overweight! As we all or most of us know, water is good for you. But I know there is the math in it to do right. I really need help, I eat all of these good organic foods and fruit, and my friends eat junk and stay lean.
I work out every day and it does nothing. And in geneneral i get bullied over my weight. Can you please help me i need help a lot. Hi, I have a question about this. While your doing this is there any foods you should avoid and about how much water should you consume in a day for it to be effective? I would just like to know…how much water do you suggest one drink per day to lose 25 pounds?
So how do you shave off 25 pounds in a month in a way that’s fair, healthy, and legal?
I already do this. I drink 4 — 6 litters of water a day. Hi My Name is Abdullah. I want to know that would you suggest some exercise or how much time I have to do to lose weight. This information will be helpful for me. Hi, My name is Yolanda and I was on steroids prior to my back surgery for two years. It has caused me to gain 60 lbs! I want to lose 70lbs. Any help would be great! No coffee or tea!!!??? This hurts my feelings so much. If you must drink something other than water, drink our stuff with no goop added and no processed pretend food-like substances.
Darn, I only drink water and black coffee but still managed to gain back 10 pounds I lost from cutting out all sugar wheat and dairy. Within a few months of adding those items back I gained 10 pounds: Your email address will not be published. The coach said that this trick: My friend was dubious, but he decided to grit his teeth and give it a shot. So did it work? Why did he lose 25 pounds in 30 days? Here is what I love about this trick. We could all do with a bit more of that. And you know what? Here are the worst offenders that you should cut out first: Milkshakes Sugary alcoholic drinks e.
Want a party in your mouth? Add some cinnamon, nutmeg, herbs and such. Drink up, my friends. Discover how to drop fat with chocolate, bacon, and cheesecake. Had the study been designed so that both groups received the same amount of calories in portion-controlled foods, the weight loss results would have likely been the same. There is also a good amount of research showing that intermittent fasting leads to weight loss 5 , 6 , 7. A typical Isagenix meal plan can range from 1,—1, calories on shake days and only a few hundred calories on cleanse days.
So, for people going from consuming an excess of calories to a calorie-restricted plan like Isagenix, weight loss is inevitable. Many people struggle with controlling the portion sizes of meals and snacks. Choosing large portions or going back for seconds can lead to weight gain over time.
Following a pre-portioned meal plan like Isagenix may help reduce the chances of overeating for some people. However, dieters following the Isagenix system still need to choose a healthy, portion-controlled meal once a day. This could be difficult for some dieters, especially if they are feeling hungry from consuming low-calorie shakes at other meals. This is why learning to eat in a healthy, sustainable way that works for your lifestyle is so important.
The Isagenix system is delivered right to your doorstep, which is convenient for those living busy lifestyles. The prepackaged, portion-controlled design of Isagenix products can save dieters time and make choosing meals a breeze. However, in order to build a healthy relationship with food and learn what nourishes the body, cooking and experimenting with different foods is key. Relying on shakes and processed snacks to sustain you is not a good choice when trying to build lifelong healthy habits. Although the Isagenix system is convenient and may result in weight loss, there are some major downfalls to this plan as well.
Almost every product included in the Isagenix weight loss system has sweeteners listed as the first or second ingredient. On a shake day, a person following the Isagenix plan would consume 38 grams nearly 10 teaspoons of added sugar just from the Isagenix products alone. Isagenix uses multi-level marketing, meaning they rely on customers to sell and market their products. However, these associates also provide nutritional counseling and support to new clients, often with no nutritional or medical education to speak of.
Isagenix coaches counsel clients on cleansing, weight loss and more, which could be extremely dangerous. Medical background, age and any history of disordered eating are just a few of the many important pieces of information that need to be considered when choosing an appropriate weight loss plan for an individual. One of the most obvious downfalls of the Isagenix system is that it relies on highly processed products. The best foods for both weight loss and overall health are whole foods like vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, protein and complex carbohydrates.
Isagenix products are loaded with herbs, vitamins and minerals to make up for the lack of real food in their weight loss system. Yet no product compares to the benefits of real, wholesome foods and the synergistic effects of the powerful nutrients they contain. This does not include the cost of the non-Isagenix meal that you eat each day. Although this might draw in potential customers, there is little evidence to support these claims.