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  • Current Problems in PTCA.
  • Viagem psicofilosófica pela minha vida – nua e crua (Portuguese Edition).
  • On Gertrud Kolmar and some other “forgotten” authors | Mytwostotinki.

Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Not an overview, but an insight. Diaries contain illustrative material, amateur photos in memo format, scenes arranged by chance, snapshots from the past, when it still was present.

This past, the unresolved, is like a restless ghost that wanders through our days and dreams and, by ancient ghost custom, waits for us to look at it, address it and listen. That we, scared to death, are pulling the nightcap over eyes and ears, does not help. It is the wrong method.

Laurie Garrett: What can we learn from the 1918 flu?

While you were in Berlin in your parents were still in Dresden. That must have been very hard for you. On February 26 a courier brought terrible news. Dresden was wiped out. Others jumped into the fire-fighting pond to save themselves, but the water was boiling and so they were boiled like crabs. Tens of thousands of corpses lied between and under the rubble. And the parents lived!

Books – and anything else that interests me…

Grief, anger, and gratitude collided in my heart like fast trains in the fog. I just like to add that not everything in your diary is as devastating as this last example.

  1. Notabene 45.
  2. Notabene 45 by Erich Kästner!
  3. Deviance in Classrooms (RLE Edu M) (Routledge Library Editions: Education)?
  4. The Deep End.
  5. Cest toi le venin (French Edition).
  6. German literature;
  7. The Big Book of Sports Lists!
  8. There is a lot of humor and irony, and biting satire too. Thanks again, see you in your next book! View all 4 comments. So ist ein Tagebuch stets ein subjektives Unterfangen. Und stets spricht er hierbei nicht nur Intellektuelle, sondern vor allem den einfachen Mann an und das stets auf liebevoller Weise. Das ist ein zweideutiger Vorwurf. Sie ignorieren ihre Mitschuld.

    Es ist noch Platz. Doch das Recht den ersten Stein gegen uns aufzuheben, das haben Sie nicht! Sie wissen nicht, wohin damit? Seine Worte sind Medizin, die hilft und kein Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum braucht. Sep 04, Gerard rated it it was amazing. In dit briljant geschreven dagboek schrijft hij over de laatste waanzinnige weken van de oorlog en de tijd die erna kwam hij was zelf in Tirol ondergedoken als een acteur in een filmploeg die wekenlang filmden zonder rolletje in het apparaat. Boeiend te lezen hoe in Duitsland het eraan toe ging in deze kritieke fase. Hij antwoordde dat hij dat niet kon doen vanwege 'onoverkomelijke genegenheid'.

    Nov 15, Mothwing rated it really liked it Shelves: As always, he is extremely poignant and frequently ironic without becoming cynical. Der Verfluchte Engel rated it did not like it Nov 25, Jan Schaerlaekens rated it liked it Aug 28, Georg Jocham rated it it was amazing Jan 09, Lisa Vietze rated it it was amazing Jan 02, Ricarda rated it really liked it Aug 07, Give me your hand, beloved, and follow me.

    German literature - Wikipedia

    And we will go away from men. So let us flee Unto the musing fields that will console our wandering feet with friendly flowers and grass, Unto the river, bearing patiently upon its back the weighty burden of the full, freight-laden ships, Unto the forest animals that speak no ill …. And we will thirst and hunger and endure together, And together someday on a dusty roadside we will fall and weep …. Kolmar had the opportunity to emigrate but refused. The exact date of her death is unknown. Since there is a record of her on the transport lists from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz from 2 March but no record in the lists of inmates in the concentration camp it means that she was most probably gassed immediately after her arrival there or died during the transport.

    Reading her poetry or works of any other victim of that regime one should remember well her verses from the poem Die Dichterin The Woman Poet: Doch ist er dir aus Pappe nur gemacht. My heart beats like that of a little bird In your fist. You who read this, take care; For see, you turn the page of a person. Though for you it is only made of cardboard.

    Kolmar, like all the other authors I mentioned, is worth to be discovered. Smith, Seabury Press, New York A Jewish Mother from Berlin — Susanna, transl.

    On Gertrud Kolmar and some other “forgotten” authors

    My Gaze Is Turned Inward: Johanna Woltmann, Northwestern University Press Worlds — Welten, transl. A Literary Life, transl. Linda Marianiello, Northwestern University Press Dichtungen, Gestalten und Probleme. Nachlass, Neske, Pfullingen In den eigenen Umriss gebannt 2 vol.

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    Ein Autor wird wiederentdeckt: This is a really fascinating post. I loved the verse fro Die Dichterin. Thanks, Gert, glad you liked the verses.